Follow the steps below to set up the project on your environment. If you run into any problems, feel free to leave a GitHub Issue or reach out to any of our communities above.
You need to have Docker and docker-compose installed
Copy dotenv
to .env
Open .env and edit settings
is an IP address of your docker host, this should be 10/8 or 172.16/12 or 192.168/16 ip address (ex. local net ip address)ACCOUNT_NUMBER
useTNB Account Manager
app to generate a new account for test purposes
Login to Github's registry
docker login
Use your github's credentials or personal key if you have 2FA configured.
docker-compose up # add -d to detach from console
This will start a dev network to work with, network consists of Bank, PV, 2x CVs and all the needed services (celery, db, redis).
On a first run it will take some time to provision and configure test network settings.
If something failed, deleting postgresql-data
and redis-data
volumes might solve the issue (refer to docker volume
cli), and try previous command again.
As a result
http://$PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS:8001 - PV
http://$PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS:8002 - CV 1
http://$PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS:8003 - CV 2
You can add those to your TNB Account Manager app
To run all tests in parallel:
docker-compose run bank pytest -n auto
# or
docker-compose exec bank pytest # if docker-compose run is running
To monitor Celery tasks:
# For BANK
docker-compose exec celery_bank celery flower -A config.settings --address= --port=5555
# For PV
docker-compose exec celery_pv celery flower -A config.settings --address= --port=5555
# For CV n. 1
docker-compose exec celery_cv1 celery flower -A config.settings --address= --port=5555
# For CV n. 2
docker-compose exec celery_cv2 celery flower -A config.settings --address= --port=5555
This guide targets a unix environment however it is possible to perform this setup on Windows by installing Cygwin here.
When installing Cygwin ensure you add the following packages in the setup wizard choosing the most up-to-date version for each:
- python3
- python3-devel
- pip3
- gcc-core
- libffi-devel
- make
- python38-wheel
- libintl-devel
Once installed use Cygwin for all your command-line operations.
This is because one of the dependencies, uWSGI, does not provide Windows support directly.
Set required environment variables:
# Valid values are development, local, postgres_local, production, or staging
# 64 character signing key used to authenticate network requests
export NETWORK_SIGNING_KEY='6f812a35643b55a77f71c3b722504fbc5918e83ec72965f7fd33865ed0be8f81'
# A string with random chars
export SECRET_KEY='some random string'
Install Redis:
brew install redis
Create a virtual environment with Python 3.7 or higher.
Install required packages:
pip3 install -r requirements/local.txt
To initialize the project:
python3 migrate
python3 initialize_test_bank -ip [IP ADDRESS]
Run Redis:
Run Celery (run each as a separate process):
celery -A config.settings worker -l debug
To monitor Celery tasks:
celery flower -A config.settings --address= --port=5555
To watch log files:
tail -f logs/warning.log -n 10
To run all tests in parallel:
pytest -n auto
When adding a package, add to requirements/
and then :
bash scripts/
To generate documentation:
cd docs
make html
Join the community to stay updated on the most recent developments, project roadmaps, and random discussions about completely unrelated topics.
All donations will go to thenewboston to help fund the team to continue to develop the community and create new content.
Coin | Address |
![]() |
b6e21072b6ba2eae6f78bc3ade17f6a561fa4582d5494a5120617f2027d38797 |
![]() |
3GZYi3w3BXQfyb868K2phHjrS4i8LooaHh |
![]() |
0x0E38e2a838F0B20872E5Ff55c82c2EE7509e6d4A |
thenewboston is MIT licensed.