Currently there is no CI testing enabled for Triton repositories. We will enable CI testing in a future update.
However, there is a set of tests in the qa/ directory that can be run manually to provide extensive testing. Before running these tests you must first generate a few model repositories containing the models needed by the tests.
The QA model repositories contain some simple models that are used to verify the correctness of Triton. To generate the QA model repositories:
$ cd qa/common
$ ./gen_qa_model_repository
$ ./gen_qa_custom_ops
This will create multiple model repositories in /tmp//qa_* (for example /tmp/21.09/qa_model_repository). The TensorRT models will be created for the GPU on the system that CUDA considers device 0 (zero). If you have multiple GPUs on your system see the documentation in the scripts for how to target a specific GPU.
Next you need to build a QA version of the Triton Docker image. This image will contain Triton, the QA tests, and all the dependencies needed to run the QA tests. First do a Docker image build to produce the tritonserver_build and tritonserver images.
Then build the tritonserver_sdk image that contains the client libraries, model analyzer, and examples using the following commands. You must first checkout the branch of the client repo into the clientrepo/ subdirectory. Typically you want to set to be the same as your current server branch.
$ git clone --single-branch --depth=1 -b <client branch> clientrepo
$ docker build -t tritonserver_sdk -f Dockerfile.sdk .
Lastly, build the actual QA image.
$ docker build -t tritonserver_qa -f Dockerfile.QA .
Now run the QA container and mount the QA model repositories into the container so the tests will be able to access them.
$ docker run --gpus=all -it --rm -v/tmp:/data/inferenceserver tritonserver_qa
Within the container the QA tests are in /opt/tritonserver/qa. To run a test simply change directory to the test and run the script.
$ cd <test directory>
$ bash -x ./