Caracteristics | Description |
Analysis | gsi_sim (Anderson et al., 2008; Anderson, 2010) or adegenet (Jombart, 2008; Jombart and Ahmed, 2011) Conducted on: samples of known origin (population) or unknown/mixture |
Input files | assigner relies on radiator::tidy_genomic_data for imports |
Markers selections | Random or ranked based on W&C's Fst (Weir and Cockerham, 1984) or Nei's Gst (Nei, 1987) |
Cross-Validations | Avoid high-grading bias, use classic LOO (Leave-One-Out) or THL (Training, Holdout, Leave-one-out) (see Anderson, 2010) |
Resampling/Bootstrap/Subsampling | markers and individuals |
Filters | strata : use the strata to whitelist samples and/or select populations ??radiator::read_strata whitelist.markers : kleep favorite markersmarker.number : test different groupings of marker numbers automatically (selected randomly or based on the ranking method described in the table above)For more info on how to filter RADseq data, see radiator. |
ggplot2-based plotting | View assignment results and create publication-ready figures |
Parallel | Codes designed and optimized for fast computations running imputations, iterations, etc. in parallel. Works with all OS: Linux, Mac and PC. |
- Fst: assigner provides one of the fastest implementation of Weir and Cockerham (1984) Fst/Theta and Nei's fst (1987). Both overall and pairwise Fst can be estimated with confidence intervals based on bootstrap of markers (resampling with replacement).
- Dlr: Compute the genotype likelihood ratio distance metric (Paetkau's et al. 1997, 2004).
Most of the function in assigner were designed to be as fast as possible. Using computer with 16GB RAM is recommended. With more CPU and Memory comes faster computation time. If you decide to keep intermediate files during assignment analysis, you will need a large external drive (disk space is cheap). Solid State Drive and thunderbolt cables will provide fast input/output.
If disk space and computer power is an issue, cloud computing with DigitalOcean, Google Cloud Compute Engine or Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute is cheap and can be used easily.
A tutorial and pipeline along an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) are available in our tutorial-workflow.
The AMI is preloaded with gsi_sim and the required R packages. Following a few steps, you can have RStudio server running and used through your web browser!
The Amazon image can be imported into Google Cloud Compute Engine to start a new compute engine virtual machine.
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