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Modifying Configuration

thealphadollar edited this page Aug 7, 2018 · 3 revisions

This page provides detailed information about configuring Nephos to work according to your wishes.

Basic Information

Nephos loads its configuration from config subdirectory from the Nephos directory in the user's home folder. Most of the configuration modifications require the client to be restarted, and those which don't have it explicitly written. Most of the changes are not recommended to be altered.

Though the configurations are stored in an easily editable YAML format, it is recommended to read How to edit YAML files. In case of any violation of the YAML format, the configuration will fall back to the default configuration.


The configuration file concerns logging of the entire Nephos and should be modified very carefully. Most of the options don't need to be touched, and hence only the appropriate operations are provided in details below.


The configuration file concerns all the maintenance tasks and most of the options can be changed without an issue.

Turning Off A Job

A job can be dynamically turned off from being executed by changing True to False in the enabled attribute of the job. All jobs are enabled by default.

NOTE: This change takes effect immediately, no need to restart Nephos.

Changing The Interval

A job executes periodically at the intervals provided in the configuration file. The interval can be changed by giving a new integer for the new period (in minutes) in the interval field of the job. The default intervals for various jobs are mentioned below:

  • disk_space_check: 30 minutes
  • channel_online_check: 60 minutes
  • uploader_auth_check: 120 minutes
  • file_upload_check: 1440 minutes (everyday at 20:00 hours)

It is recommended to give a period such that the job executes after the completion of the previous instance of the job.

Change Minimum Disk Alert Size

For the job "disk_space_check", size to provide an alert can be set using the following two attribute:

  • min_space: The minimum free space on disk, in GBs, at which to give a critical mail notice. Default is 100 GBs.
  • min_percent: The minimum free percent on disk at which to give a critical mail notice. Default is 10%.

NOTE: The email alert depends on correctly setting up logger's emailer.


Proper Stream Recording

Recording monitor provides two configuration options.


For the proper working of multicat, ifaddr argument should be supplied if there is a specific network interface to which it should bind.

For more info, read here.


Multicat is the recording client we use and it can be found here.
A version of multicat is bundled with the program but module can be set to use custom multicat binary by modifying this parameter.

Modifying Frequency

Preprocessing and uploading operations are launched periodicially with set intervals. These intervals can be set by modifying the paramter, interval available under particular module options.

Using FTP uploading

To use FTP uploading feature, please specify the following in the config module.yaml

    host: # ftp host within parenthesis
    port: # ftp port
    username: # username for the server
    password: # FTP account's password

Set uploading times

You can set times at which the uploads should be made. Please note that along with files, Logs are also uploaded at the upload time.

Update Data Link

You can fork the repository NephosConfig and then link your own Nephos to take configuration from there in the maintenance.module config under update_data->add_data and update_data->add_jobs.