App | Image View |
Also see SQL Tables |
This is a reduced version out of an image gallery server I made to learn SQL, fastapi and flutter. You can upload many images quickly and reorder/tag/untag/delete them with the buttons right from the search bar. On the backend side each Image gets cut a small thumbnail for display in a TileGrid and gets a UUID which gets saved in the image Table. For adding tags there is a tag table and for connecting these two there is an extra tagmap table.
Flutter handles most stuff on its own just run
flutter pub get
in the frontend folder.
go to the backend folder create a venv and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
enter your Database/MySQL password in a .env file in the backend folder like DB_PASSWORD=...
then you can run uvicorn app.main:app
login to your database e.g. with mysql -u root -p and run
source absolute/path/to/init.sql
- fastapi
- see requirements for all