This folder reproduces a known limitation in babashka/bbin
per 2024-06-19:
$ bbin-dev install .
Starting install...
bin location
───── ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
fail1 file:///Users/teodorlu/dev/teodorlu/bbin-testdata/fail1
Install complete.
$ fail1
Error building classpath. Manifest file not found for local/deps in coordinate #:local{:root "/Users/teodorlu/dev/teodorlu/bbin-testdata/fail1"}
Exception in thread "main" clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: babashka.process.Process@591fb1b
at babashka.process$check.invokeStatic(process.cljc:111)
at babashka.process$shell.invokeStatic(process.cljc:660)
at babashka.impl.deps$add_deps$fn__27859.invoke(deps.clj:107)
at borkdude.deps$_main.invokeStatic(deps.clj:1052)
at borkdude.deps$_main.doInvoke(deps.clj:882)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(
at clojure.core$apply.invokeStatic(core.clj:667)
at babashka.impl.deps$add_deps$fn__27866$fn__27867.invoke(deps.clj:113)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo(
at clojure.core$apply.invokeStatic(core.clj:667)
at clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_.invokeStatic(core.clj:1990)
at clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_.doInvoke(core.clj:1990)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at babashka.impl.deps$add_deps$fn__27866.invoke(deps.clj:113)
at babashka.impl.deps$add_deps.invokeStatic(deps.clj:113)
at babashka.main$exec$fn__32736.invoke(main.clj:872)
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo(
at clojure.core$apply.invokeStatic(core.clj:667)
at clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_.invokeStatic(core.clj:1990)
at clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_.doInvoke(core.clj:1990)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at babashka.main$exec.invokeStatic(main.clj:824)
at babashka.main$main.invokeStatic(main.clj:1201)
at babashka.main$main.doInvoke(main.clj:1148)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(
at clojure.core$apply.invokeStatic(core.clj:667)
at babashka.main$_main.invokeStatic(main.clj:1234)
at babashka.main$_main.doInvoke(main.clj:1226)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.applyTo(
at babashka.main.main(Unknown Source)
at java.base@22/java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH/sa346b79c.invokeStaticInit(LambdaForm$DMH)
$ bbin-dev install .
Starting install...
bin location
───── ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
fail1 file:///Users/teodorlu/dev/teodorlu/bbin-testdata/fail1
Install complete.
$ echo '{}' > deps.edn
$ fail1
{:script "fail1", :args nil}
is installed as a babashka wrapper in ~/.local/bin
$ which fail1
$ cat ~/.local/bin/fail1
#!/usr/bin/env bb
; :bbin/start
; {:coords
; {:bbin/url "file:///Users/teodorlu/dev/teodorlu/bbin-testdata/fail1"}}
; :bbin/end
(require '[babashka.process :as process]
'[babashka.fs :as fs]
'[clojure.string :as str])
(def script-root "/Users/teodorlu/dev/teodorlu/bbin-testdata/fail1")
(def script-main-opts-first "-m")
(def script-main-opts-second "fail1/-main")
(def tmp-edn
(doto (fs/file (fs/temp-dir) (str (gensym "bbin")))
(spit (str "{:deps {local/deps {:local/root " (pr-str script-root) "}}}"))
(def base-command
["bb" "--deps-root" script-root "--config" (str tmp-edn)
script-main-opts-first script-main-opts-second
(process/exec (into base-command *command-line-args*))
is run with --deps-root
, which requires a folder with a deps.edn
In this case, there is no deps.edn
We can modify the script to figure out what base-command
and tmp-edn
is before the script is executed:
;; [... script as before]
(println "tmp-edn:")
(println (slurp tmp-edn))
(println "base-command:")
(prn base-command)
(process/exec (into base-command *command-line-args*))
This gives us some output before the script crashes:
{:deps {local/deps {:local/root "/Users/teodorlu/dev/teodorlu/bbin-testdata/fail1"}}}
["bb" "--deps-root" "/Users/teodorlu/dev/teodorlu/bbin-testdata/fail1" "--config" "/var/folders/_s/yj6rk2hj0llgly4hrb906z4c0000gn/T/bbin158" "-m" "fail1/-main" "--"]
Error building classpath. Manifest file not found for local/deps in coordinate #:local{:root "/Users/teodorlu/dev/teodorlu/bbin-testdata/fail1"}
[... crash as above ...]
Perhaps there's a clue about what can be done in bb --help
$ bb --help
Babashka v1.3.190
Usage: bb [svm-opts] [global-opts] [eval opts] [cmdline args]
or: bb [svm-opts] [global-opts] file [cmdline args]
or: bb [svm-opts] [global-opts] task [cmdline args]
or: bb [svm-opts] [global-opts] subcommand [subcommand opts] [cmdline args]
Substrate VM opts:
-Xmx<size>[g|G|m|M|k|K] Set a maximum heap size (e.g. -Xmx256M to limit the heap to 256MB).
-XX:PrintFlags= Print all Substrate VM options.
Global opts:
-cp, --classpath Classpath to use. Overrides bb.edn classpath.
--debug Print debug information and internal stacktrace in case of exception.
--init <file> Load file after any preloads and prior to evaluation/subcommands.
--config <file> Replace bb.edn with file. Defaults to bb.edn adjacent to invoked file or bb.edn in current dir. Relative paths are resolved relative to bb.edn.
--deps-root <dir> Treat dir as root of relative paths in config.
--prn Print result via clojure.core/prn
-Sforce Force recalculation of the classpath (don't use the cache)
-Sdeps Deps data to use as the last deps file to be merged
-f, --file <path> Run file
--jar <path> Run uberjar
help, -h or -? Print this help text.
version Print the current version of babashka.
describe Print an EDN map with information about this version of babashka.
doc <var|ns> Print docstring of var or namespace. Requires namespace if necessary.
-e, --eval <expr> Evaluate an expression.
-m, --main <ns|var> Call the -main function from a namespace or call a fully qualified var.
-x, --exec <var> Call the fully qualified var. Args are parsed by babashka CLI.
repl Start REPL. Use rlwrap for history.
socket-repl [addr] Start a socket REPL. Address defaults to localhost:1666.
nrepl-server [addr] Start nREPL server. Address defaults to localhost:1667.
tasks Print list of available tasks.
run <task> Run task. See run --help for more details.
clojure [args...] Invokes clojure. Takes same args as the official clojure CLI.
uberscript <file> [eval-opt] Collect all required namespaces from the classpath into a single file. Accepts additional eval opts, like `-m`.
uberjar <jar> [eval-opt] Similar to uberscript but creates jar file.
prepare Download deps & pods defined in bb.edn and cache their metadata. Only an optimization, this will happen on demand when needed.
In- and output flags (only to be used with -e one-liners):
-i Bind *input* to a lazy seq of lines from stdin.
-I Bind *input* to a lazy seq of EDN values from stdin.
-o Write lines to stdout.
-O Write EDN values to stdout.
--stream Stream over lines or EDN values from stdin. Combined with -i or -I *input* becomes a single value per iteration.
print-deps [--format <deps | classpath>]: prints a deps.edn map or classpath
with built-in deps and deps from bb.edn.
File names take precedence over subcommand names.
Remaining arguments are bound to *command-line-args*.
Use -- to separate script command line args from bb command line args.
When no eval opts or subcommand is provided, the implicit subcommand is repl.
Do we need both a temporary deps-root and the script's own deps root?
Let's try directly modifying the script shim to make this work. This is the new complete shim:
#!/usr/bin/env bb
; :bbin/start
; {:coords
; {:bbin/url "file:///Users/teodorlu/dev/teodorlu/bbin-testdata/fail1"}}
; :bbin/end
(require '[babashka.process :as process]
'[babashka.fs :as fs]
'[clojure.string :as str])
(def script-root "/Users/teodorlu/dev/teodorlu/bbin-testdata/fail1")
(def script-main-opts-first "-m")
(def script-main-opts-second "fail1/-main")
(def tmp-edn
(doto (fs/file (fs/temp-dir) (str (gensym "bbin")))
(spit (str "{:deps {local/deps {:local/root " (pr-str script-root) "}}}"))
(def base-command
["bb" "--deps-root" script-root "--config" (str tmp-edn)
script-main-opts-first script-main-opts-second
;; (println "tmp-edn:")
;; (println (slurp tmp-edn))
;; (println)
;; (println "base-command:")
;; (prn base-command)
(def script-deps-file
(cond (fs/exists? (fs/file script-root "deps.edn"))
(fs/file (fs/file script-root "deps.edn"))
(fs/exists? (fs/file script-root "bb.edn"))
(fs/file (fs/file script-root "bb.edn"))
:else nil))
(def new-base-command
(when script-deps-file
["bb" "--config" (str script-deps-file)
script-main-opts-first script-main-opts-second
(process/exec (into (or new-base-command base-command) *command-line-args*))
Running the shim above complains about the classpath:
$ fail1
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Message: Could not locate, fail1.clj or fail1.cljc on classpath.
Location: <expr>:1:10
----- Context ------------------------------------------------------------------
1: (ns user (:require [fail1])) (apply fail1/-main *command-line-args*)
^--- Could not locate, fail1.clj or fail1.cljc on classpath.
----- Stack trace --------------------------------------------------------------
babashka.main/exec/fn--32736/load-fn--32747 - <built-in>
user - <expr>:1:10
We never set "src"
to be on the classpath in the bb.edn
file in this folder:
$ cat bb.edn
{:bbin/bin {small1 {:main-opts ["-m" "small/-main"]}}}
If we set :paths ["src"]
explicitly in bb.edn
, we get better results:
$ cat bb.edn
{:paths ["src"]
:bbin/bin {fail1 {:main-opts ["-m" "fail1/-main"]}}}
$ fail1
{:script "fail1", :args nil}
Given that a user has a bb.edn
file without set :paths
, should "src"
on the classpath be inferred?
Here's what happens when "src"
is not set to be on :paths
in bb.edn:
$ pwd
$ pwd
$ SCRIPT_DIR=/Users/teodorlu/dev/teodorlu/bbin-testdata/fail1
$ cat $SCRIPT_DIR/bb.edn
{:bbin/bin {fail1 {:main-opts ["-m" "fail1/-main"]}}}
$ bb --config "$SCRIPT_DIR/bb.edn" -m fail1/-main
----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
Message: Could not locate, fail1.clj or fail1.cljc on classpath.
Location: <expr>:1:10
----- Context ------------------------------------------------------------------
1: (ns user (:require [fail1])) (apply fail1/-main *command-line-args*)
^--- Could not locate, fail1.clj or fail1.cljc on classpath.
----- Stack trace --------------------------------------------------------------
babashka.main/exec/fn--32736/load-fn--32747 - <built-in>
user - <expr>:1:10
If we modify bb.edn
to have :paths ["src"]
, the classpath includes our script:
$ cat $SCRIPT_DIR/bb.edn
{:paths ["src"]
:bbin/bin {fail1 {:main-opts ["-m" "fail1/-main"]}}}
$ bb --config "$SCRIPT_DIR/bb.edn" -m fail1/-main
{:script "fail1", :args nil}