A widget for the Sanity Content Studio Dashboard which displays a barchart giving a count of your doument types
Disclaimer: This widget is intended as proof of concept/example for building your own Sanity dashboard plugins. It's so feature-incomplete that there are more empty checkboxes on this repo than there are neurons in a cephalopd brain 🦑
cd <my-studio-folder>
sanity install dashboard-widget-document-chart
Then add something like to your dashboardConfig.js
name: 'document-chart',
options: {types: ['post', 'author', 'sanity.imageAsset']},
layout: {width: 'full'}
Swap those types for whichever types you have in your Studio, and want to render in this chart.
There's more on how to configure your dashboard at https://www.sanity.io/docs/dashboard#how-to-configure-the-dashboard-5c1617e3633d