The template: cloudformation.yml
Quickly deploy an API (API Gateway + Lambda) with /prod and /dev endpoints. Each can be running a different version of the Lambda function.
Built in CI/CD using CodePipeline & CodeBuild which pulls from your GitHub repo. Just push your changes to either the develop or master branch and a new version of the Lambda is tested and built.
Use the command line tools to quickly deploy a new version to either the dev or prod endpoints.
- Lambda (API Function, Github webhook for CI/CD)
- API Gateway (HTTP proxy to Lambda)
- S3 (Lambda files)
- CodeBuild (Continuous integration & deployment)
- CodePipeline (Continuous integration & deployment)
- CloudFormation (Infrastructure as Code)
- IAM (AWS permissions & users)
npm install
./cli <command>
command = [help, stackup, show, deploy]
Run this command one time to build the stack.
./cli create \
--ProjectName=<project_name> \
--GitHubOwner=<user_or_organization> \
--GitHubRepo=<repo> \
--GitHubToken=<token> \
ProjectName: Please enter a name for your project. This will be the CloudFormation stack name and used as a prefix for many of the resources.
GitHubOwner: Your github username or organization name.
GitHubRepo: Your github repo name.
GitHubToken: Your github personal access token., needs "repo" and "admin:repo_hook" checked.
profile: Your AWS credentials profile. [optional]
Run this command one time to update the stack.
./cli update \
--ProjectName=<project_name> \
ProjectName: Please enter a name for your project. This will be the CloudFormation stack name and used as a prefix for many of the resources.
profile: Your AWS credentials profile. [optional]
Run this command to deploy a new version to either the /prod or /dev endpoint.
./cli deploy \
--branch=<master> \
--version=<1> \
branch: Deploy to prod or dev. [master | develop]
version: Which built version to deploy?
profile: Your AWS credentials profile. [optional]
Run this command to see what versions have been built and which version is currently running. The deployment history is also available.
./cli show \
--branch=<master> \
branch: Which environment? prod or dev. [master | develop]
profile: Your AWS credentials profile. [optional]