Thanks for your interest in contributing to the Reven API cookbook! Whether you're interested in adding new recipes, improving existing ones, or fixing typos, all contributions are welcome!
Got something not working for you, or that was unclear? Here are some contributions you can make:
- Opening an issue describing your problem. Even if you don't know how to fix the issue, you're certainly not alone encountering it! Feel free to open an issue on the cookbook repository describing your problem, what you tried and what went wrong.
- The issue is with Reven rather than with the recipe? If the issue looks like the API is not behaving as expected, you can send an email to [email protected] for getting help.
- Got an idea for a fix? Feel free to fork the cookbook repository on GitHub, push your fix in your fork, and then propose it as a Pull Request (PR). It will then be reviewed by members of the team for inclusion in the cookbook!
Got an idea for a new recipe, or your use case is not covered by the existing recipes?
- Even if you don't contribute the recipe itself, you can open an issue describing what's missing. This may prompt others to contribute the recipe!
- If you want to contribute the recipe, feel free to fork the cookbook repository on GitHub, push your fix in your fork, and then propose it as a Pull Request (PR). It will then be reviewed by members of the team for inclusion in the cookbook!
Here are some guidelines to contribute new recipes:
- Ideal recipes are short, can be reused without too many modifications.
- If the recipe is long, see if it can be split into several consecutive recipes
- You can use "common" variables without introducing them:
. - You don't have to mess with related examples and version tags if you don't want to have to. The team will suggest the proper tags to you if you don't add them yourself.