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Installation steps for th2 via ArgoCD

NOTE: files could be found in an appropriate folders

  1. cassandra preparation steps

    Cassandra deployment

    Cass-operator should be installed beforehand e.g. from OperatorHub

    Create namespace

    Create namespace for cassandra and make sure that it is available for ArgoCD:

    oc create namespace argo-cassandra
    oc config set-context --current --namespace argo-cassandra
    oc label namespace argo-cassandra<namespace-with-argocd-instance>

    Make sure that you have storage class with reclame policy RETAIN chosen for cassandra persistence.

    Upload secrets to the cluster

    In order to store secrets.yaml with sensetive data safely in git repository it should be sealed with kubeseal and uploaded to the cluster as SealedSecret resource:

    Create cassandra-secret.yaml with the following content:

    password=<cassandra superuser password>

    Encrypt the secret, after that it can be stored in git repo:

    oc create secret generic cassandra-secret --dry-run=client --from-env-file=tmp/cassandra-secret.yaml -o json > tmp/cassandra-secret.json
    kubeseal --cert ~/.kube/profiles/okd.sealed.pubkey.pem <tmp/cassandra-secret.json >cassandra-secret.json

    ArgoCD Application deployment

    Create application in ArgoCD GUI and fill the form as in argo-cassandra.yaml

    Or perform CLI command to deploy cassandra:

    oc -n <namespace-with-argocd-instance> apply -f argo-cassandra.yaml

    SCC for cassandra SA should be added manualy

    Add anyuid SCC to cassandra SA:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -n argo-cassandra -z cassandra
  2. monitoring preparation steps

    Monitoring deployment

    Enable monitoring for user-defined projects - initial settings.

    Configuration in this article should be performed with ADMINISTRATIVE PRIVILEGES.

    In order to be able to get TH2 custom metrics you need to enable monitoring for user-defined projects.

    Create cluster-monitoring-config ConfigMap object in openshift-monitoring namespace (or edit it if you already have a new one. Add enableUserWorkload: true under data/config.yaml.):

    oc apply -f cluster-monitoring-config.yaml

    Save the file to apply the changes. Monitoring for user-defined projects is then enabled automatically.

    You can optionally create and configure the user-workload-monitoring-config ConfigMap object (user-workload-monitoring-config.yaml) in the openshift-user-workload-monitoring project. You can add configuration options to this ConfigMap object for the components that monitor user-defined projects. EG - you can distribute workload on worker nodes, and configure user workload prometheus persistance

    Check that the prometheus-operator, prometheus-user-workload and thanos-ruler-user-workload pods are running in the openshift-user-workload-monitoring project.

    oc get po -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring

    It might take a short while for the pods to start.

    Loki and Grafana deployment

    TO;DO - replace helm repo with git repo for helm chart - for restricted environment; Get rid of Multiple Sources for an Application;

    Create namespace for application and make sure that it is available for ArgoCD:

    oc create ns argo-monitoring
    oc config set-context --current --namespace argo-monitoring
    oc label namespace argo-monitoring

    In case of monitoring stack is been deployed before TH2-infra - grafana dashboards and plugins could be temporary switched off in loki-values.yaml.

    Grafana helm repository should be added to /settings/repos in ArgoCD GUI

    ArgoCD Application deployment

    Create 2 applications in ArgoCD GUI and fill the forms as in argo-monitoring.yaml and grafana-access.yaml

    Or perform CLI command to deploy monitoring:

    oc -n openshift-gitops apply -f argo-monitoring.yaml

    privileged security context constraint (SCC) should be added to serviceaccounts loki-promtail and anyuid SCC should be added to SAs loki and loki-grafana:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -n argo-monitoring -z monitoring-promtail
    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z monitoring-grafana -n argo-monitoring

    Preparing access to internal OpenShift Prometheus

    Originaly Grafana has no access to OpenShift Prometheus to provide it a proper Authorization HTTP Header should be passed to Prometheus Data Source configuration.

    The following creates ServiceAccount in argo-monitoring namespace with Secret of type and bindes cluster-monitoring-view ClusterRole to mentioned ServiceAccount.

    Required resources should already be created with ArgoCD we can check the secret following way:

    oc get secrets -n argo-monitoring | grep grafana-prometheus-access-token

    and obtain Authorization HTTP Header with the following command:

    echo -n "Bearer "; oc -n argo-monitoring get secrets grafana-prometheus-access-token-hcr6q -o jsonpath="{..token}" | base64 -d ; printf "\n"

    The output should be added to grafana.datasources.datasources.yaml.datasources.secureJsonData.httpHeaderValue1

  3. Sealed secret preparation steps

    Sealed Secrets deployment

    Create namespace

    Detail documentation for Sealed Secrets can be found here

    Create service namespace and make sure that it is available for ArgoCD:

    oc create namespace argo-service
    oc label namespace argo-service<namespace-with-argocd-instance>

    Deploy Sealed Secrets

    Create application in ArgoCD GUI and fill the form as in argo-secrets.yaml

    Or perform CLI command to deploy cassandra:

    oc -n <namespace-with-argocd-instance> create -f argo-secrets.yaml

    Sealing key renewal is turned off in values.yaml

    Install kubeseal for operator's console

    kubeseal tool provides a way to cipher secrets - it should be installed on operator's host

    tar -xvzf kubeseal-<version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz kubeseal
    sudo install -m 755 kubeseal /usr/local/bin/kubeseal

    Certificate can be fetched from controller log and stored on operator's host:

    oc -n argo-service logs sealed-secrets-57cc6d7d5-qltk9

    After that kubeseal may be checked e.g. the following way:

    kubeseal --cert ~/.kube/profiles/okd.sealed.pubkey.pem
  4. th2 installation

    th2 deployment

    Create namespace

    argo-service namespace has already been created during Sealed Secrets operator deployment else it should be created the following way:

    oc create namespace argo-service
    oc config set-context --current --namespace argo-service
    oc label namespace argo-service<namespace-with-argocd-instance>

    To be able to run th2 workloads in multiple namespaces with the same domain name the route admission policy need to be configured the following way:

    oc -n openshift-ingress-operator patch ingresscontroller/default --patch '{"spec":{"routeAdmission":{"namespaceOwnership":"InterNamespaceAllowed"}}}' --type=merge

    Upload secrets to the cluster

    In order to store secrets.yaml with sensetive data safely in git repository it should be sealed with kubeseal and uploaded to the cluster as SealedSecret resource:

    Create rabbitmq-secret.yaml with the following content:

    oc create secret generic rabbitmq --dry-run=client --from-env-file=tmp/rabbitmq-secret.yaml -o json > tmp/rabbitmq-secret.json
    oc create secret generic cassandra --dry-run=client --from-env-file=tmp/cassandra-secret.yaml -o json > tmp/cassandra-secret.json
    oc create secret docker-registry nexus-proxy --docker-server=<your-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-password> --dry-run=client -o json > tmp/nexus-proxy.secret.json
    oc create secret docker-registry nexus-private --docker-server=<your-one-more-registry-server> --docker-username=<your-name> --docker-password=<your-password> --dry-run=client -o json > tmp/nexus-private.secret.json

    base64 encoded private key should be inserted to inframgr-secret.json secret manualy:

      "kind": "SealedSecret",
      "apiVersion": "",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "inframgr-secret",
        "namespace": "argo-service",
        "creationTimestamp": null
      "spec": {
        "template": {
          "metadata": {
            "name": "inframgr-secret",
            "namespace": "argo-service",
            "creationTimestamp": null
        "encryptedData": {
          "id_rsa": "<HERE>    <=== !!! " 

    Encrypt the secrets, after that they can be stored in git repo:

    for SECRET in $(ls tmp/ | grep .json$); do kubeseal --cert ~/.kube/profiles/okd.sealed.pubkey.pem <tmp/$SECRET >secrets/$SECRET; done

    We do not install converter here, because initially assumed that OpenShift cluster doesn't have write access to git repository.

    jupyterhub installation (comes within TH2 infra installation)

    To deploy jupyterhub in OpenShift (OKD) anyuid SCC should be added to SA hub:

    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -n argo-service -z hub

    ArgoCD Application deployment

    Create application in ArgoCD GUI and fill the form as in argo-th2.yaml

    Or perform CLI command to deploy:

    oc -n <namespace-with-argocd-instance> apply -f argo-th2.yaml