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Delivering the example using a Helm-based operator

NOTE : you have to be into delivery/podtato-operator folder to run the commands below.

Preparation steps

curl -OJL${RELEASE_VERSION}/operator-sdk-${RELEASE_VERSION}-x86_64-linux-gnu
chmod +x operator-sdk-${RELEASE_VERSION}-x86_64-linux-gnu
sudo cp operator-sdk-${RELEASE_VERSION}-x86_64-linux-gnu /usr/local/bin/operator-sdk
rm operator-sdk-${RELEASE_VERSION}-x86_64-linux-gnu

Check operator-sdk is installed :

operator-sdk version

What has been done in this project

Creating the operatior project

Running will setup the basics for the operator.

This script is just executing the following operator sdk command:

operator-sdk init --plugins=helm --domain=podtatohead--group=podtatohead-demo --version=v1alpha1 --helm-chart ../charts/

Which creates a Helm-based operator based on the helm charts example. This will put everything in values into the CRD. You can find an example in ./config/samples/

Building the operator image

make docker-build docker-push IMG=thibaultmg/podtatoperator:latest

Installing the 'Podtato' Custom Resource Definition (CRD)

make install

Installing the operator

make deploy IMG=thibaultmg/podtatoperator:latest

Installing the 'Podtato' Custom Resource (CR)

kubectl apply -f ./config/samples/podtatohead-demo_v1alpha1_podtatohead.yaml

Seeing things in action

Your new Cutome Resource is deplyed :

kubectl get podtatoheads.podtatohead-demo.podtatohead

The controller detects the creation of the Custom Resource and deploys the resources defined in the operator (helm chart).

OPERATOR_POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n podtato-operator-system get po -l control-plane=controller-manager -o name)
kubectl -n podtato-operator-system logs -f ${OPERATOR_POD_NAME} manager
kubectl get all

Cleaning up

kubectl delete -f ./config/samples/podtatohead-demo_v1alpha1_podtatohead.yaml
make undeploy
