NOTE : you have to be into delivery/podtato-operator
folder to run the commands below.
curl -OJL${RELEASE_VERSION}/operator-sdk-${RELEASE_VERSION}-x86_64-linux-gnu
chmod +x operator-sdk-${RELEASE_VERSION}-x86_64-linux-gnu
sudo cp operator-sdk-${RELEASE_VERSION}-x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/local/bin/operator-sdk
rm operator-sdk-${RELEASE_VERSION}-x86_64-linux-gnu
Check operator-sdk is installed :
operator-sdk version
will setup the basics for the operator.
This script is just executing the following operator sdk command:
operator-sdk init --plugins=helm --domain=podtatohead--group=podtatohead-demo --version=v1alpha1 --helm-chart ../charts/
Which creates a Helm-based operator based on the helm charts example.
This will put everything in values into the CRD. You can find an example in ./config/samples/
make docker-build docker-push IMG=thibaultmg/podtatoperator:latest
make install
make deploy IMG=thibaultmg/podtatoperator:latest
kubectl apply -f ./config/samples/podtatohead-demo_v1alpha1_podtatohead.yaml
Your new Cutome Resource is deplyed :
kubectl get podtatoheads.podtatohead-demo.podtatohead
The controller detects the creation of the Custom Resource and deploys the resources defined in the operator (helm chart).
OPERATOR_POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n podtato-operator-system get po -l control-plane=controller-manager -o name)
kubectl -n podtato-operator-system logs -f ${OPERATOR_POD_NAME} manager
kubectl get all
kubectl delete -f ./config/samples/podtatohead-demo_v1alpha1_podtatohead.yaml
make undeploy