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Apache Software License 2.0 - * - * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 - */(function(n,e){(function(r,o){n.exports=o()})(tr,function(){return function(r){var o={};function i(s){if(o[s])return o[s].exports;var t=o[s]={i:s,l:!1,exports:{}};return r[s].call(t.exports,t,t.exports,i),t.l=!0,t.exports}return i.m=r,i.c=o,i.d=function(s,t,a){i.o(s,t)||Object.defineProperty(s,t,{enumerable:!0,get:a})},i.r=function(s){typeof Symbol<"u"&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(s,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(s,"__esModule",{value:!0})},i.t=function(s,t){if(1&t&&(s=i(s)),8&t||4&t&&typeof s=="object"&&s&&s.__esModule)return s;var a=Object.create(null);if(i.r(a),Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s}),2&t&&typeof s!="string")for(var c in s)i.d(a,c,(function(d){return s[d]}).bind(null,c));return a},i.n=function(s){var t=s&&s.__esModule?function(){return s.default}:function(){return s};return i.d(t,"a",t),t},i.o=function(s,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,t)},i.p="",i(i.s=0)}([function(r,o,i){function s(b){return(s=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(k){return typeof k}:function(k){return k&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&k.constructor===Symbol&&k!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof k})(b)}function t(b,k){for(var h=0;h1)throw new Error('"weight" property in key must bein the range of [0, 1)');C=C==null?N:Math.max(C,N),T=T==null?N:Math.min(T,N),this._keyWeights[x]=N,v+=N}if(v>1)throw new Error("Total of weights cannot exceed 1")}}},{key:"search",value:function(f){var u=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:{limit:!1};this._log(`--------- -Search pattern: "`.concat(f,'"'));var m=this._prepareSearchers(f),O=m.tokenSearchers,T=m.fullSearcher,C=this._search(O,T);return this._computeScore(C),this.options.shouldSort&&this._sort(C),u.limit&&typeof u.limit=="number"&&(C=C.slice(0,u.limit)),this._format(C)}},{key:"_prepareSearchers",value:function(){var f=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:"",u=[];if(this.options.tokenize)for(var m=f.split(this.options.tokenSeparator),O=0,T=m.length;O0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:[],u=arguments.length>1?arguments[1]:void 0,m=this.list,O={},T=[];if(typeof m[0]=="string"){for(var C=0,v=m.length;C-1&&(le=(le+ie)/2),m._log("Score average:",le);var Ee=!m.options.tokenize||!m.options.matchAllTokens||D>=x.length;if(m._log(` -Check Matches: `.concat(Ee)),(ae||F.isMatch)&&Ee){var Re={key:O,arrayIndex:oe,value:Y,score:le};m.options.includeMatches&&(Re.matchedIndices=F.matchedIndices);var We=B[Z];We?We.output.push(Re):(B[Z]={item:fe,output:[Re]},_.push(B[Z]))}}else if(l(Y))for(var G=0,te=Y.length;G0?Number.EPSILON:x.score;E*=Math.pow(B,X)}C.score=E,this._log(C)}}},{key:"_sort",value:function(f){this._log(` - -Sorting....`),f.sort(this.options.sortFn)}},{key:"_format",value:function(f){var u=[];if(this.options.verbose){var m=[];this._log(` - -Output: - -`,JSON.stringify(f,function(x,N){if(s(N)==="object"&&N!==null){if(m.indexOf(N)!==-1)return;m.push(N)}return N},2)),m=null}var O=[];this.options.includeMatches&&O.push(function(x,N){var X=x.output;N.matches=[];for(var B=0,L=X.length;B-1&&(z.arrayIndex=_.arrayIndex),N.matches.push(z)}}}),this.options.includeScore&&O.push(function(x,N){N.score=x.score});for(var T=0,C=f.length;TT)return t(k,this.pattern,C);var v=this.options,y=v.location,E=v.distance,p=v.threshold,x=v.findAllMatches,N=v.minMatchCharLength;return a(k,this.pattern,this.patternAlphabet,{location:y,distance:E,threshold:p,findAllMatches:x,minMatchCharLength:N,includeMatches:u})}}])&&s(P.prototype,b),l}();r.exports=d},function(r,o){var i=/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g;r.exports=function(s,t){var a=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:/ +/g,c=new RegExp(t.replace(i,"\\$&").replace(a,"|")),d=s.match(c),l=!!d,P=[];if(l)for(var b=0,k=d.length;b=F;re-=1){var ne=re-1,Te=d[a.charAt(ne)];if(Te&&(B[ne]=1),ce[re]=(ce[re+1]<<1|1)&Te,ae!==0&&(ce[re]|=(oe[re+1]|oe[re])<<1|1|oe[re+1]),ce[re]&Z&&(Y=s(c,{errors:ae,currentLocation:ne,expectedLocation:E,distance:h}))<=x){if(x=Y,(N=ne)<=E)break;F=Math.max(1,2*E-N)}}if(s(c,{errors:ae+1,currentLocation:E,expectedLocation:E,distance:h})>x)break;oe=ce}var A={isMatch:N>=0,score:Y===0?.001:Y};return y&&(A.matchedIndices=t(B,C)),A}},function(r,o){r.exports=function(i,s){var t=s.errors,a=t===void 0?0:t,c=s.currentLocation,d=c===void 0?0:c,l=s.expectedLocation,P=l===void 0?0:l,b=s.distance,k=b===void 0?100:b,h=a/i.length,f=Math.abs(P-d);return k?h+f/k:f?1:h}},function(r,o){r.exports=function(){for(var i=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:[],s=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:1,t=[],a=-1,c=-1,d=0,l=i.length;d=s&&t.push([a,c]),a=-1)}return i[d-1]&&d-a>=s&&t.push([a,d-1]),t}},function(r,o){r.exports=function(i){for(var s={},t=i.length,a=0;a - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */var ti=function(e){return typeof e=="object"?e===null:typeof e!="function"};/*! - * isobject - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */var si=function(e){return e!=null&&typeof e=="object"&&Array.isArray(e)===!1};/*! - * is-plain-object - * - * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. - * Released under the MIT License. - */var ci=si;function Er(n){return ci(n)===!0&&Object.prototype.toString.call(n)==="[object Object]"}var ai=function(e){var r,o;return!(Er(e)===!1||(r=e.constructor,typeof r!="function")||(o=r.prototype,Er(o)===!1)||o.hasOwnProperty("isPrototypeOf")===!1)};/*! - * set-value - * - * Copyright (c) Jon Schlinkert (https://github.com/jonschlinkert). - * Released under the MIT License. - */const{deleteProperty:di}=Reflect,wi=ti,Nr=ai,Ar=n=>typeof n=="object"&&n!==null||typeof n=="function",li=n=>n==="__proto__"||n==="constructor"||n==="prototype",ar=n=>{if(!wi(n))throw new TypeError("Object keys must be strings or symbols");if(li(n))throw new Error(`Cannot set unsafe key: "${n}"`)},fi=n=>Array.isArray(n)?n.flat().map(String).join(","):n,ui=(n,e)=>{if(typeof n!="string"||!e)return n;let r=n+";";return e.arrays!==void 0&&(r+=`arrays=${e.arrays};`),e.separator!==void 0&&(r+=`separator=${e.separator};`),e.split!==void 0&&(r+=`split=${e.split};`),e.merge!==void 0&&(r+=`merge=${e.merge};`),e.preservePaths!==void 0&&(r+=`preservePaths=${e.preservePaths};`),r},ki=(n,e,r)=>{const o=fi(e?ui(n,e):n);ar(o);const i=$e.cache.get(o)||r();return $e.cache.set(o,i),i},hi=(n,e={})=>{const r=e.separator||".",o=r==="/"?!1:e.preservePaths;if(typeof n=="string"&&o!==!1&&/\//.test(n))return[n];const i=[];let s="";const t=a=>{let c;a.trim()!==""&&Number.isInteger(c=Number(a))?i.push(c):i.push(a)};for(let a=0;ae&&typeof e.split=="function"?e.split(n):typeof n=="symbol"?[n]:Array.isArray(n)?n:ki(n,e,()=>hi(n,e)),Pi=(n,e,r,o)=>{if(ar(e),r===void 0)di(n,e);else if(o&&o.merge){const i=o.merge==="function"?o.merge:Object.assign;i&&Nr(n[e])&&Nr(r)?n[e]=i(n[e],r):n[e]=r}else n[e]=r;return n},$e=(n,e,r,o)=>{if(!e||!Ar(n))return n;const i=Po(e,o);let s=n;for(let t=0;t{$e.cache=new Map};var gi=$e,dr={};Object.defineProperty(dr,"__esModule",{value:!0});function pi(n,e,r){var o=n.split(""),i=o.length,s=Array.isArray(e[0])?e:[e],t=[],a=[];function c(C,v,y){var E=n.slice(C,v);if(E.length&&(a.push({chars:E,index:y}),r)){var p=r({chars:E,matches:!1});t.push(p)}}for(var d=0,l=s.length;d=0?b:0,f=k>=i?i:k+1;d===0&&b>0&&c(0,b,0);var u=n.slice(h,f);if(r){var m=r({chars:u,matches:!0});t.push(m)}else t.push(u);if(k=i)break}return{unmatched:a,matched:t}}dr.default=pi;var go=tr&&tr.__importDefault||function(n){return n&&n.__esModule?n:{default:n}};Object.defineProperty(ho,"__esModule",{value:!0});const qi=go(gi),mi=go(dr);function _i(n){const e=[];return n.forEach(({item:r,matches:o},i)=>{e.push(Object.assign({},r)),o.forEach(({indices:s,key:t,value:a})=>{const d=(0,mi.default)(a,s,P=>({text:P.chars,matches:P.matches})).matched,l=e[i];t.split(".").length>1?(0,qi.default)(l,t,d):l[t]=d})}),e}var bi=ho.default=_i;function Oi(n,e,r){let o,{query:i=""}=e,{data:s=[]}=e,{options:t={}}=e,{result:a=[]}=e,{formatted:c=[]}=e;return n.$$set=d=>{"query"in d&&r(2,i=d.query),"data"in d&&r(3,s=d.data),"options"in d&&r(4,t=d.options),"result"in d&&r(0,a=d.result),"formatted"in d&&r(1,c=d.formatted)},n.$$.update=()=>{n.$$.dirty&24&&r(5,o=new ni(s,{...t,shouldSort:!0,includeMatches:!0})),n.$$.dirty&40&&s&&o.setCollection(s),n.$$.dirty&61&&(i||s)&&(r(0,a=bi(o.search(i))),r(1,c=a.map(d=>t.keys.map(l=>typeof d[l]=="string"?[{key:l,text:d[l],matches:!1}]:d[l].map(P=>({...P,key:l}))))))},[a,c,i,s,t,o]}class vi extends Se{constructor(e){super(),Ie(this,e,Oi,null,be,{query:2,data:3,options:4,result:0,formatted:1})}}function Sr(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[39]=e[r],o}function Ir(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[42]=e[r],o}function Dr(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[45]=e[r].matches,o[46]=e[r].text,o}function Rr(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[49]=e[r],o}function Hr(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[52]=e[r],o[54]=r,o}function Ur(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[49]=e[r],o}function Gr(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[58]=e[r],o[57]=r,o}function Mr(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[55]=e[r],o[57]=r,o}function Xr(n){let e,r,o=n[3],i,s=Fr(n),t=n[3]>0&&Wr(n);return{c(){e=S("div"),r=S("div"),s.c(),i=$(),t&&t.c(),this.h()},l(a){e=I(a,"DIV",{class:!0});var c=J(e);r=I(c,"DIV",{class:!0});var d=J(r);s.l(d),i=ee(d),t&&t.l(d),d.forEach(g),c.forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(r,"class","textContainer svelte-19kokrw"),q(e,"class","introContainer svelte-19kokrw")},m(a,c){U(a,e,c),H(e,r),s.m(r,null),H(r,i),t&&t.m(r,null)},p(a,c){c[0]&8&&be(o,o=a[3])?(ze(),Q(s,1,1,Ce),Ye(),s=Fr(a),s.c(),j(s,1),s.m(r,i)):s.p(a,c),a[3]>0?t?(t.p(a,c),c[0]&8&&j(t,1)):(t=Wr(a),t.c(),j(t,1),t.m(r,null)):t&&(ze(),Q(t,1,1,()=>{t=null}),Ye())},d(a){a&&g(e),s.d(a),t&&t.d()}}}function Lr(n){let e;function r(s,t){return s[15][s[3]]=="intro"?Ci:yi}let o=r(n),i=o(n);return{c(){i.c(),e=se()},l(s){i.l(s),e=se()},m(s,t){i.m(s,t),U(s,e,t)},p(s,t){o===(o=r(s))&&i?i.p(s,t):(i.d(1),i=o(s),i&&(i.c(),i.m(e.parentNode,e)))},d(s){s&&g(e),i.d(s)}}}function yi(n){let e,r=n[4].question_text[n[15][n[3]]].text+"",o;return{c(){e=new Ve(!1),o=se(),this.h()},l(i){e=Fe(i,!1),o=se(),this.h()},h(){e.a=o},m(i,s){e.m(r,i,s),U(i,o,s)},p(i,s){s[0]&24&&r!==(r=i[4].question_text[i[15][i[3]]].text+"")&&e.p(r)},d(i){i&&(g(o),e.d())}}}function Ci(n){let e,r=n[4].hed+"",o;return{c(){e=S("h1"),o=ve(r),this.h()},l(i){e=I(i,"H1",{class:!0});var s=J(e);o=ye(s,r),s.forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(e,"class","svelte-19kokrw")},m(i,s){U(i,e,s),H(e,o)},p(i,s){s[0]&16&&r!==(r=i[4].hed+"")&&Qe(o,r)},d(i){i&&g(e)}}}function xi(n){let e,r=we(n[4].questions),o=[];for(let i=0;i{c&&(a&&a.end(1),t=uo(e,pr,{x:n[10],duration:300}),t.start())}),c=!0)},o(h){t&&t.invalidate(),h&&(a=yo(e,pr,{x:-n[10],duration:300})),c=!1},d(h){h&&g(e),d&&d.d(),b.d(),k&&k.d(),h&&a&&a.end()}}}function Wr(n){let e,r,o,i=we(n[15]),s=[];for(let t=0;t{o&&(r||(r=Je(e,Le,{},!0)),r.run(1))}),o=!0)},o(t){t&&(r||(r=Je(e,Le,{},!1)),r.run(0)),o=!1},d(t){t&&g(e),je(s,t),t&&r&&r.end()}}}function Ai(n){let e,r;return{c(){e=S("span"),this.h()},l(o){e=I(o,"SPAN",{class:!0}),J(e).forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(e,"class",r="dot "+(n[3]>=n[54]?"selected":"")+" svelte-19kokrw")},m(o,i){U(o,e,i)},p(o,i){i[0]&8&&r!==(r="dot "+(o[3]>=o[54]?"selected":"")+" svelte-19kokrw")&&q(e,"class",r)},d(o){o&&g(e)}}}function Zr(n){let e,r=n[54]!=0&&Ai(n);return{c(){r&&r.c(),e=se()},l(o){r&&r.l(o),e=se()},m(o,i){r&&r.m(o,i),U(o,e,i)},p(o,i){o[54]!=0&&r.p(o,i)},d(o){o&&g(e),r&&r.d(o)}}}function Kr(n){let e,r=we(n[4].questions),o=[];for(let i=0;i_e(i,"formatted",P));let k=n[2]==""&&eo(n),h=n[13]&&no();return{c(){e=S("div"),r=S("input"),o=$(),Ue(i.$$.fragment),t=$(),k&&k.c(),a=$(),h&&h.c(),this.h()},l(f){e=I(f,"DIV",{class:!0});var u=J(e);r=I(u,"INPUT",{placeholder:!0,class:!0}),o=ee(u),Ge(i.$$.fragment,u),t=ee(u),k&&k.l(u),a=ee(u),h&&h.l(u),u.forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(r,"placeholder","Search job titles..."),q(r,"class","svelte-19kokrw"),q(e,"class","panel jobSearch svelte-19kokrw")},m(f,u){U(f,e,u),H(e,r),ir(r,n[11]),H(e,o),Me(i,e,null),H(e,t),k&&k.m(e,null),H(e,a),h&&h.m(e,null),c=!0,d||(l=[Ne(r,"input",n[30]),Ne(r,"focus",n[22])],d=!0)},p(f,u){u[0]&2048&&r.value!==f[11]&&ir(r,f[11]);const m={};u[0]&2048&&(m.query=f[11]),u[0]&32&&(m.data=f[5]),!s&&u[0]&128&&(s=!0,m.formatted=f[7],me(()=>s=!1)),i.$set(m),f[2]==""?k?k.p(f,u):(k=eo(f),k.c(),k.m(e,a)):k&&(k.d(1),k=null),f[13]?h||(h=no(),h.c(),h.m(e,null)):h&&(h.d(1),h=null)},i(f){c||(j(i.$$.fragment,f),c=!0)},o(f){Q(i.$$.fragment,f),c=!1},d(f){f&&g(e),Xe(i),k&&k.d(),h&&h.d(),d=!1,fo(l)}}}function eo(n){let e,r=we(n[7].slice(0,8)),o=[];for(let i=0;i{a=null}),Ye())},i(c){i||(j(a),i=!0)},o(c){Q(a),i=!1},d(c){c&&(g(e),g(r),g(o)),s&&s.d(c),t&&t.d(c),a&&a.d(c)}}}function to(n){if(n==="$150,000+")return 15e4;const[e,r]=n.replace(/\$|,/g,"").split(" to ").map(Number);return(e+r)/2}function Ii(n,e,r){let{copy:o,data:i,currentStageNumber:s}=e,{selectedIndices:t}=e,{introActive:a}=e,{searchValue:c}=e,{selectedSalary:d}=e,{selectedStandingPct:l}=e,P=-999,b=!1,k=200,h,f=[],u={keys:["OCCUPATION"]},m=null,O=null,T=!1;const C=["intro","stand_sit","body","other","environment","salary"],v=["Start ","Next ","Next ","Next ","Next ","Let's go 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D&&r(0,t=D.selectedIndices),"introActive"in D&&r(1,a=D.introActive),"searchValue"in D&&r(2,c=D.searchValue),"selectedSalary"in D&&r(24,d=D.selectedSalary),"selectedStandingPct"in D&&r(25,l=D.selectedStandingPct),"questionNumber"in D&&r(3,y=D.questionNumber)},n.$$.update=()=>{n.$$.dirty[0]&16777607&&c==""&&r(13,T=!1)},[t,a,c,y,o,i,s,f,m,b,k,h,O,T,u,C,v,E,p,x,N,X,B,L,d,l,z,oe,Y,fe,Z,ae,ie]}class Di extends Se{constructor(e){super(),Ie(this,e,Ii,Si,be,{copy:4,data:5,currentStageNumber:6,selectedIndices:0,introActive:1,searchValue:2,selectedSalary:24,selectedStandingPct:25,questionNumber:3},null,[-1,-1])}}function so(n){let e,r='',o,i;return{c(){e=S("div"),e.innerHTML=r,this.h()},l(s){e=I(s,"DIV",{class:!0,"data-svelte-h":!0}),Ke(e)!=="svelte-b3lknc"&&(e.innerHTML=r),this.h()},h(){q(e,"class","exploreInstruction svelte-vbqpzi")},m(s,t){U(s,e,t),i=!0},i(s){i||(s&&Ze(()=>{i&&(o||(o=Je(e,Le,{},!0)),o.run(1))}),i=!0)},o(s){s&&(o||(o=Je(e,Le,{},!1)),o.run(0)),i=!1},d(s){s&&g(e),s&&o&&o.end()}}}function co(n){let e,r,o,i,s,t=n[18],a,c,d,l,P,b,k,h;function f(p){n[34](p)}function u(p){n[35](p)}let m={bg:n[16],x_axis_variable:n[5],x_axis_variable_range:n[20],searchValue:n[7],selectedIndices:n[6],data:n[2],copy:n[3],questions:n[22],currentVar:n[13],currentData:n[21],currentQuestionNum:n[4],currentStageNumber:n[0],minmax:n[10],minIndicies:n[11],maxIndicies:n[12]};n[17]!==void 0&&(m.reset=n[17]),n[15]!==void 0&&(m.explored=n[15]),r=new Bo({props:m}),qe.push(()=>_e(r,"reset",f)),qe.push(()=>_e(r,"explored",u));let O=ao(n);function T(p){n[36](p)}function C(p){n[37](p)}function v(p){n[38](p)}function y(p){n[39](p)}let E={currentStageNumber:n[0],copy:n[3],data:n[2],currentVar:n[13]};return n[7]!==void 0&&(E.searchValue=n[7]),n[1]!==void 0&&(E.introActive=n[1]),n[14]!==void 0&&(E.questionNumber=n[14]),n[17]!==void 0&&(E.reset=n[17]),c=new Ko({props:E}),qe.push(()=>_e(c,"searchValue",T)),qe.push(()=>_e(c,"introActive",C)),qe.push(()=>_e(c,"questionNumber",v)),qe.push(()=>_e(c,"reset",y)),c.$on("updateCurrentVar",n[24]),c.$on("updateQuestion",n[23]),{c(){e=S("div"),Ue(r.$$.fragment),s=$(),O.c(),a=$(),Ue(c.$$.fragment),this.h()},l(p){e=I(p,"DIV",{class:!0});var x=J(e);Ge(r.$$.fragment,x),s=ee(x),O.l(x),a=ee(x),Ge(c.$$.fragment,x),x.forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(e,"class","canvasContainer svelte-vbqpzi")},m(p,x){U(p,e,x),Me(r,e,null),H(e,s),O.m(e,null),H(e,a),Me(c,e,null),h=!0},p(p,x){const N={};x[0]&65536&&(N.bg=p[16]),x[0]&32&&(N.x_axis_variable=p[5]),x[0]&128&&(N.searchValue=p[7]),x[0]&64&&(N.selectedIndices=p[6]),x[0]&4&&(N.data=p[2]),x[0]&8&&(N.copy=p[3]),x[0]&8192&&(N.currentVar=p[13]),x[0]&16&&(N.currentQuestionNum=p[4]),x[0]&1&&(N.currentStageNumber=p[0]),x[0]&1024&&(N.minmax=p[10]),x[0]&2048&&(N.minIndicies=p[11]),x[0]&4096&&(N.maxIndicies=p[12]),!o&&x[0]&131072&&(o=!0,N.reset=p[17],me(()=>o=!1)),!i&&x[0]&32768&&(i=!0,N.explored=p[15],me(()=>i=!1)),r.$set(N),x[0]&262144&&be(t,t=p[18])?(ze(),Q(O,1,1,Ce),Ye(),O=ao(p),O.c(),j(O,1),O.m(e,a)):O.p(p,x);const X={};x[0]&1&&(X.currentStageNumber=p[0]),x[0]&8&&(X.copy=p[3]),x[0]&4&&(X.data=p[2]),x[0]&8192&&(X.currentVar=p[13]),!d&&x[0]&128&&(d=!0,X.searchValue=p[7],me(()=>d=!1)),!l&&x[0]&2&&(l=!0,X.introActive=p[1],me(()=>l=!1)),!P&&x[0]&16384&&(P=!0,X.questionNumber=p[14],me(()=>P=!1)),!b&&x[0]&131072&&(b=!0,X.reset=p[17],me(()=>b=!1)),c.$set(X)},i(p){h||(j(r.$$.fragment,p),j(O),j(c.$$.fragment,p),p&&Ze(()=>{h&&(k||(k=Je(e,Le,{},!0)),k.run(1))}),h=!0)},o(p){Q(r.$$.fragment,p),Q(O),Q(c.$$.fragment,p),p&&(k||(k=Je(e,Le,{},!1)),k.run(0)),h=!1},d(p){p&&g(e),Xe(r),O.d(p),Xe(c),p&&k&&k.end()}}}function ao(n){let e,r;return e=new oi({props:{currentStageNumber:n[0],axis_flip:n[19],axis_variable:n[18],x_axis_variable:n[5],x_axis_variable_range:n[20]}}),{c(){Ue(e.$$.fragment)},l(o){Ge(e.$$.fragment,o)},m(o,i){Me(e,o,i),r=!0},p(o,i){const s={};i[0]&1&&(s.currentStageNumber=o[0]),i[0]&524288&&(s.axis_flip=o[19]),i[0]&262144&&(s.axis_variable=o[18]),i[0]&32&&(s.x_axis_variable=o[5]),e.$set(s)},i(o){r||(j(e.$$.fragment,o),r=!0)},o(o){Q(e.$$.fragment,o),r=!1},d(o){Xe(e,o)}}}function Ri(n){let e,r,o,i,s,t,a,c,d,l,P;function b(v){n[28](v)}function k(v){n[29](v)}function h(v){n[30](v)}function f(v){n[31](v)}function u(v){n[32](v)}function m(v){n[33](v)}let O={copy:n[3],data:n[2],currentStageNumber:n[0]};n[8]!==void 0&&(O.selectedSalary=n[8]),n[7]!==void 0&&(O.searchValue=n[7]),n[6]!==void 0&&(O.selectedIndices=n[6]),n[1]!==void 0&&(O.introActive=n[1]),n[9]!==void 0&&(O.selectedStandingPct=n[9]),n[14]!==void 0&&(O.questionNumber=n[14]),r=new Di({props:O}),qe.push(()=>_e(r,"selectedSalary",b)),qe.push(()=>_e(r,"searchValue",k)),qe.push(()=>_e(r,"selectedIndices",h)),qe.push(()=>_e(r,"introActive",f)),qe.push(()=>_e(r,"selectedStandingPct",u)),qe.push(()=>_e(r,"questionNumber",m));let T=n[3].story[n[0]].cat=="ExploreInstruction"&&!n[15]&&so(),C=!n[1]&&co(n);return{c(){e=S("div"),Ue(r.$$.fragment),d=$(),T&&T.c(),l=$(),C&&C.c(),this.h()},l(v){e=I(v,"DIV",{class:!0});var y=J(e);Ge(r.$$.fragment,y),d=ee(y),T&&T.l(y),l=ee(y),C&&C.l(y),y.forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(e,"class","container svelte-vbqpzi")},m(v,y){U(v,e,y),Me(r,e,null),H(e,d),T&&T.m(e,null),H(e,l),C&&C.m(e,null),P=!0},p(v,y){const E={};y[0]&8&&(E.copy=v[3]),y[0]&4&&(E.data=v[2]),y[0]&1&&(E.currentStageNumber=v[0]),!o&&y[0]&256&&(o=!0,E.selectedSalary=v[8],me(()=>o=!1)),!i&&y[0]&128&&(i=!0,E.searchValue=v[7],me(()=>i=!1)),!s&&y[0]&64&&(s=!0,E.selectedIndices=v[6],me(()=>s=!1)),!t&&y[0]&2&&(t=!0,E.introActive=v[1],me(()=>t=!1)),!a&&y[0]&512&&(a=!0,E.selectedStandingPct=v[9],me(()=>a=!1)),!c&&y[0]&16384&&(c=!0,E.questionNumber=v[14],me(()=>c=!1)),r.$set(E),v[3].story[v[0]].cat=="ExploreInstruction"&&!v[15]?T?y[0]&32777&&j(T,1):(T=so(),T.c(),j(T,1),T.m(e,l)):T&&(ze(),Q(T,1,1,()=>{T=null}),Ye()),v[1]?C&&(ze(),Q(C,1,1,()=>{C=null}),Ye()):C?(C.p(v,y),y[0]&2&&j(C,1)):(C=co(v),C.c(),j(C,1),C.m(e,null))},i(v){P||(j(r.$$.fragment,v),j(T),j(C),P=!0)},o(v){Q(r.$$.fragment,v),Q(T),Q(C),P=!1},d(v){v&&g(e),Xe(r),T&&T.d(),C&&C.d()}}}function Hi(n,e,r){let{copy:o}=e,{data:i}=e,{currentQuestionNum:s=0}=e,{currentStageNumber:t}=e,{x_axis_variable:a}=e,c=0,d=[],l=[],P="",b=5e4,k=20,h=!1,f,u=!1,m={A_MEAN:[3e4,11e4,"Less money","More money"],nonwhite_pct:[0,.5,"Fewer nonwhite people","More nonwhite people"],noncitizen_pct:[0,.2,"Fewer noncitizens","More noncitizens"],"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":[0,100,"Sitters","Standers"],PCT_STAND:[0,100,"Sitters","Standers"]},{introActive:O}=e,T=!0,C=[-1,1],v=[],y=[],E=Array(o.questions.length).fill(1),p,x,N=o.questions.map(A=>A.variable),X="",B="";i=i.sort((A,ue)=>ue.TOT_EMP-A.TOT_EMP);let L={OCCUPATION:"You",OCC_SHORT:"You",A_MEAN:b,PCT_STAND:k};i.push(L);function _(A,ue){r(0,t=t+A.detail.answer),r(13,p=o.story[t].hl)}function z(A){r(13,p=A.detail.currentVar)}function oe(){let A=o.questions.filter(G=>G.variable.startsWith("Percent")).map(G=>[G.variable,d.includes(Number(G.index))?1:0,G.cat]);for(let G=0;GG.value-te.value),De=10;r(11,v=w.filter(G=>G.job!=="You").slice(0,De).map(G=>G.index)),r(12,y=w.filter(G=>G.job!=="You").slice(-De).map(G=>G.index));const Be=ue.find(G=>G.n==157);Be&&y.unshift(Be.index);const he=ue.find(G=>G.n==44);he&&v.unshift(he.index),ue.sort((G,te)=>G.score-te.score);const le=[10,10];let Ee=ue.map(G=>G.score),Re=Ee.slice(0,le[0]).reduce((G,te)=>G+te,0)/le[0],We=Ee.slice(-le[1]).reduce((G,te)=>G+te,0)/le[1];r(10,C[0]=Re,C),r(10,C[1]=We,C),p==null&&r(10,C=[0,100]),p=="white_pct"&&r(10,C=[65,90]),p=="black_pct"&&r(10,C=[3,23]),p=="hisp_pct"&&r(10,C=[7,30]),p=="asian_pct"&&r(10,C=[0,18]),p=="noncitizen_pct"&&r(10,C=[2,20]),p=="A_MEAN"&&r(10,C=[3e4,12e4])}function Y(A){b=A,r(8,b)}function fe(A){P=A,r(7,P),r(26,T),r(1,O),r(6,d),r(25,l),r(13,p),r(27,x),r(3,o),r(0,t),r(4,s),r(10,C),r(11,v),r(12,y),r(8,b),r(9,k)}function Z(A){d=A,r(6,d)}function ae(A){O=A,r(1,O)}function ie(A){k=A,r(9,k)}function D(A){c=A,r(14,c)}function F(A){u=A,r(17,u)}function xe(A){h=A,r(15,h)}function ce(A){P=A,r(7,P),r(26,T),r(1,O),r(6,d),r(25,l),r(13,p),r(27,x),r(3,o),r(0,t),r(4,s),r(10,C),r(11,v),r(12,y),r(8,b),r(9,k)}function re(A){O=A,r(1,O)}function ne(A){c=A,r(14,c)}function Te(A){u=A,r(17,u)}return n.$$set=A=>{"copy"in A&&r(3,o=A.copy),"data"in A&&r(2,i=A.data),"currentQuestionNum"in A&&r(4,s=A.currentQuestionNum),"currentStageNumber"in A&&r(0,t=A.currentStageNumber),"x_axis_variable"in A&&r(5,a=A.x_axis_variable),"introActive"in A&&r(1,O=A.introActive)},n.$$.update=()=>{if(n.$$.dirty[0]&234897371){(T!=O||d!=l||p!=x)&&(oe(),r(26,T=O),r(25,l=d),r(27,x=p),o.story[t].stage!="explore"&&r(7,P=o.story[t].job==null?"":o.story[t].job));let A=o.questions.find(ue=>ue.variable===p);r(18,X=A?A.axis_variable:-1),r(19,B=A?A.axis_flip:""),r(16,f=o.story[t].bg),oe()}},[t,O,i,o,s,a,d,P,b,k,C,v,y,p,c,h,f,u,X,B,m,E,N,_,z,l,T,x,Y,fe,Z,ae,ie,D,F,xe,ce,re,ne,Te]}class Ui extends Se{constructor(e){super(),Ie(this,e,Hi,Ri,be,{copy:3,data:2,currentQuestionNum:4,currentStageNumber:0,x_axis_variable:5,introActive:1},null,[-1,-1])}}function Gi(n){let e,r,o,i,s,t;e=new Ro({props:{currentStageNumber:n[0],introActive:n[2]}});function a(l){n[4](l)}function c(l){n[5](l)}let d={copy:n[1],data:n[3],x_axis_variable:po};return n[2]!==void 0&&(d.introActive=n[2]),n[0]!==void 0&&(d.currentStageNumber=n[0]),o=new Ui({props:d}),qe.push(()=>_e(o,"introActive",a)),qe.push(()=>_e(o,"currentStageNumber",c)),{c(){Ue(e.$$.fragment),r=$(),Ue(o.$$.fragment)},l(l){Ge(e.$$.fragment,l),r=ee(l),Ge(o.$$.fragment,l)},m(l,P){Me(e,l,P),U(l,r,P),Me(o,l,P),t=!0},p(l,[P]){const b={};P&1&&(b.currentStageNumber=l[0]),P&4&&(b.introActive=l[2]),e.$set(b);const k={};P&2&&(k.copy=l[1]),!i&&P&4&&(i=!0,k.introActive=l[2],me(()=>i=!1)),!s&&P&1&&(s=!0,k.currentStageNumber=l[0],me(()=>s=!1)),o.$set(k)},i(l){t||(j(e.$$.fragment,l),j(o.$$.fragment,l),t=!0)},o(l){Q(e.$$.fragment,l),Q(o.$$.fragment,l),t=!1},d(l){l&&g(r),Xe(e,l),Xe(o,l)}}}let po="PCT_STAND";function Mi(n,e,r){const o=kr("copy");let i=!0,s=0;o.questions=o.questions.map((l,P)=>({...l,index:P}));const a=kr("data").filter(l=>l[po]!="");function c(l){i=l,r(2,i)}function d(l){s=l,r(0,s)}return n.$$.update=()=>{n.$$.dirty&1},[s,o,i,a,c,d]}class Xi extends Se{constructor(e){super(),Ie(this,e,Mi,Gi,be,{})}}const Li="standers and sitters",Bi="What our bodies do for work",zi="alvin chang",Yi={stand_sit:{text:"What portion of the day do you stand at work?"},other:{text:"Tell me a bit more."},body:{text:"For my job, I am required to…"},environment:{text:"What are you exposed to at work?"},salary:{text:"What is your salary range? (We won’t store your information.)"}},Ji=[{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"one_similar_job",text:' This circle represents every laundry worker in America. Each inside dot represents about 50,000 Americans who do this job.'},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"other_similar_jobs",job:"Laundry and dry-cleaning workers",text:'Laundry workers are Standers→—people who are required to stand most of the time at work. Here are some workers who are Standers.'},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"other_dissimilar_jobs",text:'On the left are ←Sitters—people who are almost always sitting at work.'},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"other_dissimilar_jobs_you",text:'Oh, and here’s you! We’ll keep track of you through this piece.'},{cat:"ExploreInstruction",stage:"all_jobs",text:"And in the middle is every other job in America. Zoom and pan to explore the chart."},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs",addclass:"longform",text:`This story is about two kinds of workers in America: ←Sitters—people who sit for living—and Standers→—those who stand, crouch, crawl, and lift. \r -\r -\r -In the past few generations, work in America has become far [less physical](https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2006/03/art3full.pdf). A lot of farming and factory work was replaced by jobs that can be done from a desk. And, in turn, work became far less backbreaking—and far safer.\r -\r -\r ->> Fatalities | 1970, 2022\r ->> Injuries | Link (Page 40)\r -\r -\r -But our society still needs lots of people to do physical, grueling, and dirty jobs. To understand what Sitters and Standers look like in today’s economy, I looked at the [Occupational Requirements Survey](https://www.bls.gov/ors/), a federal program that surveys workers at more than 55,000 workplaces. The survey asks workers what the physical requirements of their jobs are—including sitting and standing*.\r -\r -\r -
* While the large majority of occupations have available data on sitting standing, some don’t. So those were left out of this visualization.
`},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",text:"Let’s first look at ←Sitters."},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed",text:"Now, many workers who aren’t required to stand still do so because they have a choice to sit or stand."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree",text:"Sitters often have jobs that require a bachelor’s degree."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"A_MEAN",text:"In turn, they tend to have higher incomes."},{cat:"Brain power",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day",text:"While Sitters are more likely to have to solve problems every day, it’s still not a common requirement for most jobs."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work",text:"But Sitters get more autonomy. These are workers who say they can pause work when they need to."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"Percent of workers, with telework available",text:"Sitters are also more likely to say they can work remotely. Only a tiny portion of Americans have this option."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",addclass:"longform",hl:"Percent of workers, with telework available",text:`During the Covid-19 pandemic, Sitters talked extensively about how remote work would change the way we work. But most American workers say they don’t have the option to work remotely. This might seem counter to what you see at your workplace, but that’s because our workplaces are social bubbles, and we’re surrounded by people like us.\r -\r -\r ->> Chart: Work from home data\r -\r -\r -Meanwhile, one of the primary concerns for Sitters is that it promotes a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to health problems. Office designers have spent lots of time [trying to increase](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35014589/) the amount of time Sitters are active throughout the day. Meanwhile, standing desks are only getting [more and more popular](https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/standing-desks-market-report).\r -\r -\r ->> Treadmill desk GIF`},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",text:"Now let’s focus on Standers →. If you visited them at work, this is who would be standing at any given time."},{cat:"Brain power",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never",text:"These workers are more likely to say they are never or rarely have to problem-solve for their job."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, crouching is required",text:"These workers are required to crouch – everyone from nurses to electricians."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required",text:"These workers have to climb ladders, ropes, or scaffolds. This includes firefighters and janitors."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness",text:"This is who is exposed to wetness, like water, sewage, or bodily fluids."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat",text:"This is who is exposed to extreme heat from things like stoves and fires."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors",text:"These are workers who are exposed to the outdoors—something that will become more and more dangerous as our planet warms."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants",text:"And this is who is exposed to hazardous contaminants. This group includes mechanics and construction workers."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work",text:"Notably, many of these jobs lack autonomy. These workers say they lack control over when they can take a break."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"INJURY_RATE",text:"All of this takes a physical toll. This is how common it is for someone doing each job to be injured or ill and require time away from work."},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"A_MEAN",text:"Despite the physical toll, Standers tend to earn less money."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",addclass:"longform",text:`For most of American history, most people were Standers—we relied on our bodies to sustain ourselves. And they often [worked until they could no longer work](https://www.ssa.gov/history/pdf/80chap5.pdf), which often meant they worked until their bodies gave out. In fact, in 1900 most men older than 65 still worked in order to be self-sufficient, including 84% of Black Americans.\r -\r -\r ->> Chart: Labor force participation | Data\r -\r -\r -In 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act, and by 1940 retirees were receiving [monthly checks](https://www.aarp.org/retirement/social-security/info-2020/social-security-history-timeline.html) once they hit the [retirement age of 65](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/progdata/nra.html).\r -\r -\r -Most of us are now working at desks and computers. Some of us even work from home. But that shift often obscures the huge number of people who still put their bodies on the line for a living.`},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",text:"So, who are these Standers → ?"},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",hl:"white_pct",text:"Among White workers, there’s a pretty even split between Stander and Sitters."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",hl:"asian_pct",text:"Asian workers are more likely to be Sitters—but there are some fields, like nursing, with a large percentage of Asian people."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",hl:"black_pct",text:"Black workers are more likely to be a Stander than white and Asian people, with large numbers of people working as correctional officers, laborers, and cashiers."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",hl:"hisp_pct",text:"Hispanic workers are disproportionately Standers, with jobs in kitchens, housekeeping, and construction."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",hl:"noncitizen_pct",text:"A big reason for that is that immigrants workers from Latin America and Mexico are more likely to be Standers, working manually demanding—and often dangerous—jobs for low pay."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",job:"Laundry and dry-cleaning workers",addclass:"longform",text:`When I was a kid, my parents owned a dry cleaning business. It was a common path for Korean immigrants—work at a dry cleaner until you can’t, and then eventually sell it a few years after you qualify for Social Security payments.\r -\r -\r -I spent a lot of time in the back of the dry cleaners. I played inside hanger boxes with my imaginary friend; he was a lawyer because I was enamored that he talked for a living.`},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",job:"Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand",addclass:"longform",text:`After a few years, they sold the dry cleaning business and eventually got into the vending machine business. My dad pushed around vending machines and boxes full of food, while my mom packed muffins and sandwiches. That was also grueling work.\r -\r -\r -One day, I remember my dad was late coming home from work. I was worried sick.\r -\r -\r -Finally, he called: His hand was stuck in a vending machine gear, and the fire department was on the way to help him get out.\r -\r -\r -My dad ended up being OK. In fact, a year after that incident, he was able to go back to school to continue his education. I’m so thankful he had that choice.`},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",addclass:"longform",text:`The dichotomy of Sitters and Standers is admittedly imperfect. But speaking as a Sitter, we often assume that other people will do the Standing work—the grueling jobs, the dirty jobs, the jobs that don’t offer safety or dignity or security.\r -\r -\r -During the pandemic, we hailed “front-line” workers—but meanwhile, people who work in immigrant-dominated industries like nursing, meatpacking, and restaurants were decimated. Some of the most pro-immigrations politicians say that immigrants are willing to do these jobs, so we should welcome immigrants. It’s a back-handed comment, insinuating that it’s OK for some people to destroy their bodies to barely make ends meet.`},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",addclass:"longform",text:`In 2024, we argue a lot about automation, AI, and the future of the economy. \r -\r -\r -But maybe we should argue more about how we can stop an economy that forces people to destroy their bodies and barely make ends meet. Maybe, if those jobs need to be done for our society to function, we should give them the dignity—and the economic security—that they deserve.`},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"explore",hl:"Percent of day where standing is required, mean",text:"Explore the data. Search your job using the search bar. Select a variable to chart — then drag, zoom, and hover."}],ji=[{variable:"Percent of day where standing is required, mean",short:"I’m required to stand most of the day",axis_variable:"standing",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean",short:"I’m required to sit most of the day",axis_variable:"sitting",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, crawling is required",short:"Crawl",axis_variable:"crawling",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, crouching is required",short:"Crouch",axis_variable:"crouching",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, kneeling is required",short:"Kneel",axis_variable:"kneeling",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required",short:"Reach overhead",axis_variable:"reaching overhead",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required",short:"Use feet/legs to control equipment",axis_variable:"feet/leg use",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required",short:"Climb (i.e. ladders)",axis_variable:"climbing",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required",short:"Type on a keyboard",axis_variable:"keyboarding",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, driving is required",short:"Drive",axis_variable:"driving",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work",short:"I can pause work whenever I want",axis_variable:"inability to pause",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work",short:"I can pause work whenever I want",axis_variable:"ability to pause",cat:"other"},{variable:"Percent of workers, with telework available",short:"I can work remotely",axis_variable:"remote work",cat:"other"},{variable:"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day",short:"I solve problems daily",axis_variable:"problem-solving",cat:"other"},{variable:"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed",short:"I can choose whether to sit or stand",axis_variable:"choice of sit/stand",cat:"other"},{variable:"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree",short:"Have a bachelor's degree",axis_variable:"degrees required",cat:"other"},{variable:"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never",short:"I rarely or never solve problems",axis_variable:"problem-solving",axis_flip:"1",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, speaking is required",short:"Speaking to others is required",axis_variable:"speaking",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required",short:"Working around crowds is required",axis_variable:"being around crowds",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors",short:"The outdoors",axis_variable:"being outdoors",cat:"environment"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness",short:"Wetness (any liquid)",axis_variable:"exposure to wetness",cat:"environment"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold",short:"Extreme cold",axis_variable:"extreme cold",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat",short:"Extreme heat",axis_variable:"extreme heat",cat:"environment"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise",short:"Loud noises",axis_variable:"loud noise",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants",short:"Hazardous contaminants",axis_variable:"hazardous contaminants",cat:"environment"},{variable:"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts",short:"Moving mechanical parts",axis_variable:"mechanical parts",cat:"environment"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to heights",short:"I’m exposed to heights",axis_variable:"exposure to heights",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"A_MEAN",short:"Annual income",axis_variable:"income",cat:"money"},{variable:"INJURY_RATE",short:"Injury rate",axis_variable:"likely to be injured",cat:"demographics"},{variable:"white_pct",short:"White worker percentage",axis_variable:"white",cat:"demographics"},{variable:"black_pct",short:"Black worker percentage",axis_variable:"Black",cat:"demographics"},{variable:"hisp_pct",short:"Hispanic worker percentage",axis_variable:"hispanic",cat:"demographics"},{variable:"asian_pct",short:"Asian worker percentage",axis_variable:"Asian",cat:"demographics"},{variable:"noncitizen_pct",short:"Non-citizen worker percentage",axis_variable:"non-citizens",cat:"demographics"}],Vi=[{variable:"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required",short:"Handling and operating tools with hands",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required",short:"Finger-focused tasks (i.e. picking, pinching)",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly",short:"Constantly lifting 25 or more pounds",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, injury rate",short:"Injury rate",cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs_hl",job:"Web developers",text:"Some people work from home with plenty of autonomy; others lack the ability to take a break when they want."}],wo={hed:Li,dek:Bi,byline:zi,question_text:Yi,story:Ji,questions:ji,cut:Vi},Fi=[{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":131051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13105X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Cost estimators",OCC_CODE:131051,TOT_EMP:220970,H_MEAN:38.23,A_MEAN:79520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":83.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":28.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":11.8,"Hours of standing, mean":1.66,PCT_STAND:20.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.41,PCT_SIT:80.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:80.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":16.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":98.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":45.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":26.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":17.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":53.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":20.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":79.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":53.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":24.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":30.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":12.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":15.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25.2,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Cost Estimators",INJURY_RATE:15.6,nonwhite_pct:9.5446408,white_pct:90.4553592,black_pct:2.3691611,hisp_pct:11.1248053,asian_pct:3.050386,noncitizen_pct:3.620127506,n:136},{lem:17,"SOC 2018 CODE":151254,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15125X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Web developers",OCC_CODE:151254,TOT_EMP:85350,H_MEAN:45.95,A_MEAN:95570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":20.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":14.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.33,PCT_STAND:4.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.56,PCT_SIT:94.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:94.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":4.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":95.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<10","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":80.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":56.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">75","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">75","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":40.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Web Developers",INJURY_RATE:1,nonwhite_pct:28.0660202,white_pct:71.9339798,black_pct:6.5650165,hisp_pct:10.2867668,asian_pct:10.2159213,noncitizen_pct:6.820060297,n:267},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":291131,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29113X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Veterinarians",OCC_CODE:291131,TOT_EMP:78220,H_MEAN:65.53,A_MEAN:136300,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">80","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":25.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":54.6,"Hours of standing, mean":5.15,PCT_STAND:64.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.13,PCT_SIT:39.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:64.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":74.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":48.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":41.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":54.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":41,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":21,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":22.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":15.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":30.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":51.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<25",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Veterinarians",INJURY_RATE:16.6,nonwhite_pct:10.3385916,white_pct:89.6614084,black_pct:1.5770535,hisp_pct:4.6599449,asian_pct:4.7039862,noncitizen_pct:3.721958807,n:277},{lem:1,"SOC 2018 CODE":173031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Surveying and mapping technicians",OCC_CODE:173031,TOT_EMP:56050,H_MEAN:26,A_MEAN:54090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":81.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":69.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":76.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":30.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":86.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":51.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":7.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":9.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":94.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":2.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":9.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<35","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Surveying Techs",INJURY_RATE:64,nonwhite_pct:11.1402147,white_pct:88.8597853,black_pct:4.1114594,hisp_pct:12.0660588,asian_pct:1.5932944,noncitizen_pct:1.911478368,n:322},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":173023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Electrical and electronic engineering technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:173023,TOT_EMP:97420,H_MEAN:35.79,A_MEAN:74440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":50.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":72.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.08,PCT_STAND:51,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.06,PCT_SIT:50.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:51,SITTING_BOOLEAN:50.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":49.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":31.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":50.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":45.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":25.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":50.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":25.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":10.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":20.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":17.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":22.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":16,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":25.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":14,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":12.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":21.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":22.8,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Electrical Engineering Technicians",INJURY_RATE:37.3,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.022051,hisp_pct:13.2475795,asian_pct:8.0984882,noncitizen_pct:4.210997699,n:251},{lem:52,"SOC 2018 CODE":517011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51701X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5170XX",OCCUPATION:"Cabinetmakers and bench carpenters",OCC_CODE:517011,TOT_EMP:88460,H_MEAN:21.45,A_MEAN:44620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">85","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":80.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.61,PCT_STAND:95.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.52,PCT_SIT:6.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:95.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">90","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":41,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":19.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":11.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":93.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":14.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":27.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":18.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":27.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":26.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":85.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":13.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":89.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":15.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":6.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":59,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Cabinetmakers",INJURY_RATE:134.9,nonwhite_pct:9.4065474,white_pct:90.5934526,black_pct:3.7876445,hisp_pct:18.3094028,asian_pct:1.1810618,noncitizen_pct:10.67079007,n:263},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":273041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2730XX",OCCUPATION:"Editors",OCC_CODE:273041,TOT_EMP:95700,H_MEAN:40.92,A_MEAN:85110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":98.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":20.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":.65,PCT_STAND:8.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.01,PCT_SIT:87.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":1.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":8.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":17.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":4.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":10.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":49.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":83.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":14.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Editors",INJURY_RATE:4.9,nonwhite_pct:14.0472688,white_pct:85.9527312,black_pct:4.374295,hisp_pct:7.5409727,asian_pct:5.0444562,noncitizen_pct:4.08013182,n:254},{lem:39,"SOC 2018 CODE":151255,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15125X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Web and digital interface designers",OCC_CODE:151255,TOT_EMP:111060,H_MEAN:52.32,A_MEAN:108820,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":15.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":12.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.53,PCT_STAND:6.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.43,PCT_SIT:92.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:92.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">70","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":6.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":93.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":66.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":69.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Web Designers",INJURY_RATE:1,nonwhite_pct:28.0660202,white_pct:71.9339798,black_pct:8.2126939,hisp_pct:12.4935217,asian_pct:10.5920833,noncitizen_pct:7.967384169,n:234},{lem:21,"SOC 2018 CODE":319096,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers",OCC_CODE:319096,TOT_EMP:115770,H_MEAN:17.94,A_MEAN:37310,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">75","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6,PCT_STAND:75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.7,PCT_SIT:21.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":67.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":69.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":66.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":38,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":78.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":21.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":91,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":28.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">70","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":31.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Vet Assistants",INJURY_RATE:136.5,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:3.6261864,hisp_pct:15.3658056,asian_pct:2.860156,noncitizen_pct:3.622709731,n:229},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":291292,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29129X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2912XX",OCCUPATION:"Dental hygienists",OCC_CODE:291292,TOT_EMP:211630,H_MEAN:43.21,A_MEAN:89890,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":71.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":26.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":98,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":25.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.2,"Hours of standing, mean":2.08,PCT_STAND:26,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.54,PCT_SIT:69.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":73.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":39.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":59.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":26.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":56.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":79.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":73,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":91.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":14.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":6.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":60.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":16.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":4.6,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Dental Hygienists",INJURY_RATE:43,nonwhite_pct:38.796917,white_pct:61.203083,black_pct:3.7391078,hisp_pct:9.6564265,asian_pct:5.234839,noncitizen_pct:2.244697573,n:140},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":499051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49905X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Electrical power-line installers and repairers",OCC_CODE:499051,TOT_EMP:120170,H_MEAN:41.3,A_MEAN:85900,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">95","Hours of standing, mean":6.56,PCT_STAND:82,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.85,PCT_SIT:23.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:82,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":29.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":14.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":91.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":7.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":99.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":42.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":78.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":21.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":21.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":30.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":36.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":35.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":45.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":99.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":40.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":87.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":24.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":70.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":20.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.4,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Power Line Installers",INJURY_RATE:188.7,nonwhite_pct:11.8256109,white_pct:88.1743891,black_pct:6.2387552,hisp_pct:11.4190937,asian_pct:.6704712,noncitizen_pct:2.49845384,n:219},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":392011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3920XX",OCCUPATION:"Animal trainers",OCC_CODE:392011,TOT_EMP:19240,H_MEAN:21.59,A_MEAN:44910,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<35","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.11,PCT_STAND:76.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.78,PCT_SIT:9.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">65","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":9.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":82.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">70","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":80.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">50","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<15","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":90,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":10,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":70,"Percent of workers, driving is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<10","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">75","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":4.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":90.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Animal Trainers",INJURY_RATE:193.7,nonwhite_pct:10.7700093,white_pct:89.2299907,black_pct:3.5106724,hisp_pct:9.5479304,asian_pct:1.4829959,noncitizen_pct:4.49323345,n:380},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":471011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4710XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction workers",OCC_CODE:471011,TOT_EMP:777420,H_MEAN:39.11,A_MEAN:81340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":39.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":81.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":62.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":54.2,"Hours of standing, mean":6.11,PCT_STAND:76.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.65,PCT_SIT:33.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":60.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":79.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":37.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":88.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":78.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":27.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":57.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":34.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":83.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":33.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":6.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":25.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":25.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":69.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":82.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":59.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":45,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":67,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":23.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":24,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":20.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":30.3,dots:16,OCC_SHORT:"Construction Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:93.5,nonwhite_pct:11.7078058,white_pct:88.2921942,black_pct:4.7344314,hisp_pct:22.8131693,asian_pct:1.1089146,noncitizen_pct:9.416259313,n:41},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":112022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1120XX",OCCUPATION:"Sales managers",OCC_CODE:112022,TOT_EMP:575880,H_MEAN:75.77,A_MEAN:157610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":1.83,PCT_STAND:22.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.33,PCT_SIT:79.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:79.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":56.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":22.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":77.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":29.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":6.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":55.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":53.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":68.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.7,dots:12,OCC_SHORT:"Sales Managers",INJURY_RATE:52.6,nonwhite_pct:18.3986939,white_pct:81.6013061,black_pct:5.3409998,hisp_pct:10.3562124,asian_pct:3.8075977,noncitizen_pct:4.113954283,n:60},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":119021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Construction managers",OCC_CODE:119021,TOT_EMP:329190,H_MEAN:56.23,A_MEAN:116960,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":67.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":50.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.46,PCT_STAND:43.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.88,PCT_SIT:61,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:61,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":32.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":87.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":39,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":86.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":41.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":58.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":94,"Percent of workers, driving is required":87.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":17.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":28,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<25","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":38.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":19.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":44.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":26.7,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Construction Managers",INJURY_RATE:95,nonwhite_pct:11.4350549,white_pct:88.5649451,black_pct:4.013053,hisp_pct:14.3863187,asian_pct:2.3631796,noncitizen_pct:6.305207607,n:99},{lem:13,"SOC 2018 CODE":291071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29107X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2910XX",OCCUPATION:"Physician assistants",OCC_CODE:291071,TOT_EMP:145740,H_MEAN:62.74,A_MEAN:130490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":61.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":14.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":34.4,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":38.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":69,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":25.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":69.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":93.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":48.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":14.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<15","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":20.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":31,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.8,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"PAs",INJURY_RATE:120.3,nonwhite_pct:20.1418449,white_pct:79.8581551,black_pct:5.387309,hisp_pct:9.9302739,asian_pct:8.936385,noncitizen_pct:3.424762913,n:194},{lem:44,"SOC 2018 CODE":131131,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13113X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Fundraisers",OCC_CODE:131131,TOT_EMP:101730,H_MEAN:34.02,A_MEAN:70760,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":50.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":20.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.99,PCT_STAND:12.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.79,PCT_SIT:84.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":47.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":29.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":28.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":49.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":66.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":67.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":19.2,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Fundraisers",INJURY_RATE:3.7,nonwhite_pct:13.1775681,white_pct:86.8224319,black_pct:4.9033912,hisp_pct:6.376183,asian_pct:3.9106861,noncitizen_pct:1.867113565,n:243},{lem:48,"SOC 2018 CODE":291123,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Physical therapists",OCC_CODE:291123,TOT_EMP:240820,H_MEAN:48.29,A_MEAN:100440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":34.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":76.3,"Hours of standing, mean":5.54,PCT_STAND:69.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.02,PCT_SIT:25.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:69.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":65.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":46.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":33.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":95.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":67,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":80.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":47,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":40.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":73.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":26.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":17.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":27.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":25,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":20.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":34.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":2.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":53.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.8,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Physical Therapists",INJURY_RATE:288.2,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:3.9375191,hisp_pct:6.9206848,asian_pct:11.9277938,noncitizen_pct:4.658802449,n:129},{lem:1,"SOC 2018 CODE":472031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Carpenters",OCC_CODE:472031,TOT_EMP:700290,H_MEAN:29.31,A_MEAN:60970,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":89,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">90","Hours of standing, mean":7.43,PCT_STAND:92.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.58,PCT_SIT:7.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:92.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":75.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":11,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":52.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":95.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":27.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":95.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":36.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":92.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":7.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":67,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":23.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":31.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":10.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":42,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":95.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":86.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":83.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":94.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":22.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":27.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":24.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.5,dots:15,OCC_SHORT:"Carpenters",INJURY_RATE:202.7,nonwhite_pct:14.42632,white_pct:85.57368,black_pct:4.6961048,hisp_pct:32.2513784,asian_pct:1.3038134,noncitizen_pct:20.67004281,n:47},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":111011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1110XX",OCCUPATION:"Chief executives",OCC_CODE:111011,TOT_EMP:211230,H_MEAN:124.47,A_MEAN:258900,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":29.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":23.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.33,PCT_STAND:16.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.81,PCT_SIT:85.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":13.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":43.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":16.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":83.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":43.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":41.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":66.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.2,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"CEOs",INJURY_RATE:100.1,nonwhite_pct:18.196621,white_pct:81.803379,black_pct:6.9445778,hisp_pct:12.3811241,asian_pct:4.8905268,noncitizen_pct:4.49154864,n:141},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":412022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4120XX",OCCUPATION:"Parts salespersons",OCC_CODE:412022,TOT_EMP:260770,H_MEAN:19.75,A_MEAN:41080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":91.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":37.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":58.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">55","Hours of standing, mean":4.87,PCT_STAND:60.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.79,PCT_SIT:34.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:60.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":62.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":41.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":39.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":71.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":64.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":14.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":12.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":65.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":34.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":11.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":13.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":47.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3.6,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Parts Salespeople",INJURY_RATE:53.6,nonwhite_pct:25.8578893,white_pct:74.1421107,black_pct:5.1757233,hisp_pct:17.7524168,asian_pct:1.3904303,noncitizen_pct:3.120790144,n:124},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":119041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Architectural and engineering managers",OCC_CODE:119041,TOT_EMP:207800,H_MEAN:82.83,A_MEAN:172290,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":42.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":32.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3.9,"Hours of standing, mean":1.27,PCT_STAND:15.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.83,PCT_SIT:85.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":67.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":24.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":3.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":33.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":20.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":42.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":88.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":4.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":9.4,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Engineering Managers",INJURY_RATE:2.5,nonwhite_pct:21.09674,white_pct:78.90326,black_pct:3.333763,hisp_pct:6.9688982,asian_pct:12.9487801,noncitizen_pct:8.68378591,n:142},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":472181,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47218X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4721XX",OCCUPATION:"Roofers",OCC_CODE:472181,TOT_EMP:135140,H_MEAN:26.85,A_MEAN:55840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.31,PCT_STAND:91.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.73,PCT_SIT:9.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":35.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":78,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":90.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":9.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":28.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":10.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":85.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":">99.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":18.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":43.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<25","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":25.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Roofers",INJURY_RATE:185.6,nonwhite_pct:20.537105,white_pct:79.462895,black_pct:6.0746493,hisp_pct:50.8384896,asian_pct:.7283482,noncitizen_pct:33.94603618,n:203},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":491011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4910XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of mechanics, installers, and repairers",OCC_CODE:491011,TOT_EMP:589880,H_MEAN:37.99,A_MEAN:79020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":82.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":46.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":80.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":71.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":59.7,"Hours of standing, mean":5.26,PCT_STAND:65.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.99,PCT_SIT:37.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":53.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":28.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":76,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":81.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":24.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":62,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":30.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":74.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":63.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":36.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":17.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":14.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":95.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":72.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":11,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":38.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":42.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":55.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":26.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:12,OCC_SHORT:"Repair Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:82.5,nonwhite_pct:15.6914619,white_pct:84.3085381,black_pct:8.3959403,hisp_pct:13.9035351,asian_pct:1.6227735,noncitizen_pct:3.232911704,n:57},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":291126,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Respiratory therapists",OCC_CODE:291126,TOT_EMP:129750,H_MEAN:38.62,A_MEAN:80340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":45.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.15,PCT_STAND:76.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.97,PCT_SIT:37.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":54.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":37.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":13.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":86.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":26.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":67.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":32.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":17.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":31.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<10","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":6.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<20","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":62.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Respiratory Therapists",INJURY_RATE:396.1,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:12.5627558,hisp_pct:11.1899156,asian_pct:6.9156373,noncitizen_pct:2.553700149,n:207},{lem:76,"SOC 2018 CODE":292056,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Veterinary technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:292056,TOT_EMP:122e3,H_MEAN:21.18,A_MEAN:44040,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":97.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":64,"Hours of standing, mean":6.91,PCT_STAND:86.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.76,PCT_SIT:22,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<50","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">75","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":36.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":92,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":73.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":20.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":58.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<15","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">50","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":22,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Vet Techs",INJURY_RATE:147.8,nonwhite_pct:31.556394,white_pct:68.443606,black_pct:3.6942704,hisp_pct:12.1598547,asian_pct:1.857129,noncitizen_pct:2.159226539,n:215},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":193034,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1930XX",OCCUPATION:"School psychologists",OCC_CODE:193034,TOT_EMP:62790,H_MEAN:44.22,A_MEAN:91990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":58.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":85.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":53.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.5,"Hours of standing, mean":2.02,PCT_STAND:25.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.54,PCT_SIT:69.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":14.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":69.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":18.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":34.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":26.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":73.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":27.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<10","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":29.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":27,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":30.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"School Psychologists",INJURY_RATE:37.6,nonwhite_pct:17.1625849,white_pct:82.8374151,black_pct:6.4365624,hisp_pct:11.3491239,asian_pct:2.51673,noncitizen_pct:1.285609685,n:307},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":273091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2730XX",OCCUPATION:"Interpreters and translators",OCC_CODE:273091,TOT_EMP:51560,H_MEAN:30.33,A_MEAN:63080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":85.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.14,PCT_STAND:26.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.57,PCT_SIT:44.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":14.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":29.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":9.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":34,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":66,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":78,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":85,"Percent of workers, driving is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<20","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":70.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Interpreters",INJURY_RATE:27.1,nonwhite_pct:36.1891638,white_pct:63.8108362,black_pct:5.7101104,hisp_pct:38.2790029,asian_pct:12.9534841,noncitizen_pct:14.29808555,n:329},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":172199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17219X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Engineers, all other",OCC_CODE:172199,TOT_EMP:150990,H_MEAN:56.9,A_MEAN:118350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":63.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":7.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":93.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":8.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":9.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Engineers (Other)",INJURY_RATE:8.2,nonwhite_pct:21.9977908,white_pct:78.0022092,black_pct:4.6909983,hisp_pct:9.5260654,asian_pct:12.0599249,noncitizen_pct:7.970511315,n:190},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":514041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51404X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Machinists",OCC_CODE:514041,TOT_EMP:290720,H_MEAN:26.25,A_MEAN:54600,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":22.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":82.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":42.1,"Hours of standing, mean":7.48,PCT_STAND:93.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.09,PCT_SIT:13.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:93.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":77.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":28.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":7.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":67.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":30.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":50.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":36.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":86.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":13.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":64.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":22.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":43,"Percent of workers, driving is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":95.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":7.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":77.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":14.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":27.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.3,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Machinists",INJURY_RATE:101,nonwhite_pct:15.7849598,white_pct:84.2150402,black_pct:5.5569438,hisp_pct:12.0429129,asian_pct:5.0673255,noncitizen_pct:4.321700675,n:111},{lem:100,"SOC 2018 CODE":392021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3920XX",OCCUPATION:"Animal caretakers",OCC_CODE:392021,TOT_EMP:268830,H_MEAN:16.12,A_MEAN:33530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":9.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":91.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":70.5,"Hours of standing, mean":5.43,PCT_STAND:67.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.41,PCT_SIT:5.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:67.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":90.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":42.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":8.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":57.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":38.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":74.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":13.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":51.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<10","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":8.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":57.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.7,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Animal Caretakers",INJURY_RATE:421.5,nonwhite_pct:13.570282,white_pct:86.429718,black_pct:4.3849835,hisp_pct:14.202871,asian_pct:1.9927311,noncitizen_pct:4.325749986,n:121},{lem:10,"SOC 2018 CODE":194031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1940XX",OCCUPATION:"Chemical technicians",OCC_CODE:194031,TOT_EMP:55880,H_MEAN:29.29,A_MEAN:60920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">55","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":69.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":30.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":41.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":58.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":13.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">75","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":4.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Chemical Technicians",INJURY_RATE:35.5,nonwhite_pct:25.3246848,white_pct:74.6753152,black_pct:11.5452998,hisp_pct:12.8736888,asian_pct:6.7194128,noncitizen_pct:5.178938813,n:323},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":292032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Diagnostic medical sonographers",OCC_CODE:292032,TOT_EMP:82780,H_MEAN:42.8,A_MEAN:89020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":32.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":87.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":67.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":27.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":61.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":88.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":35.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":6.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":14.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":72.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Diagnostic Sonographers",INJURY_RATE:272.8,nonwhite_pct:33.4728033,white_pct:66.5271967,black_pct:5.4851802,hisp_pct:11.2163326,asian_pct:7.5248574,noncitizen_pct:3.299811737,n:273},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":172141,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17214X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Mechanical engineers",OCC_CODE:172141,TOT_EMP:281290,H_MEAN:50.59,A_MEAN:105220,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":38.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":34.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":9.2,"Hours of standing, mean":1.57,PCT_STAND:19.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.51,PCT_SIT:81.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:81.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":98.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":59.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":14.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":19.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":80.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<10","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":18.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":26,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":96.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":5.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":9.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<30","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.9,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Mechanical Engineers",INJURY_RATE:8.9,nonwhite_pct:21.3091771,white_pct:78.6908229,black_pct:3.9957886,hisp_pct:7.7767868,asian_pct:12.0572915,noncitizen_pct:9.09508304,n:115},{lem:47,"SOC 2018 CODE":113051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Industrial production managers",OCC_CODE:113051,TOT_EMP:222890,H_MEAN:60.53,A_MEAN:125900,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":49.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.2,"Hours of standing, mean":3.98,PCT_STAND:49.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.35,PCT_SIT:54.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:54.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":14.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":19.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":48,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":52,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":35,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":17.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":12.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":59.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":8.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<20","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.6,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Production Managers",INJURY_RATE:51.6,nonwhite_pct:15.1951203,white_pct:84.8048797,black_pct:4.4275568,hisp_pct:11.9732132,asian_pct:6.0855315,noncitizen_pct:5.593895281,n:134},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":132052,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Personal financial advisors",OCC_CODE:132052,TOT_EMP:272190,H_MEAN:72.44,A_MEAN:150670,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":27.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">65","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":12.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.95,PCT_STAND:11.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.08,PCT_SIT:88.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:88.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<35","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":39.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":28.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":73.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<35","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Advisors",INJURY_RATE:62.4,nonwhite_pct:28.5560439,white_pct:71.4439561,black_pct:6.174905,hisp_pct:8.3726301,asian_pct:6.1418565,noncitizen_pct:3.838789434,n:119},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":291127,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Speech-language pathologists",OCC_CODE:291127,TOT_EMP:172100,H_MEAN:44.53,A_MEAN:92630,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":72.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":56.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":15.8,"Hours of standing, mean":2.64,PCT_STAND:33,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.53,PCT_SIT:56.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:56.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":27.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":36.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":18.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":29.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":36.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":63.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":20.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":7.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Speech Pathologists",INJURY_RATE:353.7,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:4.539093,hisp_pct:8.5423242,asian_pct:3.1066839,noncitizen_pct:1.584103547,n:167},{lem:11,"SOC 2018 CODE":395092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39509X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3950XX",OCCUPATION:"Manicurists and pedicurists",OCC_CODE:395092,TOT_EMP:144810,H_MEAN:17.54,A_MEAN:36480,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":20.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":93.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":.85,PCT_STAND:10.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.99,PCT_SIT:74.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:74.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":79.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":34.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":47.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":90.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<30","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":9.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<30","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":21.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":65.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Manicurists",INJURY_RATE:2.1,nonwhite_pct:84.8933055,white_pct:15.1066945,black_pct:2.5416304,hisp_pct:11.3752536,asian_pct:70.4502938,noncitizen_pct:26.39811082,n:196},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":151252,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15125X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Software developers",OCC_CODE:151252,TOT_EMP:1656880,H_MEAN:66.4,A_MEAN:138110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":27,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":98.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":18.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.5,PCT_STAND:6.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.46,PCT_SIT:93.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:93.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":1.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":6.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":93.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":64.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":87.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":96.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":96.4,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.1,dots:34,OCC_SHORT:"Software Developers",INJURY_RATE:1,nonwhite_pct:28.0660202,white_pct:71.9339798,black_pct:4.1383676,hisp_pct:6.6463322,asian_pct:32.7326235,noncitizen_pct:22.59949597,n:13},{lem:3,"SOC 2018 CODE":435061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43506X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Production, planning, and expediting clerks",OCC_CODE:435061,TOT_EMP:393980,H_MEAN:27.7,A_MEAN:57610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":78.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":38.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":16,"Hours of standing, mean":2.19,PCT_STAND:27.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.83,PCT_SIT:72.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:72.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":21.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":94,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":14.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":20.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":21.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":58.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":8.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":16.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":4.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.3,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Production Clerks",INJURY_RATE:17.3,nonwhite_pct:21.6856169,white_pct:78.3143831,black_pct:8.9228141,hisp_pct:14.2938094,asian_pct:5.3768573,noncitizen_pct:4.07018778,n:84},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":151251,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15125X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer programmers",OCC_CODE:151251,TOT_EMP:120370,H_MEAN:51.8,A_MEAN:107750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":22,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">85","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":9.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":34.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.29,PCT_STAND:3.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.38,PCT_SIT:92.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:92.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<15","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":84.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":1.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":3.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":96.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":61.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":85.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":31.3,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Programmers",INJURY_RATE:1,nonwhite_pct:28.0660202,white_pct:71.9339798,black_pct:4.9075738,hisp_pct:7.329818,asian_pct:17.4713437,noncitizen_pct:10.01416447,n:218},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":472111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47211X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4721XX",OCCUPATION:"Electricians",OCC_CODE:472111,TOT_EMP:712580,H_MEAN:32.6,A_MEAN:67810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":9.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":94.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":96.9,"Hours of standing, mean":7.34,PCT_STAND:91.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.79,PCT_SIT:9.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":90.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":74.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":5.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":69.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":94.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":99,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<25","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":96.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":43.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":50.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":90.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":9.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":21.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":36.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":34.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":42.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":41.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":26.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":41.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":79.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":30,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":96.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":16.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":10.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":25.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.9,dots:15,OCC_SHORT:"Electricians",INJURY_RATE:128.2,nonwhite_pct:15.7944828,white_pct:84.2055172,black_pct:6.9918853,hisp_pct:19.7852311,asian_pct:1.8648273,noncitizen_pct:7.216043082,n:45},{lem:75,"SOC 2018 CODE":253041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2530XX",OCCUPATION:"Tutors",OCC_CODE:253041,TOT_EMP:162300,H_MEAN:23.36,A_MEAN:48580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.37,PCT_STAND:17.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.33,PCT_SIT:41.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":76.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":27.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<15","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":28.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":71.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":23.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":32.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Tutors",INJURY_RATE:20,nonwhite_pct:33.296489,white_pct:66.703511,black_pct:9.2515875,hisp_pct:14.6918611,asian_pct:14.2735687,noncitizen_pct:7.300793302,n:175},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":231011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"23101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2310XX",OCCUPATION:"Lawyers",OCC_CODE:231011,TOT_EMP:731340,H_MEAN:84.84,A_MEAN:176470,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":31.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":45.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6,"Hours of standing, mean":1.48,PCT_STAND:18.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.87,PCT_SIT:85.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":94.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":54.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":17.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":82.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":25.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":54.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":67.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":5.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.3,dots:15,OCC_SHORT:"Lawyers",INJURY_RATE:1.3,nonwhite_pct:25.1894011,white_pct:74.8105989,black_pct:10.8150978,hisp_pct:14.1169235,asian_pct:6.894989,noncitizen_pct:3.881263758,n:44},{lem:64,"SOC 2018 CODE":271024,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2710XX",OCCUPATION:"Graphic designers",OCC_CODE:271024,TOT_EMP:212720,H_MEAN:31.11,A_MEAN:64700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":45.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":.98,PCT_STAND:12.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.95,PCT_SIT:86.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":9.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":9.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":15.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":9.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":15.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":47.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":30.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":45.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.5,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Graphic Designers",INJURY_RATE:26.4,nonwhite_pct:19.0942114,white_pct:80.9057886,black_pct:5.1074581,hisp_pct:12.2145417,asian_pct:8.4057061,noncitizen_pct:6.116237792,n:139},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":131111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13111X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Management analysts",OCC_CODE:131111,TOT_EMP:838140,H_MEAN:55.54,A_MEAN:115530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":33,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":22,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":34.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.98,PCT_STAND:12.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.89,PCT_SIT:86.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":1.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":14.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":14.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":61.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":83.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:17,OCC_SHORT:"Management Analysts",INJURY_RATE:10.2,nonwhite_pct:23.9112939,white_pct:76.0887061,black_pct:7.7434369,hisp_pct:8.0803628,asian_pct:10.5207192,noncitizen_pct:6.774360673,n:37},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":493031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists",OCC_CODE:493031,TOT_EMP:285030,H_MEAN:28.81,A_MEAN:59920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":90.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">90","Hours of standing, mean":6.36,PCT_STAND:79.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.8,PCT_SIT:22.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:79.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":88,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":82.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":57.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":82.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":74.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":95.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":43.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":88,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":78,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":22,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":34.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":32.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":38.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":70.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":77,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":22.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":43.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":64.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":62.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":46.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":30.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":17.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Diesel Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:137.2,nonwhite_pct:15.5269542,white_pct:84.4730458,black_pct:6.7992394,hisp_pct:17.9997918,asian_pct:1.8776268,noncitizen_pct:5.623291012,n:112},{lem:50,"SOC 2018 CODE":254022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25402X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2540XX",OCCUPATION:"Librarians and media collections specialists",OCC_CODE:254022,TOT_EMP:133760,H_MEAN:32.97,A_MEAN:68570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":76.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":59.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":25.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":39,"Hours of standing, mean":3.16,PCT_STAND:39.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.52,PCT_SIT:56.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:56.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":23.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":76.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":52.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":66.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":64.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":41.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":58.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":28,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":14.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":23.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":17.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Librarians",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:13.7958723,white_pct:86.2041277,black_pct:6.1938041,hisp_pct:6.9833675,asian_pct:3.4877852,noncitizen_pct:1.781441979,n:204},{lem:68,"SOC 2018 CODE":112021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1120XX",OCCUPATION:"Marketing managers",OCC_CODE:112021,TOT_EMP:368940,H_MEAN:80,A_MEAN:166410,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":32.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":.8,"Hours of standing, mean":1.09,PCT_STAND:13.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.89,PCT_SIT:86.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":39.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":31.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":59.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":94.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.2,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Marketing Managers",INJURY_RATE:18.1,nonwhite_pct:18.3986939,white_pct:81.6013061,black_pct:5.05715,hisp_pct:10.0349873,asian_pct:7.5514025,noncitizen_pct:5.69876331,n:90},{lem:23,"SOC 2018 CODE":433031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks",OCC_CODE:433031,TOT_EMP:1501910,H_MEAN:23.84,A_MEAN:49580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":47.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":36.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6,"Hours of standing, mean":.73,PCT_STAND:9.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.97,PCT_SIT:87.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":12.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":67.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":19.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.5,dots:31,OCC_SHORT:"Bookkeepers",INJURY_RATE:25.9,nonwhite_pct:17.9993897,white_pct:82.0006103,black_pct:6.9612515,hisp_pct:12.6420432,asian_pct:5.1212378,noncitizen_pct:3.594106611,n:16},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":172051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1720XX",OCCUPATION:"Civil engineers",OCC_CODE:172051,TOT_EMP:327950,H_MEAN:48.64,A_MEAN:101160,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":46.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":42.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":13.3,"Hours of standing, mean":1.69,PCT_STAND:21.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.32,PCT_SIT:79,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:79,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":78.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":34.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":13.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":64.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":21.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":78.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":7.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":64.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":36.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":">99.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":18.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27.3,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Civil Engineers",INJURY_RATE:2.2,nonwhite_pct:21.8448972,white_pct:78.1551028,black_pct:4.5955264,hisp_pct:10.190324,asian_pct:11.0480435,noncitizen_pct:6.647526148,n:100},{lem:17,"SOC 2018 CODE":131161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13116X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Market research analysts and marketing specialists",OCC_CODE:131161,TOT_EMP:846370,H_MEAN:40,A_MEAN:83190,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":33.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":25.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":1.19,PCT_STAND:14.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.76,PCT_SIT:84.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":14.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":85.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":18.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":20.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":67.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":87.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.4,dots:17,OCC_SHORT:"Marketing Analysts",INJURY_RATE:5.7,nonwhite_pct:21.2891239,white_pct:78.7108761,black_pct:5.7490101,hisp_pct:10.4037491,asian_pct:9.2597969,noncitizen_pct:6.723702972,n:35},{lem:62,"SOC 2018 CODE":353011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3530XX",OCCUPATION:"Bartenders",OCC_CODE:353011,TOT_EMP:711140,H_MEAN:17.83,A_MEAN:37090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">85","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":73.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":38.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.8,"Hours of standing, mean":6.46,PCT_STAND:80.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.11,PCT_SIT:1.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:80.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":26.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":26.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":71.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":95,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":69.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":27.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":13.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":18.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":28.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":73.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:15,OCC_SHORT:"Bartenders",INJURY_RATE:47.8,nonwhite_pct:16.1492672,white_pct:83.8507328,black_pct:5.4607328,hisp_pct:15.6269226,asian_pct:2.6061302,noncitizen_pct:4.523986439,n:46},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":413011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4130XX",OCCUPATION:"Advertising sales agents",OCC_CODE:413011,TOT_EMP:108100,H_MEAN:36.45,A_MEAN:75820,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":88.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":48,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<35","Hours of standing, mean":1.79,PCT_STAND:22.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.19,PCT_SIT:77.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:77.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":11.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":33.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<40","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":63.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":22.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":77.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":63.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":42.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":31.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Ad Sales Agents",INJURY_RATE:24.7,nonwhite_pct:16.3321692,white_pct:83.6678308,black_pct:6.9116891,hisp_pct:10.5382496,asian_pct:3.9693107,noncitizen_pct:3.829574067,n:236},{lem:4,"SOC 2018 CODE":513011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5130XX",OCCUPATION:"Bakers",OCC_CODE:513011,TOT_EMP:220230,H_MEAN:17.09,A_MEAN:35550,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":92,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.68,PCT_STAND:83.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.35,PCT_SIT:4.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:83.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":25.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":54,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":84.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":37.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":5.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":32.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":41.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":89.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":8.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":74.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Bakers",INJURY_RATE:108,nonwhite_pct:28.821421,white_pct:71.178579,black_pct:10.2414729,hisp_pct:26.9885849,asian_pct:6.3417838,noncitizen_pct:15.46808241,n:137},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":131141,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13114X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Compensation, benefits, and job analysis specialists",OCC_CODE:131141,TOT_EMP:99850,H_MEAN:38.76,A_MEAN:80620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":49.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">90","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.59,PCT_STAND:7.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.36,PCT_SIT:92,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:92,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">75","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":12.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":7.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":92.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":27.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":66.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":58.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<25","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":19.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.7,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Compensation Analysts",INJURY_RATE:5.7,nonwhite_pct:28.6688325,white_pct:71.3311675,black_pct:16.570908,hisp_pct:12.8830853,asian_pct:4.8952323,noncitizen_pct:2.635894321,n:248},{lem:85,"SOC 2018 CODE":113021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer and information systems managers",OCC_CODE:113021,TOT_EMP:592600,H_MEAN:86.88,A_MEAN:180720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":99,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.7,"Hours of standing, mean":.96,PCT_STAND:12,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.08,PCT_SIT:88.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:88.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":11.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":64.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":92.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18,dots:12,OCC_SHORT:"IT Managers",INJURY_RATE:6.3,nonwhite_pct:26.0292394,white_pct:73.9707606,black_pct:6.1395933,hisp_pct:7.4776395,asian_pct:14.150738,noncitizen_pct:7.717218358,n:56},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":332011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3320XX",OCCUPATION:"Firefighters",OCC_CODE:332011,TOT_EMP:315460,H_MEAN:29.03,A_MEAN:60390,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":98.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">95","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":13.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":78.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":96.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":99,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":60.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":95,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":48.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":71.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":62.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":61,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":77.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":90.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":59.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":96.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":96.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":59.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":96.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":35.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":14.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.5,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Firefighters",INJURY_RATE:149.5,nonwhite_pct:15.0072914,white_pct:84.9927086,black_pct:7.3085059,hisp_pct:11.5912057,asian_pct:1.2916246,noncitizen_pct:1.156121074,n:105},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":292034,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Radiologic technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:292034,TOT_EMP:221170,H_MEAN:36.18,A_MEAN:75250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":28.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":71.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":45.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":90.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":74.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":78.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":25,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":5.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":54.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Radiologic Technicians",INJURY_RATE:225.6,nonwhite_pct:33.4728033,white_pct:66.5271967,black_pct:7.2855897,hisp_pct:11.450539,asian_pct:5.2833703,noncitizen_pct:2.46472733,n:135},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":291122,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Occupational therapists",OCC_CODE:291122,TOT_EMP:144840,H_MEAN:46.54,A_MEAN:96790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":48.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":91.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":73.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":50.6,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":51.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":65.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":26.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":86.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":71.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":60.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":28.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":33.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":20.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":21.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":26,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":41.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":34.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Occupational Therapists",INJURY_RATE:339.6,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:5.3717947,hisp_pct:5.6574943,asian_pct:6.538348,noncitizen_pct:2.830031202,n:195},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":319011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31901X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Massage therapists",OCC_CODE:319011,TOT_EMP:92650,H_MEAN:30.08,A_MEAN:62560,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">90","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":96.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":14.6,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":25.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":19,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":74.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":83.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<30","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Massage Therapists",INJURY_RATE:74.1,nonwhite_pct:24.2866431,white_pct:75.7133569,black_pct:6.6787199,hisp_pct:12.8548381,asian_pct:10.0148358,noncitizen_pct:7.968961535,n:256},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":493023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Automotive service technicians and mechanics",OCC_CODE:493023,TOT_EMP:676570,H_MEAN:24.97,A_MEAN:51940,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":10.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":88.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">90","Hours of standing, mean":7.14,PCT_STAND:89.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.79,PCT_SIT:9.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:89.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":89.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":67.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":11.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":72.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":74.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":97.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":69.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":95.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":39.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":94.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":89.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":10.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":55.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":22.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":28.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":86.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":90.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":65.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":17.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":56.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":21.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":32.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14,dots:14,OCC_SHORT:"Auto Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:185.9,nonwhite_pct:12.5181805,white_pct:87.4818195,black_pct:7.7637558,hisp_pct:24.4903901,asian_pct:3.4633014,noncitizen_pct:10.21423091,n:49},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":436013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43601X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4360XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical secretaries and administrative assistants",OCC_CODE:436013,TOT_EMP:749500,H_MEAN:20.85,A_MEAN:43380,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":57.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":79.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":31,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":15,"Hours of standing, mean":1.06,PCT_STAND:13.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.67,PCT_SIT:83.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:83.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":20.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":57.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":16.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":9.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":19.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":89.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":47.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3.1,dots:15,OCC_SHORT:"Medical Secretaries",INJURY_RATE:104.5,nonwhite_pct:21.5767932,white_pct:78.4232068,black_pct:13.9529421,hisp_pct:15.7232527,asian_pct:3.9587679,noncitizen_pct:2.553983199,n:43},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":359031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3590XX",OCCUPATION:"Hosts and hostesses, restaurant, lounge, and coffee shop",OCC_CODE:359031,TOT_EMP:425020,H_MEAN:14.78,A_MEAN:30750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":77,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.58,PCT_STAND:69.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.07,PCT_SIT:.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:69.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":12.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":17.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":37.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":58.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":16.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":12.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":14.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":87.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Hosts/Hostesses",INJURY_RATE:42.1,nonwhite_pct:24.9589091,white_pct:75.0410909,black_pct:9.5583721,hisp_pct:19.7923062,asian_pct:4.221369,noncitizen_pct:3.958755603,n:78},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":514031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Cutting, punching, and press machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514031,TOT_EMP:179230,H_MEAN:21.28,A_MEAN:44260,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">70","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":22.3,"Hours of standing, mean":7.5,PCT_STAND:93.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:93.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">95","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":22.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":23.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":68.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":18.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":38.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":88.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":11.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":93.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":40.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":25.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":9.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":76.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":81.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":16.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":25.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":77.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Metal Workers",INJURY_RATE:86.3,nonwhite_pct:18.9504262,white_pct:81.0495738,black_pct:10.123684,hisp_pct:16.0222118,asian_pct:2.2907216,noncitizen_pct:6.811178636,n:160},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":411012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4110XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of non-retail sales workers",OCC_CODE:411012,TOT_EMP:227150,H_MEAN:47.61,A_MEAN:99020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":71.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":40.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.05,PCT_STAND:38.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.07,PCT_SIT:63.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:63.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":28.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":66,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":10.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":30.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":49.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":37.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":62.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":48.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":27.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":36.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<45","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.5,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Non-Retail Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:35.4,nonwhite_pct:21.7234598,white_pct:78.2765402,black_pct:7.0580865,hisp_pct:14.1643516,asian_pct:5.3082492,noncitizen_pct:5.644482612,n:132},{lem:36,"SOC 2018 CODE":111021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1110XX",OCCUPATION:"General and operations managers",OCC_CODE:111021,TOT_EMP:3507810,H_MEAN:62.18,A_MEAN:129330,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":48.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":43,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.5,"Hours of standing, mean":2.69,PCT_STAND:33.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.57,PCT_SIT:69.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":29.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":18.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":3.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":43.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":27.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":50,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":2.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":1.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":1.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.3,dots:71,OCC_SHORT:"General Managers",INJURY_RATE:20.9,nonwhite_pct:18.196621,white_pct:81.803379,black_pct:6.9445778,hisp_pct:12.3811241,asian_pct:4.8905268,noncitizen_pct:4.49154864,n:2},{lem:72,"SOC 2018 CODE":319091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Dental assistants",OCC_CODE:319091,TOT_EMP:370690,H_MEAN:22.77,A_MEAN:47350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":81.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":23.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":74.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":90.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":20.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":38.3,"Hours of standing, mean":3.86,PCT_STAND:48.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.03,PCT_SIT:50.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:50.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":76.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":32.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":59.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":31.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":59.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":51,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":91.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":16.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":67.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.6,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Dental Assistants",INJURY_RATE:59,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:6.6642072,hisp_pct:26.951965,asian_pct:6.2664488,noncitizen_pct:6.568080082,n:89},{lem:26,"SOC 2018 CODE":292043,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29204X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Paramedics",OCC_CODE:292043,TOT_EMP:98770,H_MEAN:27.62,A_MEAN:57450,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":90.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":83.9,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":97.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":87.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":85,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":37.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":92.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":58.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":13.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":24,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":8.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":30.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":24.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.9,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Paramedics",INJURY_RATE:554.2,nonwhite_pct:19.6412016,white_pct:80.3587984,black_pct:5.3968328,hisp_pct:10.1042297,asian_pct:2.9810929,noncitizen_pct:1.596016937,n:249},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":373011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3730XX",OCCUPATION:"Landscaping and groundskeeping workers",OCC_CODE:373011,TOT_EMP:929930,H_MEAN:19.13,A_MEAN:39790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":80.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.24,PCT_STAND:78,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.53,PCT_SIT:19.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":66.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":35.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":71.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":83.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":81.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":20.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":96,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":80,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":71.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":34.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":71.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":49.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":34.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":21.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":33.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.5,dots:19,OCC_SHORT:"Landscapers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:21.7263798,white_pct:78.2736202,black_pct:9.1126209,hisp_pct:36.2919791,asian_pct:1.2172031,noncitizen_pct:21.51483564,n:32},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":413031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4130XX",OCCUPATION:"Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents",OCC_CODE:413031,TOT_EMP:479630,H_MEAN:52.75,A_MEAN:109710,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":28.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":22,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":44.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Sales Agents",INJURY_RATE:8.1,nonwhite_pct:19.9786307,white_pct:80.0213693,black_pct:6.3129555,hisp_pct:10.23138,asian_pct:8.3230876,noncitizen_pct:5.741171417,n:66},{lem:68,"SOC 2018 CODE":151244,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15124X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Network and computer systems administrators",OCC_CODE:151244,TOT_EMP:323020,H_MEAN:48.36,A_MEAN:100580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":56.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":54.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.69,PCT_STAND:21.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.28,PCT_SIT:78.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:78.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":44.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":57.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":13.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":21.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":78.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":13.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":43.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":68.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":30,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Network Admins",INJURY_RATE:6,nonwhite_pct:29.0214567,white_pct:70.9785433,black_pct:8.61725,hisp_pct:10.4011311,asian_pct:9.5051231,noncitizen_pct:5.315617192,n:103},{lem:52,"SOC 2018 CODE":172011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1720XX",OCCUPATION:"Aerospace engineers",OCC_CODE:172011,TOT_EMP:66660,H_MEAN:64.58,A_MEAN:134330,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"<20","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"<20","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":10.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<20","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":7.93,PCT_SIT:99.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:99.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":89.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<20","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":96.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":98.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Aerospace Engineers",INJURY_RATE:7.8,nonwhite_pct:22.9794777,white_pct:77.0205223,black_pct:4.9417789,hisp_pct:10.1067735,asian_pct:12.0017189,noncitizen_pct:3.667540033,n:296},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":537021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53702X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Crane and tower operators",OCC_CODE:537021,TOT_EMP:42260,H_MEAN:32.71,A_MEAN:68040,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">50","Hours of standing, mean":4.97,PCT_STAND:62.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.67,PCT_SIT:58.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:62.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:58.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":9.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":39.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":76.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":53.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":6.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":49.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":50.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":49.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":89,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":8.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":30.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":60.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":43.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":68.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<50","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":45.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":90.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Crane Operators",INJURY_RATE:87.5,nonwhite_pct:20.5096868,white_pct:79.4903132,black_pct:12.2166474,hisp_pct:14.7356233,asian_pct:.8452335,noncitizen_pct:3.240705005,n:348},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":472061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47206X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Construction laborers",OCC_CODE:472061,TOT_EMP:1019090,H_MEAN:23.69,A_MEAN:49280,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":79.8,"Hours of standing, mean":7.64,PCT_STAND:95.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.62,PCT_SIT:7.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:95.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":44.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":38.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":47.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":80.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":39.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":92.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":7.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":8.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":32.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":34.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":95.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":77.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":56.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":56.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":69.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":17.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":55.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":.6,dots:21,OCC_SHORT:"Construction Laborers",INJURY_RATE:207.1,nonwhite_pct:22.997119,white_pct:77.002881,black_pct:8.061317,hisp_pct:41.5682955,asian_pct:1.7427618,noncitizen_pct:26.14758547,n:28},{lem:30,"SOC 2018 CODE":119199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Managers, all other",OCC_CODE:119199,TOT_EMP:589750,H_MEAN:70.35,A_MEAN:146320,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":56.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":50.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6.4,"Hours of standing, mean":1.49,PCT_STAND:18.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.28,PCT_SIT:78.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:78.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":52.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":25.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":16.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":50.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":18.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":81.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":50.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":45.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":74.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":49,dots:12,OCC_SHORT:"General Managers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:25.0878445,white_pct:74.9121555,black_pct:12.9467979,hisp_pct:11.4454004,asian_pct:5.5792104,noncitizen_pct:2.952653702,n:58},{lem:84,"SOC 2018 CODE":292042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29204X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Emergency medical technicians",OCC_CODE:292042,TOT_EMP:167040,H_MEAN:20.72,A_MEAN:43100,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":71.9,"Hours of standing, mean":6.19,PCT_STAND:77.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.03,PCT_SIT:75.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:77.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:75.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":13.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":20.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":85,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":77.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":78.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":64.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":20.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":33.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":79.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":69.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":33.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":15.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":16,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":86.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.2,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"EMTs",INJURY_RATE:554.2,nonwhite_pct:19.6412016,white_pct:80.3587984,black_pct:8.1048425,hisp_pct:14.8144398,asian_pct:3.5249011,noncitizen_pct:2.519136527,n:173},{lem:45,"SOC 2018 CODE":474011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4740XX",OCCUPATION:"Construction and building inspectors",OCC_CODE:474011,TOT_EMP:133640,H_MEAN:35.04,A_MEAN:72880,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":42.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":76.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":55.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":43.4,"Hours of standing, mean":4.54,PCT_STAND:56.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.43,PCT_SIT:42.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:56.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":57.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":88,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":44.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":94.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":25.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":47.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":80.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":57,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":43,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":33.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":24.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":14.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":24.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":89.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":80.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":6.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":11.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":36.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":56,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":18.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":12,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25.6,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Building Inspectors",INJURY_RATE:110.7,nonwhite_pct:16.6330593,white_pct:83.3669407,black_pct:7.5973767,hisp_pct:12.6218856,asian_pct:2.8702874,noncitizen_pct:3.016361843,n:205},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":499021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers",OCC_CODE:499021,TOT_EMP:397450,H_MEAN:28.66,A_MEAN:59620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":88,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">99.5","Hours of standing, mean":6.24,PCT_STAND:78,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.81,PCT_SIT:22.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":79.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":12,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":96.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":61.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<40","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":87.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":77.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":22.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":31.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":37,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<35","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":26.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":85.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":19.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":18.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":87.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":47.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":99,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":59,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":1.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":20.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.3,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"HVAC Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:276.1,nonwhite_pct:15.6820549,white_pct:84.3179451,black_pct:6.8582804,hisp_pct:21.0738731,asian_pct:2.1544856,noncitizen_pct:8.020545624,n:83},{lem:13,"SOC 2018 CODE":493011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Aircraft mechanics and service technicians",OCC_CODE:493011,TOT_EMP:137630,H_MEAN:36.66,A_MEAN:76260,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":23,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":77,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":17.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":67.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":70.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":96.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":35.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":75.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":66,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":11.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Aircraft Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:197.7,nonwhite_pct:21.9021939,white_pct:78.0978061,black_pct:8.63443,hisp_pct:17.191637,asian_pct:5.0817242,noncitizen_pct:2.854608677,n:199},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":212011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2120XX",OCCUPATION:"Clergy",OCC_CODE:212011,TOT_EMP:56640,H_MEAN:30.64,A_MEAN:63720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":51.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":87.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":59.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":28.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":39.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":16.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":39.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":41.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":40.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":12.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":18.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":28.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":12.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":14.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Clergy",INJURY_RATE:64.5,nonwhite_pct:20.6186437,white_pct:79.3813563,black_pct:10.6227663,hisp_pct:7.8589154,asian_pct:5.121833,noncitizen_pct:5.268517313,n:321},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":131082,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13108X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Project management specialists",OCC_CODE:131082,TOT_EMP:947630,H_MEAN:50.44,A_MEAN:104920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":28.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":92.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":21.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3.8,"Hours of standing, mean":1.16,PCT_STAND:14.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.83,PCT_SIT:85.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":7.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":26.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":7.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":14.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":85.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":35.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":63.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":62.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:19,OCC_SHORT:"Project Managers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:32.0341716,white_pct:67.9658284,black_pct:6.9371585,hisp_pct:9.09691,asian_pct:8.7802636,noncitizen_pct:5.320808659,n:31},{lem:99,"SOC 2018 CODE":493021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Automotive body and related repairers",OCC_CODE:493021,TOT_EMP:151910,H_MEAN:26.55,A_MEAN:55220,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":87.1,"Hours of standing, mean":7.18,PCT_STAND:89.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.36,PCT_SIT:17,STANDING_BOOLEAN:89.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":24.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":46,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":47.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":87.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":71.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":83.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":16.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":79.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":27.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":69.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":10.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":26.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":33.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":40,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":9.4,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Auto Body Repairers",INJURY_RATE:94.5,nonwhite_pct:12.5181805,white_pct:87.4818195,black_pct:4.5970751,hisp_pct:25.103298,asian_pct:1.8787719,noncitizen_pct:11.99571783,n:187},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":359011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35901X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3590XX",OCCUPATION:"Dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers",OCC_CODE:359011,TOT_EMP:483390,H_MEAN:15.74,A_MEAN:32730,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":93.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":63.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":43.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.22,PCT_STAND:77.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.09,PCT_SIT:1.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:77.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":22.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":25.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":17.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":91.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":96.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":51.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":89,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":11,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":80.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":10.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":77.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Cafeteria Attendants",INJURY_RATE:118.7,nonwhite_pct:30.5690569,white_pct:69.4309431,black_pct:11.8056151,hisp_pct:28.1957753,asian_pct:5.4063011,noncitizen_pct:10.68838858,n:65},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":353031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3530XX",OCCUPATION:"Waiters and waitresses",OCC_CODE:353031,TOT_EMP:2237850,H_MEAN:17.56,A_MEAN:36530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":35,"Hours of standing, mean":6.03,PCT_STAND:75.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.17,PCT_SIT:2.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":41.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":45.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":28,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":62.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":92.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":45.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":97.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":2.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.7,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":1.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":8.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:45,OCC_SHORT:"Waitstaff",INJURY_RATE:52,nonwhite_pct:27.133627,white_pct:72.866373,black_pct:8.9934125,hisp_pct:21.7322769,asian_pct:7.0404165,noncitizen_pct:9.093759229,n:9},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":472211,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47221X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4722XX",OCCUPATION:"Sheet metal workers",OCC_CODE:472211,TOT_EMP:116190,H_MEAN:30.9,A_MEAN:64270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":97.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.12,PCT_STAND:89,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:89,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":47.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">75","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":87.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":75.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":17.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":30.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":26.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":27.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":9.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":87.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":71.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":15.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":14.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.1,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Sheet Metal Workers",INJURY_RATE:111.3,nonwhite_pct:14.8928747,white_pct:85.1071253,black_pct:6.3491867,hisp_pct:18.1969898,asian_pct:2.3358108,noncitizen_pct:7.022942439,n:226},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":353023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3530XX",OCCUPATION:"Fast food and counter workers",OCC_CODE:353023,TOT_EMP:3676580,H_MEAN:14.48,A_MEAN:30110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":89.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":78.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":15.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":58,"Hours of standing, mean":5.67,PCT_STAND:70.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.11,PCT_SIT:1.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:70.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":12.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":65,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":48.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":92.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":73.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":6.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":39.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":24.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":87.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:74,OCC_SHORT:"Fast Food Workers",INJURY_RATE:65.4,nonwhite_pct:30.0663184,white_pct:69.9336816,black_pct:12.4176384,hisp_pct:19.7317397,asian_pct:5.3614831,noncitizen_pct:5.122331448,n:1},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":291051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29105X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2910XX",OCCUPATION:"Pharmacists",OCC_CODE:291051,TOT_EMP:331700,H_MEAN:64.81,A_MEAN:134790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":33.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":70.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":87.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":59.6,"Hours of standing, mean":5.76,PCT_STAND:72,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.12,PCT_SIT:26.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:72,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":66.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":63,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":81.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":53.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":66.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":72.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":27.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":21.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":37,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Pharmacists",INJURY_RATE:47.4,nonwhite_pct:32.3898292,white_pct:67.6101708,black_pct:6.8168574,hisp_pct:5.043426,asian_pct:20.9251667,noncitizen_pct:3.601829161,n:98},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":113031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Financial managers",OCC_CODE:113031,TOT_EMP:787340,H_MEAN:84.05,A_MEAN:174820,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":44.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.9,"Hours of standing, mean":1.02,PCT_STAND:12.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.07,PCT_SIT:88.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:88.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":40.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":67.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25.9,dots:16,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Managers",INJURY_RATE:27.2,nonwhite_pct:21.6396993,white_pct:78.3603007,black_pct:7.9420754,hisp_pct:12.1183637,asian_pct:7.749481,noncitizen_pct:4.889437864,n:39},{lem:20,"SOC 2018 CODE":472152,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47215X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4721XX",OCCUPATION:"Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters",OCC_CODE:472152,TOT_EMP:436160,H_MEAN:32.62,A_MEAN:67840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">75","Hours of standing, mean":7.09,PCT_STAND:88.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.34,PCT_SIT:16.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:88.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":62,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":88.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":62.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":92.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<30","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":68.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":44.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":25,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":20.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":14.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":67.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":12.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":96.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":60.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":46.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":89.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":17.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.3,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Plumbers",INJURY_RATE:187.9,nonwhite_pct:20.4083164,white_pct:79.5916836,black_pct:6.6216979,hisp_pct:23.5150429,asian_pct:1.4002879,noncitizen_pct:9.29047189,n:74},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":119081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11908X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Lodging managers",OCC_CODE:119081,TOT_EMP:41980,H_MEAN:36.92,A_MEAN:76790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":63.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":54.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":46.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.31,PCT_STAND:53.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.37,PCT_SIT:54.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:53.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:54.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":57.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":23.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":40.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":50.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":35.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<20","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":40.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":18.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<20","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":15.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28.3,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Lodging Managers",INJURY_RATE:74,nonwhite_pct:25.9060794,white_pct:74.0939206,black_pct:8.503756,hisp_pct:12.5488756,asian_pct:10.2069954,noncitizen_pct:7.071257613,n:349},{lem:87,"SOC 2018 CODE":119141,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11914X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Property, real estate, and community association managers",OCC_CODE:119141,TOT_EMP:284120,H_MEAN:37.69,A_MEAN:78400,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":87.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":63.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.96,PCT_STAND:24.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.85,PCT_SIT:73.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:73.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":12.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":36.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":80.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":20,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":68.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":24.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":75.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":11,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":68.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":21.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":29,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":34.1,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Property Managers",INJURY_RATE:58.5,nonwhite_pct:19.2714478,white_pct:80.7285522,black_pct:8.6825389,hisp_pct:14.1314905,asian_pct:4.1209168,noncitizen_pct:4.15131956,n:113},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":151253,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15125X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Software quality assurance analysts and testers",OCC_CODE:151253,TOT_EMP:203040,H_MEAN:52.15,A_MEAN:108460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":20.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":15.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":38.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.42,PCT_STAND:5.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.57,PCT_SIT:94.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:94.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":61.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<15","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<15","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":5.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":94.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<15","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<15","Percent of workers, with telework available":49.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":81.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":43.4,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"QA Analysts",INJURY_RATE:1,nonwhite_pct:28.0660202,white_pct:71.9339798,black_pct:7.7467388,hisp_pct:6.595168,asian_pct:27.2454048,noncitizen_pct:15.72020627,n:148},{lem:74,"SOC 2018 CODE":413091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4130XX",OCCUPATION:"Sales representatives of services, except advertising, insurance, financial services, and travel",OCC_CODE:413091,TOT_EMP:1142020,H_MEAN:38.98,A_MEAN:81080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":31.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":81.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":25.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":8.2,"Hours of standing, mean":1.94,PCT_STAND:24.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.08,PCT_SIT:76,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:76,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":18.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":88.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":17.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":16.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":56,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":24.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":75.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":37.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":55.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":39.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":11.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.4,dots:23,OCC_SHORT:"Service Sales Reps",INJURY_RATE:7.9,nonwhite_pct:16.7517175,white_pct:83.2482825,black_pct:7.1798587,hisp_pct:12.4308408,asian_pct:3.9499008,noncitizen_pct:3.92281383,n:24},{lem:8,"SOC 2018 CODE":399031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3990XX",OCCUPATION:"Exercise trainers and group fitness instructors",OCC_CODE:399031,TOT_EMP:279450,H_MEAN:24.65,A_MEAN:51270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">80","Hours of standing, mean":3.14,PCT_STAND:39.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.81,PCT_SIT:10.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":34.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":46,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":19,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":96.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":40.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":36.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":82.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":17.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":83.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":13.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":26,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":52.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<10","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":7.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":86.1,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":21.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":5.2,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Fitness Trainers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:20.2029981,white_pct:79.7970019,black_pct:8.7522336,hisp_pct:12.0963688,asian_pct:4.1258064,noncitizen_pct:3.874133075,n:117},{lem:3,"SOC 2018 CODE":151241,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15124X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer network architects",OCC_CODE:151241,TOT_EMP:174100,H_MEAN:64.39,A_MEAN:133930,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">85","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":37.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<15","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":10,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":24.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":25.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":68.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Network Architects",INJURY_RATE:1.9,nonwhite_pct:29.0214567,white_pct:70.9785433,black_pct:10.1347605,hisp_pct:10.0045804,asian_pct:12.334161,noncitizen_pct:7.662946088,n:164},{lem:54,"SOC 2018 CODE":516031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51603X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5160XX",OCCUPATION:"Sewing machine operators",OCC_CODE:516031,TOT_EMP:116130,H_MEAN:16.83,A_MEAN:35e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":85.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":84.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":5.6,"Hours of standing, mean":2.74,PCT_STAND:34.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.56,PCT_SIT:69.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":60.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":22.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":68.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":33.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":66.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":79.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":56.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":39.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Sewing Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:71.9,nonwhite_pct:38.1991909,white_pct:61.8008091,black_pct:10.7074658,hisp_pct:33.1862326,asian_pct:12.3149935,noncitizen_pct:23.54464985,n:227},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":474051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47405X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4740XX",OCCUPATION:"Highway maintenance workers",OCC_CODE:474051,TOT_EMP:150860,H_MEAN:23.59,A_MEAN:49070,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":83.4,"Hours of standing, mean":5.37,PCT_STAND:67.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.76,PCT_SIT:34.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:67.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">90","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":42.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":58.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":65.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":86.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":39.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":96.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":66.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":33.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":36.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":37,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":96,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":29.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":81.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":40.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":69.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":62.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":41.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":30.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":57.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.6,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Highway Workers",INJURY_RATE:118.6,nonwhite_pct:14.842857,white_pct:85.157143,black_pct:8.8196553,hisp_pct:12.7739563,asian_pct:.3292964,noncitizen_pct:3.436573854,n:191},{lem:20,"SOC 2018 CODE":436014,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43601X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4360XX",OCCUPATION:"Secretaries and administrative assistants, except legal, medical, and executive",OCC_CODE:436014,TOT_EMP:1785430,H_MEAN:21.87,A_MEAN:45490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":59.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":42.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.5,"Hours of standing, mean":1.04,PCT_STAND:13,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.69,PCT_SIT:83.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:83.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":19.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":8.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":6.6,dots:36,OCC_SHORT:"Administrative Assistants",INJURY_RATE:24.5,nonwhite_pct:21.5767932,white_pct:78.4232068,black_pct:8.5346147,hisp_pct:13.6219112,asian_pct:3.1738376,noncitizen_pct:3.314066041,n:12},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":411011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4110XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of retail sales workers",OCC_CODE:411011,TOT_EMP:1087890,H_MEAN:25.01,A_MEAN:52030,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":43.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":82.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":64.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":56.9,"Hours of standing, mean":6,PCT_STAND:75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.2,PCT_SIT:27.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":56.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":71.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":38.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":75.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":20.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":64,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":25.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":73.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":26.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":13.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":24.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":4.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":5.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":14,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":28.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:22,OCC_SHORT:"Retail Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:152.4,nonwhite_pct:21.7234598,white_pct:78.2765402,black_pct:8.9645961,hisp_pct:14.8357401,asian_pct:5.5639636,noncitizen_pct:5.037734139,n:26},{lem:17,"SOC 2018 CODE":151212,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15121X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Information security analysts",OCC_CODE:151212,TOT_EMP:175350,H_MEAN:59.97,A_MEAN:124740,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":44.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":32.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":3.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":74.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"InfoSec Analysts",INJURY_RATE:4.1,nonwhite_pct:33.12775,white_pct:66.87225,black_pct:12.0772242,hisp_pct:10.123281,asian_pct:9.0030747,noncitizen_pct:4.634270145,n:163},{lem:48,"SOC 2018 CODE":113013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Facilities managers",OCC_CODE:113013,TOT_EMP:131400,H_MEAN:53.42,A_MEAN:111110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":78.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":79.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":66.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":45.2,"Hours of standing, mean":3.66,PCT_STAND:45.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.32,PCT_SIT:54,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:54,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":20.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":80.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":65.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":9.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":48.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":34.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":54.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":45.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":54.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":31.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<30","Percent of workers, crawling is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":19.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":55.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":41.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":25.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":40.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Facilities Managers",INJURY_RATE:89.7,nonwhite_pct:22.4807295,white_pct:77.5192705,black_pct:9.4989048,hisp_pct:11.4160953,asian_pct:3.0052871,noncitizen_pct:2.788381269,n:206},{lem:74,"SOC 2018 CODE":273031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2730XX",OCCUPATION:"Public relations specialists",OCC_CODE:273031,TOT_EMP:275550,H_MEAN:37.37,A_MEAN:77720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":19.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":1.49,PCT_STAND:18.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.34,PCT_SIT:79.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:79.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":10.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":18.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":81.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":26.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":31.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":80.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27.7,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"PR Specialists",INJURY_RATE:4.6,nonwhite_pct:18.9449782,white_pct:81.0550218,black_pct:8.3994116,hisp_pct:11.2494469,asian_pct:4.3832897,noncitizen_pct:3.844497865,n:118},{lem:2,"SOC 2018 CODE":519198,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Helpers--production workers",OCC_CODE:519198,TOT_EMP:181810,H_MEAN:18.35,A_MEAN:38160,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.27,PCT_STAND:90.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.88,PCT_SIT:11,STANDING_BOOLEAN:90.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":99.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":15,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":89,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":11,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":15.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":7.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":11.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":81.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":38.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":12.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":12.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Production Helpers",INJURY_RATE:82.8,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:12.460051,hisp_pct:32.3152231,asian_pct:5.7132166,noncitizen_pct:16.11513411,n:159},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":518021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51802X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5180XX",OCCUPATION:"Stationary engineers and boiler operators",OCC_CODE:518021,TOT_EMP:33840,H_MEAN:35.18,A_MEAN:73170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Stationary Engineers",INJURY_RATE:111.8,nonwhite_pct:24.4823025,white_pct:75.5176975,black_pct:11.3648722,hisp_pct:13.9189097,asian_pct:6.3816952,noncitizen_pct:5.01716286,n:360},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":119051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11905X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Food service managers",OCC_CODE:119051,TOT_EMP:246070,H_MEAN:33.45,A_MEAN:69580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":49.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":71,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":45.3,"Hours of standing, mean":6.36,PCT_STAND:79.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.2,PCT_SIT:27.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:79.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":50.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":34,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":22,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":49.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":64.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":50.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":74.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":25.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":18.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":7.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":32.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":18.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27.2,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Food Service Managers",INJURY_RATE:214.9,nonwhite_pct:28.0301695,white_pct:71.9698305,black_pct:9.8754674,hisp_pct:18.5160418,asian_pct:8.8243418,noncitizen_pct:8.333839285,n:125},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":518031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51803X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5180XX",OCCUPATION:"Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators",OCC_CODE:518031,TOT_EMP:120710,H_MEAN:27.91,A_MEAN:58050,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":22,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":65.5,"Hours of standing, mean":5.7,PCT_STAND:71.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.45,PCT_SIT:30.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:71.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":78,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":65.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":94.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":93.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":80,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":69.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":27.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":79.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":70.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":29.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":66.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":16.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":21,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":26.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":81.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":76.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":96.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":38.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":39,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":60.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":62,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":10.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":34.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.9,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Water Plant Operators",INJURY_RATE:170.2,nonwhite_pct:15.0686924,white_pct:84.9313076,black_pct:7.5198252,hisp_pct:11.2887689,asian_pct:1.3400306,noncitizen_pct:1.42518019,n:217},{lem:38,"SOC 2018 CODE":131121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Meeting, convention, and event planners",OCC_CODE:131121,TOT_EMP:122130,H_MEAN:29.94,A_MEAN:62280,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":60.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":64,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":56,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":21.8,"Hours of standing, mean":2.56,PCT_STAND:32,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.42,PCT_SIT:67.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:67.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":36,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":51.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":37.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":22.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":9.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":39.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":8.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":39.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":33.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":56.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":32.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":35.3,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Event Planners",INJURY_RATE:21.7,nonwhite_pct:20.6735771,white_pct:79.3264229,black_pct:9.260277,hisp_pct:12.4900769,asian_pct:4.0447442,noncitizen_pct:4.327865212,n:214},{lem:98,"SOC 2018 CODE":132011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Accountants and auditors",OCC_CODE:132011,TOT_EMP:1435770,H_MEAN:43.65,A_MEAN:90780,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":46.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":2.5,"Hours of standing, mean":.66,PCT_STAND:8.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.32,PCT_SIT:91.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":14.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":8.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":14.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":51.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":93.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":99.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:29,OCC_SHORT:"Accountants",INJURY_RATE:7,nonwhite_pct:25.9553827,white_pct:74.0446173,black_pct:8.4681649,hisp_pct:8.9666624,asian_pct:11.9167704,noncitizen_pct:5.208909742,n:17},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":113012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Administrative services managers",OCC_CODE:113012,TOT_EMP:242520,H_MEAN:58.27,A_MEAN:121200,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":56.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">90","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":9.5,"Hours of standing, mean":1.23,PCT_STAND:15.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.76,PCT_SIT:84.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":60,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":48.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":20.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":42.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":59.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.1,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Administrative Managers",INJURY_RATE:89.7,nonwhite_pct:22.4807295,white_pct:77.5192705,black_pct:10.2258231,hisp_pct:13.3783894,asian_pct:4.9073094,noncitizen_pct:3.371060989,n:127},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":434121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43412X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Library assistants, clerical",OCC_CODE:434121,TOT_EMP:83680,H_MEAN:17.29,A_MEAN:35970,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":45.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":76.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":29.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":58,"Hours of standing, mean":3.03,PCT_STAND:37.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.79,PCT_SIT:34.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":54.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":7.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":89.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":87.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":14.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<25","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":11.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<25",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Library Assistants",INJURY_RATE:38.2,nonwhite_pct:23.0680265,white_pct:76.9319735,black_pct:10.0065805,hisp_pct:12.5128249,asian_pct:5.7773815,noncitizen_pct:3.836492673,n:270},{lem:55,"SOC 2018 CODE":151211,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15121X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer systems analysts",OCC_CODE:151211,TOT_EMP:498810,H_MEAN:53.27,A_MEAN:110800,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":28.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":18.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3,"Hours of standing, mean":.79,PCT_STAND:9.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.12,PCT_SIT:89,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:89,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":10.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":89.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":54.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":82.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">80","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Systems Analysts",INJURY_RATE:3.7,nonwhite_pct:33.12775,white_pct:66.87225,black_pct:9.8148259,hisp_pct:9.2230479,asian_pct:16.0962126,noncitizen_pct:9.133756817,n:62},{lem:32,"SOC 2018 CODE":439199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4391XX",OCCUPATION:"Office and administrative support workers, all other",OCC_CODE:439199,TOT_EMP:172020,H_MEAN:22.41,A_MEAN:46620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":37.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":67.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":31.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.73,PCT_STAND:21.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.84,PCT_SIT:73,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:73,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":32.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":57.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":59.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":14,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":22.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":77.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":68.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":91.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":42.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Admin Workers",INJURY_RATE:35.2,nonwhite_pct:33.1972789,white_pct:66.8027211,black_pct:10.9735953,hisp_pct:14.0765966,asian_pct:11.8122443,noncitizen_pct:8.106940456,n:168},{lem:6,"SOC 2018 CODE":331012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of police and detectives",OCC_CODE:331012,TOT_EMP:138140,H_MEAN:50.96,A_MEAN:106e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":24,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":91.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":72.2,"Hours of standing, mean":3.29,PCT_STAND:41.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.74,PCT_SIT:71.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:71.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":76,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":91.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":25.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":79.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":37.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":36.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":63.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":29.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":28.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":33.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":37.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":">95","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":14.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":60.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":35.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":37.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":34,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":13.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":30.4,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Police Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:542.6,nonwhite_pct:26.9411089,white_pct:73.0588911,black_pct:10.7911801,hisp_pct:12.1832604,asian_pct:1.4062451,noncitizen_pct:1.000188863,n:198},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":371012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3710XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of landscaping, lawn service, and groundskeeping workers",OCC_CODE:371012,TOT_EMP:126020,H_MEAN:28.33,A_MEAN:58920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":29.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":67.3,"Hours of standing, mean":5.82,PCT_STAND:72.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.3,PCT_SIT:28.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:72.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":70.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":81.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":34.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">90","Percent of workers, low postures are required":91.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":70.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":27.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":98.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":71.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":28.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":16.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":19.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":8.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":30.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":67.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":44.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":43.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":18.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":18.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.1,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Landscaping Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:198.8,nonwhite_pct:28.0666236,white_pct:71.9333764,black_pct:6.314776,hisp_pct:24.4957333,asian_pct:1.0958659,noncitizen_pct:11.78410968,n:210},{lem:83,"SOC 2018 CODE":272012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2720XX",OCCUPATION:"Producers and directors",OCC_CODE:272012,TOT_EMP:154470,H_MEAN:51.52,A_MEAN:107170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":79.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.39,PCT_STAND:17.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.62,PCT_SIT:82.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:82.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":20.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":85,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":67.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":23.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":17.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":82.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":15.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":71.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.7,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Producers",INJURY_RATE:4,nonwhite_pct:26.7144456,white_pct:73.2855544,black_pct:7.4517606,hisp_pct:11.5894408,asian_pct:4.6065974,noncitizen_pct:5.396825397,n:184},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":499071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49907X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Maintenance and repair workers, general",OCC_CODE:499071,TOT_EMP:1503150,H_MEAN:23.87,A_MEAN:49650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":21.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":92.9,"Hours of standing, mean":6.72,PCT_STAND:84,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.23,PCT_SIT:15.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:84,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":78.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":79.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":75.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":88.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":69.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":98.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":27.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":61,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":50,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":20.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":21.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":49.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":59,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":5.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":12.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":92,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":63.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":39.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":89.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":23.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":8.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":20.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.8,dots:31,OCC_SHORT:"Maintenance Workers",INJURY_RATE:241.9,nonwhite_pct:20.8895972,white_pct:79.1104028,black_pct:9.7026295,hisp_pct:19.0978533,asian_pct:3.26617,noncitizen_pct:6.731277139,n:15},{lem:23,"SOC 2018 CODE":433051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Payroll and timekeeping clerks",OCC_CODE:433051,TOT_EMP:157230,H_MEAN:26.29,A_MEAN:54690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":2.4,"Hours of standing, mean":.69,PCT_STAND:8.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.27,PCT_SIT:90.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:90.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":98.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":16.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":8.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":65.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":15.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":11.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.4,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Payroll Clerks",INJURY_RATE:47.3,nonwhite_pct:24.0729157,white_pct:75.9270843,black_pct:11.21378,hisp_pct:15.8088763,asian_pct:4.9467239,noncitizen_pct:3.387540363,n:182},{lem:46,"SOC 2018 CODE":434151,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43415X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Order clerks",OCC_CODE:434151,TOT_EMP:91830,H_MEAN:20.93,A_MEAN:43530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":37.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":91.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":32.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7,"Hours of standing, mean":1.03,PCT_STAND:12.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.92,PCT_SIT:86.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":8.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":81.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":13.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<10","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":18.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Order Clerks",INJURY_RATE:11.4,nonwhite_pct:33.9828509,white_pct:66.0171491,black_pct:20.5508589,hisp_pct:16.7015393,asian_pct:3.1485342,noncitizen_pct:2.978914898,n:257},{lem:12,"SOC 2018 CODE":113131,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11313X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1131XX",OCCUPATION:"Training and development managers",OCC_CODE:113131,TOT_EMP:41540,H_MEAN:66.56,A_MEAN:138450,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":91.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":25.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.31,PCT_STAND:16.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.61,PCT_SIT:82.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:82.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":8.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":12.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":16.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":83.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":43.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":91.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Training Managers",INJURY_RATE:67,nonwhite_pct:22.1561328,white_pct:77.8438672,black_pct:11.2991169,hisp_pct:10.2687828,asian_pct:3.2292333,noncitizen_pct:2.579034942,n:350},{lem:38,"SOC 2018 CODE":151299,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15129X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer occupations, all other",OCC_CODE:151299,TOT_EMP:437170,H_MEAN:54.05,A_MEAN:112430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":47.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":99,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":24.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<15","Hours of standing, mean":1.22,PCT_STAND:15.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.76,PCT_SIT:84.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":13.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":13.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":12.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":18.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":15.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":77.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":17.2,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Other IT Occupations",INJURY_RATE:3.4,nonwhite_pct:31.8070543,white_pct:68.1929457,black_pct:11.1361129,hisp_pct:11.0062229,asian_pct:12.6495216,noncitizen_pct:6.969907322,n:73},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":431011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of office and administrative support workers",OCC_CODE:431011,TOT_EMP:1504570,H_MEAN:32.99,A_MEAN:68620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":44.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":9,"Hours of standing, mean":1.61,PCT_STAND:20.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.44,PCT_SIT:80.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:80.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":57,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":19.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":80.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":8.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":11.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":20.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":30.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":17.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.2,dots:31,OCC_SHORT:"Office Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:28.9,nonwhite_pct:22.4872538,white_pct:77.5127462,black_pct:11.0008647,hisp_pct:14.5109727,asian_pct:4.3021703,noncitizen_pct:3.436512848,n:14},{lem:11,"SOC 2018 CODE":435071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43507X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Shipping, receiving, and inventory clerks",OCC_CODE:435071,TOT_EMP:844120,H_MEAN:20.54,A_MEAN:42730,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":35.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":66,"Hours of standing, mean":5.48,PCT_STAND:68.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.5,PCT_SIT:31.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:68.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":64.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":58.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":62.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":26.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":76.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":66.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":33.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":31,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":93,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":84.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":32.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":7.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":84.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":17,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":24.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":41.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.8,dots:17,OCC_SHORT:"Shipping Clerks",INJURY_RATE:94.1,nonwhite_pct:31.0770323,white_pct:68.9229677,black_pct:15.4044848,hisp_pct:24.5153721,asian_pct:4.2124119,noncitizen_pct:8.60564869,n:36},{lem:22,"SOC 2018 CODE":131041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13104X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Compliance officers",OCC_CODE:131041,TOT_EMP:383620,H_MEAN:38.55,A_MEAN:80190,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":87.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":10.7,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":12.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":98.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":26,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":20.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":36.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":64.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":8.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Compliance Officers",INJURY_RATE:16.7,nonwhite_pct:25.2584244,white_pct:74.7415756,black_pct:11.6547081,hisp_pct:13.0583702,asian_pct:6.212857,noncitizen_pct:3.031652412,n:86},{lem:84,"SOC 2018 CODE":131199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13119X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Business operations specialists, all other",OCC_CODE:131199,TOT_EMP:1103440,H_MEAN:42.85,A_MEAN:89130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">80","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":30.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":31.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.41,PCT_STAND:17.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.58,PCT_SIT:82.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:82.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":68.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":16,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":17.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":82.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":11.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":44.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":72.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:23,OCC_SHORT:"Business Specialists",INJURY_RATE:13.1,nonwhite_pct:28.6894858,white_pct:71.3105142,black_pct:11.5504636,hisp_pct:12.2549727,asian_pct:9.2144695,noncitizen_pct:5.906144167,n:25},{lem:47,"SOC 2018 CODE":434171,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43417X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Receptionists and information clerks",OCC_CODE:434171,TOT_EMP:1003820,H_MEAN:17.59,A_MEAN:36590,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":61.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":73.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":40.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":10.7,"Hours of standing, mean":1.34,PCT_STAND:16.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.95,PCT_SIT:74.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:74.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":26.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":46.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":59.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":19.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":11.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":3.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":19.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":80.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":53.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:21,OCC_SHORT:"Receptionists",INJURY_RATE:55.1,nonwhite_pct:25.3184289,white_pct:74.6815711,black_pct:12.0442185,hisp_pct:20.1812977,asian_pct:4.0669528,noncitizen_pct:4.174732691,n:30},{lem:84,"SOC 2018 CODE":516011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51601X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5160XX",OCCUPATION:"Laundry and dry-cleaning workers",OCC_CODE:516011,TOT_EMP:185e3,H_MEAN:15.33,A_MEAN:31880,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":87.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":36.8,"Hours of standing, mean":7.21,PCT_STAND:90.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.39,PCT_SIT:4.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:90.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":88,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":70.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":16.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":83.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":45.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":31.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":21.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":63.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":6.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":29.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Laundry Workers",INJURY_RATE:360.9,nonwhite_pct:44.2645982,white_pct:55.7354018,black_pct:18.3033937,hisp_pct:31.8540727,asian_pct:8.2860094,noncitizen_pct:21.03852259,n:157},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":291031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29103X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2910XX",OCCUPATION:"Dietitians and nutritionists",OCC_CODE:291031,TOT_EMP:73860,H_MEAN:34.27,A_MEAN:71280,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":59.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":26.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":5.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":78.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":40.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Dietitians",INJURY_RATE:208.3,nonwhite_pct:24.6922377,white_pct:75.3077623,black_pct:12.5419276,hisp_pct:8.9234474,asian_pct:6.3956716,noncitizen_pct:3.808473874,n:285},{lem:0,"SOC 2018 CODE":113071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11307X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Transportation, storage, and distribution managers",OCC_CODE:113071,TOT_EMP:198780,H_MEAN:53.79,A_MEAN:111870,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":42.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.83,PCT_STAND:35.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.31,PCT_SIT:66.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":31.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":24.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":19,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":35.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":64.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":35.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":15.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":48.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":2.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28.7,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Transportation Managers",INJURY_RATE:165.4,nonwhite_pct:20.8845184,white_pct:79.1154816,black_pct:10.0104381,hisp_pct:15.4080324,asian_pct:4.1958998,noncitizen_pct:5.185342409,n:150},{lem:21,"SOC 2018 CODE":395012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39501X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3950XX",OCCUPATION:"Hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists",OCC_CODE:395012,TOT_EMP:294840,H_MEAN:20.09,A_MEAN:41780,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":89.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":7.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":85.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":19.8,"Hours of standing, mean":6.69,PCT_STAND:83.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":.38,PCT_SIT:4.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:83.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":92.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":70.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":36.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":94.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":28.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":14,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":94.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":69.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":44.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":47,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":19.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":4.3,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Hairstylists",INJURY_RATE:49.1,nonwhite_pct:48.5453254,white_pct:51.4546746,black_pct:12.4276046,hisp_pct:16.1471954,asian_pct:5.6925754,noncitizen_pct:6.478669808,n:109},{lem:62,"SOC 2018 CODE":273023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2730XX",OCCUPATION:"News analysts, reporters, and journalists",OCC_CODE:273023,TOT_EMP:45020,H_MEAN:48.76,A_MEAN:101430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":76.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":61.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":33.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.73,PCT_STAND:46.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.02,PCT_SIT:50.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:50.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":23.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":66.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":37.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":82.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":47.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":52.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":30.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":82.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":59.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":65.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":58.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.3,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Journalists",INJURY_RATE:16.7,nonwhite_pct:21.672353,white_pct:78.327647,black_pct:8.5051912,hisp_pct:10.1323592,asian_pct:7.4993423,noncitizen_pct:7.257493271,n:340},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":413021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4130XX",OCCUPATION:"Insurance sales agents",OCC_CODE:413021,TOT_EMP:457510,H_MEAN:38.32,A_MEAN:79700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":35.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":34.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.72,PCT_STAND:9,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.33,PCT_SIT:91.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":38.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":35.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":39.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.6,dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Insurance Agents",INJURY_RATE:14.3,nonwhite_pct:19.3509804,white_pct:80.6490196,black_pct:9.4342297,hisp_pct:14.3047332,asian_pct:3.9484534,noncitizen_pct:3.298967006,n:70},{lem:12,"SOC 2018 CODE":412031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4120XX",OCCUPATION:"Retail salespersons",OCC_CODE:412031,TOT_EMP:3684740,H_MEAN:17.64,A_MEAN:36690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":10.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":87.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":69.6,"Hours of standing, mean":5.28,PCT_STAND:66,"Hours of sitting, mean":.96,PCT_SIT:12,STANDING_BOOLEAN:66,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":89.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":35.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":33.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":12,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":87.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":12.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":68.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":11.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":8.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":18.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":64.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.4,dots:74,OCC_SHORT:"Retail Salespeople",INJURY_RATE:106.6,nonwhite_pct:25.0917629,white_pct:74.9082371,black_pct:11.216229,hisp_pct:18.3916734,asian_pct:4.9254896,noncitizen_pct:5.640150016,n:0},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":519061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51906X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers",OCC_CODE:519061,TOT_EMP:584630,H_MEAN:23.68,A_MEAN:49260,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":76.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":30.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":75.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":78.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":24.1,"Hours of standing, mean":5.56,PCT_STAND:69.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.8,PCT_SIT:35,STANDING_BOOLEAN:69.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":69.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":56.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":49.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":46.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":19.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":27.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":13.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":66,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":34,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":81,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":79,"Percent of workers, driving is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":96.6,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":89.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":28.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":13.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":43.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.5,dots:12,OCC_SHORT:"Quality Inspectors",INJURY_RATE:100,nonwhite_pct:28.07341,white_pct:71.92659,black_pct:12.5193597,hisp_pct:18.7840371,asian_pct:6.3994692,noncitizen_pct:7.450769103,n:59},{lem:65,"SOC 2018 CODE":291171,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29117X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Nurse practitioners",OCC_CODE:291171,TOT_EMP:280140,H_MEAN:61.78,A_MEAN:128490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":41.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":81.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":91,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":11.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":47.6,"Hours of standing, mean":4.72,PCT_STAND:59,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.31,PCT_SIT:41.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:59,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":58.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":51.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":64.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":86.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":59.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":12.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":59.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":40.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":48.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.1,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Nurse Practitioners",INJURY_RATE:117.2,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:5.3717947,hisp_pct:5.6574943,asian_pct:6.538348,noncitizen_pct:2.830031202,n:116},{lem:79,"SOC 2018 CODE":439061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43906X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Office clerks, general",OCC_CODE:439061,TOT_EMP:2496370,H_MEAN:20.94,A_MEAN:43560,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":60.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":90.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":47.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":8.6,"Hours of standing, mean":1,PCT_STAND:12.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.49,PCT_SIT:81.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:81.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":9.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":78.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":23.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":83.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":99.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":8.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":21.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":9.2,dots:50,OCC_SHORT:"Office Clerks",INJURY_RATE:21.7,nonwhite_pct:27.6547757,white_pct:72.3452243,black_pct:12.4061331,hisp_pct:18.0909196,asian_pct:6.0354161,noncitizen_pct:4.586287181,n:8},{lem:20,"SOC 2018 CODE":434131,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43413X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Loan interviewers and clerks",OCC_CODE:434131,TOT_EMP:203940,H_MEAN:23.4,A_MEAN:48660,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":32.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":88.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":10.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.87,PCT_STAND:10.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.05,PCT_SIT:88.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:88.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":11.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":72.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":7.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":18.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":5.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">85","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.4,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Loan Clerks",INJURY_RATE:6.2,nonwhite_pct:24.5930599,white_pct:75.4069401,black_pct:12.1407606,hisp_pct:13.0890559,asian_pct:5.0214495,noncitizen_pct:2.076573235,n:146},{lem:32,"SOC 2018 CODE":434161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43416X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Human resources assistants, except payroll and timekeeping",OCC_CODE:434161,TOT_EMP:101440,H_MEAN:23.46,A_MEAN:48800,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":54.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":36.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":5.3,"Hours of standing, mean":.96,PCT_STAND:12,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.9,PCT_SIT:86.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":94.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":57.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":13.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":73.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":16.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":5.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":14.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":9.1,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"HR Assistants",INJURY_RATE:19.3,nonwhite_pct:32.8360535,white_pct:67.1639465,black_pct:16.622832,hisp_pct:16.3775945,asian_pct:6.2020188,noncitizen_pct:4.806416453,n:246},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":132051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Financial and investment analysts",OCC_CODE:132051,TOT_EMP:325220,H_MEAN:54.3,A_MEAN:112950,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":31,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">90","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":19.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.74,PCT_STAND:9.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.31,PCT_SIT:91.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":2.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":9.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":47.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":94.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.6,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Analysts",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:28.5560439,white_pct:71.4439561,black_pct:7.2291595,hisp_pct:9.5702397,asian_pct:14.7671973,noncitizen_pct:7.655370463,n:102},{lem:72,"SOC 2018 CODE":511011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5110XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of production and operating workers",OCC_CODE:511011,TOT_EMP:671160,H_MEAN:34.48,A_MEAN:71730,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":58,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":64.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":52.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":23.8,"Hours of standing, mean":6.02,PCT_STAND:75.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.6,PCT_SIT:32.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":42,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":83.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":46.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":49.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":15.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":10.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":94,"Percent of workers, driving is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":15.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":8.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":7.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":7.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":36.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":16.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":31.2,dots:14,OCC_SHORT:"Production Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:84.8,nonwhite_pct:22.3666826,white_pct:77.6333174,black_pct:11.56838,hisp_pct:17.1655202,asian_pct:3.87041,noncitizen_pct:5.994013973,n:51},{lem:27,"SOC 2018 CODE":131151,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13115X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Training and development specialists",OCC_CODE:131151,TOT_EMP:403480,H_MEAN:34.6,A_MEAN:71980,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":85.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":58.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":14.2,"Hours of standing, mean":2.82,PCT_STAND:35.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.83,PCT_SIT:60.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:60.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":14.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":91.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":21.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":6.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":37.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":62.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":27.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":19.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":24.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":50.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":1.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":8.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":29.4,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Training Specialists",INJURY_RATE:30.3,nonwhite_pct:23.580681,white_pct:76.419319,black_pct:12.5857876,hisp_pct:12.1264523,asian_pct:3.5950971,noncitizen_pct:3.147552259,n:82},{lem:4,"SOC 2018 CODE":119111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11911X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical and health services managers",OCC_CODE:119111,TOT_EMP:515100,H_MEAN:64.64,A_MEAN:134440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":55.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":44.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":14,"Hours of standing, mean":2.4,PCT_STAND:30,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.64,PCT_SIT:70.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:70.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":15.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":18.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":29.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":70.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":27.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":27.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":21.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":59.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.7,dots:11,OCC_SHORT:"Health Services Managers",INJURY_RATE:402.5,nonwhite_pct:25.0878445,white_pct:74.9121555,black_pct:12.9467979,hisp_pct:11.4454004,asian_pct:5.5792104,noncitizen_pct:2.952653702,n:61},{lem:83,"SOC 2018 CODE":435032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43503X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Dispatchers, except police, fire, and ambulance",OCC_CODE:435032,TOT_EMP:206090,H_MEAN:24.44,A_MEAN:50830,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":42,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":77.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":20.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3.1,"Hours of standing, mean":.82,PCT_STAND:10.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.57,PCT_SIT:94.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:94.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":22.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":43.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":7.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":78.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">85","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":1.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":56.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Dispatchers",INJURY_RATE:28.3,nonwhite_pct:21.2599658,white_pct:78.7400342,black_pct:13.893125,hisp_pct:20.3043761,asian_pct:3.0865684,noncitizen_pct:5.692894918,n:144},{lem:27,"SOC 2018 CODE":292072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical records specialists",OCC_CODE:292072,TOT_EMP:185690,H_MEAN:25.81,A_MEAN:53690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":90.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.7,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":9.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":61.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":16.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":69.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":15.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Medical Records Specialists",INJURY_RATE:351.2,nonwhite_pct:27.1796044,white_pct:72.8203956,black_pct:14.3846783,hisp_pct:13.062406,asian_pct:5.1892863,noncitizen_pct:2.189336019,n:154},{lem:95,"SOC 2018 CODE":359021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3590XX",OCCUPATION:"Dishwashers",OCC_CODE:359021,TOT_EMP:463940,H_MEAN:15.22,A_MEAN:31650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":65.1,"Hours of standing, mean":6.63,PCT_STAND:82.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.1,PCT_SIT:1.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:82.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":27.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":33.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":78.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":98.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":72.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":14.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":14.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":55.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":72.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Dishwashers",INJURY_RATE:102.3,nonwhite_pct:36.1222882,white_pct:63.8777118,black_pct:17.5545483,hisp_pct:25.7065367,asian_pct:3.5336661,noncitizen_pct:15.03975142,n:67},{lem:65,"SOC 2018 CODE":272022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2720XX",OCCUPATION:"Coaches and scouts",OCC_CODE:272022,TOT_EMP:238980,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:58700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":30.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":61.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":62.3,"Hours of standing, mean":4.2,PCT_STAND:52.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.52,PCT_SIT:19,STANDING_BOOLEAN:52.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":69.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":61.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":81.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":51.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":92.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":40.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":71.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":78.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":21.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":41,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":64,"Percent of workers, driving is required":43.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":19,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":19.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":10.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":7.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":30.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":38.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Coaches",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:22.6159458,white_pct:77.3840542,black_pct:8.5066107,hisp_pct:11.4776547,asian_pct:4.1739611,noncitizen_pct:4.986467183,n:130},{lem:79,"SOC 2018 CODE":113121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11312X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1131XX",OCCUPATION:"Human resources managers",OCC_CODE:113121,TOT_EMP:200600,H_MEAN:74.39,A_MEAN:154740,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":36,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":26.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":2.7,"Hours of standing, mean":1.11,PCT_STAND:13.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.98,PCT_SIT:87.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":24.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":27.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":23.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":49.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":83.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.1,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"HR Managers",INJURY_RATE:51.6,nonwhite_pct:22.817666,white_pct:77.182334,black_pct:11.0941292,hisp_pct:13.0330222,asian_pct:5.0633122,noncitizen_pct:4.567355034,n:149},{lem:95,"SOC 2018 CODE":513092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5130XX",OCCUPATION:"Food batchmakers",OCC_CODE:513092,TOT_EMP:169190,H_MEAN:19.66,A_MEAN:40890,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.49,PCT_STAND:93.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":.93,PCT_SIT:11.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:93.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">90","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":20.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":75.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":67.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":30.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":88.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":11.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":39.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":24.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":29.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":19.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":76.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":28,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":48.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":79.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Food Batchmakers",INJURY_RATE:88.8,nonwhite_pct:23.2878003,white_pct:76.7121997,black_pct:13.2245405,hisp_pct:26.8708909,asian_pct:5.008889,noncitizen_pct:13.79897357,n:171},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":515112,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51511X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5151XX",OCCUPATION:"Printing press operators",OCC_CODE:515112,TOT_EMP:151450,H_MEAN:21.37,A_MEAN:44450,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":22.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">55","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":36.5,"Hours of standing, mean":7.41,PCT_STAND:92.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.17,PCT_SIT:14.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:92.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":77.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":28.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":27,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":56.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":17.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":37.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":85.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":14.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<30","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":81.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":15.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":20.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":52.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":91.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":4.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":16.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":71.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":4.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Printing Press Operators",INJURY_RATE:75,nonwhite_pct:25.3145556,white_pct:74.6854444,black_pct:8.3521091,hisp_pct:18.0706617,asian_pct:4.5137482,noncitizen_pct:8.279167275,n:189},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":492011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4920XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer, automated teller, and office machine repairers",OCC_CODE:492011,TOT_EMP:77580,H_MEAN:23.22,A_MEAN:48290,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":80,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.09,PCT_STAND:51.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.52,PCT_SIT:44,STANDING_BOOLEAN:51.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">75","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":82.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<15","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":10.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<20","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">65","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<35","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<25","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"ATM and Office Machine Repairers",INJURY_RATE:19.4,nonwhite_pct:25.7959972,white_pct:74.2040028,black_pct:10.8543035,hisp_pct:15.3225763,asian_pct:6.5245985,noncitizen_pct:5.481550445,n:278},{lem:30,"SOC 2018 CODE":292052,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Pharmacy technicians",OCC_CODE:292052,TOT_EMP:460280,H_MEAN:20.83,A_MEAN:43330,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":83.1,"Hours of standing, mean":6.43,PCT_STAND:80.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.83,PCT_SIT:10.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:80.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":28.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":34.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":88.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":25.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":89,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":11,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":71.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Pharmacy Techs",INJURY_RATE:72.8,nonwhite_pct:31.556394,white_pct:68.443606,black_pct:12.9598278,hisp_pct:15.7492576,asian_pct:9.0146416,noncitizen_pct:4.138207682,n:69},{lem:96,"SOC 2018 CODE":433021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Billing and posting clerks",OCC_CODE:433021,TOT_EMP:430220,H_MEAN:22.66,A_MEAN:47120,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":31,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.8,"Hours of standing, mean":.7,PCT_STAND:8.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.99,PCT_SIT:87.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":8.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":5.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":71.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":28.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.8,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Billing Clerks",INJURY_RATE:25,nonwhite_pct:24.1033795,white_pct:75.8966205,black_pct:12.0674576,hisp_pct:15.650165,asian_pct:4.771659,noncitizen_pct:3.536930528,n:77},{lem:9,"SOC 2018 CODE":132081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13208X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Tax examiners and collectors, and revenue agents",OCC_CODE:132081,TOT_EMP:50250,H_MEAN:31.43,A_MEAN:65370,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":30.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":74.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":23.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.02,PCT_STAND:12.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.98,PCT_SIT:87.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":25.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":86.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<15","Percent of workers, low postures are required":7.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<35","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":22.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":31.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":22,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":13.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":29.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Tax Examiners",INJURY_RATE:13,nonwhite_pct:33.2404022,white_pct:66.7595978,black_pct:18.2331926,hisp_pct:14.7255602,asian_pct:6.6580058,noncitizen_pct:2.407275089,n:334},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":319092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical assistants",OCC_CODE:319092,TOT_EMP:763040,H_MEAN:20.84,A_MEAN:43350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":28.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":85.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":17.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":40.7,"Hours of standing, mean":4.95,PCT_STAND:61.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.89,PCT_SIT:36.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:61.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":71.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":42.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":16.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":66.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":58.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":99.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":57.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":7.3,dots:16,OCC_SHORT:"Medical Assistants",INJURY_RATE:134.5,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:13.6774551,hisp_pct:28.5630426,asian_pct:5.0666305,noncitizen_pct:4.960259364,n:42},{lem:70,"SOC 2018 CODE":435111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43511X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4351XX",OCCUPATION:"Weighers, measurers, checkers, and samplers, recordkeeping",OCC_CODE:435111,TOT_EMP:51250,H_MEAN:21.27,A_MEAN:44240,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.06,PCT_STAND:38.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.25,PCT_SIT:40.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":86.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":11.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":48.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":51.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<35","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<35","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":13.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Weighers",INJURY_RATE:76.1,nonwhite_pct:26.7842409,white_pct:73.2157591,black_pct:13.9417009,hisp_pct:22.9091921,asian_pct:3.7537642,noncitizen_pct:10.3827309,n:330},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":232011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"23201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2320XX",OCCUPATION:"Paralegals and legal assistants",OCC_CODE:232011,TOT_EMP:354890,H_MEAN:31.95,A_MEAN:66460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":24.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.4,"Hours of standing, mean":.93,PCT_STAND:11.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.84,PCT_SIT:85.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":9.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":29.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":32.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":16.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25.7,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Paralegals",INJURY_RATE:5.1,nonwhite_pct:20.4437956,white_pct:79.5562044,black_pct:9.0789308,hisp_pct:16.8934981,asian_pct:3.9411391,noncitizen_pct:3.240423028,n:93},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":433071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43307X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Tellers",OCC_CODE:433071,TOT_EMP:340820,H_MEAN:18.68,A_MEAN:38850,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":59.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":53,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":40.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":35.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":20.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":30.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":64.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Tellers",INJURY_RATE:17.5,nonwhite_pct:23.6461533,white_pct:76.3538467,black_pct:10.2682738,hisp_pct:19.1582156,asian_pct:5.6568984,noncitizen_pct:4.601670896,n:96},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":434071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43407X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4340XX",OCCUPATION:"File clerks",OCC_CODE:434071,TOT_EMP:82290,H_MEAN:19.58,A_MEAN:40730,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":61.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":74,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":46.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":71.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":13.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":16.1,"Hours of standing, mean":2.03,PCT_STAND:25.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.32,PCT_SIT:66.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":26,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":28.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":68.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":43.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":83.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":82.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":9.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"File Clerks",INJURY_RATE:36.8,nonwhite_pct:27.7123714,white_pct:72.2876286,black_pct:13.3831271,hisp_pct:17.2080516,asian_pct:5.228797,noncitizen_pct:3.523149057,n:275},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":537065,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53706X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Stockers and order fillers",OCC_CODE:537065,TOT_EMP:2872680,H_MEAN:18.27,A_MEAN:37990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":5.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":66.5,"Hours of standing, mean":6.59,PCT_STAND:82.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.64,PCT_SIT:8,STANDING_BOOLEAN:82.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":94.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":32.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":22.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":49.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":34.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":95.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":67.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":37.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":28.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":91.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":8.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":44.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":29.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":30.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":89.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":18.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":20.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":67.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:58,OCC_SHORT:"Stockers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:35.7222663,white_pct:64.2777337,black_pct:17.3036117,hisp_pct:20.8192113,asian_pct:3.9804866,noncitizen_pct:6.572657723,n:6},{lem:46,"SOC 2018 CODE":352021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3520XX",OCCUPATION:"Food preparation workers",OCC_CODE:352021,TOT_EMP:879610,H_MEAN:15.85,A_MEAN:32960,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":12.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":64.5,"Hours of standing, mean":5.78,PCT_STAND:72.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.09,PCT_SIT:1.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:72.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":20.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":32,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":22.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":88.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":93.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":41.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":37.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":90.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":38.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":79.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:18,OCC_SHORT:"Food Prep Workers",INJURY_RATE:252.5,nonwhite_pct:32.1871982,white_pct:67.8128018,black_pct:13.0339473,hisp_pct:24.5850308,asian_pct:6.1075551,noncitizen_pct:12.59742175,n:34},{lem:38,"SOC 2018 CODE":291141,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29114X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Registered nurses",OCC_CODE:291141,TOT_EMP:3175390,H_MEAN:45.42,A_MEAN:94480,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":19.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":60.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.23,PCT_STAND:77.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.66,PCT_SIT:33.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:77.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":80.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":29.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":84.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":88.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":69.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":28.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":37.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":49.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":70.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:64,OCC_SHORT:"Registered Nurses",INJURY_RATE:390.6,nonwhite_pct:25.780214,white_pct:74.219786,black_pct:11.2053898,hisp_pct:8.0997136,asian_pct:8.9949909,noncitizen_pct:3.331680936,n:4},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":132053,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Insurance underwriters",OCC_CODE:132053,TOT_EMP:101310,H_MEAN:41.16,A_MEAN:85610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":28.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<15","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":71.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<15","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":14.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":14.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":66.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Insurance Underwriters",INJURY_RATE:3.6,nonwhite_pct:28.5560439,white_pct:71.4439561,black_pct:11.1843632,hisp_pct:8.2542791,asian_pct:4.721497,noncitizen_pct:2.207716855,n:247},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":399011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39901X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3990XX",OCCUPATION:"Childcare workers",OCC_CODE:399011,TOT_EMP:497450,H_MEAN:15.42,A_MEAN:32070,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":34.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":86.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":41.2,"Hours of standing, mean":4.57,PCT_STAND:57.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.12,PCT_SIT:26.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:57.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":65.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":17.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":67.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":86.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":89.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":75.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":85,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":15,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":49.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":82.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<20",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Childcare Workers",INJURY_RATE:52.7,nonwhite_pct:28.3039113,white_pct:71.6960887,black_pct:13.090241,hisp_pct:22.8337458,asian_pct:4.1319896,noncitizen_pct:11.01004263,n:63},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":372012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3720XX",OCCUPATION:"Maids and housekeeping cleaners",OCC_CODE:372012,TOT_EMP:836230,H_MEAN:16.66,A_MEAN:34650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":25,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":67,"Hours of standing, mean":6.88,PCT_STAND:86,"Hours of sitting, mean":.29,PCT_SIT:3.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":97.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":75.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":38.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":36.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":82.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":92,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<40","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":14.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":74.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":24.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:17,OCC_SHORT:"Housekeepers",INJURY_RATE:415,nonwhite_pct:42.9682221,white_pct:57.0317779,black_pct:15.9899128,hisp_pct:43.2205101,asian_pct:4.1066915,noncitizen_pct:29.7000585,n:38},{lem:99,"SOC 2018 CODE":439021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Data entry keyers",OCC_CODE:439021,TOT_EMP:154230,H_MEAN:19.29,A_MEAN:40130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":66.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":59.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":9.3,"Hours of standing, mean":.79,PCT_STAND:9.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.03,PCT_SIT:87.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":72.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":86.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":10.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":89.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":95.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":27.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Data Entry Clerks",INJURY_RATE:13.1,nonwhite_pct:29.1217276,white_pct:70.8782724,black_pct:13.9734405,hisp_pct:16.9732189,asian_pct:6.7250048,noncitizen_pct:3.886185251,n:185},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":152031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1520XX",OCCUPATION:"Operations research analysts",OCC_CODE:152031,TOT_EMP:117880,H_MEAN:45.96,A_MEAN:95600,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":30.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":25.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":34.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":65.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"OR Analysts",INJURY_RATE:3.9,nonwhite_pct:29.8817272,white_pct:70.1182728,black_pct:12.157233,hisp_pct:11.1429264,asian_pct:9.2659949,noncitizen_pct:5.149953309,n:224},{lem:34,"SOC 2018 CODE":113061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11306X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Purchasing managers",OCC_CODE:113061,TOT_EMP:77530,H_MEAN:70.53,A_MEAN:146710,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":98,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":45.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.1,PCT_STAND:13.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":7,PCT_SIT:87.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":2.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":13.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":3.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":47.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":77.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":36,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Purchasing Managers",INJURY_RATE:25.5,nonwhite_pct:20.5441234,white_pct:79.4558766,black_pct:8.8110627,hisp_pct:10.0289343,asian_pct:5.9022246,noncitizen_pct:4.261987074,n:279},{lem:64,"SOC 2018 CODE":412011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4120XX",OCCUPATION:"Cashiers",OCC_CODE:412011,TOT_EMP:3298660,H_MEAN:14.77,A_MEAN:30710,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":80.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.2,"Hours of standing, mean":5.57,PCT_STAND:69.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":.38,PCT_SIT:4.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:69.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":4.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":72.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":23.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":73.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":48.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":38.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":7.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":95.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:66,OCC_SHORT:"Cashiers",INJURY_RATE:46,nonwhite_pct:36.2392681,white_pct:63.7607319,black_pct:16.684633,hisp_pct:21.9917544,asian_pct:6.3234665,noncitizen_pct:7.00532801,n:3},{lem:70,"SOC 2018 CODE":333021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3330XX",OCCUPATION:"Detectives and criminal investigators",OCC_CODE:333021,TOT_EMP:106730,H_MEAN:46.12,A_MEAN:95930,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":76.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":50,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":29.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":71.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":17.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":56,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":33.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":76.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":16.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":28.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":29.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":77.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":43.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":18.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":24.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.8,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Criminal Investigators",INJURY_RATE:584.2,nonwhite_pct:20.5317381,white_pct:79.4682619,black_pct:10.5612657,hisp_pct:15.3834742,asian_pct:2.7226548,noncitizen_pct:1.040281998,n:237},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":351012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3510XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of food preparation and serving workers",OCC_CODE:351012,TOT_EMP:1176540,H_MEAN:20.82,A_MEAN:43310,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":85.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":11.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":57,"Hours of standing, mean":6.87,PCT_STAND:85.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.18,PCT_SIT:14.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:85.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":63.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":29.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":72.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":75.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":21.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":85.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":14.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":10.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":30.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":78.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":9.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":1.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":42.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":30.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":36.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":19.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":32,dots:24,OCC_SHORT:"Food Service Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:109.3,nonwhite_pct:44.293098,white_pct:55.706902,black_pct:14.9026229,hisp_pct:20.649643,asian_pct:4.0400302,noncitizen_pct:7.280381181,n:23},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":537081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53708X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Refuse and recyclable material collectors",OCC_CODE:537081,TOT_EMP:135430,H_MEAN:22.99,A_MEAN:47810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.16,PCT_STAND:52,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:52,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">65","Percent of workers, low postures are required":92.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":92.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":46,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":54,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":90.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":93.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":9.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Refuse Collectors",INJURY_RATE:258.5,nonwhite_pct:39.8643098,white_pct:60.1356902,black_pct:24.1316093,hisp_pct:26.5141409,asian_pct:1.4152103,noncitizen_pct:11.72560271,n:202},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":211012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Educational, guidance, and career counselors and advisors",OCC_CODE:211012,TOT_EMP:327660,H_MEAN:32.21,A_MEAN:66990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":91,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":41.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":2.7,"Hours of standing, mean":2.08,PCT_STAND:26,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.53,PCT_SIT:69.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":78.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":10.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":9.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":21.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":3.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16,"Percent of workers, with telework available":9.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":51.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":21.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":29,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"School Counselors",INJURY_RATE:33.9,nonwhite_pct:30.6942753,white_pct:69.3057247,black_pct:15.411289,hisp_pct:14.0715228,asian_pct:3.6496111,noncitizen_pct:2.544994244,n:101},{lem:57,"SOC 2018 CODE":371011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3710XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of housekeeping and janitorial workers",OCC_CODE:371011,TOT_EMP:171120,H_MEAN:24.03,A_MEAN:49980,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":85.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":42.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":77.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":52.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":14,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":49,"Hours of standing, mean":5.45,PCT_STAND:68.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.37,PCT_SIT:29.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:68.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":57.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":47.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":44.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":80.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":55.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":63,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":14.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":70.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":29.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":40.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":82.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":42.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":10.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":6.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":22.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Housekeeping Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:347.5,nonwhite_pct:28.0666236,white_pct:71.9333764,black_pct:13.8800928,hisp_pct:26.4341077,asian_pct:2.1431768,noncitizen_pct:11.09642246,n:169},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":119151,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11915X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Social and community service managers",OCC_CODE:119151,TOT_EMP:173650,H_MEAN:40.1,A_MEAN:83400,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":65.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":54.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":19.8,"Hours of standing, mean":1.82,PCT_STAND:22.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.05,PCT_SIT:75.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:75.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":20.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":27.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":25.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":52.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":23.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":76.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":2.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":53.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":41.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":60.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.4,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Community Service Managers",INJURY_RATE:92.5,nonwhite_pct:25.2332029,white_pct:74.7667971,black_pct:14.1226057,hisp_pct:11.8074366,asian_pct:3.5989746,noncitizen_pct:2.974943824,n:165},{lem:59,"SOC 2018 CODE":434199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43419X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Information and record clerks, all other",OCC_CODE:434199,TOT_EMP:151760,H_MEAN:23,A_MEAN:47840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":90.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":41.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.5,"Hours of standing, mean":1.2,PCT_STAND:15,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.61,PCT_SIT:82.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:82.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":9.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":35.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":13.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":62,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":18,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":7.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Info Clerks",INJURY_RATE:38.2,nonwhite_pct:33.9828509,white_pct:66.0171491,black_pct:20.5508589,hisp_pct:16.7015393,asian_pct:3.1485342,noncitizen_pct:2.978914898,n:188},{lem:35,"SOC 2018 CODE":435031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43503X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Public safety telecommunicators",OCC_CODE:435031,TOT_EMP:97820,H_MEAN:25.07,A_MEAN:52140,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":36.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":73.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":22.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3.4,"Hours of standing, mean":.36,PCT_STAND:4.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":9.02,PCT_SIT:112.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:112.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":26.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":9.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":60.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":2.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":13.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":3.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":96.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":98,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":95.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":90.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":5,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Public Safety Operators",INJURY_RATE:55.3,nonwhite_pct:21.2599658,white_pct:78.7400342,black_pct:13.3632749,hisp_pct:11.8060669,asian_pct:.9958033,noncitizen_pct:1.068509792,n:250},{lem:92,"SOC 2018 CODE":399032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3990XX",OCCUPATION:"Recreation workers",OCC_CODE:399032,TOT_EMP:281750,H_MEAN:17.44,A_MEAN:36270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">50","Hours of standing, mean":5.27,PCT_STAND:65.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.67,PCT_SIT:20.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":19.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":44.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":65.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":77,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":23,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":18,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":4.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":80.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Recreation Workers",INJURY_RATE:280.4,nonwhite_pct:20.2029981,white_pct:79.7970019,black_pct:13.0257708,hisp_pct:11.4755677,asian_pct:3.8261697,noncitizen_pct:2.430532342,n:114},{lem:38,"SOC 2018 CODE":395094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39509X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3950XX",OCCUPATION:"Skincare specialists",OCC_CODE:395094,TOT_EMP:65270,H_MEAN:24.57,A_MEAN:51100,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">60","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.93,PCT_STAND:61.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.26,PCT_SIT:28.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:61.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":67.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":32.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":86.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":5.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Skincare Specialists",INJURY_RATE:2.1,nonwhite_pct:84.8933055,white_pct:15.1066945,black_pct:6.1889283,hisp_pct:17.8830783,asian_pct:8.8101331,noncitizen_pct:6.568326203,n:299},{lem:42,"SOC 2018 CODE":412021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4120XX",OCCUPATION:"Counter and rental clerks",OCC_CODE:412021,TOT_EMP:390300,H_MEAN:20.02,A_MEAN:41630,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":23.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":70,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":59.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":46.9,"Hours of standing, mean":4.53,PCT_STAND:56.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.67,PCT_SIT:33.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:56.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":76.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":35.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":40.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":52.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":57.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":19.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":54.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":27.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":65.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":34.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":88.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":23.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":64.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Counter Clerks",INJURY_RATE:20.3,nonwhite_pct:25.8578893,white_pct:74.1421107,black_pct:12.0064456,hisp_pct:18.9755618,asian_pct:4.6053949,noncitizen_pct:6.937650772,n:85},{lem:22,"SOC 2018 CODE":434051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43405X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4340XX",OCCUPATION:"Customer service representatives",OCC_CODE:434051,TOT_EMP:2858710,H_MEAN:20.92,A_MEAN:43520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":71.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":32.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":1.1,PCT_STAND:13.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.66,PCT_SIT:83.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:83.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":28.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":16,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":83.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":24.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":47.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":4,dots:58,OCC_SHORT:"Customer Service Reps",INJURY_RATE:28.1,nonwhite_pct:32.8784754,white_pct:67.1215246,black_pct:17.819316,hisp_pct:19.1163936,asian_pct:4.2047099,noncitizen_pct:4.687160019,n:7},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":436012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43601X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4360XX",OCCUPATION:"Legal secretaries and administrative assistants",OCC_CODE:436012,TOT_EMP:152790,H_MEAN:27.08,A_MEAN:56330,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":58.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":41.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":34.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":12.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":14.8,"Hours of standing, mean":1.18,PCT_STAND:14.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.54,PCT_SIT:81.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:81.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":24.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":66,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":32.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":12.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.5,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Legal Secretaries",INJURY_RATE:18.2,nonwhite_pct:21.5767932,white_pct:78.4232068,black_pct:8.6562304,hisp_pct:15.7294928,asian_pct:3.3550407,noncitizen_pct:2.08140263,n:186},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":436011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43601X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4360XX",OCCUPATION:"Executive secretaries and executive administrative assistants",OCC_CODE:436011,TOT_EMP:483570,H_MEAN:35.42,A_MEAN:73680,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":50.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":36.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6.1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.04,PCT_STAND:13,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.89,PCT_SIT:86.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":88.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":61.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":12,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":23.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":20.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":11.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Executive Assistants",INJURY_RATE:12.5,nonwhite_pct:21.5767932,white_pct:78.4232068,black_pct:10.2652401,hisp_pct:12.2506101,asian_pct:4.344982,noncitizen_pct:3.027272499,n:64},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":434031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4340XX",OCCUPATION:"Court, municipal, and license clerks",OCC_CODE:434031,TOT_EMP:157960,H_MEAN:23.44,A_MEAN:48760,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":55.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":80.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":8.3,"Hours of standing, mean":1.5,PCT_STAND:18.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.22,PCT_SIT:77.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:77.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":19.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":25.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":13.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":19.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":80.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":68.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.9,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Court Clerks",INJURY_RATE:38.2,nonwhite_pct:25.8338108,white_pct:74.1661892,black_pct:14.5317525,hisp_pct:15.2958304,asian_pct:2.8384113,noncitizen_pct:1.76889261,n:181},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":353041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3530XX",OCCUPATION:"Food servers, nonrestaurant",OCC_CODE:353041,TOT_EMP:267840,H_MEAN:16.27,A_MEAN:33840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">75","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":59.3,"Hours of standing, mean":6.59,PCT_STAND:82.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.34,PCT_SIT:4.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:82.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":51,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":33.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":24.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":76.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":63.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":15.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":91.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":49,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Nonrestaurant Servers",INJURY_RATE:254.2,nonwhite_pct:37.6277577,white_pct:62.3722423,black_pct:18.7414117,hisp_pct:18.7690477,asian_pct:6.8387518,noncitizen_pct:7.402602387,n:122},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":351011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3510XX",OCCUPATION:"Chefs and head cooks",OCC_CODE:351011,TOT_EMP:172370,H_MEAN:30.12,A_MEAN:62640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":91.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":91.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":73.5,"Hours of standing, mean":7.3,PCT_STAND:91.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.02,PCT_SIT:12.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":48,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":84.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":7.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":94.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":83.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":87.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":12.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":11.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":73.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":6.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":64.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":69.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":19.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":6.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":52,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":20.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Chefs",INJURY_RATE:178.3,nonwhite_pct:44.293098,white_pct:55.706902,black_pct:12.3884428,hisp_pct:23.1879971,asian_pct:17.1402399,noncitizen_pct:19.16920458,n:166},{lem:76,"SOC 2018 CODE":439041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Insurance claims and policy processing clerks",OCC_CODE:439041,TOT_EMP:241650,H_MEAN:23.81,A_MEAN:49530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":44.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":27,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<30","Hours of standing, mean":.74,PCT_STAND:9.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.99,PCT_SIT:87.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":85.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":73,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":16.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":22.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<30","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":15.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":14.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.8,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Insurance Clerks",INJURY_RATE:12.8,nonwhite_pct:29.704797,white_pct:70.295203,black_pct:18.2390158,hisp_pct:15.0646174,asian_pct:3.3611968,noncitizen_pct:2.488168791,n:128},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":537062,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53706X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand",OCC_CODE:537062,TOT_EMP:3008300,H_MEAN:19.12,A_MEAN:39760,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":65.9,"Hours of standing, mean":7.03,PCT_STAND:87.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.57,PCT_SIT:7.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:87.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":36.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":36.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":36.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":93.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":14.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":66.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":36.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":92.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":7.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":17.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":29.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":83.6,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":3.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":80.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":16,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":13.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":33.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:61,OCC_SHORT:"Laborers/material movers",INJURY_RATE:289.8,nonwhite_pct:35.7222663,white_pct:64.2777337,black_pct:19.6653869,hisp_pct:22.1981618,asian_pct:3.1462701,noncitizen_pct:8.373043393,n:5},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":434081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43408X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4340XX",OCCUPATION:"Hotel, motel, and resort desk clerks",OCC_CODE:434081,TOT_EMP:263800,H_MEAN:15.66,A_MEAN:32570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":28.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":49.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":54,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":13.9,"Hours of standing, mean":5.29,PCT_STAND:66.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.14,PCT_SIT:26.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:66.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":71.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":16.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":46,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":33.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":17.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":70.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":29.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":83.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Hotel Desk Clerks",INJURY_RATE:32.7,nonwhite_pct:37.3416944,white_pct:62.6583056,black_pct:15.3572382,hisp_pct:18.5025358,asian_pct:8.2619673,noncitizen_pct:6.44797135,n:123},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":537061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53706X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Cleaners of vehicles and equipment",OCC_CODE:537061,TOT_EMP:365290,H_MEAN:16.95,A_MEAN:35250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":5.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":64.7,"Hours of standing, mean":6.41,PCT_STAND:80.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.74,PCT_SIT:9.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:80.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":94.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":46.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":27.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":82.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":87.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":71.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":73.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":89.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":10.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":25.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":32.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":15.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":63.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":91,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":76.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":5.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":18.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":16,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":8.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":32.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":53.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Vehicle Cleaners",INJURY_RATE:126.7,nonwhite_pct:35.7222663,white_pct:64.2777337,black_pct:17.8954608,hisp_pct:30.1924307,asian_pct:2.8444859,noncitizen_pct:14.47408611,n:91},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":434181,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43418X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Reservation and transportation ticket agents and travel clerks",OCC_CODE:434181,TOT_EMP:119270,H_MEAN:22.51,A_MEAN:46820,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":5.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":46.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":41.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":94.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Travel Clerks",INJURY_RATE:219.8,nonwhite_pct:39.9407251,white_pct:60.0592749,black_pct:19.545176,hisp_pct:18.8440274,asian_pct:5.9656938,noncitizen_pct:6.694519311,n:220},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":339091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"Crossing guards and flaggers",OCC_CODE:339091,TOT_EMP:90780,H_MEAN:19.54,A_MEAN:40650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">95","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":96.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":17.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":83.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Crossing Guards",INJURY_RATE:101.5,nonwhite_pct:31.6432735,white_pct:68.3567265,black_pct:21.0686141,hisp_pct:17.3139576,asian_pct:1.8232336,noncitizen_pct:4.06078265,n:259},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":319097,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Phlebotomists",OCC_CODE:319097,TOT_EMP:137080,H_MEAN:20.74,A_MEAN:43130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.85,PCT_STAND:73.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.08,PCT_SIT:26,STANDING_BOOLEAN:73.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":28.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":95,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":17,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":5.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":73.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":26.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":83.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Phlebotomists",INJURY_RATE:252.1,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:20.8723231,hisp_pct:19.4061477,asian_pct:5.6343516,noncitizen_pct:4.429968763,n:200},{lem:96,"SOC 2018 CODE":331011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of correctional officers",OCC_CODE:331011,TOT_EMP:52280,H_MEAN:36.94,A_MEAN:76840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":25.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":51.3,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":74.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":23.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":27.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":80.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":41.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":53,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":45.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":51.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":17.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":43.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":43.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">75","Percent of workers, driving is required":44.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":32.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":10.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":25.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":29.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":76.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Correctional Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:542.6,nonwhite_pct:26.9411089,white_pct:73.0588911,black_pct:18.9319196,hisp_pct:14.426659,asian_pct:.6734351,noncitizen_pct:1.658001392,n:327},{lem:46,"SOC 2018 CODE":292055,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Surgical technologists",OCC_CODE:292055,TOT_EMP:110320,H_MEAN:29.93,A_MEAN:62250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":79.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":83,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":78.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Surgical Technologists",INJURY_RATE:270.4,nonwhite_pct:31.556394,white_pct:68.443606,black_pct:16.2163745,hisp_pct:16.0047511,asian_pct:3.6059623,noncitizen_pct:2.7000803,n:235},{lem:4,"SOC 2018 CODE":513099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5130XX",OCCUPATION:"Food processing workers, all other",OCC_CODE:513099,TOT_EMP:63970,H_MEAN:18.09,A_MEAN:37630,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">90","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.16,PCT_STAND:102,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:102,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Food Processing Workers",INJURY_RATE:287,nonwhite_pct:23.2878003,white_pct:76.7121997,black_pct:20.9339383,hisp_pct:33.1031638,asian_pct:6.3637545,noncitizen_pct:19.578349,n:302},{lem:24,"SOC 2018 CODE":131081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13108X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Logisticians",OCC_CODE:131081,TOT_EMP:228470,H_MEAN:40.69,A_MEAN:84640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":13.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":33.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":65.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Logisticians",INJURY_RATE:23.8,nonwhite_pct:32.0341716,white_pct:67.9658284,black_pct:16.0847478,hisp_pct:15.7905381,asian_pct:6.3223787,noncitizen_pct:5.17057903,n:131},{lem:62,"SOC 2018 CODE":536021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53602X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5360XX",OCCUPATION:"Parking attendants",OCC_CODE:536021,TOT_EMP:118130,H_MEAN:15.72,A_MEAN:32700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":4.42,PCT_STAND:55.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.95,PCT_SIT:24.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":91,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":17.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":42.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">90","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":94,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":70.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":29.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<15","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<5","Percent of workers, driving is required":94,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<35","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">75","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":82.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Parking Attendants",INJURY_RATE:90.6,nonwhite_pct:46.0776035,white_pct:53.9223965,black_pct:22.6462851,hisp_pct:28.0143893,asian_pct:4.9974091,noncitizen_pct:14.03061224,n:223},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":211029,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Social workers, all other",OCC_CODE:211029,TOT_EMP:58460,H_MEAN:33.08,A_MEAN:68800,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":36.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":7.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.55,PCT_STAND:19.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.04,PCT_SIT:75.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:75.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":52.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<40","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":63.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":20.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":79.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":32.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">70","Percent of workers, driving is required":60.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":24.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":63.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.5,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Social Workers (Other)",INJURY_RATE:139.9,nonwhite_pct:33.3487115,white_pct:66.6512885,black_pct:20.6966368,hisp_pct:15.4191755,asian_pct:3.3805262,noncitizen_pct:2.525901817,n:314},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":533051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Bus drivers, school",OCC_CODE:533051,TOT_EMP:371530,H_MEAN:21.74,A_MEAN:45210,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":68.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":41.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":14.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":29.2,"Hours of standing, mean":.68,PCT_STAND:8.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.02,PCT_SIT:62.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:62.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":38.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":75.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":17.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":43.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":16.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":2.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":17.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"School Bus Drivers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:27.1518742,white_pct:72.8481258,black_pct:19.4468414,hisp_pct:12.6899845,asian_pct:1.1916547,noncitizen_pct:2.176318311,n:88},{lem:26,"SOC 2018 CODE":435021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43502X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Couriers and messengers",OCC_CODE:435021,TOT_EMP:72010,H_MEAN:18.44,A_MEAN:38350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":11,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":86.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.62,PCT_STAND:32.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.31,PCT_SIT:53.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:53.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":89,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":81.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":81.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<35","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":97.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":38.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":61.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":97.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":18.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Couriers",INJURY_RATE:215.5,nonwhite_pct:35.375858,white_pct:64.624142,black_pct:18.4695116,hisp_pct:21.0462673,asian_pct:4.4919183,noncitizen_pct:9.316290722,n:292},{lem:9,"SOC 2018 CODE":211093,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Social and human service assistants",OCC_CODE:211093,TOT_EMP:409310,H_MEAN:21.27,A_MEAN:44240,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":68.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":60.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":57,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":34.9,"Hours of standing, mean":2.56,PCT_STAND:32,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.17,PCT_SIT:64.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:64.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":31.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":79.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":42.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":47.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":38.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":70.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":35.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">70","Percent of workers, driving is required":63.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":22.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":20.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":20.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.3,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Human Service Assistants",INJURY_RATE:36.6,nonwhite_pct:32.9906406,white_pct:67.0093594,black_pct:21.6762143,hisp_pct:19.1927076,asian_pct:3.6054625,noncitizen_pct:3.90376836,n:81},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":519111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51911X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:519111,TOT_EMP:371600,H_MEAN:19.81,A_MEAN:41200,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":82.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":82.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":27.9,"Hours of standing, mean":7.7,PCT_STAND:96.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.6,PCT_SIT:7.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:96.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":17.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":10.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<15","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":12.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":38.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":34,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":92.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":7.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":35.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":92.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":18.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<25","Percent of workers, speaking is required":54.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":62.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":14.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":29.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":82.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Packaging Operators",INJURY_RATE:101.5,nonwhite_pct:48.92072,white_pct:51.07928,black_pct:21.1460448,hisp_pct:37.693416,asian_pct:5.8286823,noncitizen_pct:23.66785144,n:87},{lem:59,"SOC 2018 CODE":537051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53705X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Industrial truck and tractor operators",OCC_CODE:537051,TOT_EMP:778920,H_MEAN:21.98,A_MEAN:45720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":89.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":87.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":55.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":48.2,"Hours of standing, mean":4.28,PCT_STAND:53.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.98,PCT_SIT:49.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:53.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":97.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":44.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":43.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":37.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":76.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":97.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":51.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":48.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":14,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":31.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":20.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":80.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":55.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:16,OCC_SHORT:"Industrial Truck Operators",INJURY_RATE:118.3,nonwhite_pct:41.847879,white_pct:58.152121,black_pct:25.1793297,hisp_pct:27.2611465,asian_pct:1.8064402,noncitizen_pct:10.29686078,n:40},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":434111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43411X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Interviewers, except eligibility and loan",OCC_CODE:434111,TOT_EMP:160550,H_MEAN:20.55,A_MEAN:42750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":58.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":67.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":38.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":17.6,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":32.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":61.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":9.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":7.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":81.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":6.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":4.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":38.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.9,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Interviewers",INJURY_RATE:76.8,nonwhite_pct:33.9828509,white_pct:66.0171491,black_pct:20.5508589,hisp_pct:16.7015393,asian_pct:3.1485342,noncitizen_pct:2.978914898,n:176},{lem:2,"SOC 2018 CODE":537064,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53706X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Packers and packagers, hand",OCC_CODE:537064,TOT_EMP:645210,H_MEAN:17.05,A_MEAN:35450,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":63.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7,PCT_STAND:87.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.32,PCT_SIT:4,STANDING_BOOLEAN:87.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":97.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":13.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":19.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":26.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":69.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":36.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":45.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":82.8,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":20.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":65.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":25,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":8.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":86.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:13,OCC_SHORT:"Packers",INJURY_RATE:102.1,nonwhite_pct:35.7222663,white_pct:64.2777337,black_pct:21.4724942,hisp_pct:40.4191086,asian_pct:6.2462428,noncitizen_pct:23.3745839,n:53},{lem:57,"SOC 2018 CODE":433011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Bill and account collectors",OCC_CODE:433011,TOT_EMP:190910,H_MEAN:22.12,A_MEAN:46020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":15.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":.34,PCT_STAND:4.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.44,PCT_SIT:93,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:93,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":73.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":4.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":95.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":78.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":14.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":1.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.8,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Bill Collectors",INJURY_RATE:43.3,nonwhite_pct:32.5635308,white_pct:67.4364692,black_pct:20.9593407,hisp_pct:18.7418894,asian_pct:2.3854945,noncitizen_pct:3.670635514,n:152},{lem:81,"SOC 2018 CODE":211021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Child, family, and school social workers",OCC_CODE:211021,TOT_EMP:352160,H_MEAN:28.46,A_MEAN:59190,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":83.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":52.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":13.9,"Hours of standing, mean":2.4,PCT_STAND:30,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.34,PCT_SIT:66.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":16.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":82.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":33.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":33.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":20.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":66,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":69,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":34.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":2.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":65.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":13.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":51.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":17.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":33.5,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Social Workers (Family)",INJURY_RATE:28.1,nonwhite_pct:33.3487115,white_pct:66.6512885,black_pct:21.2193191,hisp_pct:14.1895713,asian_pct:2.2463522,noncitizen_pct:1.793914716,n:94},{lem:97,"SOC 2018 CODE":333012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3330XX",OCCUPATION:"Correctional officers and jailers",OCC_CODE:333012,TOT_EMP:351420,H_MEAN:28.27,A_MEAN:58810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":78.6,"Hours of standing, mean":6.79,PCT_STAND:84.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.36,PCT_SIT:29.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:84.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":4.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":29.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":97.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":44.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":81.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":46.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":56.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":74.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":25.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":60.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":33.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":39.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":85.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":46.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":34.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":10.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":2.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":28.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":12.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":31.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":95.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.6,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Corrections Officers",INJURY_RATE:688.1,nonwhite_pct:21.5773914,white_pct:78.4226086,black_pct:23.5790896,hisp_pct:15.7513014,asian_pct:1.3145299,noncitizen_pct:1.934296794,n:95},{lem:37,"SOC 2018 CODE":211022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Healthcare social workers",OCC_CODE:211022,TOT_EMP:185020,H_MEAN:32.42,A_MEAN:67430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":49.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":38.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":39.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":60.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":17.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":10.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":19.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":13.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":51.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Healthcare Social Workers",INJURY_RATE:143.5,nonwhite_pct:33.3487115,white_pct:66.6512885,black_pct:23.5153055,hisp_pct:13.8380403,asian_pct:2.6617495,noncitizen_pct:3.075438529,n:156},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":434061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43406X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4340XX",OCCUPATION:"Eligibility interviewers, government programs",OCC_CODE:434061,TOT_EMP:150190,H_MEAN:24.92,A_MEAN:51840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":42,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":92.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":24.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":1.11,PCT_STAND:13.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.76,PCT_SIT:84.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":7.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":77.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":4.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":14.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":85.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":39.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":21.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":17,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":28.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":22.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.2,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Government Interviewers",INJURY_RATE:117.5,nonwhite_pct:43.9262031,white_pct:56.0737969,black_pct:22.3735506,hisp_pct:24.0705106,asian_pct:5.6173166,noncitizen_pct:3.092814341,n:192},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":533053,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Shuttle drivers and chauffeurs",OCC_CODE:533053,TOT_EMP:204930,H_MEAN:17.75,A_MEAN:36920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":69.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":12.2,"Hours of standing, mean":1.7,PCT_STAND:21.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.26,PCT_SIT:65.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:65.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":4.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":74.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":61.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":18.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":24.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":75.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<35","Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":95.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":95.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Shuttle Drivers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:27.1518742,white_pct:72.8481258,black_pct:19.376371,hisp_pct:20.9691319,asian_pct:6.4689752,noncitizen_pct:11.12895644,n:145},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":395011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39501X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3950XX",OCCUPATION:"Barbers",OCC_CODE:395011,TOT_EMP:15990,H_MEAN:19.99,A_MEAN:41570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":81.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<25","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":78.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.76,PCT_STAND:84.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.89,PCT_SIT:11.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:84.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">75","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":17,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">50","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">85","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<25","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":90.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":87.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":12.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Barbers",INJURY_RATE:323.7,nonwhite_pct:48.5453254,white_pct:51.4546746,black_pct:26.7739002,hisp_pct:30.3981391,asian_pct:4.4545191,noncitizen_pct:9.811803158,n:390},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":331091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of security workers",OCC_CODE:331091,TOT_EMP:64900,H_MEAN:28.64,A_MEAN:59580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":12.8,"Hours of standing, mean":4.54,PCT_STAND:56.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.33,PCT_SIT:41.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:56.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":86.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":58,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":42,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":19,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Security Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:95.6,nonwhite_pct:31.3994188,white_pct:68.6005812,black_pct:20.6313942,hisp_pct:13.9942015,asian_pct:2.3582862,noncitizen_pct:2.129455806,n:300},{lem:17,"SOC 2018 CODE":292061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29206X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses",OCC_CODE:292061,TOT_EMP:630250,H_MEAN:29.23,A_MEAN:60790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":91.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":89.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":55,"Hours of standing, mean":6.02,PCT_STAND:75.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.53,PCT_SIT:31.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":16.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":61.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":34.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":56.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":93.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":19,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.5,dots:13,OCC_SHORT:"Licensed Practical Nurses",INJURY_RATE:608.4,nonwhite_pct:38.4847804,white_pct:61.5152196,black_pct:24.8342268,hisp_pct:12.4724824,asian_pct:5.0034909,noncitizen_pct:4.033439983,n:54},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":533052,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Bus drivers, transit and intercity",OCC_CODE:533052,TOT_EMP:184990,H_MEAN:28.78,A_MEAN:59860,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":69.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":26.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":12.2,"Hours of standing, mean":.91,PCT_STAND:11.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.75,PCT_SIT:84.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":31.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":89.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":39,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":11.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<35","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Transit Bus Drivers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:27.1518742,white_pct:72.8481258,black_pct:32.7781722,hisp_pct:17.7933394,asian_pct:3.8134116,noncitizen_pct:4.405899058,n:158},{lem:74,"SOC 2018 CODE":292053,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Psychiatric technicians",OCC_CODE:292053,TOT_EMP:115940,H_MEAN:20.99,A_MEAN:43650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<40","Hours of standing, mean":4.57,PCT_STAND:57.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.78,PCT_SIT:47.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:57.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":7.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":90,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":53.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":46.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":88,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":92.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Psychiatric Technicians",INJURY_RATE:941.8,nonwhite_pct:31.556394,white_pct:68.443606,black_pct:20.8896482,hisp_pct:18.8645491,asian_pct:4.9375207,noncitizen_pct:4.315858207,n:228},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":211092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Probation officers and correctional treatment specialists",OCC_CODE:211092,TOT_EMP:85870,H_MEAN:32.64,A_MEAN:67880,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":59.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":80.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":56.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":41.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":28.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":82.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":6.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":80.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":19.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":86.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":19.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Probation Officers",INJURY_RATE:75.5,nonwhite_pct:32.9906406,white_pct:67.0093594,black_pct:21.6115246,hisp_pct:17.8257967,asian_pct:1.7723184,noncitizen_pct:1.260248862,n:266},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":311131,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31113X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3111XX",OCCUPATION:"Nursing assistants",OCC_CODE:311131,TOT_EMP:1351760,H_MEAN:19.04,A_MEAN:39610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":11,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":63.6,"Hours of standing, mean":7,PCT_STAND:87.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.33,PCT_SIT:16.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:87.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":89,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":27,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":80.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":17.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":28.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":32.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":67.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":8.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":73,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:28,OCC_SHORT:"Nursing Assistants",INJURY_RATE:1023.8,nonwhite_pct:49.3905854,white_pct:50.6094146,black_pct:32.8909348,hisp_pct:14.3140831,asian_pct:4.9667833,noncitizen_pct:6.776568638,n:20},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":393031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3930XX",OCCUPATION:"Ushers, lobby attendants, and ticket takers",OCC_CODE:393031,TOT_EMP:117560,H_MEAN:14.67,A_MEAN:30520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":85,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":66,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.06,PCT_STAND:63.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.98,PCT_SIT:12.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:63.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">80","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":21,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":57.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":34.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":54.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":19.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":81.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":18.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":16.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":55.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":17.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":79,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Ushers",INJURY_RATE:27,nonwhite_pct:27.7489287,white_pct:72.2510713,black_pct:14.3117331,hisp_pct:18.5130916,asian_pct:3.337259,noncitizen_pct:3.48241674,n:225},{lem:9,"SOC 2018 CODE":211023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Mental health and substance abuse social workers",OCC_CODE:211023,TOT_EMP:114680,H_MEAN:30.71,A_MEAN:63870,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":69.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":29.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":2.64,PCT_STAND:33,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.31,PCT_SIT:66.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":60.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":70.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":17.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":29.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":66.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":33.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":66.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":14.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":18,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":39.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":17.5,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Mental Health Social Workers",INJURY_RATE:79.4,nonwhite_pct:33.3487115,white_pct:66.6512885,black_pct:10.4631067,hisp_pct:12.8035385,asian_pct:2.6040599,noncitizen_pct:1.417733384,n:230},{lem:31,"SOC 2018 CODE":173011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Architectural and civil drafters",OCC_CODE:173011,TOT_EMP:111070,H_MEAN:31.25,A_MEAN:65e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":25.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":5.9,"Hours of standing, mean":.93,PCT_STAND:11.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.89,PCT_SIT:86.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":18.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":18.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":57.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":21.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":24.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":5.9,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Architectural Drafters",INJURY_RATE:11,nonwhite_pct:19.4760519,white_pct:80.5239481,black_pct:4.9185349,hisp_pct:13.1982727,asian_pct:7.9030381,noncitizen_pct:5.307484993,n:233},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":435011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43501X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Cargo and freight agents",OCC_CODE:435011,TOT_EMP:105220,H_MEAN:25.22,A_MEAN:52460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":54,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.22,PCT_STAND:15.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.73,PCT_SIT:84.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":83.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":19.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":55.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<30","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<25","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":16.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":5.3,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Freight Agents",INJURY_RATE:279,nonwhite_pct:36.6149814,white_pct:63.3850186,black_pct:15.0368183,hisp_pct:18.5550141,asian_pct:9.2597204,noncitizen_pct:6.104371954,n:240},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":499098,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Helpers--installation, maintenance, and repair workers",OCC_CODE:499098,TOT_EMP:101890,H_MEAN:18.61,A_MEAN:38720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":21.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">80","Hours of standing, mean":6.56,PCT_STAND:82,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.16,PCT_SIT:14.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:82,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":78.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":91,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":13.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":91.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":85,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":36.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">75","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":71.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":89.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Installation Helpers",INJURY_RATE:163.5,nonwhite_pct:20.8539803,white_pct:79.1460197,black_pct:9.373282,hisp_pct:38.2963777,asian_pct:2.9900434,noncitizen_pct:17.05149349,n:242},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":119121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11912X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Natural sciences managers",OCC_CODE:119121,TOT_EMP:96520,H_MEAN:81.31,A_MEAN:169120,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":30.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":21.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":34.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<20","Hours of standing, mean":1.85,PCT_STAND:23.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.52,PCT_SIT:81.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:81.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":19,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<25","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":22.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":77.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":23.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":77.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":6.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.7,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Natural Science Managers",INJURY_RATE:123.4,nonwhite_pct:25.114029,white_pct:74.885971,black_pct:7.6331286,hisp_pct:8.3771291,asian_pct:10.7452669,noncitizen_pct:4.672956373,n:252},{lem:1,"SOC 2018 CODE":399041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3990XX",OCCUPATION:"Residential advisors",OCC_CODE:399041,TOT_EMP:88700,H_MEAN:19.33,A_MEAN:40200,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":72.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":13.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":21.6,"Hours of standing, mean":4.46,PCT_STAND:55.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.67,PCT_SIT:45.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":76.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":63.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":45.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":48.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":57.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":54.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":45.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":21.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":57.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":21.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":23.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Residential Advisors",INJURY_RATE:124.2,nonwhite_pct:37.8393129,white_pct:62.1606871,black_pct:22.2964342,hisp_pct:11.3945764,asian_pct:5.6115187,noncitizen_pct:6.040366437,n:262},{lem:72,"SOC 2018 CODE":359099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3590XX",OCCUPATION:"Food preparation and serving related workers, all other",OCC_CODE:359099,TOT_EMP:86350,H_MEAN:17.03,A_MEAN:35430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">90","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":5.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.03,PCT_STAND:75.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.6,PCT_SIT:7.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":94.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":10.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":78.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">90","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":91.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":8.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<15","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":13.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":14.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":13.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<30","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":12.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":89.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Food Prep Workers (Other)",INJURY_RATE:124.1,nonwhite_pct:37.4832664,white_pct:62.5167336,black_pct:10.8261984,hisp_pct:31.8223304,asian_pct:8.6227129,noncitizen_pct:13.26002868,n:265},{lem:11,"SOC 2018 CODE":211015,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Rehabilitation counselors",OCC_CODE:211015,TOT_EMP:84750,H_MEAN:23.28,A_MEAN:48430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":48.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":80.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":43.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.25,PCT_STAND:28.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.45,PCT_SIT:68.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:68.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":19.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":23.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":42.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":15.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":31.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":71.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":29.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":70.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<10","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":71.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":12.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":35,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Rehab Counselors",INJURY_RATE:136.5,nonwhite_pct:30.6942753,white_pct:69.3057247,black_pct:18.6443057,hisp_pct:11.7395271,asian_pct:2.9436531,noncitizen_pct:2.652445442,n:268},{lem:24,"SOC 2018 CODE":192041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19204X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1920XX",OCCUPATION:"Environmental scientists and specialists, including health",OCC_CODE:192041,TOT_EMP:80730,H_MEAN:41.69,A_MEAN:86710,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":74.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":70.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":60.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":69,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":23.3,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":29.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":31,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":80.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":50.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":31.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":31,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":75.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":7.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":12.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":75.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":17.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":91.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":14.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":33.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":24.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":26.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Environmental Scientists",INJURY_RATE:8.5,nonwhite_pct:15.3187979,white_pct:84.6812021,black_pct:4.0477539,hisp_pct:7.5748333,asian_pct:5.6097774,noncitizen_pct:3.949718966,n:276},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":194021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19402X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1940XX",OCCUPATION:"Biological technicians",OCC_CODE:194021,TOT_EMP:76990,H_MEAN:27.18,A_MEAN:56540,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":68.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":76.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":54.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":62.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":23.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":37.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":48,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":68.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":57.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":51.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Bio Technicians",INJURY_RATE:8.1,nonwhite_pct:31.9480113,white_pct:68.0519887,black_pct:10.6935714,hisp_pct:13.8633359,asian_pct:11.5541288,noncitizen_pct:6.798133211,n:280},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":292081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29208X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Opticians, dispensing",OCC_CODE:292081,TOT_EMP:76770,H_MEAN:22.86,A_MEAN:47560,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":28.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":72.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.98,PCT_STAND:49.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.36,PCT_SIT:42,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":71.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":36.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":52.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":75.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":53.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":46.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":63.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Opticians",INJURY_RATE:16.1,nonwhite_pct:17.7905862,white_pct:82.2094138,black_pct:5.0263885,hisp_pct:16.3237952,asian_pct:6.0807334,noncitizen_pct:3.644131691,n:281},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":254031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2540XX",OCCUPATION:"Library technicians",OCC_CODE:254031,TOT_EMP:76670,H_MEAN:20.46,A_MEAN:42570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":63.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":74.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":48.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":22.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":45.9,"Hours of standing, mean":3.12,PCT_STAND:39,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.01,PCT_SIT:50.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:50.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":36.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":74.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":22.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":68.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":13.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":44.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":55.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":67.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":19.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":25.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Library Technicians",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:22.1420199,white_pct:77.8579801,black_pct:7.3135566,hisp_pct:12.3616768,asian_pct:7.0233933,noncitizen_pct:3.669394081,n:282},{lem:75,"SOC 2018 CODE":514033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Grinding, lapping, polishing, and buffing machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514033,TOT_EMP:75260,H_MEAN:21.37,A_MEAN:44450,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":5.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.79,PCT_STAND:97.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:97.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":94.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":43.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":61.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":11.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":67.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":16.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":25.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":88.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":25.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":18.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":11.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":58.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":69.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":24,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":23.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":44.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":56.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Grinding Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:183.2,nonwhite_pct:18.9504262,white_pct:81.0495738,black_pct:9.9756364,hisp_pct:23.0111075,asian_pct:3.3859612,noncitizen_pct:11.25712203,n:284},{lem:21,"SOC 2018 CODE":132041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13204X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Credit analysts",OCC_CODE:132041,TOT_EMP:73200,H_MEAN:45.56,A_MEAN:94750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Credit Analysts",INJURY_RATE:13,nonwhite_pct:21.6262829,white_pct:78.3737171,black_pct:8.2177875,hisp_pct:12.4269585,asian_pct:7.7498267,noncitizen_pct:4.271070615,n:286},{lem:7,"SOC 2018 CODE":339094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"School bus monitors",OCC_CODE:339094,TOT_EMP:72320,H_MEAN:16.33,A_MEAN:33970,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.45,PCT_STAND:18.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.7,PCT_SIT:46.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":90.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":25.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":74.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":9.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":93.6,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"School Bus Monitors",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:31.6432735,white_pct:68.3567265,black_pct:30.1221488,hisp_pct:19.4800939,asian_pct:.9193017,noncitizen_pct:6.762783755,n:290},{lem:37,"SOC 2018 CODE":193033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1930XX",OCCUPATION:"Clinical and counseling psychologists",OCC_CODE:193033,TOT_EMP:71730,H_MEAN:51.25,A_MEAN:106600,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">75","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":46.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.07,PCT_STAND:13.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.47,PCT_SIT:80.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:80.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<25","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">50","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":32.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":14.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":85.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":37.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":32.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<50","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Psychologists",INJURY_RATE:37.6,nonwhite_pct:17.1625849,white_pct:82.8374151,black_pct:6.9609267,hisp_pct:7.1380495,asian_pct:4.3820185,noncitizen_pct:2.178610649,n:293},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":439051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43905X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Mail clerks and mail machine operators, except postal service",OCC_CODE:439051,TOT_EMP:66600,H_MEAN:18.45,A_MEAN:38370,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":29.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":28.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.7,"Hours of standing, mean":4.61,PCT_STAND:57.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.02,PCT_SIT:37.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:57.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":70.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":14.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":87.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":59.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":60.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":39.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":91.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":20.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":18.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Mail Clerks",INJURY_RATE:110.4,nonwhite_pct:39.2297733,white_pct:60.7702267,black_pct:22.2107114,hisp_pct:17.5592809,asian_pct:5.7470543,noncitizen_pct:6.671061719,n:297},{lem:18,"SOC 2018 CODE":132061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13206X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Financial examiners",OCC_CODE:132061,TOT_EMP:63440,H_MEAN:47.18,A_MEAN:98140,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":76.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Examiners",INJURY_RATE:7.5,nonwhite_pct:24.1424927,white_pct:75.8575073,black_pct:11.7677155,hisp_pct:9.7552656,asian_pct:5.9563401,noncitizen_pct:2.067877548,n:304},{lem:37,"SOC 2018 CODE":433061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43306X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Procurement clerks",OCC_CODE:433061,TOT_EMP:61580,H_MEAN:23.05,A_MEAN:47940,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":34.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":20.7,"Hours of standing, mean":1.11,PCT_STAND:13.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.93,PCT_SIT:86.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":17.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":24.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":5.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":8.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":6.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Procurement Clerks",INJURY_RATE:44.9,nonwhite_pct:25.0308914,white_pct:74.9691086,black_pct:12.7390156,hisp_pct:11.3024758,asian_pct:5.7265877,noncitizen_pct:3.732263431,n:308},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":517042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51704X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5170XX",OCCUPATION:"Woodworking machine setters, operators, and tenders, except sawing",OCC_CODE:517042,TOT_EMP:61250,H_MEAN:19.4,A_MEAN:40360,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">90","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.49,PCT_STAND:106.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:106.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":23.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":71.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<35","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":15,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":35,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":96.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">75","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":53.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":73.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":25.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Woodworking Operators",INJURY_RATE:131,nonwhite_pct:15.9382767,white_pct:84.0617233,black_pct:10.2217459,hisp_pct:18.7700931,asian_pct:2.0814442,noncitizen_pct:9.79721375,n:309},{lem:44,"SOC 2018 CODE":419031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4190XX",OCCUPATION:"Sales engineers",OCC_CODE:419031,TOT_EMP:59340,H_MEAN:62.77,A_MEAN:130550,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">70","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":2.52,PCT_STAND:31.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.57,PCT_SIT:69.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<30","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":16,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":28.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":84.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":12.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<20","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.9,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Sales Engineers",INJURY_RATE:23.7,nonwhite_pct:13.616351,white_pct:86.383649,black_pct:2.0309985,hisp_pct:7.8196067,asian_pct:6.5583234,noncitizen_pct:5.991533133,n:312},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":514111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51411X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5141XX",OCCUPATION:"Tool and die makers",OCC_CODE:514111,TOT_EMP:58150,H_MEAN:29.82,A_MEAN:62020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":36.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.53,PCT_STAND:81.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.73,PCT_SIT:21.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:81.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":63.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":43.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":78.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":21.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":81.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":13.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Tool Makers",INJURY_RATE:57,nonwhite_pct:7.8917218,white_pct:92.1082782,black_pct:2.8517001,hisp_pct:5.5287768,asian_pct:2.0998095,noncitizen_pct:2.304739364,n:316},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":499043,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Maintenance workers, machinery",OCC_CODE:499043,TOT_EMP:58040,H_MEAN:28.13,A_MEAN:58500,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">65","Hours of standing, mean":7.72,PCT_STAND:96.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.48,PCT_SIT:18.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:96.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":73,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":16.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":46.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":42,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":53.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":83.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":38.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":83.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":16.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":65.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":14.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":21.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":17.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":61.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":32.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":97,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":40.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":66.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":60.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":33.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":17.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":27,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Machinery Maintenance Workers",INJURY_RATE:129.7,nonwhite_pct:14.8929889,white_pct:85.1070111,black_pct:8.2038835,hisp_pct:12.2977346,asian_pct:1.8122977,noncitizen_pct:4.252427184,n:317},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":519041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Extruding, forming, pressing, and compacting machine setters, operators, and tenders",OCC_CODE:519041,TOT_EMP:57080,H_MEAN:21.45,A_MEAN:44610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">85","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.89,PCT_STAND:98.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:98.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">80","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":20.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":92.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":30.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":75.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Extruding Machine Operators (Other)",INJURY_RATE:61,nonwhite_pct:23.207448,white_pct:76.792552,black_pct:11.4597295,hisp_pct:18.8558548,asian_pct:2.9273791,noncitizen_pct:8.279517485,n:320},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":292031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Cardiovascular technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:292031,TOT_EMP:55660,H_MEAN:33.79,A_MEAN:70270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":93.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":91.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":8.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":6.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Cardiovascular Techs",INJURY_RATE:293.7,nonwhite_pct:33.4728033,white_pct:66.5271967,black_pct:16.2055336,hisp_pct:12.4038807,asian_pct:9.3927416,noncitizen_pct:5.788717212,n:324},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":319094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical transcriptionists",OCC_CODE:319094,TOT_EMP:52420,H_MEAN:18.79,A_MEAN:39090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":2.12,PCT_STAND:26.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.93,PCT_SIT:61.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:61.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":33.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":66.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":89.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Medical Transcriptionists",INJURY_RATE:28.3,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:6.3814719,hisp_pct:10.5177491,asian_pct:12.980381,noncitizen_pct:3.307530783,n:326},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":273042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2730XX",OCCUPATION:"Technical writers",OCC_CODE:273042,TOT_EMP:47970,H_MEAN:41.64,A_MEAN:86620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":61.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":9.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":66.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Technical Writers",INJURY_RATE:16.9,nonwhite_pct:14.0472688,white_pct:85.9527312,black_pct:4.9651093,hisp_pct:5.8886093,asian_pct:7.2103038,noncitizen_pct:3.638226673,n:336},{lem:12,"SOC 2018 CODE":132031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Budget analysts",OCC_CODE:132031,TOT_EMP:47310,H_MEAN:43.69,A_MEAN:90880,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":38.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":.62,PCT_STAND:7.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.2,PCT_SIT:90,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:90,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":52.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":7.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":92.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":32,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":93.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Budget Analysts",INJURY_RATE:13,nonwhite_pct:30.3872469,white_pct:69.6127531,black_pct:15.5912533,hisp_pct:10.3388303,asian_pct:8.4509937,noncitizen_pct:2.951918668,n:338},{lem:54,"SOC 2018 CODE":537063,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53706X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Machine feeders and offbearers",OCC_CODE:537063,TOT_EMP:44500,H_MEAN:19.71,A_MEAN:41e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.34,PCT_STAND:104.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:104.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<30","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":36.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<25","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<30","Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":97.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":28.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":16.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":74.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":59.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":73.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":27,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">70","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Machine Feeders",INJURY_RATE:137.9,nonwhite_pct:35.7222663,white_pct:64.2777337,black_pct:13.545882,hisp_pct:25.8684007,asian_pct:4.4747491,noncitizen_pct:10.85822554,n:342},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":432011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4320XX",OCCUPATION:"Switchboard operators, including answering service",OCC_CODE:432011,TOT_EMP:43830,H_MEAN:19.24,A_MEAN:40020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":31,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":64.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.32,PCT_STAND:4,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.48,PCT_SIT:93.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:93.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":35.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":4.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":95.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Switchboard Operators",INJURY_RATE:21.3,nonwhite_pct:30.0590569,white_pct:69.9409431,black_pct:18.5124927,hisp_pct:16.0410614,asian_pct:2.3552198,noncitizen_pct:4.617470463,n:343},{lem:9,"SOC 2018 CODE":517041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51704X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5170XX",OCCUPATION:"Sawing machine setters, operators, and tenders, wood",OCC_CODE:517041,TOT_EMP:43570,H_MEAN:19.29,A_MEAN:40120,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.62,PCT_STAND:95.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:95.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":13.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":2.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":20.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":16.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":86.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":94.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":34.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":86.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Sawing Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:131,nonwhite_pct:15.9382767,white_pct:84.0617233,black_pct:7.9131934,hisp_pct:16.7346939,asian_pct:1.3250934,noncitizen_pct:10.90830698,n:344},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":193051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1930XX",OCCUPATION:"Urban and regional planners",OCC_CODE:193051,TOT_EMP:42690,H_MEAN:41.32,A_MEAN:85940,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":41.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":45,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.55,PCT_STAND:19.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.03,PCT_SIT:75.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:75.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":52,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":18.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":62.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":21.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":78.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":32.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":8.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":61.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":37,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":93,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":42.2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Urban Planners",INJURY_RATE:66,nonwhite_pct:20.0069469,white_pct:79.9930531,black_pct:5.9458413,hisp_pct:9.4281635,asian_pct:8.1068654,noncitizen_pct:2.96687075,n:346},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":292035,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Magnetic resonance imaging technologists",OCC_CODE:292035,TOT_EMP:41340,H_MEAN:41.64,A_MEAN:86600,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":87.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.13,PCT_STAND:51.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.85,PCT_SIT:48.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:51.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":29.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":12.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":81.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":59.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":54,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":53,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":36,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":4.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":70.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"MRI Technologists",INJURY_RATE:230.5,nonwhite_pct:33.4728033,white_pct:66.5271967,black_pct:7.1276078,hisp_pct:10.80003,asian_pct:9.2100828,noncitizen_pct:3.646203978,n:351},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":172081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17208X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1720XX",OCCUPATION:"Environmental engineers",OCC_CODE:172081,TOT_EMP:39880,H_MEAN:50.89,A_MEAN:105840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":64.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":35.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":67.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":20.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":56.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":98.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Environmental Engineers",INJURY_RATE:8.2,nonwhite_pct:21.8860664,white_pct:78.1139336,black_pct:5.0960195,hisp_pct:7.1820488,asian_pct:11.8018531,noncitizen_pct:5.445416429,n:353},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":499044,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Millwrights",OCC_CODE:499044,TOT_EMP:37930,H_MEAN:30.92,A_MEAN:64310,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":91.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":97.1,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":97.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":12.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">60","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":74,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":14.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":18.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Millwrights",INJURY_RATE:90.4,nonwhite_pct:14.8929889,white_pct:85.1070111,black_pct:4.0501808,hisp_pct:6.9853989,asian_pct:.9198818,noncitizen_pct:1.838262879,n:354},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":439022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Word processors and typists",OCC_CODE:439022,TOT_EMP:37200,H_MEAN:22.68,A_MEAN:47170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">50","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":32.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<40","Hours of standing, mean":.87,PCT_STAND:10.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.75,PCT_SIT:84.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<50","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":75.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":67.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<40","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":5.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":24.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Word Processors",INJURY_RATE:40.3,nonwhite_pct:29.1217276,white_pct:70.8782724,black_pct:13.5874287,hisp_pct:13.8412401,asian_pct:6.8503535,noncitizen_pct:4.037986543,n:355},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":394031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3940XX",OCCUPATION:"Morticians, undertakers, and funeral arrangers",OCC_CODE:394031,TOT_EMP:24200,H_MEAN:27.9,A_MEAN:58020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":85.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":20.9,"Hours of standing, mean":3.09,PCT_STAND:38.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.17,PCT_SIT:39.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":75.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":71.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":24.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":95.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":50.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":56.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":89.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<20","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":22.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":27,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":24.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Funeral Directors",INJURY_RATE:31.2,nonwhite_pct:17.2284479,white_pct:82.7715521,black_pct:11.5890792,hisp_pct:7.3609351,asian_pct:1.2854048,noncitizen_pct:1.064699391,n:372},{lem:100,"SOC 2018 CODE":492091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4920XX",OCCUPATION:"Avionics technicians",OCC_CODE:492091,TOT_EMP:21280,H_MEAN:37.06,A_MEAN:77080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":97.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":3.07,PCT_SIT:38.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":6.3,"Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":13.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":90.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":17.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":20.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":8.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.1,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Avionics Techs",INJURY_RATE:13.3,nonwhite_pct:23.7302944,white_pct:76.2697056,black_pct:9.1636111,hisp_pct:16.7878366,asian_pct:5.7971931,noncitizen_pct:2.361234037,n:374},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":112011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1120XX",OCCUPATION:"Advertising and promotions managers",OCC_CODE:112011,TOT_EMP:20630,H_MEAN:73.38,A_MEAN:152620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">75","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":9.4,"Hours of standing, mean":2.11,PCT_STAND:26.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.89,PCT_SIT:73.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:73.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<25","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":35.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":26.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":73.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":35.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":39.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":71.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":10.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<20","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":17.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Ad Managers",INJURY_RATE:34.2,nonwhite_pct:15.5017312,white_pct:84.4982688,black_pct:5.1208763,hisp_pct:8.9083818,asian_pct:5.3025076,noncitizen_pct:4.532334596,n:376},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":331099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of protective service workers, all other",OCC_CODE:331099,TOT_EMP:19620,H_MEAN:32.63,A_MEAN:67870,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":74.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":32.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":71.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.79,PCT_STAND:34.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":5,PCT_SIT:62.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:62.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":67.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":30.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":88.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":25.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":38.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":35.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":64.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":58.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":89.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":37.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":45.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":69.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Protective Service Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:95.6,nonwhite_pct:31.3994188,white_pct:68.6005812,black_pct:20.6313942,hisp_pct:13.9942015,asian_pct:2.3582862,noncitizen_pct:2.129455806,n:379},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":474061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47406X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4740XX",OCCUPATION:"Rail-track laying and maintenance equipment operators",OCC_CODE:474061,TOT_EMP:18770,H_MEAN:32.37,A_MEAN:67330,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.17,PCT_STAND:77.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.83,PCT_SIT:22.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:77.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":13.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":30.5,"Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":67.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":34.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":98.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":77.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":22.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":36.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":10.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":94.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":86.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":53,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":39.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":86.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Rail Maintenance Operators",INJURY_RATE:138.4,nonwhite_pct:24.0277243,white_pct:75.9722757,black_pct:14.8619114,hisp_pct:22.6008345,asian_pct:1.1821975,noncitizen_pct:5.116232863,n:381},{lem:76,"SOC 2018 CODE":113111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11311X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1131XX",OCCUPATION:"Compensation and benefits managers",OCC_CODE:113111,TOT_EMP:18690,H_MEAN:72.57,A_MEAN:150940,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":38.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":87.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">70","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Compensation Managers",INJURY_RATE:28.7,nonwhite_pct:20.8499209,white_pct:79.1500791,black_pct:10.9516937,hisp_pct:11.4992784,asian_pct:3.9095,noncitizen_pct:2.135155786,n:382},{lem:64,"SOC 2018 CODE":475023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47502X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4750XX",OCCUPATION:"Earth drillers, except oil and gas",OCC_CODE:475023,TOT_EMP:18010,H_MEAN:28.97,A_MEAN:60250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<40","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">55","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">95","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<45","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">95","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<25","Percent of workers, driving is required":">95","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<30","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">55","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<35",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Earth Drillers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:11.2974573,white_pct:88.7025427,black_pct:3.9693232,hisp_pct:18.5848274,asian_pct:.4093688,noncitizen_pct:5.394341383,n:384},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":472171,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47217X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4721XX",OCCUPATION:"Reinforcing iron and rebar workers",OCC_CODE:472171,TOT_EMP:17400,H_MEAN:28.99,A_MEAN:60290,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.49,PCT_STAND:106.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:106.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":25,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":97.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":31.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">50","Percent of workers, stooping is required":55.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<20","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<20","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":9.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":20.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Rebar Workers",INJURY_RATE:178.3,nonwhite_pct:15.7944828,white_pct:84.2055172,black_pct:6.9918853,hisp_pct:19.7852311,asian_pct:1.8648273,noncitizen_pct:7.216043082,n:385},{lem:24,"SOC 2018 CODE":291124,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Radiation therapists",OCC_CODE:291124,TOT_EMP:16640,H_MEAN:50.2,A_MEAN:104420,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":43.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">70","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":56.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":72,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":59.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":22.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Radiation Therapists",INJURY_RATE:83.3,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:6.5297922,hisp_pct:9.7130659,asian_pct:7.0948703,noncitizen_pct:3.013750235,n:388},{lem:48,"SOC 2018 CODE":291125,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Recreational therapists",OCC_CODE:291125,TOT_EMP:15540,H_MEAN:29.28,A_MEAN:60910,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":63.7,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":61.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":29.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":61,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":88.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":45.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":64.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":16.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":12.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":73.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":38.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Recreational Therapists",INJURY_RATE:401,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:12.2394282,hisp_pct:7.9114552,asian_pct:5.186619,noncitizen_pct:3.548739329,n:392},{lem:6,"SOC 2018 CODE":272023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2720XX",OCCUPATION:"Umpires, referees, and other sports officials",OCC_CODE:272023,TOT_EMP:14840,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:44860,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":54.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">50","Hours of standing, mean":4.26,PCT_STAND:53.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.12,PCT_SIT:1.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:53.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">85","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":23.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":31.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":39.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":74.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":68.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<35","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<15","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<40","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":97.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":2.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":81.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":30.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<40","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":86.2,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":21.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<25","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":76.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.7,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Sports Officials",INJURY_RATE:72.1,nonwhite_pct:22.6159458,white_pct:77.3840542,black_pct:7.9718882,hisp_pct:10.5815909,asian_pct:3.0428023,noncitizen_pct:2.314623854,n:396},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":519051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51905X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Furnace, kiln, oven, drier, and kettle operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:519051,TOT_EMP:14820,H_MEAN:22.86,A_MEAN:47540,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":18.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":83,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":63.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":46.4,"Hours of standing, mean":7.06,PCT_STAND:88.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.48,PCT_SIT:18.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:88.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":81.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":47.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":35.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":29.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":24.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":77.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":10,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":29.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":83.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":16.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":37.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":24.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":61.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":79,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":14.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":54.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":34,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":32.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":52.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.7,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Furnace Operators (Other)",INJURY_RATE:102.4,nonwhite_pct:18.867149,white_pct:81.132851,black_pct:10.7017544,hisp_pct:14.6385965,asian_pct:1.5789474,noncitizen_pct:5.810526316,n:397},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":499094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Locksmiths and safe repairers",OCC_CODE:499094,TOT_EMP:14790,H_MEAN:25.06,A_MEAN:52130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">80","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.76,PCT_STAND:59.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.23,PCT_SIT:40.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:59.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":62.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":86.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":59.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":40.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":17.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":52.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":71.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":86.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":17.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":13.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":40.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Locksmiths",INJURY_RATE:73.8,nonwhite_pct:20.8539803,white_pct:79.1460197,black_pct:4.7332789,hisp_pct:15.2387067,asian_pct:1.873468,noncitizen_pct:5.001750905,n:398},{lem:22,"SOC 2018 CODE":517021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51702X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5170XX",OCCUPATION:"Furniture finishers",OCC_CODE:517021,TOT_EMP:14380,H_MEAN:20.43,A_MEAN:42490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":8.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":89,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":35.6,"Hours of standing, mean":7.62,PCT_STAND:95.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.51,PCT_SIT:6.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:95.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":91.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":71.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":17.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":57.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":39,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":16.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":57.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":16.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":10.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":78.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":7.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":21,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":55.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":28.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.3,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Furniture Finishers",INJURY_RATE:186.7,nonwhite_pct:9.8693871,white_pct:90.1306129,black_pct:4.0974054,hisp_pct:20.6342391,asian_pct:1.0427529,noncitizen_pct:11.05931424,n:401},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":119171,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11917X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Funeral home managers",OCC_CODE:119171,TOT_EMP:14200,H_MEAN:40.77,A_MEAN:84800,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":87.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.46,PCT_STAND:55.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.7,PCT_SIT:58.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:58.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":12.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":69,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":18.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":48.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":51.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":17,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":6.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":88.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":7.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.6,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Funeral Managers",INJURY_RATE:123.4,nonwhite_pct:25.0878445,white_pct:74.9121555,black_pct:12.9467979,hisp_pct:11.4454004,asian_pct:5.5792104,noncitizen_pct:2.952653702,n:404},{lem:21,"SOC 2018 CODE":291181,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29118X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Audiologists",OCC_CODE:291181,TOT_EMP:13880,H_MEAN:44.53,A_MEAN:92620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":69.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":73.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<15","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":28.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":26.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Audiologists",INJURY_RATE:271.8,nonwhite_pct:11.2652314,white_pct:88.7347686,black_pct:3.2771324,hisp_pct:6.1474484,asian_pct:3.5347828,noncitizen_pct:1.78095195,n:408},{lem:37,"SOC 2018 CODE":172161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17216X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Nuclear engineers",OCC_CODE:172161,TOT_EMP:12710,H_MEAN:61.03,A_MEAN:126950,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":52.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":85.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":47.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":">99.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":14.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Nuclear Engineers",INJURY_RATE:8.2,nonwhite_pct:21.9977908,white_pct:78.0022092,black_pct:4.6909983,hisp_pct:9.5260654,asian_pct:12.0599249,noncitizen_pct:7.970511315,n:413},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":433041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Gambling cage workers",OCC_CODE:433041,TOT_EMP:12560,H_MEAN:17.67,A_MEAN:36750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":20,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":86.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":98.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":16.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.83,PCT_STAND:85.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.15,PCT_SIT:14.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:85.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":80,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":10.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":32.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":9.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":85.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":14.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":89.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":32.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":32.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":89.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Gambling Workers",INJURY_RATE:202.4,nonwhite_pct:32.5635308,white_pct:67.4364692,black_pct:20.9593407,hisp_pct:18.7418894,asian_pct:2.3854945,noncitizen_pct:3.670635514,n:415},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":519191,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Adhesive bonding machine operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:519191,TOT_EMP:12510,H_MEAN:21.35,A_MEAN:44400,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">70","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":47,"Hours of standing, mean":7.94,PCT_STAND:99.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.39,PCT_SIT:4.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:99.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">85","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":16.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":19,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":63.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":14.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":38.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<15","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":79.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":45.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":16.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Bonding Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:46.9,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:14.6973865,hisp_pct:27.3246217,asian_pct:3.2943604,noncitizen_pct:12.24896836,n:417},{lem:79,"SOC 2018 CODE":119161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11916X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Emergency management directors",OCC_CODE:119161,TOT_EMP:11910,H_MEAN:45.05,A_MEAN:93690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":41.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":76.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<15","Hours of standing, mean":2.07,PCT_STAND:25.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.75,PCT_SIT:71.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:71.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":23.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":82,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":44.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":57.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":26.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":73.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":60.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":24,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":81.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":6.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":18,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Emergency Directors",INJURY_RATE:123.4,nonwhite_pct:18.6451369,white_pct:81.3548631,black_pct:10.3720594,hisp_pct:11.829153,asian_pct:2.0855347,noncitizen_pct:1.067793782,n:420},{lem:19,"SOC 2018 CODE":533011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Ambulance drivers and attendants, except emergency medical technicians",OCC_CODE:533011,TOT_EMP:11520,H_MEAN:16.55,A_MEAN:34420,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":87.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.17,PCT_STAND:39.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.15,PCT_SIT:76.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:76.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":80.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":43.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":76.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Ambulance Drivers",INJURY_RATE:333.2,nonwhite_pct:31.45103,white_pct:68.54897,black_pct:17.174836,hisp_pct:14.5658047,asian_pct:4.0679274,noncitizen_pct:6.514859128,n:426},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":272041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27204X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2720XX",OCCUPATION:"Music directors and composers",OCC_CODE:272041,TOT_EMP:10770,H_MEAN:42.23,A_MEAN:87840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":66.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":24.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">50","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.18,PCT_STAND:27.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.06,PCT_SIT:38.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":75.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":43.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":13.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":14.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":34.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":44.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":55.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":88.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":17.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":21.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":60.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":56.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":48.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Music Directors",INJURY_RATE:27.1,nonwhite_pct:20.7155343,white_pct:79.2844657,black_pct:10.0680413,hisp_pct:9.1078645,asian_pct:4.2707146,noncitizen_pct:6.646979588,n:427},{lem:26,"SOC 2018 CODE":291081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29108X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2910XX",OCCUPATION:"Podiatrists",OCC_CODE:291081,TOT_EMP:9470,H_MEAN:78.14,A_MEAN:162520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":33.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">50","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":24.2,"Hours of standing, mean":4.07,PCT_STAND:50.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.15,PCT_SIT:51.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:50.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:51.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":66.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":51,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":14.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":27,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":46.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":51,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":49,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<20","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":49,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Podiatrists",INJURY_RATE:34,nonwhite_pct:13.0650539,white_pct:86.9349461,black_pct:3.4732486,hisp_pct:4.6925805,asian_pct:6.894768,noncitizen_pct:1.396689329,n:434},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":492096,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4920XX",OCCUPATION:"Electronic equipment installers and repairers, motor vehicles",OCC_CODE:492096,TOT_EMP:8900,H_MEAN:22.87,A_MEAN:47570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":22.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":81.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":77.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Auto Electronics Installers",INJURY_RATE:92.4,nonwhite_pct:23.7302944,white_pct:76.2697056,black_pct:7.1902884,hisp_pct:15.7475617,asian_pct:2.9648267,noncitizen_pct:3.654803901,n:438},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":519194,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Etchers and engravers",OCC_CODE:519194,TOT_EMP:8140,H_MEAN:20.57,A_MEAN:42780,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":91.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":20.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.58,PCT_STAND:69.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.15,PCT_SIT:26.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:69.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":79.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":61,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":27.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":34,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":72.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":27.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":88.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":77.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<15","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":79.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":28.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":22.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":39,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Etchers",INJURY_RATE:151.2,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:3.2613689,hisp_pct:14.7266881,asian_pct:7.3403767,noncitizen_pct:7.606798346,n:441},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":291128,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Exercise physiologists",OCC_CODE:291128,TOT_EMP:8060,H_MEAN:27.43,A_MEAN:57050,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":49.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.81,PCT_STAND:72.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.73,PCT_SIT:34.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:72.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":50.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":69.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":85.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":58,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":68.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":31.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":76.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":30.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Exercise Specialists",INJURY_RATE:138.9,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:10.8954071,hisp_pct:13.6670239,asian_pct:3.9881709,noncitizen_pct:3.117186267,n:442},{lem:18,"SOC 2018 CODE":439111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43911X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4391XX",OCCUPATION:"Statistical assistants",OCC_CODE:439111,TOT_EMP:7200,H_MEAN:25.92,A_MEAN:53900,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":58.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<40","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":27.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<40","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":27.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":44.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":27.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":13.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":33,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Statistical Assistants",INJURY_RATE:47.8,nonwhite_pct:33.1972789,white_pct:66.8027211,black_pct:10.9735953,hisp_pct:14.0765966,asian_pct:11.8122443,noncitizen_pct:8.106940456,n:444},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":172151,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17215X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Mining and geological engineers, including mining safety engineers",OCC_CODE:172151,TOT_EMP:7040,H_MEAN:50.7,A_MEAN:105460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":35.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.28,PCT_STAND:41,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.72,PCT_SIT:71.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:71.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":64.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":72.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":76.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":36.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":63.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":76.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<50","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":">99.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<45","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":62.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<50","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Mining Engineers",INJURY_RATE:98.7,nonwhite_pct:21.9977908,white_pct:78.0022092,black_pct:4.6909983,hisp_pct:9.5260654,asian_pct:12.0599249,noncitizen_pct:7.970511315,n:447},{lem:79,"SOC 2018 CODE":291161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29116X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Nurse midwives",OCC_CODE:291161,TOT_EMP:6960,H_MEAN:63.26,A_MEAN:131570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.2,PCT_STAND:65,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.2,PCT_SIT:40,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":16,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":82.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":33.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":61.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":38.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":37.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Nurse Midwives",INJURY_RATE:72.2,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:5.3717947,hisp_pct:5.6574943,asian_pct:6.538348,noncitizen_pct:2.830031202,n:448},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":439081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43908X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Proofreaders and copy markers",OCC_CODE:439081,TOT_EMP:5490,H_MEAN:24.57,A_MEAN:51100,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">60","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":4.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":11.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":.31,PCT_STAND:3.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.34,PCT_SIT:91.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<40","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":72.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":3.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":96.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":5.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":76,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":18.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":23.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">60","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<40","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Proofreaders",INJURY_RATE:35.2,nonwhite_pct:13.6711533,white_pct:86.3288467,black_pct:6.9566836,hisp_pct:5.9451409,asian_pct:3.8599975,noncitizen_pct:2.860866327,n:453},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":439031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Desktop publishers",OCC_CODE:439031,TOT_EMP:5220,H_MEAN:27.73,A_MEAN:57680,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":85.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Desktop Publishers",INJURY_RATE:35.2,nonwhite_pct:29.1217276,white_pct:70.8782724,black_pct:13.9734405,hisp_pct:16.9732189,asian_pct:6.7250048,noncitizen_pct:3.886185251,n:455},{lem:24,"SOC 2018 CODE":372011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3720XX",OCCUPATION:"Janitors and cleaners, except maids and housekeeping cleaners",OCC_CODE:372011,TOT_EMP:2172500,H_MEAN:17.43,A_MEAN:36250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":68.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":19.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":72.9,"Hours of standing, mean":6.5,PCT_STAND:81.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.38,PCT_SIT:4.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:81.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":77.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":29.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":42.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":77,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":83.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":92,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":29.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":30.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":17.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":64.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":20.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":6.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":38.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":12.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":22.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:44,OCC_SHORT:"Janitors",INJURY_RATE:191.6,nonwhite_pct:42.9682221,white_pct:57.0317779,black_pct:17.0976542,hisp_pct:29.981622,asian_pct:2.929275,noncitizen_pct:15.40887092,n:10},{lem:68,"SOC 2018 CODE":533032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers",OCC_CODE:533032,TOT_EMP:2044400,H_MEAN:26.92,A_MEAN:55990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":85.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":77,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":44.9,"Hours of standing, mean":2.09,PCT_STAND:26.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.87,PCT_SIT:85.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":97.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":45.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":87.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":91.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":77.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":14.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":55,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":23.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":76.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":89.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":22.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":7.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":36.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":54.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:41,OCC_SHORT:"Truck Drivers",INJURY_RATE:259.7,nonwhite_pct:28.7510063,white_pct:71.2489937,black_pct:16.5163042,hisp_pct:20.9147077,asian_pct:2.5653892,noncitizen_pct:8.16960067,n:11},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":352014,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3520XX",OCCUPATION:"Cooks, restaurant",OCC_CODE:352014,TOT_EMP:1412350,H_MEAN:17.34,A_MEAN:36060,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":93.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":19.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":59.7,"Hours of standing, mean":7.02,PCT_STAND:87.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.14,PCT_SIT:1.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:87.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":16.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":19.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":17.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">90","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":78.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":26.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":68.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":57.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":92.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":16,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":83.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":.6,dots:29,OCC_SHORT:"Restaurant Cooks",INJURY_RATE:89.2,nonwhite_pct:38.2852937,white_pct:61.7147063,black_pct:17.1743886,hisp_pct:29.4060278,asian_pct:5.1615152,noncitizen_pct:16.36639269,n:18},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":252021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Elementary school teachers, except special education",OCC_CODE:252021,TOT_EMP:1410070,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:70740,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":78.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":66.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":60.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":52.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":22.9,"Hours of standing, mean":4.99,PCT_STAND:62.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.53,PCT_SIT:31.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:62.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":33.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":20,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<50","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":60.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":65.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":33.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":66.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":33.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":9.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":99.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":80,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":32.9,dots:29,OCC_SHORT:"Elementary Teachers",INJURY_RATE:77.8,nonwhite_pct:17.4577177,white_pct:82.5422823,black_pct:9.4437357,hisp_pct:10.5312415,asian_pct:2.9708702,noncitizen_pct:2.423426072,n:19},{lem:3,"SOC 2018 CODE":414012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4140XX",OCCUPATION:"Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products",OCC_CODE:414012,TOT_EMP:1288920,H_MEAN:38.7,A_MEAN:80490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":59.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":72.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":52.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":20.2,"Hours of standing, mean":2.68,PCT_STAND:33.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.39,PCT_SIT:67.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:67.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":27.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":26.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":3.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":80,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":33.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":66.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":11.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":37.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":79.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":40,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":17.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":4.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28.9,dots:26,OCC_SHORT:"Sales Reps (Wholesale)",INJURY_RATE:10.8,nonwhite_pct:12.7599854,white_pct:87.2400146,black_pct:4.5970388,hisp_pct:11.5783058,asian_pct:3.7800961,noncitizen_pct:4.119076485,n:21},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":339032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"Security guards",OCC_CODE:339032,TOT_EMP:1202940,H_MEAN:19.44,A_MEAN:40440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":7.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":46.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":17.1,"Hours of standing, mean":4.44,PCT_STAND:55.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.23,PCT_SIT:40.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":92.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":10.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":49.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":18.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":38.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":58.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":41.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":96.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":8.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":77.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":38,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":30.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":89.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":.9,dots:25,OCC_SHORT:"Security Guards",INJURY_RATE:86.7,nonwhite_pct:48.9547148,white_pct:51.0452852,black_pct:31.1230123,hisp_pct:17.928728,asian_pct:3.4668961,noncitizen_pct:4.888115786,n:22},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":252031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Secondary school teachers, except special and career/technical education",OCC_CODE:252031,TOT_EMP:1045170,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:73800,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":73.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":54.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":12.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":20,"Hours of standing, mean":4.91,PCT_STAND:61.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.62,PCT_SIT:32.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:61.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":26.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":44.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":24.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":29.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":6.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":65.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":34.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":8.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":98,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":8.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":55.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":29.7,dots:21,OCC_SHORT:"Secondary Teachers",INJURY_RATE:5.3,nonwhite_pct:15.2699904,white_pct:84.7300096,black_pct:7.3392153,hisp_pct:9.3040496,asian_pct:3.0157593,noncitizen_pct:2.40042668,n:27},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":533033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Light truck drivers",OCC_CODE:533033,TOT_EMP:1003960,H_MEAN:22.16,A_MEAN:46090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":79.8,"Hours of standing, mean":3.65,PCT_STAND:45.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.28,PCT_SIT:53.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:53.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":99.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":93.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":83.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":46,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":54,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":10.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":2.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":2.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<20","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:21,OCC_SHORT:"Light Truck Drivers",INJURY_RATE:248.9,nonwhite_pct:28.7510063,white_pct:71.2489937,black_pct:16.5163042,hisp_pct:20.9147077,asian_pct:2.5653892,noncitizen_pct:8.16960067,n:29},{lem:30,"SOC 2018 CODE":131071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13107X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Human resources specialists",OCC_CODE:131071,TOT_EMP:895970,H_MEAN:36.57,A_MEAN:76060,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":98.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":1.8,"Hours of standing, mean":.84,PCT_STAND:10.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.17,PCT_SIT:89.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:89.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":1.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":10.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":89.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":18.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":11,"Percent of workers, with telework available":36.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":56.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27.4,dots:18,OCC_SHORT:"HR Specialists",INJURY_RATE:28.6,nonwhite_pct:27.7008674,white_pct:72.2991326,black_pct:14.1921931,hisp_pct:13.9271948,asian_pct:5.4269904,noncitizen_pct:3.832985356,n:33},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":151232,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15123X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer user support specialists",OCC_CODE:151232,TOT_EMP:689700,H_MEAN:30.6,A_MEAN:63640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":62.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":78.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":52.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":62.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":22.7,"Hours of standing, mean":1.44,PCT_STAND:18,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.51,PCT_SIT:81.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:81.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":21.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":35.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":50.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":18.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":81.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":36.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":97.7,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.4,dots:14,OCC_SHORT:"IT Support Specialists",INJURY_RATE:7.3,nonwhite_pct:30.6814408,white_pct:69.3185592,black_pct:11.6958139,hisp_pct:11.7867973,asian_pct:10.7016722,noncitizen_pct:6.105281115,n:48},{lem:43,"SOC 2018 CODE":352011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3520XX",OCCUPATION:"Cooks, fast food",OCC_CODE:352011,TOT_EMP:673490,H_MEAN:14.31,A_MEAN:29760,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":91.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":80.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":18.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":55.2,"Hours of standing, mean":6.42,PCT_STAND:80.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.08,PCT_SIT:1,STANDING_BOOLEAN:80.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":21,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":34.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":27.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":85.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":73.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":28.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":11.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":4.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":68.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":54.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":81.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":18.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":79,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:14,OCC_SHORT:"Fast Food Cooks",INJURY_RATE:39,nonwhite_pct:38.2852937,white_pct:61.7147063,black_pct:17.1743886,hisp_pct:29.4060278,asian_pct:5.1615152,noncitizen_pct:16.36639269,n:50},{lem:44,"SOC 2018 CODE":333051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3330XX",OCCUPATION:"Police and sheriff's patrol officers",OCC_CODE:333051,TOT_EMP:646310,H_MEAN:36.8,A_MEAN:76550,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":82.6,"Hours of standing, mean":4.06,PCT_STAND:50.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.18,PCT_SIT:64.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:50.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:64.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":97.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":11.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":25.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":99.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":29.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":86.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":44.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":44.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":55.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":10.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":14.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":42.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":43.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":77.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.4,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":39.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":46.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":40.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":88.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":34.7,dots:13,OCC_SHORT:"Police Officers",INJURY_RATE:314.7,nonwhite_pct:23.4777746,white_pct:76.5222254,black_pct:13.4703763,hisp_pct:15.7668381,asian_pct:2.3391087,noncitizen_pct:1.102984859,n:52},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":252022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Middle school teachers, except special and career/technical education",OCC_CODE:252022,TOT_EMP:626690,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:71460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":74.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":73.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":58.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":12,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":24.9,"Hours of standing, mean":5.02,PCT_STAND:62.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.57,PCT_SIT:32.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:62.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":26.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":28.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":36.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":41.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":66.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":33.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":8.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":96.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":71.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28,dots:13,OCC_SHORT:"Middle School Teachers",INJURY_RATE:9.2,nonwhite_pct:17.4577177,white_pct:82.5422823,black_pct:9.4437357,hisp_pct:10.5312415,asian_pct:2.9708702,noncitizen_pct:2.423426072,n:55},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":533031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Driver/sales workers",OCC_CODE:533031,TOT_EMP:463120,H_MEAN:18.38,A_MEAN:38230,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":60.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":56.9,"Hours of standing, mean":3.37,PCT_STAND:42.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.19,PCT_SIT:39.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":41.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":39.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":88.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":72,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":67.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":50.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":57.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":50.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":49.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":33.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":58.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Driver/Sales Workers",INJURY_RATE:210.4,nonwhite_pct:28.7510063,white_pct:71.2489937,black_pct:16.5163042,hisp_pct:20.9147077,asian_pct:2.5653892,noncitizen_pct:8.16960067,n:68},{lem:42,"SOC 2018 CODE":472073,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators",OCC_CODE:472073,TOT_EMP:450370,H_MEAN:29.89,A_MEAN:62180,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":76.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":21.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":75.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":53.1,"Hours of standing, mean":2.06,PCT_STAND:25.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.45,PCT_SIT:80.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:80.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":78.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":55.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":45,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":73.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":43.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":58.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":24.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":75.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":63.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":88.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":32.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":40.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":37.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":34.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":33.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":44.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":7.7,dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Equipment Operators",INJURY_RATE:85.9,nonwhite_pct:13.9922285,white_pct:86.0077715,black_pct:6.7647101,hisp_pct:17.7878142,asian_pct:.5034423,noncitizen_pct:7.28912059,n:71},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":253031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2530XX",OCCUPATION:"Substitute teachers, short-term",OCC_CODE:253031,TOT_EMP:444530,H_MEAN:20.95,A_MEAN:43570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":68.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":56.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.59,PCT_STAND:57.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.46,PCT_SIT:30.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:57.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":43.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":11.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":76.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":67.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":48.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":3.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":65.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":34.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":69.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":90.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":60.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":10,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":88.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.8,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Substitute Teachers",INJURY_RATE:5.9,nonwhite_pct:33.296489,white_pct:66.703511,black_pct:9.2515875,hisp_pct:14.6918611,asian_pct:14.2735687,noncitizen_pct:7.300793302,n:72},{lem:19,"SOC 2018 CODE":352012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3520XX",OCCUPATION:"Cooks, institution and cafeteria",OCC_CODE:352012,TOT_EMP:435640,H_MEAN:17.27,A_MEAN:35920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":73.7,"Hours of standing, mean":6.94,PCT_STAND:86.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.38,PCT_SIT:4.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":36.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":98.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":81.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":26,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":20.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":55,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":45,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":91.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":23.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Institutional Cooks",INJURY_RATE:310.8,nonwhite_pct:38.2852937,white_pct:61.7147063,black_pct:17.1743886,hisp_pct:29.4060278,asian_pct:5.1615152,noncitizen_pct:16.36639269,n:75},{lem:11,"SOC 2018 CODE":252011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Preschool teachers, except special education",OCC_CODE:252011,TOT_EMP:430240,H_MEAN:19.91,A_MEAN:41410,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":40.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":80.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":43,"Hours of standing, mean":5.26,PCT_STAND:65.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.36,PCT_SIT:29.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":59.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":19.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":17.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":79.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":91.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":97.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":69.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":52.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":68.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":31.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":21.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":30.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":8.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":74.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":27.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":80.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":38.2,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Preschool Teachers",INJURY_RATE:75.5,nonwhite_pct:24.8222552,white_pct:75.1777448,black_pct:13.2237984,hisp_pct:14.8076776,asian_pct:4.0015881,noncitizen_pct:4.555167026,n:76},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":514121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51412X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5141XX",OCCUPATION:"Welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers",OCC_CODE:514121,TOT_EMP:421730,H_MEAN:25.31,A_MEAN:52640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":77.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":70.5,"Hours of standing, mean":7.29,PCT_STAND:91.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.95,PCT_SIT:11.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":20,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":38.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":92.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":15,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":74.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":34.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":88.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":11.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":11.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":25.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":10.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":26.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":46.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":87.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":31.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":38.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":42.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":39.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":32.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":17.1,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Welders",INJURY_RATE:78.1,nonwhite_pct:18.1087166,white_pct:81.8912834,black_pct:7.8625233,hisp_pct:23.8761787,asian_pct:2.1369407,noncitizen_pct:10.41629732,n:79},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":499041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Industrial machinery mechanics",OCC_CODE:499041,TOT_EMP:412650,H_MEAN:30.62,A_MEAN:63690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":10,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":93.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":85.1,"Hours of standing, mean":7.11,PCT_STAND:88.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.28,PCT_SIT:16,STANDING_BOOLEAN:88.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":90,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":58.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":6.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":50.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":48.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":93,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":51.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":87,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":34.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":49.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":32.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":22.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":25,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":26,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":63.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":47.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":12.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":23.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":51.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":65.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":66.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":24.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":21.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":41.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":16.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.1,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Machinery Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:69.1,nonwhite_pct:14.8929889,white_pct:85.1070111,black_pct:7.3128697,hisp_pct:16.1772793,asian_pct:3.1008445,noncitizen_pct:5.69471703,n:80},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":393091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3930XX",OCCUPATION:"Amusement and recreation attendants",OCC_CODE:393091,TOT_EMP:361680,H_MEAN:14.54,A_MEAN:30240,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":8.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":68.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.2,"Hours of standing, mean":4.23,PCT_STAND:52.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.41,PCT_SIT:17.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:52.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":91.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":32.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":70.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":68.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":72.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":69.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":75.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":24.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":56.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":23.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":27.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":67.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Recreation Attendants",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:45.0529523,white_pct:54.9470477,black_pct:9.8319109,hisp_pct:12.925256,asian_pct:23.2727244,noncitizen_pct:7.862054809,n:92},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":172112,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17211X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Industrial engineers",OCC_CODE:172112,TOT_EMP:332870,H_MEAN:49.59,A_MEAN:103150,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":84,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":11.1,"Hours of standing, mean":2.56,PCT_STAND:32,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.54,PCT_SIT:69.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":16,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":32.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":29.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":3.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":11.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":94.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":1.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":14.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<15","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":22.3,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Industrial Engineers",INJURY_RATE:8.2,nonwhite_pct:21.9977908,white_pct:78.0022092,black_pct:4.6909983,hisp_pct:9.5260654,asian_pct:12.0599249,noncitizen_pct:7.970511315,n:97},{lem:85,"SOC 2018 CODE":132072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Loan officers",OCC_CODE:132072,TOT_EMP:321090,H_MEAN:40.62,A_MEAN:84490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":22.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":14.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":1.33,PCT_STAND:16.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.73,PCT_SIT:84.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":30.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":16.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":83.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":29.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":14.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":30.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":53.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":32.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">85","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Loan Officers",INJURY_RATE:8.1,nonwhite_pct:20.4448725,white_pct:79.5551275,black_pct:9.6148575,hisp_pct:12.5900689,asian_pct:4.6774651,noncitizen_pct:2.33689693,n:104},{lem:20,"SOC 2018 CODE":414011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4140XX",OCCUPATION:"Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, technical and scientific products",OCC_CODE:414011,TOT_EMP:311780,H_MEAN:54.58,A_MEAN:113520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":35.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":81.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":28.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":1.97,PCT_STAND:24.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.17,PCT_SIT:77.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:77.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":18.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":76.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":24.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":75.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":11.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":76.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":70.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":71,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":24.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":31.5,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Technical Sales Reps",INJURY_RATE:4.4,nonwhite_pct:12.7599854,white_pct:87.2400146,black_pct:4.5970388,hisp_pct:11.5783058,asian_pct:3.7800961,noncitizen_pct:4.119076485,n:106},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":291229,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29122X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2912XX",OCCUPATION:"Physicians, all other",OCC_CODE:291229,TOT_EMP:310080,H_MEAN:119.54,A_MEAN:248640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":71.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":63.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":97.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.85,PCT_STAND:73.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.51,PCT_SIT:43.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:73.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":28.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":63.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":89.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":29.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":60.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":39.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":20.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":14.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":48,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Physicians",INJURY_RATE:271.8,nonwhite_pct:33.1327024,white_pct:66.8672976,black_pct:5.3278202,hisp_pct:7.3486329,asian_pct:21.5506572,noncitizen_pct:6.806477986,n:107},{lem:74,"SOC 2018 CODE":119032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Education administrators, kindergarten through secondary",OCC_CODE:119032,TOT_EMP:302580,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:111020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":84.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":40.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.4,"Hours of standing, mean":3.79,PCT_STAND:47.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.3,PCT_SIT:53.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:53.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":15.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":42.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":18.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":24.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":46.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":53.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":24.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":22.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.7,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Education Administrators",INJURY_RATE:44.6,nonwhite_pct:22.4157415,white_pct:77.5842585,black_pct:12.9114272,hisp_pct:10.8217501,asian_pct:3.6071341,noncitizen_pct:2.677374309,n:108},{lem:50,"SOC 2018 CODE":131031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13103X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Claims adjusters, examiners, and investigators",OCC_CODE:131031,TOT_EMP:293780,H_MEAN:36.43,A_MEAN:75770,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":30.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":92.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":19.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":11.5,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":7.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":20.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":13.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":23.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":58.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":40.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Claims Adjusters",INJURY_RATE:7.2,nonwhite_pct:28.2138569,white_pct:71.7861431,black_pct:16.6249068,hisp_pct:12.01218,asian_pct:4.0529456,noncitizen_pct:2.319164802,n:110},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":253021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2530XX",OCCUPATION:"Self-enrichment teachers",OCC_CODE:253021,TOT_EMP:272110,H_MEAN:25.43,A_MEAN:52890,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":32.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":58.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.18,PCT_STAND:39.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.95,PCT_SIT:11.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":67.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":56.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":56.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":14.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":74.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":29.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":81.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":18.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":30.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">70","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":43.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Self-Enrichment Teachers",INJURY_RATE:23.6,nonwhite_pct:33.296489,white_pct:66.703511,black_pct:9.2515875,hisp_pct:14.6918611,asian_pct:14.2735687,noncitizen_pct:7.300793302,n:120},{lem:49,"SOC 2018 CODE":519199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Production workers, all other",OCC_CODE:519199,TOT_EMP:243500,H_MEAN:19.9,A_MEAN:41400,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":15.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.3,PCT_STAND:91.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.5,PCT_SIT:6.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":84.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":45.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":21.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":14.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":75.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":44,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":14.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":34.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":54.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Production Workers",INJURY_RATE:566.8,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:14.6973865,hisp_pct:27.3246217,asian_pct:3.2943604,noncitizen_pct:12.24896836,n:126},{lem:92,"SOC 2018 CODE":251071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25107X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Health specialties teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251071,TOT_EMP:225360,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:134440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":81.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":18.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":37.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":54.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":4.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Health Teachers",INJURY_RATE:2.2,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:133},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":472141,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47214X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4721XX",OCCUPATION:"Painters, construction and maintenance",OCC_CODE:472141,TOT_EMP:215910,H_MEAN:25.05,A_MEAN:52110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":90.2,"Hours of standing, mean":7.7,PCT_STAND:96.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.4,PCT_SIT:5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:96.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":74.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":20.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":23.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":61.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":95,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":23.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":21.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":16.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":78.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":89.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":64.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":25.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.8,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Painters (Construction)",INJURY_RATE:89.9,nonwhite_pct:19.0623282,white_pct:80.9376718,black_pct:5.8932706,hisp_pct:45.3159537,asian_pct:1.3030583,noncitizen_pct:30.913368,n:138},{lem:40,"SOC 2018 CODE":259031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2590XX",OCCUPATION:"Instructional coordinators",OCC_CODE:259031,TOT_EMP:207270,H_MEAN:37.12,A_MEAN:77200,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":47.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":72.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":39.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":5.2,"Hours of standing, mean":2.26,PCT_STAND:28.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.55,PCT_SIT:69.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":27.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":60.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":15.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":29.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":70.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":41.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":2.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":37,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":65.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":9.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":22.2,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Instructional Coordinators",INJURY_RATE:4.4,nonwhite_pct:28.5101229,white_pct:71.4898771,black_pct:12.9322791,hisp_pct:18.0305228,asian_pct:6.1140986,noncitizen_pct:6.619613237,n:143},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":472051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Cement masons and concrete finishers",OCC_CODE:472051,TOT_EMP:203560,H_MEAN:27.6,A_MEAN:57410,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">80","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":69.6,"Hours of standing, mean":7.38,PCT_STAND:92.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.68,PCT_SIT:8.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:92.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":47.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<15","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":30.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">95","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":55.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":69.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":32.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":91.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":8.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":14.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":26.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":31,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":93.7,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":75.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":44.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":47,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":54.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":28.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":52.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.9,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Cement Masons",INJURY_RATE:57,nonwhite_pct:24.8239766,white_pct:75.1760234,black_pct:11.3272718,hisp_pct:38.8593996,asian_pct:.3809621,noncitizen_pct:21.94722406,n:147},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":152051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1520XX",OCCUPATION:"Data scientists",OCC_CODE:152051,TOT_EMP:192710,H_MEAN:57.23,A_MEAN:119040,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":14.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.55,PCT_STAND:6.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.44,PCT_SIT:93,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:93,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":85.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":6.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":93.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":54.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Data Scientists",INJURY_RATE:3.9,nonwhite_pct:22.5292162,white_pct:77.4707838,black_pct:3.3991496,hisp_pct:2.9763941,asian_pct:15.1800987,noncitizen_pct:7.472753042,n:151},{lem:95,"SOC 2018 CODE":519161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51916X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer numerically controlled tool operators",OCC_CODE:519161,TOT_EMP:187670,H_MEAN:24.54,A_MEAN:51030,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":89.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":78.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":36.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.92,PCT_STAND:86.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.29,PCT_SIT:16.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":42.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":15.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":58.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":44.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":80.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":51.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":7.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":85.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":53.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":15.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":23.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":57.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.7,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"CNC Operators",INJURY_RATE:40.7,nonwhite_pct:18.6210034,white_pct:81.3789966,black_pct:6.91107,hisp_pct:13.4687136,asian_pct:5.4785377,noncitizen_pct:5.687341685,n:153},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":172071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1720XX",OCCUPATION:"Electrical engineers",OCC_CODE:172071,TOT_EMP:185430,H_MEAN:56.58,A_MEAN:117680,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":62.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":87.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":59.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":69.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.88,PCT_STAND:23.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.22,PCT_SIT:77.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:77.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":12.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":30.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":25.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":28.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":23.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":76.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":25.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":31.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":45.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":91.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":1.4,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":9.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":10.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.8,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Electrical Engineers",INJURY_RATE:6,nonwhite_pct:28.345128,white_pct:71.654872,black_pct:5.0720632,hisp_pct:8.428463,asian_pct:17.149308,noncitizen_pct:10.17776031,n:155},{lem:20,"SOC 2018 CODE":493042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Mobile heavy equipment mechanics, except engines",OCC_CODE:493042,TOT_EMP:177280,H_MEAN:30.93,A_MEAN:64340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":11.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">85","Hours of standing, mean":7.07,PCT_STAND:88.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.5,PCT_SIT:18.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:88.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":88.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":79.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":96.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":62,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":95.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":47.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":99.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":83.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":16.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":47.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":11,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":45.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":45.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":75.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":36.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":73.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":42.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":31.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":10.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.5,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Heavy Equipment Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:88.4,nonwhite_pct:12.2126096,white_pct:87.7873904,black_pct:5.7118894,hisp_pct:16.0500477,asian_pct:1.1174336,noncitizen_pct:5.397373977,n:161},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":499099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Installation, maintenance, and repair workers, all other",OCC_CODE:499099,TOT_EMP:175860,H_MEAN:24.27,A_MEAN:50480,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":22.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">70","Hours of standing, mean":6.35,PCT_STAND:79.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.51,PCT_SIT:18.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:79.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":77.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":60.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":78.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":68.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":19.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":87.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":69,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":81.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":18.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":77.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":24.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":23.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":30,"Percent of workers, driving is required":67.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<15","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":21,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":15.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":46.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":19,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":39.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.4,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Maintenance Workers",INJURY_RATE:186.4,nonwhite_pct:20.8539803,white_pct:79.1460197,black_pct:8.1553503,hisp_pct:16.297234,asian_pct:3.8702901,noncitizen_pct:4.287753508,n:162},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":292099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Health technologists and technicians, all other",OCC_CODE:292099,TOT_EMP:171110,H_MEAN:26.07,A_MEAN:54220,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.96,PCT_STAND:62,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.33,PCT_SIT:66.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:62,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":8.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":14.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":51,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">50","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<20","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":91.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Health Technicians",INJURY_RATE:351.2,nonwhite_pct:36.6462944,white_pct:63.3537056,black_pct:18.6523606,hisp_pct:13.6746583,asian_pct:8.1815809,noncitizen_pct:4.164653482,n:170},{lem:4,"SOC 2018 CODE":119033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Education administrators, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:119033,TOT_EMP:167270,H_MEAN:58.66,A_MEAN:122010,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":44.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":41.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.3,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":18.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":34,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":39.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Postsecondary Administrators",INJURY_RATE:12.8,nonwhite_pct:22.4157415,white_pct:77.5842585,black_pct:12.9114272,hisp_pct:10.8217501,asian_pct:3.6071341,noncitizen_pct:2.677374309,n:172},{lem:98,"SOC 2018 CODE":251199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25119X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Postsecondary teachers, all other",OCC_CODE:251199,TOT_EMP:166980,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:96570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">80","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":56.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":57.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":67.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":23.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":28.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":25.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":4.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":23.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":8.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<20","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":21.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":22.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":32.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":19.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":42.4,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Postsecondary Teachers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:174},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":492022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4920XX",OCCUPATION:"Telecommunications equipment installers and repairers, except line installers",OCC_CODE:492022,TOT_EMP:159670,H_MEAN:30.77,A_MEAN:64010,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":99.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">75","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":98.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":36.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">65","Percent of workers, driving is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":85.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<40","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Telecom Installers",INJURY_RATE:202.2,nonwhite_pct:24.833774,white_pct:75.166226,black_pct:12.9574011,hisp_pct:16.4527867,asian_pct:3.6636765,noncitizen_pct:5.445871414,n:177},{lem:38,"SOC 2018 CODE":514072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51407X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Molding, coremaking, and casting machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514072,TOT_EMP:158980,H_MEAN:20.22,A_MEAN:42060,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.85,PCT_STAND:98.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.58,PCT_SIT:7.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:98.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":22.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":62.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":30.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":91.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":34.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":13.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":10.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":77.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":8.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":45.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":13.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":13.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<25",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Molding Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:59.1,nonwhite_pct:22.5766871,white_pct:77.4233129,black_pct:13.2686804,hisp_pct:13.9411454,asian_pct:2.6787451,noncitizen_pct:6.788562536,n:178},{lem:84,"SOC 2018 CODE":151231,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15123X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer network support specialists",OCC_CODE:151231,TOT_EMP:158720,H_MEAN:37.81,A_MEAN:78640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":62.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":46.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":52.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":20.1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.52,PCT_STAND:19,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.47,PCT_SIT:80.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:80.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":47.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":40.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":19.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":80.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":25.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":4.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":33.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":31.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":29.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Network Support Specialists",INJURY_RATE:28.9,nonwhite_pct:30.6814408,white_pct:69.3185592,black_pct:11.6958139,hisp_pct:11.7867973,asian_pct:10.7016722,noncitizen_pct:6.105281115,n:179},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":252058,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Special education teachers, secondary school",OCC_CODE:252058,TOT_EMP:158150,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:74670,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":74.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":71.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":62.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":45.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":11.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":18.9,"Hours of standing, mean":5.4,PCT_STAND:67.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.13,PCT_SIT:26.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:67.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":28.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":37.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":43.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":48.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":7.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":30.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":71.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":28.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":37.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":11.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":88,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":62.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":33.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Special Education Teachers",INJURY_RATE:25.7,nonwhite_pct:16.28932,white_pct:83.71068,black_pct:8.9111926,hisp_pct:9.4198516,asian_pct:2.6812754,noncitizen_pct:2.157495264,n:180},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":519124,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51912X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Coating, painting, and spraying machine setters, operators, and tenders",OCC_CODE:519124,TOT_EMP:155880,H_MEAN:23.31,A_MEAN:48480,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":3.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":71.3,"Hours of standing, mean":7.87,PCT_STAND:98.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.51,PCT_SIT:6.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:98.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":96.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":41,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":36.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":77.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":29.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":21.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":25.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":30.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":26.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":17.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":88.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":19.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":21.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":18.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":76,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":13.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":59,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.2,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Paint Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:149.1,nonwhite_pct:23.6150926,white_pct:76.3849074,black_pct:11.0780997,hisp_pct:28.5109939,asian_pct:2.178754,noncitizen_pct:13.85506649,n:183},{lem:99,"SOC 2018 CODE":259044,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2590XX",OCCUPATION:"Teaching assistants, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:259044,TOT_EMP:145960,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:47030,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":75.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":32.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<35","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.11,PCT_STAND:38.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.68,PCT_SIT:33.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":24.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":87.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":67.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":23.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":16.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":44.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":51,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":49,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":38.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":10.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":68.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":12.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":12.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":20.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.7,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Teaching Assistants",INJURY_RATE:17.6,nonwhite_pct:28.5101229,white_pct:71.4898771,black_pct:12.9322791,hisp_pct:18.0305228,asian_pct:6.1140986,noncitizen_pct:6.619613237,n:193},{lem:65,"SOC 2018 CODE":513022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5130XX",OCCUPATION:"Meat, poultry, and fish cutters and trimmers",OCC_CODE:513022,TOT_EMP:138300,H_MEAN:17.71,A_MEAN:36840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.09,PCT_STAND:101.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:101.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":14.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":90.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":96,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":78.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":24.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":85.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Meat Cutters",INJURY_RATE:330.8,nonwhite_pct:36.2259618,white_pct:63.7740382,black_pct:16.6290623,hisp_pct:30.6082249,asian_pct:4.9579808,noncitizen_pct:19.25063809,n:197},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":513021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5130XX",OCCUPATION:"Butchers and meat cutters",OCC_CODE:513021,TOT_EMP:136330,H_MEAN:19.08,A_MEAN:39680,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":69.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":58.2,"Hours of standing, mean":7.53,PCT_STAND:94.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:94.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">90","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":16.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":30.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":53.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":91.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":90.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":62.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":25.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":99.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":86.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":90,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":83.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Butchers",INJURY_RATE:213,nonwhite_pct:36.2259618,white_pct:63.7740382,black_pct:16.6290623,hisp_pct:30.6082249,asian_pct:4.9579808,noncitizen_pct:19.25063809,n:201},{lem:42,"SOC 2018 CODE":514081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51408X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Multiple machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514081,TOT_EMP:127790,H_MEAN:21.15,A_MEAN:43990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":15.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":90.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.3,PCT_STAND:78.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.91,PCT_SIT:23.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":84.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":16.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":14.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":19,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":76.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":23.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":86.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":19.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":87,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":78.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":83.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3.2,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Machine Operators (Other)",INJURY_RATE:6.6,nonwhite_pct:22.5766871,white_pct:77.4233129,black_pct:13.2686804,hisp_pct:13.9411454,asian_pct:2.6787451,noncitizen_pct:6.788562536,n:208},{lem:54,"SOC 2018 CODE":352015,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3520XX",OCCUPATION:"Cooks, short order",OCC_CODE:352015,TOT_EMP:126370,H_MEAN:16.31,A_MEAN:33920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":20,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":56.8,"Hours of standing, mean":7.17,PCT_STAND:89.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":.07,PCT_SIT:.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:89.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":18.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":30.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":42.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":82.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":90.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":99,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<15","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<15","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":47,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":44.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":81.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":10.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":81.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Short Order Cooks",INJURY_RATE:13.8,nonwhite_pct:38.2852937,white_pct:61.7147063,black_pct:17.1743886,hisp_pct:29.4060278,asian_pct:5.1615152,noncitizen_pct:16.36639269,n:209},{lem:11,"SOC 2018 CODE":339092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"Lifeguards, ski patrol, and other recreational protective service workers",OCC_CODE:339092,TOT_EMP:123560,H_MEAN:15.07,A_MEAN:31340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":57.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.75,PCT_STAND:46.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.16,PCT_SIT:27,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":15.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":39.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":51.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":68.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":96.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":88.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":67.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":9.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":91.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":21,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":16.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":13.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":17.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":97,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":23.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":23.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":51.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":84.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.8,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Lifeguards",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:31.6432735,white_pct:68.3567265,black_pct:4.8058181,hisp_pct:12.4659048,asian_pct:3.5153642,noncitizen_pct:1.587767335,n:211},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":132099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Financial specialists, all other",OCC_CODE:132099,TOT_EMP:122730,H_MEAN:43.1,A_MEAN:89650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":26.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":19,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":25.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":74.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":13.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":72.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Specialists",INJURY_RATE:13,nonwhite_pct:25.9553827,white_pct:74.0446173,black_pct:8.4681649,hisp_pct:8.9666624,asian_pct:11.9167704,noncitizen_pct:5.208909742,n:212},{lem:100,"SOC 2018 CODE":195011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19501X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1950XX",OCCUPATION:"Occupational health and safety specialists",OCC_CODE:195011,TOT_EMP:122300,H_MEAN:41.14,A_MEAN:85570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":80,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":61.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":65.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":55,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":41.7,"Hours of standing, mean":3.59,PCT_STAND:44.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.62,PCT_SIT:57.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:57.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":38.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":45,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":72.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":62.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":44.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":66.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":43.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":56.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":67.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":25.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":44.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":11.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":10.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":26.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":17.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":48.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":39.4,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Occupational Safety Specialists",INJURY_RATE:64.2,nonwhite_pct:20.893593,white_pct:79.106407,black_pct:9.6382907,hisp_pct:13.8588956,asian_pct:3.5266162,noncitizen_pct:4.102288771,n:213},{lem:98,"SOC 2018 CODE":291021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2910XX",OCCUPATION:"Dentists, general",OCC_CODE:291021,TOT_EMP:121640,H_MEAN:92.19,A_MEAN:191750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":48.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":92.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":30.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":27.2,"Hours of standing, mean":2.26,PCT_STAND:28.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.62,PCT_SIT:70.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:70.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":51.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":59.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":88.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":17,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":57.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":96.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":28.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":71.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":40.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Dentists",INJURY_RATE:12.9,nonwhite_pct:26.4533237,white_pct:73.5466763,black_pct:3.8223196,hisp_pct:7.1551779,asian_pct:18.1557725,noncitizen_pct:4.850385033,n:216},{lem:57,"SOC 2018 CODE":252012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Kindergarten teachers, except special education",OCC_CODE:252012,TOT_EMP:118580,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:67790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":65,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":69.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":59,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":25.3,"Hours of standing, mean":4.9,PCT_STAND:61.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.73,PCT_SIT:34.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:61.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":35,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":12.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":41,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":55,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":75.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":64.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":35.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":98.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":13,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":87.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":32.7,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Kindergarten Teachers",INJURY_RATE:71.8,nonwhite_pct:24.8222552,white_pct:75.1777448,black_pct:13.2237984,hisp_pct:14.8076776,asian_pct:4.0015881,noncitizen_pct:4.555167026,n:221},{lem:68,"SOC 2018 CODE":253099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2530XX",OCCUPATION:"Teachers and instructors, all other",OCC_CODE:253099,TOT_EMP:118290,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:70340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":80.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":24.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":42.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":20.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6.7,"Hours of standing, mean":3.34,PCT_STAND:41.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.46,PCT_SIT:43.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":19.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":31.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":57.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":27.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":50.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":26.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":68.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.5,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Other Teachers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:33.296489,white_pct:66.703511,black_pct:9.2515875,hisp_pct:14.6918611,asian_pct:14.2735687,noncitizen_pct:7.300793302,n:222},{lem:67,"SOC 2018 CODE":291215,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29121X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2912XX",OCCUPATION:"Family medicine physicians",OCC_CODE:291215,TOT_EMP:112010,H_MEAN:115.77,A_MEAN:240790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":64.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.01,PCT_STAND:50.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.3,PCT_SIT:53.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:50.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:53.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":35.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":93.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":34,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":48,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":52,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":9.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<35","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":6.1,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Family Doctors",INJURY_RATE:25.3,nonwhite_pct:33.1327024,white_pct:66.8672976,black_pct:5.3278202,hisp_pct:7.3486329,asian_pct:21.5506572,noncitizen_pct:6.806477986,n:231},{lem:44,"SOC 2018 CODE":251194,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25119X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Career/technical education teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251194,TOT_EMP:111180,H_MEAN:32.84,A_MEAN:68300,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":56.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":75.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":19,"Hours of standing, mean":4.43,PCT_STAND:55.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.49,PCT_SIT:31.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":24.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":78.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":68,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":10.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":32.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":63,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":24.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":10.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":6.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":9.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":33.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":9.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":21.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":25.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":17.7,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Postsecondary CTE Teachers",INJURY_RATE:11.8,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:232},{lem:32,"SOC 2018 CODE":391022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3910XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of personal service workers",OCC_CODE:391022,TOT_EMP:106440,H_MEAN:24.08,A_MEAN:50090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":78,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":75,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":29.7,"Hours of standing, mean":3.76,PCT_STAND:47,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.09,PCT_SIT:51.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:51.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":22,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":88.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":47,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":40.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":54,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":35.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":13.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":58.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":47.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":52.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":16.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":54.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":4.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":8.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":11.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":21.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":19.7,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Personal Service Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:30.33142,white_pct:69.66858,black_pct:11.6606227,hisp_pct:14.1313409,asian_pct:9.252428,noncitizen_pct:5.691717727,n:238},{lem:75,"SOC 2018 CODE":519023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Mixing and blending machine setters, operators, and tenders",OCC_CODE:519023,TOT_EMP:105740,H_MEAN:23.05,A_MEAN:47950,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.28,PCT_STAND:91,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:91,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">90","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":22.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":14.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":86.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":26.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":33.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":88,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, crouching is required":23.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":28.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":20,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":28.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":45.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":35.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":77.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Machine Setters (Mixing)",INJURY_RATE:52.6,nonwhite_pct:22.8310969,white_pct:77.1689031,black_pct:11.7218166,hisp_pct:21.7716563,asian_pct:2.8135955,noncitizen_pct:9.216847614,n:239},{lem:10,"SOC 2018 CODE":312021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3120XX",OCCUPATION:"Physical therapist assistants",OCC_CODE:312021,TOT_EMP:104e3,H_MEAN:31.66,A_MEAN:65860,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">90","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":21,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":91.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":72.3,"Hours of standing, mean":5.7,PCT_STAND:71.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.4,PCT_SIT:30,STANDING_BOOLEAN:71.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":79,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":39.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":8.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":87.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":22.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":84.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":74.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":58.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":5.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":73.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":43,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":40.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":18.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":60.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":6.6,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Physical Therapist Assistants",INJURY_RATE:365,nonwhite_pct:19.037677,white_pct:80.962323,black_pct:6.2820232,hisp_pct:11.6530859,asian_pct:6.8968685,noncitizen_pct:2.951964325,n:241},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":493093,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Tire repairers and changers",OCC_CODE:493093,TOT_EMP:101520,H_MEAN:17.92,A_MEAN:37280,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":92.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">70","Hours of standing, mean":6.89,PCT_STAND:86.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.74,PCT_SIT:9.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":7.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":49,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":77.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":48.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":86.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">90","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":90.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":9.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":96.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":14.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":55.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":86.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":82.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":29.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":75.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":24.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":50.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":27,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Tire Changers",INJURY_RATE:368.3,nonwhite_pct:20.2206648,white_pct:79.7793352,black_pct:9.7622138,hisp_pct:23.6523536,asian_pct:1.3898087,noncitizen_pct:7.945043398,n:244},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":251121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Art, drama, and music teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251121,TOT_EMP:101500,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:100840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":47.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":46.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":83,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":33.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":26.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":11.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":17,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Postsecondary Arts Teachers",INJURY_RATE:9.9,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:245},{lem:50,"SOC 2018 CODE":172072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1720XX",OCCUPATION:"Electronics engineers, except computer",OCC_CODE:172072,TOT_EMP:96410,H_MEAN:59.71,A_MEAN:124190,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<20","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">60","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":11.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<20","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":88.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<20","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Electronics Engineers",INJURY_RATE:4.1,nonwhite_pct:28.345128,white_pct:71.654872,black_pct:5.0720632,hisp_pct:8.428463,asian_pct:17.149308,noncitizen_pct:10.17776031,n:253},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":211099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Community and social service specialists, all other",OCC_CODE:211099,TOT_EMP:95310,H_MEAN:25.97,A_MEAN:54020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":64.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":48.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":54.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.43,PCT_STAND:30.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5,PCT_SIT:62.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:62.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":45.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":48.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":12,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":47.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":38.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":47.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":34.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":30.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Social Service Specialists",INJURY_RATE:75.5,nonwhite_pct:32.9906406,white_pct:67.0093594,black_pct:18.290809,hisp_pct:17.7104703,asian_pct:4.0771913,noncitizen_pct:3.294046068,n:255},{lem:55,"SOC 2018 CODE":472081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47208X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Drywall and ceiling tile installers",OCC_CODE:472081,TOT_EMP:90860,H_MEAN:29.56,A_MEAN:61480,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">99.5","Hours of standing, mean":7.72,PCT_STAND:96.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.29,PCT_SIT:3.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:96.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":16.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":96.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":3.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":89.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":17.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<20",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Drywall Installers",INJURY_RATE:201.4,nonwhite_pct:18.987023,white_pct:81.012977,black_pct:3.5008276,hisp_pct:60.094585,asian_pct:.7554978,noncitizen_pct:39.39406479,n:258},{lem:45,"SOC 2018 CODE":252032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Career/technical education teachers, secondary school",OCC_CODE:252032,TOT_EMP:90070,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:70810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":72.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":75.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":52.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":13.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":35.5,"Hours of standing, mean":5.15,PCT_STAND:64.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.54,PCT_SIT:31.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:64.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":24.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":50.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":28.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":43.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":67.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":32.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":13,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":76.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":9.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":16.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":6.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":49.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":44.1,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Secondary CTE Teachers",INJURY_RATE:66.9,nonwhite_pct:15.2699904,white_pct:84.7300096,black_pct:7.3392153,hisp_pct:9.3040496,asian_pct:3.0157593,noncitizen_pct:2.40042668,n:260},{lem:12,"SOC 2018 CODE":252057,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Special education teachers, middle school",OCC_CODE:252057,TOT_EMP:88850,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:73630,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":76.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":59.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":45,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":34.3,"Hours of standing, mean":4.54,PCT_STAND:56.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.74,PCT_SIT:34.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:56.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":23.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":35.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":53.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":64.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":42.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":17.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":84.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":64.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":47.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Special Education Teachers (Middle)",INJURY_RATE:25.7,nonwhite_pct:16.28932,white_pct:83.71068,black_pct:8.9111926,hisp_pct:9.4198516,asian_pct:2.6812754,noncitizen_pct:2.157495264,n:261},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":391014,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3910XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of entertainment and recreation workers, except gambling services",OCC_CODE:391014,TOT_EMP:88140,H_MEAN:24.35,A_MEAN:50650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":55.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":69,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":55.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":44.7,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":44.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":86.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":44.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":58,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":41.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":22.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":46.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":32.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":22.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":91.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":28.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<20","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":13.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":21.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":39.7,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Recreation Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:30.33142,white_pct:69.66858,black_pct:11.6606227,hisp_pct:14.1313409,asian_pct:9.252428,noncitizen_pct:5.691717727,n:264},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":331021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of fire fighting and prevention workers",OCC_CODE:331021,TOT_EMP:84120,H_MEAN:43.63,A_MEAN:90740,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":86.8,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":26.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":1.3,"Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":96.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":89.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":83,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":59.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":95.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":4.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":61.4,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":57.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":56.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":95.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":15.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":57.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":78.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":78.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":57.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":86.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":80.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":40.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":73.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.5,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Firefighting Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:95.6,nonwhite_pct:10.6370886,white_pct:89.3629114,black_pct:4.4380117,hisp_pct:6.8679183,asian_pct:1.1148788,noncitizen_pct:.5822512613,n:269},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":192031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1920XX",OCCUPATION:"Chemists",OCC_CODE:192031,TOT_EMP:83530,H_MEAN:45.94,A_MEAN:95560,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":72,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":62.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":54.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":36.9,"Hours of standing, mean":4.22,PCT_STAND:52.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.79,PCT_SIT:47.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:52.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":37.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":71.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":45.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":88.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":36.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":47.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":47.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":11.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":86,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":86.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":28.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":40.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Chemists",INJURY_RATE:6,nonwhite_pct:29.7204972,white_pct:70.2795028,black_pct:6.4464747,hisp_pct:8.4346398,asian_pct:17.7540089,noncitizen_pct:8.687183804,n:271},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":251011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Business teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251011,TOT_EMP:82980,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:113240,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":62.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":36.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":81,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":83.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":35.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":3.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":24.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":19,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":17.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.9,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Business Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:272},{lem:96,"SOC 2018 CODE":339099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"Protective service workers, all other",OCC_CODE:339099,TOT_EMP:82500,H_MEAN:22.8,A_MEAN:47420,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":32.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":38,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":60,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<20","Hours of standing, mean":3.07,PCT_STAND:38.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.34,PCT_SIT:41.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":67.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":30.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":31.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":72.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":66.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":31,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":15.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":28.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":55.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":44.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":55,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":58.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":28.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":94,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":7.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<15","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":69.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":32,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Protective Service Workers (Other)",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:31.6432735,white_pct:68.3567265,black_pct:4.8058181,hisp_pct:12.4659048,asian_pct:3.5153642,noncitizen_pct:1.587767335,n:274},{lem:47,"SOC 2018 CODE":151242,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15124X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Database administrators",OCC_CODE:151242,TOT_EMP:76140,H_MEAN:50.39,A_MEAN:104810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":29.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":17.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.69,PCT_STAND:8.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.3,PCT_SIT:91.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":8.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":8.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":76.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">80","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Database Administrators",INJURY_RATE:3.7,nonwhite_pct:29.0214567,white_pct:70.9785433,black_pct:6.0747125,hisp_pct:7.3384425,asian_pct:20.9684305,noncitizen_pct:11.75709281,n:283},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":173026,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Industrial engineering technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:173026,TOT_EMP:73020,H_MEAN:32.04,A_MEAN:66640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":87.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.2,PCT_STAND:52.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.82,PCT_SIT:47.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:52.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":12.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">70","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":67.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":8.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<30","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<20",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Industrial Techs",INJURY_RATE:46.5,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.3622487,hisp_pct:13.5857506,asian_pct:8.5827046,noncitizen_pct:4.517105711,n:287},{lem:31,"SOC 2018 CODE":112032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1120XX",OCCUPATION:"Public relations managers",OCC_CODE:112032,TOT_EMP:72760,H_MEAN:76.65,A_MEAN:159420,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":20,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":16.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":1.14,PCT_STAND:14.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.58,PCT_SIT:69.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":33.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":33,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":17.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":56.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":94.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":43.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"PR Managers",INJURY_RATE:3.4,nonwhite_pct:16.1965214,white_pct:83.8034786,black_pct:7.2121327,hisp_pct:9.7445891,asian_pct:3.9750634,noncitizen_pct:3.178426755,n:288},{lem:81,"SOC 2018 CODE":251072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25107X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Nursing instructors and teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251072,TOT_EMP:72700,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:86530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":69.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":83,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":43.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":30.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":82.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":33.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":40.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":27.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":32.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":17.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Nursing Instructors",INJURY_RATE:32.6,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:289},{lem:0,"SOC 2018 CODE":194099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19409X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1940XX",OCCUPATION:"Life, physical, and social science technicians, all other",OCC_CODE:194099,TOT_EMP:72230,H_MEAN:30.12,A_MEAN:62640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":68,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":70.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":65.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":48.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":29.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":65.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":31.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":39.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":53.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":87.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":30.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<50","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":49.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":23.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<25","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":33.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<30","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":34.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Science Techs (Other)",INJURY_RATE:23.4,nonwhite_pct:22.1192992,white_pct:77.8807008,black_pct:9.2185974,hisp_pct:14.5887869,asian_pct:6.0480563,noncitizen_pct:6.405547959,n:291},{lem:42,"SOC 2018 CODE":319093,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical equipment preparers",OCC_CODE:319093,TOT_EMP:66790,H_MEAN:22.79,A_MEAN:47410,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":80.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":98.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":66.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":71.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":58,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<20","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":26.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Medical Equipment Preparers",INJURY_RATE:347.9,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:23.542703,hisp_pct:15.5287507,asian_pct:5.1762502,noncitizen_pct:4.63757657,n:294},{lem:8,"SOC 2018 CODE":274011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2740XX",OCCUPATION:"Audio and video technicians",OCC_CODE:274011,TOT_EMP:66700,H_MEAN:28.49,A_MEAN:59260,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":57.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":50.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":67.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":21.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":28.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<50","Percent of workers, crouching is required":20.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":90.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":24.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":11.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":6.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":34.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":42.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.1,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Audio/Video Technicians",INJURY_RATE:57.6,nonwhite_pct:18.383524,white_pct:81.616476,black_pct:6.8381817,hisp_pct:12.5328854,asian_pct:4.7339115,noncitizen_pct:5.92674258,n:295},{lem:44,"SOC 2018 CODE":173029,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Engineering technologists and technicians, except drafters, all other",OCC_CODE:173029,TOT_EMP:66200,H_MEAN:36.2,A_MEAN:75290,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":76.9,"Hours of standing, mean":4.41,PCT_STAND:55.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.6,PCT_SIT:45,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":91.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":55.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":44.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":7.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<50","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":7.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Engineering Techs (Other)",INJURY_RATE:36.1,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.3622487,hisp_pct:13.5857506,asian_pct:8.5827046,noncitizen_pct:4.517105711,n:298},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":119031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Education and childcare administrators, preschool and daycare",OCC_CODE:119031,TOT_EMP:64090,H_MEAN:29.48,A_MEAN:61320,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":72.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":79.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":57.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.31,PCT_STAND:41.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.95,PCT_SIT:61.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:61.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":27.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":42.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":57.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":64.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":47.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":28.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<25","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":38.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":61.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":5.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":39.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":9.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":22,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Preschool Administrators",INJURY_RATE:187,nonwhite_pct:22.4157415,white_pct:77.5842585,black_pct:12.9114272,hisp_pct:10.8217501,asian_pct:3.6071341,noncitizen_pct:2.677374309,n:301},{lem:30,"SOC 2018 CODE":173022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Civil engineering technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:173022,TOT_EMP:63560,H_MEAN:30.66,A_MEAN:63770,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":59.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":74.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":49.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":55.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":12.8,"Hours of standing, mean":2.53,PCT_STAND:31.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.49,PCT_SIT:68.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:68.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":25.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":44.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":49,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":7.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":79.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":28,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":79.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":19.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":35.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":14,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":10.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":20.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.9,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Civil Engineering Techs",INJURY_RATE:36.1,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.3622487,hisp_pct:13.5857506,asian_pct:8.5827046,noncitizen_pct:4.517105711,n:303},{lem:39,"SOC 2018 CODE":514021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51402X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Extruding and drawing machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514021,TOT_EMP:63370,H_MEAN:21.85,A_MEAN:45440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">80","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":77.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.03,PCT_STAND:100.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:100.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":16.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":20.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":93.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":22.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":16.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":35.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":63.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":26.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":36.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":83.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Extruding Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:60.1,nonwhite_pct:22.5766871,white_pct:77.4233129,black_pct:13.2686804,hisp_pct:13.9411454,asian_pct:2.6787451,noncitizen_pct:6.788562536,n:305},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":131075,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13107X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Labor relations specialists",OCC_CODE:131075,TOT_EMP:62800,H_MEAN:45.49,A_MEAN:94620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":48.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<40","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":53.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<40","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":54.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<40","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<40","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<40","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Labor Relations Specialists",INJURY_RATE:6.2,nonwhite_pct:27.7008674,white_pct:72.2991326,black_pct:14.1921931,hisp_pct:13.9271948,asian_pct:5.4269904,noncitizen_pct:3.832985356,n:306},{lem:10,"SOC 2018 CODE":251081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25108X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Education teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251081,TOT_EMP:60860,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:80750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":57.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":38.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":38.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.07,PCT_STAND:25.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.42,PCT_SIT:55.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:55.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":86.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":61.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":45.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":18.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":13.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":38.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Postsecondary Teachers",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:310},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":151243,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15124X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Database architects",OCC_CODE:151243,TOT_EMP:59920,H_MEAN:65.88,A_MEAN:137030,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":17.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.58,PCT_STAND:7.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.39,PCT_SIT:92.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:92.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":7.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":92.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<50","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":2.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Database Architects",INJURY_RATE:3.7,nonwhite_pct:29.0214567,white_pct:70.9785433,black_pct:6.0747125,hisp_pct:7.3384425,asian_pct:20.9684305,noncitizen_pct:11.75709281,n:311},{lem:1,"SOC 2018 CODE":211094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Community health workers",OCC_CODE:211094,TOT_EMP:58550,H_MEAN:25.3,A_MEAN:52610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":91,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":34.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":88.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":59.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":35.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":34.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":11.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":72.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":71.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":26.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":25.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":11.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Community Health Workers",INJURY_RATE:152.1,nonwhite_pct:32.9906406,white_pct:67.0093594,black_pct:18.290809,hisp_pct:17.7104703,asian_pct:4.0771913,noncitizen_pct:3.294046068,n:313},{lem:43,"SOC 2018 CODE":492094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4920XX",OCCUPATION:"Electrical and electronics repairers, commercial and industrial equipment",OCC_CODE:492094,TOT_EMP:58320,H_MEAN:33.56,A_MEAN:69810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":17,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":76.5,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":47,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":95.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":46.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":39.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":64.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":41.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":89.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":32.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":25.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":34.7,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Electronics Repairers",INJURY_RATE:37.2,nonwhite_pct:23.7302944,white_pct:76.2697056,black_pct:7.1902884,hisp_pct:15.7475617,asian_pct:2.9648267,noncitizen_pct:3.654803901,n:315},{lem:35,"SOC 2018 CODE":211091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Health education specialists",OCC_CODE:211091,TOT_EMP:57800,H_MEAN:33.55,A_MEAN:69790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":73.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.91,PCT_STAND:48.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.13,PCT_SIT:51.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:51.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":48.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":51.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":11.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":6.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":79.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Health Educators",INJURY_RATE:150.6,nonwhite_pct:32.9906406,white_pct:67.0093594,black_pct:18.290809,hisp_pct:17.7104703,asian_pct:4.0771913,noncitizen_pct:3.294046068,n:318},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":251123,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"English language and literature teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251123,TOT_EMP:57600,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:87090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":57.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":76.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":10,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":38.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":9.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":24.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":16.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":22.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":26.7,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"English Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:4.1,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:319},{lem:55,"SOC 2018 CODE":519032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Cutting and slicing machine setters, operators, and tenders",OCC_CODE:519032,TOT_EMP:52720,H_MEAN:21.49,A_MEAN:44700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":75.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":36.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":34.5,"Hours of standing, mean":7.87,PCT_STAND:98.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.42,PCT_SIT:5.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:98.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":31.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":13.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":78.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":26.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":34.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":13.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":11.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":20.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":84.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<30","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":66.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":33.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":68.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Cutting Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:149.5,nonwhite_pct:28.2098072,white_pct:71.7901928,black_pct:14.5548282,hisp_pct:25.7185889,asian_pct:3.5590569,noncitizen_pct:14.83635521,n:325},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":251042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25104X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Biological science teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251042,TOT_EMP:52050,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:102270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":62.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":54.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":1.3,"Hours of standing, mean":2.45,PCT_STAND:30.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.16,PCT_SIT:52,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:52,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":80.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":29.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":37,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":63,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":12.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":19.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Biology Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:328},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":271011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2710XX",OCCUPATION:"Art directors",OCC_CODE:271011,TOT_EMP:51200,H_MEAN:60.54,A_MEAN:125920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.05,PCT_STAND:13.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.74,PCT_SIT:84.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":66.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":9.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":9.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":29,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":81.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Art Directors",INJURY_RATE:22.8,nonwhite_pct:17.8799632,white_pct:82.1200368,black_pct:4.8284439,hisp_pct:11.5113351,asian_pct:5.9950875,noncitizen_pct:6.03625986,n:331},{lem:83,"SOC 2018 CODE":171022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1710XX",OCCUPATION:"Surveyors",OCC_CODE:171022,TOT_EMP:50740,H_MEAN:35.58,A_MEAN:74e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":77.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":80.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<40","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":10.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":81.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":81.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Surveyors",INJURY_RATE:99.6,nonwhite_pct:11.6238979,white_pct:88.3761021,black_pct:4.3887077,hisp_pct:9.308974,asian_pct:2.9392058,noncitizen_pct:2.731495957,n:332},{lem:24,"SOC 2018 CODE":119039,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Education administrators, all other",OCC_CODE:119039,TOT_EMP:50690,H_MEAN:48.42,A_MEAN:100720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":27.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":21.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":61.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Education Administrators (Other)",INJURY_RATE:63.4,nonwhite_pct:22.4157415,white_pct:77.5842585,black_pct:12.9114272,hisp_pct:10.8217501,asian_pct:3.6071341,noncitizen_pct:2.677374309,n:333},{lem:95,"SOC 2018 CODE":251022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Mathematical science teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251022,TOT_EMP:48230,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:95320,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":41.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":30.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":17.9,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":28.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":30.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":5.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Math Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:335},{lem:39,"SOC 2018 CODE":499012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49901X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Control and valve installers and repairers, except mechanical door",OCC_CODE:499012,TOT_EMP:47780,H_MEAN:34.79,A_MEAN:72360,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":15.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":77.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":68.2,"Hours of standing, mean":6.24,PCT_STAND:78,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.84,PCT_SIT:23,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":84.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":63.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":22.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":91.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">95","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":65.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">85","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":77.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":22.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":64.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":15.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":57.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">85","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":43.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":50.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":73.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":40.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":17,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":36.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":22.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<25",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Valve Installers",INJURY_RATE:87.5,nonwhite_pct:18.7373677,white_pct:81.2626323,black_pct:11.0821382,hisp_pct:15.6453716,asian_pct:1.9188981,noncitizen_pct:4.085180356,n:337},{lem:64,"SOC 2018 CODE":312011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3120XX",OCCUPATION:"Occupational therapy assistants",OCC_CODE:312011,TOT_EMP:46090,H_MEAN:32.78,A_MEAN:68170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":2.52,PCT_SIT:31.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":20.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":82.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":96.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":58.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":41.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":8.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":79.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"OT Assistants",INJURY_RATE:452.1,nonwhite_pct:24.841611,white_pct:75.158389,black_pct:14.0497376,hisp_pct:11.8913986,asian_pct:3.9227318,noncitizen_pct:3.431439653,n:339},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":173013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Mechanical drafters",OCC_CODE:173013,TOT_EMP:44850,H_MEAN:33.62,A_MEAN:69920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":61.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">90","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":.71,PCT_STAND:8.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.74,PCT_SIT:96.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:96.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":16.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":29.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":26.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":39.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":8.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":32.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":7.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":28.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":28.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":39.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":6.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":22.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<20","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":27,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":30.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":27,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":26.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Mechanical Drafters",INJURY_RATE:8.9,nonwhite_pct:19.4760519,white_pct:80.5239481,black_pct:3.9049855,hisp_pct:13.9072735,asian_pct:6.1379795,noncitizen_pct:3.993118819,n:341},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":472071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Paving, surfacing, and tamping equipment operators",OCC_CODE:472071,TOT_EMP:43080,H_MEAN:26.53,A_MEAN:55170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">80","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.33,PCT_STAND:41.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.35,PCT_SIT:66.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":36.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">95","Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":67.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<50","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">90","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":37.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":62.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":88.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<40","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":10.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":28.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":25.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Paving Equipment Operators",INJURY_RATE:44.3,nonwhite_pct:13.9922285,white_pct:86.0077715,black_pct:6.7647101,hisp_pct:17.7878142,asian_pct:.5034423,noncitizen_pct:7.28912059,n:345},{lem:22,"SOC 2018 CODE":312022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3120XX",OCCUPATION:"Physical therapist aides",OCC_CODE:312022,TOT_EMP:42390,H_MEAN:16.74,A_MEAN:34810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":68.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":1.63,PCT_SIT:20.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":80,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<40","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":74.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":63.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":64.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":74.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":25.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":88.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":48,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"PT Aides",INJURY_RATE:90.9,nonwhite_pct:19.037677,white_pct:80.962323,black_pct:6.2820232,hisp_pct:11.6530859,asian_pct:6.8968685,noncitizen_pct:2.951964325,n:347},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":251066,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25106X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Psychology teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251066,TOT_EMP:40610,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:93990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":36.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":.9,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":20.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Psychology Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:352},{lem:13,"SOC 2018 CODE":253011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2530XX",OCCUPATION:"Adult basic education, adult secondary education, and english as a second language instructors",OCC_CODE:253011,TOT_EMP:36890,H_MEAN:31.46,A_MEAN:65430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":63.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":39.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.9,PCT_STAND:36.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.86,PCT_SIT:35.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":50.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":60.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":74.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":14.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":9.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":27.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":22,"Percent of workers, with telework available":21.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":82.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":49.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":53.1,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Adult Educators",INJURY_RATE:20,nonwhite_pct:33.296489,white_pct:66.703511,black_pct:9.2515875,hisp_pct:14.6918611,asian_pct:14.2735687,noncitizen_pct:7.300793302,n:356},{lem:62,"SOC 2018 CODE":251021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer science teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251021,TOT_EMP:36150,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:106380,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":49.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":12.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":16.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.85,PCT_STAND:23.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.55,PCT_SIT:69.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":83.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":27.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":35.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<10","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":66.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Computer Science Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:357},{lem:84,"SOC 2018 CODE":493053,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Outdoor power equipment and other small engine mechanics",OCC_CODE:493053,TOT_EMP:36080,H_MEAN:21.72,A_MEAN:45180,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":8.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":94.6,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":91.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":94.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":88.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":67.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":32.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":82.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":88.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<20","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<30","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Engine Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:50.5,nonwhite_pct:9.0172658,white_pct:90.9827342,black_pct:3.0985427,hisp_pct:11.9777932,asian_pct:1.2179042,noncitizen_pct:3.379597502,n:358},{lem:45,"SOC 2018 CODE":535021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53502X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5350XX",OCCUPATION:"Captains, mates, and pilots of water vessels",OCC_CODE:535021,TOT_EMP:34520,H_MEAN:47.03,A_MEAN:97820,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":39.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":64.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.88,PCT_STAND:48.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.38,PCT_SIT:79.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:79.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":60.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":97.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":44.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":39.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":10,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":36.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":63.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":36.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<25","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":96.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<25","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":14.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Ship Captains",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:13.0424238,white_pct:86.9575762,black_pct:5.8022045,hisp_pct:8.8215282,asian_pct:1.4458733,noncitizen_pct:2.151799687,n:359},{lem:43,"SOC 2018 CODE":394021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39402X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3940XX",OCCUPATION:"Funeral attendants",OCC_CODE:394021,TOT_EMP:32620,H_MEAN:16.92,A_MEAN:35200,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":24.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">75","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.29,PCT_STAND:41.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.28,PCT_SIT:16,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":75.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":61.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":96.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":81.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":83,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":73.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":26.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":35,"Percent of workers, driving is required":70.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":31,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":38.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Funeral Attendants",INJURY_RATE:163.9,nonwhite_pct:17.2284479,white_pct:82.7715521,black_pct:11.5890792,hisp_pct:7.3609351,asian_pct:1.2854048,noncitizen_pct:1.064699391,n:361},{lem:36,"SOC 2018 CODE":194042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19404X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1940XX",OCCUPATION:"Environmental science and protection technicians, including health",OCC_CODE:194042,TOT_EMP:32390,H_MEAN:27.63,A_MEAN:57470,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":48.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":68.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":16.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":19.8,"Hours of standing, mean":4.13,PCT_STAND:51.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.04,PCT_SIT:50.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:51.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:50.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":51.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":87,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":55.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":73.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":50.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":49.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":37,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":36.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":29.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":71.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":43.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<45","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":39.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":64.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":27.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25.9,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Environmental Techs",INJURY_RATE:20.5,nonwhite_pct:22.1192992,white_pct:77.8807008,black_pct:9.2185974,hisp_pct:14.5887869,asian_pct:6.0480563,noncitizen_pct:6.405547959,n:362},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":311133,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31113X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3111XX",OCCUPATION:"Psychiatric aides",OCC_CODE:311133,TOT_EMP:32310,H_MEAN:19.71,A_MEAN:41e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">70","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.14,PCT_STAND:76.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.83,PCT_SIT:22.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":15.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":27.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":67.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":45.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":37.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":76.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":23.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<25","Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":75,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":84.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Psychiatric Aides",INJURY_RATE:771.9,nonwhite_pct:49.3905854,white_pct:50.6094146,black_pct:34.5604808,hisp_pct:15.7259579,asian_pct:3.9044891,noncitizen_pct:3.447830579,n:363},{lem:64,"SOC 2018 CODE":112033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1120XX",OCCUPATION:"Fundraising managers",OCC_CODE:112033,TOT_EMP:31810,H_MEAN:64.24,A_MEAN:133620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":43.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.07,PCT_STAND:13.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.84,PCT_SIT:85.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":44,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":26.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":31.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":26.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":20.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":89.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":18.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<50",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Fundraising Managers",INJURY_RATE:3.4,nonwhite_pct:16.1965214,white_pct:83.8034786,black_pct:7.2121327,hisp_pct:9.7445891,asian_pct:3.9750634,noncitizen_pct:3.178426755,n:364},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":119072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11907X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Entertainment and recreation managers, except gambling",OCC_CODE:119072,TOT_EMP:29690,H_MEAN:40.42,A_MEAN:84080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":54.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":83.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.34,PCT_STAND:54.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.77,PCT_SIT:47.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:54.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":16.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":70.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":42.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":53.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":74.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":53,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":21.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":69.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":7.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":34.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":13.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":21.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Entertainment Managers",INJURY_RATE:123.4,nonwhite_pct:20.3432675,white_pct:79.6567325,black_pct:7.0047327,hisp_pct:11.2121261,asian_pct:3.654431,noncitizen_pct:3.187665685,n:365},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":299091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2990XX",OCCUPATION:"Athletic trainers",OCC_CODE:299091,TOT_EMP:28480,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:61540,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":24.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":69.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":75.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":36.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":30.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":88.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":53.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":47.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":44.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":81.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":63.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Athletic Trainers",INJURY_RATE:50.2,nonwhite_pct:22.9039732,white_pct:77.0960268,black_pct:11.0440515,hisp_pct:11.5961697,asian_pct:5.4571202,noncitizen_pct:3.537771634,n:366},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":519162,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51916X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer numerically controlled tool programmers",OCC_CODE:519162,TOT_EMP:28030,H_MEAN:32.52,A_MEAN:67650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":79.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":31.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.22,PCT_STAND:65.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.11,PCT_SIT:38.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":68.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":47.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":42.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":23.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":20.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":10.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":48.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":68.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":68.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":42.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":23.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.6,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"CNC Programmers",INJURY_RATE:40.7,nonwhite_pct:18.6210034,white_pct:81.3789966,black_pct:6.91107,hisp_pct:13.4687136,asian_pct:5.4785377,noncitizen_pct:5.687341685,n:367},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":132071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Credit counselors",OCC_CODE:132071,TOT_EMP:27950,H_MEAN:25.69,A_MEAN:53440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":7.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Credit Counselors",INJURY_RATE:7.9,nonwhite_pct:20.4448725,white_pct:79.5551275,black_pct:9.6148575,hisp_pct:12.5900689,asian_pct:4.6774651,noncitizen_pct:2.33689693,n:368},{lem:70,"SOC 2018 CODE":195012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19501X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1950XX",OCCUPATION:"Occupational health and safety technicians",OCC_CODE:195012,TOT_EMP:27270,H_MEAN:30.89,A_MEAN:64250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":30,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":68.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":50.6,"Hours of standing, mean":3.76,PCT_STAND:47,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.32,PCT_SIT:54,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:54,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":70,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":77.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":52.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":54.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":68.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":18.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":52.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":71.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":46.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":53.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":6.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":28.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":58.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":25.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":13.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":21.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":37.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":22.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Safety Technicians",INJURY_RATE:16,nonwhite_pct:20.893593,white_pct:79.106407,black_pct:9.6382907,hisp_pct:13.8588956,asian_pct:3.5266162,noncitizen_pct:4.102288771,n:369},{lem:22,"SOC 2018 CODE":274012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2740XX",OCCUPATION:"Broadcast technicians",OCC_CODE:274012,TOT_EMP:26190,H_MEAN:34.43,A_MEAN:71600,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":3.8,PCT_SIT:47.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":21.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<30","Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":5.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Broadcast Technicians",INJURY_RATE:11.5,nonwhite_pct:18.383524,white_pct:81.616476,black_pct:6.8381817,hisp_pct:12.5328854,asian_pct:4.7339115,noncitizen_pct:5.92674258,n:370},{lem:10,"SOC 2018 CODE":391013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3910XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of gambling services workers",OCC_CODE:391013,TOT_EMP:25100,H_MEAN:29.86,A_MEAN:62110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":60.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":44,"Hours of standing, mean":6.37,PCT_STAND:79.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.63,PCT_SIT:20.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:79.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":39.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":44,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":20.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<30","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.7,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Gambling Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:107,nonwhite_pct:30.33142,white_pct:69.66858,black_pct:11.6606227,hisp_pct:14.1313409,asian_pct:9.252428,noncitizen_pct:5.691717727,n:371},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":172111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17211X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Health and safety engineers, except mining safety engineers and inspectors",OCC_CODE:172111,TOT_EMP:22510,H_MEAN:52.28,A_MEAN:108740,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.66,PCT_STAND:45.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.4,PCT_SIT:55,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:55,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":45.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":54.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":4.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":76.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":35.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Safety Engineers",INJURY_RATE:34.2,nonwhite_pct:21.9977908,white_pct:78.0022092,black_pct:4.6909983,hisp_pct:9.5260654,asian_pct:12.0599249,noncitizen_pct:7.970511315,n:373},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":514051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51405X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Metal-refining furnace operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:514051,TOT_EMP:20870,H_MEAN:26.13,A_MEAN:54340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":44.6,"Hours of standing, mean":7.19,PCT_STAND:89.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.68,PCT_SIT:21,STANDING_BOOLEAN:89.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">80","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":19.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":20.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":27,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":22.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":51.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":39.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":81.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":18.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":93.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":53.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":36.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":94.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":71.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":18,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":54,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":11.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":39.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":30.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":80.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":.7,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Furnace Operators",INJURY_RATE:196.9,nonwhite_pct:20.2532228,white_pct:79.7467772,black_pct:13.4404992,hisp_pct:14.2146214,asian_pct:1.7378253,noncitizen_pct:3.491449109,n:375},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":251126,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Philosophy and religion teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251126,TOT_EMP:20320,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:89680,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":31.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<40","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":2.37,PCT_STAND:29.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.15,PCT_SIT:64.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:64.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":68.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<40","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<45","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<20","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":34.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":36,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Philosophy Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:4.1,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:377},{lem:92,"SOC 2018 CODE":291218,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29121X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2912XX",OCCUPATION:"Obstetricians and gynecologists",OCC_CODE:291218,TOT_EMP:19820,H_MEAN:133.97,A_MEAN:278660,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":28.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":17.1,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":71.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":48.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":57.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":20.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<15","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":12.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":51.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"OBGYNs",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:33.1327024,white_pct:66.8672976,black_pct:5.3278202,hisp_pct:7.3486329,asian_pct:21.5506572,noncitizen_pct:6.806477986,n:378},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":192012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1920XX",OCCUPATION:"Physicists",OCC_CODE:192012,TOT_EMP:18350,H_MEAN:76.09,A_MEAN:158270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":88.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.71,PCT_STAND:33.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.12,PCT_SIT:64,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:64,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":11.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":86.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":21.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":35.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":25.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":41.2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Physicists",INJURY_RATE:14.9,nonwhite_pct:17.3571622,white_pct:82.6428378,black_pct:2.0868241,hisp_pct:6.2452399,asian_pct:11.0281797,noncitizen_pct:13.38918507,n:383},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":493092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Recreational vehicle service technicians",OCC_CODE:493092,TOT_EMP:17360,H_MEAN:24.37,A_MEAN:50690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":10.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":94.5,"Hours of standing, mean":6.86,PCT_STAND:85.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.23,PCT_SIT:15.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:85.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":89.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":87.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":13.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":64.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":92.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":75.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":56.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":95.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":32.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":32,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":48.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":87.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":82.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":63.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":58.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":88.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":26.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<20","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":12.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":18.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"RV Service Technicians",INJURY_RATE:133.2,nonwhite_pct:20.2206648,white_pct:79.7793352,black_pct:9.7622138,hisp_pct:23.6523536,asian_pct:1.3898087,noncitizen_pct:7.945043398,n:386},{lem:23,"SOC 2018 CODE":251065,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25106X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Political science teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251065,TOT_EMP:17090,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:104910,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":36.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":32.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":38,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":2.4,PCT_STAND:30,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.01,PCT_SIT:62.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:62.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<15","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<15","Percent of workers, with telework available":27.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":36.1,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Political Science Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:387},{lem:87,"SOC 2018 CODE":292033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Nuclear medicine technologists",OCC_CODE:292033,TOT_EMP:16560,H_MEAN:45.71,A_MEAN:95080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":58.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":41.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":78.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":15,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Nuclear Medicine Technologists",INJURY_RATE:154.8,nonwhite_pct:33.4728033,white_pct:66.5271967,black_pct:6.4771294,hisp_pct:9.535137,asian_pct:13.9602201,noncitizen_pct:4.462340938,n:389},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":472082,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47208X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Tapers",OCC_CODE:472082,TOT_EMP:15560,H_MEAN:33.32,A_MEAN:69300,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":95.9,"Hours of standing, mean":7.94,PCT_STAND:99.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.2,PCT_SIT:2.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:99.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":71.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":38.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":32,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":52.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">95","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":97.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":2.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":13.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":27.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":81.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":85.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":16.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":97.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":48.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":28.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Tapers",INJURY_RATE:352.9,nonwhite_pct:18.987023,white_pct:81.012977,black_pct:3.5008276,hisp_pct:60.094585,asian_pct:.7554978,noncitizen_pct:39.39406479,n:391},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":173024,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Electro-mechanical and mechatronics technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:173024,TOT_EMP:15360,H_MEAN:34.82,A_MEAN:72430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":30.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">55","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":77.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":60.8,"Hours of standing, mean":4.67,PCT_STAND:58.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.31,PCT_SIT:41.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:58.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":69.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":78.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":22.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":63.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":37.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":58.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":41.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":31.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":8.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":33.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<35","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":26.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<20","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":22,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":41.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":32.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":6.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":21.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":30.7,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Mechatronics Technicians",INJURY_RATE:50.2,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.3622487,hisp_pct:13.5857506,asian_pct:8.5827046,noncitizen_pct:4.517105711,n:393},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":519192,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Cleaning, washing, and metal pickling equipment operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:519192,TOT_EMP:15210,H_MEAN:19.95,A_MEAN:41500,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":93.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.49,PCT_STAND:93.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":.53,PCT_SIT:6.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:93.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":96.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":9.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":29,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":88.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":80.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":84.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<50","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":18.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":76.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<50","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":69.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":90.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Cleaning Equipment Operators",INJURY_RATE:46.8,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:14.6973865,hisp_pct:27.3246217,asian_pct:3.2943604,noncitizen_pct:12.24896836,n:394},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":194013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1940XX",OCCUPATION:"Food science technicians",OCC_CODE:194013,TOT_EMP:15190,H_MEAN:25.96,A_MEAN:54e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":43.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":19.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":13.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":15.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Food Techs",INJURY_RATE:100.2,nonwhite_pct:22.1192992,white_pct:77.8807008,black_pct:9.2185974,hisp_pct:14.5887869,asian_pct:6.0480563,noncitizen_pct:6.405547959,n:395},{lem:100,"SOC 2018 CODE":393093,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3930XX",OCCUPATION:"Locker room, coatroom, and dressing room attendants",OCC_CODE:393093,TOT_EMP:14720,H_MEAN:16.63,A_MEAN:34590,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":87.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":20.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":65.1,"Hours of standing, mean":5.7,PCT_STAND:71.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.51,PCT_SIT:18.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:71.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":12.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":61.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":54.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":70.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":85.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":14.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":21,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":14.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">70","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Attendants",INJURY_RATE:63.7,nonwhite_pct:45.0529523,white_pct:54.9470477,black_pct:9.8319109,hisp_pct:12.925256,asian_pct:23.2727244,noncitizen_pct:7.862054809,n:399},{lem:1,"SOC 2018 CODE":274014,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2740XX",OCCUPATION:"Sound engineering technicians",OCC_CODE:274014,TOT_EMP:14600,H_MEAN:35.62,A_MEAN:74100,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":73.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<10","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":8.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":14.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Sound Techs",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:18.383524,white_pct:81.616476,black_pct:6.8381817,hisp_pct:12.5328854,asian_pct:4.7339115,noncitizen_pct:5.92674258,n:400},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":493052,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Motorcycle mechanics",OCC_CODE:493052,TOT_EMP:14330,H_MEAN:23.06,A_MEAN:47960,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":11.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":91.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":36,"Hours of standing, mean":6.28,PCT_STAND:78.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.67,PCT_SIT:20.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":88.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":44.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":91.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":95.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":61.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">90","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":20.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":60.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":83.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":76.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":62.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":47.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":37.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.1,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Motorcycle Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:302.8,nonwhite_pct:9.0172658,white_pct:90.9827342,black_pct:3.0985427,hisp_pct:11.9777932,asian_pct:1.2179042,noncitizen_pct:3.379597502,n:402},{lem:13,"SOC 2018 CODE":332021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3320XX",OCCUPATION:"Fire inspectors and investigators",OCC_CODE:332021,TOT_EMP:14200,H_MEAN:39.67,A_MEAN:82510,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":18.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":78.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">70","Hours of standing, mean":5.25,PCT_STAND:65.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.2,PCT_SIT:40,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":81.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":21.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":97.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":53.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":88,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":96.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":61.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":38.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":29.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":29.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":90.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":53.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":53.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":48.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":20.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":95.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":62.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":47.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Fire Inspectors",INJURY_RATE:170.3,nonwhite_pct:15.5523613,white_pct:84.4476387,black_pct:7.3029806,hisp_pct:9.942536,asian_pct:2.13122,noncitizen_pct:1.925991412,n:403},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":191012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1910XX",OCCUPATION:"Food scientists and technologists",OCC_CODE:191012,TOT_EMP:14100,H_MEAN:42.48,A_MEAN:88350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":72.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":77.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":68,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":59.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":11.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":17.7,"Hours of standing, mean":3.47,PCT_STAND:43.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.67,PCT_SIT:58.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:58.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":22.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":40.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":85.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":49,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":55.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":42.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":57.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":17.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":17.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":81.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":10.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":8.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":15.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":13.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":41.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Food Scientists",INJURY_RATE:18.8,nonwhite_pct:16.088143,white_pct:83.911857,black_pct:4.3847713,hisp_pct:5.3594735,asian_pct:7.7948405,noncitizen_pct:6.997861764,n:405},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":251054,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25105X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Physics teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251054,TOT_EMP:14030,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:106950,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":29.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":16.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.26,PCT_STAND:40.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.94,PCT_SIT:49.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":13.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":45.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":54.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":26.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":38.6,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Physics Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:406},{lem:2,"SOC 2018 CODE":514035,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Milling and planing machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514035,TOT_EMP:13990,H_MEAN:24.05,A_MEAN:50020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":3.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.42,PCT_STAND:92.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.03,PCT_SIT:12.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:92.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":96.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":25.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":19.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":64.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":16.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":38.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":25.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":87.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":12.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":89.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":24.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":77.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":50.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":22.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Milling Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:164.4,nonwhite_pct:18.9504262,white_pct:81.0495738,black_pct:3.3079201,hisp_pct:14.9391973,asian_pct:3.8056833,noncitizen_pct:4.776006553,n:407},{lem:13,"SOC 2018 CODE":173025,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Environmental engineering technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:173025,TOT_EMP:13780,H_MEAN:28.26,A_MEAN:58780,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":72.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":66.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">50","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":38.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":33.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":13.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":67.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":47.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":47.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":51.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":16,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":51.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":21.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":53.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":19.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":19.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":43.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":39.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Environmental Engineering Techs",INJURY_RATE:150.5,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.3622487,hisp_pct:13.5857506,asian_pct:8.5827046,noncitizen_pct:4.517105711,n:409},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":251111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25111X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Criminal justice and law enforcement teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251111,TOT_EMP:13390,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:83470,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":36.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":80.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":54.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">85","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":19.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":35.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Law Enforcement Teachers",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:410},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":251193,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25119X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Recreation and fitness studies teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251193,TOT_EMP:13270,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:87340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":71.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":74.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":41.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":18.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":34.2,"Hours of standing, mean":3.74,PCT_STAND:46.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.3,PCT_SIT:41.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":25.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":77.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":20.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":54.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":52.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<15","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":33.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<25","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<15","Percent of workers, with telework available":33.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":17.9,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Fitness Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:411},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":251067,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25106X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Sociology teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251067,TOT_EMP:12870,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:97580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.32,PCT_STAND:29,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.73,PCT_SIT:59.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:59.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":32.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":26.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<40","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Sociology Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:412},{lem:3,"SOC 2018 CODE":254013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2540XX",OCCUPATION:"Museum technicians and conservators",OCC_CODE:254013,TOT_EMP:12670,H_MEAN:26.39,A_MEAN:54890,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":65.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">70","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<30","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">50","Hours of standing, mean":3.82,PCT_STAND:47.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.34,PCT_SIT:41.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":34.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":28,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":72.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":13.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":82.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":21.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":79.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":5.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":22.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":94.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":15,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<30","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":40.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":26.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":10.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":54.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<20","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":21.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":26.9,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Museum Technicians",INJURY_RATE:102.4,nonwhite_pct:13.5410552,white_pct:86.4589448,black_pct:4.4669491,hisp_pct:7.9395616,asian_pct:3.2445636,noncitizen_pct:3.635813411,n:414},{lem:98,"SOC 2018 CODE":254012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2540XX",OCCUPATION:"Curators",OCC_CODE:254012,TOT_EMP:12510,H_MEAN:34.07,A_MEAN:70870,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":76.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":85.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":70.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":47.6,"Hours of standing, mean":2.84,PCT_STAND:35.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.66,PCT_SIT:58.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:58.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":14.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":29.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":28.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":58.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":51,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":42.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":38.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":61.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":15.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":39.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":35.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":62.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":14.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":7.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":16.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":44.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<20","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27.1,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Curators",INJURY_RATE:24,nonwhite_pct:13.5410552,white_pct:86.4589448,black_pct:4.4669491,hisp_pct:7.9395616,asian_pct:3.2445636,noncitizen_pct:3.635813411,n:416},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":251063,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25106X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Economics teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251063,TOT_EMP:12210,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:133650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":54.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":51.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":38.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":61.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":39.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Economics Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:418},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":373019,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3730XX",OCCUPATION:"Grounds maintenance workers, all other",OCC_CODE:373019,TOT_EMP:11980,H_MEAN:22.37,A_MEAN:46540,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":27.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.11,PCT_STAND:76.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.32,PCT_SIT:16.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":72.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":87.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":73.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">85","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":95.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":82.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":17.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":96.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":95.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":95.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":8.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":12.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Grounds Maintenance Workers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:21.7263798,white_pct:78.2736202,black_pct:5.1277457,hisp_pct:22.5498979,asian_pct:1.3150822,noncitizen_pct:10.04049163,n:419},{lem:59,"SOC 2018 CODE":512021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5120XX",OCCUPATION:"Coil winders, tapers, and finishers",OCC_CODE:512021,TOT_EMP:11900,H_MEAN:22.13,A_MEAN:46020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">85","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":97.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.29,PCT_STAND:91.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.14,PCT_SIT:26.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":75,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":25,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Coil Winders",INJURY_RATE:139.7,nonwhite_pct:41.833332,white_pct:58.166668,black_pct:12.539108,hisp_pct:20.7168714,asian_pct:18.0943762,noncitizen_pct:11.96638655,n:421},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":514071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51407X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Foundry mold and coremakers",OCC_CODE:514071,TOT_EMP:11780,H_MEAN:21.7,A_MEAN:45130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.88,PCT_STAND:98.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.54,PCT_SIT:6.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:98.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":14.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":11,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":25.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<40","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":21.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":50.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":77.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":18.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":37.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":85.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Foundry Mold Makers",INJURY_RATE:132.3,nonwhite_pct:22.5766871,white_pct:77.4233129,black_pct:13.2686804,hisp_pct:13.9411454,asian_pct:2.6787451,noncitizen_pct:6.788562536,n:422},{lem:40,"SOC 2018 CODE":251051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25105X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Atmospheric, earth, marine, and space sciences teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251051,TOT_EMP:11770,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:111930,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":72.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":58.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<30","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<40","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Earth and Space Science Teacher (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:423},{lem:99,"SOC 2018 CODE":251113,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25111X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Social work teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251113,TOT_EMP:11730,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:80840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">75","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":14.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<25","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<15","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Social Work Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:424},{lem:2,"SOC 2018 CODE":251062,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25106X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Area, ethnic, and cultural studies teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251062,TOT_EMP:11570,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:100390,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":15,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.08,PCT_STAND:13.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.18,PCT_SIT:77.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:77.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">70","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":17.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":82.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":11.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<25","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Cultural Studies Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:425},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":519123,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51912X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Painting, coating, and decorating workers",OCC_CODE:519123,TOT_EMP:10700,H_MEAN:21.18,A_MEAN:44050,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.56,PCT_STAND:94.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:94.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">85","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":91.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":96.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Painters and Decorators",INJURY_RATE:69.4,nonwhite_pct:23.6150926,white_pct:76.3849074,black_pct:11.0780997,hisp_pct:28.5109939,asian_pct:2.178754,noncitizen_pct:13.85506649,n:428},{lem:7,"SOC 2018 CODE":339031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"Gambling surveillance officers and gambling investigators",OCC_CODE:339031,TOT_EMP:10660,H_MEAN:20.41,A_MEAN:42460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":60.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":7.14,PCT_SIT:89.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:89.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":39.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":2.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":95,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.9,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Gambling Surveillance Officers",INJURY_RATE:86.6,nonwhite_pct:48.9547148,white_pct:51.0452852,black_pct:31.1230123,hisp_pct:17.928728,asian_pct:3.4668961,noncitizen_pct:4.888115786,n:429},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":292092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Hearing aid specialists",OCC_CODE:292092,TOT_EMP:10250,H_MEAN:29.59,A_MEAN:61550,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">75","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":62.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":77.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":88.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":3.97,PCT_STAND:49.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":4,PCT_SIT:50,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":37.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">75","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":86.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<15","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":50.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":28.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<25","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Hearing Specialists",INJURY_RATE:351.2,nonwhite_pct:36.6462944,white_pct:63.3537056,black_pct:18.6523606,hisp_pct:13.6746583,asian_pct:8.1815809,noncitizen_pct:4.164653482,n:430},{lem:65,"SOC 2018 CODE":191041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19104X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1910XX",OCCUPATION:"Epidemiologists",OCC_CODE:191041,TOT_EMP:10230,H_MEAN:43.48,A_MEAN:90430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":59.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":41.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":23.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":58.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":11.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":42.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":64.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":32.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":21,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":32.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":33.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":44.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":41.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":50.6,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Epidemiologists",INJURY_RATE:18.8,nonwhite_pct:16.088143,white_pct:83.911857,black_pct:4.3847713,hisp_pct:5.3594735,asian_pct:7.7948405,noncitizen_pct:6.997861764,n:431},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":271027,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2710XX",OCCUPATION:"Set and exhibit designers",OCC_CODE:271027,TOT_EMP:10090,H_MEAN:32.29,A_MEAN:67170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":96.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.06,PCT_STAND:50.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:50.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">60","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":56.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<30","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":24.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Exhibit Designers",INJURY_RATE:26.4,nonwhite_pct:19.0942114,white_pct:80.9057886,black_pct:4.3124853,hisp_pct:11.8924447,asian_pct:11.6466816,noncitizen_pct:8.929698405,n:432},{lem:57,"SOC 2018 CODE":516062,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51606X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5160XX",OCCUPATION:"Textile cutting machine setters, operators, and tenders",OCC_CODE:516062,TOT_EMP:9760,H_MEAN:17.81,A_MEAN:37040,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":3.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":22.5,"Hours of standing, mean":6.93,PCT_STAND:86.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.37,PCT_SIT:17.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":96.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":69.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":24,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":83.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":16.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":19,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":79.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":6.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":30.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Textile Cutting Operators",INJURY_RATE:84,nonwhite_pct:34.3444508,white_pct:65.6555492,black_pct:18.739317,hisp_pct:27.2054976,asian_pct:3.3767049,noncitizen_pct:14.90912896,n:433},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":514022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51402X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Forging machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514022,TOT_EMP:9170,H_MEAN:22.76,A_MEAN:47350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":32.1,"Hours of standing, mean":6.8,PCT_STAND:85,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.41,PCT_SIT:17.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:85,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":11.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":53.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":30.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":68.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":82.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":17.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":77.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":25.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":23.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":80.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":46,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Forging Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:118.1,nonwhite_pct:22.5766871,white_pct:77.4233129,black_pct:13.2686804,hisp_pct:13.9411454,asian_pct:2.6787451,noncitizen_pct:6.788562536,n:435},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":518012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51801X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5180XX",OCCUPATION:"Power distributors and dispatchers",OCC_CODE:518012,TOT_EMP:9040,H_MEAN:50.7,A_MEAN:105460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":65.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":61,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":34.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":10,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":13.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":17.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":1.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":9.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Power Distributors",INJURY_RATE:37.6,nonwhite_pct:15.4631816,white_pct:84.5368184,black_pct:7.3831051,hisp_pct:7.8452871,asian_pct:2.1709061,noncitizen_pct:1.830173403,n:436},{lem:32,"SOC 2018 CODE":531041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53104X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5310XX",OCCUPATION:"Aircraft cargo handling supervisors",OCC_CODE:531041,TOT_EMP:9020,H_MEAN:31.23,A_MEAN:64950,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":90.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":8.4,"Hours of standing, mean":5.8,PCT_STAND:72.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.24,PCT_SIT:28,STANDING_BOOLEAN:72.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">95","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":72.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":27.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Cargo Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:465.7,nonwhite_pct:29.9307074,white_pct:70.0692926,black_pct:16.0661938,hisp_pct:19.6363944,asian_pct:3.9729117,noncitizen_pct:5.346850286,n:437},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":192032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1920XX",OCCUPATION:"Materials scientists",OCC_CODE:192032,TOT_EMP:8810,H_MEAN:54.06,A_MEAN:112440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":81.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":87.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":89.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":12.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":10.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":90.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<15","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":11,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<20","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":6.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":8.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Materials Scientists",INJURY_RATE:5.7,nonwhite_pct:29.7204972,white_pct:70.2795028,black_pct:6.4464747,hisp_pct:8.4346398,asian_pct:17.7540089,noncitizen_pct:8.687183804,n:439},{lem:52,"SOC 2018 CODE":131032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13103X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Insurance appraisers, auto damage",OCC_CODE:131032,TOT_EMP:8670,H_MEAN:36.37,A_MEAN:75660,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":98.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":97.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":98.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":46.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":53.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":98.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Auto Damage Appraisers",INJURY_RATE:30.9,nonwhite_pct:28.2138569,white_pct:71.7861431,black_pct:16.6249068,hisp_pct:12.01218,asian_pct:4.0529456,noncitizen_pct:2.319164802,n:440},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":519031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Cutters and trimmers, hand",OCC_CODE:519031,TOT_EMP:7220,H_MEAN:18.88,A_MEAN:39260,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.04,PCT_STAND:100.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:100.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<15","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":96.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<15","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":78.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Hand Cutters",INJURY_RATE:56.7,nonwhite_pct:28.2098072,white_pct:71.7901928,black_pct:14.5548282,hisp_pct:25.7185889,asian_pct:3.5590569,noncitizen_pct:14.83635521,n:443},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":254011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2540XX",OCCUPATION:"Archivists",OCC_CODE:254011,TOT_EMP:7150,H_MEAN:31.59,A_MEAN:65700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":68.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":58.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":29,"Hours of standing, mean":2.19,PCT_STAND:27.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.59,PCT_SIT:69.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":43,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":34.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":8.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":17.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":44.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":14.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Archivists",INJURY_RATE:51,nonwhite_pct:13.5410552,white_pct:86.4589448,black_pct:4.4669491,hisp_pct:7.9395616,asian_pct:3.2445636,noncitizen_pct:3.635813411,n:445},{lem:72,"SOC 2018 CODE":251053,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25105X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Environmental science teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251053,TOT_EMP:7120,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:100910,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":35.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":78.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":34.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.62,PCT_STAND:32.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.71,PCT_SIT:46.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":21.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":33.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":10.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":40.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":59.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":39.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<20","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":17.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":36.6,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Environmental Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:446},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":514194,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51419X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5141XX",OCCUPATION:"Tool grinders, filers, and sharpeners",OCC_CODE:514194,TOT_EMP:6660,H_MEAN:23.33,A_MEAN:48520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":25.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":77.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":43.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.89,PCT_STAND:86.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.85,PCT_SIT:23.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":74.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":54.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":26.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":22.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":60.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":45.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":52.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":77.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":22.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":74.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">75","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":86.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":68.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":29.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":25.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":45.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<20",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Tool Grinders",INJURY_RATE:300.8,nonwhite_pct:7.8917218,white_pct:92.1082782,black_pct:2.8517001,hisp_pct:5.5287768,asian_pct:2.0998095,noncitizen_pct:2.304739364,n:449},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":519193,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Cooling and freezing equipment operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:519193,TOT_EMP:6500,H_MEAN:21.56,A_MEAN:44840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">60","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":75.1,"Hours of standing, mean":7.61,PCT_STAND:95.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.5,PCT_SIT:6.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:95.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":9.6,"Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":95.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":75.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":95.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":72.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":58.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Cooling Equipment Operators",INJURY_RATE:65.3,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:14.6973865,hisp_pct:27.3246217,asian_pct:3.2943604,noncitizen_pct:12.24896836,n:450},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":393092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3930XX",OCCUPATION:"Costume attendants",OCC_CODE:393092,TOT_EMP:6300,H_MEAN:28.96,A_MEAN:60230,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":9.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":12.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<20","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">65","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":16.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":90.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Costume Assistants",INJURY_RATE:50.7,nonwhite_pct:45.0529523,white_pct:54.9470477,black_pct:9.8319109,hisp_pct:12.925256,asian_pct:23.2727244,noncitizen_pct:7.862054809,n:451},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":514032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Drilling and boring machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514032,TOT_EMP:5740,H_MEAN:22.83,A_MEAN:47490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":30.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.26,PCT_STAND:78.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.28,PCT_SIT:28.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":69.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":66.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":29,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":89.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":22.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":51,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":30,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":73.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":26.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<30","Percent of workers, crouching is required":24.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":45.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<20","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">85","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":71.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":76.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":36.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":33.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Drilling Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:47.7,nonwhite_pct:18.9504262,white_pct:81.0495738,black_pct:3.3079201,hisp_pct:14.9391973,asian_pct:3.8056833,noncitizen_pct:4.776006553,n:452},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":514052,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51405X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Pourers and casters, metal",OCC_CODE:514052,TOT_EMP:5460,H_MEAN:24.09,A_MEAN:50110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":86.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.33,PCT_STAND:91.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.41,PCT_SIT:17.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">95","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":31.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":31.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":66.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":26.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":29.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":16.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":28.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":88,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":96,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":83.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":38.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":28.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":34.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":68.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Metal Pourers",INJURY_RATE:261.8,nonwhite_pct:20.2532228,white_pct:79.7467772,black_pct:13.4404992,hisp_pct:14.2146214,asian_pct:1.7378253,noncitizen_pct:3.491449109,n:454},{lem:21,"SOC 2018 CODE":119071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11907X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Gambling managers",OCC_CODE:119071,TOT_EMP:4590,H_MEAN:47.24,A_MEAN:98270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3.3,"Hours of standing, mean":6.14,PCT_STAND:76.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":74.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":25.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":11.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Gambling Managers",INJURY_RATE:123.4,nonwhite_pct:20.3432675,white_pct:79.6567325,black_pct:7.0047327,hisp_pct:11.2121261,asian_pct:3.654431,noncitizen_pct:3.187665685,n:456},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":312012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3120XX",OCCUPATION:"Occupational therapy aides",OCC_CODE:312012,TOT_EMP:4430,H_MEAN:20.22,A_MEAN:42060,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":99.4,"Hours of standing, mean":5.29,PCT_STAND:66.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.71,PCT_SIT:33.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:66.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">80","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"<50","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":9.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">60","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":99.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":66.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":33.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">80","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<20",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Occupational Therapy Aides",INJURY_RATE:975,nonwhite_pct:24.841611,white_pct:75.158389,black_pct:14.0497376,hisp_pct:11.8913986,asian_pct:3.9227318,noncitizen_pct:3.431439653,n:457},{lem:99,"SOC 2018 CODE":299092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2990XX",OCCUPATION:"Genetic counselors",OCC_CODE:299092,TOT_EMP:3050,H_MEAN:47.18,A_MEAN:98130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":12.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":15,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.72,PCT_STAND:9,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.29,PCT_SIT:91.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":85,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":1.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Genetic Counselors",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:22.9039732,white_pct:77.0960268,black_pct:11.0440515,hisp_pct:11.5961697,asian_pct:5.4571202,noncitizen_pct:3.537771634,n:458}];function Wi(){console.log("--- --- --- --- 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Apache Software License 2.0 + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + */(function(n,e){(function(r,o){n.exports=o()})(nr,function(){return function(r){var o={};function i(s){if(o[s])return o[s].exports;var t=o[s]={i:s,l:!1,exports:{}};return r[s].call(t.exports,t,t.exports,i),t.l=!0,t.exports}return i.m=r,i.c=o,i.d=function(s,t,a){i.o(s,t)||Object.defineProperty(s,t,{enumerable:!0,get:a})},i.r=function(s){typeof Symbol<"u"&&Symbol.toStringTag&&Object.defineProperty(s,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}),Object.defineProperty(s,"__esModule",{value:!0})},i.t=function(s,t){if(1&t&&(s=i(s)),8&t||4&t&&typeof s=="object"&&s&&s.__esModule)return s;var a=Object.create(null);if(i.r(a),Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s}),2&t&&typeof s!="string")for(var c in s)i.d(a,c,(function(d){return s[d]}).bind(null,c));return a},i.n=function(s){var t=s&&s.__esModule?function(){return s.default}:function(){return s};return i.d(t,"a",t),t},i.o=function(s,t){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,t)},i.p="",i(i.s=0)}([function(r,o,i){function s(b){return(s=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(k){return typeof k}:function(k){return k&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&k.constructor===Symbol&&k!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof k})(b)}function t(b,k){for(var h=0;h1)throw new Error('"weight" property in key must bein the range of [0, 1)');C=C==null?A:Math.max(C,A),T=T==null?A:Math.min(T,A),this._keyWeights[x]=A,y+=A}if(y>1)throw new Error("Total of weights cannot exceed 1")}}},{key:"search",value:function(f){var u=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:{limit:!1};this._log(`--------- +Search pattern: "`.concat(f,'"'));var m=this._prepareSearchers(f),v=m.tokenSearchers,T=m.fullSearcher,C=this._search(v,T);return this._computeScore(C),this.options.shouldSort&&this._sort(C),u.limit&&typeof u.limit=="number"&&(C=C.slice(0,u.limit)),this._format(C)}},{key:"_prepareSearchers",value:function(){var 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+`,JSON.stringify(f,function(x,A){if(s(A)==="object"&&A!==null){if(m.indexOf(A)!==-1)return;m.push(A)}return A},2)),m=null}var v=[];this.options.includeMatches&&v.push(function(x,A){var M=x.output;A.matches=[];for(var z=0,L=M.length;z-1&&(B.arrayIndex=_.arrayIndex),A.matches.push(B)}}}),this.options.includeScore&&v.push(function(x,A){A.score=x.score});for(var T=0,C=f.length;TT)return t(k,this.pattern,C);var y=this.options,O=y.location,N=y.distance,p=y.threshold,x=y.findAllMatches,A=y.minMatchCharLength;return a(k,this.pattern,this.patternAlphabet,{location:O,distance:N,threshold:p,findAllMatches:x,minMatchCharLength:A,includeMatches:u})}}])&&s(P.prototype,b),l}();r.exports=d},function(r,o){var i=/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g;r.exports=function(s,t){var a=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:/ +/g,c=new RegExp(t.replace(i,"\\$&").replace(a,"|")),d=s.match(c),l=!!d,P=[];if(l)for(var b=0,k=d.length;b=V;W-=1){var fe=W-1,xe=d[a.charAt(fe)];if(xe&&(z[fe]=1),ce[W]=(ce[W+1]<<1|1)&xe,se!==0&&(ce[W]|=(oe[W+1]|oe[W])<<1|1|oe[W+1]),ce[W]&Z&&(Y=s(c,{errors:se,currentLocation:fe,expectedLocation:N,distance:h}))<=x){if(x=Y,(A=fe)<=N)break;V=Math.max(1,2*N-A)}}if(s(c,{errors:se+1,currentLocation:N,expectedLocation:N,distance:h})>x)break;oe=ce}var S={isMatch:A>=0,score:Y===0?.001:Y};return O&&(S.matchedIndices=t(z,C)),S}},function(r,o){r.exports=function(i,s){var t=s.errors,a=t===void 0?0:t,c=s.currentLocation,d=c===void 0?0:c,l=s.expectedLocation,P=l===void 0?0:l,b=s.distance,k=b===void 0?100:b,h=a/i.length,f=Math.abs(P-d);return k?h+f/k:f?1:h}},function(r,o){r.exports=function(){for(var i=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:[],s=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:1,t=[],a=-1,c=-1,d=0,l=i.length;d=s&&t.push([a,c]),a=-1)}return i[d-1]&&d-a>=s&&t.push([a,d-1]),t}},function(r,o){r.exports=function(i){for(var s={},t=i.length,a=0;a + * + * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. + */var ni=function(e){return typeof e=="object"?e===null:typeof e!="function"};/*! + * isobject + * + * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. + */var ti=function(e){return e!=null&&typeof e=="object"&&Array.isArray(e)===!1};/*! + * is-plain-object + * + * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert. + * Released under the MIT License. + */var si=ti;function Tr(n){return si(n)===!0&&Object.prototype.toString.call(n)==="[object Object]"}var ci=function(e){var r,o;return!(Tr(e)===!1||(r=e.constructor,typeof r!="function")||(o=r.prototype,Tr(o)===!1)||o.hasOwnProperty("isPrototypeOf")===!1)};/*! + * set-value + * + * Copyright (c) Jon Schlinkert (https://github.com/jonschlinkert). + * Released under the MIT License. + */const{deleteProperty:ai}=Reflect,di=ni,Er=ci,Nr=n=>typeof n=="object"&&n!==null||typeof n=="function",wi=n=>n==="__proto__"||n==="constructor"||n==="prototype",cr=n=>{if(!di(n))throw new TypeError("Object keys must be strings or symbols");if(wi(n))throw new Error(`Cannot set unsafe key: "${n}"`)},li=n=>Array.isArray(n)?n.flat().map(String).join(","):n,fi=(n,e)=>{if(typeof n!="string"||!e)return n;let r=n+";";return e.arrays!==void 0&&(r+=`arrays=${e.arrays};`),e.separator!==void 0&&(r+=`separator=${e.separator};`),e.split!==void 0&&(r+=`split=${e.split};`),e.merge!==void 0&&(r+=`merge=${e.merge};`),e.preservePaths!==void 0&&(r+=`preservePaths=${e.preservePaths};`),r},ui=(n,e,r)=>{const o=li(e?fi(n,e):n);cr(o);const i=Qe.cache.get(o)||r();return Qe.cache.set(o,i),i},ki=(n,e={})=>{const r=e.separator||".",o=r==="/"?!1:e.preservePaths;if(typeof n=="string"&&o!==!1&&/\//.test(n))return[n];const i=[];let s="";const t=a=>{let c;a.trim()!==""&&Number.isInteger(c=Number(a))?i.push(c):i.push(a)};for(let a=0;ae&&typeof e.split=="function"?e.split(n):typeof n=="symbol"?[n]:Array.isArray(n)?n:ui(n,e,()=>ki(n,e)),hi=(n,e,r,o)=>{if(cr(e),r===void 0)ai(n,e);else 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d=(0,qi.default)(a,s,P=>({text:P.chars,matches:P.matches})).matched,l=e[i];t.split(".").length>1?(0,pi.default)(l,t,d):l[t]=d})}),e}var _i=ko.default=mi;function bi(n,e,r){let o,{query:i=""}=e,{data:s=[]}=e,{options:t={}}=e,{result:a=[]}=e,{formatted:c=[]}=e;return n.$$set=d=>{"query"in d&&r(2,i=d.query),"data"in d&&r(3,s=d.data),"options"in d&&r(4,t=d.options),"result"in d&&r(0,a=d.result),"formatted"in d&&r(1,c=d.formatted)},n.$$.update=()=>{n.$$.dirty&24&&r(5,o=new ii(s,{...t,shouldSort:!0,includeMatches:!0})),n.$$.dirty&40&&s&&o.setCollection(s),n.$$.dirty&61&&(i||s)&&(r(0,a=_i(o.search(i))),r(1,c=a.map(d=>t.keys.map(l=>typeof d[l]=="string"?[{key:l,text:d[l],matches:!1}]:d[l].map(P=>({...P,key:l}))))))},[a,c,i,s,t,o]}class Oi extends Se{constructor(e){super(),Ie(this,e,bi,null,_e,{query:2,data:3,options:4,result:0,formatted:1})}}function Ar(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[39]=e[r],o}function Sr(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[42]=e[r],o}function Ir(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[45]=e[r].matches,o[46]=e[r].text,o}function Dr(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[49]=e[r],o}function Rr(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[52]=e[r],o[54]=r,o}function Hr(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[49]=e[r],o}function Ur(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[58]=e[r],o[57]=r,o}function Gr(n,e,r){const o=n.slice();return o[55]=e[r],o[57]=r,o}function Mr(n){let e,r,o=n[3],i,s=Vr(n),t=n[3]>0&&Fr(n);return{c(){e=I("div"),r=I("div"),s.c(),i=ee(),t&&t.c(),this.h()},l(a){e=D(a,"DIV",{class:!0});var c=J(e);r=D(c,"DIV",{class:!0});var d=J(r);s.l(d),i=re(d),t&&t.l(d),d.forEach(g),c.forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(r,"class","textContainer svelte-1hcykta"),q(e,"class","introContainer 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s=J(e);o=ve(s,r),s.forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(e,"class","svelte-1hcykta")},m(i,s){G(i,e,s),U(e,o)},p(i,s){s[0]&16&&r!==(r=i[4].hed+"")&&Ke(o,r)},d(i){i&&g(e)}}}function Ci(n){let e,r=ae(n[4].questions),o=[];for(let i=0;i{c&&(a&&a.end(1),t=fo(e,gr,{x:n[10],duration:300}),t.start())}),c=!0)},o(h){t&&t.invalidate(),h&&(a=vo(e,gr,{x:-n[10],duration:300})),c=!1},d(h){h&&g(e),d&&d.d(),b.d(),k&&k.d(),h&&a&&a.end()}}}function Fr(n){let e,r,o,i=ae(n[15]),s=[];for(let t=0;t{o&&(r||(r=ze(e,Xe,{},!0)),r.run(1))}),o=!0)},o(t){t&&(r||(r=ze(e,Xe,{},!1)),r.run(0)),o=!1},d(t){t&&g(e),Ye(s,t),t&&r&&r.end()}}}function Ni(n){let e,r;return{c(){e=I("span"),this.h()},l(o){e=D(o,"SPAN",{class:!0}),J(e).forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(e,"class",r="dot "+(n[3]>=n[54]?"selected":"")+" svelte-1hcykta")},m(o,i){G(o,e,i)},p(o,i){i[0]&8&&r!==(r="dot "+(o[3]>=o[54]?"selected":"")+" svelte-1hcykta")&&q(e,"class",r)},d(o){o&&g(e)}}}function Wr(n){let e,r=n[54]!=0&&Ni(n);return{c(){r&&r.c(),e=te()},l(o){r&&r.l(o),e=te()},m(o,i){r&&r.m(o,i),G(o,e,i)},p(o,i){o[54]!=0&&r.p(o,i)},d(o){o&&g(e),r&&r.d(o)}}}function Zr(n){let e,r=ae(n[4].questions),o=[];for(let i=0;ime(i,"formatted",P));let k=n[2]==""&&$r(n),h=n[13]&&io();return{c(){e=I("div"),r=I("input"),o=ee(),He(i.$$.fragment),t=ee(),k&&k.c(),a=ee(),h&&h.c(),this.h()},l(f){e=D(f,"DIV",{class:!0});var u=J(e);r=D(u,"INPUT",{placeholder:!0,class:!0}),o=re(u),Ue(i.$$.fragment,u),t=re(u),k&&k.l(u),a=re(u),h&&h.l(u),u.forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(r,"placeholder","Search job titles..."),q(r,"class","svelte-1hcykta"),q(e,"class","panel jobSearch svelte-1hcykta")},m(f,u){G(f,e,u),U(e,r),ir(r,n[11]),U(e,o),Ge(i,e,null),U(e,t),k&&k.m(e,null),U(e,a),h&&h.m(e,null),c=!0,d||(l=[Ne(r,"input",n[30]),Ne(r,"focus",n[22])],d=!0)},p(f,u){u[0]&2048&&r.value!==f[11]&&ir(r,f[11]);const m={};u[0]&2048&&(m.query=f[11]),u[0]&32&&(m.data=f[5]),!s&&u[0]&128&&(s=!0,m.formatted=f[7],qe(()=>s=!1)),i.$set(m),f[2]==""?k?k.p(f,u):(k=$r(f),k.c(),k.m(e,a)):k&&(k.d(1),k=null),f[13]?h||(h=io(),h.c(),h.m(e,null)):h&&(h.d(1),h=null)},i(f){c||(j(i.$$.fragment,f),c=!0)},o(f){$(i.$$.fragment,f),c=!1},d(f){f&&g(e),Me(i),k&&k.d(),h&&h.d(),d=!1,lo(l)}}}function $r(n){let e,r=ae(n[7].slice(0,8)),o=[];for(let i=0;i{a=null}),Be())},i(c){i||(j(a),i=!0)},o(c){$(a),i=!1},d(c){c&&(g(e),g(r),g(o)),s&&s.d(c),t&&t.d(c),a&&a.d(c)}}}function no(n){if(n==="$150,000+")return 15e4;const[e,r]=n.replace(/\$|,|%/g,"").split(" to ").map(Number);return(e+r)/2}function Si(n,e,r){let{copy:o,data:i,currentStageNumber:s}=e,{selectedIndices:t}=e,{introActive:a}=e,{searchValue:c}=e,{selectedSalary:d}=e,{selectedStandingPct:l}=e,P=-999,b=!1,k=200,h,f=[],u={keys:["OCCUPATION"]},m=null,v=null,T=!1;const C=["intro","stand_sit","body","other","environment","salary"],y=["Start ","Next ","Next ","Next ","Next ","Let's go 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0&&(N.questionNumber=n[14]),n[17]!==void 0&&(N.reset=n[17]),c=new Zo({props:N}),pe.push(()=>me(c,"searchValue",T)),pe.push(()=>me(c,"introActive",C)),pe.push(()=>me(c,"questionNumber",y)),pe.push(()=>me(c,"reset",O)),c.$on("updateCurrentVar",n[24]),c.$on("updateQuestion",n[23]),{c(){e=I("div"),He(r.$$.fragment),s=ee(),v.c(),a=ee(),He(c.$$.fragment),this.h()},l(p){e=D(p,"DIV",{class:!0});var x=J(e);Ue(r.$$.fragment,x),s=re(x),v.l(x),a=re(x),Ue(c.$$.fragment,x),x.forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(e,"class","canvasContainer svelte-vbqpzi")},m(p,x){G(p,e,x),Ge(r,e,null),U(e,s),v.m(e,null),U(e,a),Ge(c,e,null),h=!0},p(p,x){const A={};x[0]&65536&&(A.bg=p[16]),x[0]&32&&(A.x_axis_variable=p[5]),x[0]&128&&(A.searchValue=p[7]),x[0]&64&&(A.selectedIndices=p[6]),x[0]&4&&(A.data=p[2]),x[0]&8&&(A.copy=p[3]),x[0]&8192&&(A.currentVar=p[13]),x[0]&16&&(A.currentQuestionNum=p[4]),x[0]&1&&(A.currentStageNumber=p[0]),x[0]&1024&&(A.minmax=p[10]),x[0]&2048&&(A.minIndicies=p[11]),x[0]&4096&&(A.maxIndicies=p[12]),!o&&x[0]&131072&&(o=!0,A.reset=p[17],qe(()=>o=!1)),!i&&x[0]&32768&&(i=!0,A.explored=p[15],qe(()=>i=!1)),r.$set(A),x[0]&262144&&_e(t,t=p[18])?(Le(),$(v,1,1,ye),Be(),v=co(p),v.c(),j(v,1),v.m(e,a)):v.p(p,x);const M={};x[0]&1&&(M.currentStageNumber=p[0]),x[0]&8&&(M.copy=p[3]),x[0]&4&&(M.data=p[2]),x[0]&8192&&(M.currentVar=p[13]),!d&&x[0]&128&&(d=!0,M.searchValue=p[7],qe(()=>d=!1)),!l&&x[0]&2&&(l=!0,M.introActive=p[1],qe(()=>l=!1)),!P&&x[0]&16384&&(P=!0,M.questionNumber=p[14],qe(()=>P=!1)),!b&&x[0]&131072&&(b=!0,M.reset=p[17],qe(()=>b=!1)),c.$set(M)},i(p){h||(j(r.$$.fragment,p),j(v),j(c.$$.fragment,p),p&&Fe(()=>{h&&(k||(k=ze(e,Xe,{},!0)),k.run(1))}),h=!0)},o(p){$(r.$$.fragment,p),$(v),$(c.$$.fragment,p),p&&(k||(k=ze(e,Xe,{},!1)),k.run(0)),h=!1},d(p){p&&g(e),Me(r),v.d(p),Me(c),p&&k&&k.end()}}}function co(n){let e,r;return e=new ri({props:{currentStageNumber:n[0],axis_flip:n[19],axis_variable:n[18],x_axis_variable:n[5],x_axis_variable_range:n[20]}}),{c(){He(e.$$.fragment)},l(o){Ue(e.$$.fragment,o)},m(o,i){Ge(e,o,i),r=!0},p(o,i){const s={};i[0]&1&&(s.currentStageNumber=o[0]),i[0]&524288&&(s.axis_flip=o[19]),i[0]&262144&&(s.axis_variable=o[18]),i[0]&32&&(s.x_axis_variable=o[5]),e.$set(s)},i(o){r||(j(e.$$.fragment,o),r=!0)},o(o){$(e.$$.fragment,o),r=!1},d(o){Me(e,o)}}}function Di(n){let e,r,o,i,s,t,a,c,d,l,P;function b(y){n[28](y)}function k(y){n[29](y)}function h(y){n[30](y)}function f(y){n[31](y)}function u(y){n[32](y)}function m(y){n[33](y)}let v={copy:n[3],data:n[2],currentStageNumber:n[0]};n[8]!==void 0&&(v.selectedSalary=n[8]),n[7]!==void 0&&(v.searchValue=n[7]),n[6]!==void 0&&(v.selectedIndices=n[6]),n[1]!==void 0&&(v.introActive=n[1]),n[9]!==void 0&&(v.selectedStandingPct=n[9]),n[14]!==void 0&&(v.questionNumber=n[14]),r=new Ii({props:v}),pe.push(()=>me(r,"selectedSalary",b)),pe.push(()=>me(r,"searchValue",k)),pe.push(()=>me(r,"selectedIndices",h)),pe.push(()=>me(r,"introActive",f)),pe.push(()=>me(r,"selectedStandingPct",u)),pe.push(()=>me(r,"questionNumber",m));let T=n[3].story[n[0]].cat=="ExploreInstruction"&&!n[15]&&to(),C=!n[1]&&so(n);return{c(){e=I("div"),He(r.$$.fragment),d=ee(),T&&T.c(),l=ee(),C&&C.c(),this.h()},l(y){e=D(y,"DIV",{class:!0});var O=J(e);Ue(r.$$.fragment,O),d=re(O),T&&T.l(O),l=re(O),C&&C.l(O),O.forEach(g),this.h()},h(){q(e,"class","container svelte-vbqpzi")},m(y,O){G(y,e,O),Ge(r,e,null),U(e,d),T&&T.m(e,null),U(e,l),C&&C.m(e,null),P=!0},p(y,O){const N={};O[0]&8&&(N.copy=y[3]),O[0]&4&&(N.data=y[2]),O[0]&1&&(N.currentStageNumber=y[0]),!o&&O[0]&256&&(o=!0,N.selectedSalary=y[8],qe(()=>o=!1)),!i&&O[0]&128&&(i=!0,N.searchValue=y[7],qe(()=>i=!1)),!s&&O[0]&64&&(s=!0,N.selectedIndices=y[6],qe(()=>s=!1)),!t&&O[0]&2&&(t=!0,N.introActive=y[1],qe(()=>t=!1)),!a&&O[0]&512&&(a=!0,N.selectedStandingPct=y[9],qe(()=>a=!1)),!c&&O[0]&16384&&(c=!0,N.questionNumber=y[14],qe(()=>c=!1)),r.$set(N),y[3].story[y[0]].cat=="ExploreInstruction"&&!y[15]?T?O[0]&32777&&j(T,1):(T=to(),T.c(),j(T,1),T.m(e,l)):T&&(Le(),$(T,1,1,()=>{T=null}),Be()),y[1]?C&&(Le(),$(C,1,1,()=>{C=null}),Be()):C?(C.p(y,O),O[0]&2&&j(C,1)):(C=so(y),C.c(),j(C,1),C.m(e,null))},i(y){P||(j(r.$$.fragment,y),j(T),j(C),P=!0)},o(y){$(r.$$.fragment,y),$(T),$(C),P=!1},d(y){y&&g(e),Me(r),T&&T.d(),C&&C.d()}}}function Ri(n,e,r){let{copy:o}=e,{data:i}=e,{currentQuestionNum:s=0}=e,{currentStageNumber:t}=e,{x_axis_variable:a}=e,c=0,d=[],l=[],P="",b=5e4,k=20,h=!1,f,u=!1,m={A_MEAN:[3e4,11e4,"Less money","More money"],nonwhite_pct:[0,.5,"Fewer nonwhite people","More nonwhite people"],noncitizen_pct:[0,.2,"Fewer noncitizens","More noncitizens"],"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":[0,100,"Sitters","Standers"],PCT_STAND:[0,100,"Sitters","Standers"]},{introActive:v}=e,T=!0,C=[-1,1],y=[],O=[],N=Array(o.questions.length).fill(1),p,x,A=o.questions.map(S=>S.variable),M="",z="";i=i.sort((S,ue)=>ue.TOT_EMP-S.TOT_EMP);let L={OCCUPATION:"You",OCC_SHORT:"You",A_MEAN:b,PCT_STAND:k};i.push(L);function _(S,ue){r(0,t=t+S.detail.answer),r(13,p=o.story[t].hl)}function B(S){r(13,p=S.detail.currentVar)}function oe(){let S=o.questions.filter(X=>X.variable.startsWith("Percent")).map(X=>[X.variable,d.includes(Number(X.index))?1:0,X.cat]);for(let X=0;XX.value-E.value),we=10;r(11,y=De.filter(X=>X.job!=="You").slice(0,we).map(X=>X.index)),r(12,O=De.filter(X=>X.job!=="You").slice(-we).map(X=>X.index));const be=ue.find(X=>X.n==157);be&&O.unshift(be.index);const Ae=ue.find(X=>X.n==44);Ae&&y.unshift(Ae.index),ue.sort((X,E)=>X.score-E.score);const le=[10,10];let Ee=ue.map(X=>X.score),Ve=Ee.slice(0,le[0]).reduce((X,E)=>X+E,0)/le[0],We=Ee.slice(-le[1]).reduce((X,E)=>X+E,0)/le[1];r(10,C[0]=Ve,C),r(10,C[1]=We,C),p==null&&r(10,C=[0,100]),p=="white_pct"&&r(10,C=[65,90]),p=="black_pct"&&r(10,C=[3,23]),p=="hisp_pct"&&r(10,C=[7,30]),p=="asian_pct"&&r(10,C=[0,18]),p=="noncitizen_pct"&&r(10,C=[2,20]),p=="A_MEAN"&&r(10,C=[3e4,12e4])}function Y(S){b=S,r(8,b)}function de(S){P=S,r(7,P),r(26,T),r(1,v),r(6,d),r(25,l),r(13,p),r(27,x),r(3,o),r(0,t),r(4,s),r(10,C),r(11,y),r(12,O),r(8,b),r(9,k)}function Z(S){d=S,r(6,d)}function se(S){v=S,r(1,v)}function ie(S){k=S,r(9,k)}function R(S){c=S,r(14,c)}function V(S){u=S,r(17,u)}function Ce(S){h=S,r(15,h)}function ce(S){P=S,r(7,P),r(26,T),r(1,v),r(6,d),r(25,l),r(13,p),r(27,x),r(3,o),r(0,t),r(4,s),r(10,C),r(11,y),r(12,O),r(8,b),r(9,k)}function W(S){v=S,r(1,v)}function fe(S){c=S,r(14,c)}function xe(S){u=S,r(17,u)}return n.$$set=S=>{"copy"in S&&r(3,o=S.copy),"data"in S&&r(2,i=S.data),"currentQuestionNum"in S&&r(4,s=S.currentQuestionNum),"currentStageNumber"in S&&r(0,t=S.currentStageNumber),"x_axis_variable"in S&&r(5,a=S.x_axis_variable),"introActive"in S&&r(1,v=S.introActive)},n.$$.update=()=>{if(n.$$.dirty[0]&234897371){(T!=v||d!=l||p!=x)&&(oe(),r(26,T=v),r(25,l=d),r(27,x=p),o.story[t].stage!="explore"&&r(7,P=o.story[t].job==null?"":o.story[t].job));let S=o.questions.find(ue=>ue.variable===p);r(18,M=S?S.axis_variable:-1),r(19,z=S?S.axis_flip:""),r(16,f=o.story[t].bg),oe()}},[t,v,i,o,s,a,d,P,b,k,C,y,O,p,c,h,f,u,M,z,m,N,A,_,B,l,T,x,Y,de,Z,se,ie,R,V,Ce,ce,W,fe,xe]}class Hi extends Se{constructor(e){super(),Ie(this,e,Ri,Di,_e,{copy:3,data:2,currentQuestionNum:4,currentStageNumber:0,x_axis_variable:5,introActive:1},null,[-1,-1])}}function Ui(n){let e,r,o,i,s,t;e=new Do({props:{currentStageNumber:n[0],introActive:n[2]}});function a(l){n[4](l)}function c(l){n[5](l)}let d={copy:n[1],data:n[3],x_axis_variable:go};return n[2]!==void 0&&(d.introActive=n[2]),n[0]!==void 0&&(d.currentStageNumber=n[0]),o=new Hi({props:d}),pe.push(()=>me(o,"introActive",a)),pe.push(()=>me(o,"currentStageNumber",c)),{c(){He(e.$$.fragment),r=ee(),He(o.$$.fragment)},l(l){Ue(e.$$.fragment,l),r=re(l),Ue(o.$$.fragment,l)},m(l,P){Ge(e,l,P),G(l,r,P),Ge(o,l,P),t=!0},p(l,[P]){const b={};P&1&&(b.currentStageNumber=l[0]),P&4&&(b.introActive=l[2]),e.$set(b);const k={};P&2&&(k.copy=l[1]),!i&&P&4&&(i=!0,k.introActive=l[2],qe(()=>i=!1)),!s&&P&1&&(s=!0,k.currentStageNumber=l[0],qe(()=>s=!1)),o.$set(k)},i(l){t||(j(e.$$.fragment,l),j(o.$$.fragment,l),t=!0)},o(l){$(e.$$.fragment,l),$(o.$$.fragment,l),t=!1},d(l){l&&g(r),Me(e,l),Me(o,l)}}}let go="PCT_STAND";function Gi(n,e,r){const o=ur("copy");let i=!0,s=0;o.questions=o.questions.map((l,P)=>({...l,index:P}));const a=ur("data").filter(l=>l[go]!="");function c(l){i=l,r(2,i)}function d(l){s=l,r(0,s)}return n.$$.update=()=>{n.$$.dirty&1},[s,o,i,a,c,d]}class Mi extends Se{constructor(e){super(),Ie(this,e,Gi,Ui,_e,{})}}const Xi="sitters and standers",Li="What our bodies do for work",Bi="alvin chang",zi={stand_sit:{text:"What portion of the day do you stand at work?"},other:{text:"Tell me a bit more."},body:{text:"For my job, I am required to…"},environment:{text:"What are you exposed to at work?"},salary:{text:"What is your salary range? (We won’t store your information.)"}},Yi=[{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"one_similar_job",text:' This circle represents every laundry worker in America. Each inside dot represents about 50,000 Americans who do this job.'},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"other_similar_jobs",job:"Laundry and dry-cleaning workers",text:'Laundry workers are Standers→—people who are required to stand most of the time at work. Here are some workers who are Standers.'},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"other_dissimilar_jobs",text:'On the left are ←Sitters—people who are almost always sitting at work.'},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"other_dissimilar_jobs_you",text:'Oh, and here’s you! We’ll keep track of you through this piece.'},{cat:"ExploreInstruction",stage:"all_jobs",text:"And in the middle is every other job in America. Zoom and pan to explore the chart."},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs",addclass:"longform",text:`This story is about two kinds of workers in America: ←Sitters—people who sit for living—and Standers→—those who stand, crouch, crawl, and lift. \r +\r +\r +In the past few generations, work in America has become far [less physical](https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2006/03/art3full.pdf). A lot of farming and factory work was replaced by jobs that can be done from a desk. And, in turn, work became far less backbreaking—and far safer.\r +\r +\r +>> Fatalities | 1970, 2022\r +>> Injuries | Link (Page 40)`},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs",addclass:"longform",text:`But our society still needs lots of people to do physical, grueling jobs.\r +\r +\r +To understand who does these jobs—and who doesn’t—I looked at the [Occupational Requirements Survey](https://www.bls.gov/ors/), a federal program that surveys workers at more than 55,000 workplaces. The survey asks workers what the physical requirements of their jobs are, including sitting and standing*.\r +\r +\r +
*While the large majority of occupations have available data on sitting standing, some don’t. So those were left out of this visualization.
`},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",text:"Let’s first look at ←Sitters."},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed",text:"Many Sitters have a choice to sit or stand."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree",text:"Sitters often have jobs that require a bachelor’s degree."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"A_MEAN",text:"In turn, Sitters tend to have higher incomes."},{cat:"Brain power",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day",text:"While Sitters are more likely to have to solve problems every day, it’s still not a common requirement for most jobs."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work",text:"But Sitters get more autonomy. These are workers who say they can pause work when they need to."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"sit",hl:"Percent of workers, with telework available",text:"Sitters are also more likely to say they can work remotely. Only a tiny portion of Americans have this option."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",addclass:"longform",hl:"Percent of workers, with telework available",text:`During the Covid-19 pandemic, Sitters talked extensively about how remote work would change the way we work. But most American workers say they don’t have the option to work remotely. This might seem counter to what you see at your workplace, but that’s because our workplaces are social bubbles, and we’re surrounded by people like us.\r +\r +\r +>> Chart: Work from home data\r +\r +\r +Meanwhile, one of the primary concerns for Sitters is that it promotes a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to health problems. Office designers have spent lots of time [trying to increase](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35014589/) the amount of time Sitters are active throughout the day. Meanwhile, standing desks are only getting [more and more popular](https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/standing-desks-market-report).`},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",text:"Now let’s focus on Standers →. If you visited them at work, this is who would be standing at any given time."},{cat:"Brain power",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never",text:"These workers are more likely to say they are never or rarely have to problem-solve for their job."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, crouching is required",text:"These workers are required to crouch – everyone from nurses to electricians."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required",text:"These workers have to climb ladders, ropes, or scaffolds. This includes firefighters and janitors."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness",text:"This is who is exposed to wetness, like water, sewage, or bodily fluids."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat",text:"This is who is exposed to extreme heat from things like stoves and fires."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors",text:"These are workers who are exposed to the outdoors—something that will become more and more dangerous as our planet warms."},{cat:"Physical labor",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants",text:"And this is who is exposed to hazardous contaminants. This group includes mechanics and construction workers."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work",text:"Notably, many of these jobs lack autonomy. These workers say they lack control over when they can take a break."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"INJURY_RATE",text:"All of this takes a physical toll. This is how common it is for someone doing each job to be injured or ill and require time away from work."},{cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs",bg:"stand",hl:"A_MEAN",text:"Despite the physical toll, Standers tend to earn less money."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",addclass:"longform",text:`For most of American history, most people were Standers—we relied on our bodies to sustain ourselves. And they often [worked until they could no longer work](https://www.ssa.gov/history/pdf/80chap5.pdf), which often meant they worked until their bodies gave out. In fact, in 1900 most men older than 65 still worked in order to be self-sufficient, including 84% of Black Americans.\r +\r +\r +>> Chart: Labor force participation | Data`},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",addclass:"longform",text:`In 1935, President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act, and by 1940 retirees were receiving [monthly checks](https://www.aarp.org/retirement/social-security/info-2020/social-security-history-timeline.html) once they hit the [retirement age of 65](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/progdata/nra.html).\r +\r +\r +Most of us are now working at desks and computers. Some of us even work from home. \r +\r +\r +But in 2024, a number of people still put their bodies on the line for a living.`},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",text:"So, who are these Standers→ ?"},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",hl:"white_pct",text:"Among White workers, there’s a pretty even split between Stander and Sitters."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",hl:"asian_pct",text:"Asian workers are more likely to be Sitters—but there are some fields, like nursing, with a large percentage of Asian people."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",hl:"black_pct",text:"Black workers are more likely to be Standers. They disproportionately occupy jobs like correctional officers and cashiers."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",hl:"hisp_pct",text:"Hispanic workers are far more likely to be Standers, with jobs in kitchens, housekeeping, and construction."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"all_jobs",hl:"noncitizen_pct",text:"A big reason for that is that immigrants workers from Latin America and Mexico are more likely to be Standers, working manually demanding—and often dangerous—jobs for low pay."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"preexplore",job:"Laundry and dry-cleaning workers",addclass:"longform",text:`My parents were immigrants. And when I was a kid, they owned a dry cleaning business. It was a common path for Korean immigrants—work at a dry cleaner until you can’t, and then eventually sell it a few years after you qualify for Social Security payments.\r +\r +\r +I spent a lot of time in the back of the dry cleaners. I played inside hanger boxes with my imaginary friend; he was a lawyer because I was enamored that he talked for a living.`},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"preexplore",job:"Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand",addclass:"longform",text:`After a few years, they sold the dry cleaning business and eventually got into the vending machine business. My dad pushed around vending machines and boxes full of food, while my mom packed muffins and sandwiches. That was also grueling work.\r +\r +\r +One day, I remember my dad was late coming home from work. I was worried sick. \r +\r +\r +Finally, he called: His hand was stuck in a vending machine gear, and the fire department was on the way to help him get out.`},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"preexplore",job:"Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand",addclass:"longform",text:"My dad ended up being OK. In fact, a year after that incident, he was able to go back to school to continue his education. I’m so thankful he had that choice."},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"preexplore",addclass:"longform",text:`During the pandemic, we hailed “front-line” work like nursing, meatpacking, and restaurants—notably immigrant-dominated industries. The narrative was that they put themselves at risk to keep the world going. \r +\r +\r +A few years later, those same workers heard politicians saying that they don’t belong in this country. Even the most pro-immigrations politicians said that immigrants should welcome immigrants because they’re willing to do the “hard jobs.”`},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"preexplore",addclass:"longform",text:`It’s an insinuation that it’s OK for some people to destroy their bodies for low pay, because we need that for our society to function.\r +\r +\r +But it’s notable who always ends up doing that work`},{cat:"The power of choice",stage:"explore",hl:"Percent of day where standing is required, mean",text:"Explore the data. Search your job using the search bar. Select a variable to chart — then drag, zoom, and hover."}],Ji=[{variable:"Percent of day where standing is required, mean",short:"Standing required per day",axis_variable:"standing",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean",short:"Sitting required per day",axis_variable:"sitting",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, crawling is required",short:"Crawl",axis_variable:"crawling",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, crouching is required",short:"Crouch",axis_variable:"crouching",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, kneeling is required",short:"Kneel",axis_variable:"kneeling",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required",short:"Reach overhead",axis_variable:"reaching overhead",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required",short:"Use feet/legs to control equipment",axis_variable:"feet/leg use",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required",short:"Climb (i.e. ladders)",axis_variable:"climbing",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required",short:"Type on a keyboard",axis_variable:"keyboarding",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, driving is required",short:"Drive",axis_variable:"driving",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work",short:"Inability to pause work",axis_variable:"inability to pause",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work",short:"Ability to pause work",axis_variable:"ability to pause",cat:"other"},{variable:"Percent of workers, with telework available",short:"Ability to work remotely",axis_variable:"remote work",cat:"other"},{variable:"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day",short:"Solve problems daily",axis_variable:"problem-solving",cat:"other"},{variable:"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed",short:"Can choose to sit or stand",axis_variable:"choice of sit/stand",cat:"other"},{variable:"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree",short:"Have a bachelor's degree",axis_variable:"degrees required",cat:"other"},{variable:"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never",short:"Rarely or never solve problems",axis_variable:"problem-solving",axis_flip:"1",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, speaking is required",short:"Speaking to others is required",axis_variable:"speaking",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required",short:"Working around crowds is required",axis_variable:"being around crowds",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors",short:"Exposed to outdoors",axis_variable:"being outdoors",cat:"environment"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness",short:"Exposed to wetness (any liquid)",axis_variable:"exposure to wetness",cat:"environment"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold",short:"Exposed to extreme cold",axis_variable:"extreme cold",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat",short:"Exposed to extreme heat",axis_variable:"extreme heat",cat:"environment"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise",short:"Exposed to loud noises",axis_variable:"loud noise",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants",short:"Exposed to hazardous contaminants",axis_variable:"hazardous contaminants",cat:"environment"},{variable:"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts",short:"Exposed to moving mechanical parts",axis_variable:"mechanical parts",cat:"environment"},{variable:"Percent of workers, exposed to heights",short:"Exposed to heights",axis_variable:"exposure to heights",cat:"exclude"},{variable:"A_MEAN",short:"Annual income",axis_variable:"income",cat:"money"},{variable:"INJURY_RATE",short:"Injury rate",axis_variable:"likely to be injured",cat:"demographics"},{variable:"white_pct",short:"White worker percentage",axis_variable:"white",cat:"demographics"},{variable:"black_pct",short:"Black worker percentage",axis_variable:"Black",cat:"demographics"},{variable:"hisp_pct",short:"Hispanic worker percentage",axis_variable:"hispanic",cat:"demographics"},{variable:"asian_pct",short:"Asian worker percentage",axis_variable:"Asian",cat:"demographics"},{variable:"noncitizen_pct",short:"Non-citizen worker percentage",axis_variable:"non-citizens",cat:"demographics"}],ji=[{variable:"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required",short:"Handling and operating tools with hands",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required",short:"Finger-focused tasks (i.e. picking, pinching)",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly",short:"Constantly lifting 25 or more pounds",cat:"body"},{variable:"Percent of workers, injury rate",short:"Injury rate",cat:"The Atlas of Jobs",stage:"all_jobs_hl",job:"Web developers",text:"Some people work from home with plenty of autonomy; others lack the ability to take a break when they want."}],ao={hed:Xi,dek:Li,byline:Bi,question_text:zi,story:Yi,questions:Ji,cut:ji},Vi=[{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":131051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13105X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Cost estimators",OCC_CODE:131051,TOT_EMP:220970,H_MEAN:38.23,A_MEAN:79520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":83.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":28.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":11.8,"Hours of standing, mean":1.66,PCT_STAND:20.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.41,PCT_SIT:80.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:80.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":16.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":98.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":45.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":26.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":17.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":53.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":20.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":79.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":53.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":24.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":30.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":12.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":15.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25.2,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Cost Estimators",INJURY_RATE:15.6,nonwhite_pct:9.5446408,white_pct:90.4553592,black_pct:2.3691611,hisp_pct:11.1248053,asian_pct:3.050386,noncitizen_pct:3.620127506,n:136},{lem:17,"SOC 2018 CODE":151254,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15125X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Web developers",OCC_CODE:151254,TOT_EMP:85350,H_MEAN:45.95,A_MEAN:95570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":20.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":14.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.33,PCT_STAND:4.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.56,PCT_SIT:94.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:94.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":4.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":95.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<10","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":80.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":56.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">75","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">75","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":40.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Web Developers",INJURY_RATE:1,nonwhite_pct:28.0660202,white_pct:71.9339798,black_pct:6.5650165,hisp_pct:10.2867668,asian_pct:10.2159213,noncitizen_pct:6.820060297,n:267},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":291131,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29113X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Veterinarians",OCC_CODE:291131,TOT_EMP:78220,H_MEAN:65.53,A_MEAN:136300,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">80","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":25.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":54.6,"Hours of standing, mean":5.15,PCT_STAND:64.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.13,PCT_SIT:39.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:64.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":74.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":48.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":41.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":54.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":41,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":21,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":22.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":15.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":30.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":51.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<25",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Veterinarians",INJURY_RATE:16.6,nonwhite_pct:10.3385916,white_pct:89.6614084,black_pct:1.5770535,hisp_pct:4.6599449,asian_pct:4.7039862,noncitizen_pct:3.721958807,n:277},{lem:1,"SOC 2018 CODE":173031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Surveying and mapping technicians",OCC_CODE:173031,TOT_EMP:56050,H_MEAN:26,A_MEAN:54090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":81.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":69.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":76.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":30.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":86.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":51.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":7.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":9.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":94.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":2.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":9.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<35","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Surveying Techs",INJURY_RATE:64,nonwhite_pct:11.1402147,white_pct:88.8597853,black_pct:4.1114594,hisp_pct:12.0660588,asian_pct:1.5932944,noncitizen_pct:1.911478368,n:322},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":173023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Electrical and electronic engineering technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:173023,TOT_EMP:97420,H_MEAN:35.79,A_MEAN:74440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":50.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":72.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.08,PCT_STAND:51,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.06,PCT_SIT:50.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:51,SITTING_BOOLEAN:50.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":49.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":31.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":50.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":45.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":25.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":50.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":25.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":10.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":20.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":17.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":22.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":16,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":25.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":14,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":12.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":21.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":22.8,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Electrical Engineering Technicians",INJURY_RATE:37.3,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.022051,hisp_pct:13.2475795,asian_pct:8.0984882,noncitizen_pct:4.210997699,n:251},{lem:52,"SOC 2018 CODE":517011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51701X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5170XX",OCCUPATION:"Cabinetmakers and bench carpenters",OCC_CODE:517011,TOT_EMP:88460,H_MEAN:21.45,A_MEAN:44620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">85","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":80.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.61,PCT_STAND:95.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.52,PCT_SIT:6.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:95.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">90","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":41,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":19.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":11.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":93.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":14.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":27.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":18.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":27.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":26.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":85.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":13.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":89.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":15.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":6.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":59,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Cabinetmakers",INJURY_RATE:134.9,nonwhite_pct:9.4065474,white_pct:90.5934526,black_pct:3.7876445,hisp_pct:18.3094028,asian_pct:1.1810618,noncitizen_pct:10.67079007,n:263},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":273041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2730XX",OCCUPATION:"Editors",OCC_CODE:273041,TOT_EMP:95700,H_MEAN:40.92,A_MEAN:85110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":98.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":20.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":.65,PCT_STAND:8.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.01,PCT_SIT:87.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":1.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":8.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":17.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":4.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":10.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":49.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":83.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":14.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Editors",INJURY_RATE:4.9,nonwhite_pct:14.0472688,white_pct:85.9527312,black_pct:4.374295,hisp_pct:7.5409727,asian_pct:5.0444562,noncitizen_pct:4.08013182,n:254},{lem:39,"SOC 2018 CODE":151255,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15125X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Web and digital interface designers",OCC_CODE:151255,TOT_EMP:111060,H_MEAN:52.32,A_MEAN:108820,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":15.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":12.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.53,PCT_STAND:6.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.43,PCT_SIT:92.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:92.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">70","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":6.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":93.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":66.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":69.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Web Designers",INJURY_RATE:1,nonwhite_pct:28.0660202,white_pct:71.9339798,black_pct:8.2126939,hisp_pct:12.4935217,asian_pct:10.5920833,noncitizen_pct:7.967384169,n:234},{lem:21,"SOC 2018 CODE":319096,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Veterinary assistants and laboratory animal caretakers",OCC_CODE:319096,TOT_EMP:115770,H_MEAN:17.94,A_MEAN:37310,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">75","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6,PCT_STAND:75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.7,PCT_SIT:21.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":67.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":69.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":66.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":38,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":78.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":21.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":91,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":28.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">70","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":31.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Vet Assistants",INJURY_RATE:136.5,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:3.6261864,hisp_pct:15.3658056,asian_pct:2.860156,noncitizen_pct:3.622709731,n:229},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":291292,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29129X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2912XX",OCCUPATION:"Dental hygienists",OCC_CODE:291292,TOT_EMP:211630,H_MEAN:43.21,A_MEAN:89890,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":71.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":26.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":98,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":25.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.2,"Hours of standing, mean":2.08,PCT_STAND:26,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.54,PCT_SIT:69.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":73.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":39.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":59.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":26.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":56.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":79.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":73,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":91.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":14.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":6.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":60.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":16.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":4.6,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Dental Hygienists",INJURY_RATE:43,nonwhite_pct:38.796917,white_pct:61.203083,black_pct:3.7391078,hisp_pct:9.6564265,asian_pct:5.234839,noncitizen_pct:2.244697573,n:140},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":499051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49905X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Electrical power-line installers and repairers",OCC_CODE:499051,TOT_EMP:120170,H_MEAN:41.3,A_MEAN:85900,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">95","Hours of standing, mean":6.56,PCT_STAND:82,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.85,PCT_SIT:23.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:82,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":29.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":14.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":91.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":7.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":99.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":42.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":78.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":21.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":21.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":30.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":36.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":35.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":45.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":99.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":40.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":87.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":24.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":70.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":20.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.4,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Power Line Installers",INJURY_RATE:188.7,nonwhite_pct:11.8256109,white_pct:88.1743891,black_pct:6.2387552,hisp_pct:11.4190937,asian_pct:.6704712,noncitizen_pct:2.49845384,n:219},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":392011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3920XX",OCCUPATION:"Animal trainers",OCC_CODE:392011,TOT_EMP:19240,H_MEAN:21.59,A_MEAN:44910,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<35","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.11,PCT_STAND:76.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.78,PCT_SIT:9.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">65","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":9.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":82.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">70","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":80.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">50","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<15","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":90,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":10,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":70,"Percent of workers, driving is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<10","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">75","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":4.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":90.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Animal Trainers",INJURY_RATE:193.7,nonwhite_pct:10.7700093,white_pct:89.2299907,black_pct:3.5106724,hisp_pct:9.5479304,asian_pct:1.4829959,noncitizen_pct:4.49323345,n:380},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":471011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4710XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of construction trades and extraction workers",OCC_CODE:471011,TOT_EMP:777420,H_MEAN:39.11,A_MEAN:81340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":39.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":81.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":62.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":54.2,"Hours of standing, mean":6.11,PCT_STAND:76.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.65,PCT_SIT:33.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":60.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":79.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":37.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":88.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":78.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":27.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":57.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":34.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":83.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":33.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":6.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":25.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":25.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":69.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":82.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":59.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":45,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":67,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":23.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":24,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":20.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":30.3,dots:16,OCC_SHORT:"Construction Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:93.5,nonwhite_pct:11.7078058,white_pct:88.2921942,black_pct:4.7344314,hisp_pct:22.8131693,asian_pct:1.1089146,noncitizen_pct:9.416259313,n:41},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":112022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1120XX",OCCUPATION:"Sales managers",OCC_CODE:112022,TOT_EMP:575880,H_MEAN:75.77,A_MEAN:157610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":1.83,PCT_STAND:22.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.33,PCT_SIT:79.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:79.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":56.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":22.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":77.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":29.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":6.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":55.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":53.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":68.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.7,dots:12,OCC_SHORT:"Sales Managers",INJURY_RATE:52.6,nonwhite_pct:18.3986939,white_pct:81.6013061,black_pct:5.3409998,hisp_pct:10.3562124,asian_pct:3.8075977,noncitizen_pct:4.113954283,n:60},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":119021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Construction managers",OCC_CODE:119021,TOT_EMP:329190,H_MEAN:56.23,A_MEAN:116960,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":67.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":50.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.46,PCT_STAND:43.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.88,PCT_SIT:61,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:61,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":32.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":87.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":39,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":86.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":41.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":58.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":94,"Percent of workers, driving is required":87.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":17.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":28,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<25","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":38.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":19.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":44.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":26.7,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Construction Managers",INJURY_RATE:95,nonwhite_pct:11.4350549,white_pct:88.5649451,black_pct:4.013053,hisp_pct:14.3863187,asian_pct:2.3631796,noncitizen_pct:6.305207607,n:99},{lem:13,"SOC 2018 CODE":291071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29107X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2910XX",OCCUPATION:"Physician assistants",OCC_CODE:291071,TOT_EMP:145740,H_MEAN:62.74,A_MEAN:130490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":61.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":14.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":34.4,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":38.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":69,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":25.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":69.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":93.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":48.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":14.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<15","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":20.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":31,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.8,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"PAs",INJURY_RATE:120.3,nonwhite_pct:20.1418449,white_pct:79.8581551,black_pct:5.387309,hisp_pct:9.9302739,asian_pct:8.936385,noncitizen_pct:3.424762913,n:194},{lem:44,"SOC 2018 CODE":131131,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13113X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Fundraisers",OCC_CODE:131131,TOT_EMP:101730,H_MEAN:34.02,A_MEAN:70760,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":50.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":20.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.99,PCT_STAND:12.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.79,PCT_SIT:84.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":47.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":29.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":28.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":49.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":66.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":67.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":19.2,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Fundraisers",INJURY_RATE:3.7,nonwhite_pct:13.1775681,white_pct:86.8224319,black_pct:4.9033912,hisp_pct:6.376183,asian_pct:3.9106861,noncitizen_pct:1.867113565,n:243},{lem:48,"SOC 2018 CODE":291123,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Physical therapists",OCC_CODE:291123,TOT_EMP:240820,H_MEAN:48.29,A_MEAN:100440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":34.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":76.3,"Hours of standing, mean":5.54,PCT_STAND:69.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.02,PCT_SIT:25.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:69.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":65.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":46.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":33.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":95.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":67,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":80.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":47,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":40.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":73.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":26.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":17.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":27.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":25,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":20.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":34.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":2.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":53.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.8,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Physical Therapists",INJURY_RATE:288.2,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:3.9375191,hisp_pct:6.9206848,asian_pct:11.9277938,noncitizen_pct:4.658802449,n:129},{lem:1,"SOC 2018 CODE":472031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Carpenters",OCC_CODE:472031,TOT_EMP:700290,H_MEAN:29.31,A_MEAN:60970,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":89,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">90","Hours of standing, mean":7.43,PCT_STAND:92.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.58,PCT_SIT:7.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:92.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":75.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":11,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":52.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":95.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":27.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":95.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":36.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":92.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":7.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":67,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":23.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":31.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":10.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":42,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":95.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":86.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":83.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":94.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":22.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":27.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":24.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.5,dots:15,OCC_SHORT:"Carpenters",INJURY_RATE:202.7,nonwhite_pct:14.42632,white_pct:85.57368,black_pct:4.6961048,hisp_pct:32.2513784,asian_pct:1.3038134,noncitizen_pct:20.67004281,n:47},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":111011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1110XX",OCCUPATION:"Chief executives",OCC_CODE:111011,TOT_EMP:211230,H_MEAN:124.47,A_MEAN:258900,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":29.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":23.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.33,PCT_STAND:16.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.81,PCT_SIT:85.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":13.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":43.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":16.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":83.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":43.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":41.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":66.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.2,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"CEOs",INJURY_RATE:100.1,nonwhite_pct:18.196621,white_pct:81.803379,black_pct:6.9445778,hisp_pct:12.3811241,asian_pct:4.8905268,noncitizen_pct:4.49154864,n:141},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":412022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4120XX",OCCUPATION:"Parts salespersons",OCC_CODE:412022,TOT_EMP:260770,H_MEAN:19.75,A_MEAN:41080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":91.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":37.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":58.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">55","Hours of standing, mean":4.87,PCT_STAND:60.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.79,PCT_SIT:34.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:60.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":62.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":41.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":39.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":71.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":64.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":14.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":12.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":65.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":34.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":11.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":13.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":47.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3.6,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Parts Salespeople",INJURY_RATE:53.6,nonwhite_pct:25.8578893,white_pct:74.1421107,black_pct:5.1757233,hisp_pct:17.7524168,asian_pct:1.3904303,noncitizen_pct:3.120790144,n:124},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":119041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Architectural and engineering managers",OCC_CODE:119041,TOT_EMP:207800,H_MEAN:82.83,A_MEAN:172290,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":42.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":32.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3.9,"Hours of standing, mean":1.27,PCT_STAND:15.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.83,PCT_SIT:85.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":67.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":24.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":3.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":33.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":20.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":42.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":88.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":4.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":9.4,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Engineering Managers",INJURY_RATE:2.5,nonwhite_pct:21.09674,white_pct:78.90326,black_pct:3.333763,hisp_pct:6.9688982,asian_pct:12.9487801,noncitizen_pct:8.68378591,n:142},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":472181,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47218X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4721XX",OCCUPATION:"Roofers",OCC_CODE:472181,TOT_EMP:135140,H_MEAN:26.85,A_MEAN:55840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.31,PCT_STAND:91.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.73,PCT_SIT:9.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":35.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":78,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":90.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":9.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":28.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":10.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":85.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":">99.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":18.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":43.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<25","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":25.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Roofers",INJURY_RATE:185.6,nonwhite_pct:20.537105,white_pct:79.462895,black_pct:6.0746493,hisp_pct:50.8384896,asian_pct:.7283482,noncitizen_pct:33.94603618,n:203},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":491011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4910XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of mechanics, installers, and repairers",OCC_CODE:491011,TOT_EMP:589880,H_MEAN:37.99,A_MEAN:79020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":82.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":46.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":80.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":71.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":59.7,"Hours of standing, mean":5.26,PCT_STAND:65.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.99,PCT_SIT:37.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":53.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":28.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":76,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":81.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":24.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":62,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":30.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":74.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":63.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":36.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":17.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":14.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":95.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":72.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":11,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":38.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":42.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":55.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":26.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:12,OCC_SHORT:"Repair Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:82.5,nonwhite_pct:15.6914619,white_pct:84.3085381,black_pct:8.3959403,hisp_pct:13.9035351,asian_pct:1.6227735,noncitizen_pct:3.232911704,n:57},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":291126,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Respiratory therapists",OCC_CODE:291126,TOT_EMP:129750,H_MEAN:38.62,A_MEAN:80340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":45.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.15,PCT_STAND:76.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.97,PCT_SIT:37.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":54.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":37.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":13.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":86.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":26.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":67.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":32.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":17.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":31.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<10","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":6.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<20","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":62.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Respiratory Therapists",INJURY_RATE:396.1,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:12.5627558,hisp_pct:11.1899156,asian_pct:6.9156373,noncitizen_pct:2.553700149,n:207},{lem:76,"SOC 2018 CODE":292056,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Veterinary technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:292056,TOT_EMP:122e3,H_MEAN:21.18,A_MEAN:44040,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":97.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":64,"Hours of standing, mean":6.91,PCT_STAND:86.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.76,PCT_SIT:22,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<50","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">75","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":36.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":92,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":73.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":20.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":58.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<15","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">50","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":22,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Vet Techs",INJURY_RATE:147.8,nonwhite_pct:31.556394,white_pct:68.443606,black_pct:3.6942704,hisp_pct:12.1598547,asian_pct:1.857129,noncitizen_pct:2.159226539,n:215},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":193034,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1930XX",OCCUPATION:"School psychologists",OCC_CODE:193034,TOT_EMP:62790,H_MEAN:44.22,A_MEAN:91990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":58.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":85.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":53.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.5,"Hours of standing, mean":2.02,PCT_STAND:25.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.54,PCT_SIT:69.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":14.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":69.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":18.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":34.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":26.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":73.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":27.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<10","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":29.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":27,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":30.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"School Psychologists",INJURY_RATE:37.6,nonwhite_pct:17.1625849,white_pct:82.8374151,black_pct:6.4365624,hisp_pct:11.3491239,asian_pct:2.51673,noncitizen_pct:1.285609685,n:307},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":273091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2730XX",OCCUPATION:"Interpreters and translators",OCC_CODE:273091,TOT_EMP:51560,H_MEAN:30.33,A_MEAN:63080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":85.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.14,PCT_STAND:26.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.57,PCT_SIT:44.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":14.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":29.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":9.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":34,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":66,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":78,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":85,"Percent of workers, driving is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<20","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":70.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Interpreters",INJURY_RATE:27.1,nonwhite_pct:36.1891638,white_pct:63.8108362,black_pct:5.7101104,hisp_pct:38.2790029,asian_pct:12.9534841,noncitizen_pct:14.29808555,n:329},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":172199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17219X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Engineers, all other",OCC_CODE:172199,TOT_EMP:150990,H_MEAN:56.9,A_MEAN:118350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":63.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":7.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":93.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":8.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":9.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Engineers (Other)",INJURY_RATE:8.2,nonwhite_pct:21.9977908,white_pct:78.0022092,black_pct:4.6909983,hisp_pct:9.5260654,asian_pct:12.0599249,noncitizen_pct:7.970511315,n:190},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":514041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51404X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Machinists",OCC_CODE:514041,TOT_EMP:290720,H_MEAN:26.25,A_MEAN:54600,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":22.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":82.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":42.1,"Hours of standing, mean":7.48,PCT_STAND:93.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.09,PCT_SIT:13.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:93.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":77.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":28.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":7.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":67.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":30.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":50.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":36.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":86.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":13.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":64.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":22.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":43,"Percent of workers, driving is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":95.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":7.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":77.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":14.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":27.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.3,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Machinists",INJURY_RATE:101,nonwhite_pct:15.7849598,white_pct:84.2150402,black_pct:5.5569438,hisp_pct:12.0429129,asian_pct:5.0673255,noncitizen_pct:4.321700675,n:111},{lem:100,"SOC 2018 CODE":392021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3920XX",OCCUPATION:"Animal caretakers",OCC_CODE:392021,TOT_EMP:268830,H_MEAN:16.12,A_MEAN:33530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":9.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":91.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":70.5,"Hours of standing, mean":5.43,PCT_STAND:67.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.41,PCT_SIT:5.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:67.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":90.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":42.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":8.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":57.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":38.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":74.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":13.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":51.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<10","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":8.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":57.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.7,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Animal Caretakers",INJURY_RATE:421.5,nonwhite_pct:13.570282,white_pct:86.429718,black_pct:4.3849835,hisp_pct:14.202871,asian_pct:1.9927311,noncitizen_pct:4.325749986,n:121},{lem:10,"SOC 2018 CODE":194031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1940XX",OCCUPATION:"Chemical technicians",OCC_CODE:194031,TOT_EMP:55880,H_MEAN:29.29,A_MEAN:60920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">55","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":69.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":30.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":41.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":58.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":13.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">75","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":4.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Chemical Technicians",INJURY_RATE:35.5,nonwhite_pct:25.3246848,white_pct:74.6753152,black_pct:11.5452998,hisp_pct:12.8736888,asian_pct:6.7194128,noncitizen_pct:5.178938813,n:323},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":292032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Diagnostic medical sonographers",OCC_CODE:292032,TOT_EMP:82780,H_MEAN:42.8,A_MEAN:89020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":32.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":87.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":67.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":27.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":61.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":88.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":35.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":6.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":14.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":72.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Diagnostic Sonographers",INJURY_RATE:272.8,nonwhite_pct:33.4728033,white_pct:66.5271967,black_pct:5.4851802,hisp_pct:11.2163326,asian_pct:7.5248574,noncitizen_pct:3.299811737,n:273},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":172141,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17214X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Mechanical engineers",OCC_CODE:172141,TOT_EMP:281290,H_MEAN:50.59,A_MEAN:105220,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":38.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":34.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":9.2,"Hours of standing, mean":1.57,PCT_STAND:19.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.51,PCT_SIT:81.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:81.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":98.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":59.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":14.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":19.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":80.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<10","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":18.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":26,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":96.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":5.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":9.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<30","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.9,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Mechanical Engineers",INJURY_RATE:8.9,nonwhite_pct:21.3091771,white_pct:78.6908229,black_pct:3.9957886,hisp_pct:7.7767868,asian_pct:12.0572915,noncitizen_pct:9.09508304,n:115},{lem:47,"SOC 2018 CODE":113051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Industrial production managers",OCC_CODE:113051,TOT_EMP:222890,H_MEAN:60.53,A_MEAN:125900,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":49.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.2,"Hours of standing, mean":3.98,PCT_STAND:49.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.35,PCT_SIT:54.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:54.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":14.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":19.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":48,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":52,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":35,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":17.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":12.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":59.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":8.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<20","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.6,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Production Managers",INJURY_RATE:51.6,nonwhite_pct:15.1951203,white_pct:84.8048797,black_pct:4.4275568,hisp_pct:11.9732132,asian_pct:6.0855315,noncitizen_pct:5.593895281,n:134},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":132052,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Personal financial advisors",OCC_CODE:132052,TOT_EMP:272190,H_MEAN:72.44,A_MEAN:150670,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":27.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">65","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":12.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.95,PCT_STAND:11.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.08,PCT_SIT:88.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:88.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<35","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":39.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":28.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":73.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<35","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Advisors",INJURY_RATE:62.4,nonwhite_pct:28.5560439,white_pct:71.4439561,black_pct:6.174905,hisp_pct:8.3726301,asian_pct:6.1418565,noncitizen_pct:3.838789434,n:119},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":291127,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Speech-language pathologists",OCC_CODE:291127,TOT_EMP:172100,H_MEAN:44.53,A_MEAN:92630,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":72.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":56.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":15.8,"Hours of standing, mean":2.64,PCT_STAND:33,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.53,PCT_SIT:56.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:56.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":27.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":36.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":18.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":29.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":36.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":63.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":20.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":7.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Speech Pathologists",INJURY_RATE:353.7,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:4.539093,hisp_pct:8.5423242,asian_pct:3.1066839,noncitizen_pct:1.584103547,n:167},{lem:11,"SOC 2018 CODE":395092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39509X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3950XX",OCCUPATION:"Manicurists and pedicurists",OCC_CODE:395092,TOT_EMP:144810,H_MEAN:17.54,A_MEAN:36480,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":20.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":93.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":.85,PCT_STAND:10.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.99,PCT_SIT:74.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:74.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":79.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":34.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":47.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":90.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<30","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":9.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<30","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":21.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":65.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Manicurists",INJURY_RATE:2.1,nonwhite_pct:84.8933055,white_pct:15.1066945,black_pct:2.5416304,hisp_pct:11.3752536,asian_pct:70.4502938,noncitizen_pct:26.39811082,n:196},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":151252,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15125X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Software developers",OCC_CODE:151252,TOT_EMP:1656880,H_MEAN:66.4,A_MEAN:138110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":27,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":98.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":18.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.5,PCT_STAND:6.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.46,PCT_SIT:93.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:93.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":1.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":6.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":93.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":64.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":87.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":96.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":96.4,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.1,dots:34,OCC_SHORT:"Software Developers",INJURY_RATE:1,nonwhite_pct:28.0660202,white_pct:71.9339798,black_pct:4.1383676,hisp_pct:6.6463322,asian_pct:32.7326235,noncitizen_pct:22.59949597,n:13},{lem:3,"SOC 2018 CODE":435061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43506X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Production, planning, and expediting clerks",OCC_CODE:435061,TOT_EMP:393980,H_MEAN:27.7,A_MEAN:57610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":78.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":38.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":16,"Hours of standing, mean":2.19,PCT_STAND:27.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.83,PCT_SIT:72.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:72.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":21.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":94,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":14.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":20.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":21.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":58.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":8.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":16.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":4.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.3,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Production Clerks",INJURY_RATE:17.3,nonwhite_pct:21.6856169,white_pct:78.3143831,black_pct:8.9228141,hisp_pct:14.2938094,asian_pct:5.3768573,noncitizen_pct:4.07018778,n:84},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":151251,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15125X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer programmers",OCC_CODE:151251,TOT_EMP:120370,H_MEAN:51.8,A_MEAN:107750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":22,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">85","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":9.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":34.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.29,PCT_STAND:3.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.38,PCT_SIT:92.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:92.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<15","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":84.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":1.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":3.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":96.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":61.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":85.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":31.3,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Programmers",INJURY_RATE:1,nonwhite_pct:28.0660202,white_pct:71.9339798,black_pct:4.9075738,hisp_pct:7.329818,asian_pct:17.4713437,noncitizen_pct:10.01416447,n:218},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":472111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47211X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4721XX",OCCUPATION:"Electricians",OCC_CODE:472111,TOT_EMP:712580,H_MEAN:32.6,A_MEAN:67810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":9.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":94.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":96.9,"Hours of standing, mean":7.34,PCT_STAND:91.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.79,PCT_SIT:9.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":90.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":74.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":5.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":69.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":94.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":99,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<25","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":96.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":43.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":50.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":90.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":9.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":21.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":36.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":34.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":42.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":41.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":26.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":41.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":79.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":30,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":96.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":16.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":10.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":25.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.9,dots:15,OCC_SHORT:"Electricians",INJURY_RATE:128.2,nonwhite_pct:15.7944828,white_pct:84.2055172,black_pct:6.9918853,hisp_pct:19.7852311,asian_pct:1.8648273,noncitizen_pct:7.216043082,n:45},{lem:75,"SOC 2018 CODE":253041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2530XX",OCCUPATION:"Tutors",OCC_CODE:253041,TOT_EMP:162300,H_MEAN:23.36,A_MEAN:48580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.37,PCT_STAND:17.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.33,PCT_SIT:41.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":76.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":27.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<15","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":28.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":71.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":23.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":32.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Tutors",INJURY_RATE:20,nonwhite_pct:33.296489,white_pct:66.703511,black_pct:9.2515875,hisp_pct:14.6918611,asian_pct:14.2735687,noncitizen_pct:7.300793302,n:175},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":231011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"23101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2310XX",OCCUPATION:"Lawyers",OCC_CODE:231011,TOT_EMP:731340,H_MEAN:84.84,A_MEAN:176470,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":31.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":45.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6,"Hours of standing, mean":1.48,PCT_STAND:18.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.87,PCT_SIT:85.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":94.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":54.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":17.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":82.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":25.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":54.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":67.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":5.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.3,dots:15,OCC_SHORT:"Lawyers",INJURY_RATE:1.3,nonwhite_pct:25.1894011,white_pct:74.8105989,black_pct:10.8150978,hisp_pct:14.1169235,asian_pct:6.894989,noncitizen_pct:3.881263758,n:44},{lem:64,"SOC 2018 CODE":271024,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2710XX",OCCUPATION:"Graphic designers",OCC_CODE:271024,TOT_EMP:212720,H_MEAN:31.11,A_MEAN:64700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":45.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":.98,PCT_STAND:12.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.95,PCT_SIT:86.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":9.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":9.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":15.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":9.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":15.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":47.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":30.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":45.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.5,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Graphic Designers",INJURY_RATE:26.4,nonwhite_pct:19.0942114,white_pct:80.9057886,black_pct:5.1074581,hisp_pct:12.2145417,asian_pct:8.4057061,noncitizen_pct:6.116237792,n:139},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":131111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13111X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Management analysts",OCC_CODE:131111,TOT_EMP:838140,H_MEAN:55.54,A_MEAN:115530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":33,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":22,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":34.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.98,PCT_STAND:12.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.89,PCT_SIT:86.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":1.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":14.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":14.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":61.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":83.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:17,OCC_SHORT:"Management Analysts",INJURY_RATE:10.2,nonwhite_pct:23.9112939,white_pct:76.0887061,black_pct:7.7434369,hisp_pct:8.0803628,asian_pct:10.5207192,noncitizen_pct:6.774360673,n:37},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":493031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists",OCC_CODE:493031,TOT_EMP:285030,H_MEAN:28.81,A_MEAN:59920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":90.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">90","Hours of standing, mean":6.36,PCT_STAND:79.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.8,PCT_SIT:22.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:79.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":88,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":82.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":57.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":82.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":74.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":95.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":43.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":88,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":78,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":22,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":34.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":32.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":38.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":70.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":77,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":22.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":43.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":64.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":62.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":46.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":30.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":17.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Diesel Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:137.2,nonwhite_pct:15.5269542,white_pct:84.4730458,black_pct:6.7992394,hisp_pct:17.9997918,asian_pct:1.8776268,noncitizen_pct:5.623291012,n:112},{lem:50,"SOC 2018 CODE":254022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25402X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2540XX",OCCUPATION:"Librarians and media collections specialists",OCC_CODE:254022,TOT_EMP:133760,H_MEAN:32.97,A_MEAN:68570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":76.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":59.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":25.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":39,"Hours of standing, mean":3.16,PCT_STAND:39.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.52,PCT_SIT:56.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:56.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":23.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":76.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":52.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":66.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":64.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":41.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":58.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":28,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":14.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":23.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":17.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Librarians",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:13.7958723,white_pct:86.2041277,black_pct:6.1938041,hisp_pct:6.9833675,asian_pct:3.4877852,noncitizen_pct:1.781441979,n:204},{lem:68,"SOC 2018 CODE":112021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1120XX",OCCUPATION:"Marketing managers",OCC_CODE:112021,TOT_EMP:368940,H_MEAN:80,A_MEAN:166410,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":32.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":.8,"Hours of standing, mean":1.09,PCT_STAND:13.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.89,PCT_SIT:86.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":39.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":31.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":59.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":94.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.2,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Marketing Managers",INJURY_RATE:18.1,nonwhite_pct:18.3986939,white_pct:81.6013061,black_pct:5.05715,hisp_pct:10.0349873,asian_pct:7.5514025,noncitizen_pct:5.69876331,n:90},{lem:23,"SOC 2018 CODE":433031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks",OCC_CODE:433031,TOT_EMP:1501910,H_MEAN:23.84,A_MEAN:49580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":47.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":36.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6,"Hours of standing, mean":.73,PCT_STAND:9.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.97,PCT_SIT:87.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":12.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":67.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":19.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.5,dots:31,OCC_SHORT:"Bookkeepers",INJURY_RATE:25.9,nonwhite_pct:17.9993897,white_pct:82.0006103,black_pct:6.9612515,hisp_pct:12.6420432,asian_pct:5.1212378,noncitizen_pct:3.594106611,n:16},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":172051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1720XX",OCCUPATION:"Civil engineers",OCC_CODE:172051,TOT_EMP:327950,H_MEAN:48.64,A_MEAN:101160,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":46.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":42.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":13.3,"Hours of standing, mean":1.69,PCT_STAND:21.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.32,PCT_SIT:79,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:79,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":78.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":34.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":13.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":64.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":21.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":78.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":7.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":64.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":36.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":">99.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":18.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27.3,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Civil Engineers",INJURY_RATE:2.2,nonwhite_pct:21.8448972,white_pct:78.1551028,black_pct:4.5955264,hisp_pct:10.190324,asian_pct:11.0480435,noncitizen_pct:6.647526148,n:100},{lem:17,"SOC 2018 CODE":131161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13116X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Market research analysts and marketing specialists",OCC_CODE:131161,TOT_EMP:846370,H_MEAN:40,A_MEAN:83190,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":33.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":25.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":1.19,PCT_STAND:14.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.76,PCT_SIT:84.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":14.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":85.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":18.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":20.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":67.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":87.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.4,dots:17,OCC_SHORT:"Marketing Analysts",INJURY_RATE:5.7,nonwhite_pct:21.2891239,white_pct:78.7108761,black_pct:5.7490101,hisp_pct:10.4037491,asian_pct:9.2597969,noncitizen_pct:6.723702972,n:35},{lem:62,"SOC 2018 CODE":353011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3530XX",OCCUPATION:"Bartenders",OCC_CODE:353011,TOT_EMP:711140,H_MEAN:17.83,A_MEAN:37090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">85","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":73.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":38.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.8,"Hours of standing, mean":6.46,PCT_STAND:80.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.11,PCT_SIT:1.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:80.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":26.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":26.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":71.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":95,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":69.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":27.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":13.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":18.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":28.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":73.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:15,OCC_SHORT:"Bartenders",INJURY_RATE:47.8,nonwhite_pct:16.1492672,white_pct:83.8507328,black_pct:5.4607328,hisp_pct:15.6269226,asian_pct:2.6061302,noncitizen_pct:4.523986439,n:46},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":413011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4130XX",OCCUPATION:"Advertising sales agents",OCC_CODE:413011,TOT_EMP:108100,H_MEAN:36.45,A_MEAN:75820,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":88.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":48,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<35","Hours of standing, mean":1.79,PCT_STAND:22.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.19,PCT_SIT:77.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:77.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":11.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":33.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<40","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":63.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":22.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":77.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":63.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":42.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":31.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Ad Sales Agents",INJURY_RATE:24.7,nonwhite_pct:16.3321692,white_pct:83.6678308,black_pct:6.9116891,hisp_pct:10.5382496,asian_pct:3.9693107,noncitizen_pct:3.829574067,n:236},{lem:4,"SOC 2018 CODE":513011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5130XX",OCCUPATION:"Bakers",OCC_CODE:513011,TOT_EMP:220230,H_MEAN:17.09,A_MEAN:35550,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":92,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.68,PCT_STAND:83.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.35,PCT_SIT:4.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:83.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":25.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":54,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":84.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":37.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":5.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":32.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":41.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":89.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":8.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":74.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Bakers",INJURY_RATE:108,nonwhite_pct:28.821421,white_pct:71.178579,black_pct:10.2414729,hisp_pct:26.9885849,asian_pct:6.3417838,noncitizen_pct:15.46808241,n:137},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":131141,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13114X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Compensation, benefits, and job analysis specialists",OCC_CODE:131141,TOT_EMP:99850,H_MEAN:38.76,A_MEAN:80620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":49.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">90","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.59,PCT_STAND:7.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.36,PCT_SIT:92,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:92,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">75","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":12.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":7.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":92.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":27.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":66.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":58.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<25","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":19.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.7,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Compensation Analysts",INJURY_RATE:5.7,nonwhite_pct:28.6688325,white_pct:71.3311675,black_pct:16.570908,hisp_pct:12.8830853,asian_pct:4.8952323,noncitizen_pct:2.635894321,n:248},{lem:85,"SOC 2018 CODE":113021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer and information systems managers",OCC_CODE:113021,TOT_EMP:592600,H_MEAN:86.88,A_MEAN:180720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":99,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.7,"Hours of standing, mean":.96,PCT_STAND:12,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.08,PCT_SIT:88.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:88.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":11.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":64.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":92.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18,dots:12,OCC_SHORT:"IT Managers",INJURY_RATE:6.3,nonwhite_pct:26.0292394,white_pct:73.9707606,black_pct:6.1395933,hisp_pct:7.4776395,asian_pct:14.150738,noncitizen_pct:7.717218358,n:56},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":332011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3320XX",OCCUPATION:"Firefighters",OCC_CODE:332011,TOT_EMP:315460,H_MEAN:29.03,A_MEAN:60390,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":98.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">95","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":13.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":78.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":96.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":99,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":60.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":95,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":48.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":71.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":62.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":61,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":77.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":90.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":59.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":96.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":96.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":59.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":96.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":35.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":14.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.5,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Firefighters",INJURY_RATE:149.5,nonwhite_pct:15.0072914,white_pct:84.9927086,black_pct:7.3085059,hisp_pct:11.5912057,asian_pct:1.2916246,noncitizen_pct:1.156121074,n:105},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":292034,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Radiologic technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:292034,TOT_EMP:221170,H_MEAN:36.18,A_MEAN:75250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":28.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":71.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":45.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":90.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":74.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":78.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":25,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":5.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":54.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Radiologic Technicians",INJURY_RATE:225.6,nonwhite_pct:33.4728033,white_pct:66.5271967,black_pct:7.2855897,hisp_pct:11.450539,asian_pct:5.2833703,noncitizen_pct:2.46472733,n:135},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":291122,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Occupational therapists",OCC_CODE:291122,TOT_EMP:144840,H_MEAN:46.54,A_MEAN:96790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":48.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":91.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":73.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":50.6,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":51.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":65.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":26.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":86.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":71.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":60.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":28.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":33.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":20.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":21.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":26,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":41.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":34.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Occupational Therapists",INJURY_RATE:339.6,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:5.3717947,hisp_pct:5.6574943,asian_pct:6.538348,noncitizen_pct:2.830031202,n:195},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":319011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31901X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Massage therapists",OCC_CODE:319011,TOT_EMP:92650,H_MEAN:30.08,A_MEAN:62560,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">90","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":96.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":14.6,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":25.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":19,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":74.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":83.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<30","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Massage Therapists",INJURY_RATE:74.1,nonwhite_pct:24.2866431,white_pct:75.7133569,black_pct:6.6787199,hisp_pct:12.8548381,asian_pct:10.0148358,noncitizen_pct:7.968961535,n:256},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":493023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Automotive service technicians and mechanics",OCC_CODE:493023,TOT_EMP:676570,H_MEAN:24.97,A_MEAN:51940,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":10.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":88.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">90","Hours of standing, mean":7.14,PCT_STAND:89.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.79,PCT_SIT:9.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:89.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":89.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":67.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":11.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":72.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":74.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":97.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":69.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":95.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":39.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":94.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":89.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":10.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":55.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":22.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":28.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":86.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":90.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":65.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":17.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":56.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":21.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":32.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14,dots:14,OCC_SHORT:"Auto Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:185.9,nonwhite_pct:12.5181805,white_pct:87.4818195,black_pct:7.7637558,hisp_pct:24.4903901,asian_pct:3.4633014,noncitizen_pct:10.21423091,n:49},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":436013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43601X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4360XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical secretaries and administrative assistants",OCC_CODE:436013,TOT_EMP:749500,H_MEAN:20.85,A_MEAN:43380,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":57.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":79.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":31,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":15,"Hours of standing, mean":1.06,PCT_STAND:13.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.67,PCT_SIT:83.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:83.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":20.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":57.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":16.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":9.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":19.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":89.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":47.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3.1,dots:15,OCC_SHORT:"Medical Secretaries",INJURY_RATE:104.5,nonwhite_pct:21.5767932,white_pct:78.4232068,black_pct:13.9529421,hisp_pct:15.7232527,asian_pct:3.9587679,noncitizen_pct:2.553983199,n:43},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":359031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3590XX",OCCUPATION:"Hosts and hostesses, restaurant, lounge, and coffee shop",OCC_CODE:359031,TOT_EMP:425020,H_MEAN:14.78,A_MEAN:30750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":77,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.58,PCT_STAND:69.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.07,PCT_SIT:.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:69.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":12.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":17.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":37.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":58.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":16.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":12.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":14.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":87.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Hosts/Hostesses",INJURY_RATE:42.1,nonwhite_pct:24.9589091,white_pct:75.0410909,black_pct:9.5583721,hisp_pct:19.7923062,asian_pct:4.221369,noncitizen_pct:3.958755603,n:78},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":514031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Cutting, punching, and press machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514031,TOT_EMP:179230,H_MEAN:21.28,A_MEAN:44260,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">70","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":22.3,"Hours of standing, mean":7.5,PCT_STAND:93.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:93.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">95","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":22.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":23.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":68.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":18.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":38.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":88.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":11.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":93.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":40.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":25.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":9.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":76.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":81.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":16.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":25.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":77.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Metal Workers",INJURY_RATE:86.3,nonwhite_pct:18.9504262,white_pct:81.0495738,black_pct:10.123684,hisp_pct:16.0222118,asian_pct:2.2907216,noncitizen_pct:6.811178636,n:160},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":411012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4110XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of non-retail sales workers",OCC_CODE:411012,TOT_EMP:227150,H_MEAN:47.61,A_MEAN:99020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":71.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":40.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.05,PCT_STAND:38.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.07,PCT_SIT:63.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:63.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":28.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":66,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":10.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":30.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":49.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":37.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":62.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":48.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":27.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":36.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<45","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.5,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Non-Retail Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:35.4,nonwhite_pct:21.7234598,white_pct:78.2765402,black_pct:7.0580865,hisp_pct:14.1643516,asian_pct:5.3082492,noncitizen_pct:5.644482612,n:132},{lem:36,"SOC 2018 CODE":111021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1110XX",OCCUPATION:"General and operations managers",OCC_CODE:111021,TOT_EMP:3507810,H_MEAN:62.18,A_MEAN:129330,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":48.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":43,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.5,"Hours of standing, mean":2.69,PCT_STAND:33.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.57,PCT_SIT:69.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":29.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":18.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":3.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":43.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":27.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":50,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":2.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":1.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":1.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.3,dots:71,OCC_SHORT:"General Managers",INJURY_RATE:20.9,nonwhite_pct:18.196621,white_pct:81.803379,black_pct:6.9445778,hisp_pct:12.3811241,asian_pct:4.8905268,noncitizen_pct:4.49154864,n:2},{lem:72,"SOC 2018 CODE":319091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Dental assistants",OCC_CODE:319091,TOT_EMP:370690,H_MEAN:22.77,A_MEAN:47350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":81.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":23.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":74.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":90.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":20.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":38.3,"Hours of standing, mean":3.86,PCT_STAND:48.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.03,PCT_SIT:50.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:50.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":76.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":32.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":59.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":31.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":59.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":51,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":91.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":16.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":67.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.6,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Dental Assistants",INJURY_RATE:59,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:6.6642072,hisp_pct:26.951965,asian_pct:6.2664488,noncitizen_pct:6.568080082,n:89},{lem:26,"SOC 2018 CODE":292043,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29204X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Paramedics",OCC_CODE:292043,TOT_EMP:98770,H_MEAN:27.62,A_MEAN:57450,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":90.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":83.9,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":97.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":87.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":85,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":37.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":92.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":58.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":13.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":24,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":8.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":30.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":24.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.9,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Paramedics",INJURY_RATE:554.2,nonwhite_pct:19.6412016,white_pct:80.3587984,black_pct:5.3968328,hisp_pct:10.1042297,asian_pct:2.9810929,noncitizen_pct:1.596016937,n:249},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":373011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3730XX",OCCUPATION:"Landscaping and groundskeeping workers",OCC_CODE:373011,TOT_EMP:929930,H_MEAN:19.13,A_MEAN:39790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":80.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.24,PCT_STAND:78,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.53,PCT_SIT:19.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":66.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":35.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":71.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":83.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":81.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":20.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":96,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":80,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":71.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":34.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":71.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":49.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":34.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":21.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":33.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.5,dots:19,OCC_SHORT:"Landscapers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:21.7263798,white_pct:78.2736202,black_pct:9.1126209,hisp_pct:36.2919791,asian_pct:1.2172031,noncitizen_pct:21.51483564,n:32},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":413031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4130XX",OCCUPATION:"Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents",OCC_CODE:413031,TOT_EMP:479630,H_MEAN:52.75,A_MEAN:109710,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":28.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":22,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":44.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Sales Agents",INJURY_RATE:8.1,nonwhite_pct:19.9786307,white_pct:80.0213693,black_pct:6.3129555,hisp_pct:10.23138,asian_pct:8.3230876,noncitizen_pct:5.741171417,n:66},{lem:68,"SOC 2018 CODE":151244,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15124X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Network and computer systems administrators",OCC_CODE:151244,TOT_EMP:323020,H_MEAN:48.36,A_MEAN:100580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":56.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":54.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.69,PCT_STAND:21.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.28,PCT_SIT:78.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:78.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":44.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":57.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":13.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":21.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":78.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":13.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":43.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":68.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":30,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Network Admins",INJURY_RATE:6,nonwhite_pct:29.0214567,white_pct:70.9785433,black_pct:8.61725,hisp_pct:10.4011311,asian_pct:9.5051231,noncitizen_pct:5.315617192,n:103},{lem:52,"SOC 2018 CODE":172011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1720XX",OCCUPATION:"Aerospace engineers",OCC_CODE:172011,TOT_EMP:66660,H_MEAN:64.58,A_MEAN:134330,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"<20","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"<20","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":10.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<20","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":7.93,PCT_SIT:99.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:99.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":89.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<20","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":96.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":98.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Aerospace Engineers",INJURY_RATE:7.8,nonwhite_pct:22.9794777,white_pct:77.0205223,black_pct:4.9417789,hisp_pct:10.1067735,asian_pct:12.0017189,noncitizen_pct:3.667540033,n:296},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":537021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53702X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Crane and tower operators",OCC_CODE:537021,TOT_EMP:42260,H_MEAN:32.71,A_MEAN:68040,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">50","Hours of standing, mean":4.97,PCT_STAND:62.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.67,PCT_SIT:58.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:62.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:58.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":9.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":39.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":76.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":53.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":6.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":49.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":50.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":49.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":89,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":8.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":30.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":60.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":43.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":68.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<50","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":45.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":90.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Crane Operators",INJURY_RATE:87.5,nonwhite_pct:20.5096868,white_pct:79.4903132,black_pct:12.2166474,hisp_pct:14.7356233,asian_pct:.8452335,noncitizen_pct:3.240705005,n:348},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":472061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47206X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Construction laborers",OCC_CODE:472061,TOT_EMP:1019090,H_MEAN:23.69,A_MEAN:49280,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":79.8,"Hours of standing, mean":7.64,PCT_STAND:95.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.62,PCT_SIT:7.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:95.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":44.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":38.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":47.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":80.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":39.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":92.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":7.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":8.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":32.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":34.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":95.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":77.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":56.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":56.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":69.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":17.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":55.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":.6,dots:21,OCC_SHORT:"Construction Laborers",INJURY_RATE:207.1,nonwhite_pct:22.997119,white_pct:77.002881,black_pct:8.061317,hisp_pct:41.5682955,asian_pct:1.7427618,noncitizen_pct:26.14758547,n:28},{lem:30,"SOC 2018 CODE":119199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Managers, all other",OCC_CODE:119199,TOT_EMP:589750,H_MEAN:70.35,A_MEAN:146320,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":56.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":50.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6.4,"Hours of standing, mean":1.49,PCT_STAND:18.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.28,PCT_SIT:78.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:78.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":52.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":25.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":16.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":50.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":18.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":81.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":50.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":45.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":74.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":49,dots:12,OCC_SHORT:"General Managers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:25.0878445,white_pct:74.9121555,black_pct:12.9467979,hisp_pct:11.4454004,asian_pct:5.5792104,noncitizen_pct:2.952653702,n:58},{lem:84,"SOC 2018 CODE":292042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29204X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Emergency medical technicians",OCC_CODE:292042,TOT_EMP:167040,H_MEAN:20.72,A_MEAN:43100,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":71.9,"Hours of standing, mean":6.19,PCT_STAND:77.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.03,PCT_SIT:75.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:77.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:75.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":13.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":20.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":85,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":77.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":78.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":64.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":20.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":33.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":79.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":69.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":33.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":15.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":16,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":86.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.2,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"EMTs",INJURY_RATE:554.2,nonwhite_pct:19.6412016,white_pct:80.3587984,black_pct:8.1048425,hisp_pct:14.8144398,asian_pct:3.5249011,noncitizen_pct:2.519136527,n:173},{lem:45,"SOC 2018 CODE":474011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4740XX",OCCUPATION:"Construction and building inspectors",OCC_CODE:474011,TOT_EMP:133640,H_MEAN:35.04,A_MEAN:72880,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":42.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":76.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":55.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":43.4,"Hours of standing, mean":4.54,PCT_STAND:56.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.43,PCT_SIT:42.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:56.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":57.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":88,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":44.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":94.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":25.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":47.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":80.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":57,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":43,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":33.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":24.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":14.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":24.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":89.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":80.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":6.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":11.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":36.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":56,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":18.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":12,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25.6,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Building Inspectors",INJURY_RATE:110.7,nonwhite_pct:16.6330593,white_pct:83.3669407,black_pct:7.5973767,hisp_pct:12.6218856,asian_pct:2.8702874,noncitizen_pct:3.016361843,n:205},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":499021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers",OCC_CODE:499021,TOT_EMP:397450,H_MEAN:28.66,A_MEAN:59620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":88,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">99.5","Hours of standing, mean":6.24,PCT_STAND:78,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.81,PCT_SIT:22.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":79.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":12,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":96.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":61.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<40","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":87.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":77.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":22.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":31.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":37,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<35","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":26.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":85.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":19.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":18.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":87.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":47.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":99,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":59,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":1.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":20.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.3,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"HVAC Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:276.1,nonwhite_pct:15.6820549,white_pct:84.3179451,black_pct:6.8582804,hisp_pct:21.0738731,asian_pct:2.1544856,noncitizen_pct:8.020545624,n:83},{lem:13,"SOC 2018 CODE":493011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Aircraft mechanics and service technicians",OCC_CODE:493011,TOT_EMP:137630,H_MEAN:36.66,A_MEAN:76260,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":23,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":77,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":17.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":67.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":70.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":96.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":35.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":75.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":66,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":11.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Aircraft Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:197.7,nonwhite_pct:21.9021939,white_pct:78.0978061,black_pct:8.63443,hisp_pct:17.191637,asian_pct:5.0817242,noncitizen_pct:2.854608677,n:199},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":212011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2120XX",OCCUPATION:"Clergy",OCC_CODE:212011,TOT_EMP:56640,H_MEAN:30.64,A_MEAN:63720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":51.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":87.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":59.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":28.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":39.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":16.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":39.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":41.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":40.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":12.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":18.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":28.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":12.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":14.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Clergy",INJURY_RATE:64.5,nonwhite_pct:20.6186437,white_pct:79.3813563,black_pct:10.6227663,hisp_pct:7.8589154,asian_pct:5.121833,noncitizen_pct:5.268517313,n:321},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":131082,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13108X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Project management specialists",OCC_CODE:131082,TOT_EMP:947630,H_MEAN:50.44,A_MEAN:104920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":28.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":92.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":21.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3.8,"Hours of standing, mean":1.16,PCT_STAND:14.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.83,PCT_SIT:85.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":7.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":26.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":7.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":14.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":85.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":35.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":63.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":62.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:19,OCC_SHORT:"Project Managers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:32.0341716,white_pct:67.9658284,black_pct:6.9371585,hisp_pct:9.09691,asian_pct:8.7802636,noncitizen_pct:5.320808659,n:31},{lem:99,"SOC 2018 CODE":493021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Automotive body and related repairers",OCC_CODE:493021,TOT_EMP:151910,H_MEAN:26.55,A_MEAN:55220,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":87.1,"Hours of standing, mean":7.18,PCT_STAND:89.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.36,PCT_SIT:17,STANDING_BOOLEAN:89.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":24.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":46,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":47.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":87.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":71.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":83.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":16.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":79.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":27.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":69.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":10.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":26.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":33.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":40,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":9.4,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Auto Body Repairers",INJURY_RATE:94.5,nonwhite_pct:12.5181805,white_pct:87.4818195,black_pct:4.5970751,hisp_pct:25.103298,asian_pct:1.8787719,noncitizen_pct:11.99571783,n:187},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":359011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35901X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3590XX",OCCUPATION:"Dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers",OCC_CODE:359011,TOT_EMP:483390,H_MEAN:15.74,A_MEAN:32730,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":93.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":63.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":43.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.22,PCT_STAND:77.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.09,PCT_SIT:1.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:77.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":22.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":25.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":17.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":91.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":96.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":51.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":89,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":11,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":80.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":10.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":77.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Cafeteria Attendants",INJURY_RATE:118.7,nonwhite_pct:30.5690569,white_pct:69.4309431,black_pct:11.8056151,hisp_pct:28.1957753,asian_pct:5.4063011,noncitizen_pct:10.68838858,n:65},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":353031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3530XX",OCCUPATION:"Waiters and waitresses",OCC_CODE:353031,TOT_EMP:2237850,H_MEAN:17.56,A_MEAN:36530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":35,"Hours of standing, mean":6.03,PCT_STAND:75.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.17,PCT_SIT:2.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":41.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":45.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":28,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":62.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":92.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":45.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":97.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":2.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.7,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":1.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":8.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:45,OCC_SHORT:"Waitstaff",INJURY_RATE:52,nonwhite_pct:27.133627,white_pct:72.866373,black_pct:8.9934125,hisp_pct:21.7322769,asian_pct:7.0404165,noncitizen_pct:9.093759229,n:9},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":472211,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47221X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4722XX",OCCUPATION:"Sheet metal workers",OCC_CODE:472211,TOT_EMP:116190,H_MEAN:30.9,A_MEAN:64270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":97.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.12,PCT_STAND:89,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:89,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":47.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">75","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":87.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":75.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":17.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":30.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":26.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":27.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":9.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":87.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":71.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":15.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":14.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.1,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Sheet Metal Workers",INJURY_RATE:111.3,nonwhite_pct:14.8928747,white_pct:85.1071253,black_pct:6.3491867,hisp_pct:18.1969898,asian_pct:2.3358108,noncitizen_pct:7.022942439,n:226},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":353023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3530XX",OCCUPATION:"Fast food and counter workers",OCC_CODE:353023,TOT_EMP:3676580,H_MEAN:14.48,A_MEAN:30110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":89.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":78.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":15.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":58,"Hours of standing, mean":5.67,PCT_STAND:70.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.11,PCT_SIT:1.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:70.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":12.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":65,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":48.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":92.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":73.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":6.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":39.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":24.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":87.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:74,OCC_SHORT:"Fast Food Workers",INJURY_RATE:65.4,nonwhite_pct:30.0663184,white_pct:69.9336816,black_pct:12.4176384,hisp_pct:19.7317397,asian_pct:5.3614831,noncitizen_pct:5.122331448,n:1},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":291051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29105X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2910XX",OCCUPATION:"Pharmacists",OCC_CODE:291051,TOT_EMP:331700,H_MEAN:64.81,A_MEAN:134790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":33.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":70.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":87.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":59.6,"Hours of standing, mean":5.76,PCT_STAND:72,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.12,PCT_SIT:26.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:72,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":66.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":63,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":81.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":53.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":66.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":72.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":27.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":21.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":37,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Pharmacists",INJURY_RATE:47.4,nonwhite_pct:32.3898292,white_pct:67.6101708,black_pct:6.8168574,hisp_pct:5.043426,asian_pct:20.9251667,noncitizen_pct:3.601829161,n:98},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":113031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Financial managers",OCC_CODE:113031,TOT_EMP:787340,H_MEAN:84.05,A_MEAN:174820,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":44.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.9,"Hours of standing, mean":1.02,PCT_STAND:12.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.07,PCT_SIT:88.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:88.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":40.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":67.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25.9,dots:16,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Managers",INJURY_RATE:27.2,nonwhite_pct:21.6396993,white_pct:78.3603007,black_pct:7.9420754,hisp_pct:12.1183637,asian_pct:7.749481,noncitizen_pct:4.889437864,n:39},{lem:20,"SOC 2018 CODE":472152,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47215X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4721XX",OCCUPATION:"Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters",OCC_CODE:472152,TOT_EMP:436160,H_MEAN:32.62,A_MEAN:67840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">75","Hours of standing, mean":7.09,PCT_STAND:88.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.34,PCT_SIT:16.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:88.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":62,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":88.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":62.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":92.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<30","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":68.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":44.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":25,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":20.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":14.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":67.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":12.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":96.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":60.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":46.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":89.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":17.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.3,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Plumbers",INJURY_RATE:187.9,nonwhite_pct:20.4083164,white_pct:79.5916836,black_pct:6.6216979,hisp_pct:23.5150429,asian_pct:1.4002879,noncitizen_pct:9.29047189,n:74},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":119081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11908X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Lodging managers",OCC_CODE:119081,TOT_EMP:41980,H_MEAN:36.92,A_MEAN:76790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":63.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":54.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":46.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.31,PCT_STAND:53.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.37,PCT_SIT:54.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:53.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:54.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":57.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":23.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":40.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":50.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":35.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<20","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":40.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":18.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<20","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":15.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28.3,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Lodging Managers",INJURY_RATE:74,nonwhite_pct:25.9060794,white_pct:74.0939206,black_pct:8.503756,hisp_pct:12.5488756,asian_pct:10.2069954,noncitizen_pct:7.071257613,n:349},{lem:87,"SOC 2018 CODE":119141,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11914X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Property, real estate, and community association managers",OCC_CODE:119141,TOT_EMP:284120,H_MEAN:37.69,A_MEAN:78400,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":87.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":63.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.96,PCT_STAND:24.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.85,PCT_SIT:73.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:73.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":12.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":36.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":80.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":20,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":68.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":24.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":75.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":11,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":68.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":21.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":29,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":34.1,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Property Managers",INJURY_RATE:58.5,nonwhite_pct:19.2714478,white_pct:80.7285522,black_pct:8.6825389,hisp_pct:14.1314905,asian_pct:4.1209168,noncitizen_pct:4.15131956,n:113},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":151253,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15125X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Software quality assurance analysts and testers",OCC_CODE:151253,TOT_EMP:203040,H_MEAN:52.15,A_MEAN:108460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":20.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":15.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":38.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.42,PCT_STAND:5.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.57,PCT_SIT:94.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:94.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":61.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<15","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<15","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":5.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":94.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<15","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<15","Percent of workers, with telework available":49.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":81.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":43.4,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"QA Analysts",INJURY_RATE:1,nonwhite_pct:28.0660202,white_pct:71.9339798,black_pct:7.7467388,hisp_pct:6.595168,asian_pct:27.2454048,noncitizen_pct:15.72020627,n:148},{lem:74,"SOC 2018 CODE":413091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4130XX",OCCUPATION:"Sales representatives of services, except advertising, insurance, financial services, and travel",OCC_CODE:413091,TOT_EMP:1142020,H_MEAN:38.98,A_MEAN:81080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":31.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":81.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":25.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":8.2,"Hours of standing, mean":1.94,PCT_STAND:24.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.08,PCT_SIT:76,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:76,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":18.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":88.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":17.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":16.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":56,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":24.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":75.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":37.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":55.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":39.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":11.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.4,dots:23,OCC_SHORT:"Service Sales Reps",INJURY_RATE:7.9,nonwhite_pct:16.7517175,white_pct:83.2482825,black_pct:7.1798587,hisp_pct:12.4308408,asian_pct:3.9499008,noncitizen_pct:3.92281383,n:24},{lem:8,"SOC 2018 CODE":399031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3990XX",OCCUPATION:"Exercise trainers and group fitness instructors",OCC_CODE:399031,TOT_EMP:279450,H_MEAN:24.65,A_MEAN:51270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">80","Hours of standing, mean":3.14,PCT_STAND:39.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.81,PCT_SIT:10.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":34.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":46,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":19,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":96.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":40.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":36.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":82.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":17.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":83.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":13.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":26,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":52.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<10","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":7.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":86.1,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":21.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":5.2,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Fitness Trainers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:20.2029981,white_pct:79.7970019,black_pct:8.7522336,hisp_pct:12.0963688,asian_pct:4.1258064,noncitizen_pct:3.874133075,n:117},{lem:3,"SOC 2018 CODE":151241,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15124X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer network architects",OCC_CODE:151241,TOT_EMP:174100,H_MEAN:64.39,A_MEAN:133930,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">85","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":37.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<15","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":10,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":24.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":25.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":68.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Network Architects",INJURY_RATE:1.9,nonwhite_pct:29.0214567,white_pct:70.9785433,black_pct:10.1347605,hisp_pct:10.0045804,asian_pct:12.334161,noncitizen_pct:7.662946088,n:164},{lem:54,"SOC 2018 CODE":516031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51603X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5160XX",OCCUPATION:"Sewing machine operators",OCC_CODE:516031,TOT_EMP:116130,H_MEAN:16.83,A_MEAN:35e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":85.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":84.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":5.6,"Hours of standing, mean":2.74,PCT_STAND:34.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.56,PCT_SIT:69.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":60.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":22.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":68.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":33.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":66.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":79.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":56.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":39.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Sewing Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:71.9,nonwhite_pct:38.1991909,white_pct:61.8008091,black_pct:10.7074658,hisp_pct:33.1862326,asian_pct:12.3149935,noncitizen_pct:23.54464985,n:227},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":474051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47405X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4740XX",OCCUPATION:"Highway maintenance workers",OCC_CODE:474051,TOT_EMP:150860,H_MEAN:23.59,A_MEAN:49070,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":83.4,"Hours of standing, mean":5.37,PCT_STAND:67.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.76,PCT_SIT:34.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:67.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">90","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":42.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":58.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":65.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":86.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":39.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":96.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":66.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":33.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":36.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":37,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":96,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":29.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":81.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":40.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":69.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":62.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":41.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":30.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":57.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.6,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Highway Workers",INJURY_RATE:118.6,nonwhite_pct:14.842857,white_pct:85.157143,black_pct:8.8196553,hisp_pct:12.7739563,asian_pct:.3292964,noncitizen_pct:3.436573854,n:191},{lem:20,"SOC 2018 CODE":436014,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43601X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4360XX",OCCUPATION:"Secretaries and administrative assistants, except legal, medical, and executive",OCC_CODE:436014,TOT_EMP:1785430,H_MEAN:21.87,A_MEAN:45490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":59.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":42.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.5,"Hours of standing, mean":1.04,PCT_STAND:13,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.69,PCT_SIT:83.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:83.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":19.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":8.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":6.6,dots:36,OCC_SHORT:"Administrative Assistants",INJURY_RATE:24.5,nonwhite_pct:21.5767932,white_pct:78.4232068,black_pct:8.5346147,hisp_pct:13.6219112,asian_pct:3.1738376,noncitizen_pct:3.314066041,n:12},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":411011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4110XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of retail sales workers",OCC_CODE:411011,TOT_EMP:1087890,H_MEAN:25.01,A_MEAN:52030,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":43.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":82.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":64.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":56.9,"Hours of standing, mean":6,PCT_STAND:75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.2,PCT_SIT:27.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":56.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":71.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":38.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":75.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":20.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":64,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":25.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":73.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":26.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":13.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":24.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":4.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":5.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":14,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":28.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:22,OCC_SHORT:"Retail Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:152.4,nonwhite_pct:21.7234598,white_pct:78.2765402,black_pct:8.9645961,hisp_pct:14.8357401,asian_pct:5.5639636,noncitizen_pct:5.037734139,n:26},{lem:17,"SOC 2018 CODE":151212,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15121X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Information security analysts",OCC_CODE:151212,TOT_EMP:175350,H_MEAN:59.97,A_MEAN:124740,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":44.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":32.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":3.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":74.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"InfoSec Analysts",INJURY_RATE:4.1,nonwhite_pct:33.12775,white_pct:66.87225,black_pct:12.0772242,hisp_pct:10.123281,asian_pct:9.0030747,noncitizen_pct:4.634270145,n:163},{lem:48,"SOC 2018 CODE":113013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Facilities managers",OCC_CODE:113013,TOT_EMP:131400,H_MEAN:53.42,A_MEAN:111110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":78.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":79.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":66.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":45.2,"Hours of standing, mean":3.66,PCT_STAND:45.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.32,PCT_SIT:54,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:54,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":20.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":80.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":65.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":9.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":48.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":34.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":54.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":45.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":54.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":31.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<30","Percent of workers, crawling is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":19.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":55.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":41.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":25.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":40.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Facilities Managers",INJURY_RATE:89.7,nonwhite_pct:22.4807295,white_pct:77.5192705,black_pct:9.4989048,hisp_pct:11.4160953,asian_pct:3.0052871,noncitizen_pct:2.788381269,n:206},{lem:74,"SOC 2018 CODE":273031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2730XX",OCCUPATION:"Public relations specialists",OCC_CODE:273031,TOT_EMP:275550,H_MEAN:37.37,A_MEAN:77720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":19.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":1.49,PCT_STAND:18.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.34,PCT_SIT:79.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:79.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":10.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":18.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":81.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":26.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":31.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":80.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27.7,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"PR Specialists",INJURY_RATE:4.6,nonwhite_pct:18.9449782,white_pct:81.0550218,black_pct:8.3994116,hisp_pct:11.2494469,asian_pct:4.3832897,noncitizen_pct:3.844497865,n:118},{lem:2,"SOC 2018 CODE":519198,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Helpers--production workers",OCC_CODE:519198,TOT_EMP:181810,H_MEAN:18.35,A_MEAN:38160,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.27,PCT_STAND:90.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.88,PCT_SIT:11,STANDING_BOOLEAN:90.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":99.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":15,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":89,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":11,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":15.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":7.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":11.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":81.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":38.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":12.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":12.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Production Helpers",INJURY_RATE:82.8,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:12.460051,hisp_pct:32.3152231,asian_pct:5.7132166,noncitizen_pct:16.11513411,n:159},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":518021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51802X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5180XX",OCCUPATION:"Stationary engineers and boiler operators",OCC_CODE:518021,TOT_EMP:33840,H_MEAN:35.18,A_MEAN:73170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Stationary Engineers",INJURY_RATE:111.8,nonwhite_pct:24.4823025,white_pct:75.5176975,black_pct:11.3648722,hisp_pct:13.9189097,asian_pct:6.3816952,noncitizen_pct:5.01716286,n:360},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":119051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11905X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Food service managers",OCC_CODE:119051,TOT_EMP:246070,H_MEAN:33.45,A_MEAN:69580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":49.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":71,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":45.3,"Hours of standing, mean":6.36,PCT_STAND:79.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.2,PCT_SIT:27.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:79.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":50.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":34,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":22,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":49.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":64.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":50.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":74.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":25.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":18.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":7.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":32.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":18.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27.2,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Food Service Managers",INJURY_RATE:214.9,nonwhite_pct:28.0301695,white_pct:71.9698305,black_pct:9.8754674,hisp_pct:18.5160418,asian_pct:8.8243418,noncitizen_pct:8.333839285,n:125},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":518031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51803X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5180XX",OCCUPATION:"Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators",OCC_CODE:518031,TOT_EMP:120710,H_MEAN:27.91,A_MEAN:58050,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":22,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":65.5,"Hours of standing, mean":5.7,PCT_STAND:71.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.45,PCT_SIT:30.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:71.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":78,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":65.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":94.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":93.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":80,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":69.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":27.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":79.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":70.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":29.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":66.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":16.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":21,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":26.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":81.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":76.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":96.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":38.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":39,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":60.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":62,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":10.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":34.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.9,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Water Plant Operators",INJURY_RATE:170.2,nonwhite_pct:15.0686924,white_pct:84.9313076,black_pct:7.5198252,hisp_pct:11.2887689,asian_pct:1.3400306,noncitizen_pct:1.42518019,n:217},{lem:38,"SOC 2018 CODE":131121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Meeting, convention, and event planners",OCC_CODE:131121,TOT_EMP:122130,H_MEAN:29.94,A_MEAN:62280,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":60.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":64,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":56,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":21.8,"Hours of standing, mean":2.56,PCT_STAND:32,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.42,PCT_SIT:67.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:67.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":36,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":51.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":37.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":22.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":9.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":39.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":8.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":39.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":33.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":56.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":32.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":35.3,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Event Planners",INJURY_RATE:21.7,nonwhite_pct:20.6735771,white_pct:79.3264229,black_pct:9.260277,hisp_pct:12.4900769,asian_pct:4.0447442,noncitizen_pct:4.327865212,n:214},{lem:98,"SOC 2018 CODE":132011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Accountants and auditors",OCC_CODE:132011,TOT_EMP:1435770,H_MEAN:43.65,A_MEAN:90780,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":46.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":2.5,"Hours of standing, mean":.66,PCT_STAND:8.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.32,PCT_SIT:91.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":14.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":8.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":14.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":51.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":93.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":99.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:29,OCC_SHORT:"Accountants",INJURY_RATE:7,nonwhite_pct:25.9553827,white_pct:74.0446173,black_pct:8.4681649,hisp_pct:8.9666624,asian_pct:11.9167704,noncitizen_pct:5.208909742,n:17},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":113012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Administrative services managers",OCC_CODE:113012,TOT_EMP:242520,H_MEAN:58.27,A_MEAN:121200,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":56.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">90","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":9.5,"Hours of standing, mean":1.23,PCT_STAND:15.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.76,PCT_SIT:84.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":60,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":48.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":20.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":42.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":59.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.1,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Administrative Managers",INJURY_RATE:89.7,nonwhite_pct:22.4807295,white_pct:77.5192705,black_pct:10.2258231,hisp_pct:13.3783894,asian_pct:4.9073094,noncitizen_pct:3.371060989,n:127},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":434121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43412X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Library assistants, clerical",OCC_CODE:434121,TOT_EMP:83680,H_MEAN:17.29,A_MEAN:35970,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":45.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":76.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":29.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":58,"Hours of standing, mean":3.03,PCT_STAND:37.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.79,PCT_SIT:34.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":54.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":7.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":89.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":87.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":14.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<25","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":11.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<25",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Library Assistants",INJURY_RATE:38.2,nonwhite_pct:23.0680265,white_pct:76.9319735,black_pct:10.0065805,hisp_pct:12.5128249,asian_pct:5.7773815,noncitizen_pct:3.836492673,n:270},{lem:55,"SOC 2018 CODE":151211,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15121X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer systems analysts",OCC_CODE:151211,TOT_EMP:498810,H_MEAN:53.27,A_MEAN:110800,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":28.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":18.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3,"Hours of standing, mean":.79,PCT_STAND:9.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.12,PCT_SIT:89,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:89,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":10.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":89.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":54.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":82.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">80","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Systems Analysts",INJURY_RATE:3.7,nonwhite_pct:33.12775,white_pct:66.87225,black_pct:9.8148259,hisp_pct:9.2230479,asian_pct:16.0962126,noncitizen_pct:9.133756817,n:62},{lem:32,"SOC 2018 CODE":439199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4391XX",OCCUPATION:"Office and administrative support workers, all other",OCC_CODE:439199,TOT_EMP:172020,H_MEAN:22.41,A_MEAN:46620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":37.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":67.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":31.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.73,PCT_STAND:21.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.84,PCT_SIT:73,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:73,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":32.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":57.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":59.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":14,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":22.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":77.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":68.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":91.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":42.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Admin Workers",INJURY_RATE:35.2,nonwhite_pct:33.1972789,white_pct:66.8027211,black_pct:10.9735953,hisp_pct:14.0765966,asian_pct:11.8122443,noncitizen_pct:8.106940456,n:168},{lem:6,"SOC 2018 CODE":331012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of police and detectives",OCC_CODE:331012,TOT_EMP:138140,H_MEAN:50.96,A_MEAN:106e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":24,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":91.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":72.2,"Hours of standing, mean":3.29,PCT_STAND:41.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.74,PCT_SIT:71.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:71.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":76,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":91.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":25.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":79.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":37.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":36.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":63.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":29.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":28.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":33.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":37.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":">95","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":14.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":60.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":35.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":37.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":34,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":13.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":30.4,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Police Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:542.6,nonwhite_pct:26.9411089,white_pct:73.0588911,black_pct:10.7911801,hisp_pct:12.1832604,asian_pct:1.4062451,noncitizen_pct:1.000188863,n:198},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":371012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3710XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of landscaping, lawn service, and groundskeeping workers",OCC_CODE:371012,TOT_EMP:126020,H_MEAN:28.33,A_MEAN:58920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":29.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":67.3,"Hours of standing, mean":5.82,PCT_STAND:72.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.3,PCT_SIT:28.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:72.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":70.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":81.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":34.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">90","Percent of workers, low postures are required":91.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":70.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":27.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":98.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":71.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":28.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":16.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":19.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":8.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":30.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":67.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":44.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":43.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":18.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":18.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.1,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Landscaping Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:198.8,nonwhite_pct:28.0666236,white_pct:71.9333764,black_pct:6.314776,hisp_pct:24.4957333,asian_pct:1.0958659,noncitizen_pct:11.78410968,n:210},{lem:83,"SOC 2018 CODE":272012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2720XX",OCCUPATION:"Producers and directors",OCC_CODE:272012,TOT_EMP:154470,H_MEAN:51.52,A_MEAN:107170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":79.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.39,PCT_STAND:17.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.62,PCT_SIT:82.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:82.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":20.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":85,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":67.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":23.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":17.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":82.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":15.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":71.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.7,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Producers",INJURY_RATE:4,nonwhite_pct:26.7144456,white_pct:73.2855544,black_pct:7.4517606,hisp_pct:11.5894408,asian_pct:4.6065974,noncitizen_pct:5.396825397,n:184},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":499071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49907X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Maintenance and repair workers, general",OCC_CODE:499071,TOT_EMP:1503150,H_MEAN:23.87,A_MEAN:49650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":21.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":92.9,"Hours of standing, mean":6.72,PCT_STAND:84,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.23,PCT_SIT:15.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:84,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":78.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":79.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":75.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":88.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":69.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":98.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":27.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":61,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":50,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":20.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":21.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":49.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":59,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":5.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":12.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":92,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":63.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":39.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":89.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":23.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":8.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":20.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.8,dots:31,OCC_SHORT:"Maintenance Workers",INJURY_RATE:241.9,nonwhite_pct:20.8895972,white_pct:79.1104028,black_pct:9.7026295,hisp_pct:19.0978533,asian_pct:3.26617,noncitizen_pct:6.731277139,n:15},{lem:23,"SOC 2018 CODE":433051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Payroll and timekeeping clerks",OCC_CODE:433051,TOT_EMP:157230,H_MEAN:26.29,A_MEAN:54690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":2.4,"Hours of standing, mean":.69,PCT_STAND:8.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.27,PCT_SIT:90.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:90.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":98.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":16.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":8.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":65.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":15.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":11.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.4,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Payroll Clerks",INJURY_RATE:47.3,nonwhite_pct:24.0729157,white_pct:75.9270843,black_pct:11.21378,hisp_pct:15.8088763,asian_pct:4.9467239,noncitizen_pct:3.387540363,n:182},{lem:46,"SOC 2018 CODE":434151,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43415X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Order clerks",OCC_CODE:434151,TOT_EMP:91830,H_MEAN:20.93,A_MEAN:43530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":37.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":91.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":32.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7,"Hours of standing, mean":1.03,PCT_STAND:12.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.92,PCT_SIT:86.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":8.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":81.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":13.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<10","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":18.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Order Clerks",INJURY_RATE:11.4,nonwhite_pct:33.9828509,white_pct:66.0171491,black_pct:20.5508589,hisp_pct:16.7015393,asian_pct:3.1485342,noncitizen_pct:2.978914898,n:257},{lem:12,"SOC 2018 CODE":113131,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11313X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1131XX",OCCUPATION:"Training and development managers",OCC_CODE:113131,TOT_EMP:41540,H_MEAN:66.56,A_MEAN:138450,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":91.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":25.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.31,PCT_STAND:16.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.61,PCT_SIT:82.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:82.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":8.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":12.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":16.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":83.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":43.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":91.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Training Managers",INJURY_RATE:67,nonwhite_pct:22.1561328,white_pct:77.8438672,black_pct:11.2991169,hisp_pct:10.2687828,asian_pct:3.2292333,noncitizen_pct:2.579034942,n:350},{lem:38,"SOC 2018 CODE":151299,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15129X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer occupations, all other",OCC_CODE:151299,TOT_EMP:437170,H_MEAN:54.05,A_MEAN:112430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":47.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":99,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":24.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<15","Hours of standing, mean":1.22,PCT_STAND:15.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.76,PCT_SIT:84.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":13.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":13.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":12.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":18.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":15.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":77.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":17.2,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Other IT Occupations",INJURY_RATE:3.4,nonwhite_pct:31.8070543,white_pct:68.1929457,black_pct:11.1361129,hisp_pct:11.0062229,asian_pct:12.6495216,noncitizen_pct:6.969907322,n:73},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":431011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of office and administrative support workers",OCC_CODE:431011,TOT_EMP:1504570,H_MEAN:32.99,A_MEAN:68620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":44.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":9,"Hours of standing, mean":1.61,PCT_STAND:20.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.44,PCT_SIT:80.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:80.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":57,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":19.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":80.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":8.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":11.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":20.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":30.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":17.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.2,dots:31,OCC_SHORT:"Office Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:28.9,nonwhite_pct:22.4872538,white_pct:77.5127462,black_pct:11.0008647,hisp_pct:14.5109727,asian_pct:4.3021703,noncitizen_pct:3.436512848,n:14},{lem:11,"SOC 2018 CODE":435071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43507X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Shipping, receiving, and inventory clerks",OCC_CODE:435071,TOT_EMP:844120,H_MEAN:20.54,A_MEAN:42730,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":35.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":66,"Hours of standing, mean":5.48,PCT_STAND:68.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.5,PCT_SIT:31.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:68.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":64.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":58.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":62.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":26.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":76.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":66.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":33.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":31,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":93,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":84.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":32.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":7.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":84.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":17,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":24.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":41.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.8,dots:17,OCC_SHORT:"Shipping Clerks",INJURY_RATE:94.1,nonwhite_pct:31.0770323,white_pct:68.9229677,black_pct:15.4044848,hisp_pct:24.5153721,asian_pct:4.2124119,noncitizen_pct:8.60564869,n:36},{lem:22,"SOC 2018 CODE":131041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13104X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Compliance officers",OCC_CODE:131041,TOT_EMP:383620,H_MEAN:38.55,A_MEAN:80190,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":87.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":10.7,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":12.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":98.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":26,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":20.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":36.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":64.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":8.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":1.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Compliance Officers",INJURY_RATE:16.7,nonwhite_pct:25.2584244,white_pct:74.7415756,black_pct:11.6547081,hisp_pct:13.0583702,asian_pct:6.212857,noncitizen_pct:3.031652412,n:86},{lem:84,"SOC 2018 CODE":131199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13119X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Business operations specialists, all other",OCC_CODE:131199,TOT_EMP:1103440,H_MEAN:42.85,A_MEAN:89130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">80","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":30.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":31.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.41,PCT_STAND:17.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.58,PCT_SIT:82.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:82.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":68.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":16,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":17.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":82.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":11.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":44.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":72.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:23,OCC_SHORT:"Business Specialists",INJURY_RATE:13.1,nonwhite_pct:28.6894858,white_pct:71.3105142,black_pct:11.5504636,hisp_pct:12.2549727,asian_pct:9.2144695,noncitizen_pct:5.906144167,n:25},{lem:47,"SOC 2018 CODE":434171,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43417X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Receptionists and information clerks",OCC_CODE:434171,TOT_EMP:1003820,H_MEAN:17.59,A_MEAN:36590,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":61.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":73.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":40.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":10.7,"Hours of standing, mean":1.34,PCT_STAND:16.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.95,PCT_SIT:74.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:74.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":26.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":46.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":59.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":19.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":11.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":3.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":19.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":80.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":53.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:21,OCC_SHORT:"Receptionists",INJURY_RATE:55.1,nonwhite_pct:25.3184289,white_pct:74.6815711,black_pct:12.0442185,hisp_pct:20.1812977,asian_pct:4.0669528,noncitizen_pct:4.174732691,n:30},{lem:84,"SOC 2018 CODE":516011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51601X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5160XX",OCCUPATION:"Laundry and dry-cleaning workers",OCC_CODE:516011,TOT_EMP:185e3,H_MEAN:15.33,A_MEAN:31880,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":87.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":36.8,"Hours of standing, mean":7.21,PCT_STAND:90.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.39,PCT_SIT:4.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:90.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":88,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":70.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":16.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":83.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":45.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":31.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":21.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":63.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":6.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":29.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Laundry Workers",INJURY_RATE:360.9,nonwhite_pct:44.2645982,white_pct:55.7354018,black_pct:18.3033937,hisp_pct:31.8540727,asian_pct:8.2860094,noncitizen_pct:21.03852259,n:157},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":291031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29103X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2910XX",OCCUPATION:"Dietitians and nutritionists",OCC_CODE:291031,TOT_EMP:73860,H_MEAN:34.27,A_MEAN:71280,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":59.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":26.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":5.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":78.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":40.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Dietitians",INJURY_RATE:208.3,nonwhite_pct:24.6922377,white_pct:75.3077623,black_pct:12.5419276,hisp_pct:8.9234474,asian_pct:6.3956716,noncitizen_pct:3.808473874,n:285},{lem:0,"SOC 2018 CODE":113071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11307X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Transportation, storage, and distribution managers",OCC_CODE:113071,TOT_EMP:198780,H_MEAN:53.79,A_MEAN:111870,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":42.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.83,PCT_STAND:35.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.31,PCT_SIT:66.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":31.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":24.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":19,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":35.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":64.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":35.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":15.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":48.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":2.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28.7,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Transportation Managers",INJURY_RATE:165.4,nonwhite_pct:20.8845184,white_pct:79.1154816,black_pct:10.0104381,hisp_pct:15.4080324,asian_pct:4.1958998,noncitizen_pct:5.185342409,n:150},{lem:21,"SOC 2018 CODE":395012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39501X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3950XX",OCCUPATION:"Hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists",OCC_CODE:395012,TOT_EMP:294840,H_MEAN:20.09,A_MEAN:41780,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":89.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":7.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":85.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":19.8,"Hours of standing, mean":6.69,PCT_STAND:83.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":.38,PCT_SIT:4.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:83.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":92.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":70.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":36.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":94.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":28.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":14,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":94.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":69.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":44.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":47,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":19.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":4.3,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Hairstylists",INJURY_RATE:49.1,nonwhite_pct:48.5453254,white_pct:51.4546746,black_pct:12.4276046,hisp_pct:16.1471954,asian_pct:5.6925754,noncitizen_pct:6.478669808,n:109},{lem:62,"SOC 2018 CODE":273023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2730XX",OCCUPATION:"News analysts, reporters, and journalists",OCC_CODE:273023,TOT_EMP:45020,H_MEAN:48.76,A_MEAN:101430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":76.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":61.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":33.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.73,PCT_STAND:46.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.02,PCT_SIT:50.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:50.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":23.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":66.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":37.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":82.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":47.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":52.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":30.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":82.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":59.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":65.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":58.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.3,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Journalists",INJURY_RATE:16.7,nonwhite_pct:21.672353,white_pct:78.327647,black_pct:8.5051912,hisp_pct:10.1323592,asian_pct:7.4993423,noncitizen_pct:7.257493271,n:340},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":413021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4130XX",OCCUPATION:"Insurance sales agents",OCC_CODE:413021,TOT_EMP:457510,H_MEAN:38.32,A_MEAN:79700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":35.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":34.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.72,PCT_STAND:9,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.33,PCT_SIT:91.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":38.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":35.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":39.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.6,dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Insurance Agents",INJURY_RATE:14.3,nonwhite_pct:19.3509804,white_pct:80.6490196,black_pct:9.4342297,hisp_pct:14.3047332,asian_pct:3.9484534,noncitizen_pct:3.298967006,n:70},{lem:12,"SOC 2018 CODE":412031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4120XX",OCCUPATION:"Retail salespersons",OCC_CODE:412031,TOT_EMP:3684740,H_MEAN:17.64,A_MEAN:36690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":10.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":87.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":69.6,"Hours of standing, mean":5.28,PCT_STAND:66,"Hours of sitting, mean":.96,PCT_SIT:12,STANDING_BOOLEAN:66,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":89.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":35.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":33.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":12,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":87.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":12.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":68.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":11.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":8.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":18.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":64.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.4,dots:74,OCC_SHORT:"Retail Salespeople",INJURY_RATE:106.6,nonwhite_pct:25.0917629,white_pct:74.9082371,black_pct:11.216229,hisp_pct:18.3916734,asian_pct:4.9254896,noncitizen_pct:5.640150016,n:0},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":519061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51906X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers",OCC_CODE:519061,TOT_EMP:584630,H_MEAN:23.68,A_MEAN:49260,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":76.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":30.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":75.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":78.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":24.1,"Hours of standing, mean":5.56,PCT_STAND:69.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.8,PCT_SIT:35,STANDING_BOOLEAN:69.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":69.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":56.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":49.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":46.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":19.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":27.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":13.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":66,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":34,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":81,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":79,"Percent of workers, driving is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":96.6,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":89.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":28.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":13.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":43.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.5,dots:12,OCC_SHORT:"Quality Inspectors",INJURY_RATE:100,nonwhite_pct:28.07341,white_pct:71.92659,black_pct:12.5193597,hisp_pct:18.7840371,asian_pct:6.3994692,noncitizen_pct:7.450769103,n:59},{lem:65,"SOC 2018 CODE":291171,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29117X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Nurse practitioners",OCC_CODE:291171,TOT_EMP:280140,H_MEAN:61.78,A_MEAN:128490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":41.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":81.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":91,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":11.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":47.6,"Hours of standing, mean":4.72,PCT_STAND:59,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.31,PCT_SIT:41.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:59,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":58.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":51.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":64.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":86.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":59.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":12.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":59.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":40.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":48.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.1,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Nurse Practitioners",INJURY_RATE:117.2,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:5.3717947,hisp_pct:5.6574943,asian_pct:6.538348,noncitizen_pct:2.830031202,n:116},{lem:79,"SOC 2018 CODE":439061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43906X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Office clerks, general",OCC_CODE:439061,TOT_EMP:2496370,H_MEAN:20.94,A_MEAN:43560,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":60.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":90.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":47.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":8.6,"Hours of standing, mean":1,PCT_STAND:12.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.49,PCT_SIT:81.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:81.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":9.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":78.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":23.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":83.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":99.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":8.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":21.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":9.2,dots:50,OCC_SHORT:"Office Clerks",INJURY_RATE:21.7,nonwhite_pct:27.6547757,white_pct:72.3452243,black_pct:12.4061331,hisp_pct:18.0909196,asian_pct:6.0354161,noncitizen_pct:4.586287181,n:8},{lem:20,"SOC 2018 CODE":434131,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43413X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Loan interviewers and clerks",OCC_CODE:434131,TOT_EMP:203940,H_MEAN:23.4,A_MEAN:48660,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":32.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":88.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":10.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.87,PCT_STAND:10.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.05,PCT_SIT:88.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:88.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":11.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":72.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":7.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":18.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":5.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">85","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.4,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Loan Clerks",INJURY_RATE:6.2,nonwhite_pct:24.5930599,white_pct:75.4069401,black_pct:12.1407606,hisp_pct:13.0890559,asian_pct:5.0214495,noncitizen_pct:2.076573235,n:146},{lem:32,"SOC 2018 CODE":434161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43416X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Human resources assistants, except payroll and timekeeping",OCC_CODE:434161,TOT_EMP:101440,H_MEAN:23.46,A_MEAN:48800,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":54.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":36.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":5.3,"Hours of standing, mean":.96,PCT_STAND:12,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.9,PCT_SIT:86.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":94.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":57.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":13.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":73.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":16.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":5.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":14.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":9.1,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"HR Assistants",INJURY_RATE:19.3,nonwhite_pct:32.8360535,white_pct:67.1639465,black_pct:16.622832,hisp_pct:16.3775945,asian_pct:6.2020188,noncitizen_pct:4.806416453,n:246},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":132051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Financial and investment analysts",OCC_CODE:132051,TOT_EMP:325220,H_MEAN:54.3,A_MEAN:112950,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":31,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">90","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":19.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.74,PCT_STAND:9.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.31,PCT_SIT:91.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":2.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":9.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":47.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":94.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.6,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Analysts",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:28.5560439,white_pct:71.4439561,black_pct:7.2291595,hisp_pct:9.5702397,asian_pct:14.7671973,noncitizen_pct:7.655370463,n:102},{lem:72,"SOC 2018 CODE":511011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5110XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of production and operating workers",OCC_CODE:511011,TOT_EMP:671160,H_MEAN:34.48,A_MEAN:71730,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":58,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":64.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":52.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":23.8,"Hours of standing, mean":6.02,PCT_STAND:75.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.6,PCT_SIT:32.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":42,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":83.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":46.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":49.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":15.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":10.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":94,"Percent of workers, driving is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":15.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":8.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":7.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":7.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":36.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":16.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":31.2,dots:14,OCC_SHORT:"Production Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:84.8,nonwhite_pct:22.3666826,white_pct:77.6333174,black_pct:11.56838,hisp_pct:17.1655202,asian_pct:3.87041,noncitizen_pct:5.994013973,n:51},{lem:27,"SOC 2018 CODE":131151,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13115X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1311XX",OCCUPATION:"Training and development specialists",OCC_CODE:131151,TOT_EMP:403480,H_MEAN:34.6,A_MEAN:71980,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":85.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":58.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":14.2,"Hours of standing, mean":2.82,PCT_STAND:35.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.83,PCT_SIT:60.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:60.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":14.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":91.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":21.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":6.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":37.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":62.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":27.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":19.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":24.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":50.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":1.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":8.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":29.4,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Training Specialists",INJURY_RATE:30.3,nonwhite_pct:23.580681,white_pct:76.419319,black_pct:12.5857876,hisp_pct:12.1264523,asian_pct:3.5950971,noncitizen_pct:3.147552259,n:82},{lem:4,"SOC 2018 CODE":119111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11911X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical and health services managers",OCC_CODE:119111,TOT_EMP:515100,H_MEAN:64.64,A_MEAN:134440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":55.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":44.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":14,"Hours of standing, mean":2.4,PCT_STAND:30,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.64,PCT_SIT:70.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:70.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":15.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":18.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":29.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":70.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":27.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":27.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":21.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":59.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.7,dots:11,OCC_SHORT:"Health Services Managers",INJURY_RATE:402.5,nonwhite_pct:25.0878445,white_pct:74.9121555,black_pct:12.9467979,hisp_pct:11.4454004,asian_pct:5.5792104,noncitizen_pct:2.952653702,n:61},{lem:83,"SOC 2018 CODE":435032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43503X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Dispatchers, except police, fire, and ambulance",OCC_CODE:435032,TOT_EMP:206090,H_MEAN:24.44,A_MEAN:50830,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":42,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":77.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":20.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3.1,"Hours of standing, mean":.82,PCT_STAND:10.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.57,PCT_SIT:94.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:94.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":22.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":43.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":7.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":78.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">85","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":1.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":56.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Dispatchers",INJURY_RATE:28.3,nonwhite_pct:21.2599658,white_pct:78.7400342,black_pct:13.893125,hisp_pct:20.3043761,asian_pct:3.0865684,noncitizen_pct:5.692894918,n:144},{lem:27,"SOC 2018 CODE":292072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical records specialists",OCC_CODE:292072,TOT_EMP:185690,H_MEAN:25.81,A_MEAN:53690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":90.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.7,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":9.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":61.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":16.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":69.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":15.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Medical Records Specialists",INJURY_RATE:351.2,nonwhite_pct:27.1796044,white_pct:72.8203956,black_pct:14.3846783,hisp_pct:13.062406,asian_pct:5.1892863,noncitizen_pct:2.189336019,n:154},{lem:95,"SOC 2018 CODE":359021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3590XX",OCCUPATION:"Dishwashers",OCC_CODE:359021,TOT_EMP:463940,H_MEAN:15.22,A_MEAN:31650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":65.1,"Hours of standing, mean":6.63,PCT_STAND:82.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.1,PCT_SIT:1.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:82.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":27.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":33.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":78.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":98.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":72.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":14.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":14.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":55.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":72.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Dishwashers",INJURY_RATE:102.3,nonwhite_pct:36.1222882,white_pct:63.8777118,black_pct:17.5545483,hisp_pct:25.7065367,asian_pct:3.5336661,noncitizen_pct:15.03975142,n:67},{lem:65,"SOC 2018 CODE":272022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2720XX",OCCUPATION:"Coaches and scouts",OCC_CODE:272022,TOT_EMP:238980,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:58700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":30.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":61.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":62.3,"Hours of standing, mean":4.2,PCT_STAND:52.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.52,PCT_SIT:19,STANDING_BOOLEAN:52.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":69.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":61.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":81.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":51.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":92.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":40.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":71.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":78.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":21.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":41,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":64,"Percent of workers, driving is required":43.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":19,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":19.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":10.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":7.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":30.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":38.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Coaches",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:22.6159458,white_pct:77.3840542,black_pct:8.5066107,hisp_pct:11.4776547,asian_pct:4.1739611,noncitizen_pct:4.986467183,n:130},{lem:79,"SOC 2018 CODE":113121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11312X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1131XX",OCCUPATION:"Human resources managers",OCC_CODE:113121,TOT_EMP:200600,H_MEAN:74.39,A_MEAN:154740,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":36,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":26.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":2.7,"Hours of standing, mean":1.11,PCT_STAND:13.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.98,PCT_SIT:87.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":24.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":27.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":23.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":49.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":83.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.1,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"HR Managers",INJURY_RATE:51.6,nonwhite_pct:22.817666,white_pct:77.182334,black_pct:11.0941292,hisp_pct:13.0330222,asian_pct:5.0633122,noncitizen_pct:4.567355034,n:149},{lem:95,"SOC 2018 CODE":513092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5130XX",OCCUPATION:"Food batchmakers",OCC_CODE:513092,TOT_EMP:169190,H_MEAN:19.66,A_MEAN:40890,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.49,PCT_STAND:93.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":.93,PCT_SIT:11.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:93.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">90","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":20.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":75.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":67.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":30.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":88.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":11.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":39.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":24.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":29.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":19.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":76.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":28,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":48.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":79.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Food Batchmakers",INJURY_RATE:88.8,nonwhite_pct:23.2878003,white_pct:76.7121997,black_pct:13.2245405,hisp_pct:26.8708909,asian_pct:5.008889,noncitizen_pct:13.79897357,n:171},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":515112,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51511X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5151XX",OCCUPATION:"Printing press operators",OCC_CODE:515112,TOT_EMP:151450,H_MEAN:21.37,A_MEAN:44450,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":22.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">55","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":36.5,"Hours of standing, mean":7.41,PCT_STAND:92.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.17,PCT_SIT:14.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:92.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":77.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":28.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":27,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":56.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":17.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":37.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":85.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":14.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<30","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":81.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":15.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":20.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":52.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":91.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":4.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":16.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":71.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":4.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Printing Press Operators",INJURY_RATE:75,nonwhite_pct:25.3145556,white_pct:74.6854444,black_pct:8.3521091,hisp_pct:18.0706617,asian_pct:4.5137482,noncitizen_pct:8.279167275,n:189},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":492011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4920XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer, automated teller, and office machine repairers",OCC_CODE:492011,TOT_EMP:77580,H_MEAN:23.22,A_MEAN:48290,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":80,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.09,PCT_STAND:51.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.52,PCT_SIT:44,STANDING_BOOLEAN:51.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">75","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":82.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<15","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":10.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<20","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">65","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<35","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<25","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"ATM and Office Machine Repairers",INJURY_RATE:19.4,nonwhite_pct:25.7959972,white_pct:74.2040028,black_pct:10.8543035,hisp_pct:15.3225763,asian_pct:6.5245985,noncitizen_pct:5.481550445,n:278},{lem:30,"SOC 2018 CODE":292052,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Pharmacy technicians",OCC_CODE:292052,TOT_EMP:460280,H_MEAN:20.83,A_MEAN:43330,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":83.1,"Hours of standing, mean":6.43,PCT_STAND:80.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.83,PCT_SIT:10.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:80.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":28.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":34.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":88.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":25.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":89,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":11,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":71.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Pharmacy Techs",INJURY_RATE:72.8,nonwhite_pct:31.556394,white_pct:68.443606,black_pct:12.9598278,hisp_pct:15.7492576,asian_pct:9.0146416,noncitizen_pct:4.138207682,n:69},{lem:96,"SOC 2018 CODE":433021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Billing and posting clerks",OCC_CODE:433021,TOT_EMP:430220,H_MEAN:22.66,A_MEAN:47120,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":31,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.8,"Hours of standing, mean":.7,PCT_STAND:8.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.99,PCT_SIT:87.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":8.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":5.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":71.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":28.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.8,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Billing Clerks",INJURY_RATE:25,nonwhite_pct:24.1033795,white_pct:75.8966205,black_pct:12.0674576,hisp_pct:15.650165,asian_pct:4.771659,noncitizen_pct:3.536930528,n:77},{lem:9,"SOC 2018 CODE":132081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13208X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Tax examiners and collectors, and revenue agents",OCC_CODE:132081,TOT_EMP:50250,H_MEAN:31.43,A_MEAN:65370,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":30.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":74.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":23.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.02,PCT_STAND:12.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.98,PCT_SIT:87.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":25.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":86.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<15","Percent of workers, low postures are required":7.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":12.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":87.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<35","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":22.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":31.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":22,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":13.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":29.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Tax Examiners",INJURY_RATE:13,nonwhite_pct:33.2404022,white_pct:66.7595978,black_pct:18.2331926,hisp_pct:14.7255602,asian_pct:6.6580058,noncitizen_pct:2.407275089,n:334},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":319092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical assistants",OCC_CODE:319092,TOT_EMP:763040,H_MEAN:20.84,A_MEAN:43350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":28.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":85.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":17.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":40.7,"Hours of standing, mean":4.95,PCT_STAND:61.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.89,PCT_SIT:36.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:61.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":71.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":42.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":16.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":66.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":58.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":99.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":57.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":7.3,dots:16,OCC_SHORT:"Medical Assistants",INJURY_RATE:134.5,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:13.6774551,hisp_pct:28.5630426,asian_pct:5.0666305,noncitizen_pct:4.960259364,n:42},{lem:70,"SOC 2018 CODE":435111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43511X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4351XX",OCCUPATION:"Weighers, measurers, checkers, and samplers, recordkeeping",OCC_CODE:435111,TOT_EMP:51250,H_MEAN:21.27,A_MEAN:44240,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.06,PCT_STAND:38.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.25,PCT_SIT:40.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":86.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":11.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":48.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":51.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<35","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<35","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":13.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Weighers",INJURY_RATE:76.1,nonwhite_pct:26.7842409,white_pct:73.2157591,black_pct:13.9417009,hisp_pct:22.9091921,asian_pct:3.7537642,noncitizen_pct:10.3827309,n:330},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":232011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"23201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2320XX",OCCUPATION:"Paralegals and legal assistants",OCC_CODE:232011,TOT_EMP:354890,H_MEAN:31.95,A_MEAN:66460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":24.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.4,"Hours of standing, mean":.93,PCT_STAND:11.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.84,PCT_SIT:85.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":9.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":29.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":32.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":16.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25.7,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Paralegals",INJURY_RATE:5.1,nonwhite_pct:20.4437956,white_pct:79.5562044,black_pct:9.0789308,hisp_pct:16.8934981,asian_pct:3.9411391,noncitizen_pct:3.240423028,n:93},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":433071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43307X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Tellers",OCC_CODE:433071,TOT_EMP:340820,H_MEAN:18.68,A_MEAN:38850,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":59.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":53,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":40.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":35.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":20.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":30.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":64.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Tellers",INJURY_RATE:17.5,nonwhite_pct:23.6461533,white_pct:76.3538467,black_pct:10.2682738,hisp_pct:19.1582156,asian_pct:5.6568984,noncitizen_pct:4.601670896,n:96},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":434071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43407X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4340XX",OCCUPATION:"File clerks",OCC_CODE:434071,TOT_EMP:82290,H_MEAN:19.58,A_MEAN:40730,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":61.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":74,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":46.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":71.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":13.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":16.1,"Hours of standing, mean":2.03,PCT_STAND:25.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.32,PCT_SIT:66.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":26,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":28.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":68.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":43.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":83.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":82.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":9.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"File Clerks",INJURY_RATE:36.8,nonwhite_pct:27.7123714,white_pct:72.2876286,black_pct:13.3831271,hisp_pct:17.2080516,asian_pct:5.228797,noncitizen_pct:3.523149057,n:275},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":537065,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53706X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Stockers and order fillers",OCC_CODE:537065,TOT_EMP:2872680,H_MEAN:18.27,A_MEAN:37990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":5.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":66.5,"Hours of standing, mean":6.59,PCT_STAND:82.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.64,PCT_SIT:8,STANDING_BOOLEAN:82.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":94.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":32.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":22.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":49.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":34.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":95.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":67.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":37.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":28.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":91.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":8.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":44.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":29.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":30.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":89.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":18.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":20.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":67.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:58,OCC_SHORT:"Stockers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:35.7222663,white_pct:64.2777337,black_pct:17.3036117,hisp_pct:20.8192113,asian_pct:3.9804866,noncitizen_pct:6.572657723,n:6},{lem:46,"SOC 2018 CODE":352021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3520XX",OCCUPATION:"Food preparation workers",OCC_CODE:352021,TOT_EMP:879610,H_MEAN:15.85,A_MEAN:32960,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":12.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":64.5,"Hours of standing, mean":5.78,PCT_STAND:72.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.09,PCT_SIT:1.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:72.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":20.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":32,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":22.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":88.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":93.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":41.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":37.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":90.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":38.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":79.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:18,OCC_SHORT:"Food Prep Workers",INJURY_RATE:252.5,nonwhite_pct:32.1871982,white_pct:67.8128018,black_pct:13.0339473,hisp_pct:24.5850308,asian_pct:6.1075551,noncitizen_pct:12.59742175,n:34},{lem:38,"SOC 2018 CODE":291141,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29114X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Registered nurses",OCC_CODE:291141,TOT_EMP:3175390,H_MEAN:45.42,A_MEAN:94480,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":19.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":60.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.23,PCT_STAND:77.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.66,PCT_SIT:33.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:77.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":80.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":29.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":84.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":88.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":69.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":28.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":37.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":49.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":70.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:64,OCC_SHORT:"Registered Nurses",INJURY_RATE:390.6,nonwhite_pct:25.780214,white_pct:74.219786,black_pct:11.2053898,hisp_pct:8.0997136,asian_pct:8.9949909,noncitizen_pct:3.331680936,n:4},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":132053,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Insurance underwriters",OCC_CODE:132053,TOT_EMP:101310,H_MEAN:41.16,A_MEAN:85610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":28.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<15","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":71.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<15","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":14.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":14.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":66.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Insurance Underwriters",INJURY_RATE:3.6,nonwhite_pct:28.5560439,white_pct:71.4439561,black_pct:11.1843632,hisp_pct:8.2542791,asian_pct:4.721497,noncitizen_pct:2.207716855,n:247},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":399011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39901X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3990XX",OCCUPATION:"Childcare workers",OCC_CODE:399011,TOT_EMP:497450,H_MEAN:15.42,A_MEAN:32070,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":34.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":86.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":41.2,"Hours of standing, mean":4.57,PCT_STAND:57.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.12,PCT_SIT:26.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:57.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":65.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":17.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":67.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":86.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":89.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":75.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":85,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":15,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":49.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":82.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<20",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Childcare Workers",INJURY_RATE:52.7,nonwhite_pct:28.3039113,white_pct:71.6960887,black_pct:13.090241,hisp_pct:22.8337458,asian_pct:4.1319896,noncitizen_pct:11.01004263,n:63},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":372012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3720XX",OCCUPATION:"Maids and housekeeping cleaners",OCC_CODE:372012,TOT_EMP:836230,H_MEAN:16.66,A_MEAN:34650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":25,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":67,"Hours of standing, mean":6.88,PCT_STAND:86,"Hours of sitting, mean":.29,PCT_SIT:3.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":97.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":75.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":38.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":36.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":82.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":92,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<40","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":14.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":74.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":24.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:17,OCC_SHORT:"Housekeepers",INJURY_RATE:415,nonwhite_pct:42.9682221,white_pct:57.0317779,black_pct:15.9899128,hisp_pct:43.2205101,asian_pct:4.1066915,noncitizen_pct:29.7000585,n:38},{lem:99,"SOC 2018 CODE":439021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Data entry keyers",OCC_CODE:439021,TOT_EMP:154230,H_MEAN:19.29,A_MEAN:40130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":66.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":59.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":9.3,"Hours of standing, mean":.79,PCT_STAND:9.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.03,PCT_SIT:87.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":72.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":86.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":10.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":89.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":95.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":27.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Data Entry Clerks",INJURY_RATE:13.1,nonwhite_pct:29.1217276,white_pct:70.8782724,black_pct:13.9734405,hisp_pct:16.9732189,asian_pct:6.7250048,noncitizen_pct:3.886185251,n:185},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":152031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1520XX",OCCUPATION:"Operations research analysts",OCC_CODE:152031,TOT_EMP:117880,H_MEAN:45.96,A_MEAN:95600,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":30.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":25.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":34.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":65.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"OR Analysts",INJURY_RATE:3.9,nonwhite_pct:29.8817272,white_pct:70.1182728,black_pct:12.157233,hisp_pct:11.1429264,asian_pct:9.2659949,noncitizen_pct:5.149953309,n:224},{lem:34,"SOC 2018 CODE":113061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11306X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1130XX",OCCUPATION:"Purchasing managers",OCC_CODE:113061,TOT_EMP:77530,H_MEAN:70.53,A_MEAN:146710,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":98,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":45.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.1,PCT_STAND:13.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":7,PCT_SIT:87.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":2.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":13.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":3.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":47.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":77.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":36,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Purchasing Managers",INJURY_RATE:25.5,nonwhite_pct:20.5441234,white_pct:79.4558766,black_pct:8.8110627,hisp_pct:10.0289343,asian_pct:5.9022246,noncitizen_pct:4.261987074,n:279},{lem:64,"SOC 2018 CODE":412011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4120XX",OCCUPATION:"Cashiers",OCC_CODE:412011,TOT_EMP:3298660,H_MEAN:14.77,A_MEAN:30710,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":80.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.2,"Hours of standing, mean":5.57,PCT_STAND:69.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":.38,PCT_SIT:4.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:69.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":4.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":72.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":23.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":73.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":48.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":38.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":7.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":95.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:66,OCC_SHORT:"Cashiers",INJURY_RATE:46,nonwhite_pct:36.2392681,white_pct:63.7607319,black_pct:16.684633,hisp_pct:21.9917544,asian_pct:6.3234665,noncitizen_pct:7.00532801,n:3},{lem:70,"SOC 2018 CODE":333021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3330XX",OCCUPATION:"Detectives and criminal investigators",OCC_CODE:333021,TOT_EMP:106730,H_MEAN:46.12,A_MEAN:95930,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":76.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":50,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":29.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":71.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":17.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":56,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":33.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":76.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":16.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":28.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":29.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":77.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":43.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":18.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":24.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.8,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Criminal Investigators",INJURY_RATE:584.2,nonwhite_pct:20.5317381,white_pct:79.4682619,black_pct:10.5612657,hisp_pct:15.3834742,asian_pct:2.7226548,noncitizen_pct:1.040281998,n:237},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":351012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3510XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of food preparation and serving workers",OCC_CODE:351012,TOT_EMP:1176540,H_MEAN:20.82,A_MEAN:43310,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":85.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":11.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":57,"Hours of standing, mean":6.87,PCT_STAND:85.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.18,PCT_SIT:14.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:85.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":63.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":29.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":72.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":75.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":21.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":85.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":14.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":10.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":30.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":78.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":9.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":1.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":42.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":30.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":5.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":36.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":19.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":32,dots:24,OCC_SHORT:"Food Service Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:109.3,nonwhite_pct:44.293098,white_pct:55.706902,black_pct:14.9026229,hisp_pct:20.649643,asian_pct:4.0400302,noncitizen_pct:7.280381181,n:23},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":537081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53708X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Refuse and recyclable material collectors",OCC_CODE:537081,TOT_EMP:135430,H_MEAN:22.99,A_MEAN:47810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.16,PCT_STAND:52,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:52,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">65","Percent of workers, low postures are required":92.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":92.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":46,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":54,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":90.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":93.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":9.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Refuse Collectors",INJURY_RATE:258.5,nonwhite_pct:39.8643098,white_pct:60.1356902,black_pct:24.1316093,hisp_pct:26.5141409,asian_pct:1.4152103,noncitizen_pct:11.72560271,n:202},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":211012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Educational, guidance, and career counselors and advisors",OCC_CODE:211012,TOT_EMP:327660,H_MEAN:32.21,A_MEAN:66990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":91,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":41.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":2.7,"Hours of standing, mean":2.08,PCT_STAND:26,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.53,PCT_SIT:69.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":78.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":10.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":9.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":21.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":3.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16,"Percent of workers, with telework available":9.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":51.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":21.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":29,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"School Counselors",INJURY_RATE:33.9,nonwhite_pct:30.6942753,white_pct:69.3057247,black_pct:15.411289,hisp_pct:14.0715228,asian_pct:3.6496111,noncitizen_pct:2.544994244,n:101},{lem:57,"SOC 2018 CODE":371011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3710XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of housekeeping and janitorial workers",OCC_CODE:371011,TOT_EMP:171120,H_MEAN:24.03,A_MEAN:49980,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":85.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":42.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":77.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":52.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":14,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":49,"Hours of standing, mean":5.45,PCT_STAND:68.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.37,PCT_SIT:29.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:68.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":57.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":47.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":44.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":80.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":55.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":63,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":14.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":44.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":70.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":29.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":40.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":82.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":42.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":10.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":6.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":22.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Housekeeping Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:347.5,nonwhite_pct:28.0666236,white_pct:71.9333764,black_pct:13.8800928,hisp_pct:26.4341077,asian_pct:2.1431768,noncitizen_pct:11.09642246,n:169},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":119151,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11915X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Social and community service managers",OCC_CODE:119151,TOT_EMP:173650,H_MEAN:40.1,A_MEAN:83400,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":65.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":54.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":19.8,"Hours of standing, mean":1.82,PCT_STAND:22.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.05,PCT_SIT:75.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:75.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":20.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":27.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":25.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":52.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":23.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":76.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":2.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":53.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":41.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":60.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.4,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Community Service Managers",INJURY_RATE:92.5,nonwhite_pct:25.2332029,white_pct:74.7667971,black_pct:14.1226057,hisp_pct:11.8074366,asian_pct:3.5989746,noncitizen_pct:2.974943824,n:165},{lem:59,"SOC 2018 CODE":434199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43419X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Information and record clerks, all other",OCC_CODE:434199,TOT_EMP:151760,H_MEAN:23,A_MEAN:47840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":90.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":41.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.5,"Hours of standing, mean":1.2,PCT_STAND:15,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.61,PCT_SIT:82.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:82.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":9.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":35.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":13.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":62,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":18,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":7.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Info Clerks",INJURY_RATE:38.2,nonwhite_pct:33.9828509,white_pct:66.0171491,black_pct:20.5508589,hisp_pct:16.7015393,asian_pct:3.1485342,noncitizen_pct:2.978914898,n:188},{lem:35,"SOC 2018 CODE":435031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43503X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Public safety telecommunicators",OCC_CODE:435031,TOT_EMP:97820,H_MEAN:25.07,A_MEAN:52140,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":36.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":73.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":22.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3.4,"Hours of standing, mean":.36,PCT_STAND:4.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":9.02,PCT_SIT:112.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:112.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":26.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":9.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":60.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":2.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":13.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":3.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":96.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":98,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":95.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":90.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":5,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Public Safety Operators",INJURY_RATE:55.3,nonwhite_pct:21.2599658,white_pct:78.7400342,black_pct:13.3632749,hisp_pct:11.8060669,asian_pct:.9958033,noncitizen_pct:1.068509792,n:250},{lem:92,"SOC 2018 CODE":399032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3990XX",OCCUPATION:"Recreation workers",OCC_CODE:399032,TOT_EMP:281750,H_MEAN:17.44,A_MEAN:36270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">50","Hours of standing, mean":5.27,PCT_STAND:65.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.67,PCT_SIT:20.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":19.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":44.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":65.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":77,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":23,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":18,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":4.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":80.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12,dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Recreation Workers",INJURY_RATE:280.4,nonwhite_pct:20.2029981,white_pct:79.7970019,black_pct:13.0257708,hisp_pct:11.4755677,asian_pct:3.8261697,noncitizen_pct:2.430532342,n:114},{lem:38,"SOC 2018 CODE":395094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39509X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3950XX",OCCUPATION:"Skincare specialists",OCC_CODE:395094,TOT_EMP:65270,H_MEAN:24.57,A_MEAN:51100,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">60","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.93,PCT_STAND:61.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.26,PCT_SIT:28.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:61.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":67.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":32.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":86.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":5.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Skincare Specialists",INJURY_RATE:2.1,nonwhite_pct:84.8933055,white_pct:15.1066945,black_pct:6.1889283,hisp_pct:17.8830783,asian_pct:8.8101331,noncitizen_pct:6.568326203,n:299},{lem:42,"SOC 2018 CODE":412021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4120XX",OCCUPATION:"Counter and rental clerks",OCC_CODE:412021,TOT_EMP:390300,H_MEAN:20.02,A_MEAN:41630,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":23.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":70,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":59.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":46.9,"Hours of standing, mean":4.53,PCT_STAND:56.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.67,PCT_SIT:33.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:56.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":76.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":35.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":40.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":52.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":57.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":19.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":54.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":27.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":65.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":34.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":88.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":23.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":64.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Counter Clerks",INJURY_RATE:20.3,nonwhite_pct:25.8578893,white_pct:74.1421107,black_pct:12.0064456,hisp_pct:18.9755618,asian_pct:4.6053949,noncitizen_pct:6.937650772,n:85},{lem:22,"SOC 2018 CODE":434051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43405X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4340XX",OCCUPATION:"Customer service representatives",OCC_CODE:434051,TOT_EMP:2858710,H_MEAN:20.92,A_MEAN:43520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":71.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":32.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":1.1,PCT_STAND:13.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.66,PCT_SIT:83.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:83.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":28.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":16,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":83.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":24.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":96.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":47.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":4,dots:58,OCC_SHORT:"Customer Service Reps",INJURY_RATE:28.1,nonwhite_pct:32.8784754,white_pct:67.1215246,black_pct:17.819316,hisp_pct:19.1163936,asian_pct:4.2047099,noncitizen_pct:4.687160019,n:7},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":436012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43601X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4360XX",OCCUPATION:"Legal secretaries and administrative assistants",OCC_CODE:436012,TOT_EMP:152790,H_MEAN:27.08,A_MEAN:56330,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":58.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":41.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":34.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":12.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":14.8,"Hours of standing, mean":1.18,PCT_STAND:14.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.54,PCT_SIT:81.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:81.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":24.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":66,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":32.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":12.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.5,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Legal Secretaries",INJURY_RATE:18.2,nonwhite_pct:21.5767932,white_pct:78.4232068,black_pct:8.6562304,hisp_pct:15.7294928,asian_pct:3.3550407,noncitizen_pct:2.08140263,n:186},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":436011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43601X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4360XX",OCCUPATION:"Executive secretaries and executive administrative assistants",OCC_CODE:436011,TOT_EMP:483570,H_MEAN:35.42,A_MEAN:73680,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":50.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":36.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6.1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.04,PCT_STAND:13,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.89,PCT_SIT:86.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":88.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":61.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":12,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":23.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":20.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":11.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Executive Assistants",INJURY_RATE:12.5,nonwhite_pct:21.5767932,white_pct:78.4232068,black_pct:10.2652401,hisp_pct:12.2506101,asian_pct:4.344982,noncitizen_pct:3.027272499,n:64},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":434031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4340XX",OCCUPATION:"Court, municipal, and license clerks",OCC_CODE:434031,TOT_EMP:157960,H_MEAN:23.44,A_MEAN:48760,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":55.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":80.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":8.3,"Hours of standing, mean":1.5,PCT_STAND:18.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.22,PCT_SIT:77.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:77.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":19.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":25.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":13.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":19.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":80.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":68.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.9,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Court Clerks",INJURY_RATE:38.2,nonwhite_pct:25.8338108,white_pct:74.1661892,black_pct:14.5317525,hisp_pct:15.2958304,asian_pct:2.8384113,noncitizen_pct:1.76889261,n:181},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":353041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3530XX",OCCUPATION:"Food servers, nonrestaurant",OCC_CODE:353041,TOT_EMP:267840,H_MEAN:16.27,A_MEAN:33840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">75","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":59.3,"Hours of standing, mean":6.59,PCT_STAND:82.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.34,PCT_SIT:4.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:82.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":51,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":33.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":24.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":76.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":63.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":15.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":91.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":49,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Nonrestaurant Servers",INJURY_RATE:254.2,nonwhite_pct:37.6277577,white_pct:62.3722423,black_pct:18.7414117,hisp_pct:18.7690477,asian_pct:6.8387518,noncitizen_pct:7.402602387,n:122},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":351011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3510XX",OCCUPATION:"Chefs and head cooks",OCC_CODE:351011,TOT_EMP:172370,H_MEAN:30.12,A_MEAN:62640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":91.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":91.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":73.5,"Hours of standing, mean":7.3,PCT_STAND:91.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.02,PCT_SIT:12.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":48,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":84.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":7.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":94.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":83.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":87.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":12.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":11.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":73.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":6.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":64.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":69.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":19.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":6.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":52,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":20.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Chefs",INJURY_RATE:178.3,nonwhite_pct:44.293098,white_pct:55.706902,black_pct:12.3884428,hisp_pct:23.1879971,asian_pct:17.1402399,noncitizen_pct:19.16920458,n:166},{lem:76,"SOC 2018 CODE":439041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Insurance claims and policy processing clerks",OCC_CODE:439041,TOT_EMP:241650,H_MEAN:23.81,A_MEAN:49530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":44.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":27,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<30","Hours of standing, mean":.74,PCT_STAND:9.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.99,PCT_SIT:87.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:87.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":85.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":73,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":16.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":22.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<30","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":15.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":14.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.8,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Insurance Clerks",INJURY_RATE:12.8,nonwhite_pct:29.704797,white_pct:70.295203,black_pct:18.2390158,hisp_pct:15.0646174,asian_pct:3.3611968,noncitizen_pct:2.488168791,n:128},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":537062,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53706X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand",OCC_CODE:537062,TOT_EMP:3008300,H_MEAN:19.12,A_MEAN:39760,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":65.9,"Hours of standing, mean":7.03,PCT_STAND:87.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":.57,PCT_SIT:7.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:87.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":36.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":36.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":36.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":93.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":14.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":66.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":36.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":92.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":7.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":17.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":29.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":83.6,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":3.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":80.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":16,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":13.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":33.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:61,OCC_SHORT:"Laborers/material movers",INJURY_RATE:289.8,nonwhite_pct:35.7222663,white_pct:64.2777337,black_pct:19.6653869,hisp_pct:22.1981618,asian_pct:3.1462701,noncitizen_pct:8.373043393,n:5},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":434081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43408X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4340XX",OCCUPATION:"Hotel, motel, and resort desk clerks",OCC_CODE:434081,TOT_EMP:263800,H_MEAN:15.66,A_MEAN:32570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":28.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":49.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":54,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":13.9,"Hours of standing, mean":5.29,PCT_STAND:66.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.14,PCT_SIT:26.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:66.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":71.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":16.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":46,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":33.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":17.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":70.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":29.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":83.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Hotel Desk Clerks",INJURY_RATE:32.7,nonwhite_pct:37.3416944,white_pct:62.6583056,black_pct:15.3572382,hisp_pct:18.5025358,asian_pct:8.2619673,noncitizen_pct:6.44797135,n:123},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":537061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53706X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Cleaners of vehicles and equipment",OCC_CODE:537061,TOT_EMP:365290,H_MEAN:16.95,A_MEAN:35250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":5.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":64.7,"Hours of standing, mean":6.41,PCT_STAND:80.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.74,PCT_SIT:9.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:80.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":94.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":46.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":27.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":82.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":87.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":71.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":73.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":89.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":10.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":25.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":32.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":15.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":63.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":91,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":76.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":5.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":18.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":16,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":8.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":32.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":53.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Vehicle Cleaners",INJURY_RATE:126.7,nonwhite_pct:35.7222663,white_pct:64.2777337,black_pct:17.8954608,hisp_pct:30.1924307,asian_pct:2.8444859,noncitizen_pct:14.47408611,n:91},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":434181,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43418X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Reservation and transportation ticket agents and travel clerks",OCC_CODE:434181,TOT_EMP:119270,H_MEAN:22.51,A_MEAN:46820,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":5.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":46.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":41.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":94.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Travel Clerks",INJURY_RATE:219.8,nonwhite_pct:39.9407251,white_pct:60.0592749,black_pct:19.545176,hisp_pct:18.8440274,asian_pct:5.9656938,noncitizen_pct:6.694519311,n:220},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":339091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"Crossing guards and flaggers",OCC_CODE:339091,TOT_EMP:90780,H_MEAN:19.54,A_MEAN:40650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">95","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":96.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":17.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":83.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Crossing Guards",INJURY_RATE:101.5,nonwhite_pct:31.6432735,white_pct:68.3567265,black_pct:21.0686141,hisp_pct:17.3139576,asian_pct:1.8232336,noncitizen_pct:4.06078265,n:259},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":319097,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Phlebotomists",OCC_CODE:319097,TOT_EMP:137080,H_MEAN:20.74,A_MEAN:43130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.85,PCT_STAND:73.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.08,PCT_SIT:26,STANDING_BOOLEAN:73.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":28.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":95,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":17,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":5.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":73.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":26.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":83.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Phlebotomists",INJURY_RATE:252.1,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:20.8723231,hisp_pct:19.4061477,asian_pct:5.6343516,noncitizen_pct:4.429968763,n:200},{lem:96,"SOC 2018 CODE":331011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of correctional officers",OCC_CODE:331011,TOT_EMP:52280,H_MEAN:36.94,A_MEAN:76840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":25.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":51.3,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":74.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":23.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":27.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":80.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":41.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":53,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":45.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":51.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":17.8,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":43.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":43.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">75","Percent of workers, driving is required":44.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":32.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":10.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":25.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":29.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":76.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Correctional Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:542.6,nonwhite_pct:26.9411089,white_pct:73.0588911,black_pct:18.9319196,hisp_pct:14.426659,asian_pct:.6734351,noncitizen_pct:1.658001392,n:327},{lem:46,"SOC 2018 CODE":292055,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Surgical technologists",OCC_CODE:292055,TOT_EMP:110320,H_MEAN:29.93,A_MEAN:62250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":79.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":83,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":78.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Surgical Technologists",INJURY_RATE:270.4,nonwhite_pct:31.556394,white_pct:68.443606,black_pct:16.2163745,hisp_pct:16.0047511,asian_pct:3.6059623,noncitizen_pct:2.7000803,n:235},{lem:4,"SOC 2018 CODE":513099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5130XX",OCCUPATION:"Food processing workers, all other",OCC_CODE:513099,TOT_EMP:63970,H_MEAN:18.09,A_MEAN:37630,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">90","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.16,PCT_STAND:102,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:102,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Food Processing Workers",INJURY_RATE:287,nonwhite_pct:23.2878003,white_pct:76.7121997,black_pct:20.9339383,hisp_pct:33.1031638,asian_pct:6.3637545,noncitizen_pct:19.578349,n:302},{lem:24,"SOC 2018 CODE":131081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13108X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Logisticians",OCC_CODE:131081,TOT_EMP:228470,H_MEAN:40.69,A_MEAN:84640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":13.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":33.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":65.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Logisticians",INJURY_RATE:23.8,nonwhite_pct:32.0341716,white_pct:67.9658284,black_pct:16.0847478,hisp_pct:15.7905381,asian_pct:6.3223787,noncitizen_pct:5.17057903,n:131},{lem:62,"SOC 2018 CODE":536021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53602X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5360XX",OCCUPATION:"Parking attendants",OCC_CODE:536021,TOT_EMP:118130,H_MEAN:15.72,A_MEAN:32700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":4.42,PCT_STAND:55.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.95,PCT_SIT:24.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":91,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":17.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":42.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">90","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":94,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":70.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":29.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<15","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<5","Percent of workers, driving is required":94,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<35","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">75","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":82.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Parking Attendants",INJURY_RATE:90.6,nonwhite_pct:46.0776035,white_pct:53.9223965,black_pct:22.6462851,hisp_pct:28.0143893,asian_pct:4.9974091,noncitizen_pct:14.03061224,n:223},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":211029,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Social workers, all other",OCC_CODE:211029,TOT_EMP:58460,H_MEAN:33.08,A_MEAN:68800,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":36.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":7.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.55,PCT_STAND:19.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.04,PCT_SIT:75.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:75.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":52.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<40","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":63.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":20.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":79.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":32.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">70","Percent of workers, driving is required":60.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":24.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":63.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.5,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Social Workers (Other)",INJURY_RATE:139.9,nonwhite_pct:33.3487115,white_pct:66.6512885,black_pct:20.6966368,hisp_pct:15.4191755,asian_pct:3.3805262,noncitizen_pct:2.525901817,n:314},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":533051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Bus drivers, school",OCC_CODE:533051,TOT_EMP:371530,H_MEAN:21.74,A_MEAN:45210,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":68.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":41.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":14.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":29.2,"Hours of standing, mean":.68,PCT_STAND:8.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.02,PCT_SIT:62.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:62.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":38.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":75.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":17.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":43.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":16.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":2.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":17.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"School Bus Drivers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:27.1518742,white_pct:72.8481258,black_pct:19.4468414,hisp_pct:12.6899845,asian_pct:1.1916547,noncitizen_pct:2.176318311,n:88},{lem:26,"SOC 2018 CODE":435021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43502X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Couriers and messengers",OCC_CODE:435021,TOT_EMP:72010,H_MEAN:18.44,A_MEAN:38350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":11,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":86.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.62,PCT_STAND:32.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.31,PCT_SIT:53.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:53.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":89,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":81.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":81.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<35","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":97.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":38.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":61.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":97.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":18.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Couriers",INJURY_RATE:215.5,nonwhite_pct:35.375858,white_pct:64.624142,black_pct:18.4695116,hisp_pct:21.0462673,asian_pct:4.4919183,noncitizen_pct:9.316290722,n:292},{lem:9,"SOC 2018 CODE":211093,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Social and human service assistants",OCC_CODE:211093,TOT_EMP:409310,H_MEAN:21.27,A_MEAN:44240,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":68.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":60.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":57,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":34.9,"Hours of standing, mean":2.56,PCT_STAND:32,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.17,PCT_SIT:64.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:64.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":31.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":79.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":42.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":47.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":38.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":70.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":35.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">70","Percent of workers, driving is required":63.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":22.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":20.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":20.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.3,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Human Service Assistants",INJURY_RATE:36.6,nonwhite_pct:32.9906406,white_pct:67.0093594,black_pct:21.6762143,hisp_pct:19.1927076,asian_pct:3.6054625,noncitizen_pct:3.90376836,n:81},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":519111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51911X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:519111,TOT_EMP:371600,H_MEAN:19.81,A_MEAN:41200,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":82.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":82.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":27.9,"Hours of standing, mean":7.7,PCT_STAND:96.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.6,PCT_SIT:7.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:96.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":17.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":10.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<15","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":12.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":38.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":34,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":92.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":7.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":35.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":92.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":18.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<25","Percent of workers, speaking is required":54.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":62.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":14.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":29.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":82.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Packaging Operators",INJURY_RATE:101.5,nonwhite_pct:48.92072,white_pct:51.07928,black_pct:21.1460448,hisp_pct:37.693416,asian_pct:5.8286823,noncitizen_pct:23.66785144,n:87},{lem:59,"SOC 2018 CODE":537051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53705X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Industrial truck and tractor operators",OCC_CODE:537051,TOT_EMP:778920,H_MEAN:21.98,A_MEAN:45720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":89.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":87.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":55.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":48.2,"Hours of standing, mean":4.28,PCT_STAND:53.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.98,PCT_SIT:49.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:53.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":97.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":44.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":43.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":37.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":76.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":97.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":51.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":48.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":14,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":31.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":20.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":80.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":55.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:16,OCC_SHORT:"Industrial Truck Operators",INJURY_RATE:118.3,nonwhite_pct:41.847879,white_pct:58.152121,black_pct:25.1793297,hisp_pct:27.2611465,asian_pct:1.8064402,noncitizen_pct:10.29686078,n:40},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":434111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43411X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4341XX",OCCUPATION:"Interviewers, except eligibility and loan",OCC_CODE:434111,TOT_EMP:160550,H_MEAN:20.55,A_MEAN:42750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":58.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":67.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":38.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":17.6,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":32.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":61.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":9.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":7.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":81.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":6.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":4.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":38.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.9,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Interviewers",INJURY_RATE:76.8,nonwhite_pct:33.9828509,white_pct:66.0171491,black_pct:20.5508589,hisp_pct:16.7015393,asian_pct:3.1485342,noncitizen_pct:2.978914898,n:176},{lem:2,"SOC 2018 CODE":537064,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53706X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Packers and packagers, hand",OCC_CODE:537064,TOT_EMP:645210,H_MEAN:17.05,A_MEAN:35450,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":63.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7,PCT_STAND:87.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.32,PCT_SIT:4,STANDING_BOOLEAN:87.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":97.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":13.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":19.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":26.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":69.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":36.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":45.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":82.8,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":20.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":65.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":25,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":8.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":86.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:13,OCC_SHORT:"Packers",INJURY_RATE:102.1,nonwhite_pct:35.7222663,white_pct:64.2777337,black_pct:21.4724942,hisp_pct:40.4191086,asian_pct:6.2462428,noncitizen_pct:23.3745839,n:53},{lem:57,"SOC 2018 CODE":433011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Bill and account collectors",OCC_CODE:433011,TOT_EMP:190910,H_MEAN:22.12,A_MEAN:46020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":15.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":.34,PCT_STAND:4.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.44,PCT_SIT:93,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:93,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":73.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":4.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":95.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":78.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":14.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":1.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.8,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Bill Collectors",INJURY_RATE:43.3,nonwhite_pct:32.5635308,white_pct:67.4364692,black_pct:20.9593407,hisp_pct:18.7418894,asian_pct:2.3854945,noncitizen_pct:3.670635514,n:152},{lem:81,"SOC 2018 CODE":211021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Child, family, and school social workers",OCC_CODE:211021,TOT_EMP:352160,H_MEAN:28.46,A_MEAN:59190,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":83.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":52.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":13.9,"Hours of standing, mean":2.4,PCT_STAND:30,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.34,PCT_SIT:66.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":16.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":82.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":33.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":33.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":20.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":66,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":69,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":34.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":2.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":65.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":13.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":51.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":17.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":33.5,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Social Workers (Family)",INJURY_RATE:28.1,nonwhite_pct:33.3487115,white_pct:66.6512885,black_pct:21.2193191,hisp_pct:14.1895713,asian_pct:2.2463522,noncitizen_pct:1.793914716,n:94},{lem:97,"SOC 2018 CODE":333012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3330XX",OCCUPATION:"Correctional officers and jailers",OCC_CODE:333012,TOT_EMP:351420,H_MEAN:28.27,A_MEAN:58810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":78.6,"Hours of standing, mean":6.79,PCT_STAND:84.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.36,PCT_SIT:29.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:84.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":4.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":29.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":97.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":44.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":81.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":46.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":56.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":74.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":25.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":60.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":33.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":39.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":85.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":46.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":34.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":10.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":2.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":28.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":12.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":31.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":95.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.6,dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Corrections Officers",INJURY_RATE:688.1,nonwhite_pct:21.5773914,white_pct:78.4226086,black_pct:23.5790896,hisp_pct:15.7513014,asian_pct:1.3145299,noncitizen_pct:1.934296794,n:95},{lem:37,"SOC 2018 CODE":211022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Healthcare social workers",OCC_CODE:211022,TOT_EMP:185020,H_MEAN:32.42,A_MEAN:67430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":49.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":38.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":39.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":60.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":17.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":10.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":19.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":13.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":51.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Healthcare Social Workers",INJURY_RATE:143.5,nonwhite_pct:33.3487115,white_pct:66.6512885,black_pct:23.5153055,hisp_pct:13.8380403,asian_pct:2.6617495,noncitizen_pct:3.075438529,n:156},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":434061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43406X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4340XX",OCCUPATION:"Eligibility interviewers, government programs",OCC_CODE:434061,TOT_EMP:150190,H_MEAN:24.92,A_MEAN:51840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":42,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":92.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":24.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":1.11,PCT_STAND:13.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.76,PCT_SIT:84.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":7.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":77.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":4.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":14.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":85.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":39.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":21.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":17,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":28.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":22.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.2,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Government Interviewers",INJURY_RATE:117.5,nonwhite_pct:43.9262031,white_pct:56.0737969,black_pct:22.3735506,hisp_pct:24.0705106,asian_pct:5.6173166,noncitizen_pct:3.092814341,n:192},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":533053,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Shuttle drivers and chauffeurs",OCC_CODE:533053,TOT_EMP:204930,H_MEAN:17.75,A_MEAN:36920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":69.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":12.2,"Hours of standing, mean":1.7,PCT_STAND:21.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.26,PCT_SIT:65.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:65.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":4.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":74.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":61.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":18.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":24.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":75.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<35","Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":95.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":95.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Shuttle Drivers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:27.1518742,white_pct:72.8481258,black_pct:19.376371,hisp_pct:20.9691319,asian_pct:6.4689752,noncitizen_pct:11.12895644,n:145},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":395011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39501X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3950XX",OCCUPATION:"Barbers",OCC_CODE:395011,TOT_EMP:15990,H_MEAN:19.99,A_MEAN:41570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":81.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<25","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":78.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.76,PCT_STAND:84.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.89,PCT_SIT:11.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:84.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">75","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":17,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">50","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">85","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<25","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":90.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":87.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":12.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Barbers",INJURY_RATE:323.7,nonwhite_pct:48.5453254,white_pct:51.4546746,black_pct:26.7739002,hisp_pct:30.3981391,asian_pct:4.4545191,noncitizen_pct:9.811803158,n:390},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":331091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of security workers",OCC_CODE:331091,TOT_EMP:64900,H_MEAN:28.64,A_MEAN:59580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":12.8,"Hours of standing, mean":4.54,PCT_STAND:56.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.33,PCT_SIT:41.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:56.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":86.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":58,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":42,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":19,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Security Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:95.6,nonwhite_pct:31.3994188,white_pct:68.6005812,black_pct:20.6313942,hisp_pct:13.9942015,asian_pct:2.3582862,noncitizen_pct:2.129455806,n:300},{lem:17,"SOC 2018 CODE":292061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29206X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses",OCC_CODE:292061,TOT_EMP:630250,H_MEAN:29.23,A_MEAN:60790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":91.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":89.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":55,"Hours of standing, mean":6.02,PCT_STAND:75.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.53,PCT_SIT:31.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":16.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":61.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":34.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":56.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":93.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":19,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.5,dots:13,OCC_SHORT:"Licensed Practical Nurses",INJURY_RATE:608.4,nonwhite_pct:38.4847804,white_pct:61.5152196,black_pct:24.8342268,hisp_pct:12.4724824,asian_pct:5.0034909,noncitizen_pct:4.033439983,n:54},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":533052,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Bus drivers, transit and intercity",OCC_CODE:533052,TOT_EMP:184990,H_MEAN:28.78,A_MEAN:59860,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":69.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":26.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":12.2,"Hours of standing, mean":.91,PCT_STAND:11.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.75,PCT_SIT:84.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":31.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":89.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":39,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":11.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<35","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Transit Bus Drivers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:27.1518742,white_pct:72.8481258,black_pct:32.7781722,hisp_pct:17.7933394,asian_pct:3.8134116,noncitizen_pct:4.405899058,n:158},{lem:74,"SOC 2018 CODE":292053,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Psychiatric technicians",OCC_CODE:292053,TOT_EMP:115940,H_MEAN:20.99,A_MEAN:43650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<40","Hours of standing, mean":4.57,PCT_STAND:57.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.78,PCT_SIT:47.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:57.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":7.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":90,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":53.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":46.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":88,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":92.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Psychiatric Technicians",INJURY_RATE:941.8,nonwhite_pct:31.556394,white_pct:68.443606,black_pct:20.8896482,hisp_pct:18.8645491,asian_pct:4.9375207,noncitizen_pct:4.315858207,n:228},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":211092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Probation officers and correctional treatment specialists",OCC_CODE:211092,TOT_EMP:85870,H_MEAN:32.64,A_MEAN:67880,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":59.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":80.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":56.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":41.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":28.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":82.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":6.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":80.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":19.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":86.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":19.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Probation Officers",INJURY_RATE:75.5,nonwhite_pct:32.9906406,white_pct:67.0093594,black_pct:21.6115246,hisp_pct:17.8257967,asian_pct:1.7723184,noncitizen_pct:1.260248862,n:266},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":311131,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31113X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3111XX",OCCUPATION:"Nursing assistants",OCC_CODE:311131,TOT_EMP:1351760,H_MEAN:19.04,A_MEAN:39610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":11,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":63.6,"Hours of standing, mean":7,PCT_STAND:87.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.33,PCT_SIT:16.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:87.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":89,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":27,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":80.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":17.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":28.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":32.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":67.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":8.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":73,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:28,OCC_SHORT:"Nursing Assistants",INJURY_RATE:1023.8,nonwhite_pct:49.3905854,white_pct:50.6094146,black_pct:32.8909348,hisp_pct:14.3140831,asian_pct:4.9667833,noncitizen_pct:6.776568638,n:20},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":393031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3930XX",OCCUPATION:"Ushers, lobby attendants, and ticket takers",OCC_CODE:393031,TOT_EMP:117560,H_MEAN:14.67,A_MEAN:30520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":85,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":66,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.06,PCT_STAND:63.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.98,PCT_SIT:12.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:63.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">80","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":21,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":57.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":34.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":54.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":19.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":81.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":18.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":16.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":55.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":17.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":79,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Ushers",INJURY_RATE:27,nonwhite_pct:27.7489287,white_pct:72.2510713,black_pct:14.3117331,hisp_pct:18.5130916,asian_pct:3.337259,noncitizen_pct:3.48241674,n:225},{lem:9,"SOC 2018 CODE":211023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Mental health and substance abuse social workers",OCC_CODE:211023,TOT_EMP:114680,H_MEAN:30.71,A_MEAN:63870,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":69.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":29.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":2.64,PCT_STAND:33,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.31,PCT_SIT:66.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":60.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":70.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":17.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":29.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":66.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":33.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":66.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":14.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":18,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":39.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":17.5,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Mental Health Social Workers",INJURY_RATE:79.4,nonwhite_pct:33.3487115,white_pct:66.6512885,black_pct:10.4631067,hisp_pct:12.8035385,asian_pct:2.6040599,noncitizen_pct:1.417733384,n:230},{lem:31,"SOC 2018 CODE":173011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Architectural and civil drafters",OCC_CODE:173011,TOT_EMP:111070,H_MEAN:31.25,A_MEAN:65e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":25.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":5.9,"Hours of standing, mean":.93,PCT_STAND:11.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.89,PCT_SIT:86.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":18.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":18.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":57.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":21.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":24.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":5.9,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Architectural Drafters",INJURY_RATE:11,nonwhite_pct:19.4760519,white_pct:80.5239481,black_pct:4.9185349,hisp_pct:13.1982727,asian_pct:7.9030381,noncitizen_pct:5.307484993,n:233},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":435011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43501X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4350XX",OCCUPATION:"Cargo and freight agents",OCC_CODE:435011,TOT_EMP:105220,H_MEAN:25.22,A_MEAN:52460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":54,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":89.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":33.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.22,PCT_STAND:15.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.73,PCT_SIT:84.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":10.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":83.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":19.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":55.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<30","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<25","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":16.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":5.3,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Freight Agents",INJURY_RATE:279,nonwhite_pct:36.6149814,white_pct:63.3850186,black_pct:15.0368183,hisp_pct:18.5550141,asian_pct:9.2597204,noncitizen_pct:6.104371954,n:240},{lem:94,"SOC 2018 CODE":499098,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Helpers--installation, maintenance, and repair workers",OCC_CODE:499098,TOT_EMP:101890,H_MEAN:18.61,A_MEAN:38720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":21.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">80","Hours of standing, mean":6.56,PCT_STAND:82,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.16,PCT_SIT:14.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:82,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":78.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":91,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":13.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":91.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":85,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":36.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">75","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":71.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":89.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Installation Helpers",INJURY_RATE:163.5,nonwhite_pct:20.8539803,white_pct:79.1460197,black_pct:9.373282,hisp_pct:38.2963777,asian_pct:2.9900434,noncitizen_pct:17.05149349,n:242},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":119121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11912X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Natural sciences managers",OCC_CODE:119121,TOT_EMP:96520,H_MEAN:81.31,A_MEAN:169120,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":30.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":94.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":21.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":34.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<20","Hours of standing, mean":1.85,PCT_STAND:23.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.52,PCT_SIT:81.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:81.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":5.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":65.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":19,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<25","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":22.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":77.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":23.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":77.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":6.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.7,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Natural Science Managers",INJURY_RATE:123.4,nonwhite_pct:25.114029,white_pct:74.885971,black_pct:7.6331286,hisp_pct:8.3771291,asian_pct:10.7452669,noncitizen_pct:4.672956373,n:252},{lem:1,"SOC 2018 CODE":399041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3990XX",OCCUPATION:"Residential advisors",OCC_CODE:399041,TOT_EMP:88700,H_MEAN:19.33,A_MEAN:40200,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":72.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":13.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":21.6,"Hours of standing, mean":4.46,PCT_STAND:55.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.67,PCT_SIT:45.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":76.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":63.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":45.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":48.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":57.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":54.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":45.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":21.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":57.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":21.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":23.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Residential Advisors",INJURY_RATE:124.2,nonwhite_pct:37.8393129,white_pct:62.1606871,black_pct:22.2964342,hisp_pct:11.3945764,asian_pct:5.6115187,noncitizen_pct:6.040366437,n:262},{lem:72,"SOC 2018 CODE":359099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3590XX",OCCUPATION:"Food preparation and serving related workers, all other",OCC_CODE:359099,TOT_EMP:86350,H_MEAN:17.03,A_MEAN:35430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">90","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":5.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.03,PCT_STAND:75.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.6,PCT_SIT:7.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:75.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":94.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":10.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":78.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">90","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":91.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":8.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<15","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":13.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":14.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":13.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<30","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":12.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":89.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Food Prep Workers (Other)",INJURY_RATE:124.1,nonwhite_pct:37.4832664,white_pct:62.5167336,black_pct:10.8261984,hisp_pct:31.8223304,asian_pct:8.6227129,noncitizen_pct:13.26002868,n:265},{lem:11,"SOC 2018 CODE":211015,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Rehabilitation counselors",OCC_CODE:211015,TOT_EMP:84750,H_MEAN:23.28,A_MEAN:48430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":48.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":80.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":43.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.25,PCT_STAND:28.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.45,PCT_SIT:68.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:68.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":19.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":23.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":42.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":15.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":31.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":71.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":29.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":70.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<10","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":71.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":12.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":35,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Rehab Counselors",INJURY_RATE:136.5,nonwhite_pct:30.6942753,white_pct:69.3057247,black_pct:18.6443057,hisp_pct:11.7395271,asian_pct:2.9436531,noncitizen_pct:2.652445442,n:268},{lem:24,"SOC 2018 CODE":192041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19204X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1920XX",OCCUPATION:"Environmental scientists and specialists, including health",OCC_CODE:192041,TOT_EMP:80730,H_MEAN:41.69,A_MEAN:86710,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":74.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":70.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":60.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":69,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":23.3,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":29.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":31,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":80.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":50.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":31.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":31,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":75.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":7.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":12.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":18.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":75.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":17.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":91.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":14.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":33.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":24.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":26.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Environmental Scientists",INJURY_RATE:8.5,nonwhite_pct:15.3187979,white_pct:84.6812021,black_pct:4.0477539,hisp_pct:7.5748333,asian_pct:5.6097774,noncitizen_pct:3.949718966,n:276},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":194021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19402X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1940XX",OCCUPATION:"Biological technicians",OCC_CODE:194021,TOT_EMP:76990,H_MEAN:27.18,A_MEAN:56540,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":68.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":76.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":54.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":62.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":23.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":37.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":48,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":68.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":57.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":51.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Bio Technicians",INJURY_RATE:8.1,nonwhite_pct:31.9480113,white_pct:68.0519887,black_pct:10.6935714,hisp_pct:13.8633359,asian_pct:11.5541288,noncitizen_pct:6.798133211,n:280},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":292081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29208X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Opticians, dispensing",OCC_CODE:292081,TOT_EMP:76770,H_MEAN:22.86,A_MEAN:47560,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":28.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":72.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<45","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.98,PCT_STAND:49.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.36,PCT_SIT:42,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":71.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":36.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":52.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":75.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":53.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":46.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":63.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Opticians",INJURY_RATE:16.1,nonwhite_pct:17.7905862,white_pct:82.2094138,black_pct:5.0263885,hisp_pct:16.3237952,asian_pct:6.0807334,noncitizen_pct:3.644131691,n:281},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":254031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2540XX",OCCUPATION:"Library technicians",OCC_CODE:254031,TOT_EMP:76670,H_MEAN:20.46,A_MEAN:42570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":63.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":74.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":48.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":22.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":45.9,"Hours of standing, mean":3.12,PCT_STAND:39,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.01,PCT_SIT:50.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:50.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":36.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":74.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":22.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":68.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":13.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":44.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":55.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":67.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":19.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":25.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Library Technicians",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:22.1420199,white_pct:77.8579801,black_pct:7.3135566,hisp_pct:12.3616768,asian_pct:7.0233933,noncitizen_pct:3.669394081,n:282},{lem:75,"SOC 2018 CODE":514033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Grinding, lapping, polishing, and buffing machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514033,TOT_EMP:75260,H_MEAN:21.37,A_MEAN:44450,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":5.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.79,PCT_STAND:97.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:97.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":94.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":43.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":61.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":11.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":67.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":16.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":25.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":88.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":25.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":18.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":11.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":58.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":69.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":24,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":23.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":44.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":56.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Grinding Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:183.2,nonwhite_pct:18.9504262,white_pct:81.0495738,black_pct:9.9756364,hisp_pct:23.0111075,asian_pct:3.3859612,noncitizen_pct:11.25712203,n:284},{lem:21,"SOC 2018 CODE":132041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13204X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Credit analysts",OCC_CODE:132041,TOT_EMP:73200,H_MEAN:45.56,A_MEAN:94750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Credit Analysts",INJURY_RATE:13,nonwhite_pct:21.6262829,white_pct:78.3737171,black_pct:8.2177875,hisp_pct:12.4269585,asian_pct:7.7498267,noncitizen_pct:4.271070615,n:286},{lem:7,"SOC 2018 CODE":339094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"School bus monitors",OCC_CODE:339094,TOT_EMP:72320,H_MEAN:16.33,A_MEAN:33970,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.45,PCT_STAND:18.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.7,PCT_SIT:46.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":90.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":25.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":74.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":9.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":93.6,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"School Bus Monitors",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:31.6432735,white_pct:68.3567265,black_pct:30.1221488,hisp_pct:19.4800939,asian_pct:.9193017,noncitizen_pct:6.762783755,n:290},{lem:37,"SOC 2018 CODE":193033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1930XX",OCCUPATION:"Clinical and counseling psychologists",OCC_CODE:193033,TOT_EMP:71730,H_MEAN:51.25,A_MEAN:106600,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">75","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":46.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.07,PCT_STAND:13.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.47,PCT_SIT:80.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:80.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<25","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">50","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":53.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":32.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":14.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":85.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":37.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":1.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":32.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<50","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Psychologists",INJURY_RATE:37.6,nonwhite_pct:17.1625849,white_pct:82.8374151,black_pct:6.9609267,hisp_pct:7.1380495,asian_pct:4.3820185,noncitizen_pct:2.178610649,n:293},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":439051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43905X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Mail clerks and mail machine operators, except postal service",OCC_CODE:439051,TOT_EMP:66600,H_MEAN:18.45,A_MEAN:38370,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":29.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":28.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.7,"Hours of standing, mean":4.61,PCT_STAND:57.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.02,PCT_SIT:37.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:57.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":70.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":14.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":87.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":59.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":60.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":39.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":91.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":20.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":18.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Mail Clerks",INJURY_RATE:110.4,nonwhite_pct:39.2297733,white_pct:60.7702267,black_pct:22.2107114,hisp_pct:17.5592809,asian_pct:5.7470543,noncitizen_pct:6.671061719,n:297},{lem:18,"SOC 2018 CODE":132061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13206X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Financial examiners",OCC_CODE:132061,TOT_EMP:63440,H_MEAN:47.18,A_MEAN:98140,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":76.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Examiners",INJURY_RATE:7.5,nonwhite_pct:24.1424927,white_pct:75.8575073,black_pct:11.7677155,hisp_pct:9.7552656,asian_pct:5.9563401,noncitizen_pct:2.067877548,n:304},{lem:37,"SOC 2018 CODE":433061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43306X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Procurement clerks",OCC_CODE:433061,TOT_EMP:61580,H_MEAN:23.05,A_MEAN:47940,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":34.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":20.7,"Hours of standing, mean":1.11,PCT_STAND:13.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.93,PCT_SIT:86.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:86.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":17.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":24.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":5.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":8.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":6.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":21.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Procurement Clerks",INJURY_RATE:44.9,nonwhite_pct:25.0308914,white_pct:74.9691086,black_pct:12.7390156,hisp_pct:11.3024758,asian_pct:5.7265877,noncitizen_pct:3.732263431,n:308},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":517042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51704X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5170XX",OCCUPATION:"Woodworking machine setters, operators, and tenders, except sawing",OCC_CODE:517042,TOT_EMP:61250,H_MEAN:19.4,A_MEAN:40360,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">90","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.49,PCT_STAND:106.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:106.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":23.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":71.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<35","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":15,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":35,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":96.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">75","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":53.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":73.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":25.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Woodworking Operators",INJURY_RATE:131,nonwhite_pct:15.9382767,white_pct:84.0617233,black_pct:10.2217459,hisp_pct:18.7700931,asian_pct:2.0814442,noncitizen_pct:9.79721375,n:309},{lem:44,"SOC 2018 CODE":419031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4190XX",OCCUPATION:"Sales engineers",OCC_CODE:419031,TOT_EMP:59340,H_MEAN:62.77,A_MEAN:130550,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">70","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":2.52,PCT_STAND:31.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.57,PCT_SIT:69.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<30","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":16,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":28.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":84.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":12.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<20","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.9,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Sales Engineers",INJURY_RATE:23.7,nonwhite_pct:13.616351,white_pct:86.383649,black_pct:2.0309985,hisp_pct:7.8196067,asian_pct:6.5583234,noncitizen_pct:5.991533133,n:312},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":514111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51411X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5141XX",OCCUPATION:"Tool and die makers",OCC_CODE:514111,TOT_EMP:58150,H_MEAN:29.82,A_MEAN:62020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":36.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.53,PCT_STAND:81.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.73,PCT_SIT:21.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:81.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":63.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":43.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":78.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":21.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":81.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":13.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Tool Makers",INJURY_RATE:57,nonwhite_pct:7.8917218,white_pct:92.1082782,black_pct:2.8517001,hisp_pct:5.5287768,asian_pct:2.0998095,noncitizen_pct:2.304739364,n:316},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":499043,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Maintenance workers, machinery",OCC_CODE:499043,TOT_EMP:58040,H_MEAN:28.13,A_MEAN:58500,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">65","Hours of standing, mean":7.72,PCT_STAND:96.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.48,PCT_SIT:18.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:96.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":73,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":16.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":46.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":42,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":53.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":83.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":38.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":83.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":16.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":65.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":14.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":21.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":17.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":61.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":32.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":97,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":40.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":66.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":60.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":33.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":17.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":27,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Machinery Maintenance Workers",INJURY_RATE:129.7,nonwhite_pct:14.8929889,white_pct:85.1070111,black_pct:8.2038835,hisp_pct:12.2977346,asian_pct:1.8122977,noncitizen_pct:4.252427184,n:317},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":519041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Extruding, forming, pressing, and compacting machine setters, operators, and tenders",OCC_CODE:519041,TOT_EMP:57080,H_MEAN:21.45,A_MEAN:44610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">85","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.89,PCT_STAND:98.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:98.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">80","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":20.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":92.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":30.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":75.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Extruding Machine Operators (Other)",INJURY_RATE:61,nonwhite_pct:23.207448,white_pct:76.792552,black_pct:11.4597295,hisp_pct:18.8558548,asian_pct:2.9273791,noncitizen_pct:8.279517485,n:320},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":292031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Cardiovascular technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:292031,TOT_EMP:55660,H_MEAN:33.79,A_MEAN:70270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":93.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":91.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":8.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":6.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Cardiovascular Techs",INJURY_RATE:293.7,nonwhite_pct:33.4728033,white_pct:66.5271967,black_pct:16.2055336,hisp_pct:12.4038807,asian_pct:9.3927416,noncitizen_pct:5.788717212,n:324},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":319094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical transcriptionists",OCC_CODE:319094,TOT_EMP:52420,H_MEAN:18.79,A_MEAN:39090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":2.12,PCT_STAND:26.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.93,PCT_SIT:61.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:61.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":33.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":66.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":89.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Medical Transcriptionists",INJURY_RATE:28.3,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:6.3814719,hisp_pct:10.5177491,asian_pct:12.980381,noncitizen_pct:3.307530783,n:326},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":273042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2730XX",OCCUPATION:"Technical writers",OCC_CODE:273042,TOT_EMP:47970,H_MEAN:41.64,A_MEAN:86620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":61.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":9.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":66.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Technical Writers",INJURY_RATE:16.9,nonwhite_pct:14.0472688,white_pct:85.9527312,black_pct:4.9651093,hisp_pct:5.8886093,asian_pct:7.2103038,noncitizen_pct:3.638226673,n:336},{lem:12,"SOC 2018 CODE":132031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Budget analysts",OCC_CODE:132031,TOT_EMP:47310,H_MEAN:43.69,A_MEAN:90880,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":38.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":.62,PCT_STAND:7.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.2,PCT_SIT:90,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:90,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":52.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":7.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":92.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":32,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":93.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Budget Analysts",INJURY_RATE:13,nonwhite_pct:30.3872469,white_pct:69.6127531,black_pct:15.5912533,hisp_pct:10.3388303,asian_pct:8.4509937,noncitizen_pct:2.951918668,n:338},{lem:54,"SOC 2018 CODE":537063,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53706X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5370XX",OCCUPATION:"Machine feeders and offbearers",OCC_CODE:537063,TOT_EMP:44500,H_MEAN:19.71,A_MEAN:41e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.34,PCT_STAND:104.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:104.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<30","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":36.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<25","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<30","Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":12.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":97.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":28.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":16.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":74.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":59.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":73.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":27,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">70","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Machine Feeders",INJURY_RATE:137.9,nonwhite_pct:35.7222663,white_pct:64.2777337,black_pct:13.545882,hisp_pct:25.8684007,asian_pct:4.4747491,noncitizen_pct:10.85822554,n:342},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":432011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4320XX",OCCUPATION:"Switchboard operators, including answering service",OCC_CODE:432011,TOT_EMP:43830,H_MEAN:19.24,A_MEAN:40020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":31,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":64.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.32,PCT_STAND:4,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.48,PCT_SIT:93.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:93.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":35.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":4.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":95.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Switchboard Operators",INJURY_RATE:21.3,nonwhite_pct:30.0590569,white_pct:69.9409431,black_pct:18.5124927,hisp_pct:16.0410614,asian_pct:2.3552198,noncitizen_pct:4.617470463,n:343},{lem:9,"SOC 2018 CODE":517041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51704X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5170XX",OCCUPATION:"Sawing machine setters, operators, and tenders, wood",OCC_CODE:517041,TOT_EMP:43570,H_MEAN:19.29,A_MEAN:40120,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.62,PCT_STAND:95.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:95.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":13.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":2.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":20.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":16.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":86.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":94.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":34.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":86.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Sawing Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:131,nonwhite_pct:15.9382767,white_pct:84.0617233,black_pct:7.9131934,hisp_pct:16.7346939,asian_pct:1.3250934,noncitizen_pct:10.90830698,n:344},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":193051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1930XX",OCCUPATION:"Urban and regional planners",OCC_CODE:193051,TOT_EMP:42690,H_MEAN:41.32,A_MEAN:85940,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":41.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":45,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.55,PCT_STAND:19.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.03,PCT_SIT:75.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:75.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":52,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":18.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":62.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":21.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":78.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":32.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":8.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":61.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":37,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":93,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":42.2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Urban Planners",INJURY_RATE:66,nonwhite_pct:20.0069469,white_pct:79.9930531,black_pct:5.9458413,hisp_pct:9.4281635,asian_pct:8.1068654,noncitizen_pct:2.96687075,n:346},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":292035,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Magnetic resonance imaging technologists",OCC_CODE:292035,TOT_EMP:41340,H_MEAN:41.64,A_MEAN:86600,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":87.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.13,PCT_STAND:51.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.85,PCT_SIT:48.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:51.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":29.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":12.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":81.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":59.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":54,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":53,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":36,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":4.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":70.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"MRI Technologists",INJURY_RATE:230.5,nonwhite_pct:33.4728033,white_pct:66.5271967,black_pct:7.1276078,hisp_pct:10.80003,asian_pct:9.2100828,noncitizen_pct:3.646203978,n:351},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":172081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17208X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1720XX",OCCUPATION:"Environmental engineers",OCC_CODE:172081,TOT_EMP:39880,H_MEAN:50.89,A_MEAN:105840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":64.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":35.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":67.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":20.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":56.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":98.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Environmental Engineers",INJURY_RATE:8.2,nonwhite_pct:21.8860664,white_pct:78.1139336,black_pct:5.0960195,hisp_pct:7.1820488,asian_pct:11.8018531,noncitizen_pct:5.445416429,n:353},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":499044,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Millwrights",OCC_CODE:499044,TOT_EMP:37930,H_MEAN:30.92,A_MEAN:64310,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":91.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":97.1,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":97.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":12.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">60","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":74,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":14.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":18.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Millwrights",INJURY_RATE:90.4,nonwhite_pct:14.8929889,white_pct:85.1070111,black_pct:4.0501808,hisp_pct:6.9853989,asian_pct:.9198818,noncitizen_pct:1.838262879,n:354},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":439022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Word processors and typists",OCC_CODE:439022,TOT_EMP:37200,H_MEAN:22.68,A_MEAN:47170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":40.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">50","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":32.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<40","Hours of standing, mean":.87,PCT_STAND:10.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.75,PCT_SIT:84.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<50","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":75.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":67.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<40","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":11.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":88.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":5.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":24.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Word Processors",INJURY_RATE:40.3,nonwhite_pct:29.1217276,white_pct:70.8782724,black_pct:13.5874287,hisp_pct:13.8412401,asian_pct:6.8503535,noncitizen_pct:4.037986543,n:355},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":394031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3940XX",OCCUPATION:"Morticians, undertakers, and funeral arrangers",OCC_CODE:394031,TOT_EMP:24200,H_MEAN:27.9,A_MEAN:58020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":85.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":20.9,"Hours of standing, mean":3.09,PCT_STAND:38.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.17,PCT_SIT:39.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":75.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":71.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":24.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":95.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":50.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":56.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":89.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<20","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":22.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":27,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":24.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Funeral Directors",INJURY_RATE:31.2,nonwhite_pct:17.2284479,white_pct:82.7715521,black_pct:11.5890792,hisp_pct:7.3609351,asian_pct:1.2854048,noncitizen_pct:1.064699391,n:372},{lem:100,"SOC 2018 CODE":492091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4920XX",OCCUPATION:"Avionics technicians",OCC_CODE:492091,TOT_EMP:21280,H_MEAN:37.06,A_MEAN:77080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":97.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":3.07,PCT_SIT:38.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":6.3,"Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":13.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":90.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":17.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":20.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":8.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.1,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Avionics Techs",INJURY_RATE:13.3,nonwhite_pct:23.7302944,white_pct:76.2697056,black_pct:9.1636111,hisp_pct:16.7878366,asian_pct:5.7971931,noncitizen_pct:2.361234037,n:374},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":112011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1120XX",OCCUPATION:"Advertising and promotions managers",OCC_CODE:112011,TOT_EMP:20630,H_MEAN:73.38,A_MEAN:152620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">75","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":9.4,"Hours of standing, mean":2.11,PCT_STAND:26.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.89,PCT_SIT:73.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:73.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<25","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":35.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":26.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":73.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":35.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":39.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":71.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":10.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<20","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":17.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Ad Managers",INJURY_RATE:34.2,nonwhite_pct:15.5017312,white_pct:84.4982688,black_pct:5.1208763,hisp_pct:8.9083818,asian_pct:5.3025076,noncitizen_pct:4.532334596,n:376},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":331099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of protective service workers, all other",OCC_CODE:331099,TOT_EMP:19620,H_MEAN:32.63,A_MEAN:67870,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":74.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":32.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":71.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.79,PCT_STAND:34.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":5,PCT_SIT:62.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:62.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":67.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":30.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":88.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":25.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":38.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":35.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":64.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":58.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":89.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":37.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":45.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":69.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Protective Service Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:95.6,nonwhite_pct:31.3994188,white_pct:68.6005812,black_pct:20.6313942,hisp_pct:13.9942015,asian_pct:2.3582862,noncitizen_pct:2.129455806,n:379},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":474061,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47406X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4740XX",OCCUPATION:"Rail-track laying and maintenance equipment operators",OCC_CODE:474061,TOT_EMP:18770,H_MEAN:32.37,A_MEAN:67330,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.17,PCT_STAND:77.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.83,PCT_SIT:22.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:77.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":13.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":30.5,"Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":67.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":34.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":98.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":77.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":22.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":36.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":10.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":94.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":86.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":53,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":39.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":86.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Rail Maintenance Operators",INJURY_RATE:138.4,nonwhite_pct:24.0277243,white_pct:75.9722757,black_pct:14.8619114,hisp_pct:22.6008345,asian_pct:1.1821975,noncitizen_pct:5.116232863,n:381},{lem:76,"SOC 2018 CODE":113111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11311X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1131XX",OCCUPATION:"Compensation and benefits managers",OCC_CODE:113111,TOT_EMP:18690,H_MEAN:72.57,A_MEAN:150940,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":38.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":6.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":87.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">70","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Compensation Managers",INJURY_RATE:28.7,nonwhite_pct:20.8499209,white_pct:79.1500791,black_pct:10.9516937,hisp_pct:11.4992784,asian_pct:3.9095,noncitizen_pct:2.135155786,n:382},{lem:64,"SOC 2018 CODE":475023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47502X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4750XX",OCCUPATION:"Earth drillers, except oil and gas",OCC_CODE:475023,TOT_EMP:18010,H_MEAN:28.97,A_MEAN:60250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<40","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">55","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">95","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<45","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">95","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<25","Percent of workers, driving is required":">95","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<30","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">55","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<35",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Earth Drillers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:11.2974573,white_pct:88.7025427,black_pct:3.9693232,hisp_pct:18.5848274,asian_pct:.4093688,noncitizen_pct:5.394341383,n:384},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":472171,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47217X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4721XX",OCCUPATION:"Reinforcing iron and rebar workers",OCC_CODE:472171,TOT_EMP:17400,H_MEAN:28.99,A_MEAN:60290,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.49,PCT_STAND:106.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:106.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":25,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":97.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":31.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">50","Percent of workers, stooping is required":55.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<20","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<20","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":9.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":20.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Rebar Workers",INJURY_RATE:178.3,nonwhite_pct:15.7944828,white_pct:84.2055172,black_pct:6.9918853,hisp_pct:19.7852311,asian_pct:1.8648273,noncitizen_pct:7.216043082,n:385},{lem:24,"SOC 2018 CODE":291124,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Radiation therapists",OCC_CODE:291124,TOT_EMP:16640,H_MEAN:50.2,A_MEAN:104420,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":43.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">70","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":56.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":72,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":59.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":22.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Radiation Therapists",INJURY_RATE:83.3,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:6.5297922,hisp_pct:9.7130659,asian_pct:7.0948703,noncitizen_pct:3.013750235,n:388},{lem:48,"SOC 2018 CODE":291125,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Recreational therapists",OCC_CODE:291125,TOT_EMP:15540,H_MEAN:29.28,A_MEAN:60910,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":63.7,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":61.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":29.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":61,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":88.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":45.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":64.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":16.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":18.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":12.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":73.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":38.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Recreational Therapists",INJURY_RATE:401,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:12.2394282,hisp_pct:7.9114552,asian_pct:5.186619,noncitizen_pct:3.548739329,n:392},{lem:6,"SOC 2018 CODE":272023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2720XX",OCCUPATION:"Umpires, referees, and other sports officials",OCC_CODE:272023,TOT_EMP:14840,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:44860,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":54.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">50","Hours of standing, mean":4.26,PCT_STAND:53.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.12,PCT_SIT:1.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:53.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">85","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":23.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":31.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":39.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":74.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":68.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<35","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<15","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<40","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":97.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":2.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":81.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":30.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<40","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":86.2,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":21.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<25","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":76.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.7,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Sports Officials",INJURY_RATE:72.1,nonwhite_pct:22.6159458,white_pct:77.3840542,black_pct:7.9718882,hisp_pct:10.5815909,asian_pct:3.0428023,noncitizen_pct:2.314623854,n:396},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":519051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51905X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Furnace, kiln, oven, drier, and kettle operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:519051,TOT_EMP:14820,H_MEAN:22.86,A_MEAN:47540,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":18.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":83,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":63.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":46.4,"Hours of standing, mean":7.06,PCT_STAND:88.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.48,PCT_SIT:18.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:88.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":81.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":47.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":35.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":29.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":24.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":77.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":10,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":29.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":83.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":16.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":84.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":37.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":24.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":61.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":79,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":14.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":54.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":34,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":32.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":52.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.7,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Furnace Operators (Other)",INJURY_RATE:102.4,nonwhite_pct:18.867149,white_pct:81.132851,black_pct:10.7017544,hisp_pct:14.6385965,asian_pct:1.5789474,noncitizen_pct:5.810526316,n:397},{lem:28,"SOC 2018 CODE":499094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Locksmiths and safe repairers",OCC_CODE:499094,TOT_EMP:14790,H_MEAN:25.06,A_MEAN:52130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">80","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.76,PCT_STAND:59.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.23,PCT_SIT:40.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:59.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":62.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":86.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":59.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":40.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":17.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":52.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":71.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":86.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":17.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":13.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":40.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Locksmiths",INJURY_RATE:73.8,nonwhite_pct:20.8539803,white_pct:79.1460197,black_pct:4.7332789,hisp_pct:15.2387067,asian_pct:1.873468,noncitizen_pct:5.001750905,n:398},{lem:22,"SOC 2018 CODE":517021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51702X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5170XX",OCCUPATION:"Furniture finishers",OCC_CODE:517021,TOT_EMP:14380,H_MEAN:20.43,A_MEAN:42490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":8.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":89,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":35.6,"Hours of standing, mean":7.62,PCT_STAND:95.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.51,PCT_SIT:6.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:95.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":91.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":71.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":17.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":57.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":39,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":16.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":57.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":16.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":10.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":78.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":7.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":21,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":55.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":28.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.3,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Furniture Finishers",INJURY_RATE:186.7,nonwhite_pct:9.8693871,white_pct:90.1306129,black_pct:4.0974054,hisp_pct:20.6342391,asian_pct:1.0427529,noncitizen_pct:11.05931424,n:401},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":119171,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11917X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Funeral home managers",OCC_CODE:119171,TOT_EMP:14200,H_MEAN:40.77,A_MEAN:84800,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":87.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.46,PCT_STAND:55.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.7,PCT_SIT:58.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:58.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":12.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":69,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":18.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":48.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":51.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":17,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":6.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":88.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":7.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.6,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Funeral Managers",INJURY_RATE:123.4,nonwhite_pct:25.0878445,white_pct:74.9121555,black_pct:12.9467979,hisp_pct:11.4454004,asian_pct:5.5792104,noncitizen_pct:2.952653702,n:404},{lem:21,"SOC 2018 CODE":291181,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29118X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Audiologists",OCC_CODE:291181,TOT_EMP:13880,H_MEAN:44.53,A_MEAN:92620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":69.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":73.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<15","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":28.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":26.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Audiologists",INJURY_RATE:271.8,nonwhite_pct:11.2652314,white_pct:88.7347686,black_pct:3.2771324,hisp_pct:6.1474484,asian_pct:3.5347828,noncitizen_pct:1.78095195,n:408},{lem:37,"SOC 2018 CODE":172161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17216X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Nuclear engineers",OCC_CODE:172161,TOT_EMP:12710,H_MEAN:61.03,A_MEAN:126950,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":52.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":85.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":47.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":">99.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":14.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Nuclear Engineers",INJURY_RATE:8.2,nonwhite_pct:21.9977908,white_pct:78.0022092,black_pct:4.6909983,hisp_pct:9.5260654,asian_pct:12.0599249,noncitizen_pct:7.970511315,n:413},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":433041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4330XX",OCCUPATION:"Gambling cage workers",OCC_CODE:433041,TOT_EMP:12560,H_MEAN:17.67,A_MEAN:36750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":20,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":86.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":98.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":16.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.83,PCT_STAND:85.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.15,PCT_SIT:14.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:85.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":80,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":10.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":32.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":9.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":85.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":14.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":89.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":32.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":32.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":89.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Gambling Workers",INJURY_RATE:202.4,nonwhite_pct:32.5635308,white_pct:67.4364692,black_pct:20.9593407,hisp_pct:18.7418894,asian_pct:2.3854945,noncitizen_pct:3.670635514,n:415},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":519191,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Adhesive bonding machine operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:519191,TOT_EMP:12510,H_MEAN:21.35,A_MEAN:44400,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":88.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">70","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":47,"Hours of standing, mean":7.94,PCT_STAND:99.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.39,PCT_SIT:4.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:99.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">85","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":16.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":19,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":63.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":14.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":38.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<15","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":79.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":45.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":16.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Bonding Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:46.9,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:14.6973865,hisp_pct:27.3246217,asian_pct:3.2943604,noncitizen_pct:12.24896836,n:417},{lem:79,"SOC 2018 CODE":119161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11916X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1191XX",OCCUPATION:"Emergency management directors",OCC_CODE:119161,TOT_EMP:11910,H_MEAN:45.05,A_MEAN:93690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":41.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":76.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<15","Hours of standing, mean":2.07,PCT_STAND:25.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.75,PCT_SIT:71.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:71.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":23.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":82,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":44.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":57.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":26.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":73.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":60.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":24,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":81.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":6.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":18,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Emergency Directors",INJURY_RATE:123.4,nonwhite_pct:18.6451369,white_pct:81.3548631,black_pct:10.3720594,hisp_pct:11.829153,asian_pct:2.0855347,noncitizen_pct:1.067793782,n:420},{lem:19,"SOC 2018 CODE":533011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Ambulance drivers and attendants, except emergency medical technicians",OCC_CODE:533011,TOT_EMP:11520,H_MEAN:16.55,A_MEAN:34420,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":87.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.17,PCT_STAND:39.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.15,PCT_SIT:76.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:76.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":80.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":43.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":76.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Ambulance Drivers",INJURY_RATE:333.2,nonwhite_pct:31.45103,white_pct:68.54897,black_pct:17.174836,hisp_pct:14.5658047,asian_pct:4.0679274,noncitizen_pct:6.514859128,n:426},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":272041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27204X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2720XX",OCCUPATION:"Music directors and composers",OCC_CODE:272041,TOT_EMP:10770,H_MEAN:42.23,A_MEAN:87840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":66.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":24.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">50","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.18,PCT_STAND:27.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.06,PCT_SIT:38.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":75.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":43.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":13.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":14.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":34.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":44.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":55.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":88.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":17.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":21.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":60.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":56.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":48.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Music Directors",INJURY_RATE:27.1,nonwhite_pct:20.7155343,white_pct:79.2844657,black_pct:10.0680413,hisp_pct:9.1078645,asian_pct:4.2707146,noncitizen_pct:6.646979588,n:427},{lem:26,"SOC 2018 CODE":291081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29108X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2910XX",OCCUPATION:"Podiatrists",OCC_CODE:291081,TOT_EMP:9470,H_MEAN:78.14,A_MEAN:162520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":33.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">50","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":24.2,"Hours of standing, mean":4.07,PCT_STAND:50.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.15,PCT_SIT:51.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:50.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:51.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":66.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":51,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":14.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":27,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":46.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":51,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":49,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<20","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":49,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Podiatrists",INJURY_RATE:34,nonwhite_pct:13.0650539,white_pct:86.9349461,black_pct:3.4732486,hisp_pct:4.6925805,asian_pct:6.894768,noncitizen_pct:1.396689329,n:434},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":492096,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4920XX",OCCUPATION:"Electronic equipment installers and repairers, motor vehicles",OCC_CODE:492096,TOT_EMP:8900,H_MEAN:22.87,A_MEAN:47570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":22.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":81.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":77.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Auto Electronics Installers",INJURY_RATE:92.4,nonwhite_pct:23.7302944,white_pct:76.2697056,black_pct:7.1902884,hisp_pct:15.7475617,asian_pct:2.9648267,noncitizen_pct:3.654803901,n:438},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":519194,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Etchers and engravers",OCC_CODE:519194,TOT_EMP:8140,H_MEAN:20.57,A_MEAN:42780,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":91.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":20.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.58,PCT_STAND:69.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.15,PCT_SIT:26.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:69.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":79.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":61,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":27.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":34,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":72.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":27.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":88.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":77.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<15","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":79.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":28.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":22.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":39,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<10",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Etchers",INJURY_RATE:151.2,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:3.2613689,hisp_pct:14.7266881,asian_pct:7.3403767,noncitizen_pct:7.606798346,n:441},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":291128,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Exercise physiologists",OCC_CODE:291128,TOT_EMP:8060,H_MEAN:27.43,A_MEAN:57050,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":49.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.81,PCT_STAND:72.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.73,PCT_SIT:34.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:72.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":50.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":69.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":85.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":58,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":68.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":31.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":76.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":30.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Exercise Specialists",INJURY_RATE:138.9,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:10.8954071,hisp_pct:13.6670239,asian_pct:3.9881709,noncitizen_pct:3.117186267,n:442},{lem:18,"SOC 2018 CODE":439111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43911X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4391XX",OCCUPATION:"Statistical assistants",OCC_CODE:439111,TOT_EMP:7200,H_MEAN:25.92,A_MEAN:53900,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":58.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<40","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":27.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<40","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":27.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":44.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":27.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":13.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":33,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Statistical Assistants",INJURY_RATE:47.8,nonwhite_pct:33.1972789,white_pct:66.8027211,black_pct:10.9735953,hisp_pct:14.0765966,asian_pct:11.8122443,noncitizen_pct:8.106940456,n:444},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":172151,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17215X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Mining and geological engineers, including mining safety engineers",OCC_CODE:172151,TOT_EMP:7040,H_MEAN:50.7,A_MEAN:105460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":35.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.28,PCT_STAND:41,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.72,PCT_SIT:71.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:71.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":64.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":72.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":76.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":36.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":63.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":76.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<50","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":">99.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<45","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":62.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<50","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Mining Engineers",INJURY_RATE:98.7,nonwhite_pct:21.9977908,white_pct:78.0022092,black_pct:4.6909983,hisp_pct:9.5260654,asian_pct:12.0599249,noncitizen_pct:7.970511315,n:447},{lem:79,"SOC 2018 CODE":291161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29116X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2911XX",OCCUPATION:"Nurse midwives",OCC_CODE:291161,TOT_EMP:6960,H_MEAN:63.26,A_MEAN:131570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.2,PCT_STAND:65,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.2,PCT_SIT:40,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":16,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":82.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":33.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":61.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":38.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":37.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Nurse Midwives",INJURY_RATE:72.2,nonwhite_pct:15.7241436,white_pct:84.2758564,black_pct:5.3717947,hisp_pct:5.6574943,asian_pct:6.538348,noncitizen_pct:2.830031202,n:448},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":439081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43908X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Proofreaders and copy markers",OCC_CODE:439081,TOT_EMP:5490,H_MEAN:24.57,A_MEAN:51100,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">60","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":4.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":11.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":.31,PCT_STAND:3.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.34,PCT_SIT:91.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<40","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":72.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":3.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":96.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":5.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":76,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":18.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":23.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">60","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<40","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":11.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Proofreaders",INJURY_RATE:35.2,nonwhite_pct:13.6711533,white_pct:86.3288467,black_pct:6.9566836,hisp_pct:5.9451409,asian_pct:3.8599975,noncitizen_pct:2.860866327,n:453},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":439031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"43903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4390XX",OCCUPATION:"Desktop publishers",OCC_CODE:439031,TOT_EMP:5220,H_MEAN:27.73,A_MEAN:57680,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":85.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Desktop Publishers",INJURY_RATE:35.2,nonwhite_pct:29.1217276,white_pct:70.8782724,black_pct:13.9734405,hisp_pct:16.9732189,asian_pct:6.7250048,noncitizen_pct:3.886185251,n:455},{lem:24,"SOC 2018 CODE":372011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3720XX",OCCUPATION:"Janitors and cleaners, except maids and housekeeping cleaners",OCC_CODE:372011,TOT_EMP:2172500,H_MEAN:17.43,A_MEAN:36250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":90.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":68.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":19.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":72.9,"Hours of standing, mean":6.5,PCT_STAND:81.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.38,PCT_SIT:4.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:81.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":77.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":29.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":42.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":77,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":83.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":92,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":29.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":30.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":17.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":64.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":20.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":6.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":38.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":12.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":22.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:44,OCC_SHORT:"Janitors",INJURY_RATE:191.6,nonwhite_pct:42.9682221,white_pct:57.0317779,black_pct:17.0976542,hisp_pct:29.981622,asian_pct:2.929275,noncitizen_pct:15.40887092,n:10},{lem:68,"SOC 2018 CODE":533032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers",OCC_CODE:533032,TOT_EMP:2044400,H_MEAN:26.92,A_MEAN:55990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":85.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":77,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":44.9,"Hours of standing, mean":2.09,PCT_STAND:26.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.87,PCT_SIT:85.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":97.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":45.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":87.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":91.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":77.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":14.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":55,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":23.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":76.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":89.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":22.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":7.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":36.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":54.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:41,OCC_SHORT:"Truck Drivers",INJURY_RATE:259.7,nonwhite_pct:28.7510063,white_pct:71.2489937,black_pct:16.5163042,hisp_pct:20.9147077,asian_pct:2.5653892,noncitizen_pct:8.16960067,n:11},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":352014,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3520XX",OCCUPATION:"Cooks, restaurant",OCC_CODE:352014,TOT_EMP:1412350,H_MEAN:17.34,A_MEAN:36060,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":93.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":19.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":59.7,"Hours of standing, mean":7.02,PCT_STAND:87.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.14,PCT_SIT:1.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:87.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":16.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":19.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":17.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">90","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":78.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":26.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":68.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":57.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":92.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":16,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":83.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":.6,dots:29,OCC_SHORT:"Restaurant Cooks",INJURY_RATE:89.2,nonwhite_pct:38.2852937,white_pct:61.7147063,black_pct:17.1743886,hisp_pct:29.4060278,asian_pct:5.1615152,noncitizen_pct:16.36639269,n:18},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":252021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Elementary school teachers, except special education",OCC_CODE:252021,TOT_EMP:1410070,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:70740,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":78.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":66.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":60.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":52.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":22.9,"Hours of standing, mean":4.99,PCT_STAND:62.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.53,PCT_SIT:31.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:62.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":33.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":20,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<50","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":60.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":65.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":33.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":66.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":33.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":9.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":99.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":80,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":32.9,dots:29,OCC_SHORT:"Elementary Teachers",INJURY_RATE:77.8,nonwhite_pct:17.4577177,white_pct:82.5422823,black_pct:9.4437357,hisp_pct:10.5312415,asian_pct:2.9708702,noncitizen_pct:2.423426072,n:19},{lem:3,"SOC 2018 CODE":414012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4140XX",OCCUPATION:"Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products",OCC_CODE:414012,TOT_EMP:1288920,H_MEAN:38.7,A_MEAN:80490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":59.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":72.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":52.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":20.2,"Hours of standing, mean":2.68,PCT_STAND:33.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.39,PCT_SIT:67.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:67.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":27.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":26.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":3.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":80,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":33.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":66.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":11.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":37.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":79.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":40,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":17.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":4.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28.9,dots:26,OCC_SHORT:"Sales Reps (Wholesale)",INJURY_RATE:10.8,nonwhite_pct:12.7599854,white_pct:87.2400146,black_pct:4.5970388,hisp_pct:11.5783058,asian_pct:3.7800961,noncitizen_pct:4.119076485,n:21},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":339032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"Security guards",OCC_CODE:339032,TOT_EMP:1202940,H_MEAN:19.44,A_MEAN:40440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":7.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":46.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":17.1,"Hours of standing, mean":4.44,PCT_STAND:55.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.23,PCT_SIT:40.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":92.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":10.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":49.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":18.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":38.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":58.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":41.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":96.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":8.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":77.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":38,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":30.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":89.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":.9,dots:25,OCC_SHORT:"Security Guards",INJURY_RATE:86.7,nonwhite_pct:48.9547148,white_pct:51.0452852,black_pct:31.1230123,hisp_pct:17.928728,asian_pct:3.4668961,noncitizen_pct:4.888115786,n:22},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":252031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Secondary school teachers, except special and career/technical education",OCC_CODE:252031,TOT_EMP:1045170,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:73800,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":73.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":54.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":12.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":20,"Hours of standing, mean":4.91,PCT_STAND:61.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.62,PCT_SIT:32.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:61.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":26.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":44.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":24.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":29.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":6.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":65.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":34.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":8.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":98,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":8.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":55.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":29.7,dots:21,OCC_SHORT:"Secondary Teachers",INJURY_RATE:5.3,nonwhite_pct:15.2699904,white_pct:84.7300096,black_pct:7.3392153,hisp_pct:9.3040496,asian_pct:3.0157593,noncitizen_pct:2.40042668,n:27},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":533033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Light truck drivers",OCC_CODE:533033,TOT_EMP:1003960,H_MEAN:22.16,A_MEAN:46090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":79.8,"Hours of standing, mean":3.65,PCT_STAND:45.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.28,PCT_SIT:53.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:53.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":99.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":27.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":90.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":93.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":5.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":83.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":46,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":54,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":10.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":2.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":2.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<20","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:21,OCC_SHORT:"Light Truck Drivers",INJURY_RATE:248.9,nonwhite_pct:28.7510063,white_pct:71.2489937,black_pct:16.5163042,hisp_pct:20.9147077,asian_pct:2.5653892,noncitizen_pct:8.16960067,n:29},{lem:30,"SOC 2018 CODE":131071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13107X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Human resources specialists",OCC_CODE:131071,TOT_EMP:895970,H_MEAN:36.57,A_MEAN:76060,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":98.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"<50","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":1.8,"Hours of standing, mean":.84,PCT_STAND:10.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.17,PCT_SIT:89.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:89.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":1.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":10.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":89.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":18.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":11,"Percent of workers, with telework available":36.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":56.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27.4,dots:18,OCC_SHORT:"HR Specialists",INJURY_RATE:28.6,nonwhite_pct:27.7008674,white_pct:72.2991326,black_pct:14.1921931,hisp_pct:13.9271948,asian_pct:5.4269904,noncitizen_pct:3.832985356,n:33},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":151232,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15123X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer user support specialists",OCC_CODE:151232,TOT_EMP:689700,H_MEAN:30.6,A_MEAN:63640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":62.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":78.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":52.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":62.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":22.7,"Hours of standing, mean":1.44,PCT_STAND:18,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.51,PCT_SIT:81.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:81.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":21.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":84.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":35.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":50.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":18.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":81.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":19.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":36.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":97.7,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":15.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.4,dots:14,OCC_SHORT:"IT Support Specialists",INJURY_RATE:7.3,nonwhite_pct:30.6814408,white_pct:69.3185592,black_pct:11.6958139,hisp_pct:11.7867973,asian_pct:10.7016722,noncitizen_pct:6.105281115,n:48},{lem:43,"SOC 2018 CODE":352011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3520XX",OCCUPATION:"Cooks, fast food",OCC_CODE:352011,TOT_EMP:673490,H_MEAN:14.31,A_MEAN:29760,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":91.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":80.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":18.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":55.2,"Hours of standing, mean":6.42,PCT_STAND:80.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.08,PCT_SIT:1,STANDING_BOOLEAN:80.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":21,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":34.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":27.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":85.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":73.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":28.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":11.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":4.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":68.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":54.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":81.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":18.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":1.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":79,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:14,OCC_SHORT:"Fast Food Cooks",INJURY_RATE:39,nonwhite_pct:38.2852937,white_pct:61.7147063,black_pct:17.1743886,hisp_pct:29.4060278,asian_pct:5.1615152,noncitizen_pct:16.36639269,n:50},{lem:44,"SOC 2018 CODE":333051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3330XX",OCCUPATION:"Police and sheriff's patrol officers",OCC_CODE:333051,TOT_EMP:646310,H_MEAN:36.8,A_MEAN:76550,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":2.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":82.6,"Hours of standing, mean":4.06,PCT_STAND:50.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.18,PCT_SIT:64.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:50.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:64.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":97.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":11.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":25.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":99.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":29.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":86.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":44.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":44.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":55.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":10.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":14.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":42.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":43.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":77.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.4,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":39.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":46.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":40.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":88.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":8.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":34.7,dots:13,OCC_SHORT:"Police Officers",INJURY_RATE:314.7,nonwhite_pct:23.4777746,white_pct:76.5222254,black_pct:13.4703763,hisp_pct:15.7668381,asian_pct:2.3391087,noncitizen_pct:1.102984859,n:52},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":252022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Middle school teachers, except special and career/technical education",OCC_CODE:252022,TOT_EMP:626690,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:71460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":74.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":73.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":58.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":12,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":24.9,"Hours of standing, mean":5.02,PCT_STAND:62.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.57,PCT_SIT:32.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:62.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":26.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":28.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":36.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":41.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":66.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":33.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":8.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":96.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":71.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28,dots:13,OCC_SHORT:"Middle School Teachers",INJURY_RATE:9.2,nonwhite_pct:17.4577177,white_pct:82.5422823,black_pct:9.4437357,hisp_pct:10.5312415,asian_pct:2.9708702,noncitizen_pct:2.423426072,n:55},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":533031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5330XX",OCCUPATION:"Driver/sales workers",OCC_CODE:533031,TOT_EMP:463120,H_MEAN:18.38,A_MEAN:38230,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":60.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":56.9,"Hours of standing, mean":3.37,PCT_STAND:42.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.19,PCT_SIT:39.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":41.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":39.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":88.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":72,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":67.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":50.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":57.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":50.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":49.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":98.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":33.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.9,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":58.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Driver/Sales Workers",INJURY_RATE:210.4,nonwhite_pct:28.7510063,white_pct:71.2489937,black_pct:16.5163042,hisp_pct:20.9147077,asian_pct:2.5653892,noncitizen_pct:8.16960067,n:68},{lem:42,"SOC 2018 CODE":472073,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators",OCC_CODE:472073,TOT_EMP:450370,H_MEAN:29.89,A_MEAN:62180,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":76.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":21.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":75.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":5.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":53.1,"Hours of standing, mean":2.06,PCT_STAND:25.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.45,PCT_SIT:80.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:80.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":78.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":55.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":45,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">99.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":73.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":43.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":58.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">99.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":24.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":75.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":63.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":88.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":32.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":40.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":37.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":34.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":33.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":44.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":7.7,dots:10,OCC_SHORT:"Equipment Operators",INJURY_RATE:85.9,nonwhite_pct:13.9922285,white_pct:86.0077715,black_pct:6.7647101,hisp_pct:17.7878142,asian_pct:.5034423,noncitizen_pct:7.28912059,n:71},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":253031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25303X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2530XX",OCCUPATION:"Substitute teachers, short-term",OCC_CODE:253031,TOT_EMP:444530,H_MEAN:20.95,A_MEAN:43570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":68.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":56.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":37.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.59,PCT_STAND:57.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.46,PCT_SIT:30.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:57.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":43.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":11.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":76.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":67.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":48.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":3.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":65.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":34.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":69.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":90.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":60.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":10,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":88.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.8,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Substitute Teachers",INJURY_RATE:5.9,nonwhite_pct:33.296489,white_pct:66.703511,black_pct:9.2515875,hisp_pct:14.6918611,asian_pct:14.2735687,noncitizen_pct:7.300793302,n:72},{lem:19,"SOC 2018 CODE":352012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3520XX",OCCUPATION:"Cooks, institution and cafeteria",OCC_CODE:352012,TOT_EMP:435640,H_MEAN:17.27,A_MEAN:35920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":73.7,"Hours of standing, mean":6.94,PCT_STAND:86.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.38,PCT_SIT:4.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":36.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":98.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":81.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":26,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":94.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":5.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":20.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":55,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":45,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":91.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":23.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Institutional Cooks",INJURY_RATE:310.8,nonwhite_pct:38.2852937,white_pct:61.7147063,black_pct:17.1743886,hisp_pct:29.4060278,asian_pct:5.1615152,noncitizen_pct:16.36639269,n:75},{lem:11,"SOC 2018 CODE":252011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Preschool teachers, except special education",OCC_CODE:252011,TOT_EMP:430240,H_MEAN:19.91,A_MEAN:41410,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":40.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":80.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":43,"Hours of standing, mean":5.26,PCT_STAND:65.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.36,PCT_SIT:29.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":59.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":19.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":17.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":79.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":91.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":97.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":69.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":52.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":68.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":31.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":21.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":30.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":8.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":74.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":4.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":27.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":80.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":38.2,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Preschool Teachers",INJURY_RATE:75.5,nonwhite_pct:24.8222552,white_pct:75.1777448,black_pct:13.2237984,hisp_pct:14.8076776,asian_pct:4.0015881,noncitizen_pct:4.555167026,n:76},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":514121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51412X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5141XX",OCCUPATION:"Welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers",OCC_CODE:514121,TOT_EMP:421730,H_MEAN:25.31,A_MEAN:52640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":77.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":70.5,"Hours of standing, mean":7.29,PCT_STAND:91.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.95,PCT_SIT:11.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":20,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":38.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":92.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":15,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":74.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":34.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":88.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":11.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":72.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":11.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":25.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":10.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":26.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":46.2,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":87.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":31.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":38.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":42.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":39.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":32.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":17.1,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Welders",INJURY_RATE:78.1,nonwhite_pct:18.1087166,white_pct:81.8912834,black_pct:7.8625233,hisp_pct:23.8761787,asian_pct:2.1369407,noncitizen_pct:10.41629732,n:79},{lem:5,"SOC 2018 CODE":499041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Industrial machinery mechanics",OCC_CODE:499041,TOT_EMP:412650,H_MEAN:30.62,A_MEAN:63690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":10,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":93.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":85.1,"Hours of standing, mean":7.11,PCT_STAND:88.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.28,PCT_SIT:16,STANDING_BOOLEAN:88.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":90,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":58.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":6.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":50.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":48.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":93,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":51.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":87,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":34.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":49.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":32.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":22.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":25,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":26,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":63.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":47.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":12.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":23.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":51.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":65.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":66.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":24.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":21.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":41.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":16.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":23.1,dots:9,OCC_SHORT:"Machinery Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:69.1,nonwhite_pct:14.8929889,white_pct:85.1070111,black_pct:7.3128697,hisp_pct:16.1772793,asian_pct:3.1008445,noncitizen_pct:5.69471703,n:80},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":393091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3930XX",OCCUPATION:"Amusement and recreation attendants",OCC_CODE:393091,TOT_EMP:361680,H_MEAN:14.54,A_MEAN:30240,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":8.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":68.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.2,"Hours of standing, mean":4.23,PCT_STAND:52.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.41,PCT_SIT:17.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:52.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":91.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":32.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":49.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":70.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":68.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":72.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":69.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":75.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":24.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":10,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":56.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":23.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":27.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":2.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":67.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:8,OCC_SHORT:"Recreation Attendants",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:45.0529523,white_pct:54.9470477,black_pct:9.8319109,hisp_pct:12.925256,asian_pct:23.2727244,noncitizen_pct:7.862054809,n:92},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":172112,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17211X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Industrial engineers",OCC_CODE:172112,TOT_EMP:332870,H_MEAN:49.59,A_MEAN:103150,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":84,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":35.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":11.1,"Hours of standing, mean":2.56,PCT_STAND:32,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.54,PCT_SIT:69.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":16,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":32.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":29.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":3.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":11.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":94.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":1.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":14.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<15","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":22.3,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Industrial Engineers",INJURY_RATE:8.2,nonwhite_pct:21.9977908,white_pct:78.0022092,black_pct:4.6909983,hisp_pct:9.5260654,asian_pct:12.0599249,noncitizen_pct:7.970511315,n:97},{lem:85,"SOC 2018 CODE":132072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Loan officers",OCC_CODE:132072,TOT_EMP:321090,H_MEAN:40.62,A_MEAN:84490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":22.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":14.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":1.33,PCT_STAND:16.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.73,PCT_SIT:84.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":30.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":16.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":83.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":29.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":14.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":30.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":53.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":32.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">85","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Loan Officers",INJURY_RATE:8.1,nonwhite_pct:20.4448725,white_pct:79.5551275,black_pct:9.6148575,hisp_pct:12.5900689,asian_pct:4.6774651,noncitizen_pct:2.33689693,n:104},{lem:20,"SOC 2018 CODE":414011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"41401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4140XX",OCCUPATION:"Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, technical and scientific products",OCC_CODE:414011,TOT_EMP:311780,H_MEAN:54.58,A_MEAN:113520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":35.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":81.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":28.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":1.97,PCT_STAND:24.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.17,PCT_SIT:77.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:77.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":18.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":11.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":76.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":24.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":75.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":11.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":76.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":70.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":71,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":1.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":24.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":31.5,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Technical Sales Reps",INJURY_RATE:4.4,nonwhite_pct:12.7599854,white_pct:87.2400146,black_pct:4.5970388,hisp_pct:11.5783058,asian_pct:3.7800961,noncitizen_pct:4.119076485,n:106},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":291229,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29122X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2912XX",OCCUPATION:"Physicians, all other",OCC_CODE:291229,TOT_EMP:310080,H_MEAN:119.54,A_MEAN:248640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":71.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":63.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":97.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.85,PCT_STAND:73.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.51,PCT_SIT:43.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:73.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":28.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":63.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":89.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":29.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":60.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":39.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":20.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":14.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":48,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Physicians",INJURY_RATE:271.8,nonwhite_pct:33.1327024,white_pct:66.8672976,black_pct:5.3278202,hisp_pct:7.3486329,asian_pct:21.5506572,noncitizen_pct:6.806477986,n:107},{lem:74,"SOC 2018 CODE":119032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Education administrators, kindergarten through secondary",OCC_CODE:119032,TOT_EMP:302580,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:111020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":84.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":40.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":4.4,"Hours of standing, mean":3.79,PCT_STAND:47.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.3,PCT_SIT:53.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:53.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":15.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":42.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":18.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":2.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":24.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":46.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":53.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":24.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":22.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.7,dots:7,OCC_SHORT:"Education Administrators",INJURY_RATE:44.6,nonwhite_pct:22.4157415,white_pct:77.5842585,black_pct:12.9114272,hisp_pct:10.8217501,asian_pct:3.6071341,noncitizen_pct:2.677374309,n:108},{lem:50,"SOC 2018 CODE":131031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13103X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Claims adjusters, examiners, and investigators",OCC_CODE:131031,TOT_EMP:293780,H_MEAN:36.43,A_MEAN:75770,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":30.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":92.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":19.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":11.5,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":7.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":20.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":13.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":11.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":23.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":58.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":40.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Claims Adjusters",INJURY_RATE:7.2,nonwhite_pct:28.2138569,white_pct:71.7861431,black_pct:16.6249068,hisp_pct:12.01218,asian_pct:4.0529456,noncitizen_pct:2.319164802,n:110},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":253021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2530XX",OCCUPATION:"Self-enrichment teachers",OCC_CODE:253021,TOT_EMP:272110,H_MEAN:25.43,A_MEAN:52890,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":32.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":58.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.18,PCT_STAND:39.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":.95,PCT_SIT:11.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":67.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":56.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":56.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":14.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":74.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":29.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":81.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":18.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":30.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">70","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":43.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:6,OCC_SHORT:"Self-Enrichment Teachers",INJURY_RATE:23.6,nonwhite_pct:33.296489,white_pct:66.703511,black_pct:9.2515875,hisp_pct:14.6918611,asian_pct:14.2735687,noncitizen_pct:7.300793302,n:120},{lem:49,"SOC 2018 CODE":519199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Production workers, all other",OCC_CODE:519199,TOT_EMP:243500,H_MEAN:19.9,A_MEAN:41400,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":15.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.3,PCT_STAND:91.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.5,PCT_SIT:6.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":84.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":45.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":21.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":14.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":75.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":44,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":14.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":34.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":10,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":54.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Production Workers",INJURY_RATE:566.8,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:14.6973865,hisp_pct:27.3246217,asian_pct:3.2943604,noncitizen_pct:12.24896836,n:126},{lem:92,"SOC 2018 CODE":251071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25107X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Health specialties teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251071,TOT_EMP:225360,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:134440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":81.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":18.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":37.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":54.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":4.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Health Teachers",INJURY_RATE:2.2,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:133},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":472141,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47214X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4721XX",OCCUPATION:"Painters, construction and maintenance",OCC_CODE:472141,TOT_EMP:215910,H_MEAN:25.05,A_MEAN:52110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":90.2,"Hours of standing, mean":7.7,PCT_STAND:96.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.4,PCT_SIT:5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:96.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":74.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":20.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":23.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":61.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":95,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":20.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":9.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":23.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":21.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":16.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":78.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":89.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":64.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":25.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.8,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Painters (Construction)",INJURY_RATE:89.9,nonwhite_pct:19.0623282,white_pct:80.9376718,black_pct:5.8932706,hisp_pct:45.3159537,asian_pct:1.3030583,noncitizen_pct:30.913368,n:138},{lem:40,"SOC 2018 CODE":259031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2590XX",OCCUPATION:"Instructional coordinators",OCC_CODE:259031,TOT_EMP:207270,H_MEAN:37.12,A_MEAN:77200,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":47.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":72.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":39.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":5.2,"Hours of standing, mean":2.26,PCT_STAND:28.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.55,PCT_SIT:69.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":27.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":60.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":15.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":29.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":70.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":41.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":2.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":37,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":65.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":9.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":22.2,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Instructional Coordinators",INJURY_RATE:4.4,nonwhite_pct:28.5101229,white_pct:71.4898771,black_pct:12.9322791,hisp_pct:18.0305228,asian_pct:6.1140986,noncitizen_pct:6.619613237,n:143},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":472051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Cement masons and concrete finishers",OCC_CODE:472051,TOT_EMP:203560,H_MEAN:27.6,A_MEAN:57410,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">80","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":69.6,"Hours of standing, mean":7.38,PCT_STAND:92.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.68,PCT_SIT:8.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:92.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":47.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<15","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":30.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">95","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":55.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":69.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":32.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":91.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":8.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":14.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":26.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":31,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":93.7,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":75.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":44.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":47,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":54.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":28.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":52.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2.9,dots:5,OCC_SHORT:"Cement Masons",INJURY_RATE:57,nonwhite_pct:24.8239766,white_pct:75.1760234,black_pct:11.3272718,hisp_pct:38.8593996,asian_pct:.3809621,noncitizen_pct:21.94722406,n:147},{lem:15,"SOC 2018 CODE":152051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1520XX",OCCUPATION:"Data scientists",OCC_CODE:152051,TOT_EMP:192710,H_MEAN:57.23,A_MEAN:119040,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":14.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.55,PCT_STAND:6.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.44,PCT_SIT:93,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:93,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":85.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":6.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":93.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":54.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Data Scientists",INJURY_RATE:3.9,nonwhite_pct:22.5292162,white_pct:77.4707838,black_pct:3.3991496,hisp_pct:2.9763941,asian_pct:15.1800987,noncitizen_pct:7.472753042,n:151},{lem:95,"SOC 2018 CODE":519161,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51916X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer numerically controlled tool operators",OCC_CODE:519161,TOT_EMP:187670,H_MEAN:24.54,A_MEAN:51030,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":89.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":78.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":36.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.92,PCT_STAND:86.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.29,PCT_SIT:16.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":42.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":15.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":58.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":44.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":80.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":51.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":7.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":85.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":53.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":15.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":23.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":57.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.7,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"CNC Operators",INJURY_RATE:40.7,nonwhite_pct:18.6210034,white_pct:81.3789966,black_pct:6.91107,hisp_pct:13.4687136,asian_pct:5.4785377,noncitizen_pct:5.687341685,n:153},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":172071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1720XX",OCCUPATION:"Electrical engineers",OCC_CODE:172071,TOT_EMP:185430,H_MEAN:56.58,A_MEAN:117680,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":62.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":87.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":59.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":69.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":30.1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.88,PCT_STAND:23.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.22,PCT_SIT:77.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:77.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":12.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":30.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":25.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":28.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":23.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":76.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":25.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":31.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":45.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":91.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":1.4,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":9.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":10.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":5.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.8,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Electrical Engineers",INJURY_RATE:6,nonwhite_pct:28.345128,white_pct:71.654872,black_pct:5.0720632,hisp_pct:8.428463,asian_pct:17.149308,noncitizen_pct:10.17776031,n:155},{lem:20,"SOC 2018 CODE":493042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49304X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Mobile heavy equipment mechanics, except engines",OCC_CODE:493042,TOT_EMP:177280,H_MEAN:30.93,A_MEAN:64340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":11.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">85","Hours of standing, mean":7.07,PCT_STAND:88.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.5,PCT_SIT:18.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:88.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":88.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":79.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":96.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":62,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":95.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":47.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":99.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":83.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":16.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":8.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":47.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":11,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":45.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":45.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":75.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":36.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":73.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":42.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":31.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":10.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.5,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Heavy Equipment Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:88.4,nonwhite_pct:12.2126096,white_pct:87.7873904,black_pct:5.7118894,hisp_pct:16.0500477,asian_pct:1.1174336,noncitizen_pct:5.397373977,n:161},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":499099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Installation, maintenance, and repair workers, all other",OCC_CODE:499099,TOT_EMP:175860,H_MEAN:24.27,A_MEAN:50480,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":22.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">70","Hours of standing, mean":6.35,PCT_STAND:79.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.51,PCT_SIT:18.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:79.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":77.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":60.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":78.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":68.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":19.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":87.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":69,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":81.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":18.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":77.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":24.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":23.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":30,"Percent of workers, driving is required":67.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<15","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":21,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":15.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":46.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":19,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":39.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.4,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Maintenance Workers",INJURY_RATE:186.4,nonwhite_pct:20.8539803,white_pct:79.1460197,black_pct:8.1553503,hisp_pct:16.297234,asian_pct:3.8702901,noncitizen_pct:4.287753508,n:162},{lem:14,"SOC 2018 CODE":292099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Health technologists and technicians, all other",OCC_CODE:292099,TOT_EMP:171110,H_MEAN:26.07,A_MEAN:54220,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.96,PCT_STAND:62,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.33,PCT_SIT:66.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:62,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":8.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":14.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":51,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">50","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<20","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":91.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Health Technicians",INJURY_RATE:351.2,nonwhite_pct:36.6462944,white_pct:63.3537056,black_pct:18.6523606,hisp_pct:13.6746583,asian_pct:8.1815809,noncitizen_pct:4.164653482,n:170},{lem:4,"SOC 2018 CODE":119033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Education administrators, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:119033,TOT_EMP:167270,H_MEAN:58.66,A_MEAN:122010,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":44.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":41.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":7.3,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":58.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":18.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":34,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":39.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Postsecondary Administrators",INJURY_RATE:12.8,nonwhite_pct:22.4157415,white_pct:77.5842585,black_pct:12.9114272,hisp_pct:10.8217501,asian_pct:3.6071341,noncitizen_pct:2.677374309,n:172},{lem:98,"SOC 2018 CODE":251199,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25119X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Postsecondary teachers, all other",OCC_CODE:251199,TOT_EMP:166980,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:96570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">80","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":56.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":57.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":67.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":23.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":28.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":25.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":3.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":4.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":23.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":8.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<20","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":21.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":22.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":32.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":19.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":42.4,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Postsecondary Teachers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:174},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":492022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4920XX",OCCUPATION:"Telecommunications equipment installers and repairers, except line installers",OCC_CODE:492022,TOT_EMP:159670,H_MEAN:30.77,A_MEAN:64010,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":99.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">75","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":98.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":36.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">65","Percent of workers, driving is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":85.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<40","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Telecom Installers",INJURY_RATE:202.2,nonwhite_pct:24.833774,white_pct:75.166226,black_pct:12.9574011,hisp_pct:16.4527867,asian_pct:3.6636765,noncitizen_pct:5.445871414,n:177},{lem:38,"SOC 2018 CODE":514072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51407X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Molding, coremaking, and casting machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514072,TOT_EMP:158980,H_MEAN:20.22,A_MEAN:42060,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.85,PCT_STAND:98.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.58,PCT_SIT:7.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:98.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":22.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":62.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":30.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":91.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":34.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":13.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":10.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":77.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":8.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":45.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":13.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":13.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<25",dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Molding Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:59.1,nonwhite_pct:22.5766871,white_pct:77.4233129,black_pct:13.2686804,hisp_pct:13.9411454,asian_pct:2.6787451,noncitizen_pct:6.788562536,n:178},{lem:84,"SOC 2018 CODE":151231,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15123X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer network support specialists",OCC_CODE:151231,TOT_EMP:158720,H_MEAN:37.81,A_MEAN:78640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":62.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":46.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":52.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":9.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":20.1,"Hours of standing, mean":1.52,PCT_STAND:19,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.47,PCT_SIT:80.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:80.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":47.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":40.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":19.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":19.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":80.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":25.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":4.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":4.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":19.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":33.2,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":31.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":6.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":29.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Network Support Specialists",INJURY_RATE:28.9,nonwhite_pct:30.6814408,white_pct:69.3185592,black_pct:11.6958139,hisp_pct:11.7867973,asian_pct:10.7016722,noncitizen_pct:6.105281115,n:179},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":252058,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Special education teachers, secondary school",OCC_CODE:252058,TOT_EMP:158150,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:74670,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":74.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":71.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":62.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":45.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":11.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":18.9,"Hours of standing, mean":5.4,PCT_STAND:67.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.13,PCT_SIT:26.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:67.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":28.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":37.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":43.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":48.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":7.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":30.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":71.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":28.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":37.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":11.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":88,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":62.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":33.3,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Special Education Teachers",INJURY_RATE:25.7,nonwhite_pct:16.28932,white_pct:83.71068,black_pct:8.9111926,hisp_pct:9.4198516,asian_pct:2.6812754,noncitizen_pct:2.157495264,n:180},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":519124,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51912X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Coating, painting, and spraying machine setters, operators, and tenders",OCC_CODE:519124,TOT_EMP:155880,H_MEAN:23.31,A_MEAN:48480,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":3.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":88.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":71.3,"Hours of standing, mean":7.87,PCT_STAND:98.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.51,PCT_SIT:6.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:98.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":96.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":41,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":87.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":36.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":77.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":29.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":21.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":25.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":30.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":26.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":17.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":88.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":19.8,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":21.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":18.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":76,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":13.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":59,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":8.2,dots:4,OCC_SHORT:"Paint Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:149.1,nonwhite_pct:23.6150926,white_pct:76.3849074,black_pct:11.0780997,hisp_pct:28.5109939,asian_pct:2.178754,noncitizen_pct:13.85506649,n:183},{lem:99,"SOC 2018 CODE":259044,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25904X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2590XX",OCCUPATION:"Teaching assistants, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:259044,TOT_EMP:145960,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:47030,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":75.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":32.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<35","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.11,PCT_STAND:38.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.68,PCT_SIT:33.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":24.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":87.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":67.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":12.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":23.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":16.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":44.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":51,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":49,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":38.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":10.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":68.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":12.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":12.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":20.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.7,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Teaching Assistants",INJURY_RATE:17.6,nonwhite_pct:28.5101229,white_pct:71.4898771,black_pct:12.9322791,hisp_pct:18.0305228,asian_pct:6.1140986,noncitizen_pct:6.619613237,n:193},{lem:65,"SOC 2018 CODE":513022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5130XX",OCCUPATION:"Meat, poultry, and fish cutters and trimmers",OCC_CODE:513022,TOT_EMP:138300,H_MEAN:17.71,A_MEAN:36840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.09,PCT_STAND:101.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:101.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":14.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":90.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":98.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":96,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":78.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":24.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":85.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Meat Cutters",INJURY_RATE:330.8,nonwhite_pct:36.2259618,white_pct:63.7740382,black_pct:16.6290623,hisp_pct:30.6082249,asian_pct:4.9579808,noncitizen_pct:19.25063809,n:197},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":513021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5130XX",OCCUPATION:"Butchers and meat cutters",OCC_CODE:513021,TOT_EMP:136330,H_MEAN:19.08,A_MEAN:39680,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":96.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":69.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":58.2,"Hours of standing, mean":7.53,PCT_STAND:94.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:94.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">90","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":16.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":30.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":53.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":91.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":90.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":62.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":25.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":99.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":86.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":90,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":83.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Butchers",INJURY_RATE:213,nonwhite_pct:36.2259618,white_pct:63.7740382,black_pct:16.6290623,hisp_pct:30.6082249,asian_pct:4.9579808,noncitizen_pct:19.25063809,n:201},{lem:42,"SOC 2018 CODE":514081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51408X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Multiple machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514081,TOT_EMP:127790,H_MEAN:21.15,A_MEAN:43990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":15.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":90.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.3,PCT_STAND:78.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.91,PCT_SIT:23.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":84.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":16.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":9.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":14.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":19,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":76.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":23.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":86.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":9.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":19.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":87,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":78.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":9.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":83.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":3.2,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Machine Operators (Other)",INJURY_RATE:6.6,nonwhite_pct:22.5766871,white_pct:77.4233129,black_pct:13.2686804,hisp_pct:13.9411454,asian_pct:2.6787451,noncitizen_pct:6.788562536,n:208},{lem:54,"SOC 2018 CODE":352015,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"35201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3520XX",OCCUPATION:"Cooks, short order",OCC_CODE:352015,TOT_EMP:126370,H_MEAN:16.31,A_MEAN:33920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":20,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":56.8,"Hours of standing, mean":7.17,PCT_STAND:89.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":.07,PCT_SIT:.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:89.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":18.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":30.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":42.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":82.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":90.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":99,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":97.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<15","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<15","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":47,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":44.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":81.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":10.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":81.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Short Order Cooks",INJURY_RATE:13.8,nonwhite_pct:38.2852937,white_pct:61.7147063,black_pct:17.1743886,hisp_pct:29.4060278,asian_pct:5.1615152,noncitizen_pct:16.36639269,n:209},{lem:11,"SOC 2018 CODE":339092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"Lifeguards, ski patrol, and other recreational protective service workers",OCC_CODE:339092,TOT_EMP:123560,H_MEAN:15.07,A_MEAN:31340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":57.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.75,PCT_STAND:46.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.16,PCT_SIT:27,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":15.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":39.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":51.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":68.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":96.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":88.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":67.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":9.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":91.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":21,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":16.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":13.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":17.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":97,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":23.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":23.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":51.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":84.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.8,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Lifeguards",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:31.6432735,white_pct:68.3567265,black_pct:4.8058181,hisp_pct:12.4659048,asian_pct:3.5153642,noncitizen_pct:1.587767335,n:211},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":132099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Financial specialists, all other",OCC_CODE:132099,TOT_EMP:122730,H_MEAN:43.1,A_MEAN:89650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":26.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":19,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":25.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":74.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":13.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":72.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Financial Specialists",INJURY_RATE:13,nonwhite_pct:25.9553827,white_pct:74.0446173,black_pct:8.4681649,hisp_pct:8.9666624,asian_pct:11.9167704,noncitizen_pct:5.208909742,n:212},{lem:100,"SOC 2018 CODE":195011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19501X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1950XX",OCCUPATION:"Occupational health and safety specialists",OCC_CODE:195011,TOT_EMP:122300,H_MEAN:41.14,A_MEAN:85570,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":80,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":61.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":65.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":55,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":41.7,"Hours of standing, mean":3.59,PCT_STAND:44.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.62,PCT_SIT:57.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:57.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":38.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":45,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":72.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":62.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":44.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":66.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":43.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":56.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":67.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":25.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":44.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":11.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":10.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":26.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":17.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":48.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":39.4,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Occupational Safety Specialists",INJURY_RATE:64.2,nonwhite_pct:20.893593,white_pct:79.106407,black_pct:9.6382907,hisp_pct:13.8588956,asian_pct:3.5266162,noncitizen_pct:4.102288771,n:213},{lem:98,"SOC 2018 CODE":291021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2910XX",OCCUPATION:"Dentists, general",OCC_CODE:291021,TOT_EMP:121640,H_MEAN:92.19,A_MEAN:191750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":48.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":92.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":30.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":27.2,"Hours of standing, mean":2.26,PCT_STAND:28.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.62,PCT_SIT:70.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:70.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":51.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":59.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":88.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":17,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":57.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":96.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":28.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":71.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":40.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Dentists",INJURY_RATE:12.9,nonwhite_pct:26.4533237,white_pct:73.5466763,black_pct:3.8223196,hisp_pct:7.1551779,asian_pct:18.1557725,noncitizen_pct:4.850385033,n:216},{lem:57,"SOC 2018 CODE":252012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Kindergarten teachers, except special education",OCC_CODE:252012,TOT_EMP:118580,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:67790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":65,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":69.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":59,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":25.3,"Hours of standing, mean":4.9,PCT_STAND:61.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.73,PCT_SIT:34.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:61.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":35,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":12.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":41,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":55,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":75.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":64.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":35.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":.9,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":98.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":13,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":87.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":32.7,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Kindergarten Teachers",INJURY_RATE:71.8,nonwhite_pct:24.8222552,white_pct:75.1777448,black_pct:13.2237984,hisp_pct:14.8076776,asian_pct:4.0015881,noncitizen_pct:4.555167026,n:221},{lem:68,"SOC 2018 CODE":253099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2530XX",OCCUPATION:"Teachers and instructors, all other",OCC_CODE:253099,TOT_EMP:118290,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:70340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":45.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":80.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":24.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":42.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":20.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":6.7,"Hours of standing, mean":3.34,PCT_STAND:41.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.46,PCT_SIT:43.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":19.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":31.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":57.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":27.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":50.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":26.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":68.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":20.5,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Other Teachers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:33.296489,white_pct:66.703511,black_pct:9.2515875,hisp_pct:14.6918611,asian_pct:14.2735687,noncitizen_pct:7.300793302,n:222},{lem:67,"SOC 2018 CODE":291215,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29121X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2912XX",OCCUPATION:"Family medicine physicians",OCC_CODE:291215,TOT_EMP:112010,H_MEAN:115.77,A_MEAN:240790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":64.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.01,PCT_STAND:50.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.3,PCT_SIT:53.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:50.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:53.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":35.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":64.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":93.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":34,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":48,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":52,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":9.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<35","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":8.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":35.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":6.1,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Family Doctors",INJURY_RATE:25.3,nonwhite_pct:33.1327024,white_pct:66.8672976,black_pct:5.3278202,hisp_pct:7.3486329,asian_pct:21.5506572,noncitizen_pct:6.806477986,n:231},{lem:44,"SOC 2018 CODE":251194,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25119X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Career/technical education teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251194,TOT_EMP:111180,H_MEAN:32.84,A_MEAN:68300,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":56.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":75.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":19,"Hours of standing, mean":4.43,PCT_STAND:55.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.49,PCT_SIT:31.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":24.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":78.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":68,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":10.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":32.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":26.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":63,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":24.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":10.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":6.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":9.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":33.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":9.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":21.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":25.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":17.7,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Postsecondary CTE Teachers",INJURY_RATE:11.8,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:232},{lem:32,"SOC 2018 CODE":391022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3910XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of personal service workers",OCC_CODE:391022,TOT_EMP:106440,H_MEAN:24.08,A_MEAN:50090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":78,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":75,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":29.7,"Hours of standing, mean":3.76,PCT_STAND:47,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.09,PCT_SIT:51.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:51.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":22,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":88.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":47,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":40.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":54,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":35.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":13.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":58.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":47.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":52.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":16.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":54.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":4.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":8.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":11.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":21.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":19.7,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Personal Service Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:30.33142,white_pct:69.66858,black_pct:11.6606227,hisp_pct:14.1313409,asian_pct:9.252428,noncitizen_pct:5.691717727,n:238},{lem:75,"SOC 2018 CODE":519023,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51902X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Mixing and blending machine setters, operators, and tenders",OCC_CODE:519023,TOT_EMP:105740,H_MEAN:23.05,A_MEAN:47950,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":85.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.28,PCT_STAND:91,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:91,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">90","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":22.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":14.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":86.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":26.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":33.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":88,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, crouching is required":23.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":18.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":28.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":20,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":28.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":45.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":35.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":77.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Machine Setters (Mixing)",INJURY_RATE:52.6,nonwhite_pct:22.8310969,white_pct:77.1689031,black_pct:11.7218166,hisp_pct:21.7716563,asian_pct:2.8135955,noncitizen_pct:9.216847614,n:239},{lem:10,"SOC 2018 CODE":312021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3120XX",OCCUPATION:"Physical therapist assistants",OCC_CODE:312021,TOT_EMP:104e3,H_MEAN:31.66,A_MEAN:65860,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">90","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":21,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":91.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":72.3,"Hours of standing, mean":5.7,PCT_STAND:71.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.4,PCT_SIT:30,STANDING_BOOLEAN:71.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":79,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":39.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":8.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":87.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":22.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":84.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":74.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":58.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":69.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":30.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":5.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":73.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":43,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":40.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":18.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":2.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":60.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":6.6,dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Physical Therapist Assistants",INJURY_RATE:365,nonwhite_pct:19.037677,white_pct:80.962323,black_pct:6.2820232,hisp_pct:11.6530859,asian_pct:6.8968685,noncitizen_pct:2.951964325,n:241},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":493093,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Tire repairers and changers",OCC_CODE:493093,TOT_EMP:101520,H_MEAN:17.92,A_MEAN:37280,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":92.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">70","Hours of standing, mean":6.89,PCT_STAND:86.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.74,PCT_SIT:9.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":24.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":7.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":49,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":77.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":48.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":86.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">90","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":90.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":9.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":96.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":14.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":55.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":86.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":82.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":29.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":75.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":24.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":50.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":27,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":75.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Tire Changers",INJURY_RATE:368.3,nonwhite_pct:20.2206648,white_pct:79.7793352,black_pct:9.7622138,hisp_pct:23.6523536,asian_pct:1.3898087,noncitizen_pct:7.945043398,n:244},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":251121,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Art, drama, and music teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251121,TOT_EMP:101500,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:100840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":47.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":46.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":83,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":33.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":26.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":4.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":11.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":17,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:3,OCC_SHORT:"Postsecondary Arts Teachers",INJURY_RATE:9.9,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:245},{lem:50,"SOC 2018 CODE":172072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1720XX",OCCUPATION:"Electronics engineers, except computer",OCC_CODE:172072,TOT_EMP:96410,H_MEAN:59.71,A_MEAN:124190,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<20","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">60","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":11.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<20","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":88.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<20","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":1.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Electronics Engineers",INJURY_RATE:4.1,nonwhite_pct:28.345128,white_pct:71.654872,black_pct:5.0720632,hisp_pct:8.428463,asian_pct:17.149308,noncitizen_pct:10.17776031,n:253},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":211099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Community and social service specialists, all other",OCC_CODE:211099,TOT_EMP:95310,H_MEAN:25.97,A_MEAN:54020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":64.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":48.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":54.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.43,PCT_STAND:30.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5,PCT_SIT:62.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:62.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":97.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":45.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":48.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":12,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":1.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":47.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":38.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":47.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":34.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":2.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":30.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Social Service Specialists",INJURY_RATE:75.5,nonwhite_pct:32.9906406,white_pct:67.0093594,black_pct:18.290809,hisp_pct:17.7104703,asian_pct:4.0771913,noncitizen_pct:3.294046068,n:255},{lem:55,"SOC 2018 CODE":472081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47208X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Drywall and ceiling tile installers",OCC_CODE:472081,TOT_EMP:90860,H_MEAN:29.56,A_MEAN:61480,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">99.5","Hours of standing, mean":7.72,PCT_STAND:96.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.29,PCT_SIT:3.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:96.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":16.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":19.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":96.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":3.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":89.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":17.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<10","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<20",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Drywall Installers",INJURY_RATE:201.4,nonwhite_pct:18.987023,white_pct:81.012977,black_pct:3.5008276,hisp_pct:60.094585,asian_pct:.7554978,noncitizen_pct:39.39406479,n:258},{lem:45,"SOC 2018 CODE":252032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Career/technical education teachers, secondary school",OCC_CODE:252032,TOT_EMP:90070,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:70810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":72.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":75.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":52.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":13.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":35.5,"Hours of standing, mean":5.15,PCT_STAND:64.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.54,PCT_SIT:31.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:64.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":24.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":50.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":28.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":43.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":67.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":32.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":19.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":13,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":9.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":76.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":9.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":11.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":16.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":6.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":49.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":44.1,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Secondary CTE Teachers",INJURY_RATE:66.9,nonwhite_pct:15.2699904,white_pct:84.7300096,black_pct:7.3392153,hisp_pct:9.3040496,asian_pct:3.0157593,noncitizen_pct:2.40042668,n:260},{lem:12,"SOC 2018 CODE":252057,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25205X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2520XX",OCCUPATION:"Special education teachers, middle school",OCC_CODE:252057,TOT_EMP:88850,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:73630,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":73.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":76.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":59.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":45,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":34.3,"Hours of standing, mean":4.54,PCT_STAND:56.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.74,PCT_SIT:34.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:56.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":23.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":35.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":53.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":64.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":42.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":17.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":84.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":64.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":12.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":47.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Special Education Teachers (Middle)",INJURY_RATE:25.7,nonwhite_pct:16.28932,white_pct:83.71068,black_pct:8.9111926,hisp_pct:9.4198516,asian_pct:2.6812754,noncitizen_pct:2.157495264,n:261},{lem:60,"SOC 2018 CODE":391014,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3910XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of entertainment and recreation workers, except gambling services",OCC_CODE:391014,TOT_EMP:88140,H_MEAN:24.35,A_MEAN:50650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":70.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":55.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":69,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":55.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":44.7,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":44.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":86.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":44.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":58,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":41.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":22.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":46.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":32.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":22.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":91.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":28.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":21.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<20","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":13.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":21.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":39.7,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Recreation Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:30.33142,white_pct:69.66858,black_pct:11.6606227,hisp_pct:14.1313409,asian_pct:9.252428,noncitizen_pct:5.691717727,n:264},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":331021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3310XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of fire fighting and prevention workers",OCC_CODE:331021,TOT_EMP:84120,H_MEAN:43.63,A_MEAN:90740,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":14.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":81.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":4.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":86.8,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":85.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":26.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":18.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":1.3,"Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":96.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":89.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":83,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":59.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":95.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":23.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":4.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":61.4,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":57.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":56.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":95.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":15.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":57.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":78.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":78.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":57.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":86.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":80.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":40.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":73.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.5,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Firefighting Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:95.6,nonwhite_pct:10.6370886,white_pct:89.3629114,black_pct:4.4380117,hisp_pct:6.8679183,asian_pct:1.1148788,noncitizen_pct:.5822512613,n:269},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":192031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1920XX",OCCUPATION:"Chemists",OCC_CODE:192031,TOT_EMP:83530,H_MEAN:45.94,A_MEAN:95560,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":72,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":62.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":54.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":36.9,"Hours of standing, mean":4.22,PCT_STAND:52.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.79,PCT_SIT:47.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:52.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":37.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":71.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":45.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":88.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":36.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":47.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":47.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":11.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":2.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":86,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":4.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":86.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":28.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":40.2,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Chemists",INJURY_RATE:6,nonwhite_pct:29.7204972,white_pct:70.2795028,black_pct:6.4464747,hisp_pct:8.4346398,asian_pct:17.7540089,noncitizen_pct:8.687183804,n:271},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":251011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Business teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251011,TOT_EMP:82980,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:113240,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":62.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":36.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":81,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":83.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":3.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":35.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":3.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":24.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":19,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":17.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.9,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Business Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:272},{lem:96,"SOC 2018 CODE":339099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"Protective service workers, all other",OCC_CODE:339099,TOT_EMP:82500,H_MEAN:22.8,A_MEAN:47420,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":53.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":32.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":38,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":60,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<20","Hours of standing, mean":3.07,PCT_STAND:38.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.34,PCT_SIT:41.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":67.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":30.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":31.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":72.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":66.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":31,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":15.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":28.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":55.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":44.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":55,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":58.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":28.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":94,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":7.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<15","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":69.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":32,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Protective Service Workers (Other)",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:31.6432735,white_pct:68.3567265,black_pct:4.8058181,hisp_pct:12.4659048,asian_pct:3.5153642,noncitizen_pct:1.587767335,n:274},{lem:47,"SOC 2018 CODE":151242,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15124X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Database administrators",OCC_CODE:151242,TOT_EMP:76140,H_MEAN:50.39,A_MEAN:104810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":29.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":17.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.69,PCT_STAND:8.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.3,PCT_SIT:91.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":8.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":8.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":76.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">80","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Database Administrators",INJURY_RATE:3.7,nonwhite_pct:29.0214567,white_pct:70.9785433,black_pct:6.0747125,hisp_pct:7.3384425,asian_pct:20.9684305,noncitizen_pct:11.75709281,n:283},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":173026,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Industrial engineering technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:173026,TOT_EMP:73020,H_MEAN:32.04,A_MEAN:66640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":87.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.2,PCT_STAND:52.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.82,PCT_SIT:47.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:52.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":12.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">70","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":67.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":28.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":8.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<30","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<20",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Industrial Techs",INJURY_RATE:46.5,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.3622487,hisp_pct:13.5857506,asian_pct:8.5827046,noncitizen_pct:4.517105711,n:287},{lem:31,"SOC 2018 CODE":112032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1120XX",OCCUPATION:"Public relations managers",OCC_CODE:112032,TOT_EMP:72760,H_MEAN:76.65,A_MEAN:159420,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":20,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":95.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":16.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":1.14,PCT_STAND:14.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.58,PCT_SIT:69.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":4.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":33.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":15.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":84.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":33,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":17.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":56.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":94.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":43.4,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"PR Managers",INJURY_RATE:3.4,nonwhite_pct:16.1965214,white_pct:83.8034786,black_pct:7.2121327,hisp_pct:9.7445891,asian_pct:3.9750634,noncitizen_pct:3.178426755,n:288},{lem:81,"SOC 2018 CODE":251072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25107X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Nursing instructors and teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251072,TOT_EMP:72700,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:86530,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":69.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":83,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":43.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":30.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":82.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":33.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":40.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":49.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":27.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.3,"Percent of workers, with telework available":3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":32.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":17.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Nursing Instructors",INJURY_RATE:32.6,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:289},{lem:0,"SOC 2018 CODE":194099,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19409X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1940XX",OCCUPATION:"Life, physical, and social science technicians, all other",OCC_CODE:194099,TOT_EMP:72230,H_MEAN:30.12,A_MEAN:62640,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":68,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":70.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":65.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":48.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":29.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":65.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":51.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":30.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":31.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":39.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":31,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":53.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":87.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":30.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<50","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":49.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":23.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<25","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":33.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<30","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":34.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Science Techs (Other)",INJURY_RATE:23.4,nonwhite_pct:22.1192992,white_pct:77.8807008,black_pct:9.2185974,hisp_pct:14.5887869,asian_pct:6.0480563,noncitizen_pct:6.405547959,n:291},{lem:42,"SOC 2018 CODE":319093,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3190XX",OCCUPATION:"Medical equipment preparers",OCC_CODE:319093,TOT_EMP:66790,H_MEAN:22.79,A_MEAN:47410,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":12.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":80.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":98.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":87.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":49.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":66.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":71.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":23.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":11.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":58,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<20","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":26.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":50.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Medical Equipment Preparers",INJURY_RATE:347.9,nonwhite_pct:23.7990234,white_pct:76.2009766,black_pct:23.542703,hisp_pct:15.5287507,asian_pct:5.1762502,noncitizen_pct:4.63757657,n:294},{lem:8,"SOC 2018 CODE":274011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2740XX",OCCUPATION:"Audio and video technicians",OCC_CODE:274011,TOT_EMP:66700,H_MEAN:28.49,A_MEAN:59260,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":57.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":50.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":67.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":21.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":28.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<50","Percent of workers, crouching is required":20.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":90.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":24.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":11.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":6.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":34.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":42.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.1,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Audio/Video Technicians",INJURY_RATE:57.6,nonwhite_pct:18.383524,white_pct:81.616476,black_pct:6.8381817,hisp_pct:12.5328854,asian_pct:4.7339115,noncitizen_pct:5.92674258,n:295},{lem:44,"SOC 2018 CODE":173029,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Engineering technologists and technicians, except drafters, all other",OCC_CODE:173029,TOT_EMP:66200,H_MEAN:36.2,A_MEAN:75290,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":76.9,"Hours of standing, mean":4.41,PCT_STAND:55.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.6,PCT_SIT:45,STANDING_BOOLEAN:55.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":91.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":55.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":44.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":6.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":7.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<50","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":7.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Engineering Techs (Other)",INJURY_RATE:36.1,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.3622487,hisp_pct:13.5857506,asian_pct:8.5827046,noncitizen_pct:4.517105711,n:298},{lem:63,"SOC 2018 CODE":119031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Education and childcare administrators, preschool and daycare",OCC_CODE:119031,TOT_EMP:64090,H_MEAN:29.48,A_MEAN:61320,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":72.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":79.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":57.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.31,PCT_STAND:41.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.95,PCT_SIT:61.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:61.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":27.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":42.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":57.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":64.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":47.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":28.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<25","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":38.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":61.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":13.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":5.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":39.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":9.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":22,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Preschool Administrators",INJURY_RATE:187,nonwhite_pct:22.4157415,white_pct:77.5842585,black_pct:12.9114272,hisp_pct:10.8217501,asian_pct:3.6071341,noncitizen_pct:2.677374309,n:301},{lem:30,"SOC 2018 CODE":173022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Civil engineering technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:173022,TOT_EMP:63560,H_MEAN:30.66,A_MEAN:63770,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":59.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":74.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":49.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":55.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":12.8,"Hours of standing, mean":2.53,PCT_STAND:31.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.49,PCT_SIT:68.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:68.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":25.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":44.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":84.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":49,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":7.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":79.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":28,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":79.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":19.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":35.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":14,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":10.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":20.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":4.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":12.9,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Civil Engineering Techs",INJURY_RATE:36.1,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.3622487,hisp_pct:13.5857506,asian_pct:8.5827046,noncitizen_pct:4.517105711,n:303},{lem:39,"SOC 2018 CODE":514021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51402X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Extruding and drawing machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514021,TOT_EMP:63370,H_MEAN:21.85,A_MEAN:45440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">80","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":77.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.03,PCT_STAND:100.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:100.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":16.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":23.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":20.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":93.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":14.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":22.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":16.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":35.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":63.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":26.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":36.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":83.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Extruding Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:60.1,nonwhite_pct:22.5766871,white_pct:77.4233129,black_pct:13.2686804,hisp_pct:13.9411454,asian_pct:2.6787451,noncitizen_pct:6.788562536,n:305},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":131075,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13107X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Labor relations specialists",OCC_CODE:131075,TOT_EMP:62800,H_MEAN:45.49,A_MEAN:94620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":48.9,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<40","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":53.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<40","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":54.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<40","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<40","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<40","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<40","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Labor Relations Specialists",INJURY_RATE:6.2,nonwhite_pct:27.7008674,white_pct:72.2991326,black_pct:14.1921931,hisp_pct:13.9271948,asian_pct:5.4269904,noncitizen_pct:3.832985356,n:306},{lem:10,"SOC 2018 CODE":251081,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25108X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Education teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251081,TOT_EMP:60860,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:80750,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":57.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":93.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":38.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":38.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.07,PCT_STAND:25.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.42,PCT_SIT:55.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:55.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":6.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":86.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":61.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":16.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":20.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":45.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":18.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":13.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":38.6,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Postsecondary Teachers",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:310},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":151243,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"15124X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1512XX",OCCUPATION:"Database architects",OCC_CODE:151243,TOT_EMP:59920,H_MEAN:65.88,A_MEAN:137030,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":17.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":53.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":.58,PCT_STAND:7.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.39,PCT_SIT:92.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:92.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":7.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":92.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<50","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":2.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Database Architects",INJURY_RATE:3.7,nonwhite_pct:29.0214567,white_pct:70.9785433,black_pct:6.0747125,hisp_pct:7.3384425,asian_pct:20.9684305,noncitizen_pct:11.75709281,n:311},{lem:1,"SOC 2018 CODE":211094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Community health workers",OCC_CODE:211094,TOT_EMP:58550,H_MEAN:25.3,A_MEAN:52610,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":91,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":34.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":40.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":88.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":59.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":35.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":34.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":11.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":9.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":72.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":71.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":26.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":25.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":11.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Community Health Workers",INJURY_RATE:152.1,nonwhite_pct:32.9906406,white_pct:67.0093594,black_pct:18.290809,hisp_pct:17.7104703,asian_pct:4.0771913,noncitizen_pct:3.294046068,n:313},{lem:43,"SOC 2018 CODE":492094,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4920XX",OCCUPATION:"Electrical and electronics repairers, commercial and industrial equipment",OCC_CODE:492094,TOT_EMP:58320,H_MEAN:33.56,A_MEAN:69810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":17,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":76.5,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":96.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":47,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":95.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":76.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":15.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":46.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":12.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":39.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":64.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":41.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":3.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":89.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":32.1,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":25.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":3.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":9.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":34.7,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Electronics Repairers",INJURY_RATE:37.2,nonwhite_pct:23.7302944,white_pct:76.2697056,black_pct:7.1902884,hisp_pct:15.7475617,asian_pct:2.9648267,noncitizen_pct:3.654803901,n:315},{lem:35,"SOC 2018 CODE":211091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"21109X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2110XX",OCCUPATION:"Health education specialists",OCC_CODE:211091,TOT_EMP:57800,H_MEAN:33.55,A_MEAN:69790,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":83.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":73.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.91,PCT_STAND:48.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.13,PCT_SIT:51.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:51.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":6.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":48.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":51.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":11.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":6.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":79.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":16.3,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Health Educators",INJURY_RATE:150.6,nonwhite_pct:32.9906406,white_pct:67.0093594,black_pct:18.290809,hisp_pct:17.7104703,asian_pct:4.0771913,noncitizen_pct:3.294046068,n:318},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":251123,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"English language and literature teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251123,TOT_EMP:57600,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:87090,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":57.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":27.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":76.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":10,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":38.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":9.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":24.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":16.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":22.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":26.7,dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"English Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:4.1,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:319},{lem:55,"SOC 2018 CODE":519032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Cutting and slicing machine setters, operators, and tenders",OCC_CODE:519032,TOT_EMP:52720,H_MEAN:21.49,A_MEAN:44700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":75.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":36.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":34.5,"Hours of standing, mean":7.87,PCT_STAND:98.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":.42,PCT_SIT:5.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:98.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":31.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":63.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":13.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":78.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":26.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":34.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":36.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":95.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":4.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":13.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":11.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":20.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":84.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<30","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":66.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":33.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":68.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Cutting Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:149.5,nonwhite_pct:28.2098072,white_pct:71.7901928,black_pct:14.5548282,hisp_pct:25.7185889,asian_pct:3.5590569,noncitizen_pct:14.83635521,n:325},{lem:78,"SOC 2018 CODE":251042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25104X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Biological science teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251042,TOT_EMP:52050,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:102270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":62.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":54.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":43.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":1.3,"Hours of standing, mean":2.45,PCT_STAND:30.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.16,PCT_SIT:52,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:52,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":80.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":56.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":10.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":29.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":37,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":63,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":12.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":19.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Biology Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:328},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":271011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2710XX",OCCUPATION:"Art directors",OCC_CODE:271011,TOT_EMP:51200,H_MEAN:60.54,A_MEAN:125920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.05,PCT_STAND:13.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.74,PCT_SIT:84.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:84.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":66.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":9.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":9.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":29,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":81.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Art Directors",INJURY_RATE:22.8,nonwhite_pct:17.8799632,white_pct:82.1200368,black_pct:4.8284439,hisp_pct:11.5113351,asian_pct:5.9950875,noncitizen_pct:6.03625986,n:331},{lem:83,"SOC 2018 CODE":171022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1710XX",OCCUPATION:"Surveyors",OCC_CODE:171022,TOT_EMP:50740,H_MEAN:35.58,A_MEAN:74e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":82.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":77.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":17.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":80.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<40","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":10.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":81.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.8,"Percent of workers, driving is required":81.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Surveyors",INJURY_RATE:99.6,nonwhite_pct:11.6238979,white_pct:88.3761021,black_pct:4.3887077,hisp_pct:9.308974,asian_pct:2.9392058,noncitizen_pct:2.731495957,n:332},{lem:24,"SOC 2018 CODE":119039,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Education administrators, all other",OCC_CODE:119039,TOT_EMP:50690,H_MEAN:48.42,A_MEAN:100720,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":27.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":21.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":2.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":61.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:2,OCC_SHORT:"Education Administrators (Other)",INJURY_RATE:63.4,nonwhite_pct:22.4157415,white_pct:77.5842585,black_pct:12.9114272,hisp_pct:10.8217501,asian_pct:3.6071341,noncitizen_pct:2.677374309,n:333},{lem:95,"SOC 2018 CODE":251022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Mathematical science teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251022,TOT_EMP:48230,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:95320,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":41.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":96.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":30.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":44.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":10.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":17.9,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":3.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":55.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":28.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":30.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":5.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Math Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:335},{lem:39,"SOC 2018 CODE":499012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49901X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4990XX",OCCUPATION:"Control and valve installers and repairers, except mechanical door",OCC_CODE:499012,TOT_EMP:47780,H_MEAN:34.79,A_MEAN:72360,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":15.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":77.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":68.2,"Hours of standing, mean":6.24,PCT_STAND:78,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.84,PCT_SIT:23,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":84.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":63.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":22.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":91.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">95","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":65.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":68.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">85","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":77.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":22.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":64.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":15.1,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":57.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">85","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":43.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":50.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":73.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":40.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":17,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":36.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":22.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<25",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Valve Installers",INJURY_RATE:87.5,nonwhite_pct:18.7373677,white_pct:81.2626323,black_pct:11.0821382,hisp_pct:15.6453716,asian_pct:1.9188981,noncitizen_pct:4.085180356,n:337},{lem:64,"SOC 2018 CODE":312011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3120XX",OCCUPATION:"Occupational therapy assistants",OCC_CODE:312011,TOT_EMP:46090,H_MEAN:32.78,A_MEAN:68170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":2.52,PCT_SIT:31.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":20.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":82.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":98.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":96.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":20.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":58.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":41.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":8.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">95","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":79.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"OT Assistants",INJURY_RATE:452.1,nonwhite_pct:24.841611,white_pct:75.158389,black_pct:14.0497376,hisp_pct:11.8913986,asian_pct:3.9227318,noncitizen_pct:3.431439653,n:339},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":173013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Mechanical drafters",OCC_CODE:173013,TOT_EMP:44850,H_MEAN:33.62,A_MEAN:69920,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":61.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">90","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":.71,PCT_STAND:8.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.74,PCT_SIT:96.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:96.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<10","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":16.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":29.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":26.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":39.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":8.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":32.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":7.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":28.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":28.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":39.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":6.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":22.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<20","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":27,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":30.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":27,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":26.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Mechanical Drafters",INJURY_RATE:8.9,nonwhite_pct:19.4760519,white_pct:80.5239481,black_pct:3.9049855,hisp_pct:13.9072735,asian_pct:6.1379795,noncitizen_pct:3.993118819,n:341},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":472071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Paving, surfacing, and tamping equipment operators",OCC_CODE:472071,TOT_EMP:43080,H_MEAN:26.53,A_MEAN:55170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">80","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":16.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":82.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.33,PCT_STAND:41.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.35,PCT_SIT:66.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:66.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":83.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":36.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">95","Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":67.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<50","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">90","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":37.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":62.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":88.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":9.7,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<40","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":10.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":28.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":25.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Paving Equipment Operators",INJURY_RATE:44.3,nonwhite_pct:13.9922285,white_pct:86.0077715,black_pct:6.7647101,hisp_pct:17.7878142,asian_pct:.5034423,noncitizen_pct:7.28912059,n:345},{lem:22,"SOC 2018 CODE":312022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3120XX",OCCUPATION:"Physical therapist aides",OCC_CODE:312022,TOT_EMP:42390,H_MEAN:16.74,A_MEAN:34810,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":94,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":68.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":1.63,PCT_SIT:20.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":80,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<40","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":74.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":63.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":64.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":74.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":25.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":88.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":48,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"PT Aides",INJURY_RATE:90.9,nonwhite_pct:19.037677,white_pct:80.962323,black_pct:6.2820232,hisp_pct:11.6530859,asian_pct:6.8968685,noncitizen_pct:2.951964325,n:347},{lem:82,"SOC 2018 CODE":251066,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25106X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Psychology teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251066,TOT_EMP:40610,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:93990,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":36.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":29.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":.9,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":20.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Psychology Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:352},{lem:13,"SOC 2018 CODE":253011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2530XX",OCCUPATION:"Adult basic education, adult secondary education, and english as a second language instructors",OCC_CODE:253011,TOT_EMP:36890,H_MEAN:31.46,A_MEAN:65430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":63.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":39.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.9,PCT_STAND:36.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.86,PCT_SIT:35.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":50.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":60.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":74.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":14.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":9.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":27.7,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":22,"Percent of workers, with telework available":21.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":82.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":49.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":53.1,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Adult Educators",INJURY_RATE:20,nonwhite_pct:33.296489,white_pct:66.703511,black_pct:9.2515875,hisp_pct:14.6918611,asian_pct:14.2735687,noncitizen_pct:7.300793302,n:356},{lem:62,"SOC 2018 CODE":251021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer science teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251021,TOT_EMP:36150,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:106380,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":49.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":12.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":16.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":1.85,PCT_STAND:23.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.55,PCT_SIT:69.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":83.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":27.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":35.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<10","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":66.5,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Computer Science Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:357},{lem:84,"SOC 2018 CODE":493053,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Outdoor power equipment and other small engine mechanics",OCC_CODE:493053,TOT_EMP:36080,H_MEAN:21.72,A_MEAN:45180,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":8.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":94.6,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":91.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":94.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":88.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":67.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":32.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":82.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":88.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<20","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<30","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":15,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":15.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Engine Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:50.5,nonwhite_pct:9.0172658,white_pct:90.9827342,black_pct:3.0985427,hisp_pct:11.9777932,asian_pct:1.2179042,noncitizen_pct:3.379597502,n:358},{lem:45,"SOC 2018 CODE":535021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53502X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5350XX",OCCUPATION:"Captains, mates, and pilots of water vessels",OCC_CODE:535021,TOT_EMP:34520,H_MEAN:47.03,A_MEAN:97820,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":39.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":64.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.88,PCT_STAND:48.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.38,PCT_SIT:79.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:79.75,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":60.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":97.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":44.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":39.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":10,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":36.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":63.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":36.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<25","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":96.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<25","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":14.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<25","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<25","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":15.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Ship Captains",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:13.0424238,white_pct:86.9575762,black_pct:5.8022045,hisp_pct:8.8215282,asian_pct:1.4458733,noncitizen_pct:2.151799687,n:359},{lem:43,"SOC 2018 CODE":394021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39402X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3940XX",OCCUPATION:"Funeral attendants",OCC_CODE:394021,TOT_EMP:32620,H_MEAN:16.92,A_MEAN:35200,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":90.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":24.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">75","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.29,PCT_STAND:41.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.28,PCT_SIT:16,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":75.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":61.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":96.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":81.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":12.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":83,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":73.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":26.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":35,"Percent of workers, driving is required":70.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":31,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":38.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Funeral Attendants",INJURY_RATE:163.9,nonwhite_pct:17.2284479,white_pct:82.7715521,black_pct:11.5890792,hisp_pct:7.3609351,asian_pct:1.2854048,noncitizen_pct:1.064699391,n:361},{lem:36,"SOC 2018 CODE":194042,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19404X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1940XX",OCCUPATION:"Environmental science and protection technicians, including health",OCC_CODE:194042,TOT_EMP:32390,H_MEAN:27.63,A_MEAN:57470,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":48.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":68.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":16.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":19.8,"Hours of standing, mean":4.13,PCT_STAND:51.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.04,PCT_SIT:50.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:51.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:50.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":51.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":87,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":55.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":73.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":50.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":49.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":37,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":36.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":29.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":71.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":43.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<45","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":39.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":64.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":27.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25.9,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Environmental Techs",INJURY_RATE:20.5,nonwhite_pct:22.1192992,white_pct:77.8807008,black_pct:9.2185974,hisp_pct:14.5887869,asian_pct:6.0480563,noncitizen_pct:6.405547959,n:362},{lem:71,"SOC 2018 CODE":311133,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31113X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3111XX",OCCUPATION:"Psychiatric aides",OCC_CODE:311133,TOT_EMP:32310,H_MEAN:19.71,A_MEAN:41e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":87.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">70","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.14,PCT_STAND:76.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.83,PCT_SIT:22.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":15.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":27.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":95.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":67.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":45.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":37.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":76.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":23.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<25","Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":75,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":84.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":4.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Psychiatric Aides",INJURY_RATE:771.9,nonwhite_pct:49.3905854,white_pct:50.6094146,black_pct:34.5604808,hisp_pct:15.7259579,asian_pct:3.9044891,noncitizen_pct:3.447830579,n:363},{lem:64,"SOC 2018 CODE":112033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1120XX",OCCUPATION:"Fundraising managers",OCC_CODE:112033,TOT_EMP:31810,H_MEAN:64.24,A_MEAN:133620,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":52.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":43.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.07,PCT_STAND:13.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.84,PCT_SIT:85.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:85.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":44,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.8,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":26.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":13.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":86.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":31.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":26.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":20.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":89.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":2.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":18.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<50",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Fundraising Managers",INJURY_RATE:3.4,nonwhite_pct:16.1965214,white_pct:83.8034786,black_pct:7.2121327,hisp_pct:9.7445891,asian_pct:3.9750634,noncitizen_pct:3.178426755,n:364},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":119072,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11907X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Entertainment and recreation managers, except gambling",OCC_CODE:119072,TOT_EMP:29690,H_MEAN:40.42,A_MEAN:84080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":54.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":83.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.34,PCT_STAND:54.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.77,PCT_SIT:47.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:54.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":16.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":70.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":42.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":53.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":74.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":53,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":21.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":69.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":7.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":34.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":13.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":1.5,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":21.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":28,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Entertainment Managers",INJURY_RATE:123.4,nonwhite_pct:20.3432675,white_pct:79.6567325,black_pct:7.0047327,hisp_pct:11.2121261,asian_pct:3.654431,noncitizen_pct:3.187665685,n:365},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":299091,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2990XX",OCCUPATION:"Athletic trainers",OCC_CODE:299091,TOT_EMP:28480,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:61540,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":24.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":69.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":75.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":36.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":30.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":88.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":53.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":47.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":44.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":81.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":5.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":63.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Athletic Trainers",INJURY_RATE:50.2,nonwhite_pct:22.9039732,white_pct:77.0960268,black_pct:11.0440515,hisp_pct:11.5961697,asian_pct:5.4571202,noncitizen_pct:3.537771634,n:366},{lem:89,"SOC 2018 CODE":519162,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51916X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Computer numerically controlled tool programmers",OCC_CODE:519162,TOT_EMP:28030,H_MEAN:32.52,A_MEAN:67650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":79.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":31.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":50.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":5.22,PCT_STAND:65.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.11,PCT_SIT:38.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":68.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":47.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":42.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":23.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":20.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":10.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":62.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":37.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":48.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":7.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":68.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":2.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":68.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":42.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":2.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":23.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.6,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"CNC Programmers",INJURY_RATE:40.7,nonwhite_pct:18.6210034,white_pct:81.3789966,black_pct:6.91107,hisp_pct:13.4687136,asian_pct:5.4785377,noncitizen_pct:5.687341685,n:367},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":132071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13207X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1320XX",OCCUPATION:"Credit counselors",OCC_CODE:132071,TOT_EMP:27950,H_MEAN:25.69,A_MEAN:53440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":7.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Credit Counselors",INJURY_RATE:7.9,nonwhite_pct:20.4448725,white_pct:79.5551275,black_pct:9.6148575,hisp_pct:12.5900689,asian_pct:4.6774651,noncitizen_pct:2.33689693,n:368},{lem:70,"SOC 2018 CODE":195012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19501X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1950XX",OCCUPATION:"Occupational health and safety technicians",OCC_CODE:195012,TOT_EMP:27270,H_MEAN:30.89,A_MEAN:64250,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":77.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":30,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":68.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":47.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":50.6,"Hours of standing, mean":3.76,PCT_STAND:47,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.32,PCT_SIT:54,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:54,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":70,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":77.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":52.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":98.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":54.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":68.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":18.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":52.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":71.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":46.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":53.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":6.6,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":19.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":28.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, driving is required":58.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":25.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":5.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":13.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":21.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":37.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":17.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.9,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":22.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Safety Technicians",INJURY_RATE:16,nonwhite_pct:20.893593,white_pct:79.106407,black_pct:9.6382907,hisp_pct:13.8588956,asian_pct:3.5266162,noncitizen_pct:4.102288771,n:369},{lem:22,"SOC 2018 CODE":274012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2740XX",OCCUPATION:"Broadcast technicians",OCC_CODE:274012,TOT_EMP:26190,H_MEAN:34.43,A_MEAN:71600,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":79.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":3.8,PCT_SIT:47.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<10","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":16.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":21.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<30","Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":3.5,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":5.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Broadcast Technicians",INJURY_RATE:11.5,nonwhite_pct:18.383524,white_pct:81.616476,black_pct:6.8381817,hisp_pct:12.5328854,asian_pct:4.7339115,noncitizen_pct:5.92674258,n:370},{lem:10,"SOC 2018 CODE":391013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3910XX",OCCUPATION:"First-line supervisors of gambling services workers",OCC_CODE:391013,TOT_EMP:25100,H_MEAN:29.86,A_MEAN:62110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":60.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":44,"Hours of standing, mean":6.37,PCT_STAND:79.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.63,PCT_SIT:20.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:79.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":39.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":44,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":20.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<30","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":1.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.7,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Gambling Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:107,nonwhite_pct:30.33142,white_pct:69.66858,black_pct:11.6606227,hisp_pct:14.1313409,asian_pct:9.252428,noncitizen_pct:5.691717727,n:371},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":172111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17211X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1721XX",OCCUPATION:"Health and safety engineers, except mining safety engineers and inspectors",OCC_CODE:172111,TOT_EMP:22510,H_MEAN:52.28,A_MEAN:108740,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.66,PCT_STAND:45.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.4,PCT_SIT:55,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:55,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":45.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":54.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":4.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":76.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":35.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Safety Engineers",INJURY_RATE:34.2,nonwhite_pct:21.9977908,white_pct:78.0022092,black_pct:4.6909983,hisp_pct:9.5260654,asian_pct:12.0599249,noncitizen_pct:7.970511315,n:373},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":514051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51405X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Metal-refining furnace operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:514051,TOT_EMP:20870,H_MEAN:26.13,A_MEAN:54340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":65.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":7.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":44.6,"Hours of standing, mean":7.19,PCT_STAND:89.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.68,PCT_SIT:21,STANDING_BOOLEAN:89.875,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">80","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":19.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":20.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":27,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":22.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":51.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":39.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":81.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":18.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":93.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":53.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":36.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":98.5,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":94.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":71.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":18,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":54,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":11.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":39.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":30.8,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":80.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":5.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":.7,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Furnace Operators",INJURY_RATE:196.9,nonwhite_pct:20.2532228,white_pct:79.7467772,black_pct:13.4404992,hisp_pct:14.2146214,asian_pct:1.7378253,noncitizen_pct:3.491449109,n:375},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":251126,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25112X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Philosophy and religion teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251126,TOT_EMP:20320,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:89680,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":31.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<40","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":2.37,PCT_STAND:29.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.15,PCT_SIT:64.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:64.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":68.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<40","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<45","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<20","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":34.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":36,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Philosophy Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:4.1,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:377},{lem:92,"SOC 2018 CODE":291218,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29121X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2912XX",OCCUPATION:"Obstetricians and gynecologists",OCC_CODE:291218,TOT_EMP:19820,H_MEAN:133.97,A_MEAN:278660,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":28.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":17.1,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":71.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":48.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":23.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":57.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":20.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":23.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":22.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":7.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<15","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.8,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":12.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":51.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":18.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"OBGYNs",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:33.1327024,white_pct:66.8672976,black_pct:5.3278202,hisp_pct:7.3486329,asian_pct:21.5506572,noncitizen_pct:6.806477986,n:378},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":192012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1920XX",OCCUPATION:"Physicists",OCC_CODE:192012,TOT_EMP:18350,H_MEAN:76.09,A_MEAN:158270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":84.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":88.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">65","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":76,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.71,PCT_STAND:33.875,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.12,PCT_SIT:64,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:64,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":11.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":95.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":86.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":21.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":32.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":67.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":2.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":35.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":25.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":4.6,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":41.2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Physicists",INJURY_RATE:14.9,nonwhite_pct:17.3571622,white_pct:82.6428378,black_pct:2.0868241,hisp_pct:6.2452399,asian_pct:11.0281797,noncitizen_pct:13.38918507,n:383},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":493092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Recreational vehicle service technicians",OCC_CODE:493092,TOT_EMP:17360,H_MEAN:24.37,A_MEAN:50690,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":10.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":98.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":94.5,"Hours of standing, mean":6.86,PCT_STAND:85.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.23,PCT_SIT:15.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:85.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":89.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":87.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":13.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":64.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":92.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":75.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":56.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":95.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":32.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":32,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":48.7,"Percent of workers, driving is required":87.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.8,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":82.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":63.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":58.9,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":88.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":26.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<20","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":12.8,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":18.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":14.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"RV Service Technicians",INJURY_RATE:133.2,nonwhite_pct:20.2206648,white_pct:79.7793352,black_pct:9.7622138,hisp_pct:23.6523536,asian_pct:1.3898087,noncitizen_pct:7.945043398,n:386},{lem:23,"SOC 2018 CODE":251065,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25106X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Political science teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251065,TOT_EMP:17090,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:104910,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":36.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":32.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":38,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<10","Hours of standing, mean":2.4,PCT_STAND:30,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.01,PCT_SIT:62.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:62.625,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":62,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<15","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<15","Percent of workers, with telework available":27.9,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":7.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":36.1,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Political Science Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:387},{lem:87,"SOC 2018 CODE":292033,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Nuclear medicine technologists",OCC_CODE:292033,TOT_EMP:16560,H_MEAN:45.71,A_MEAN:95080,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":58.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":41.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":79.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":78.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.6,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":15,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Nuclear Medicine Technologists",INJURY_RATE:154.8,nonwhite_pct:33.4728033,white_pct:66.5271967,black_pct:6.4771294,hisp_pct:9.535137,asian_pct:13.9602201,noncitizen_pct:4.462340938,n:389},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":472082,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"47208X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4720XX",OCCUPATION:"Tapers",OCC_CODE:472082,TOT_EMP:15560,H_MEAN:33.32,A_MEAN:69300,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":95.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":95.9,"Hours of standing, mean":7.94,PCT_STAND:99.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":.2,PCT_SIT:2.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:99.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":71.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":24.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":38.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":32,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":52.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">95","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":17.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":97.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":2.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":90.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":13.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":27.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<5","Percent of workers, driving is required":16.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":81.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":85.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":16.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":97.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":48.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":20.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":28.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Tapers",INJURY_RATE:352.9,nonwhite_pct:18.987023,white_pct:81.012977,black_pct:3.5008276,hisp_pct:60.094585,asian_pct:.7554978,noncitizen_pct:39.39406479,n:391},{lem:66,"SOC 2018 CODE":173024,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Electro-mechanical and mechatronics technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:173024,TOT_EMP:15360,H_MEAN:34.82,A_MEAN:72430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":75.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":30.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">55","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":77.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":60.8,"Hours of standing, mean":4.67,PCT_STAND:58.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.31,PCT_SIT:41.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:58.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":69.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":78.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":22.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":89.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":8.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":13.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":63.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":37.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":58.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":41.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":31.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":8.9,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":96.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":33.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<35","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":26.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<20","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":22,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":41.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":32.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":6.2,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":21.7,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":6.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":30.7,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Mechatronics Technicians",INJURY_RATE:50.2,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.3622487,hisp_pct:13.5857506,asian_pct:8.5827046,noncitizen_pct:4.517105711,n:393},{lem:25,"SOC 2018 CODE":519192,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Cleaning, washing, and metal pickling equipment operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:519192,TOT_EMP:15210,H_MEAN:19.95,A_MEAN:41500,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":93.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":83.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.49,PCT_STAND:93.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":.53,PCT_SIT:6.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:93.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":96.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":9.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":29,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":88.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":80.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":84.2,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":7.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10.7,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":11,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<50","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":1.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":18.3,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":76.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<50","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":69.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":90.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Cleaning Equipment Operators",INJURY_RATE:46.8,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:14.6973865,hisp_pct:27.3246217,asian_pct:3.2943604,noncitizen_pct:12.24896836,n:394},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":194013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1940XX",OCCUPATION:"Food science technicians",OCC_CODE:194013,TOT_EMP:15190,H_MEAN:25.96,A_MEAN:54e3,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":43.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":19.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":13.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":15.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Food Techs",INJURY_RATE:100.2,nonwhite_pct:22.1192992,white_pct:77.8807008,black_pct:9.2185974,hisp_pct:14.5887869,asian_pct:6.0480563,noncitizen_pct:6.405547959,n:395},{lem:100,"SOC 2018 CODE":393093,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3930XX",OCCUPATION:"Locker room, coatroom, and dressing room attendants",OCC_CODE:393093,TOT_EMP:14720,H_MEAN:16.63,A_MEAN:34590,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":98.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":87.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":20.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":65.1,"Hours of standing, mean":5.7,PCT_STAND:71.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.51,PCT_SIT:18.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:71.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":33.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":12.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":61.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":54.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":85.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":70.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":85.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":11.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":14.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":21,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, driving is required":14.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":6.5,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">70","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":66.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Attendants",INJURY_RATE:63.7,nonwhite_pct:45.0529523,white_pct:54.9470477,black_pct:9.8319109,hisp_pct:12.925256,asian_pct:23.2727244,noncitizen_pct:7.862054809,n:399},{lem:1,"SOC 2018 CODE":274014,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2740XX",OCCUPATION:"Sound engineering technicians",OCC_CODE:274014,TOT_EMP:14600,H_MEAN:35.62,A_MEAN:74100,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":73.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":97.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":4.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":91.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":3.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<10","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":9.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":8.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":14.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":3.6,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Sound Techs",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:18.383524,white_pct:81.616476,black_pct:6.8381817,hisp_pct:12.5328854,asian_pct:4.7339115,noncitizen_pct:5.92674258,n:400},{lem:53,"SOC 2018 CODE":493052,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"49305X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"4930XX",OCCUPATION:"Motorcycle mechanics",OCC_CODE:493052,TOT_EMP:14330,H_MEAN:23.06,A_MEAN:47960,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":11.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":91.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":95.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":36,"Hours of standing, mean":6.28,PCT_STAND:78.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.67,PCT_SIT:20.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":88.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":90,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":4.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":44.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":91.4,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":95.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":61.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":36,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":">90","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":79.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":20.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":60.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":12.6,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":12.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":83.9,"Percent of workers, driving is required":76.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":4.6,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":62.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":47.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":37.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":24.1,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Motorcycle Mechanics",INJURY_RATE:302.8,nonwhite_pct:9.0172658,white_pct:90.9827342,black_pct:3.0985427,hisp_pct:11.9777932,asian_pct:1.2179042,noncitizen_pct:3.379597502,n:402},{lem:13,"SOC 2018 CODE":332021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3320XX",OCCUPATION:"Fire inspectors and investigators",OCC_CODE:332021,TOT_EMP:14200,H_MEAN:39.67,A_MEAN:82510,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":18.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":78.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">70","Hours of standing, mean":5.25,PCT_STAND:65.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.2,PCT_SIT:40,STANDING_BOOLEAN:65.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":81.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":52.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":21.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":97.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":53.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":88,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":96.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":61.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":38.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":29.5,"Percent of workers, kneeling is required":29.5,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":37.7,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":90.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":53.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":53.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":48.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":20.1,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":95.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":62.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":47.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Fire Inspectors",INJURY_RATE:170.3,nonwhite_pct:15.5523613,white_pct:84.4476387,black_pct:7.3029806,hisp_pct:9.942536,asian_pct:2.13122,noncitizen_pct:1.925991412,n:403},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":191012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19101X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1910XX",OCCUPATION:"Food scientists and technologists",OCC_CODE:191012,TOT_EMP:14100,H_MEAN:42.48,A_MEAN:88350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":72.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":77.4,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":68,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":59.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":11.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":17.7,"Hours of standing, mean":3.47,PCT_STAND:43.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.67,PCT_SIT:58.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:58.375,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":22.6,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":93.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":40.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":85.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":15.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":49,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":55.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":16.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":42.5,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":57.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":17.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<15","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":17.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":1.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":81.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":10.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":8.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":15.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":7.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":13.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":6.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":11.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":41.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Food Scientists",INJURY_RATE:18.8,nonwhite_pct:16.088143,white_pct:83.911857,black_pct:4.3847713,hisp_pct:5.3594735,asian_pct:7.7948405,noncitizen_pct:6.997861764,n:405},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":251054,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25105X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Physics teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251054,TOT_EMP:14030,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:106950,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":29.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":16.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":35.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":3.26,PCT_STAND:40.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.94,PCT_SIT:49.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">90","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":64.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">80","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":13.5,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":45.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":54.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":26.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<10","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":38.6,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Physics Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:406},{lem:2,"SOC 2018 CODE":514035,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Milling and planing machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514035,TOT_EMP:13990,H_MEAN:24.05,A_MEAN:50020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":3.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.42,PCT_STAND:92.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.03,PCT_SIT:12.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:92.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":96.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":25.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":19.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":2.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":64.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":16.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":38.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":25.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":87.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":12.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":89.8,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":24.8,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":77.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":50.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":22.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Milling Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:164.4,nonwhite_pct:18.9504262,white_pct:81.0495738,black_pct:3.3079201,hisp_pct:14.9391973,asian_pct:3.8056833,noncitizen_pct:4.776006553,n:407},{lem:13,"SOC 2018 CODE":173025,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"17302X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1730XX",OCCUPATION:"Environmental engineering technologists and technicians",OCC_CODE:173025,TOT_EMP:13780,H_MEAN:28.26,A_MEAN:58780,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":72.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":66.1,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">50","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":86.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":8.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":38.2,"Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":33.9,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":89.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":13.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":67.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":70.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":47.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":47.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":18.5,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":51.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":16,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":51.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":21.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":53.9,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<15","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":19.2,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":19.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":43.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":39.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":11.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":10.9,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Environmental Engineering Techs",INJURY_RATE:150.5,nonwhite_pct:22.6388394,white_pct:77.3611606,black_pct:8.3622487,hisp_pct:13.5857506,asian_pct:8.5827046,noncitizen_pct:4.517105711,n:409},{lem:61,"SOC 2018 CODE":251111,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25111X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Criminal justice and law enforcement teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251111,TOT_EMP:13390,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:83470,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":43.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":97.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":36.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":2.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":80.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<10","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":54.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":10.3,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">85","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":19.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":13.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":35.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Law Enforcement Teachers",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:410},{lem:88,"SOC 2018 CODE":251193,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25119X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Recreation and fitness studies teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251193,TOT_EMP:13270,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:87340,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":71.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":74.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":41.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":18.7,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":34.2,"Hours of standing, mean":3.74,PCT_STAND:46.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.3,PCT_SIT:41.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":25.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":92.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":50.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":77.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":20.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":54.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":52.9,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":5.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<15","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":33.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<25","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.2,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.5,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<15","Percent of workers, with telework available":33.3,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":24.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<15","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":7.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":17.9,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Fitness Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:411},{lem:41,"SOC 2018 CODE":251067,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25106X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Sociology teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251067,TOT_EMP:12870,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:97580,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":67,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":39.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.32,PCT_STAND:29,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.73,PCT_SIT:59.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:59.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":54.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">85","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.7,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":31.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":68.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":32.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.7,"Percent of workers, with telework available":26.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">90","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<40","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":25,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Sociology Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:412},{lem:3,"SOC 2018 CODE":254013,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2540XX",OCCUPATION:"Museum technicians and conservators",OCC_CODE:254013,TOT_EMP:12670,H_MEAN:26.39,A_MEAN:54890,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":65.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">70","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":72,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<30","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":">50","Hours of standing, mean":3.82,PCT_STAND:47.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.34,PCT_SIT:41.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":34.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":28,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":72.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":13.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":82.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":21.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":79.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":6.1,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":52.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":47.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":5.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":22.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":3.1,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":3.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":94.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":15,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<30","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":40.2,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":26.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":10.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":54.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":11.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<20","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":21.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":26.9,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Museum Technicians",INJURY_RATE:102.4,nonwhite_pct:13.5410552,white_pct:86.4589448,black_pct:4.4669491,hisp_pct:7.9395616,asian_pct:3.2445636,noncitizen_pct:3.635813411,n:414},{lem:98,"SOC 2018 CODE":254012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2540XX",OCCUPATION:"Curators",OCC_CODE:254012,TOT_EMP:12510,H_MEAN:34.07,A_MEAN:70870,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":76.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":85.2,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":70.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":70.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":3.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":47.6,"Hours of standing, mean":2.84,PCT_STAND:35.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":4.66,PCT_SIT:58.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:58.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":14.8,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":29.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">90","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":28.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":58.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":51,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":42.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":38.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":61.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":15.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":1.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":39.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":35.6,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":62.1,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":14.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":7.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":16.7,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":44.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":9,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<20","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":10.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":27.1,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Curators",INJURY_RATE:24,nonwhite_pct:13.5410552,white_pct:86.4589448,black_pct:4.4669491,hisp_pct:7.9395616,asian_pct:3.2445636,noncitizen_pct:3.635813411,n:416},{lem:90,"SOC 2018 CODE":251063,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25106X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Economics teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251063,TOT_EMP:12210,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:133650,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":54.6,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":51.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":38.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":61.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":99.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":4.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":39.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Economics Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:418},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":373019,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"37301X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3730XX",OCCUPATION:"Grounds maintenance workers, all other",OCC_CODE:373019,TOT_EMP:11980,H_MEAN:22.37,A_MEAN:46540,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">95","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":27.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":99,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.11,PCT_STAND:76.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.32,PCT_SIT:16.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.375,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":72.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":87.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":73.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":">85","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":95.5,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":82.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":17.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":96.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":95.5,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":95.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":8.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":7.1,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":12.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Grounds Maintenance Workers",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:21.7263798,white_pct:78.2736202,black_pct:5.1277457,hisp_pct:22.5498979,asian_pct:1.3150822,noncitizen_pct:10.04049163,n:419},{lem:59,"SOC 2018 CODE":512021,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51202X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5120XX",OCCUPATION:"Coil winders, tapers, and finishers",OCC_CODE:512021,TOT_EMP:11900,H_MEAN:22.13,A_MEAN:46020,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">85","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":6.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":97.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.29,PCT_STAND:91.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.14,PCT_SIT:26.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":93.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":2.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":7.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":3.9,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":10.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":75,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":25,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":95.9,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<10","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.1,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<15",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Coil Winders",INJURY_RATE:139.7,nonwhite_pct:41.833332,white_pct:58.166668,black_pct:12.539108,hisp_pct:20.7168714,asian_pct:18.0943762,noncitizen_pct:11.96638655,n:421},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":514071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51407X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Foundry mold and coremakers",OCC_CODE:514071,TOT_EMP:11780,H_MEAN:21.7,A_MEAN:45130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":1.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.88,PCT_STAND:98.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":.54,PCT_SIT:6.75,STANDING_BOOLEAN:98.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":98.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":14.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":4.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":11,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.7,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":25.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.6,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<40","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<40","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":21.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":50.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":77.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":18.6,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":37.8,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":2.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":85.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Foundry Mold Makers",INJURY_RATE:132.3,nonwhite_pct:22.5766871,white_pct:77.4233129,black_pct:13.2686804,hisp_pct:13.9411454,asian_pct:2.6787451,noncitizen_pct:6.788562536,n:422},{lem:40,"SOC 2018 CODE":251051,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25105X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Atmospheric, earth, marine, and space sciences teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251051,TOT_EMP:11770,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:111930,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":72.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":58.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":84.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":15.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":5.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<10","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":14.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<30","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">60","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<40","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Earth and Space Science Teacher (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:423},{lem:99,"SOC 2018 CODE":251113,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25111X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2511XX",OCCUPATION:"Social work teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251113,TOT_EMP:11730,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:80840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":15.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">75","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":14.2,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<25","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<15","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":6.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Social Work Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:"",white_pct:"",black_pct:"",hisp_pct:"",asian_pct:"",noncitizen_pct:"",n:424},{lem:2,"SOC 2018 CODE":251062,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25106X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Area, ethnic, and cultural studies teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251062,TOT_EMP:11570,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:100390,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":15,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":1.08,PCT_STAND:13.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":6.18,PCT_SIT:77.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:77.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">70","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":17.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":82.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":11.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":12.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<25","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<20","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Cultural Studies Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:425},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":519123,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51912X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Painting, coating, and decorating workers",OCC_CODE:519123,TOT_EMP:10700,H_MEAN:21.18,A_MEAN:44050,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":94.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":92.1,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.56,PCT_STAND:94.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:94.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">85","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":91.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":96.2,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":94.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Painters and Decorators",INJURY_RATE:69.4,nonwhite_pct:23.6150926,white_pct:76.3849074,black_pct:11.0780997,hisp_pct:28.5109939,asian_pct:2.178754,noncitizen_pct:13.85506649,n:428},{lem:7,"SOC 2018 CODE":339031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"33903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3390XX",OCCUPATION:"Gambling surveillance officers and gambling investigators",OCC_CODE:339031,TOT_EMP:10660,H_MEAN:20.41,A_MEAN:42460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":60.5,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":7.14,PCT_SIT:89.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:89.25,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":39.5,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":96.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":.7,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":2.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":21.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":90,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.3,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":4.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":3.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":2.3,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":95,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":1.9,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Gambling Surveillance Officers",INJURY_RATE:86.6,nonwhite_pct:48.9547148,white_pct:51.0452852,black_pct:31.1230123,hisp_pct:17.928728,asian_pct:3.4668961,noncitizen_pct:4.888115786,n:429},{lem:77,"SOC 2018 CODE":292092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29209X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2920XX",OCCUPATION:"Hearing aid specialists",OCC_CODE:292092,TOT_EMP:10250,H_MEAN:29.59,A_MEAN:61550,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">75","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":62.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":77.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":88.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<15","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":3.97,PCT_STAND:49.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":4,PCT_SIT:50,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":37.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">75","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":86.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<15","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":49.7,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":50.3,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":28.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<25","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Hearing Specialists",INJURY_RATE:351.2,nonwhite_pct:36.6462944,white_pct:63.3537056,black_pct:18.6523606,hisp_pct:13.6746583,asian_pct:8.1815809,noncitizen_pct:4.164653482,n:430},{lem:65,"SOC 2018 CODE":191041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19104X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1910XX",OCCUPATION:"Epidemiologists",OCC_CODE:191041,TOT_EMP:10230,H_MEAN:43.48,A_MEAN:90430,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":59.5,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":41.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":23.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":49.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<5","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":58.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":11.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":42.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":64.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":32.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":21,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":32.2,"Percent of workers, with telework available":33.4,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":44.4,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":41.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":50.6,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Epidemiologists",INJURY_RATE:18.8,nonwhite_pct:16.088143,white_pct:83.911857,black_pct:4.3847713,hisp_pct:5.3594735,asian_pct:7.7948405,noncitizen_pct:6.997861764,n:431},{lem:58,"SOC 2018 CODE":271027,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"27102X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2710XX",OCCUPATION:"Set and exhibit designers",OCC_CODE:271027,TOT_EMP:10090,H_MEAN:32.29,A_MEAN:67170,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":96.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":4.06,PCT_STAND:50.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:50.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":3.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">60","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":1.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":56.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">90","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<30","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":24.7,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Exhibit Designers",INJURY_RATE:26.4,nonwhite_pct:19.0942114,white_pct:80.9057886,black_pct:4.3124853,hisp_pct:11.8924447,asian_pct:11.6466816,noncitizen_pct:8.929698405,n:432},{lem:57,"SOC 2018 CODE":516062,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51606X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5160XX",OCCUPATION:"Textile cutting machine setters, operators, and tenders",OCC_CODE:516062,TOT_EMP:9760,H_MEAN:17.81,A_MEAN:37040,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":92.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":3.3,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">80","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":66.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":1.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":22.5,"Hours of standing, mean":6.93,PCT_STAND:86.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.37,PCT_SIT:17.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":96.7,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":69.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":83.3,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":1.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":24,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":17.6,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":21.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":83.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":16.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":99.4,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":18.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":23.3,"Percent of workers, driving is required":19,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":79.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":6.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":30.3,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Textile Cutting Operators",INJURY_RATE:84,nonwhite_pct:34.3444508,white_pct:65.6555492,black_pct:18.739317,hisp_pct:27.2054976,asian_pct:3.3767049,noncitizen_pct:14.90912896,n:433},{lem:33,"SOC 2018 CODE":514022,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51402X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Forging machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514022,TOT_EMP:9170,H_MEAN:22.76,A_MEAN:47350,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":97.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":97.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":74.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":32.1,"Hours of standing, mean":6.8,PCT_STAND:85,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.41,PCT_SIT:17.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:85,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":11.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":3.5,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":53.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":30.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":32.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":68.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":82.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":17.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":77.2,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":10.4,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":9.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":25.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":23.1,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":80.8,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<10","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":46,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":3.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Forging Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:118.1,nonwhite_pct:22.5766871,white_pct:77.4233129,black_pct:13.2686804,hisp_pct:13.9411454,asian_pct:2.6787451,noncitizen_pct:6.788562536,n:435},{lem:93,"SOC 2018 CODE":518012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51801X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5180XX",OCCUPATION:"Power distributors and dispatchers",OCC_CODE:518012,TOT_EMP:9040,H_MEAN:50.7,A_MEAN:105460,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":65.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":61,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":34.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":10,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":13.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":17.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":1.8,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">95","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":9.3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":13.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Power Distributors",INJURY_RATE:37.6,nonwhite_pct:15.4631816,white_pct:84.5368184,black_pct:7.3831051,hisp_pct:7.8452871,asian_pct:2.1709061,noncitizen_pct:1.830173403,n:436},{lem:32,"SOC 2018 CODE":531041,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"53104X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5310XX",OCCUPATION:"Aircraft cargo handling supervisors",OCC_CODE:531041,TOT_EMP:9020,H_MEAN:31.23,A_MEAN:64950,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":90.2,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":8.4,"Hours of standing, mean":5.8,PCT_STAND:72.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.24,PCT_SIT:28,STANDING_BOOLEAN:72.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":">95","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":8.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":72.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":27.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":5.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<10","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":2.3,"Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":"","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<15","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<10","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<15","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Cargo Supervisors",INJURY_RATE:465.7,nonwhite_pct:29.9307074,white_pct:70.0692926,black_pct:16.0661938,hisp_pct:19.6363944,asian_pct:3.9729117,noncitizen_pct:5.346850286,n:437},{lem:86,"SOC 2018 CODE":192032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"19203X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1920XX",OCCUPATION:"Materials scientists",OCC_CODE:192032,TOT_EMP:8810,H_MEAN:54.06,A_MEAN:112440,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":81.2,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":87.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":89.5,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":12.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":10.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":90.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":10,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<15","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":6.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":11,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<20","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":7.8,"Percent of workers, with telework available":6.7,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":8.7,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":11.5,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Materials Scientists",INJURY_RATE:5.7,nonwhite_pct:29.7204972,white_pct:70.2795028,black_pct:6.4464747,hisp_pct:8.4346398,asian_pct:17.7540089,noncitizen_pct:8.687183804,n:439},{lem:52,"SOC 2018 CODE":131032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"13103X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1310XX",OCCUPATION:"Insurance appraisers, auto damage",OCC_CODE:131032,TOT_EMP:8670,H_MEAN:36.37,A_MEAN:75660,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":93.7,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":98.2,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":97.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":98.3,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":46.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":53.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<20","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":98.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Auto Damage Appraisers",INJURY_RATE:30.9,nonwhite_pct:28.2138569,white_pct:71.7861431,black_pct:16.6249068,hisp_pct:12.01218,asian_pct:4.0529456,noncitizen_pct:2.319164802,n:440},{lem:91,"SOC 2018 CODE":519031,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51903X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5190XX",OCCUPATION:"Cutters and trimmers, hand",OCC_CODE:519031,TOT_EMP:7220,H_MEAN:18.88,A_MEAN:39260,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">85","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":8.04,PCT_STAND:100.5,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:100.5,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">99.5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<15","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<0.5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":96.4,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":">99.5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":1.2,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"<15","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<10","Percent of workers, speaking is required":78.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<0.5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Hand Cutters",INJURY_RATE:56.7,nonwhite_pct:28.2098072,white_pct:71.7901928,black_pct:14.5548282,hisp_pct:25.7185889,asian_pct:3.5590569,noncitizen_pct:14.83635521,n:443},{lem:29,"SOC 2018 CODE":254011,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25401X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2540XX",OCCUPATION:"Archivists",OCC_CODE:254011,TOT_EMP:7150,H_MEAN:31.59,A_MEAN:65700,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":68.4,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":86.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":58.4,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":51.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":29,"Hours of standing, mean":2.19,PCT_STAND:27.375,"Hours of sitting, mean":5.59,PCT_SIT:69.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:69.875,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":13.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":48.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":94.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":43,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":8.8,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":27.8,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":72.2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":34.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":8.6,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.3,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":15.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":17.8,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":44.7,"Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">95","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":6.4,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":8.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<0.5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":14.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.2,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Archivists",INJURY_RATE:51,nonwhite_pct:13.5410552,white_pct:86.4589448,black_pct:4.4669491,hisp_pct:7.9395616,asian_pct:3.2445636,noncitizen_pct:3.635813411,n:445},{lem:72,"SOC 2018 CODE":251053,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"25105X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2510XX",OCCUPATION:"Environmental science teachers, postsecondary",OCC_CODE:251053,TOT_EMP:7120,H_MEAN:"*",A_MEAN:100910,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":35.9,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":78.7,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":34.3,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":67.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":2.62,PCT_STAND:32.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":3.71,PCT_SIT:46.375,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":21.3,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":32.1,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":93.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":33.3,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":10.6,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":29.6,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<5","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":40.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":59.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":24.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, with telework available":39.1,"Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<20","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":17.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":36.6,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Environmental Teachers (Postsecondary)",INJURY_RATE:6.9,nonwhite_pct:24.9792894,white_pct:75.0207106,black_pct:6.5677857,hisp_pct:8.3699504,asian_pct:12.4399409,noncitizen_pct:11.89629558,n:446},{lem:51,"SOC 2018 CODE":514194,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51419X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5141XX",OCCUPATION:"Tool grinders, filers, and sharpeners",OCC_CODE:514194,TOT_EMP:6660,H_MEAN:23.33,A_MEAN:48520,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":96.3,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":25.6,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":95.7,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":77.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":2.3,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":43.4,"Hours of standing, mean":6.89,PCT_STAND:86.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.85,PCT_SIT:23.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:86.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":74.4,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":54.6,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":26.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":22.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":60.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":45.7,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":24.4,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":52.4,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":77.3,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":22.7,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":14.8,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":74.5,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":4.6,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":29.4,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">75","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":2.9,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":86.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":68.3,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":29.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":25.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":45.4,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<20",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Tool Grinders",INJURY_RATE:300.8,nonwhite_pct:7.8917218,white_pct:92.1082782,black_pct:2.8517001,hisp_pct:5.5287768,asian_pct:2.0998095,noncitizen_pct:2.304739364,n:449},{lem:56,"SOC 2018 CODE":519193,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51919X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5191XX",OCCUPATION:"Cooling and freezing equipment operators and tenders",OCC_CODE:519193,TOT_EMP:6500,H_MEAN:21.56,A_MEAN:44840,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">60","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":4.8,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":75.1,"Hours of standing, mean":7.61,PCT_STAND:95.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":.5,PCT_SIT:6.25,STANDING_BOOLEAN:95.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":95.2,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":9.6,"Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":95.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":75.1,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":93.9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":6.1,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":"","Percent of workers, driving is required":1.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":95.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"","Percent of workers, speaking is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":72.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":58.5,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Cooling Equipment Operators",INJURY_RATE:65.3,nonwhite_pct:29.6394436,white_pct:70.3605564,black_pct:14.6973865,hisp_pct:27.3246217,asian_pct:3.2943604,noncitizen_pct:12.24896836,n:450},{lem:73,"SOC 2018 CODE":393092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"39309X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3930XX",OCCUPATION:"Costume attendants",OCC_CODE:393092,TOT_EMP:6300,H_MEAN:28.96,A_MEAN:60230,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":"",PCT_STAND:"","Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:"",SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":9.9,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<20","Percent of workers, low postures are required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":7.9,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":"","Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":87.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":12.2,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<20","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<20","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">65","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":16.6,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<10","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":90.1,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Costume Assistants",INJURY_RATE:50.7,nonwhite_pct:45.0529523,white_pct:54.9470477,black_pct:9.8319109,hisp_pct:12.925256,asian_pct:23.2727244,noncitizen_pct:7.862054809,n:451},{lem:80,"SOC 2018 CODE":514032,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51403X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Drilling and boring machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic",OCC_CODE:514032,TOT_EMP:5740,H_MEAN:22.83,A_MEAN:47490,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":99.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":30.9,"Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":75.1,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":6.26,PCT_STAND:78.25,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.28,PCT_SIT:28.5,STANDING_BOOLEAN:78.25,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":69.1,"Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":66.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":29,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":89.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":22.9,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":51,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":30,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":15.1,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":73.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":26.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":92.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<30","Percent of workers, crouching is required":24.9,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":45.1,"Percent of workers, driving is required":"<20","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">85","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":71.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":76.2,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<30","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":20.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":36.4,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":33.2,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":2,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Drilling Machine Operators",INJURY_RATE:47.7,nonwhite_pct:18.9504262,white_pct:81.0495738,black_pct:3.3079201,hisp_pct:14.9391973,asian_pct:3.8056833,noncitizen_pct:4.776006553,n:452},{lem:69,"SOC 2018 CODE":514052,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"51405X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"5140XX",OCCUPATION:"Pourers and casters, metal",OCC_CODE:514052,TOT_EMP:5460,H_MEAN:24.09,A_MEAN:50110,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":86.8,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":86.8,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":56.4,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"","Hours of standing, mean":7.33,PCT_STAND:91.625,"Hours of sitting, mean":1.41,PCT_SIT:17.625,STANDING_BOOLEAN:91.625,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">95","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":31.5,"Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":31.6,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":12.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":4.6,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":66.7,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":26.8,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":35.8,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":22.2,"Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":29.2,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":84.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":15.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":94.1,"Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":16.4,"Percent of workers, driving is required":28.9,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":88,"Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":96,"Percent of workers, speaking is required":83.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to heights":3,"Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":38.4,"Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":12.2,"Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":28.4,"Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":34.7,"Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":68.5,"Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<5",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Metal Pourers",INJURY_RATE:261.8,nonwhite_pct:20.2532228,white_pct:79.7467772,black_pct:13.4404992,hisp_pct:14.2146214,asian_pct:1.7378253,noncitizen_pct:3.491449109,n:454},{lem:21,"SOC 2018 CODE":119071,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"11907X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"1190XX",OCCUPATION:"Gambling managers",OCC_CODE:119071,TOT_EMP:4590,H_MEAN:47.24,A_MEAN:98270,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":3.3,"Hours of standing, mean":6.14,PCT_STAND:76.75,"Hours of sitting, mean":"",PCT_SIT:"",STANDING_BOOLEAN:76.75,SITTING_BOOLEAN:"","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<10","Percent of workers, low postures are required":5.9,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"<5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":3.3,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":11.6,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":74.6,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":25.4,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":22.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">85","Percent of workers, driving is required":11.6,"Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<15","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":13.4,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Gambling Managers",INJURY_RATE:123.4,nonwhite_pct:20.3432675,white_pct:79.6567325,black_pct:7.0047327,hisp_pct:11.2121261,asian_pct:3.654431,noncitizen_pct:3.187665685,n:456},{lem:16,"SOC 2018 CODE":312012,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"31201X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"3120XX",OCCUPATION:"Occupational therapy aides",OCC_CODE:312012,TOT_EMP:4430,H_MEAN:20.22,A_MEAN:42060,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":"<20","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":99.4,"Hours of standing, mean":5.29,PCT_STAND:66.125,"Hours of sitting, mean":2.71,PCT_SIT:33.875,STANDING_BOOLEAN:66.125,SITTING_BOOLEAN:1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":">80","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":"<15","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":"","Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":"<50","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":9.1,"Percent of workers, low postures are required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":">60","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":99.4,"Percent of workers, stooping is required":"","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":"<10","Percent of day where standing is required, mean":66.1,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":33.9,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":"","Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":5.4,"Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">80","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<10","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<0.5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":">85","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":"<20",dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Occupational Therapy Aides",INJURY_RATE:975,nonwhite_pct:24.841611,white_pct:75.158389,black_pct:14.0497376,hisp_pct:11.8913986,asian_pct:3.9227318,noncitizen_pct:3.431439653,n:457},{lem:99,"SOC 2018 CODE":299092,"SOC 2018 CODE_with_x":"29909X","SOC 2018 CODE_with_xx":"2990XX",OCCUPATION:"Genetic counselors",OCC_CODE:299092,TOT_EMP:3050,H_MEAN:47.18,A_MEAN:98130,O_GROUP:"detailed",I_GROUP:"cross-industry","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required":12.1,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is allowed":">95","Percent of workers, reaching at or below the shoulder is required, both hands":"","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, both hands":15,"Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, one hand":"<0.5","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required, both hands":"<0.5","Hours of standing, mean":.72,PCT_STAND:9,"Hours of sitting, mean":7.29,PCT_SIT:91.125,STANDING_BOOLEAN:1,SITTING_BOOLEAN:91.125,"Percent of workers, choice of sitting or standing is not allowed":"<5","Percent of workers, with the ability to pause work":">95","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required, one hand":85,"Percent of workers, exposed to very loud noise":"<0.5","Percent of workers, hearing over the telephone is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to outdoors":"<0.5","Percent of workers, low postures are required":1.5,"Percent of workers, exposed to wetness":"","Percent of workers, reaching overhead is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, stooping is required":"<5","Percent of workers, foot or leg controls is required":1.8,"Percent of day where standing is required, mean":9,"Percent of day where sitting is required, mean":91,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required once per day":1.5,"Percent of workers, problem solving is required less often than monthly, including never":"<5","Percent of workers, crawling is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, kneeling is required":"<5","Percent of workers, crouching is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, keyboarding is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, driving is required":"<5","Percent of workers, with telework available":"<5","Percent of workers, minimum education level is a bachelor's degree":"<0.5","Percent of workers, gross manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, fine manipulation is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, working around crowds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme cold":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to extreme heat":"<0.5","Percent of workers, speaking is required":">99.5","Percent of workers, exposed to heights":"<0.5","Percent of workers, in proximity to moving mechanical parts":"<0.5","Percent of workers, climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds is required":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to hazardous contaminants":"<0.5","Percent of workers, exposed to loud noise":"","Percent of workers, without the ability to pause work":"<5","Percent of workers, lifting or carrying > 25 lbs is required, constantly":"<0.5","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every week, but at least once per month":"<10","Percent of workers, problem solving is required not every day, but at least once per week":10.5,dots:1,OCC_SHORT:"Genetic Counselors",INJURY_RATE:"",nonwhite_pct:22.9039732,white_pct:77.0960268,black_pct:11.0440515,hisp_pct:11.5961697,asian_pct:5.4571202,noncitizen_pct:3.537771634,n:458}];function Fi(){console.log("--- --- --- --- 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Se{constructor(e){super(),Ie(this,e,Zi,Wi,_e,{})}}export{on as component}; diff --git a/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/4.-X1rpp26.js b/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/4.BINvEl_G.js similarity index 99% rename from docs/_app/immutable/nodes/4.-X1rpp26.js rename to docs/_app/immutable/nodes/4.BINvEl_G.js index e737439..a922de8 100644 --- a/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/4.-X1rpp26.js +++ b/docs/_app/immutable/nodes/4.BINvEl_G.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -import{s as te,e as C,j as L,t as H,U as _e,c as x,d as b,l as M,a as S,b as O,A as G,p as k,q as K,f as p,i as Y,V as ve,W as Z,g as J,F as ge,n as ee,E as ce,o as ke,B as Q,X as ue,Y as Ee}from"../chunks/scheduler.DLC04zGR.js";import{S as ne,i as se,a as F,g as fe,c as he,t as q,b as pe,d as de,m as me,e as ye}from"../chunks/index.CTBkA0La.js";import{e as $}from"../chunks/each.D6YF6ztN.js";import{b as be}from"../chunks/paths.B-khKpEC.js";function Ce(e,t){return e==null||t==null?NaN:te?1:t>=e?0:NaN}class xe extends Map{constructor(t,s=we){if(super(),Object.defineProperties(this,{_intern:{value:new Map},_key:{value:s}}),t!=null)for(const[n,r]of t)this.set(n,r)}get(t){return super.get(le(this,t))}has(t){return super.has(le(this,t))}set(t,s){return super.set(ze(this,t),s)}delete(t){return super.delete(Te(this,t))}}function le({_intern:e,_key:t},s){const n=t(s);return e.has(n)?e.get(n):s}function ze({_intern:e,_key:t},s){const n=t(s);return e.has(n)?e.get(n):(e.set(n,s),s)}function Te({_intern:e,_key:t},s){const n=t(s);return e.has(n)&&(s=e.get(n),e.delete(n)),s}function we(e){return e!==null&&typeof e=="object"?e.valueOf():e}function Se(e){return e}function Le(e,...t){return Me(e,Array.from,Se,t)}function Me(e,t,s,n){return function r(o,v){if(v>=n.length)return s(o);const y=new xe,u=n[v++];let l=-1;for(const m of o){const i=u(m,++l,o),a=y.get(i);a?a.push(m):y.set(i,[m])}for(const[m,i]of y)y.set(m,r(i,v));return t(y)}(e,0)}function W(e,t,s){this.k=e,this.x=t,this.y=s}W.prototype={constructor:W,scale:function(e){return e===1?this:new W(this.k*e,this.x,this.y)},translate:function(e,t){return e===0&t===0?this:new W(this.k,this.x+this.k*e,this.y+this.k*t)},apply:function(e){return[e[0]*this.k+this.x,e[1]*this.k+this.y]},applyX:function(e){return e*this.k+this.x},applyY:function(e){return e*this.k+this.y},invert:function(e){return[(e[0]-this.x)/this.k,(e[1]-this.y)/this.k]},invertX:function(e){return(e-this.x)/this.k},invertY:function(e){return(e-this.y)/this.k},rescaleX:function(e){return e.copy().domain(e.range().map(this.invertX,this).map(e.invert,e))},rescaleY:function(e){return e.copy().domain(e.range().map(this.invertY,this).map(e.invert,e))},toString:function(){return"translate("+this.x+","+this.y+") scale("+this.k+")"}};W.prototype;async function Ie(e){if("clipboard"in navigator)await navigator.clipboard.writeText(e);else{const t=document.createElement("input");t.type="text",t.disabled=!0,t.style.setProperty("position","fixed"),t.style.setProperty("z-index","-100"),t.style.setProperty("pointer-events","none"),t.style.setProperty("opacity","0"),t.value=e,document.body.appendChild(t),t.click(),t.select(),document.execCommand("copy"),document.body.removeChild(t)}}const Ne=(e,t)=>{async function s(){if(r)try{await Ie(r),e.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("svelte-copy",{detail:r}))}catch(o){e.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("svelte-copy:error",{detail:o}))}}let n=typeof t=="string"?["click"]:[t.events].flat(1),r=typeof t=="string"?t:t.text;return n.forEach(o=>{e.addEventListener(o,s,!0)}),{update:o=>{const v=typeof o=="string"?["click"]:[o.events].flat(1),y=typeof o=="string"?o:o.text,u=v.filter(m=>!n.includes(m)),l=n.filter(m=>!v.includes(m));u.forEach(m=>{e.addEventListener(m,s,!0)}),l.forEach(m=>{e.removeEventListener(m,s,!0)}),n=v,r=y},destroy:()=>{n.forEach(o=>{e.removeEventListener(o,s,!0)})}}};function Pe(e){let 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m=`${be}/assets/demo/fonts/${r}.css`,i=()=>{s(3,l="Copied!"),setTimeout(()=>{s(3,l="")},1e3)};return ke(async()=>{const a=await fetch(m);s(2,u=await a.text())}),e.$$set=a=>{"id"in a&&s(7,r=a.id),"family"in a&&s(0,o=a.family),"size"in a&&s(8,v=a.size),"text"in a&&s(1,y=a.text)},e.$$.update=()=>{e.$$.dirty&256&&s(4,n=`${v}px`)},[o,y,u,l,n,m,i,r,v]}class De extends ne{constructor(t){super(),se(this,t,Ae,Pe,te,{id:7,family:0,size:8,text:1})}}const Be=[{id:"atkinson",family:"Atkinson",type:"sans-serif"},{id:"atlas",family:"Atlas Grotesk",type:"sans-serif"},{id:"baloo-bhai",family:"Baloo Bhai",type:"sans-serif"},{id:"canela",family:"Canela",type:"serif"},{id:"computer-modern",family:"Computer Modern",type:"serif"},{id:"cozette",family:"Cozette",type:"other"},{id:"inter",family:"Inter",type:"sans-serif"},{id:"jamboree",family:"Jamboree",type:"other"},{id:"jersey",family:"Jersey M54",type:"other"},{id:"lyon",family:"Lyon 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i=0;iq(l[i],1,1,()=>{l[i]=null});return{c(){t=C("h2"),n=H(s),r=L(),o=C("section");for(let i=0;iq(c[f],1,1,()=>{c[f]=null});return{c(){t=C("div"),s=C("h1"),s.textContent=n,r=L(),o=C("p"),o.innerHTML=v,y=L(),u=C("form"),l=C("label"),m=H("font-size: "),i=H(e[0]),a=H("px"),d=L(),g=C("input"),j=L(),I=C("label"),I.textContent=D,T=L(),w=C("input"),B=L(),z=C("article");for(let f=0;fu.type);o.sort((u,l)=>Ce(u[1].length,l[1].length));function v(){n=Ee(this.value),s(0,n)}function y(){r=this.value,s(1,r)}return[n,r,o,v,y]}class Oe extends ne{constructor(t){super(),se(this,t,He,je,te,{})}}function Ye(e){let t,s;return t=new Oe({}),{c(){pe(t.$$.fragment)},l(n){de(t.$$.fragment,n)},m(n,r){me(t,n,r),s=!0},p:ee,i(n){s||(F(t.$$.fragment,n),s=!0)},o(n){q(t.$$.fragment,n),s=!1},d(n){ye(t,n)}}}class qe extends ne{constructor(t){super(),se(this,t,null,Ye,te,{})}}export{qe as component}; +import{s as te,e as C,j as L,t as H,U as _e,c as x,d as b,l as M,a as S,b as O,A as G,p as k,q as K,f as p,i as Y,V as ve,W as Z,g as J,F as ge,n as ee,E as ce,o as ke,B as Q,X as ue,Y as Ee}from"../chunks/scheduler.DLC04zGR.js";import{S as ne,i as se,a as F,g as fe,c as he,t as q,b as pe,d as de,m as me,e as ye}from"../chunks/index.CTBkA0La.js";import{e as $}from"../chunks/each.D6YF6ztN.js";import{b as be}from"../chunks/paths.CurUQF-P.js";function Ce(e,t){return e==null||t==null?NaN:te?1:t>=e?0:NaN}class xe extends Map{constructor(t,s=we){if(super(),Object.defineProperties(this,{_intern:{value:new Map},_key:{value:s}}),t!=null)for(const[n,r]of t)this.set(n,r)}get(t){return super.get(le(this,t))}has(t){return super.has(le(this,t))}set(t,s){return super.set(ze(this,t),s)}delete(t){return super.delete(Te(this,t))}}function le({_intern:e,_key:t},s){const n=t(s);return e.has(n)?e.get(n):s}function ze({_intern:e,_key:t},s){const n=t(s);return e.has(n)?e.get(n):(e.set(n,s),s)}function Te({_intern:e,_key:t},s){const n=t(s);return e.has(n)&&(s=e.get(n),e.delete(n)),s}function we(e){return e!==null&&typeof 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