This Kirby plugin can automatically purge Cloudflare cached URLs.
Download and copy this repository to /site/plugins/clear-cloudflare-cache
git submodule add site/plugins/clear-cloudflare-cache
composer require thathoff/kirby-clear-cloudflare-cache
At a minimum, you must set the following options in your config.php
'thathoff.clearcloudflarecache.cloudflareZoneID' => 'YOUR_CF_ZONE_ID',
'thathoff.clearcloudflarecache.cloudflareEmail' => 'YOUR_CF_EMAIL',
'thathoff.clearcloudflarecache.cloudflareAPIKey' => 'YOUR_CF_API_KEY',
This must be set to your Cloudflare Zone ID (available in the Overview dashboard).
This must be set to the email address of your Cloudflare account.
This must be set to your Cloudflare API Key (available in the Profile page).
This must be a function that returns what URL(s) should be cleared after a page modification.
By default, simply returns the URL of the page itself and potentially the previous URL (in the case of a slug change).
function ($hook, $page, $oldPage = null) {
return $oldPage ? [$page->url(), $oldPage->url()] : $page->url();
If you know that a change to one page affects other pages, you could include them as well. For example, the following would clear the Cloudflare cache for a modified page siblings (including the affected page) and parent pages.
'thathoff.clearcloudflarecache.dependantUrlsForPage'=> function ($hook, $page, $oldPage = null) {
return $page->parents()->add($page->siblings(true));
Or, a more elaborate example could include a sitemap and content representations:
'thathoff.clearcloudflarecache.dependantUrlsForPage'=> function ($hook, $page, $oldPage = null) {
$urls = [];
$urls[] = $page->url();
$urls[] = $page->url() . '.json';
if ($oldPage) {
$urls[] = $oldPage->url();
$urls[] = $oldPage->url() . '.json';
$urls[] = page('sitemap')->url();
$urls[] = page('sitemap')->url() . '.xml';
return $urls;
The function may return:
- a single Page object
- a single URL string
- a Pages collection of Page objects
- an array of URL strings and/or Page objects
- null, empty array, or empty Pages collection (this will cause no cache to be cleared)
Duplicate URLs will automatically be filtered out.
All URL strings must be absolute URLs (
), not relative (/blog
Maintained by Markus Denhoff, originally developed by Neil Daniels of The Streamable