All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- handling dynamically creating enums for trigger.model.setblock() command parameter
- making sure that node[N].execute(), node[N].getglobal() and node[N].setglobal() only visible in TSP-Link systems.
- support dynamically creating enums for configured nodes
- Added Lua 5.0 definitions
- Fixed any type issue for few commands
- Fixing command help link is broken for 2600B models
- Added language feature support for 2651A, 2657A and 2601B-PULSE models
- tsp-toolkit-webhelp: Added webhelp documents for 2651A, 2657A and 2601B-PULSE models
- tsp-toolkit-webhelp: display.input.option() command signature has been corrected for all tti models
- Fixing enums not found issue, from 24xx and 2600B series example scripts
- workflow has been added for generaing json artifacts.