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tezoscommunity edited this page Nov 6, 2017 · 13 revisions

28Oct17 14:08 PST
(Revised 05Nov17 13:00 PST)

CryptoPeekaBoo Version 0.0.0
“Have You Hugged Your Node Today?”
by Zero-Hour-Zulu

Contact me on RIOT to get the download link and password.
The OVA file is about 5 GB.

==Begin Instructions==============
1. Install Oracle VirtualBox appropriate to your machine and architecture:

2. Download the CryptoPeekaBoo .OVA machine file and verify SHA256.
$openssl sha -sha256 CryptoPeekaBoo.ova
SHA256: b8910a41108631bbb9af7e088608e98cd17fa687ada84b8c752c11316618d02d

3. Start up VirtualBox on your machine (I assume your machine is 64-bit, so
CryptoPeekaBoo is built as a 64-bit machine; it MAY be possible to alter the
characteristics of the machine on import, but I have not experimented with this)
Click on File/Import, and point to the .OVA file, and import the machine.
You may alter some configuration in “settings,” such as RAM. The disk
has been allocated 60GB of growth, but is less than 5 GB in current use.

4. From the VirtualBox control panel, start up the machine.
It will boot on your desktop in an application window.

5. Three logins are presented:
“Administrator” (password: "walden”);
“Admin” (password: “cryptopeekaboo”) and
“Ozzy Ocamel” (password: “tezos”).

The very first time you log into any of these accounts, you will be forced
to change the password. Password complexity has been disabled, and minlen has
been set to 5.

You may change your password at any time at the terminal prompt; issue the command “passwd”
and you will be prompted for the current and the new passwords.

The Administrator account was created for working on development where frequent
access to sudo may be needed. Admin is a backup administrator’s account in case
you are locked out of Administrator. Ozzy is a normal user account, and it is
intended that the node generally run in this less-privileged account.
Developers may find the Administrator account most useful, while non-developer
users who wish to simply start up and run a node and leave it alone may find
the Ozzy account best.

Tezos build and compilation was done in both the Administrator & Ozzy accounts
as of 03Nov17. Rebuild in each account from the Tezos GitHub as appropriate.

Further, very detailed instructions will be given on an open note on your destop
once you log into the Administrator or Ozzy account.
==End Instructions==============

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