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dellipse edited this page Jul 9, 2015 · 9 revisions

#Configuring the config.json

The config file must contain a valid JSON object.
If you made changes and you are not sure if it is still a valid JSON object, you can use JSON Lint. It's a tool to validate JSON objects.

The parameters that can be tuned are:

  1. mountPoint: the full path to a folder where your Google Drive drive will be mounted
  2. cacheLocation: the full path to a folder where temporary files will be saved
  3. chunkSize: this program will download your file in small pieces, called chunks. Your temporary files will have sizes up to chunkSize. The default is 8388608 (i.e. 8MB)
  4. advancedChunks: To speed up file download, it can download a file in parallel. This means it can fetch multiple chunks at a time. This number sets the number of chunks to download. Default: 5
  5. maxCache: The watcher (coffee will keep an eye on the size of your cache folder. If it gets bigger than maxCache (in MB), it will delete old files to make space for newer files. I
  6. refreshDelay: This parameters sets the time interval at which Google is pinged for file changes and updates. Set it to a higher value if remote changes occur infrequently or are not important to you. The interval delay is in milliseconds. Default: 60000
  7. debug: This can be set to either True or False. If True, it will display the debugging to console. Otherwise, it will save it in "/tmp/GDriveF4JS.log". Default: False

Advanced: If you want to use your own api keys, you can set these fields: clientId, clientSecret and redirectUrl

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