From e77092f951b5b1f7df92ffe7040e500a7065af40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: thindil Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2024 04:24:38 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] refactor: removed unused code FossilOrigin-Name: 831fca6583011c25307bd02cae4d07748bb8d85e98400450ecb16002d0af62d0 --- src/ui/help-ui.adb | 381 --------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 381 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/ui/help-ui.adb b/src/ui/help-ui.adb index 04df648c2..71e3ed145 100644 --- a/src/ui/help-ui.adb +++ b/src/ui/help-ui.adb @@ -27,395 +27,14 @@ with Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.TtkPanedWindow; use Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.TtkPanedWindow; with Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.TtkTreeView; use Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.TtkTreeView; with Tcl.Tk.Ada.Winfo; with Tcl.Tk.Ada.Wm; --- with BasesTypes; with Config; use Config; with Dialogs; --- with Factions; with Game; use Game; --- with Items; --- with Maps.UI; with Themes; with Utils.UI; package body Help.UI is - -- ****o* HUI/HUI.Show_Topic_Command - -- FUNCTION - -- Show the content of the selected topic help - -- PARAMETERS - -- Client_Data - Custom data send to the command. Unused - -- Interp - Tcl interpreter in which command was executed. - -- Argc - Number of arguments passed to the command. Unused - -- Argv - Values of arguments passed to the command. Unused - -- RESULT - -- This function always return TCL_OK - -- COMMANDS - -- ShowTopic - -- SOURCE --- function Show_Topic_Command --- (Client_Data: Integer; Interp: Tcl.Tcl_Interp; Argc:; --- Argv: CArgv.Chars_Ptr_Ptr) return with --- Convention => C; --- -- **** --- --- function Show_Topic_Command --- (Client_Data: Integer; Interp: Tcl.Tcl_Interp; Argc:; --- Argv: CArgv.Chars_Ptr_Ptr) return is --- pragma Unreferenced(Client_Data, Argc, Argv); --- use BasesTypes; --- use Factions; --- use Items; --- use Maps.UI; --- use Tiny_String; --- --- New_Text, Tag_Text: Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; --- Start_Index, End_Index, Old_Index: Natural := 0; --- --## rule off TYPE_INITIAL_VALUES --- type Variables_Data is record --- Name: Unbounded_String; --- Value: Unbounded_String; --- end record; --- --## rule on TYPE_INITIAL_VALUES --- Variables: constant array(1 .. 11) of Variables_Data := --- (1 => --- (Name => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "MoneyName"), --- Value => Money_Name), --- 2 => --- (Name => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "FuelName"), --- Value => --- To_Unbounded_String --- (Source => --- To_String --- (Source => --- Get_Proto_Item --- (Index => Find_Proto_Item(Item_Type => Fuel_Type)) --- .Name))), --- 3 => --- (Name => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "StrengthName"), --- Value => --- To_Unbounded_String --- (Source => --- To_String --- (Source => --- AttributesData_Container.Element --- (Container => Attributes_List, --- Index => Strength_Index) --- .Name))), --- 4 => --- (Name => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "PilotingSkill"), --- Value => --- To_Unbounded_String --- (Source => --- To_String --- (Source => --- SkillsData_Container.Element --- (Container => Skills_List, Index => Piloting_Skill) --- .Name))), --- 5 => --- (Name => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "EngineeringSkill"), --- Value => --- To_Unbounded_String --- (Source => --- To_String --- (Source => --- SkillsData_Container.Element --- (Container => Skills_List, --- Index => Engineering_Skill) --- .Name))), --- 6 => --- (Name => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "GunnerySkill"), --- Value => --- To_Unbounded_String --- (Source => --- To_String --- (Source => --- SkillsData_Container.Element --- (Container => Skills_List, Index => Gunnery_Skill) --- .Name))), --- 7 => --- (Name => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "TalkingSkill"), --- Value => --- To_Unbounded_String --- (Source => --- To_String --- (Source => --- SkillsData_Container.Element --- (Container => Skills_List, Index => Talking_Skill) --- .Name))), --- 8 => --- (Name => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "PerceptionSkill"), --- Value => --- To_Unbounded_String --- (Source => --- To_String --- (Source => --- SkillsData_Container.Element --- (Container => Skills_List, Index => Perception_Skill) --- .Name))), --- 9 => --- (Name => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "ConditionName"), --- Value => --- To_Unbounded_String --- (Source => --- To_String --- (Source => --- AttributesData_Container.Element --- (Container => Attributes_List, --- Index => Condition_Index) --- .Name))), --- 10 => --- (Name => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "DodgeSkill"), --- Value => --- To_Unbounded_String --- (Source => --- To_String --- (Source => --- SkillsData_Container.Element --- (Container => Skills_List, Index => Dodge_Skill) --- .Name))), --- 11 => --- (Name => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "UnarmedSkill"), --- Value => --- To_Unbounded_String --- (Source => --- To_String --- (Source => --- SkillsData_Container.Element --- (Container => Skills_List, Index => Unarmed_Skill) --- .Name)))); --- Accel_Names: constant array(1 .. 25) of Unbounded_String := --- (1 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 5)), --- 2 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 6)), --- 3 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 7)), --- 4 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 8)), --- 5 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 9)), --- 6 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 10)), --- 7 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 11)), --- 8 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 12)), --- 9 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 13)), --- 10 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 13)), --- 11 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Menu_Accelerator(Index => 1)), --- 12 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Menu_Accelerator(Index => 2)), --- 13 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Menu_Accelerator(Index => 3)), --- 14 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Menu_Accelerator(Index => 4)), --- 15 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Menu_Accelerator(Index => 5)), --- 16 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Menu_Accelerator(Index => 6)), --- 17 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 2)), --- 18 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Menu_Accelerator(Index => 7)), --- 19 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Menu_Accelerator(Index => 9)), --- 20 => --- To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Menu_Accelerator(Index => 10)), --- 21 => --- To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Menu_Accelerator(Index => 11)), --- 22 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 1)), --- 23 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Menu_Accelerator(Index => 8)), --- 24 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 3)), --- 25 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => Get_Map_Accelerator(Index => 4))); --- --## rule off TYPE_INITIAL_VALUES --- type Font_Tag is record --- Tag: String(1 .. 1); --- Text_Tag: Unbounded_String; --- end record; --- --## rule on TYPE_INITIAL_VALUES --- Font_Tags: constant array(1 .. 3) of Font_Tag := --- (1 => (Tag => "b", Text_Tag => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "bold")), --- 2 => --- (Tag => "u", --- Text_Tag => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "underline")), --- 3 => --- (Tag => "i", Text_Tag => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "italic"))); --- Flags_Tags: constant array(1 .. 8) of Unbounded_String := --- (1 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "diseaseimmune"), --- 2 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "nofatigue"), --- 3 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "nomorale"), --- 4 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "naturalarmor"), --- 5 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "toxicattack"), --- 6 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "sentientships"), --- 7 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "fanaticism"), --- 8 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "loner")); --- Factions_With_Flag: Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; --- Bases_Flags: constant array(1 .. 4) of Unbounded_String := --- (1 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "shipyard"), --- 2 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "temple"), --- 3 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "blackmarket"), --- 4 => To_Unbounded_String(Source => "barracks")); --- Bases_With_Flag, Help_Title: Unbounded_String := Null_Unbounded_String; --- Topics_View: constant Ttk_Tree_View := --- Get_Widget(pathName => ".help.paned.topics.view", Interp => Interp); --- Help_View: constant Tk_Text := --- Get_Widget(pathName => ".help.paned.content.view", Interp => Interp); --- --## rule off IMPROPER_INITIALIZATION --- Faction: Faction_Record; --- Local_Help: Help_Data; --- --## rule on IMPROPER_INITIALIZATION --- begin --- configure(Widgt => Help_View, options => "-state normal"); --- Delete(TextWidget => Help_View, StartIndex => "1.0", Indexes => "end"); --- Find_Help_Text_Loop : --- for I in 0 .. 100 loop --- Local_Help := Get_Help(Title => Help_Title, Help_Index => I); --- exit Find_Help_Text_Loop when Length(Source => Local_Help.Index) = 0; --- if Local_Help.Index = --- To_Unbounded_String --- (Source => Selection(TreeViewWidget => Topics_View)) then --- New_Text := Local_Help.Text; --- exit Find_Help_Text_Loop; --- end if; --- end loop Find_Help_Text_Loop; --- Old_Index := 1; --- Replace_Help_Text_Loop : --- loop --- Start_Index := --- Index(Source => New_Text, Pattern => "{", From => Old_Index); --- if Start_Index = 0 then --- Insert --- (TextWidget => Help_View, Index => "end", --- Text => --- "{" & --- Slice --- (Source => New_Text, Low => Old_Index, --- High => Length(Source => New_Text)) & --- "}"); --- exit Replace_Help_Text_Loop; --- end if; --- Insert --- (TextWidget => Help_View, Index => "end", --- Text => --- "{" & --- Slice --- (Source => New_Text, Low => Old_Index, --- High => Start_Index - 1) & --- "}"); --- End_Index := --- Index(Source => New_Text, Pattern => "}", From => Start_Index) - 1; --- Tag_Text := --- Unbounded_Slice --- (Source => New_Text, Low => Start_Index + 1, High => End_Index); --- Insert_Variables_Loop : --- for Variable of Variables loop --- if Tag_Text = Variable.Name then --- Insert --- (TextWidget => Help_View, Index => "end", --- Text => --- "{" & To_String(Source => Variable.Value) & --- "} [list special]"); --- exit Insert_Variables_Loop; --- end if; --- end loop Insert_Variables_Loop; --- Insert_Keys_Loop : --- for I in Accel_Names'Range loop --- if Tag_Text = --- To_Unbounded_String(Source => "GameKey") & --- To_Unbounded_String(Source => Positive'Image(I)) then --- Insert --- (TextWidget => Help_View, Index => "end", --- Text => --- "{'" & To_String(Source => Accel_Names(I)) & --- "'} [list special]"); --- exit Insert_Keys_Loop; --- end if; --- end loop Insert_Keys_Loop; --- Insert_Tags_Loop : --- for F_Tag of Font_Tags loop --- if Tag_Text = To_Unbounded_String(Source => F_Tag.Tag) then --- Start_Index := --- Index(Source => New_Text, Pattern => "{", From => End_Index) - --- 1; --- Insert --- (TextWidget => Help_View, Index => "end", --- Text => --- "{" & --- Slice --- (Source => New_Text, Low => End_Index + 2, --- High => Start_Index) & --- "} [list " & To_String(Source => F_Tag.Text_Tag) & "]"); --- End_Index := --- Index --- (Source => New_Text, Pattern => "}", From => Start_Index) - --- 1; --- exit Insert_Tags_Loop; --- end if; --- end loop Insert_Tags_Loop; --- Insert_Factions_Flags_Loop : --- for Flag_Tag of Flags_Tags loop --- if Tag_Text = Flag_Tag then --- Factions_With_Flag := Null_Unbounded_String; --- Create_Factions_List_Loop : --- for J in 1 .. Get_Factions_Amount loop --- Faction := Get_Faction(Number => J); --- if Faction.Flags.Contains(Item => Tag_Text) then --- if Factions_With_Flag /= Null_Unbounded_String then --- Append --- (Source => Factions_With_Flag, New_Item => " and "); --- end if; --- Append --- (Source => Factions_With_Flag, --- New_Item => To_String(Source => Faction.Name)); --- end if; --- end loop Create_Factions_List_Loop; --- Insert_Factions_Loop : --- while Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Count --- (Source => Factions_With_Flag, Pattern => " and ") > --- 1 loop --- Replace_Slice --- (Source => Factions_With_Flag, --- Low => --- Index(Source => Factions_With_Flag, Pattern => " and "), --- High => --- Index --- (Source => Factions_With_Flag, Pattern => " and ") + --- 4, --- By => ", "); --- end loop Insert_Factions_Loop; --- Insert --- (TextWidget => Help_View, Index => "end", --- Text => "{" & To_String(Source => Factions_With_Flag) & "}"); --- exit Insert_Factions_Flags_Loop; --- end if; --- end loop Insert_Factions_Flags_Loop; --- Insert_Bases_Flags_Loop : --- for BaseFlag of Bases_Flags loop --- if Tag_Text /= BaseFlag then --- goto Bases_Flags_Loop_End; --- end if; --- Bases_With_Flag := Null_Unbounded_String; --- Create_Bases_List_Loop : --- for BaseType of Bases_Types loop --- exit Create_Bases_List_Loop when Length(Source => BaseType) = 0; --- if Has_Flag --- (Base_Type => BaseType, --- Flag => To_String(Source => Tag_Text)) then --- if Bases_With_Flag /= Null_Unbounded_String then --- Append(Source => Bases_With_Flag, New_Item => " and "); --- end if; --- Append --- (Source => Bases_With_Flag, --- New_Item => Get_Base_Type_Name(Base_Type => BaseType)); --- end if; --- end loop Create_Bases_List_Loop; --- Insert_Bases_Loop : --- while Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Count --- (Source => Bases_With_Flag, Pattern => " and ") > --- 1 loop --- Replace_Slice --- (Source => Bases_With_Flag, --- Low => Index(Source => Bases_With_Flag, Pattern => " and "), --- High => --- Index(Source => Bases_With_Flag, Pattern => " and ") + 4, --- By => ", "); --- end loop Insert_Bases_Loop; --- Insert --- (TextWidget => Help_View, Index => "end", --- Text => "{" & To_String(Source => Bases_With_Flag) & "}"); --- exit Insert_Bases_Flags_Loop; --- <> --- end loop Insert_Bases_Flags_Loop; --- Old_Index := End_Index + 2; --- end loop Replace_Help_Text_Loop; --- configure(Widgt => Help_View, options => "-state disabled"); --- return TCL_OK; --- end Show_Topic_Command; - -- ****o* HUI/HUI.Close_Help_Command -- FUNCTION -- Destroy help window and save sash position to the game configuration