Update: I implemented this feature in the PR duckdb-rs/pull/169.
This repository provides a solution to convert DuckDB query result to Polars DataFrame.
For the one who is not familiar with Apache Arrow in Rust, DuckDB and Polars use diffrent Apache Arrow versions. While DuckDB uses arrow-rs, Polars uses arrow2. Difference between these two versions can be discovered more in this. In brief:
Arrow2 uses Box<dyn Array> as children to allow easy mutation; arrow-rs uses Arc<dyn Array>
Arrow2 does not have TimestampArray nor DecimalArray, and instead sticks to the physical types only
One more tricky thing worth mentioning is that Polars does not use the original jorgecarleitao/arrow2, but a forked version ritchie46/arrow2
Because there are already existing implmentations for arrow-rs - arrow2 conversion, most of efforts in this repository is to resolve the dependency conflicts: ensure DuckDB's arrow-rs and arrow2's arrow-rs have the same version -> ensrue Polars uses this arrow2 version
To get things done, I fork ritchier46/arrow2 and bump dependencies relating to arrow-rs to the same version as DuckDB's arrow-rs. I made a pull request to ritchier46/arrow2 and another one to jorgecarleitao/arrow2. When these two PRs are merged, we can make a PR to DuckDB to integrate this workaround
pub fn query_to_df_polars(conn: &Connection, query: &str) -> Result<DataFrame, DuckDBPolarsError> {
let mut statement = conn.prepare(query)?;
let rbs = statement.query_arrow([])?.collect::<Vec<_>>();
pub fn arrowrs_record_batches_to_polars_df(
rbs: Vec<RecordBatch>,
) -> Result<DataFrame, DuckDBPolarsError> {
let column_names = rbs[0]
.map(|f| f.name())
let dfs = rbs
.map(|rb| {
let s_vec = rb
.map(|(i, array)| {
let arrowrs_array_data = array.as_ref().to_data();
let arrow2_array = arrow2::array::from_data(&arrowrs_array_data);
let name = column_names
.ok_or_else(|| DuckDBPolarsError::Internal {
msg: format!("Column name not found for index {}", i),
Series::try_from((name, arrow2_array)).map_err(DuckDBPolarsError::from)
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, DuckDBPolarsError>>()?;
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, DuckDBPolarsError>>()?;
We can retrieve DuckDB query result as a Vec<RecordBatch>
. In eanch RecordBatch, we iterate over its columns, convert each column into Box<dyn arrow2::Array>
-> polars::Series, and after collecting Vec<Series>
we get a DataFrame.
- src/
- lib.rs -> main logic
- export.rs -> re-exported dependencies
- tests/
- fixtures/ -> test data
cli/ -> CLI binary
In root directory, run:
cargo build --release
To run the CLI, run:
./target/release/duckdb-polars-cli --help
Usage: duckdb-polars-cli --sql <SQL>
-s, --sql <SQL> SQL query to run
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
./target/release/duckdb-polars-cli --sql 'SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b'
2023-05-13T09:38:28.784456Z INFO run{self=Args { sql: "SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b" }}: duckdb_polars_cli: Running query: SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b
2023-05-13T09:38:28.788924Z INFO run{self=Args { sql: "SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b" }}: duckdb_polars_cli: Output df: shape: (1, 2)
│ a ┆ b │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ i32 ┆ i32 │
│ 1 ┆ 2 │
2023-05-13T09:38:28.791118Z INFO run{self=Args { sql: "SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b" }}: duckdb_polars_cli: df schema: Schema:
name: a, data type: Int32
name: b, data type: Int32