From 499f661b8553c56824ba05c0f7474aa41e8ad5a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: thindil Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 03:42:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] refactor: removed unused code FossilOrigin-Name: 874203455df4132fe7f21505a64c38a029faba20c9c9c4e4c336cd7158705645 --- src/ui/bases-lootui.adb | 151 ---------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 151 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/ui/bases-lootui.adb b/src/ui/bases-lootui.adb index 0943fd8a2..e4b9cf505 100644 --- a/src/ui/bases-lootui.adb +++ b/src/ui/bases-lootui.adb @@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ with Tcl; use Tcl; with Tcl.Tk.Ada; with Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets; use Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets; with Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.Canvas; --- with Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.TtkEntry.TtkComboBox; --- with Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.TtkEntry.TtkSpinBox; with Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.TtkFrame; with Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.TtkLabel; with Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.TtkScrollbar; @@ -32,9 +30,6 @@ with Bases.Cargo; use Bases.Cargo; with CoreUI; use CoreUI; with Dialogs; use Dialogs; with Maps; use Maps; --- with Maps.UI; --- with Messages; --- with Ships.Cargo; with Table; use Table; with Utils.UI; use Utils.UI; @@ -252,152 +247,6 @@ package body Bases.LootUI is External_Name => "lootItemCommand"; -- **** --- function Loot_Item_Command --- (Client_Data: Integer; Interp: Tcl.Tcl_Interp; Argc:; --- Argv: CArgv.Chars_Ptr_Ptr) return is --- pragma Unreferenced(Argc); --- use Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.TtkEntry.TtkComboBox; --- use Tcl.Tk.Ada.Widgets.TtkEntry.TtkSpinBox; --- use Maps.UI; --- use Messages; --- use Ships.Cargo; --- use Tiny_String; --- --- Base_Index: constant Natural := --- Sky_Map(Player_Ship.Sky_X, Player_Ship.Sky_Y).Base_Index; --- Base_Cargo_Index, Cargo_Index: Natural := 0; --- Amount: Natural; --- Proto_Index: Natural; --- Amount_Box: constant Ttk_SpinBox := --- Get_Widget(pathName => ".itemdialog.amount", Interp => Interp); --- Type_Box: constant Ttk_ComboBox := --- Get_Widget --- (pathName => Main_Paned & ".lootframe.canvas.loot.options.type", --- Interp => Interp); --- begin --- if Get_Item_Index < 0 then --- Base_Cargo_Index := abs Get_Item_Index; --- else --- Cargo_Index := Get_Item_Index; --- end if; --- if Cargo_Index > 0 then --- Proto_Index := --- Inventory_Container.Element --- (Container => Player_Ship.Cargo, Index => Cargo_Index) --- .Proto_Index; --- if Base_Cargo_Index = 0 then --- Base_Cargo_Index := Find_Base_Cargo(Proto_Index => Proto_Index); --- end if; --- else --- Proto_Index := --- BaseCargo_Container.Element --- (Container => Sky_Bases(Base_Index).Cargo, --- Index => Base_Cargo_Index) --- .Proto_Index; --- end if; --- if CArgv.Arg(Argv => Argv, N => 1) in "drop" | "dropall" then --- Amount := --- (if CArgv.Arg(Argv => Argv, N => 1) = "drop" then --- Positive'Value(Get(Widgt => Amount_Box)) --- else Inventory_Container.Element --- (Container => Player_Ship.Cargo, Index => Cargo_Index) --- .Amount); --- if Base_Cargo_Index > 0 then --- Update_Base_Cargo --- (Cargo_Index => Base_Cargo_Index, Amount => Amount, --- Durability => --- Inventory_Container.Element --- (Container => Player_Ship.Cargo, Index => Cargo_Index) --- .Durability); --- else --- Update_Base_Cargo --- (Proto_Index => Proto_Index, Amount => Amount, --- Durability => --- Inventory_Container.Element --- (Container => Player_Ship.Cargo, Index => Cargo_Index) --- .Durability); --- end if; --- Update_Cargo --- (Ship => Player_Ship, Cargo_Index => Cargo_Index, Amount => -Amount, --- Durability => --- Inventory_Container.Element --- (Container => Player_Ship.Cargo, Index => Cargo_Index) --- .Durability); --- Add_Message --- (Message => --- "You drop" & Positive'Image(Amount) & " " & --- To_String(Source => Get_Proto_Item(Index => Proto_Index).Name) & --- ".", --- M_Type => ORDERMESSAGE); --- else --- Amount := --- (if CArgv.Arg(Argv => Argv, N => 1) = "take" then --- Positive'Value(Get(Widgt => Amount_Box)) --- else Positive'Value(CArgv.Arg(Argv => Argv, N => 2))); --- --## rule off SIMPLIFIABLE_EXPRESSIONS --- if Free_Cargo --- (Amount => --- 0 - (Amount * Get_Proto_Item(Index => Proto_Index).Weight)) < --- 0 then --- Show_Message --- (Text => --- "You can't take that much " & --- To_String --- (Source => Get_Proto_Item(Index => Proto_Index).Name) & --- ".", --- Title => "Too much taken"); --- return TCL_OK; --- end if; --- --## rule off SIMPLIFIABLE_EXPRESSIONS --- if Cargo_Index > 0 then --- Update_Cargo --- (Ship => Player_Ship, Cargo_Index => Cargo_Index, --- Amount => Amount, --- Durability => --- BaseCargo_Container.Element --- (Container => Sky_Bases(Base_Index).Cargo, --- Index => Base_Cargo_Index) --- .Durability); --- else --- Update_Cargo --- (Ship => Player_Ship, Proto_Index => Proto_Index, --- Amount => Amount, --- Durability => --- BaseCargo_Container.Element --- (Container => Sky_Bases(Base_Index).Cargo, --- Index => Base_Cargo_Index) --- .Durability); --- end if; --- Update_Base_Cargo --- (Cargo_Index => Base_Cargo_Index, Amount => (0 - Amount), --- Durability => --- BaseCargo_Container.Element --- (Container => Sky_Bases(Base_Index).Cargo, --- Index => Base_Cargo_Index) --- .Durability); --- Add_Message --- (Message => --- "You took" & Positive'Image(Amount) & " " & --- To_String(Source => Get_Proto_Item(Index => Proto_Index).Name) & --- ".", --- M_Type => ORDERMESSAGE); --- end if; --- if CArgv.Arg(Argv => Argv, N => 1) in "take" | "drop" then --- if Close_Dialog_Command --- (Client_Data => Client_Data, Interp => Interp, Argc => 2, --- Argv => CArgv.Empty & "CloseDialog" & ".itemdialog") = --- TCL_ERROR then --- return TCL_ERROR; --- end if; --- end if; --- Update_Header; --- Update_Messages; --- return --- Show_Loot_Command --- (Client_Data => Client_Data, Interp => Interp, Argc => 2, --- Argv => CArgv.Empty & "ShowLoot" & Get(Widgt => Type_Box)); --- end Loot_Item_Command; - -- ****o* LUI/LUI.Loot_Amount_Command -- FUNCTION -- Show dialog to enter amount of items to drop or take