Thanks for taking the time to contribute to terminus-store!
Run cargo test
before submitting your changes and be sure to make a test for your change as well.
Please send a GitHub Pull Request to the main
Please write clear log messages with your commits. Small changes can be a one line message, but big changes should have a descriptive paragraph with a newline after the title in the message.
It should look something like this:
$ git commit -m "My change title
> This is a paragraph describing my change."
We adhere to the formatting style used by cargo fmt
. Please run cargo fmt
before submitting your changes as well.
Unless specified otherwise, we assume your contribution is contributed under the same license as the rest of the project (Apache 2.0). If you wish to contribute under another license, please make this clear in your pull request, and include the required edits to the readme. Your change will still need to be Apache 2.0-compatible, and we're likely to reject any pull request with a different license unless there's a very good reason for doing so. A good reason might be if you are merging a significant amount of code from another project which uses another license, and you wish to ensure that the original project is able to merge back patches.
If you need to pull in any extra dependencies, make sure these are licensed under a Apache 2.0-compatible license. Most libraries in the Rust FOSS ecosystem should be fine.