This book was made possible thanks to the contribution of many professionals, from the sector and not. I have never seen in any other area the collaboration I have found in Bitcoin.
In an exclusively alphabetical order I would like to thank:
Alena Vranova (@AlenaSatoshi), for introducing me to The Little Bitcoin Book and giving me valuable information for analyzing the company without cash.
Bitficus (@bitficus) for "The Sat" and the english review.
Giacomo Zucco (@giacomozucco), for the general review, the valuable advice, the LNP/BP suite concept and for the magnificent review for the back.
Federico Spitaleri (@ FedericoSpital3), for allowing me to publish his article Business modeling in the Bitcoin Lightning Network ecosystem, as an appendix.
Marianna Prina, for the fantastic drawings!
Michael Caras (@thebitcoinrabbi), for his availability and for presenting Bitcoin in a simple way in his book Bitcoin Money.
Nuno Coelho (@nvcoelho), for providing feedback and reviewing the text.
Raljoseph Ricasata (@ rjrs2k), for the valuable feedback and the extraordinary back cover review.
Silvia Bossio and Stefania Pezzoli for having previewed the text and provided feedback from the point of view of the bitcoiner and nocoiner reader.
Thanks to those who actively work on the Bitcoin code, on Lightning Network and on the layers of the LNP/BP suite and, in general, to the community that chose the cover of this book, supported me, provided interesting ideas and got me thinking.
Contributors that offered comments, corrections, and additions to the book as it was collaboratively written on GitHub, can add their name here.
Following is an alphabetically sorted list of all the GitHub contributors, including their GitHub IDs in parentheses:
Giacomo Zucco (@giacomozucco)