Scheme base library for bytevectors
. __Authors:__ CSCM Contributor ([`[email protected]`](mailto:[email protected])).'$scml_exports'/0 | |
'bytevector-append'/1 | Returns a bytevector whose bytes are the concatenation of the bytes in the given bytevectors. . |
'bytevector-copy!'/3 | unsupported . |
'bytevector-copy!'/4 | unsupported . |
'bytevector-copy!'/5 | unsupported . |
'bytevector-copy'/1 | Equivalent to 'bytevector-copy'(V, 0, 'bytevector-length'(V)). |
'bytevector-copy'/2 | Equivalent to 'bytevector-copy'(V, Start, 'bytevector-length'(V)). |
'bytevector-copy'/3 | Returns a bytevector constructed from the bytes of bytevector beginning with index start and ending with index end. . |
'bytevector-length'/1 | Returns the number of bytes in the given bytevector. . |
'bytevector-u8-ref'/2 | Returns byte k of bytevector using zero-origin indexing. It is an error if k is not a valid index of bytevector. . |
'bytevector-u8-set!'/3 | unsupported . |
'bytevector?'/1 | Returns #t if obj is a bytevector, otherwise returns #f. . |
'make-bytevector'/1 | Equivalent to 'make-bytevector'(K, 0). |
'make-bytevector'/2 | Returns a bytevector of k bytes. . |
'string->utf8'/1 | Equivalent to 'string->utf8'(S, 0, 'string-length'(S)). |
'string->utf8'/2 | Equivalent to 'string->utf8'(S, Start, 'string-length'(S)). |
'string->utf8'/3 | encodes the characters of a string between start and end and returns the corresponding bytevector. . |
'utf8->string'/1 | Equivalent to 'utf8->string'(V, 0, 'bytevector-length'(V)). |
'utf8->string'/2 | Equivalent to 'utf8->string'(V, Start, 'bytevector-length'(V)). |
'utf8->string'/3 | Decodes the bytes of a bytevector between start and end and returns the corresponding string. . |
bytevector/1 | Returns a bytevector whose bytes contain the given arguments. . |
'$scml_exports'() -> [{scm_symbol(), scmi_nip()}]
'bytevector-append'(Vs::[scm_bytevector(), ...]) -> scm_bytevector()
Returns a bytevector whose bytes are the concatenation of the bytes in the given bytevectors.
'bytevector-copy!'(To::scm_bytevector(), At::scm_k(), From::scm_bytevector()) -> scm_false()
'bytevector-copy!'(To::scm_bytevector(), At::scm_k(), From::scm_bytevector(), Start::scm_start()) -> scm_false()
'bytevector-copy!'(To::scm_bytevector(), At::scm_k(), From::scm_bytevector(), Start::scm_start(), End::scm_end()) -> scm_false()
'bytevector-copy'(V::scm_bytevector()) -> scm_bytevector()
Equivalent to 'bytevector-copy'(V, 0, 'bytevector-length'(V))
'bytevector-copy'(Bytevector::scm_bytevector(), Start::scm_start()) -> scm_bytevector()
Equivalent to 'bytevector-copy'(V, Start, 'bytevector-length'(V))
'bytevector-copy'(Bytevector::scm_bytevector(), Start::scm_start(), End::scm_end()) -> scm_bytevector()
Returns a bytevector constructed from the bytes of bytevector beginning with index start and ending with index end.
'bytevector-length'(Bytevector::scm_bytevector()) -> scm_k()
Returns the number of bytes in the given bytevector.
'bytevector-u8-ref'(Bytevector::scm_bytevector(), K::scm_k()) -> scm_byte()
Returns byte k of bytevector using zero-origin indexing. It is an error if k is not a valid index of bytevector.
'bytevector-u8-set!'(V::scm_bytevector(), K::scm_k(), Byte::scm_byte()) -> scm_false()
'bytevector?'(Bytevector::scm_obj()) -> scm_boolean()
Returns #t if obj is a bytevector, otherwise returns #f.
'make-bytevector'(K::scm_k()) -> scm_bytevector()
Equivalent to 'make-bytevector'(K, 0)
'make-bytevector'(K::scm_k(), Byte::scm_byte()) -> scm_bytevector()
Returns a bytevector of k bytes.
'string->utf8'(String::scm_string()) -> scm_bytevector()
Equivalent to 'string->utf8'(S, 0, 'string-length'(S))
'string->utf8'(String::scm_string(), Start::scm_start()) -> scm_bytevector()
Equivalent to 'string->utf8'(S, Start, 'string-length'(S))
'string->utf8'(String::scm_string(), Start::scm_start(), End::scm_end()) -> scm_bytevector()
encodes the characters of a string between start and end and returns the corresponding bytevector.
'utf8->string'(Bytevector::scm_bytevector()) -> scm_string()
Equivalent to 'utf8->string'(V, 0, 'bytevector-length'(V))
'utf8->string'(Bytevector::scm_bytevector(), Start::scm_start()) -> scm_string()
Equivalent to 'utf8->string'(V, Start, 'bytevector-length'(V))
'utf8->string'(Bytevector::scm_bytevector(), Start::scm_start(), End::scm_end()) -> scm_string()
Decodes the bytes of a bytevector between start and end and returns the corresponding string.
bytevector(Bytes::[scm_byte(), ...]) -> scm_bytevector()
Returns a bytevector whose bytes contain the given arguments.