Releases: tequilahub/tequila
Pr robustness application (#183)
Added code and techniques described in
sign consistency between upccgsd circuit optimizations (#184)
more consistency between different mappings (e.g. optimized compiling in JW vs standard compiling in BK)
fixing bug in qcbase (#182)
prepare_reference did not consider potential reordering in the fermionic encoding
PR-Improved-rotation-circuits-in-grouping (#162)
More efficient basis-change rotation-circuits in the measurement reduction scheme of T.-C. Yen, V. Verteletskyi and A. Izmaylov
Will be described in detail in Z. Bansingh, A. Izmaylov et. al. (once published paper will be added to list)
Qiskit update (#185)
Fixing qiskit backend to comply with new version
Pr opt compiling (#148)
switch on optimized compiling of qubit excitations by default, small bugfix in trotterized gates
fixed issue with reordered jordanwigner and optimized compiling
qubit excitation: optimized compiling also for non-ordered excitations
Pr map variables (#149)
allow mapping of variables
fixed qpic and circuit parameter repr
transformed variables work for new versions of jax/jaxlib (#151)
more consistency between qubit excitations and fermionic_excitation gates
adapted tests
PR:PySCF (#153)
automatize pyscf support
Pr four term rule (#150)
sync with master
initial four-term rule
four term rule for qubit excitation
PR by dwierichs -
F12 correction (#156)
added F12 functionality
more convenience in adding gates to circuit (#157)
PR by p. schleich -
PR pyscf hotfix (#158)
circumvent pyscf crash from newest h5py release
QLM simulator support (#159)
Created support for QLM (simulators)
PR by Leo Becker -
Pr controlled (#160)
Add control_circ method to QCircuit
PR by MakoStrwlkr -
Changed cirq.TrialResult to cirq.Result (#167)
Co-authored-by: David Wierichs [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Philipp Schleich [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Leo Becker [email protected]
Co-authored-by: MakoStrwlkr [email protected]
tequila v1.5.0
Chemistry Updates:
- added hardcore boson hamiltonian to qc_base
- improved madness defaults (symmmetric orthogonalization, boys localization, diagonal approximation)
- active space integration into hcb hamiltonians
- qubit mapping for circuits includes generators nowl
- collect more information in adapt
- simplified and generalized qubit encodings in the chemistry backend
- naming pnoinfo files consistently
- unifying upccgsd labeling
- better file handling from madinterface
- unified (SPA-)-(HCB)-UpCC(G)(S)D approaches according to arXiv:2105.03836
- optimized qubit excitations according to arxiv:2005.14475
- adding A approximation to UpCCGSD singles
- added SPA keyword for consistency with paper
- pyscf bridge for convenience + streamlined method calling in spa and upccgsd hierarchies
- added classical methods to pyscf
- added pyscf to CI
*avoid gate duplication in make_upccsd
General Updates and Fixes: - cleaning up gates
- moving improved QubitExcitations from devel-chemistry to public devel
- moving improved Controlled-Gates-Shifts from devel-chemistry to public devel
- balanced improvements in gates with current version of the chem module
*Avoid numeric type issue with jax for lazy initialization of initial variables in some optimizers
*fixed issue with scipy module and noise (now passed down correctly)
*improved qpic module
tequila v1.0.0
Initial release version of tequila
The main features are described in:
Extended features for the chemistry module are described in:!divAbstract