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0!==X?X+"px":""}),void 0!==z&&("px"),void 0!==Y?"px":void 0!==j&&("px")}function xn(t,e,n){if("string"!=typeof e||e.length)if("string"==typeof e){let o=e.trim();"function"==typeof n&&(o=n(o));const s=(new DOMParser).parseFromString(o,"text/html"),{body:i}=s,a=i.children.length?"innerHTML":"innerText";t[a]=i[a]}else e instanceof HTMLElement&&t.append(e)}const Hn=v(""),kn=v(""),An=v(""),Pn=v(""),Mn={template:'',title:null,content:null,customClass:null,trigger:"hover",placement:"top",btnClose:'',sanitizeFn:null,dismissible:!1,animation:!0,delay:200,container:null},Nn=t=>m(t,"Popover");function Ln({target:t}){const e=this,{popover:n,element:o}=e;n&&n.contains(t)||t===o||o.contains(t)||e.hide()}function Dn(t,e){const s=e?n:o,{element:i,options:a}=t,{trigger:l,dismissible:r}=a;t.enabled=!!e,"hover"===l?(s(i,"mousedown",,s(i,X,,an(i)&&s(i,"mousemove",t.update,S),r||s(i,z,t.hide)):"click"===l?s(i,l,t.toggle):"focus"===l&&(un&&s(i,"click",()=>St(i)),s(i,mn,}function Cn(t,e){const s=e?n:o,{options:a,element:l,btn:r}=t,{trigger:c,dismissible:d}=a;d?r&&s(r,"click",t.hide):("focus"===c&&s(l,vn,t.hide),"hover"===c&&s(i(l),"touchstart",Ln,S)),an(l)||[Mt,Nt].forEach(e=>{s(U(l),e,t.update,S)})}function Sn(t){const{element:e}=t;f(e,kn),G(e,"in")}function Rn(t){!function(t){const{element:e,popover:n}=t;le(e,"aria-describedby"),n.remove()}(t);const{element:e}=t;f(e,Pn),G(e,"out")}class In extends y{constructor(e,n){super(e,n);const{element:o}=this;this.popover={},this.arrow=null,this.btn=null,this.offsetParent={},this.enabled=!0,"popover-"+gn(o,"popover");const{options:s}=this;if(!s.content)return;const a=r(s.container),l=he(o);this.options.container=!a||a&&["static","relative"].includes(t(a,"position"))?l:a||re(o),function(t){const{id:e,element:n,options:o}=t,{animation:s,customClass:a,sanitizeFn:l,placement:c,dismissible:d}=o;let{title:u,content:f}=o;const{template:p,btnClose:g}=o,m={};$(n)&&(m.left="end",m.right="start");const v="bs-popover-"+m[c];let 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e=t?Nn(this):this;if(!e)return;const{element:n,popover:o,options:i,id:a}=e,{container:l,animation:r}=i,c=q(n,"out");if(G(n,"out"),o&&!c&&!wn(o,l)){V(n,()=>{f(n,Hn),Hn.defaultPrevented||(l.append(o),P(n,"aria-describedby","#"+a),e.offsetParent=he(o,!0),e.update(t),h(o,"show")||M(o,"show"),Cn(e,!0),r?s(o,()=>Sn(e)):Sn(e))},17,"in")}}hide(t){let e;if(t){if(e=Nn(this),!e){const t=this.closest(".popover"),n=t&&r(`[aria-describedby="#${}"]`);e=Nn(n)}}else e=this;const{element:n,popover:o,options:i}=e,{container:a,animation:l,delay:c}=i;if(G(n,"in"),o&&wn(o,a)){V(n,()=>{f(n,An),An.defaultPrevented||(u(o,"show"),Cn(e),l?s(o,()=>Rn(e)):Rn(e))},c+17,"out")}}enable(){const t=this,{enabled:e}=t;e||(Dn(t,!0),t.enabled=!e)}disable(){const t=this,{element:n,enabled:o,popover:s,options:i}=t,{container:a,animation:l,delay:r}=i;o&&(wn(s,a)&&l?(t.hide(),V(n,()=>{Dn(t),G(n,"popover")},e(s)+r+17,"popover")):Dn(t),t.enabled=!o)}toggleEnabled(){this.enabled?this.disable():this.enable()}dispose(){const t=this,{popover:e,options:n}=t,{container:o,animation:i}=n;i&&wn(e,o)?(t.options.delay=0,t.hide(),s(e,()=>Dn(t))):Dn(t),super.dispose()}}function Fn(t,e){return(e&&a.some(t=>e instanceof t)?e:i()).getElementsByTagName(t)}d(In,{selector:'[data-bs-toggle="popover"],[data-tip="popover"]',init:t=>new In(t),getInstance:Nn,styleTip:En});const On={offset:10,target:null},Wn=v("");function Bn(t){const{target:e,scrollTarget:n,options:o,itemsLength:s,scrollHeight:a,element:l}=t,{offset:c}=o,d=n instanceof Window,h=e&&Fn("A",e),u=n&&function(t){return t instanceof HTMLElement?t.scrollHeight:F(t).scrollHeight}(n);if(t.scrollTop=d?n.scrollY:n.scrollTop,h&&(s!==h.length||u!==a)){let e,n,o;t.items=[],t.offsets=[],t.scrollHeight=u,t.maxScroll=t.scrollHeight-function({element:t,scrollTarget:e}){return e instanceof Window?e.innerHeight:I(t).height}(t),[...h].forEach(s=>{e=Y(s,"href"),n=e&&"#"===e.charAt(0)&&"#"!==e.slice(-1)&&r(e,i(l)),n&&(t.items.push(s),o=n.getBoundingClientRect(),t.offsets.push((d?}),t.itemsLength=t.items.length}}function Xn(t){[...Fn("A",t)].forEach(t=>{h(t,"active")&&u(t,"active")})}function zn(t,e){const{target:n,element:o}=t;Xn(n),t.activeItem=e,M(e,"active");const s=[];let i=e;for(;i!==re(o);)i=i.parentElement,(h(i,"nav")||h(i,"dropdown-menu"))&&s.push(i);s.forEach(t=>{const e=t.previousElementSibling;e&&!h(e,"active")&&M(e,"active")}),Wn.relatedTarget=e,f(o,Wn)}function Yn(t,e){(e?n:o)(t.scrollTarget,Mt,t.refresh,S)}class $n extends y{constructor(t,e){super(t,e);const{element:n,options:o}=this;if(,i(n)),!;const s=U(n);this.scrollTarget=n.clientHeight=o){const e=i[s-1];return void(a!==e&&zn(t,e))}const{offsets:l}=t;if(a&&n0)return t.activeItem=null,void Xn(e);i.forEach((e,o)=>{a!==e&&n>=l[o]&&(void 0===l[o+1]||nnew $n(t),getInstance:t=>m(t,"ScrollSpy")});const jn=t=>m(t,"Tab"),Vn=v(""),qn=v(""),Gn=v(""),Un=v(""),Zn=new Map;function Jn(t){const{tabContent:e,nav:n}=t;e&&("",u(e,"collapsing")),n&&G(n)}function Kn(t){const{element:e,tabContent:n,nav:o}=t,{currentHeight:i,nextHeight:a}=Zn.get(e),{tab:l}=o&&Zn.get(o);n?i===a?Jn(t):setTimeout(()=>{"px",R(n),s(n,()=>Jn(t))},50):o&&G(o),qn.relatedTarget=l,f(e,qn)}function Qn(t){const{element:e,content:n,tabContent:o,nav:i}=t,{tab:a,content:l}=i&&Zn.get(i);let r=0;if(o&&([l,n].forEach(t=>M(t,"overflow-hidden")),r=l.scrollHeight),Vn.relatedTarget=a,Un.relatedTarget=e,f(e,Vn),!Vn.defaultPrevented){if(M(n,"active"),u(l,"active"),o){const t=n.scrollHeight;Zn.set(e,{currentHeight:r,nextHeight:t}),M(o,"collapsing"),"px",R(o),[l,n].forEach(t=>u(t,"overflow-hidden"))}n&&h(n,"fade")?setTimeout(()=>{M(n,"show"),s(n,()=>{Kn(t)})},17):Kn(t),f(a,Un)}}function _n(t,e){(e?n:o)(t.element,"click",to)}function to(t){const e=jn(this);e&&(t.preventDefault(),}class eo extends y{constructor(t){super(t);const{element:e}=this,n=Z(e);if(!n)return;const o=c(e,".nav"),s=c(n,".tab-content");this.nav=o,this.content=n,this.tabContent=s,this.dropdown=o&&r(`.${It[0]}-toggle`,o),_n(this,!0)}get name(){return"Tab"}show(){const t=this,{element:e,nav:n,dropdown:o}=t;if(!(n&&q(n)||h(e,"active"))){const{tab:i,content:a}=function(t){const{nav:e}=t,n=B("active",e);let o;return 1!==n.length||It.some(t=>h(n[0].parentElement,t))?n.length>1&&(o=n[n.length-1]):[o]=n,{tab:o,content:o?Z(o):null}}(t);if(n&&Zn.set(n,{tab:i,content:a}),Gn.relatedTarget=e,f(i,Gn),Gn.defaultPrevented)return;n&&V(n,()=>{},17),u(i,"active"),P(i,"aria-selected","false"),M(e,"active"),P(e,"aria-selected","true"),o&&(h(e.parentNode,"dropdown-menu")?h(o,"active")||M(o,"active"):h(o,"active")&&u(o,"active")),h(a,"fade")?(u(a,"show"),s(a,()=>Qn(t))):Qn(t)}}dispose(){_n(this),super.dispose()}}d(eo,{selector:'[data-bs-toggle="tab"]',init:t=>new eo(t),getInstance:jn});const no={animation:!0,autohide:!0,delay:5e3},oo=t=>m(t,"Toast"),so=v(""),io=v(""),ao=v(""),lo=v("");function ro(t){const{element:e,options:n}=t;u(e,"showing"),G(e,"showing"),f(e,io),n.autohide&&V(e,()=>t.hide(),n.delay,"toast")}function co(t){const{element:e}=t;u(e,"showing"),u(e,"show"),M(e,"hide"),G(e,"toast"),f(e,lo)}function ho(t,e){const s=e?n:o,{element:i,dismiss:a,options:l}=t;a&&s(a,"click",t.hide),l.autohide&&[mn,vn,X,z].forEach(t=>s(i,t,uo))}function uo(t){const e=this,n=oo(e),{type:o,relatedTarget:s}=t;n&&e!==s&&!e.contains(s)&&([X,mn].includes(o)?G(e,"toast"):V(e,()=>n.hide(),n.options.delay,"toast"))}class fo extends y{constructor(t,e){super(t,e);const{element:n,options:o}=this;o.animation&&!h(n,"fade")?M(n,"fade"):!o.animation&&h(n,"fade")&&u(n,"fade"),this.dismiss=r('[data-bs-dismiss="toast"]',n),,this.hide=this.hide.bind(this),ho(this,!0)}get name(){return"Toast"}get defaults(){return no}show(){const t=this,{element:e}=t;if(e&&!h(e,"show")){if(f(e,so),so.defaultPrevented)return;!function(t){const{element:e,options:n}=t;V(e,()=>{u(e,"hide"),R(e),M(e,"show"),M(e,"showing"),n.animation?s(e,()=>ro(t)):ro(t)},17,"showing")}(t)}}hide(){const t=this,{element:e}=t;if(e&&h(e,"show")){if(f(e,ao),ao.defaultPrevented)return;!function(t){const{element:e,options:n}=t;M(e,"showing"),n.animation?(R(e),s(e,()=>co(t))):co(t)}(t)}}dispose(){const{element:t}=this;h(t,"show")&&u(t,"show"),function(t){G(t.element,"toast"),ho(t)}(this),super.dispose()}}d(fo,{selector:".toast",init:t=>new fo(t),getInstance:oo});const po={template:'',title:null,customClass:null,placement:"top",sanitizeFn:null,animation:!0,delay:200,container:null},go=t=>m(t,"Tooltip"),mo=v(""),vo=v(""),bo=v(""),wo=v("");function yo(t){const{element:e}=t;Ho(t),e.hasAttribute("data-original-title")&&ko(t)}function To(t,e){const s=e?n:o,{element:a}=t;s(i(a),"touchstart",Ao,S),an(a)||[Mt,Nt].forEach(e=>{s(U(a),e,t.update,S)})}function Eo(t){const{element:e}=t;To(t,!0),f(e,vo),G(e,"in")}function xo(t){const{element:e}=t;To(t),function(t){const{element:e,tooltip:n}=t;le(e,"aria-describedby"),n.remove()}(t),f(e,wo),G(e,"out")}function Ho(t,e){const s=e?n:o,{element:i}=t;an(i)&&s(i,"mousemove",t.update,S),s(i,"mousedown",,s(i,X,,s(i,z,t.hide)}function ko(t,e){const n=["data-original-title","title"],{element:o}=t;P(o,n[e?0:1],e||Y(o,n[0])),le(o,n[e?1:0])}function Ao({target:t}){const{tooltip:e,element:n}=this;e.contains(t)||t===n||n.contains(t)||this.hide()}class Po extends y{constructor(e,n){const o=r(e);po.title=o&&Y(o,"title"),super(e,n);if(!o)return;this.tooltip={},this.arrow=null,this.offsetParent={},this.enabled=!0,"tooltip-"+gn(o,"tooltip");const{options:s}=this;if(!s.title)return;const a=r(s.container),l=he(o);this.options.container=!a||a&&["static","relative"].includes(t(a,"position"))?l:a||re(o),po.title=null,Ao.bind(this),this.update=this.update.bind(this),o.hasAttribute("title")&&ko(this,s.title),function(t){const{element:e,options:n,id:o}=t,{title:s,template:a,customClass:l,animation:c,placement:d,sanitizeFn:u}=n,f={};$(e)&&(f.left="end",f.right="start");const p="bs-tooltip-"+f[d];if(!s)return;let g;if([Element,HTMLElement].some(t=>a instanceof t))g=a;else{const t=i(e).createElement("div");xn(t,a,u),g=t.firstElementChild}t.tooltip=g&&g.cloneNode(!0);const{tooltip:m}=t,v=r(".tooltip-inner",m);v&&xn(v,s,u),P(m,"id",o),P(m,"role","tooltip"),t.arrow=r(".tooltip-arrow",m),h(m,"tooltip")||M(m,"tooltip"),c&&!h(m,"fade")&&M(m,"fade"),l&&!h(m,l)&&M(m,l),h(m,p)||M(m,p)}(this),Ho(this,!0)}get name(){return"Tooltip"}get defaults(){return po}show(t){const e=t?go(this):this;if(!e)return;const{options:n,tooltip:o,element:i,id:a}=e,{container:l,animation:r}=n,c=q(i,"out");if(G(i,"out"),o&&!c&&!wn(o,l)){V(i,()=>{f(i,mo),mo.defaultPrevented||(l.append(o),P(i,"aria-describedby","#"+a),e.offsetParent=he(o,!0),e.update(t),h(o,"show")||M(o,"show"),r?s(o,()=>Eo(e)):Eo(e))},17,"in")}}hide(t){const e=t?go(this):this;if(!e)return;const{options:n,tooltip:o,element:i}=e,{container:a,animation:l,delay:r}=n;if(G(i,"in"),o&&wn(o,a)){V(i,()=>{f(i,bo),bo.defaultPrevented||(u(o,"show"),l?s(o,()=>xo(e)):xo(e))},r+17,"out")}}update(t){En(this,t)}toggle(t){const e=t?go(this):this;if(!e)return;const{tooltip:n,options:o}=e;wn(n,o.container)?e.hide()}enable(){const t=this,{enabled:e}=t;e||(Ho(t,!0),t.enabled=!e)}disable(){const t=this,{element:n,tooltip:o,options:s,enabled:i}=t,{animation:a,container:l,delay:r}=s;i&&(!wn(o,l)&&a?(t.hide(),V(n,()=>{Ho(t),G(n,"tooltip")},e(o)+r+17,"tooltip")):Ho(t),t.enabled=!i)}toggleEnabled(){this.enabled?this.disable():this.enable()}dispose(){const t=this,{tooltip:e,options:n}=t;n.animation&&wn(e,n.container)?(n.delay=0,t.hide(),s(e,()=>yo(t))):yo(t),super.dispose()}}d(Po,{selector:'[data-bs-toggle="tooltip"],[data-tip="tooltip"]',init:t=>new Po(t),getInstance:go,styleTip:En});const Mo=t=>t&&!!t.shadowRoot;function No(t){return[...(t&&a.some(e=>t instanceof e)?t:i()).querySelectorAll("*")].filter(Mo)}const Lo={Alert:A,Button:C,Carousel:vt,Collapse:Pt,Dropdown:ae,Modal:$e,Offcanvas:sn,Popover:In,ScrollSpy:$n,Tab:eo,Toast:fo,Tooltip:Po},Do=w(Lo);function Co(t,e){[...e].forEach(e=>t(e))}function So(t,e){const n=g.getAllFor(t);n&&[...n].forEach(t=>{const[n,o]=t;e&&e.contains(n)&&o.dispose()})}function Ro(t){const e=t&&a.some(e=>t instanceof e)?t:void 0,n=No(e);Do.forEach(t=>{const{init:o,selector:s}=Lo[t];Co(o,W(s,e)),n.forEach(t=>Co(o,W(s,t.shadowRoot)))})}document.body?Ro():document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",()=>Ro(),{once:!0});const Io={Alert:A,Button:C,Carousel:vt,Collapse:Pt,Dropdown:ae,Modal:$e,Offcanvas:sn,Popover:In,ScrollSpy:$n,Tab:eo,Toast:fo,Tooltip:Po,initCallback:Ro,removeDataAPI:function(t){const e=t&&a.some(e=>t instanceof e)?t:void 0,n=No(e);Do.forEach(t=>{So(t,e),n.forEach(e=>So(t,e.shadowRoot))})},Version:"4.1.0alpha1"};export{Io as default};
diff --git a/dist/bootstrap-native.js b/dist/bootstrap-native.js
index 9858e581..cc668498 100644
--- a/dist/bootstrap-native.js
+++ b/dist/bootstrap-native.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * Native JavaScript for Bootstrap v4.1.0 (
- * Copyright 2015-2021 © dnp_theme
+ * Native JavaScript for Bootstrap v4.1.0alpha1 (
+ * Copyright 2015-2022 © dnp_theme
* Licensed under MIT (
(function (global, factory) {
@@ -10,42 +10,64 @@
})(this, (function () { 'use strict';
- * A global namespace for 'transitionend' string.
+ * A global namespace for `click` event.
* @type {string}
- const transitionEndEvent = 'webkitTransition' in ? 'webkitTransitionEnd' : 'transitionend';
+ const mouseclickEvent = 'click';
- * A global namespace for CSS3 transition support.
- * @type {boolean}
+ * A global namespace for 'transitionend' string.
+ * @type {string}
- const supportTransition = 'webkitTransition' in || 'transition' in;
+ const transitionEndEvent = 'transitionend';
* A global namespace for 'transitionDelay' string.
* @type {string}
- const transitionDelay = 'webkitTransition' in ? 'webkitTransitionDelay' : 'transitionDelay';
+ const transitionDelay = 'transitionDelay';
- * A global namespace for 'transitionProperty' string.
+ * A global namespace for:
+ * * `transitionProperty` string for Firefox,
+ * * `transition` property for all other browsers.
+ *
* @type {string}
- const transitionProperty = 'webkitTransition' in ? 'webkitTransitionProperty' : 'transitionProperty';
+ const transitionProperty = 'transitionProperty';
+ /**
+ * Shortcut for `window.getComputedStyle(element).propertyName`
+ * static method.
+ *
+ * * If `element` parameter is not an `HTMLElement`, `getComputedStyle`
+ * throws a `ReferenceError`.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target
+ * @param {string} property the css property
+ * @return {string} the css property value
+ */
+ function getElementStyle(element, property) {
+ const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
+ // @ts-ignore -- must use camelcase strings,
+ // or non-camelcase strings with `getPropertyValue`
+ return property in computedStyle ? computedStyle[property] : '';
+ }
- * Utility to get the computed transitionDelay
+ * Utility to get the computed `transitionDelay`
* from Element in miliseconds.
- * @param {Element} element target
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target
* @return {number} the value in miliseconds
function getElementTransitionDelay(element) {
- const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
- const propertyValue = computedStyle[transitionProperty];
- const delayValue = computedStyle[transitionDelay];
+ const propertyValue = getElementStyle(element, transitionProperty);
+ const delayValue = getElementStyle(element, transitionDelay);
const delayScale = delayValue.includes('ms') ? 1 : 1000;
- const duration = supportTransition && propertyValue && propertyValue !== 'none'
+ const duration = propertyValue && propertyValue !== 'none'
? parseFloat(delayValue) * delayScale : 0;
return !Number.isNaN(duration) ? duration : 0;
@@ -55,32 +77,57 @@
* A global namespace for 'transitionDuration' string.
* @type {string}
- const transitionDuration = 'webkitTransition' in ? 'webkitTransitionDuration' : 'transitionDuration';
+ const transitionDuration = 'transitionDuration';
- * Utility to get the computed transitionDuration
+ * Utility to get the computed `transitionDuration`
* from Element in miliseconds.
- * @param {Element} element target
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target
* @return {number} the value in miliseconds
function getElementTransitionDuration(element) {
- const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
- const propertyValue = computedStyle[transitionProperty];
- const durationValue = computedStyle[transitionDuration];
+ const propertyValue = getElementStyle(element, transitionProperty);
+ const durationValue = getElementStyle(element, transitionDuration);
const durationScale = durationValue.includes('ms') ? 1 : 1000;
- const duration = supportTransition && propertyValue && propertyValue !== 'none'
+ const duration = propertyValue && propertyValue !== 'none'
? parseFloat(durationValue) * durationScale : 0;
return !Number.isNaN(duration) ? duration : 0;
+ /**
+ * Add eventListener to an `Element` | `HTMLElement` | `Document` target.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | Document | Window} element
+ * @param {string} eventName event.type
+ * @param {EventListenerObject['handleEvent']} handler callback
+ * @param {(EventListenerOptions | boolean)=} options other event options
+ */
+ function on(element, eventName, handler, options) {
+ const ops = options || false;
+ element.addEventListener(eventName, handler, ops);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove eventListener from an `Element` | `HTMLElement` | `Document` | `Window` target.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | Document | Window} element
+ * @param {string} eventName event.type
+ * @param {EventListenerObject['handleEvent']} handler callback
+ * @param {(EventListenerOptions | boolean)=} options other event options
+ */
+ function off(element, eventName, handler, options) {
+ const ops = options || false;
+ element.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, ops);
+ }
* Utility to make sure callbacks are consistently
* called when transition ends.
- * @param {Element} element target
- * @param {function} handler `transitionend` callback
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target
+ * @param {EventListener} handler `transitionend` callback
function emulateTransitionEnd(element, handler) {
let called = 0;
@@ -91,17 +138,16 @@
if (duration) {
* Wrap the handler in on -> off callback
- * @param {Event} e Event object
- * @callback
+ * @param {TransitionEvent} e Event object
const transitionEndWrapper = (e) => {
if ( === element) {
handler.apply(element, [e]);
- element.removeEventListener(transitionEndEvent, transitionEndWrapper);
+ off(element, transitionEndEvent, transitionEndWrapper);
called = 1;
- element.addEventListener(transitionEndEvent, transitionEndWrapper);
+ on(element, transitionEndEvent, transitionEndWrapper);
setTimeout(() => {
if (!called) element.dispatchEvent(endEvent);
}, duration + delay + 17);
@@ -111,33 +157,75 @@
- * Checks if an element is an `Element`.
- *
- * @param {any} element the target element
- * @returns {boolean} the query result
+ * Returns the `document` or the `#document` element.
+ * @see
+ * @param {(Node | HTMLElement | Element | globalThis)=} node
+ * @returns {Document}
- function isElement(element) {
- return element instanceof Element;
+ function getDocument(node) {
+ if (node instanceof HTMLElement) return node.ownerDocument;
+ if (node instanceof Window) return node.document;
+ return window.document;
- * Utility to check if target is typeof Element
+ * A global array of possible `ParentNode`.
+ */
+ const parentNodes = [Document, Node, Element, HTMLElement];
+ /**
+ * A global array with `Element` | `HTMLElement`.
+ */
+ const elementNodes = [Element, HTMLElement];
+ /**
+ * Utility to check if target is typeof `HTMLElement`, `Element`, `Node`
* or find one that matches a selector.
- * @param {Element | string} selector the input selector or target element
- * @param {Element=} parent optional Element to look into
- * @return {Element?} the Element or `querySelector` result
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} selector the input selector or target element
+ * @param {(HTMLElement | Element | Node | Document)=} parent optional node to look into
+ * @return {(HTMLElement | Element)?} the `HTMLElement` or `querySelector` result
- function queryElement(selector, parent) {
- const lookUp = parent && isElement(parent) ? parent : document;
- // @ts-ignore
- return isElement(selector) ? selector : lookUp.querySelector(selector);
+ function querySelector(selector, parent) {
+ const selectorIsString = typeof selector === 'string';
+ const lookUp = parent && parentNodes.some((x) => parent instanceof x)
+ ? parent : getDocument();
+ if (!selectorIsString && [...elementNodes].some((x) => selector instanceof x)) {
+ return selector;
+ }
+ // @ts-ignore -- `ShadowRoot` is also a node
+ return selectorIsString ? lookUp.querySelector(selector) : null;
- * Check class in Element.classList
+ * Shortcut for `HTMLElement.closest` method which also works
+ * with children of `ShadowRoot`. The order of the parameters
+ * is intentional since they're both required.
+ *
+ * @see
- * @param {Element} element target
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element Element to look into
+ * @param {string} selector the selector name
+ * @return {(HTMLElement | Element)?} the query result
+ */
+ function closest(element, selector) {
+ return element ? (element.closest(selector)
+ // @ts-ignore -- break out of `ShadowRoot`
+ || closest(element.getRootNode().host, selector)) : null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Shortcut for `Object.assign()` static method.
+ * @param {Record} obj a target object
+ * @param {Record} source a source object
+ */
+ const ObjectAssign = (obj, source) => Object.assign(obj, source);
+ /**
+ * Check class in `HTMLElement.classList`.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target
* @param {string} classNAME to check
* @return {boolean}
@@ -146,9 +234,9 @@
- * Remove class from Element.classList
+ * Remove class from `HTMLElement.classList`.
- * @param {Element} element target
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target
* @param {string} classNAME to remove
function removeClass(element, classNAME) {
@@ -156,17 +244,14 @@
- * A global namespace for 'addEventListener' string.
- * @type {string}
- */
- const addEventListener = 'addEventListener';
- /**
- * A global namespace for 'removeEventListener' string.
- * @type {string}
+ * Shortcut for the `Element.dispatchEvent(Event)` method.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element is the target
+ * @param {Event} event is the `Event` object
- const removeEventListener = 'removeEventListener';
+ const dispatchEvent = (element, event) => element.dispatchEvent(event);
+ /** @type {Map>>} */
const componentData = new Map();
* An interface for web components background data.
@@ -175,59 +260,58 @@
const Data = {
* Sets web components data.
- * @param {Element | string} element target element
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target target element
* @param {string} component the component's name or a unique key
- * @param {any} instance the component instance
+ * @param {Record} instance the component instance
- set: (element, component, instance) => {
- const ELEMENT = queryElement(element);
- if (!isElement(ELEMENT)) return;
+ set: (target, component, instance) => {
+ const element = querySelector(target);
+ if (!element) return;
if (!componentData.has(component)) {
componentData.set(component, new Map());
const instanceMap = componentData.get(component);
- instanceMap.set(ELEMENT, instance);
+ // @ts-ignore - not undefined, but defined right above
+ instanceMap.set(element, instance);
* Returns all instances for specified component.
* @param {string} component the component's name or a unique key
- * @returns {any?} all the component instances
+ * @returns {Map>?} all the component instances
getAllFor: (component) => {
- if (componentData.has(component)) {
- return componentData.get(component);
- }
- return null;
+ const instanceMap = componentData.get(component);
+ return instanceMap || null;
* Returns the instance associated with the target.
- * @param {Element | string} element target element
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target target element
* @param {string} component the component's name or a unique key
- * @returns {any?} the instance
+ * @returns {Record?} the instance
- get: (element, component) => {
- const ELEMENT = queryElement(element);
+ get: (target, component) => {
+ const element = querySelector(target);
const allForC = Data.getAllFor(component);
- if (allForC && isElement(ELEMENT) && allForC.has(ELEMENT)) {
- return allForC.get(ELEMENT);
- }
- return null;
+ const instance = element && allForC && allForC.get(element);
+ return instance || null;
* Removes web components data.
- * @param {Element} element target element
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target target element
* @param {string} component the component's name or a unique key
- remove: (element, component) => {
- if (!componentData.has(component)) return;
+ remove: (target, component) => {
+ const element = querySelector(target);
const instanceMap = componentData.get(component);
+ if (!instanceMap || !element) return;
if (instanceMap.size === 0) {
@@ -238,11 +322,9 @@
* An alias for `Data.get()`.
- * @param {Element | string} element target element
- * @param {string} component the component's name or a unique key
- * @returns {any} the request result
+ * @type {SHORTER.getInstance}
- const getInstance = (element, component) => Data.get(element, component);
+ const getInstance = (target, component) => Data.get(target, component);
* Global namespace for most components `fade` class.
@@ -259,30 +341,17 @@
const dataBsDismiss = 'data-bs-dismiss';
- /** Returns an original event for Bootstrap Native components. */
- class OriginalEvent extends CustomEvent {
- /**
- * @param {string} EventType event.type
- * @param {Record=} config Event.options |
- */
- constructor(EventType, config) {
- super(EventType, config);
- /** @type {EventTarget?} */
- this.relatedTarget = null;
- }
- }
* Returns a namespaced `CustomEvent` specific to each component.
* @param {string} EventType Event.type
* @param {Record=} config Event.options |
- * @returns {OriginalEvent} a new namespaced event
+ * @returns {BSN.OriginalEvent} a new namespaced event
function bootstrapCustomEvent(EventType, config) {
- const OriginalCustomEvent = new OriginalEvent(EventType, { cancelable: true, bubbles: true });
+ const OriginalCustomEvent = new CustomEvent(EventType, { cancelable: true, bubbles: true });
if (config instanceof Object) {
- Object.assign(OriginalCustomEvent, config);
+ ObjectAssign(OriginalCustomEvent, config);
return OriginalCustomEvent;
@@ -290,7 +359,7 @@
* The raw value or a given component option.
- * @typedef {string | Element | Function | number | boolean | null} niceValue
+ * @typedef {string | HTMLElement | Function | number | boolean | null} niceValue
@@ -316,94 +385,93 @@
return null;
- // string / function / Element / object
+ // string / function / HTMLElement / object
return value;
- * Utility to normalize component options
+ * Shortcut for `Object.keys()` static method.
+ * @param {Record} obj a target object
+ * @returns {string[]}
+ */
+ const ObjectKeys = (obj) => Object.keys(obj);
+ /**
+ * Utility to normalize component options.
- * @param {Element} element target
- * @param {object} defaultOps component default options
- * @param {object} inputOps component instance options
- * @param {string} ns component namespace
- * @return {object} normalized component options object
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target
+ * @param {Record} defaultOps component default options
+ * @param {Record} inputOps component instance options
+ * @param {string=} ns component namespace
+ * @return {Record} normalized component options object
function normalizeOptions(element, defaultOps, inputOps, ns) {
- // @ts-ignore
+ // @ts-ignore -- our targets are always `HTMLElement`
const data = { ...element.dataset };
+ /** @type {Record} */
const normalOps = {};
+ /** @type {Record} */
const dataOps = {};
- Object.keys(data)
- .forEach((k) => {
- const key = k.includes(ns)
- ? k.replace(ns, '').replace(/[A-Z]/, (match) => match.toLowerCase())
- : k;
+ ObjectKeys(data).forEach((k) => {
+ const key = ns && k.includes(ns)
+ ? k.replace(ns, '').replace(/[A-Z]/, (match) => match.toLowerCase())
+ : k;
- dataOps[key] = normalizeValue(data[k]);
- });
+ dataOps[key] = normalizeValue(data[k]);
+ });
- Object.keys(inputOps)
- .forEach((k) => {
- inputOps[k] = normalizeValue(inputOps[k]);
- });
+ ObjectKeys(inputOps).forEach((k) => {
+ inputOps[k] = normalizeValue(inputOps[k]);
+ });
- Object.keys(defaultOps)
- .forEach((k) => {
- if (k in inputOps) {
- normalOps[k] = inputOps[k];
- } else if (k in dataOps) {
- normalOps[k] = dataOps[k];
- } else {
- normalOps[k] = defaultOps[k];
- }
- });
+ ObjectKeys(defaultOps).forEach((k) => {
+ if (k in inputOps) {
+ normalOps[k] = inputOps[k];
+ } else if (k in dataOps) {
+ normalOps[k] = dataOps[k];
+ } else {
+ normalOps[k] = defaultOps[k];
+ }
+ });
return normalOps;
- var version = "4.1.0";
+ var version = "4.1.0alpha1";
const Version = version;
/* Native JavaScript for Bootstrap 5 | Base Component
----------------------------------------------------- */
- /**
- * Returns a new `BaseComponent` instance.
- */
+ /** Returns a new `BaseComponent` instance. */
class BaseComponent {
- * @param {Element | string} target Element or selector string
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target `Element` or selector string
* @param {BSN.ComponentOptions=} config component instance options
constructor(target, config) {
const self = this;
- const element = queryElement(target);
+ const element = querySelector(target);
- if (!isElement(element)) {
- throw TypeError(`${} Error: "${target}" not a valid selector.`);
+ if (!element) {
+ throw Error(`${} Error: "${target}" is not a valid selector.`);
- /** @type {BSN.ComponentOptions} */
+ /** @static @type {BSN.ComponentOptions} */
self.options = {};
- // @ts-ignore
const prevInstance = Data.get(element,;
if (prevInstance) prevInstance.dispose();
- /** @type {Element} */
- // @ts-ignore
+ /** @type {HTMLElement | Element} */
self.element = element;
if (self.defaults && Object.keys(self.defaults).length) {
- /** @static @type {Record} */
- // @ts-ignore
self.options = normalizeOptions(element, self.defaults, (config || {}), 'bs');
- // @ts-ignore
Data.set(element,, self);
@@ -424,10 +492,9 @@
dispose() {
const self = this;
- // @ts-ignore
// @ts-ignore
- Object.keys(self).forEach((prop) => { self[prop] = null; });
+ ObjectKeys(self).forEach((prop) => { self[prop] = null; });
@@ -470,7 +537,7 @@
const { element } = self;
- element.dispatchEvent(closedAlertEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, closedAlertEvent);
@@ -484,16 +551,16 @@
* @param {boolean=} add when `true`, event listener is added
function toggleAlertHandler(self, add) {
- const action = add ? addEventListener : removeEventListener;
- // @ts-ignore
- if (isElement(self.dismiss)) self.dismiss[action]('click', self.close);
+ const action = add ? on : off;
+ const { dismiss } = self;
+ if (dismiss) action(dismiss, mouseclickEvent, self.close);
// ================
/** Creates a new Alert instance. */
class Alert extends BaseComponent {
- /** @param {Element | string} target element or selector */
+ /** @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target element or selector */
constructor(target) {
// bind
@@ -503,11 +570,8 @@
const { element } = self;
// the dismiss button
- /** @static @type {Element?} */
- // @ts-ignore
- self.dismiss = queryElement(alertDismissSelector, element);
- /** @static @type {Element?} */
- self.relatedTarget = null;
+ /** @static @type {(HTMLElement | Element)?} */
+ self.dismiss = querySelector(alertDismissSelector, element);
// add event listener
toggleAlertHandler(self, true);
@@ -528,16 +592,17 @@
* disposes the instance once animation is complete, then
* removes the element from the DOM.
- * @param {Event} e most likely the `click` event
+ * @param {Event=} e most likely the `click` event
+ * @this {Alert} the `Alert` instance or `EventTarget`
close(e) {
- const target = e ? : null;
// @ts-ignore
- const self = e ? getAlertInstance(target.closest(alertSelector)) : this;
+ const self = e ? getAlertInstance(closest(this, alertSelector)) : this;
+ if (!self) return;
const { element } = self;
- if (self && element && hasClass(element, showClass)) {
- element.dispatchEvent(closeAlertEvent);
+ if (hasClass(element, showClass)) {
+ dispatchEvent(element, closeAlertEvent);
if (closeAlertEvent.defaultPrevented) return;
removeClass(element, showClass);
@@ -555,28 +620,36 @@
- Object.assign(Alert, {
+ ObjectAssign(Alert, {
selector: alertSelector,
init: alertInitCallback,
getInstance: getAlertInstance,
- * Add class to Element.classList
+ * A global namespace for aria-pressed.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const ariaPressed = 'aria-pressed';
+ /**
+ * Shortcut for `HTMLElement.setAttribute()` method.
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target element
+ * @param {string} attribute attribute name
+ * @param {string} value attribute value
+ */
+ const setAttribute = (element, attribute, value) => element.setAttribute(attribute, value);
+ /**
+ * Add class to `HTMLElement.classList`.
- * @param {Element} element target
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target
* @param {string} classNAME to add
function addClass(element, classNAME) {
- /**
- * A global namespace for aria-pressed.
- * @type {string}
- */
- const ariaPressed = 'aria-pressed';
* Global namespace for most components active class.
@@ -618,9 +691,8 @@
* @param {boolean=} add when `true`, event listener is added
function toggleButtonHandler(self, add) {
- const action = add ? addEventListener : removeEventListener;
- // @ts-ignore
- self.element[action]('click', self.toggle);
+ const action = add ? on : off;
+ action(self.element, mouseclickEvent, self.toggle);
@@ -628,7 +700,7 @@
/** Creates a new `Button` instance. */
class Button extends BaseComponent {
- * @param {Element | string} target usually a `.btn` element
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target usually a `.btn` element
constructor(target) {
@@ -638,9 +710,9 @@
const { element } = self;
// set initial state
- /** @private @type {boolean} */
+ /** @type {boolean} */
self.isActive = hasClass(element, activeClass);
- element.setAttribute(ariaPressed, `${!!self.isActive}`);
+ setAttribute(element, ariaPressed, `${!!self.isActive}`);
// add event listener
toggleButtonHandler(self, true);
@@ -658,12 +730,13 @@
// =====================
* Toggles the state of the target button.
- * @param {Event} e usually `click` Event object
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e usually `click` Event object
toggle(e) {
if (e) e.preventDefault();
// @ts-ignore
const self = e ? getButtonInstance(this) : this;
+ if (!self) return;
const { element } = self;
if (hasClass(element, 'disabled')) return;
@@ -673,7 +746,7 @@
const action = isActive ? removeClass : addClass;
action(element, activeClass);
- element.setAttribute(ariaPressed, isActive ? 'false' : 'true');
+ setAttribute(element, ariaPressed, isActive ? 'false' : 'true');
/** Removes the `Button` component from the target element. */
@@ -683,64 +756,304 @@
- Object.assign(Button, {
+ ObjectAssign(Button, {
selector: buttonSelector,
init: buttonInitCallback,
getInstance: getButtonInstance,
- * A global namespace for passive events support.
- * @type {boolean}
+ * A global namespace for most scroll event listeners.
+ * @type {Partial}
- const supportPassive = (() => {
- let result = false;
- try {
- const opts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
- get() {
- result = true;
- return result;
- },
- });
- document[addEventListener]('DOMContentLoaded', function wrap() {
- document[removeEventListener]('DOMContentLoaded', wrap, opts);
- }, opts);
- } catch (e) {
- throw Error('Passive events are not supported');
- }
+ const passiveHandler = { passive: true };
- return result;
- })();
+ /**
+ * Utility to force re-paint of an `HTMLElement` target.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element is the target
+ * @return {number} the `Element.offsetHeight` value
+ */
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const reflow = (element) => element.offsetHeight;
- // general event options
+ /**
+ * Returns the bounding client rect of a target `HTMLElement`.
+ *
+ * @see
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element
+ * @param {boolean=} includeScale when *true*, the target scale is also computed
+ * @returns {SHORTER.BoundingClientRect} the bounding client rect object
+ */
+ function getBoundingClientRect(element, includeScale) {
+ const {
+ width, height, top, right, bottom, left,
+ } = element.getBoundingClientRect();
+ let scaleX = 1;
+ let scaleY = 1;
+ if (includeScale && element instanceof HTMLElement) {
+ const { offsetWidth, offsetHeight } = element;
+ scaleX = offsetWidth > 0 ? Math.round(width) / offsetWidth || 1 : 1;
+ scaleY = offsetHeight > 0 ? Math.round(height) / offsetHeight || 1 : 1;
+ }
+ return {
+ width: width / scaleX,
+ height: height / scaleY,
+ top: top / scaleY,
+ right: right / scaleX,
+ bottom: bottom / scaleY,
+ left: left / scaleX,
+ x: left / scaleX,
+ y: top / scaleY,
+ };
+ }
- * A global namespace for most scroll event listeners.
+ * Returns the `document.documentElement` or the `` element.
+ *
+ * @param {(Node | HTMLElement | Element | globalThis)=} node
+ * @returns {HTMLElement | HTMLHtmlElement}
+ */
+ function getDocumentElement(node) {
+ return getDocument(node).documentElement;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility to determine if an `HTMLElement`
+ * is partially visible in viewport.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target
+ * @return {boolean} the query result
+ */
+ const isElementInScrollRange = (element) => {
+ const { top, bottom } = getBoundingClientRect(element);
+ const { clientHeight } = getDocumentElement(element);
+ // checks bottom && top
+ return top <= clientHeight && bottom >= 0;
+ };
+ /**
+ * A shortcut for `(document|Element).querySelectorAll`.
+ *
+ * @param {string} selector the input selector
+ * @param {(HTMLElement | Element | Document | Node)=} parent optional node to look into
+ * @return {NodeListOf} the query result
- const passiveHandler = supportPassive ? { passive: true } : false;
+ function querySelectorAll(selector, parent) {
+ const lookUp = parent && parentNodes
+ .some((x) => parent instanceof x) ? parent : getDocument();
+ // @ts-ignore -- `ShadowRoot` is also a node
+ return lookUp.querySelectorAll(selector);
+ }
- * Utility to force re-paint of an Element
+ * Shortcut for `HTMLElement.getElementsByClassName` method. Some `Node` elements
+ * like `ShadowRoot` do not support `getElementsByClassName`.
- * @param {Element | HTMLElement} element is the target
- * @return {number} the Element.offsetHeight value
+ * @param {string} selector the class name
+ * @param {(HTMLElement | Element | Document)=} parent optional Element to look into
+ * @return {HTMLCollectionOf} the 'HTMLCollection'
+ */
+ function getElementsByClassName(selector, parent) {
+ const lookUp = parent && parentNodes.some((x) => parent instanceof x)
+ ? parent : getDocument();
+ return lookUp.getElementsByClassName(selector);
+ }
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `mouseenter` event.
+ * @type {string}
- function reflow(element) {
+ const mouseenterEvent = 'mouseenter';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `mouseleave` event.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const mouseleaveEvent = 'mouseleave';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `keydown` event.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const keydownEvent = 'keydown';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `touchmove` event.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const touchmoveEvent = 'touchmove';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `touchend` event.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const touchendEvent = 'touchend';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `touchstart` event.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const touchstartEvent = 'touchstart';
+ /**
+ * Shortcut for `HTMLElement.getAttribute()` method.
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target element
+ * @param {string} attribute attribute name
+ */
+ const getAttribute = (element, attribute) => element.getAttribute(attribute);
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `ArrowLeft` key.
+ * @type {string} e.which = 37 equivalent
+ */
+ const keyArrowLeft = 'ArrowLeft';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `ArrowRight` key.
+ * @type {string} e.which = 39 equivalent
+ */
+ const keyArrowRight = 'ArrowRight';
+ /**
+ * Checks if a page is Right To Left.
+ * @param {(HTMLElement | Element)=} node the target
+ * @returns {boolean} the query result
+ */
+ const isRTL = (node) => getDocumentElement(node).dir === 'rtl';
+ /** @type {Map} */
+ const TimeCache = new Map();
+ /**
+ * An interface for one or more `TimerHandler`s per `Element`.
+ * @see
+ */
+ const Timer = {
+ /**
+ * Sets a new timeout timer for an element, or element -> key association.
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target target element
+ * @param {ReturnType} callback the callback
+ * @param {number} delay the execution delay
+ * @param {string=} key a unique
+ */
+ set: (target, callback, delay, key) => {
+ const element = querySelector(target);
+ if (!element) return;
+ if (key && key.length) {
+ if (!TimeCache.has(element)) {
+ TimeCache.set(element, new Map());
+ }
+ const keyTimers = TimeCache.get(element);
+ keyTimers.set(key, setTimeout(callback, delay));
+ } else {
+ TimeCache.set(element, setTimeout(callback, delay));
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Returns the timer associated with the target.
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target target element
+ * @param {string=} key a unique
+ * @returns {number?} the timer
+ */
+ get: (target, key) => {
+ const element = querySelector(target);
+ if (!element) return null;
+ const keyTimers = TimeCache.get(element);
+ if (key && key.length && keyTimers && keyTimers.get) {
+ return keyTimers.get(key) || null;
+ }
+ return keyTimers || null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Clears the element's timer.
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target target element
+ * @param {string=} key a unique key
+ */
+ clear: (target, key) => {
+ const element = querySelector(target);
+ if (!element) return;
+ if (key && key.length) {
+ const keyTimers = TimeCache.get(element);
+ if (keyTimers && keyTimers.get) {
+ clearTimeout(keyTimers.get(key));
+ keyTimers.delete(key);
+ if (keyTimers.size === 0) {
+ TimeCache.delete(element);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ clearTimeout(TimeCache.get(element));
+ TimeCache.delete(element);
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the `Window` object of a target node.
+ * @see
+ *
+ * @param {(Node | HTMLElement | Element | Window)=} node target node
+ * @returns {globalThis}
+ */
+ function getWindow(node) {
+ if (node == null) {
+ return window;
+ }
+ if (!(node instanceof Window)) {
+ const { ownerDocument } = node;
+ return ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.defaultView || window : window;
+ }
// @ts-ignore
- return element.offsetHeight;
+ return node;
- * Utility to determine if an `Element`
- * is partially visible in viewport.
+ * Global namespace for most components `target` option.
+ */
+ const dataBsTarget = 'data-bs-target';
+ /**
+ * Global namespace for most components `parent` option.
+ */
+ const dataBsParent = 'data-bs-parent';
+ /**
+ * Global namespace for most components `container` option.
+ */
+ const dataBsContainer = 'data-bs-container';
+ /**
+ * Returns the `Element` that THIS one targets
+ * via `data-bs-target`, `href`, `data-bs-parent` or `data-bs-container`.
- * @param {Element} element target
- * @return {boolean} Boolean
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element the target element
+ * @returns {(HTMLElement | Element)?} the query result
- function isElementInScrollRange(element) {
- const bcr = element.getBoundingClientRect();
- const viewportHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight;
- return <= viewportHeight && bcr.bottom >= 0; // bottom && top
+ function getTargetElement(element) {
+ const targetAttr = [dataBsTarget, dataBsParent, dataBsContainer, 'href'];
+ const doc = getDocument(element);
+ return => {
+ const attValue = getAttribute(element, att);
+ if (attValue) {
+ return att === dataBsParent ? closest(element, attValue) : querySelector(attValue, doc);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }).filter((x) => x)[0];
/* Native JavaScript for Bootstrap 5 | Carousel
@@ -751,9 +1064,10 @@
const carouselString = 'carousel';
const carouselComponent = 'Carousel';
const carouselSelector = `[data-bs-ride="${carouselString}"]`;
- const carouselControl = `${carouselString}-control`;
const carouselItem = `${carouselString}-item`;
const dataBsSlideTo = 'data-bs-slide-to';
+ const dataBsSlide = 'data-bs-slide';
const pausedClass = 'paused';
const carouselDefaults = {
@@ -794,18 +1108,14 @@
function carouselTransitionEndHandler(self) {
const {
- // @ts-ignore
- index, direction, element, slides, options, isAnimating,
+ index, direction, element, slides, options,
} = self;
// discontinue disposed instances
- // @ts-ignore
- if (isAnimating && getCarouselInstance(element)) {
+ if (self.isAnimating && getCarouselInstance(element)) {
const activeItem = getActiveIndex(self);
const orientation = direction === 'left' ? 'next' : 'prev';
const directionClass = direction === 'left' ? 'start' : 'end';
- // @ts-ignore
- self.isAnimating = false;
addClass(slides[index], activeClass);
removeClass(slides[activeItem], activeClass);
@@ -814,13 +1124,12 @@
removeClass(slides[index], `${carouselItem}-${directionClass}`);
removeClass(slides[activeItem], `${carouselItem}-${directionClass}`);
- // @ts-ignore
- element.dispatchEvent(carouselSlidEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, carouselSlidEvent);
+ Timer.clear(element, dataBsSlide);
// check for element, might have been disposed
- if (!document.hidden && options.interval
- // @ts-ignore
- && !hasClass(element, pausedClass)) {
+ if (!getDocument(element).hidden && options.interval
+ && !self.isPaused) {
@@ -830,97 +1139,78 @@
* Handles the `mouseenter` / `touchstart` events when *options.pause*
* is set to `hover`.
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e the `Event` object
function carouselPauseHandler(e) {
const eventTarget =;
// @ts-ignore
- const self = getCarouselInstance(eventTarget.closest(carouselSelector));
- // @ts-ignore
- const { element, isAnimating } = self;
+ const self = getCarouselInstance(closest(eventTarget, carouselSelector));
- // @ts-ignore
- if (!hasClass(element, pausedClass)) {
- // @ts-ignore
- addClass(element, pausedClass);
- if (!isAnimating) {
- // @ts-ignore
- clearInterval(self.timer);
- // @ts-ignore
- self.timer = null;
- }
+ if (self && !self.isPaused) {
+ self.pause();
- * Handles the `mouseleave` / `touchsend` events when *options.pause*
+ * Handles the `mouseleave` / `touchend` events when *options.pause*
* is set to `hover`.
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e the `Event` object
function carouselResumeHandler(e) {
const { target } = e;
// @ts-ignore
- const self = getCarouselInstance(target.closest(carouselSelector));
- // @ts-ignore
- const { isPaused, isAnimating, element } = self;
+ const self = getCarouselInstance(closest(target, carouselSelector));
+ if (!self) return;
+ const { element } = self;
- // @ts-ignore
- if (!isPaused && hasClass(element, pausedClass)) {
- // @ts-ignore
+ if (self.isPaused) {
removeClass(element, pausedClass);
- if (!isAnimating) {
- // @ts-ignore
- clearInterval(self.timer);
- // @ts-ignore
- self.timer = null;
- self.cycle();
- }
+ self.cycle();
* Handles the `click` event for the `Carousel` indicators.
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @this {HTMLElement}
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e the `Event` object
function carouselIndicatorHandler(e) {
- const { target } = e;
- // @ts-ignore
- const self = getCarouselInstance(target.closest(carouselSelector));
- // @ts-ignore
- if (self.isAnimating) return;
+ const indicator = this;
+ const element = closest(indicator, carouselSelector) || getTargetElement(indicator);
+ if (!element) return;
+ const self = getCarouselInstance(element);
- // @ts-ignore
- const newIndex = target.getAttribute(dataBsSlideTo);
+ if (!self || self.isAnimating) return;
// @ts-ignore
- if (target && !hasClass(target, activeClass) // event target is not active
- && newIndex) { // AND has the specific attribute
-; // do the slide
+ const newIndex = +getAttribute(indicator, dataBsSlideTo);
+ if (indicator && !hasClass(indicator, activeClass) // event target is not active
+ && !Number.isNaN(newIndex)) { // AND has the specific attribute
+; // do the slide
* Handles the `click` event for the `Carousel` arrows.
- * @this {Element}
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @this {HTMLElement}
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e the `Event` object
function carouselControlsHandler(e) {
- const that = this;
- // @ts-ignore
- const self = getCarouselInstance(that.closest(carouselSelector));
- // @ts-ignore
- const { controls } = self;
+ const control = this;
+ const element = closest(control, carouselSelector) || getTargetElement(control);
+ const self = element && getCarouselInstance(element);
+ if (!self || self.isAnimating) return;
+ const orientation = getAttribute(control, dataBsSlide);
- if (controls[1] && that === controls[1]) {
+ if (orientation === 'next') {;
- } else if (controls[1] && that === controls[0]) {
+ } else if (orientation === 'prev') {
@@ -928,23 +1218,20 @@
* Handles the keyboard `keydown` event for the visible `Carousel` elements.
- * @param {{which: number}} e the `Event` object
+ * @param {KeyboardEvent} e the `Event` object
- function carouselKeyHandler({ which }) {
- const [element] = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(carouselSelector))
+ function carouselKeyHandler({ code }) {
+ const [element] = [...querySelectorAll(carouselSelector)]
.filter((x) => isElementInScrollRange(x));
- if (!element) return;
const self = getCarouselInstance(element);
+ if (!self) return;
+ const RTL = isRTL();
+ const arrowKeyNext = !RTL ? keyArrowRight : keyArrowLeft;
+ const arrowKeyPrev = !RTL ? keyArrowLeft : keyArrowRight;
- switch (which) {
- case 39:
- break;
- case 37:
- self.prev();
- break;
- }
+ if (code === arrowKeyPrev) self.prev();
+ else if (code === arrowKeyNext);
@@ -952,22 +1239,19 @@
* Handles the `touchdown` event for the `Carousel` element.
- * @this {Element}
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @this {HTMLElement | Element}
+ * @param {TouchEvent} e the `Event` object
function carouselTouchDownHandler(e) {
const element = this;
const self = getCarouselInstance(element);
- // @ts-ignore
if (!self || self.isTouch) { return; }
- // @ts-ignore
startX = e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
// @ts-ignore
if (element.contains( {
- // @ts-ignore
self.isTouch = true;
toggleCarouselTouchHandlers(self, true);
@@ -976,21 +1260,19 @@
* Handles the `touchmove` event for the `Carousel` element.
- * @this {Element}
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @this {HTMLElement | Element}
+ * @param {TouchEvent} e
function carouselTouchMoveHandler(e) {
- // @ts-ignore
const { changedTouches, type } = e;
const self = getCarouselInstance(this);
- // @ts-ignore
if (!self || !self.isTouch) { return; }
currentX = changedTouches[0].pageX;
// cancel touch if more than one changedTouches detected
- if (type === 'touchmove' && changedTouches.length > 1) {
+ if (type === touchmoveEvent && changedTouches.length > 1) {
@@ -998,20 +1280,18 @@
* Handles the `touchend` event for the `Carousel` element.
- * @this {Element}
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @this {HTMLElement | Element}
+ * @param {TouchEvent} e
function carouselTouchEndHandler(e) {
const element = this;
const self = getCarouselInstance(element);
- // @ts-ignore
if (!self || !self.isTouch) { return; }
- // @ts-ignore
endX = currentX || e.changedTouches[0].pageX;
- // @ts-ignore
if (self.isTouch) {
// the event target is outside the carousel OR carousel doens't include the related target
// @ts-ignore
@@ -1021,16 +1301,12 @@
} // OR determine next index to slide to
if (currentX < startX) {
- // @ts-ignore
self.index += 1;
} else if (currentX > startX) {
- // @ts-ignore
self.index -= 1;
- // @ts-ignore
self.isTouch = false;
- // @ts-ignore; // do the slide
toggleCarouselTouchHandlers(self); // remove touch events handlers
@@ -1045,10 +1321,9 @@
* @param {number} pageIndex the index of the new active indicator
function activateCarouselIndicator(self, pageIndex) {
- // @ts-ignore
const { indicators } = self;
- Array.from(indicators).forEach((x) => removeClass(x, activeClass));
- // @ts-ignore
+ [...indicators].forEach((x) => removeClass(x, activeClass));
if (self.indicators[pageIndex]) addClass(indicators[pageIndex], activeClass);
@@ -1059,11 +1334,9 @@
function toggleCarouselTouchHandlers(self, add) {
const { element } = self;
- const action = add ? addEventListener : removeEventListener;
- // @ts-ignore
- element[action]('touchmove', carouselTouchMoveHandler, passiveHandler);
- // @ts-ignore
- element[action]('touchend', carouselTouchEndHandler, passiveHandler);
+ const action = add ? on : off;
+ action(element, touchmoveEvent, carouselTouchMoveHandler, passiveHandler);
+ action(element, touchendEvent, carouselTouchEndHandler, passiveHandler);
@@ -1073,39 +1346,37 @@
function toggleCarouselHandlers(self, add) {
const {
- // @ts-ignore
- element, options, slides, controls, indicator,
+ element, options, slides, controls, indicators,
} = self;
const {
touch, pause, interval, keyboard,
} = options;
- const action = add ? addEventListener : removeEventListener;
+ const action = add ? on : off;
if (pause && interval) {
- // @ts-ignore
- element[action]('mouseenter', carouselPauseHandler);
- // @ts-ignore
- element[action]('mouseleave', carouselResumeHandler);
- // @ts-ignore
- element[action]('touchstart', carouselPauseHandler, passiveHandler);
- // @ts-ignore
- element[action]('touchend', carouselResumeHandler, passiveHandler);
+ action(element, mouseenterEvent, carouselPauseHandler);
+ action(element, mouseleaveEvent, carouselResumeHandler);
+ action(element, touchstartEvent, carouselPauseHandler, passiveHandler);
+ action(element, touchendEvent, carouselResumeHandler, passiveHandler);
if (touch && slides.length > 1) {
- // @ts-ignore
- element[action]('touchstart', carouselTouchDownHandler, passiveHandler);
+ action(element, touchstartEvent, carouselTouchDownHandler, passiveHandler);
- controls.forEach((arrow) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- if (arrow) arrow[action]('click', carouselControlsHandler);
- });
+ if (controls.length) {
+ controls.forEach((arrow) => {
+ if (arrow) action(arrow, mouseclickEvent, carouselControlsHandler);
+ });
+ }
+ if (indicators.length) {
+ indicators.forEach((indicator) => {
+ action(indicator, mouseclickEvent, carouselIndicatorHandler);
+ });
+ }
// @ts-ignore
- if (indicator) indicator[action]('click', carouselIndicatorHandler);
- // @ts-ignore
- if (keyboard) window[action]('keydown', carouselKeyHandler);
+ if (keyboard) action(getWindow(element), keydownEvent, carouselKeyHandler);
@@ -1114,10 +1385,10 @@
* @returns {number} the query result
function getActiveIndex(self) {
- // @ts-ignore
const { slides, element } = self;
- return Array.from(slides)
- .indexOf(element.getElementsByClassName(`${carouselItem} ${activeClass}`)[0]) || 0;
+ const activeItem = querySelector(`.${carouselItem}.${activeClass}`, element);
+ // @ts-ignore
+ return [...slides].indexOf(activeItem);
@@ -1125,7 +1396,7 @@
/** Creates a new `Carousel` instance. */
class Carousel extends BaseComponent {
- * @param {Element | string} target mostly a `.carousel` element
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target mostly a `.carousel` element
* @param {BSN.Options.Carousel=} config instance options
constructor(target, config) {
@@ -1134,42 +1405,38 @@
const self = this;
// additional properties
- /** @private @type {any?} */
- self.timer = null;
- /** @private @type {string} */
- self.direction = 'left';
- /** @private @type {boolean} */
- self.isPaused = false;
- /** @private @type {boolean} */
- self.isAnimating = false;
- /** @private @type {number} */
+ /** @type {string} */
+ self.direction = isRTL() ? 'right' : 'left';
+ /** @type {number} */
self.index = 0;
- /** @private @type {boolean} */
+ /** @type {boolean} */
self.isTouch = false;
// initialization element
const { element } = self;
// carousel elements
// a LIVE collection is prefferable
- /** @private @type {HTMLCollection} */
- self.slides = element.getElementsByClassName(carouselItem);
+ self.slides = getElementsByClassName(carouselItem, element);
const { slides } = self;
// invalidate when not enough items
// no need to go further
if (slides.length < 2) { return; }
- /** @private @type {[?Element, ?Element]} */
self.controls = [
- queryElement(`.${carouselControl}-prev`, element),
- queryElement(`.${carouselControl}-next`, element),
+ ...querySelectorAll(`[${dataBsSlide}]`, element),
+ ...querySelectorAll(`[${dataBsSlide}][${dataBsTarget}="#${}"]`),
+ /** @type {(HTMLElement | Element)?} */
+ self.indicator = querySelector(`.${carouselString}-indicators`, element);
// a LIVE collection is prefferable
- /** @private @type {Element?} */
- self.indicator = queryElement('.carousel-indicators', element);
- /** @private @type {NodeList | any[]} */
- self.indicators = (self.indicator && self.indicator.querySelectorAll(`[${dataBsSlideTo}]`)) || [];
+ /** @type {(HTMLElement | Element)[]} */
+ self.indicators = [
+ ...(self.indicator ? querySelectorAll(`[${dataBsSlideTo}]`, self.indicator) : []),
+ ...querySelectorAll(`[${dataBsSlideTo}][${dataBsTarget}="#${}"]`),
+ ];
// set JavaScript and DATA API options
const { options } = self;
@@ -1205,39 +1472,45 @@
get defaults() { return carouselDefaults; }
/* eslint-enable */
+ /**
+ * Check if instance is paused.
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+ get isPaused() {
+ return hasClass(this.element, pausedClass);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if instance is animating.
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
+ get isAnimating() {
+ return querySelector(`.${carouselItem}-next,.${carouselItem}-prev`, this.element) !== null;
+ }
// =======================
/** Slide automatically through items. */
cycle() {
const self = this;
- const { isPaused, element, options } = self;
- if (self.timer) {
- clearInterval(self.timer);
- self.timer = null;
- }
+ const { element, options } = self;
- if (isPaused) {
- removeClass(element, pausedClass);
- self.isPaused = !isPaused;
- }
+ Timer.clear(element, carouselString);
- self.timer = setInterval(() => {
- if (isElementInScrollRange(element)) {
+ Timer.set(element, () => {
+ if (!self.isPaused && isElementInScrollRange(element)) {
self.index += 1;;
- }, options.interval);
+ }, options.interval, carouselString);
/** Pause the automatic cycle. */
pause() {
const self = this;
- const { element, options, isPaused } = self;
- if (options.interval && !isPaused) {
- clearInterval(self.timer);
- self.timer = null;
+ const { element, options } = self;
+ if (!self.isPaused && options.interval) {
addClass(element, pausedClass);
- self.isPaused = !isPaused;
@@ -1260,20 +1533,21 @@
to(idx) {
const self = this;
const {
- element, isAnimating, slides, options,
+ element, slides, options,
} = self;
const activeItem = getActiveIndex(self);
+ const RTL = isRTL();
let next = idx;
// when controled via methods, make sure to check again
// first return if we're on the same item #227
- if (isAnimating || activeItem === next) return;
+ if (self.isAnimating || activeItem === next) return;
// determine transition direction
if ((activeItem < next) || (activeItem === 0 && next === slides.length - 1)) {
- self.direction = 'left'; // next
+ self.direction = RTL ? 'right' : 'left'; // next
} else if ((activeItem > next) || (activeItem === slides.length - 1 && next === 0)) {
- self.direction = 'right'; // prev
+ self.direction = RTL ? 'left' : 'right'; // prev
const { direction } = self;
@@ -1292,43 +1566,39 @@
// update event properties
- Object.assign(carouselSlideEvent, eventProperties);
- Object.assign(carouselSlidEvent, eventProperties);
+ ObjectAssign(carouselSlideEvent, eventProperties);
+ ObjectAssign(carouselSlidEvent, eventProperties);
// discontinue when prevented
- element.dispatchEvent(carouselSlideEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, carouselSlideEvent);
if (carouselSlideEvent.defaultPrevented) return;
// update index
self.index = next;
- clearInterval(self.timer);
- self.timer = null;
- self.isAnimating = true;
activateCarouselIndicator(self, next);
if (getElementTransitionDuration(slides[next]) && hasClass(element, 'slide')) {
- addClass(slides[next], `${carouselItem}-${orientation}`);
- reflow(slides[next]);
- addClass(slides[next], `${carouselItem}-${directionClass}`);
- addClass(slides[activeItem], `${carouselItem}-${directionClass}`);
- emulateTransitionEnd(slides[next], () => carouselTransitionEndHandler(self));
+ Timer.set(element, () => {
+ addClass(slides[next], `${carouselItem}-${orientation}`);
+ reflow(slides[next]);
+ addClass(slides[next], `${carouselItem}-${directionClass}`);
+ addClass(slides[activeItem], `${carouselItem}-${directionClass}`);
+ emulateTransitionEnd(slides[next], () => carouselTransitionEndHandler(self));
+ }, 17, dataBsSlide);
} else {
addClass(slides[next], activeClass);
removeClass(slides[activeItem], activeClass);
- setTimeout(() => {
- self.isAnimating = false;
+ Timer.set(element, () => {
+ Timer.clear(element, dataBsSlide);
// check for element, might have been disposed
- if (element && options.interval && !hasClass(element, pausedClass)) {
+ if (element && options.interval && !self.isPaused) {
- element.dispatchEvent(carouselSlidEvent);
- }, 17);
+ dispatchEvent(element, carouselSlidEvent);
+ }, 17, dataBsSlide);
@@ -1338,18 +1608,17 @@
const { slides } = self;
const itemClasses = ['start', 'end', 'prev', 'next'];
- Array.from(slides).forEach((slide, idx) => {
+ [...slides].forEach((slide, idx) => {
if (hasClass(slide, activeClass)) activateCarouselIndicator(self, idx);
itemClasses.forEach((c) => removeClass(slide, `${carouselItem}-${c}`));
- clearInterval(self.timer);
- Object.assign(Carousel, {
+ ObjectAssign(Carousel, {
selector: carouselSelector,
init: carouselInitCallback,
getInstance: getCarouselInstance,
@@ -1367,36 +1636,6 @@
const collapsingClass = 'collapsing';
- /**
- * Global namespace for most components `target` option.
- */
- const dataBsTarget = 'data-bs-target';
- /**
- * Global namespace for most components `parent` option.
- */
- const dataBsParent = 'data-bs-parent';
- /**
- * Global namespace for most components `container` option.
- */
- const dataBsContainer = 'data-bs-container';
- // @ts-nocheck
- /**
- * Returns the `Element` that THIS one targets
- * via `data-bs-target`, `href`, `data-bs-parent` or `data-bs-container`.
- *
- * @param {Element} element the target element
- * @returns {Element?} the query result
- */
- function getTargetElement(element) {
- return queryElement(element.getAttribute(dataBsTarget) || element.getAttribute('href'))
- || element.closest(element.getAttribute(dataBsParent))
- || queryElement(element.getAttribute(dataBsContainer));
- }
/* Native JavaScript for Bootstrap 5 | Collapse
----------------------------------------------- */
@@ -1437,17 +1676,14 @@
function expandCollapse(self) {
const {
- // @ts-ignore
element, parent, triggers,
} = self;
- element.dispatchEvent(showCollapseEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, showCollapseEvent);
if (showCollapseEvent.defaultPrevented) return;
- // @ts-ignore
- self.isAnimating = true;
- // @ts-ignore
- if (parent) parent.isAnimating = true;
+ Timer.set(element, () => {}, 17);
+ if (parent) Timer.set(parent, () => {}, 17);
addClass(element, collapsingClass);
removeClass(element, collapseString);
@@ -1456,12 +1692,10 @@ = `${element.scrollHeight}px`;
emulateTransitionEnd(element, () => {
- // @ts-ignore
- self.isAnimating = false;
- // @ts-ignore
- if (parent) parent.isAnimating = false;
+ Timer.clear(element);
+ if (parent) Timer.clear(parent);
- triggers.forEach((btn) => btn.setAttribute(ariaExpanded, 'true'));
+ triggers.forEach((btn) => setAttribute(btn, ariaExpanded, 'true'));
removeClass(element, collapsingClass);
addClass(element, collapseString);
@@ -1470,7 +1704,7 @@
// @ts-ignore = '';
- element.dispatchEvent(shownCollapseEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, shownCollapseEvent);
@@ -1484,14 +1718,12 @@
element, parent, triggers,
} = self;
- element.dispatchEvent(hideCollapseEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, hideCollapseEvent);
if (hideCollapseEvent.defaultPrevented) return;
- // @ts-ignore
- self.isAnimating = true;
- // @ts-ignore
- if (parent) parent.isAnimating = true;
+ Timer.set(element, () => {}, 17);
+ if (parent) Timer.set(parent, () => {}, 17);
// @ts-ignore = `${element.scrollHeight}px`;
@@ -1505,12 +1737,10 @@ = '0px';
emulateTransitionEnd(element, () => {
- // @ts-ignore
- self.isAnimating = false;
- // @ts-ignore
- if (parent) parent.isAnimating = false;
+ Timer.clear(element);
+ if (parent) Timer.clear(parent);
- triggers.forEach((btn) => btn.setAttribute(ariaExpanded, 'false'));
+ triggers.forEach((btn) => setAttribute(btn, ariaExpanded, 'false'));
removeClass(element, collapsingClass);
addClass(element, collapseString);
@@ -1518,7 +1748,7 @@
// @ts-ignore = '';
- element.dispatchEvent(hiddenCollapseEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, hiddenCollapseEvent);
@@ -1528,13 +1758,11 @@
* @param {boolean=} add when `true`, the event listener is added
function toggleCollapseHandler(self, add) {
- const action = add ? addEventListener : removeEventListener;
- // @ts-ignore
+ const action = add ? on : off;
const { triggers } = self;
if (triggers.length) {
- // @ts-ignore
- triggers.forEach((btn) => btn[action]('click', collapseClickHandler));
+ triggers.forEach((btn) => action(btn, mouseclickEvent, collapseClickHandler));
@@ -1542,13 +1770,12 @@
// ======================
* Handles the `click` event for the `Collapse` instance.
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e the `Event` object
function collapseClickHandler(e) {
- const { target } = e;
- // @ts-ignore
- const trigger = target.closest(collapseToggleSelector);
- const element = getTargetElement(trigger);
+ const { target } = e; // @ts-ignore - our target is `HTMLElement`
+ const trigger = target && closest(target, collapseToggleSelector);
+ const element = trigger && getTargetElement(trigger);
const self = element && getCollapseInstance(element);
if (self) self.toggle();
@@ -1562,7 +1789,7 @@
/** Returns a new `Colapse` instance. */
class Collapse extends BaseComponent {
- * @param {Element | string} target and `Element` that matches the selector
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target and `Element` that matches the selector
* @param {BSN.Options.Collapse=} config instance options
constructor(target, config) {
@@ -1574,20 +1801,13 @@
const { element, options } = self;
// set triggering elements
- /** @private @type {Element[]} */
- self.triggers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(collapseToggleSelector))
+ /** @type {(HTMLElement | Element)[]} */
+ self.triggers = [...querySelectorAll(collapseToggleSelector)]
.filter((btn) => getTargetElement(btn) === element);
// set parent accordion
- /** @private @type {Element?} */
- self.parent = queryElement(options.parent);
- const { parent } = self;
- // set initial state
- /** @private @type {boolean} */
- self.isAnimating = false;
- // @ts-ignore
- if (parent) parent.isAnimating = false;
+ /** @type {(HTMLElement | Element)?} */
+ self.parent = querySelector(options.parent);
// add event listeners
toggleCollapseHandler(self, true);
@@ -1618,8 +1838,8 @@
/** Hides the collapse. */
hide() {
const self = this;
- const { triggers, isAnimating } = self;
- if (isAnimating) return;
+ const { triggers, element } = self;
+ if (Timer.get(element)) return;
if (triggers.length) {
@@ -1631,19 +1851,18 @@
show() {
const self = this;
const {
- element, parent, triggers, isAnimating,
+ element, parent, triggers,
} = self;
let activeCollapse;
let activeCollapseInstance;
if (parent) {
- activeCollapse = Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll(`.${collapseString}.${showClass}`))
+ activeCollapse = [...querySelectorAll(`.${collapseString}.${showClass}`, parent)]
.find((i) => getCollapseInstance(i));
activeCollapseInstance = activeCollapse && getCollapseInstance(activeCollapse);
- // @ts-ignore
- if ((!parent || (parent && !parent.isAnimating)) && !isAnimating) {
+ if ((!parent || (parent && !Timer.get(parent))) && !Timer.get(element)) {
if (activeCollapseInstance && activeCollapse !== element) {
activeCollapseInstance.triggers.forEach((btn) => {
@@ -1661,21 +1880,83 @@
/** Remove the `Collapse` component from the target `Element`. */
dispose() {
const self = this;
- const { parent } = self;
- // @ts-ignore
- if (parent) delete parent.isAnimating;
- Object.assign(Collapse, {
+ ObjectAssign(Collapse, {
selector: collapseSelector,
init: collapseInitCallback,
getInstance: getCollapseInstance,
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `focus` event.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const focusEvent = 'focus';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `keyup` event.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const keyupEvent = 'keyup';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `scroll` event.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const scrollEvent = 'scroll';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `resize` event.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const resizeEvent = 'resize';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `ArrowUp` key.
+ * @type {string} e.which = 38 equivalent
+ */
+ const keyArrowUp = 'ArrowUp';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `ArrowDown` key.
+ * @type {string} e.which = 40 equivalent
+ */
+ const keyArrowDown = 'ArrowDown';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for `Escape` key.
+ * @type {string} e.which = 27 equivalent
+ */
+ const keyEscape = 'Escape';
+ /**
+ * Shortcut for multiple uses of `` method.
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target element
+ * @param {Partial} styles attribute value
+ */
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const setElementStyle = (element, styles) => { ObjectAssign(, styles); };
+ /**
+ * Utility to focus an `HTMLElement` target.
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element is the target
+ */
+ // @ts-ignore -- `Element`s resulted from querySelector can focus too
+ const focus = (element) => element.focus();
+ /**
+ * Shortcut for `HTMLElement.hasAttribute()` method.
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target element
+ * @param {string} attribute attribute name
+ */
+ const hasAttribute = (element, attribute) => element.hasAttribute(attribute);
* Global namespace for `Dropdown` types / classes.
@@ -1690,23 +1971,16 @@
* Checks if an ** or its parent has an `href="#"` value.
* We need to prevent jumping around onclick, don't we?
- * @param {Element} elem the target element
+ * @param {HTMLElement | HTMLAnchorElement | EventTarget} element the target element
* @returns {boolean} the query result
- function isEmptyAnchor(elem) {
- const parentAnchor = elem.closest('A');
- // anchor href starts with #
- return elem && ((elem.hasAttribute('href') && elem.href.slice(-1) === '#')
- // OR a child of an anchor with href starts with #
- || (parentAnchor && parentAnchor.hasAttribute('href') && parentAnchor.href.slice(-1) === '#'));
- }
- /**
- * Points the focus to a specific element.
- * @param {Element} element target
- */
- function setFocus(element) {
- element.focus();
+ function isEmptyAnchor(element) {
+ // @ts-ignore -- `EventTarget` must be `HTMLElement`
+ const parentAnchor = closest(element, 'A');
+ // @ts-ignore -- anchor href starts with #
+ return element && ((hasAttribute(element, 'href') && element.href.slice(-1) === '#')
+ // @ts-ignore -- OR a child of an anchor with href starts with #
+ || (parentAnchor && hasAttribute(parentAnchor, 'href') && parentAnchor.href.slice(-1) === '#'));
/* Native JavaScript for Bootstrap 5 | Dropdown
@@ -1714,7 +1988,12 @@
// ===================
- const [dropdownString] = dropdownMenuClasses;
+ const [
+ dropdownString,
+ dropupString,
+ dropstartString,
+ dropendString,
+ ] = dropdownMenuClasses;
const dropdownComponent = 'Dropdown';
const dropdownSelector = `[${dataBsToggle}="${dropdownString}"]`;
@@ -1734,13 +2013,10 @@
// ===================
- const dropupString = dropdownMenuClasses[1];
- const dropstartString = dropdownMenuClasses[2];
- const dropendString = dropdownMenuClasses[3];
const dropdownMenuEndClass = `${dropdownMenuClass}-end`;
- const hideMenuClass = ['d-block', 'invisible'];
const verticalClass = [dropdownString, dropupString];
const horizontalClass = [dropstartString, dropendString];
+ const menuFocusTags = ['A', 'BUTTON'];
const dropdownDefaults = {
offset: 5, // [number] 5(px)
@@ -1761,90 +2037,79 @@
* accomodate the layout and the page scroll.
* @param {Dropdown} self the `Dropdown` instance
- * @param {boolean=} show when `true` will have a different effect
- function styleDropdown(self, show) {
+ function styleDropdown(self) {
const {
- // @ts-ignore
- element, menu, originalClass, menuEnd, options,
+ element, menu, parentElement, options,
} = self;
const { offset } = options;
- const parent = element.parentElement;
+ // don't apply any style on mobile view
+ if (getElementStyle(menu, 'position') === 'static') return;
+ const RTL = isRTL(element);
+ const menuEnd = hasClass(parentElement, dropdownMenuEndClass);
// reset menu offset and position
const resetProps = ['margin', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'];
// @ts-ignore
resetProps.forEach((p) => {[p] = ''; });
- // @ts-ignore
- removeClass(parent, 'position-static');
- if (!show) {
- const menuEndNow = hasClass(menu, dropdownMenuEndClass);
- // @ts-ignore
- parent.className = originalClass.join(' ');
- if (menuEndNow && !menuEnd) removeClass(menu, dropdownMenuEndClass);
- else if (!menuEndNow && menuEnd) addClass(menu, dropdownMenuEndClass);
- return;
- }
// set initial position class
// take into account .btn-group parent as .dropdown
- let positionClass = dropdownMenuClasses.find((c) => originalClass.includes(c)) || dropdownString;
+ let positionClass = dropdownMenuClasses.find((c) => hasClass(parentElement, c)) || dropdownString;
+ /** @type {Record>} */
let dropdownMargin = {
dropdown: [offset, 0, 0],
dropup: [0, 0, offset],
- dropstart: [-1, offset, 0],
- dropend: [-1, 0, 0, offset],
+ dropstart: RTL ? [-1, 0, 0, offset] : [-1, offset, 0],
+ dropend: RTL ? [-1, offset, 0] : [-1, 0, 0, offset],
+ /** @type {Record>} */
const dropdownPosition = {
dropdown: { top: '100%' },
dropup: { top: 'auto', bottom: '100%' },
- dropstart: { left: 'auto', right: '100%' },
- dropend: { left: '100%', right: 'auto' },
- menuEnd: { right: 0, left: 'auto' },
+ dropstart: RTL ? { left: '100%', right: 'auto' } : { left: 'auto', right: '100%' },
+ dropend: RTL ? { left: 'auto', right: '100%' } : { left: '100%', right: 'auto' },
+ menuEnd: RTL ? { right: 'auto', left: 0 } : { right: 0, left: 'auto' },
- // force showing the menu to calculate its size
- hideMenuClass.forEach((c) => addClass(menu, c));
- const dropdownRegex = new RegExp(`\\b(${dropdownString}|${dropupString}|${dropstartString}|${dropendString})+`);
// @ts-ignore
- const elementDimensions = { w: element.offsetWidth, h: element.offsetHeight };
- // @ts-ignore
- const menuDimensions = { w: menu.offsetWidth, h: menu.offsetHeight };
- const HTML = document.documentElement;
- const BD = document.body;
- const windowWidth = (HTML.clientWidth || BD.clientWidth);
- const windowHeight = (HTML.clientHeight || BD.clientHeight);
- const targetBCR = element.getBoundingClientRect();
- // dropdownMenuEnd && [ dropdown | dropup ]
- const leftExceed = targetBCR.left + elementDimensions.w - menuDimensions.w < 0;
- // dropstart
- const leftFullExceed = targetBCR.left - menuDimensions.w < 0;
- // !dropdownMenuEnd && [ dropdown | dropup ]
- const rightExceed = targetBCR.left + menuDimensions.w >= windowWidth;
+ const { offsetWidth: menuWidth, offsetHeight: menuHeight } = menu;
+ const { clientWidth, clientHeight } = getDocumentElement(element);
+ const {
+ left: targetLeft, top: targetTop,
+ width: targetWidth, height: targetHeight,
+ } = getBoundingClientRect(element);
+ // dropstart | dropend
+ const leftFullExceed = targetLeft - menuWidth - offset < 0;
// dropend
- const rightFullExceed = targetBCR.left + menuDimensions.w + elementDimensions.w >= windowWidth;
+ const rightFullExceed = targetLeft + menuWidth + targetWidth + offset >= clientWidth;
// dropstart | dropend
- const bottomExceed = + menuDimensions.h >= windowHeight;
+ const bottomExceed = targetTop + menuHeight + offset >= clientHeight;
// dropdown
- const bottomFullExceed = + menuDimensions.h + elementDimensions.h >= windowHeight;
+ const bottomFullExceed = targetTop + menuHeight + targetHeight + offset >= clientHeight;
// dropup
- const topExceed = - menuDimensions.h < 0;
+ const topExceed = targetTop - menuHeight - offset < 0;
+ // dropdown / dropup
+ const leftExceed = ((!RTL && menuEnd) || (RTL && !menuEnd))
+ && targetLeft + targetWidth - menuWidth < 0;
+ const rightExceed = ((RTL && menuEnd) || (!RTL && !menuEnd))
+ && targetLeft + menuWidth >= clientWidth;
// recompute position
+ // handle RTL as well
if (horizontalClass.includes(positionClass) && leftFullExceed && rightFullExceed) {
positionClass = dropdownString;
- if (horizontalClass.includes(positionClass) && bottomExceed) {
- positionClass = dropupString;
- }
- if (positionClass === dropstartString && leftFullExceed && !bottomExceed) {
+ if (positionClass === dropstartString && (!RTL ? leftFullExceed : rightFullExceed)) {
positionClass = dropendString;
- if (positionClass === dropendString && rightFullExceed && !bottomExceed) {
+ if (positionClass === dropendString && (RTL ? leftFullExceed : rightFullExceed)) {
positionClass = dropstartString;
if (positionClass === dropupString && topExceed && !bottomFullExceed) {
@@ -1853,41 +2118,49 @@
if (positionClass === dropdownString && bottomFullExceed && !topExceed) {
positionClass = dropupString;
+ // override position for horizontal classes
+ if (horizontalClass.includes(positionClass) && bottomExceed) {
+ ObjectAssign(dropdownPosition[positionClass], {
+ top: 'auto', bottom: 0,
+ });
+ }
+ // override position for vertical classes
+ if (verticalClass.includes(positionClass) && (leftExceed || rightExceed)) {
+ // don't realign when menu is wider than window
+ // in both RTL and non-RTL readability is KING
+ if (targetLeft + targetWidth + Math.abs(menuWidth - targetWidth) + offset < clientWidth) {
+ ObjectAssign(dropdownPosition[positionClass],
+ leftExceed ? { left: 0, right: 'auto' } : { left: 'auto', right: 0 });
+ }
+ }
- // set spacing
- // @ts-ignore
dropdownMargin = dropdownMargin[positionClass];
// @ts-ignore = `${ => (x ? `${x}px` : x)).join(' ')}`;
- // @ts-ignore
- Object.keys(dropdownPosition[positionClass]).forEach((position) => {
- // @ts-ignore
-[position] = dropdownPosition[positionClass][position];
- });
- // update dropdown position class
- // @ts-ignore
- if (!hasClass(parent, positionClass)) {
- // @ts-ignore
- parent.className = parent.className.replace(dropdownRegex, positionClass);
- }
- // update dropdown / dropup to handle parent btn-group element
- // as well as the dropdown-menu-end utility class
- if (verticalClass.includes(positionClass)) {
- if (!menuEnd && rightExceed) addClass(menu, dropdownMenuEndClass);
- else if (menuEnd && leftExceed) removeClass(menu, dropdownMenuEndClass);
+ setElementStyle(menu, dropdownPosition[positionClass]);
- if (hasClass(menu, dropdownMenuEndClass)) {
- Object.keys(dropdownPosition.menuEnd).forEach((p) => {
- // @ts-ignore
-[p] = dropdownPosition.menuEnd[p];
- });
- }
+ // update dropdown-menu-end
+ if (hasClass(menu, dropdownMenuEndClass)) {
+ setElementStyle(menu, dropdownPosition.menuEnd);
+ }
- // remove util classes from the menu, we have its size
- hideMenuClass.forEach((c) => removeClass(menu, c));
+ /**
+ * Returns an `Array` of focusable items in the given dropdown-menu.
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} menu
+ * @returns {(HTMLElement | Element)[]}
+ */
+ function getMenuItems(menu) {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ return [].map((c) => {
+ if (c && menuFocusTags.includes(c.tagName)) return c;
+ const { firstElementChild } = c;
+ if (firstElementChild && menuFocusTags.includes(firstElementChild.tagName)) {
+ return firstElementChild;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }).filter((c) => c);
@@ -1897,23 +2170,20 @@
* @param {Dropdown} self the `Dropdown` instance
function toggleDropdownDismiss(self) {
- // @ts-ignore
- const action = ? addEventListener : removeEventListener;
+ const { element } = self;
+ const action = ? on : off;
+ const doc = getDocument(element);
- // @ts-ignore
- document[action]('click', dropdownDismissHandler);
- // @ts-ignore
- document[action]('focus', dropdownDismissHandler);
- // @ts-ignore
- document[action]('keydown', dropdownPreventScroll);
- // @ts-ignore
- document[action]('keyup', dropdownKeyHandler);
+ action(doc, mouseclickEvent, dropdownDismissHandler);
+ action(doc, focusEvent, dropdownDismissHandler);
+ action(doc, keydownEvent, dropdownPreventScroll);
+ action(doc, keyupEvent, dropdownKeyHandler);
if (self.options.display === 'dynamic') {
- // @ts-ignore
- window[action]('scroll', dropdownLayoutHandler, passiveHandler);
- // @ts-ignore
- window[action]('resize', dropdownLayoutHandler, passiveHandler);
+ [scrollEvent, resizeEvent].forEach((ev) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ action(getWindow(element), ev, dropdownLayoutHandler, passiveHandler);
+ });
@@ -1924,25 +2194,25 @@
* @param {boolean=} add when `true`, it will add the event listener
function toggleDropdownHandler(self, add) {
- const action = add ? addEventListener : removeEventListener;
- // @ts-ignore
- self.element[action]('click', dropdownClickHandler);
+ const action = add ? on : off;
+ action(self.element, mouseclickEvent, dropdownClickHandler);
* Returns the currently open `.dropdown` element.
- * @returns {Element?} the query result
+ * @param {(Document | HTMLElement | Element | globalThis)=} element target
+ * @returns {HTMLElement?} the query result
- function getCurrentOpenDropdown() {
+ function getCurrentOpenDropdown(element) {
const currentParent = [...dropdownMenuClasses, 'btn-group', 'input-group']
- .map((c) => document.getElementsByClassName(`${c} ${showClass}`))
+ .map((c) => getElementsByClassName(`${c} ${showClass}`), getDocument(element))
.find((x) => x.length);
if (currentParent && currentParent.length) {
- // @ts-ignore
- return Array.from(currentParent[0].children)
- .find((x) => x.hasAttribute(dataBsToggle));
+ // @ts-ignore -- HTMLElement is also Element
+ return [...currentParent[0].children]
+ .find((x) => hasAttribute(x, dataBsToggle));
return null;
@@ -1952,33 +2222,35 @@
* Handles the `click` event for the `Dropdown` instance.
- * @param {Event} e event object
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e event object
+ * @this {Document}
function dropdownDismissHandler(e) {
const { target, type } = e;
// @ts-ignore
- if (!target.closest) return; // some weird FF bug #409
+ if (!target || !target.closest) return; // some weird FF bug #409
- const element = getCurrentOpenDropdown();
+ // @ts-ignore
+ const element = getCurrentOpenDropdown(target);
if (!element) return;
const self = getDropdownInstance(element);
- const parent = element.parentNode;
- // @ts-ignore
- const menu = self &&;
+ if (!self) return;
+ const { parentElement, menu } = self;
// @ts-ignore
- const hasData = target.closest(dropdownSelector) !== null;
+ const hasData = closest(target, dropdownSelector) !== null;
// @ts-ignore
- const isForm = parent && parent.contains(target)
+ const isForm = parentElement && parentElement.contains(target)
// @ts-ignore
- && (target.tagName === 'form' || target.closest('form') !== null);
+ && (target.tagName === 'form' || closest(target, 'form') !== null);
// @ts-ignore
- if (type === 'click' && isEmptyAnchor(target)) {
+ if (type === mouseclickEvent && isEmptyAnchor(target)) {
- if (type === 'focus' // @ts-ignore
+ if (type === focusEvent // @ts-ignore
&& (target === element || target === menu || menu.contains(target))) {
@@ -1990,87 +2262,78 @@
* Handles `click` event listener for `Dropdown`.
- * @this {Element}
- * @param {Event} e event object
+ * @this {HTMLElement | Element}
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e event object
function dropdownClickHandler(e) {
const element = this;
+ const { target } = e;
const self = getDropdownInstance(element);
- self.toggle();
- // @ts-ignore
- if (isEmptyAnchor( e.preventDefault();
+ if (self) {
+ self.toggle();
+ if (target && isEmptyAnchor(target)) e.preventDefault();
+ }
* Prevents scroll when dropdown-menu is visible.
- * @param {Event} e event object
+ * @param {KeyboardEvent} e event object
function dropdownPreventScroll(e) {
- // @ts-ignore
- if (e.which === 38 || e.which === 40) e.preventDefault();
+ if ([keyArrowDown, keyArrowUp].includes(e.code)) e.preventDefault();
* Handles keyboard `keydown` events for `Dropdown`.
- * @param {{which: number}} e keyboard key
+ * @param {KeyboardEvent} e keyboard key
+ * @this {Document}
- function dropdownKeyHandler({ which }) {
- const element = getCurrentOpenDropdown();
- // @ts-ignore
- const self = getDropdownInstance(element);
- // @ts-ignore
- const { menu, menuItems, open } = self;
- const activeItem = document.activeElement;
- const isSameElement = activeItem === element;
- const isInsideMenu = menu.contains(activeItem);
- // @ts-ignore
- const isMenuItem = activeItem.parentNode === menu || activeItem.parentNode.parentNode === menu;
- // @ts-ignore
- let idx = menuItems.indexOf(activeItem);
- if (isMenuItem) { // navigate up | down
- if (isSameElement) {
+ function dropdownKeyHandler(e) {
+ const { code } = e;
+ const element = getCurrentOpenDropdown(this);
+ const self = element && getDropdownInstance(element);
+ const activeItem = element && getDocument(element).activeElement;
+ if (!self || !activeItem) return;
+ const { menu, open } = self;
+ const menuItems = getMenuItems(menu);
+ // arrow up & down
+ if (menuItems && menuItems.length) {
+ let idx = menuItems.indexOf(activeItem);
+ if (activeItem === element) {
idx = 0;
- } else if (which === 38) {
+ } else if (code === keyArrowUp) {
idx = idx > 1 ? idx - 1 : 0;
- } else if (which === 40) {
+ } else if (code === keyArrowDown) {
idx = idx < menuItems.length - 1 ? idx + 1 : idx;
- if (menuItems[idx]) setFocus(menuItems[idx]);
+ if (menuItems[idx]) focus(menuItems[idx]);
- if (((menuItems.length && isMenuItem) // menu has items
- || (!menuItems.length && (isInsideMenu || isSameElement)) // menu might be a form
- || !isInsideMenu) // or the focused element is not in the menu at all
- && open && which === 27 // menu must be open
- ) {
+ if (keyEscape === code && open) {
+ focus(element);
+ * @this {globalThis}
* @returns {void}
function dropdownLayoutHandler() {
- const element = getCurrentOpenDropdown();
+ const element = getCurrentOpenDropdown(this);
const self = element && getDropdownInstance(element);
- // @ts-ignore
- if (self && styleDropdown(self, true);
+ if (self && styleDropdown(self);
// ===================
- /**
- * Returns a new Dropdown instance.
- * @implements {BaseComponent}
- */
+ /** Returns a new Dropdown instance. */
class Dropdown extends BaseComponent {
- * @param {Element | string} target Element or string selector
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target Element or string selector
* @param {BSN.Options.Dropdown=} config the instance options
constructor(target, config) {
@@ -2080,32 +2343,18 @@
// initialization element
const { element } = self;
+ const { parentElement } = element;
// set targets
- const { parentElement } = element;
- /** @private @type {Element} */
+ /** @type {(Element | HTMLElement)} */
// @ts-ignore
- = queryElement(`.${dropdownMenuClass}`, parentElement);
- const { menu } = self;
- /** @private @type {string[]} */
+ self.parentElement = parentElement;
+ /** @type {(Element | HTMLElement)} */
// @ts-ignore
- self.originalClass = Array.from(parentElement.classList);
- // set original position
- /** @private @type {boolean} */
- self.menuEnd = hasClass(menu, dropdownMenuEndClass);
- /** @private @type {Element[]} */
- self.menuItems = [];
- Array.from(menu.children).forEach((child) => {
- if (child.children.length && (child.children[0].tagName === 'A')) self.menuItems.push(child.children[0]);
- if (child.tagName === 'A') self.menuItems.push(child);
- });
+ = querySelector(`.${dropdownMenuClass}`, parentElement);
// set initial state to closed
- /** @private @type {boolean} */
+ /** @type {boolean} */ = false;
// add event listener
@@ -2138,99 +2387,201 @@
/** Shows the dropdown menu to the user. */
show() {
const self = this;
- const currentParent = queryElement(dropdownMenuClasses.concat('btn-group', 'input-group').map((c) => `.${c}.${showClass}`).join(','));
- const currentElement = currentParent && queryElement(dropdownSelector, currentParent);
- if (currentElement) getDropdownInstance(currentElement).hide();
+ const {
+ element, open, menu, parentElement,
+ } = self;
- const { element, menu, open } = self;
- const { parentElement } = element;
+ const currentElement = getCurrentOpenDropdown(element);
+ const currentInstance = currentElement && getDropdownInstance(currentElement);
+ if (currentInstance) currentInstance.hide();
// dispatch
[showDropdownEvent, shownDropdownEvent].forEach((e) => { e.relatedTarget = element; });
- // @ts-ignore
- parentElement.dispatchEvent(showDropdownEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(parentElement, showDropdownEvent);
if (showDropdownEvent.defaultPrevented) return;
- // change menu position
- styleDropdown(self, true);
addClass(menu, showClass);
- // @ts-ignore
addClass(parentElement, showClass);
+ setAttribute(element, ariaExpanded, 'true');
+ // change menu position
+ styleDropdown(self);
- element.setAttribute(ariaExpanded, 'true'); = !open;
setTimeout(() => {
- setFocus(element); // focus the element
+ focus(element); // focus the element
- // @ts-ignore
- parentElement.dispatchEvent(shownDropdownEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(parentElement, shownDropdownEvent);
}, 1);
/** Hides the dropdown menu from the user. */
hide() {
const self = this;
- const { element, menu, open } = self;
- const { parentElement } = element;
- // @ts-ignore
+ const {
+ element, open, menu, parentElement,
+ } = self;
[hideDropdownEvent, hiddenDropdownEvent].forEach((e) => { e.relatedTarget = element; });
- // @ts-ignore
- parentElement.dispatchEvent(hideDropdownEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(parentElement, hideDropdownEvent);
if (hideDropdownEvent.defaultPrevented) return;
removeClass(menu, showClass);
- // @ts-ignore
removeClass(parentElement, showClass);
+ setAttribute(element, ariaExpanded, 'false');
- // revert to original position
- styleDropdown(self);
- element.setAttribute(ariaExpanded, 'false'); = !open;
// only re-attach handler if the instance is not disposed
setTimeout(() => toggleDropdownDismiss(self), 1);
- // @ts-ignore
- parentElement.dispatchEvent(hiddenDropdownEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(parentElement, hiddenDropdownEvent);
/** Removes the `Dropdown` component from the target element. */
dispose() {
const self = this;
- const { element } = self;
+ const { parentElement } = self;
- // @ts-ignore
- if (hasClass(element.parentNode, showClass) && self.hide();
+ if (hasClass(parentElement, showClass) && self.hide();
- super.dispose();
+ super.dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ ObjectAssign(Dropdown, {
+ selector: dropdownSelector,
+ init: dropdownInitCallback,
+ getInstance: getDropdownInstance,
+ });
+ /**
+ * Shortcut for `HTMLElement.removeAttribute()` method.
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target element
+ * @param {string} attribute attribute name
+ */
+ const removeAttribute = (element, attribute) => element.removeAttribute(attribute);
+ /**
+ * Returns the `document.body` or the `` element.
+ *
+ * @param {(Node | HTMLElement | Element | globalThis)=} node
+ * @returns {HTMLElement | HTMLBodyElement}
+ */
+ function getDocumentBody(node) {
+ return getDocument(node).body;
+ }
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for aria-hidden.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const ariaHidden = 'aria-hidden';
+ /**
+ * A global namespace for aria-modal.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ const ariaModal = 'aria-modal';
+ /**
+ * Check if target is a `ShadowRoot`.
+ *
+ * @param {any} element target
+ * @returns {boolean} the query result
+ */
+ const isShadowRoot = (element) => {
+ const OwnElement = getWindow(element).ShadowRoot;
+ return element instanceof OwnElement || element instanceof ShadowRoot;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Returns the `parentNode` also going through `ShadowRoot`.
+ * @see
+ *
+ * @param {Node | HTMLElement | Element} node the target node
+ * @returns {Node | HTMLElement | Element} the apropriate parent node
+ */
+ function getParentNode(node) {
+ if (node.nodeName === 'HTML') {
+ return node;
+ }
+ // this is a quicker (but less type safe) way to save quite some bytes from the bundle
+ return (
+ // @ts-ignore
+ node.assignedSlot // step into the shadow DOM of the parent of a slotted node
+ || node.parentNode // @ts-ignore DOM Element detected
+ || (isShadowRoot(node) ? : null) // ShadowRoot detected
+ || getDocumentElement(node) // fallback
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check if a target element is a ``, `` or ` | `.
+ * @param {any} element the target element
+ * @returns {boolean} the query result
+ */
+ const isTableElement = (element) => ['TABLE', 'TD', 'TH'].includes(element.tagName);
+ /**
+ * Returns an `HTMLElement` to be used as default value for *options.container*
+ * for `Tooltip` / `Popover` components.
+ *
+ * When `getOffset` is *true*, it returns the `offsetParent` for tooltip/popover
+ * offsets computation similar to **floating-ui**.
+ * @see
+ *
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element the target
+ * @param {boolean=} getOffset when *true* it will return an `offsetParent`
+ * @returns {HTMLElement | HTMLBodyElement | Window} the query result
+ */
+ function getElementContainer(element, getOffset) {
+ const majorBlockTags = ['HTML', 'BODY'];
+ if (getOffset) {
+ /** @type {any} */
+ let { offsetParent } = element;
+ while (offsetParent && isTableElement(offsetParent)
+ && getElementStyle(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static'
+ && offsetParent instanceof HTMLElement
+ && getElementStyle(offsetParent, 'position') !== 'fixed') {
+ offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
+ }
+ if (!offsetParent || (offsetParent
+ && (majorBlockTags.includes(offsetParent.tagName)
+ && getElementStyle(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static'))) {
+ offsetParent = getWindow(element);
+ }
+ return offsetParent;
- }
- Object.assign(Dropdown, {
- selector: dropdownSelector,
- init: dropdownInitCallback,
- getInstance: getDropdownInstance,
- });
+ /** @type {(HTMLElement)[]} */
+ const containers = [];
+ /** @type {any} */
+ let { parentNode } = element;
- /**
- * A global namespace for aria-hidden.
- * @type {string}
- */
- const ariaHidden = 'aria-hidden';
+ while (parentNode && !majorBlockTags.includes(parentNode.nodeName)) {
+ parentNode = getParentNode(parentNode);
+ if (!(isShadowRoot(parentNode) || !!parentNode.shadowRoot
+ || isTableElement(parentNode))) {
+ containers.push(parentNode);
+ }
+ }
- /**
- * A global namespace for aria-modal.
- * @type {string}
- */
- const ariaModal = 'aria-modal';
+ return containers.find((c, i) => {
+ if (getElementStyle(c, 'position') !== 'relative'
+ && containers.slice(i + 1).every((r) => getElementStyle(r, 'position') === 'static')) {
+ return c;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }) || getDocumentBody(element);
+ }
* Global namespace for components `fixed-top` class.
@@ -2247,28 +2598,40 @@
const stickyTopClass = 'sticky-top';
- const fixedItems = [
- ...document.getElementsByClassName(fixedTopClass),
- ...document.getElementsByClassName(fixedBottomClass),
- ...document.getElementsByClassName(stickyTopClass),
- ...document.getElementsByClassName('is-fixed'),
+ /**
+ * Global namespace for components `position-sticky` class.
+ */
+ const positionStickyClass = 'position-sticky';
+ /** @param {(HTMLElement | Element | Document)=} parent */
+ const getFixedItems = (parent) => [
+ ...getElementsByClassName(fixedTopClass, parent),
+ ...getElementsByClassName(fixedBottomClass, parent),
+ ...getElementsByClassName(stickyTopClass, parent),
+ ...getElementsByClassName(positionStickyClass, parent),
+ ...getElementsByClassName('is-fixed', parent),
* Removes *padding* and *overflow* from the ``
* and all spacing from fixed items.
+ * @param {(HTMLElement | Element)=} element the target modal/offcanvas
- function resetScrollbar() {
- const bd = document.body;
- = '';
- = '';
+ function resetScrollbar(element) {
+ const bd = getDocumentBody(element);
+ setElementStyle(bd, {
+ paddingRight: '',
+ overflow: '',
+ });
+ const fixedItems = getFixedItems(bd);
if (fixedItems.length) {
fixedItems.forEach((fixed) => {
- // @ts-ignore
- = '';
- // @ts-ignore
- = '';
+ setElementStyle(fixed, {
+ paddingRight: '',
+ marginRight: '',
+ });
@@ -2276,39 +2639,42 @@
* Returns the scrollbar width if the body does overflow
* the window.
+ * @param {(HTMLElement | Element)=} element
* @returns {number} the value
- function measureScrollbar() {
- const { clientWidth } = document.documentElement;
- return Math.abs(window.innerWidth - clientWidth);
+ function measureScrollbar(element) {
+ const { clientWidth } = getDocumentElement(element);
+ const { innerWidth } = getWindow(element);
+ return Math.abs(innerWidth - clientWidth);
* Sets the `` and fixed items style when modal / offcanvas
* is shown to the user.
- * @param {number} scrollbarWidth the previously measured scrollbar width
- * @param {boolean | number} overflow body does overflow or not
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element the target modal/offcanvas
+ * @param {boolean=} overflow body does overflow or not
- function setScrollbar(scrollbarWidth, overflow) {
- const bd = document.body;
- const bdStyle = getComputedStyle(bd);
- const bodyPad = parseInt(bdStyle.paddingRight, 10);
- const isOpen = bdStyle.overflow === 'hidden';
- const sbWidth = isOpen && bodyPad ? 0 : scrollbarWidth;
+ function setScrollbar(element, overflow) {
+ const bd = getDocumentBody(element);
+ const bodyPad = parseInt(getElementStyle(bd, 'paddingRight'), 10);
+ const isOpen = getElementStyle(bd, 'overflow') === 'hidden';
+ const sbWidth = isOpen && bodyPad ? 0 : measureScrollbar(element);
+ const fixedItems = getFixedItems(bd);
if (overflow) {
- = 'hidden';
- = `${bodyPad + sbWidth}px`;
+ setElementStyle(bd, {
+ overflow: 'hidden',
+ paddingRight: `${bodyPad + sbWidth}px`,
+ });
if (fixedItems.length) {
fixedItems.forEach((fixed) => {
- const isSticky = hasClass(fixed, stickyTopClass);
- const itemPadValue = getComputedStyle(fixed).paddingRight;
+ const itemPadValue = getElementStyle(fixed, 'paddingRight');
// @ts-ignore = `${parseInt(itemPadValue, 10) + sbWidth}px`;
- if (isSticky) {
- const itemMValue = getComputedStyle(fixed).marginRight;
+ if ([stickyTopClass, positionStickyClass].some((c) => hasClass(fixed, c))) {
+ const itemMValue = getElementStyle(fixed, 'marginRight');
// @ts-ignore = `${parseInt(itemMValue, 10) - sbWidth}px`;
@@ -2321,14 +2687,17 @@
const offcanvasBackdropClass = 'offcanvas-backdrop';
const modalActiveSelector = `.modal.${showClass}`;
const offcanvasActiveSelector = `.offcanvas.${showClass}`;
- const overlay = document.createElement('div');
+ // any document would suffice
+ const overlay = getDocument().createElement('div');
* Returns the current active modal / offcancas element.
- * @returns {Element?} the requested element
+ * @param {(HTMLElement | Element)=} element the context element
+ * @returns {(HTMLElement | Element)?} the requested element
- function getCurrentOpen() {
- return queryElement(`${modalActiveSelector},${offcanvasActiveSelector}`);
+ function getCurrentOpen(element) {
+ return querySelector(`${modalActiveSelector},${offcanvasActiveSelector}`, getDocument(element));
@@ -2345,12 +2714,13 @@
* Append the overlay to DOM.
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} container
* @param {boolean} hasFade
* @param {boolean=} isModal
- function appendOverlay(hasFade, isModal) {
+ function appendOverlay(container, hasFade, isModal) {
- document.body.append(overlay);
+ container.append(overlay);
if (hasFade) addClass(overlay, fadeClass);
@@ -2371,17 +2741,23 @@
* Removes the overlay from DOM.
+ * @param {(HTMLElement | Element)=} element
- function removeOverlay() {
- if (!getCurrentOpen()) {
+ function removeOverlay(element) {
+ if (!getCurrentOpen(element)) {
removeClass(overlay, fadeClass);
- resetScrollbar();
+ resetScrollbar(element);
+ /**
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element} element target
+ * @returns {boolean}
+ */
function isVisible(element) {
- return getComputedStyle(element).visibility !== 'hidden'
+ return element && getElementStyle(element, 'visibility') !== 'hidden'
+ // @ts-ignore
&& element.offsetParent !== null;
@@ -2432,19 +2808,18 @@
* @param {Modal} self the `Modal` instance
function setModalScrollbar(self) {
- // @ts-ignore
- const { element, scrollbarWidth } = self;
- const bd = document.body;
- const html = document.documentElement;
- const bodyOverflow = html.clientHeight !== html.scrollHeight
- || bd.clientHeight !== bd.scrollHeight;
- const modalOverflow = element.clientHeight !== element.scrollHeight;
+ const { element } = self;
+ const scrollbarWidth = measureScrollbar(element);
+ const { clientHeight, scrollHeight } = getDocumentElement(element);
+ const { clientHeight: modalHeight, scrollHeight: modalScrollHeight } = element;
+ const modalOverflow = modalHeight !== modalScrollHeight;
if (!modalOverflow && scrollbarWidth) {
+ const pad = isRTL(element) ? 'paddingLeft' : 'paddingRight';
// @ts-ignore
- = `${scrollbarWidth}px`;
+[pad] = `${scrollbarWidth}px`;
- setScrollbar(scrollbarWidth, (modalOverflow || bodyOverflow));
+ setScrollbar(element, (modalOverflow || clientHeight !== scrollHeight));
@@ -2454,13 +2829,12 @@
* @param {boolean=} add when `true`, event listeners are added
function toggleModalDismiss(self, add) {
- const action = add ? addEventListener : removeEventListener;
- // @ts-ignore
- window[action]('resize', self.update, passiveHandler);
- // @ts-ignore
- self.element[action]('click', modalDismissHandler);
+ const action = add ? on : off;
+ const { element } = self;
+ action(element, mouseclickEvent, modalDismissHandler);
// @ts-ignore
- document[action]('keydown', modalKeyHandler);
+ action(getWindow(element), resizeEvent, self.update, passiveHandler);
+ action(getDocument(element), keydownEvent, modalKeyHandler);
@@ -2469,13 +2843,11 @@
* @param {boolean=} add when `true`, event listener is added
function toggleModalHandler(self, add) {
- const action = add ? addEventListener : removeEventListener;
- // @ts-ignore
+ const action = add ? on : off;
const { triggers } = self;
if (triggers.length) {
- // @ts-ignore
- triggers.forEach((btn) => btn[action]('click', modalClickHandler));
+ triggers.forEach((btn) => action(btn, mouseclickEvent, modalClickHandler));
@@ -2484,17 +2856,14 @@
* @param {Modal} self the `Modal` instance
function afterModalHide(self) {
+ const { triggers, element } = self;
+ removeOverlay(element);
// @ts-ignore
- const { triggers } = self;
- removeOverlay();
- // @ts-ignore
- = '';
- // @ts-ignore
- self.isAnimating = false;
+ = '';
if (triggers.length) {
const visibleTrigger = triggers.find((x) => isVisible(x));
- if (visibleTrigger) setFocus(visibleTrigger);
+ if (visibleTrigger) focus(visibleTrigger);
@@ -2503,17 +2872,12 @@
* @param {Modal} self the `Modal` instance
function afterModalShow(self) {
- // @ts-ignore
const { element, relatedTarget } = self;
- setFocus(element);
- // @ts-ignore
- self.isAnimating = false;
+ focus(element);
toggleModalDismiss(self, true);
- // @ts-ignore
shownModalEvent.relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
- element.dispatchEvent(shownModalEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, shownModalEvent);
@@ -2521,19 +2885,18 @@
* @param {Modal} self the `Modal` instance
function beforeModalShow(self) {
- // @ts-ignore
const { element, hasFade } = self;
// @ts-ignore = 'block';
- if (!getCurrentOpen()) {
- = 'hidden';
+ if (!getCurrentOpen(element)) {
+ getDocumentBody(element).style.overflow = 'hidden';
addClass(element, showClass);
- element.removeAttribute(ariaHidden);
- element.setAttribute(ariaModal, 'true');
+ removeAttribute(element, ariaHidden);
+ setAttribute(element, ariaModal, 'true');
if (hasFade) emulateTransitionEnd(element, () => afterModalShow(self));
else afterModalShow(self);
@@ -2546,7 +2909,6 @@
function beforeModalHide(self, force) {
const {
- // @ts-ignore
element, options, relatedTarget, hasFade,
} = self;
@@ -2556,7 +2918,7 @@
// force can also be the transitionEvent object, we wanna make sure it's not
// call is not forced and overlay is visible
if (options.backdrop && !force && hasFade && hasClass(overlay, showClass)
- && !getCurrentOpen()) { // AND no modal is visible
+ && !getCurrentOpen(element)) { // AND no modal is visible
emulateTransitionEnd(overlay, () => afterModalHide(self));
} else {
@@ -2566,31 +2928,27 @@
hiddenModalEvent.relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
- element.dispatchEvent(hiddenModalEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, hiddenModalEvent);
// ====================
* Handles the `click` event listener for modal.
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e the `Event` object
+ * @this {HTMLElement | Element}
function modalClickHandler(e) {
const { target } = e;
- // @ts-ignore
- const trigger = target.closest(modalToggleSelector);
- const element = getTargetElement(trigger);
- const self = element && getModalInstance(element);
- if (!self) return;
- if (trigger.tagName === 'A') e.preventDefault();
+ const trigger = target && closest(this, modalToggleSelector);
+ const element = trigger && getTargetElement(trigger);
+ const self = element && getModalInstance(element);
- // @ts-ignore
- if (self.isAnimating) return;
+ if (!self) return;
- // @ts-ignore
+ if (trigger && trigger.tagName === 'A') e.preventDefault();
self.relatedTarget = trigger;
@@ -2598,19 +2956,15 @@
* Handles the `keydown` event listener for modal
* to hide the modal when user type the `ESC` key.
- * @param {{which: number}} e the `Event` object
+ * @param {KeyboardEvent} e the `Event` object
- function modalKeyHandler({ which }) {
- const element = queryElement(modalActiveSelector);
- // @ts-ignore
- const self = getModalInstance(element);
- // @ts-ignore
- const { options, isAnimating } = self;
- if (!isAnimating // modal has no animations running
- && options.keyboard && which === 27 // the keyboard option is enabled and the key is 27
- // @ts-ignore
+ function modalKeyHandler({ code }) {
+ const element = querySelector(modalActiveSelector);
+ const self = element && getModalInstance(element);
+ if (!self) return;
+ const { options } = self;
+ if (options.keyboard && code === keyEscape // the keyboard option is enabled and the key is 27
&& hasClass(element, showClass)) { // the modal is not visible
- // @ts-ignore
self.relatedTarget = null;
@@ -2619,35 +2973,34 @@
* Handles the `click` event listeners that hide the modal.
- * @this {Element}
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @this {HTMLElement | Element}
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e the `Event` object
function modalDismissHandler(e) {
const element = this;
const self = getModalInstance(element);
- // @ts-ignore
- if (self.isAnimating) return;
+ // this timer is needed
+ if (!self || Timer.get(element)) return;
- // @ts-ignore
const { options, isStatic, modalDialog } = self;
const { backdrop } = options;
const { target } = e;
// @ts-ignore
- const selectedText = document.getSelection().toString().length;
+ const selectedText = getDocument(element).getSelection().toString().length;
// @ts-ignore
const targetInsideDialog = modalDialog.contains(target);
// @ts-ignore
- const dismiss = target.closest(modalDismissSelector);
+ const dismiss = target && closest(target, modalDismissSelector);
if (isStatic && !targetInsideDialog) {
- addClass(element, modalStaticClass);
- // @ts-ignore
- self.isAnimating = true;
- // @ts-ignore
- emulateTransitionEnd(modalDialog, () => staticTransitionEnd(self));
+ const dismissCallback = () => {
+ addClass(element, modalStaticClass);
+ emulateTransitionEnd(modalDialog, () => staticTransitionEnd(self));
+ };
+ Timer.set(element, dismissCallback, 17);
} else if (dismiss || (!selectedText && !isStatic && !targetInsideDialog && backdrop)) {
- // @ts-ignore
self.relatedTarget = dismiss || null;
@@ -2660,12 +3013,11 @@
* @param {Modal} self the `Modal` instance
function staticTransitionEnd(self) {
- // @ts-ignore
- const duration = getElementTransitionDuration(self.modalDialog) + 17;
- removeClass(self.element, modalStaticClass);
+ const { element, modalDialog } = self;
+ const duration = getElementTransitionDuration(modalDialog) + 17;
+ removeClass(element, modalStaticClass);
// user must wait for zoom out transition
- // @ts-ignore
- setTimeout(() => { self.isAnimating = false; }, duration);
+ Timer.set(element, () => Timer.clear(element), duration);
@@ -2673,7 +3025,7 @@
/** Returns a new `Modal` instance. */
class Modal extends BaseComponent {
- * @param {Element | string} target usually the `.modal` element
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target usually the `.modal` element
* @param {BSN.Options.Modal=} config instance options
constructor(target, config) {
@@ -2686,25 +3038,25 @@
const { element } = self;
// the modal-dialog
- /** @private @type {Element?} */
- self.modalDialog = queryElement(`.${modalString}-dialog`, element);
+ /** @type {(HTMLElement | Element)} */
+ // @ts-ignore
+ self.modalDialog = querySelector(`.${modalString}-dialog`, element);
// modal can have multiple triggering elements
- /** @private @type {Element[]} */
- self.triggers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(modalToggleSelector))
+ /** @type {(HTMLElement | Element)[]} */
+ self.triggers = [...querySelectorAll(modalToggleSelector)]
.filter((btn) => getTargetElement(btn) === element);
// additional internals
- /** @private @type {boolean} */
+ /** @type {boolean} */
self.isStatic = self.options.backdrop === 'static';
- /** @private @type {boolean} */
+ /** @type {boolean} */
self.hasFade = hasClass(element, fadeClass);
- /** @private @type {boolean} */
- self.isAnimating = false;
- /** @private @type {number} */
- self.scrollbarWidth = measureScrollbar();
- /** @private @type {Element?} */
+ /** @type {(HTMLElement | Element)?} */
self.relatedTarget = null;
+ /** @type {HTMLBodyElement | HTMLElement | Element} */
+ // @ts-ignore
+ self.container = getElementContainer(element);
// attach event listeners
toggleModalHandler(self, true);
@@ -2739,31 +3091,28 @@
show() {
const self = this;
const {
- element, options, isAnimating, hasFade, relatedTarget,
+ element, options, hasFade, relatedTarget, container,
} = self;
const { backdrop } = options;
let overlayDelay = 0;
- if (hasClass(element, showClass) && !isAnimating) return;
+ if (hasClass(element, showClass)) return;
- // @ts-ignore
showModalEvent.relatedTarget = relatedTarget || null;
- element.dispatchEvent(showModalEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, showModalEvent);
if (showModalEvent.defaultPrevented) return;
// we elegantly hide any opened modal/offcanvas
- const currentOpen = getCurrentOpen();
+ const currentOpen = getCurrentOpen(element);
if (currentOpen && currentOpen !== element) {
const this1 = getModalInstance(currentOpen);
const that1 = this1 || getInstance(currentOpen, 'Offcanvas');
- self.isAnimating = true;
if (backdrop) {
if (!currentOpen && !hasClass(overlay, showClass)) {
- appendOverlay(hasFade, true);
+ appendOverlay(container, hasFade, true);
} else {
@@ -2786,19 +3135,17 @@
hide(force) {
const self = this;
const {
- element, isAnimating, hasFade, relatedTarget,
+ element, hasFade, relatedTarget,
} = self;
- if (!hasClass(element, showClass) && !isAnimating) return;
- // @ts-ignore
+ if (!hasClass(element, showClass)) return;
hideModalEvent.relatedTarget = relatedTarget || null;
- element.dispatchEvent(hideModalEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, hideModalEvent);
if (hideModalEvent.defaultPrevented) return;
- self.isAnimating = true;
removeClass(element, showClass);
- element.setAttribute(ariaHidden, 'true');
- element.removeAttribute(ariaModal);
+ setAttribute(element, ariaHidden, 'true');
+ removeAttribute(element, ariaModal);
if (hasFade && force !== false) {
emulateTransitionEnd(element, () => beforeModalHide(self));
@@ -2825,7 +3172,7 @@
- Object.assign(Modal, {
+ ObjectAssign(Modal, {
selector: modalSelector,
init: modalInitCallback,
getInstance: getModalInstance,
@@ -2879,37 +3226,33 @@
* @param {Offcanvas} self the `Offcanvas` instance
function setOffCanvasScrollbar(self) {
- const bd = document.body;
- const html = document.documentElement;
- const bodyOverflow = html.clientHeight !== html.scrollHeight
- || bd.clientHeight !== bd.scrollHeight;
- // @ts-ignore
- setScrollbar(self.scrollbarWidth, bodyOverflow);
+ const { element } = self;
+ const { clientHeight, scrollHeight } = getDocumentElement(element);
+ setScrollbar(element, clientHeight !== scrollHeight);
* Toggles on/off the `click` event listeners.
* @param {Offcanvas} self the `Offcanvas` instance
- * @param {boolean=} add when `true`, listeners are added
+ * @param {boolean=} add when *true*, listeners are added
function toggleOffcanvasEvents(self, add) {
- const action = add ? addEventListener : removeEventListener;
- // @ts-ignore
- self.triggers.forEach((btn) => btn[action]('click', offcanvasTriggerHandler));
+ const action = add ? on : off;
+ self.triggers.forEach((btn) => action(btn, mouseclickEvent, offcanvasTriggerHandler));
* Toggles on/off the listeners of the events that close the offcanvas.
- * @param {boolean=} add the `Offcanvas` instance
+ * @param {Offcanvas} self the `Offcanvas` instance
+ * @param {boolean=} add when *true* listeners are added
- function toggleOffCanvasDismiss(add) {
- const action = add ? addEventListener : removeEventListener;
- // @ts-ignore
- document[action]('keydown', offcanvasKeyDismissHandler);
- // @ts-ignore
- document[action]('click', offcanvasDismissHandler);
+ function toggleOffCanvasDismiss(self, add) {
+ const action = add ? on : off;
+ const doc = getDocument(self.element);
+ action(doc, keydownEvent, offcanvasKeyDismissHandler);
+ action(doc, mouseclickEvent, offcanvasDismissHandler);
@@ -2921,8 +3264,8 @@
const { element, options } = self;
if (!options.scroll) {
- = 'hidden';
+ getDocumentBody(element).style.overflow = 'hidden';
addClass(element, offcanvasTogglingClass);
@@ -2940,7 +3283,7 @@
function beforeOffcanvasHide(self) {
const { element, options } = self;
- const currentOpen = getCurrentOpen();
+ const currentOpen = getCurrentOpen(element);
// @ts-ignore
@@ -2956,63 +3299,73 @@
* Handles the `click` event listeners.
- * @this {Element}
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @this {HTMLElement | Element}
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e the `Event` object
function offcanvasTriggerHandler(e) {
- const trigger = this.closest(offcanvasToggleSelector);
+ const trigger = closest(this, offcanvasToggleSelector);
const element = trigger && getTargetElement(trigger);
const self = element && getOffcanvasInstance(element);
- if (trigger && trigger.tagName === 'A') e.preventDefault();
if (self) {
+ self.relatedTarget = trigger;
+ if (trigger && trigger.tagName === 'A') {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
* Handles the event listeners that close the offcanvas.
- * @param {Event} e the `Event` object
+ * @this {Document}
+ * @param {MouseEvent} e the `Event` object
function offcanvasDismissHandler(e) {
- const element = queryElement(offcanvasActiveSelector);
+ const element = querySelector(offcanvasActiveSelector, this);
if (!element) return;
- const offCanvasDismiss = queryElement(offcanvasDismissSelector, element);
+ const offCanvasDismiss = querySelector(offcanvasDismissSelector, element);
const self = getOffcanvasInstance(element);
if (!self) return;
- // @ts-ignore
const { options, triggers } = self;
const { target } = e;
- // @ts-ignore
- const trigger = target.closest(offcanvasToggleSelector);
- if (trigger && trigger.tagName === 'A') e.preventDefault();
+ // @ts-ignore -- `EventTarget` is `HTMLElement`
+ const trigger = closest(target, offcanvasToggleSelector);
+ const selection = getDocument(element).getSelection();
- // @ts-ignore
- if ((!element.contains(target) && options.backdrop
+ if (!(selection && selection.toString().length)
+ // @ts-ignore
+ && ((!element.contains(target) && options.backdrop
&& (!trigger || (trigger && !triggers.includes(trigger))))
// @ts-ignore
- || (offCanvasDismiss && offCanvasDismiss.contains(target))) {
+ || (offCanvasDismiss && offCanvasDismiss.contains(target)))) {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ self.relatedTarget = offCanvasDismiss && offCanvasDismiss.contains(target)
+ ? offCanvasDismiss : null;
+ if (trigger && trigger.tagName === 'A') e.preventDefault();
* Handles the `keydown` event listener for offcanvas
* to hide it when user type the `ESC` key.
- * @param {{which: number}} e the `Event` object
+ * @param {KeyboardEvent} e the `Event` object
+ * @this {Document}
- function offcanvasKeyDismissHandler({ which }) {
- const element = queryElement(offcanvasActiveSelector);
+ function offcanvasKeyDismissHandler({ code }) {
+ const element = querySelector(offcanvasActiveSelector, this);
if (!element) return;
const self = getOffcanvasInstance(element);
- if (self && self.options.keyboard && which === 27) {
+ if (self && self.options.keyboard && code === keyEscape) {
+ self.relatedTarget = null;
@@ -3023,24 +3376,21 @@
* @param {Offcanvas} self the `Offcanvas` instance
function showOffcanvasComplete(self) {
- // @ts-ignore
const { element, triggers } = self;
removeClass(element, offcanvasTogglingClass);
- element.removeAttribute(ariaHidden);
- element.setAttribute(ariaModal, 'true');
- element.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');
- // @ts-ignore
- self.isAnimating = false;
+ removeAttribute(element, ariaHidden);
+ setAttribute(element, ariaModal, 'true');
+ setAttribute(element, 'role', 'dialog');
if (triggers.length) {
- triggers.forEach((btn) => btn.setAttribute(ariaExpanded, 'true'));
+ triggers.forEach((btn) => setAttribute(btn, ariaExpanded, 'true'));
- element.dispatchEvent(shownOffcanvasEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, shownOffcanvasEvent);
- toggleOffCanvasDismiss(true);
- setFocus(element);
+ toggleOffCanvasDismiss(self, true);
+ focus(element);
@@ -3049,31 +3399,29 @@
* @param {Offcanvas} self the `Offcanvas` instance
function hideOffcanvasComplete(self) {
- const {
- // @ts-ignore
- element, triggers,
- } = self;
+ const { element, triggers } = self;
- element.setAttribute(ariaHidden, 'true');
- element.removeAttribute(ariaModal);
- element.removeAttribute('role');
+ setAttribute(element, ariaHidden, 'true');
+ removeAttribute(element, ariaModal);
+ removeAttribute(element, 'role');
// @ts-ignore = '';
- // @ts-ignore
- self.isAnimating = false;
if (triggers.length) {
- triggers.forEach((btn) => btn.setAttribute(ariaExpanded, 'false'));
+ triggers.forEach((btn) => setAttribute(btn, ariaExpanded, 'false'));
const visibleTrigger = triggers.find((x) => isVisible(x));
- if (visibleTrigger) setFocus(visibleTrigger);
+ if (visibleTrigger) focus(visibleTrigger);
- removeOverlay();
+ removeOverlay(element);
- element.dispatchEvent(hiddenOffcanvasEvent);
+ dispatchEvent(element, hiddenOffcanvasEvent);
removeClass(element, offcanvasTogglingClass);
- toggleOffCanvasDismiss();
+ // must check for open instances
+ if (!getCurrentOpen(element)) {
+ toggleOffCanvasDismiss(self);
+ }
@@ -3081,7 +3429,7 @@
/** Returns a new `Offcanvas` instance. */
class Offcanvas extends BaseComponent {
- * @param {Element | string} target usually an `.offcanvas` element
+ * @param {HTMLElement | Element | string} target usually an `.offcanvas` element
* @param {BSN.Options.Offcanvas=} config instance options
constructor(target, config) {
@@ -3092,15 +3440,16 @@
const { element } = self;
// all the triggering buttons
- /** @private @type {Element[]} */
- self.triggers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(offcanvasToggleSelector))
+ /** @type {(HTMLElement | Element)[]} */
+ self.triggers = [...querySelectorAll(offcanvasToggleSelector)]
.filter((btn) => getTargetElement(btn) === element);
// additional instance property
- /** @private @type {boolean} */
- self.isAnimating = false;
- /** @private @type {number} */
- self.scrollbarWidth = measureScrollbar();
+ /** @type {HTMLBodyElement | HTMLElement | Element} */
+ // @ts-ignore
+ self.container = getElementContainer(element);
+ /** @type {(HTMLElement | Element)?} */
+ self.relatedTarget = null;
// attach event listeners
toggleOffcanvasEvents(self, true);
@@ -3132,35 +3481,32 @@
show() {
const self = this;
const {
- element, options, isAnimating,
+ element, options, container, relatedTarget,
} = self;
let overlayDelay = 0;
- if (hasClass(element, showClass) || isAnimating) return;
- element.dispatchEvent(showOffcanvasEvent);
+ if (hasClass(element, showClass)) return;
+ showOffcanvasEvent.relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
+ shownOffcanvasEvent.relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
+ dispatchEvent(element, showOffcanvasEvent);
if (showOffcanvasEvent.defaultPrevented) return;
// we elegantly hide any opened modal/offcanvas
- const currentOpen = getCurrentOpen();
+ const currentOpen = getCurrentOpen(element);
if (currentOpen && currentOpen !== element) {
const this1 = getOffcanvasInstance(currentOpen);
const that1 = this1 || getInstance(currentOpen, 'Modal');
- self.isAnimating = true;
if (options.backdrop) {
if (!currentOpen) {
- appendOverlay(true);
+ appendOverlay(container, true);
} else {
overlayDelay = getElementTransitionDuration(overlay);
if (!hasClass(overlay, showClass)) showOverlay();
setTimeout(() => beforeOffcanvasShow(self), overlayDelay);
@@ -3178,14 +3524,15 @@
hide(force) {
const self = this;
- const { element, isAnimating } = self;
+ const { element, relatedTarget } = self;
- if (!hasClass(element, showClass) || isAnimating) return;
+ if (!hasClass(element, showClass)) return;
- element.dispatchEvent(hideOffcanvasEvent);
+ hideOffcanvasEvent.relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
+ hiddenOffcanvasEvent.relatedTarget = relatedTarget;
+ dispatchEvent(element, hideOffcanvasEvent);
if (hideOffcanvasEvent.defaultPrevented) return;
- self.isAnimating = true;
addClass(element, offcanvasTogglingClass);
removeClass(element, showClass);
@@ -3203,7 +3550,7 @@
- Object.assign(Offcanvas, {
+ ObjectAssign(Offcanvas, {
selector: offcanvasSelector,
init: offcanvasInitCallback,
getInstance: getOffcanvasInstance,
@@ -3216,89 +3563,244 @@
const ariaDescribedBy = 'aria-describedby';
- * Checks if an element is an ` |