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# Modules
-":floppy_disk: msk-cluster":
-- modules/msk-cluster/**/*
":floppy_disk: resource-group":
- modules/resource-group/**/*
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index b2de133..1272df1 100644
--- a/.github/labels.yaml
+++ b/.github/labels.yaml
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name: "size/XL"
# Modules
-- color: "fbca04"
- description: "This issue or pull request is related to msk-cluster module."
- name: ":floppy_disk: msk-cluster"
- color: "fbca04"
description: "This issue or pull request is related to resource-group module."
name: ":floppy_disk: resource-group"
diff --git a/modules/msk-cluster/README.md b/modules/msk-cluster/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 55e1239..0000000
--- a/modules/msk-cluster/README.md
+++ /dev/null
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-# msk-cluster
-This module creates following resources.
-- `aws_msk_cluster`
-- `aws_msk_configuration`
-- `aws_msk_scram_secret_association` (optional)
-- `aws_security_group` (optional)
-- `aws_security_group_rule` (optional)
-- `aws_secretsmanager_secret` (optional)
-## Requirements
-| Name | Version |
-| [terraform](#requirement\_terraform) | >= 1.2 |
-| [aws](#requirement\_aws) | >= 4.22 |
-| [random](#requirement\_random) | >= 3.3 |
-## Providers
-| Name | Version |
-| [aws](#provider\_aws) | 4.52.0 |
-| [random](#provider\_random) | 3.4.3 |
-## Modules
-| Name | Source | Version |
-| [resource\_group](#module\_resource\_group) | tedilabs/misc/aws//modules/resource-group | ~> 0.10.0 |
-| [secret](#module\_secret) | tedilabs/secret/aws//modules/secrets-manager-secret | ~> 0.2.0 |
-| [security\_group](#module\_security\_group) | tedilabs/network/aws//modules/security-group | 0.26.0 |
-## Resources
-| Name | Type |
-| [aws_msk_cluster.this](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/msk_cluster) | resource |
-| [aws_msk_configuration.this](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/msk_configuration) | resource |
-| [aws_msk_scram_secret_association.this](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/msk_scram_secret_association) | resource |
-| [random_password.this](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/random/latest/docs/resources/password) | resource |
-| [aws_msk_broker_nodes.this](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/msk_broker_nodes) | data source |
-| [aws_subnet.this](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/subnet) | data source |
-## Inputs
-| Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
-| [broker\_size](#input\_broker\_size) | (Required) The desired total number of broker nodes in the kafka cluster. It must be a multiple of the number of specified client subnets. | `number` | n/a | yes |
-| [broker\_subnets](#input\_broker\_subnets) | (Required) A list of subnet IDs to place ENIs of the MSK cluster broker nodes within. | `list(string)` | n/a | yes |
-| [name](#input\_name) | (Required) Name of the MSK cluster. | `string` | n/a | yes |
-| [auth\_sasl\_iam\_enabled](#input\_auth\_sasl\_iam\_enabled) | (Optional) Enables IAM client authentication. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [auth\_sasl\_scram\_enabled](#input\_auth\_sasl\_scram\_enabled) | (Optional) Enables SCRAM client authentication via AWS Secrets Manager. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [auth\_sasl\_scram\_kms\_key](#input\_auth\_sasl\_scram\_kms\_key) | (Optional) The ARN of a KMS key to encrypt AWS SeecretsManager Secret resources for storing SASL/SCRAM authentication data. Only required when the MSK cluster has SASL/SCRAM authentication enabled. The Username/Password Authentication based on SASL/SCRAM needs to create a Secret resource in AWS SecretsManager with a custom AWS KMS Key. A secret created with the default AWS KMS key cannot be used with an Amazon MSK cluster. | `string` | `null` | no |
-| [auth\_sasl\_scram\_users](#input\_auth\_sasl\_scram\_users) | (Optional) A list of usernames to be allowed for SASL/SCRAM authentication to the MSK cluster. The password for each username is randomly generated and stored in AWS SecretsManager secret. | `set(string)` | `[]` | no |
-| [auth\_tls\_acm\_ca\_arns](#input\_auth\_tls\_acm\_ca\_arns) | (Optional) List of ACM Certificate Authority Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
-| [auth\_tls\_enabled](#input\_auth\_tls\_enabled) | (Optional) Enables TLS client authentication. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [auth\_unauthenticated\_access\_enabled](#input\_auth\_unauthenticated\_access\_enabled) | (Optional) Enables unauthenticated access. Defaults to `true`. | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| [broker\_additional\_security\_groups](#input\_broker\_additional\_security\_groups) | (Optional) A list of security group IDs to associate with ENIs to control who can communicate with the cluster. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
-| [broker\_allowed\_ingress\_cidrs](#input\_broker\_allowed\_ingress\_cidrs) | (Optional) A list of CIDR for MSK ingress access. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
-| [broker\_instance\_type](#input\_broker\_instance\_type) | (Optional) The instance type to use for the kafka brokers. | `string` | `"kafka.m5.large"` | no |
-| [broker\_public\_access\_enabled](#input\_broker\_public\_access\_enabled) | (Optional) Whether to allow public access to MSK brokers. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [broker\_volume\_provisioned\_throughput](#input\_broker\_volume\_provisioned\_throughput) | (Optional) Throughput value of the EBS volumes for the data drive on each kafka broker node in MiB per second. The minimum value is `250`. The maximum value varies between broker type. | `number` | `null` | no |
-| [broker\_volume\_provisioned\_throughput\_enabled](#input\_broker\_volume\_provisioned\_throughput\_enabled) | (Optional) Whether provisioned throughput is enabled or not. You can specify the provisioned throughput rate in MiB per second for clusters whose brokers are of type `kafka.m5.4xlarge` or larger and if the storage volume is 10 GiB or greater. Defaults to `false`. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [broker\_volume\_size](#input\_broker\_volume\_size) | (Optional) The size in GiB of the EBS volume for the data drive on each broker node. Minimum value of `1` and maximum value of `16384`. Defaults to `1000`. | `number` | `1000` | no |
-| [encryption\_at\_rest\_kms\_key](#input\_encryption\_at\_rest\_kms\_key) | (Optional) Specify a KMS key short ID or ARN (it will always output an ARN) to use for encrypting your data at rest. If no key is specified, an AWS managed KMS ('aws/msk' managed service) key will be used for encrypting the data at rest. | `string` | `""` | no |
-| [encryption\_in\_transit\_client\_mode](#input\_encryption\_in\_transit\_client\_mode) | (Optional) Encryption setting for data in transit between clients and brokers. `TLS`, `TLS_PLAINTEXT`, `PLAINTEXT` are available. | `string` | `"TLS_PLAINTEXT"` | no |
-| [encryption\_in\_transit\_in\_cluster\_enabled](#input\_encryption\_in\_transit\_in\_cluster\_enabled) | (Optional) Whether data communication among broker nodes is encrypted. | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| [kafka\_server\_properties](#input\_kafka\_server\_properties) | (Optional) Contents of the `server.properties` file for configuration of Kafka. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
-| [kafka\_version](#input\_kafka\_version) | (Optional) Kafka version to use for the MSK cluster. | `string` | `"2.8.0"` | no |
-| [logging\_cloudwatch\_enabled](#input\_logging\_cloudwatch\_enabled) | (Optional) Indicates whether you want to enable or disable streaming broker logs to Cloudwatch Logs. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [logging\_cloudwatch\_log\_group](#input\_logging\_cloudwatch\_log\_group) | (Optional) The name of log group on CloudWatch Logs to deliver logs to. | `string` | `""` | no |
-| [logging\_firehose\_delivery\_stream](#input\_logging\_firehose\_delivery\_stream) | (Optional) Name of the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream to deliver logs to. | `string` | `""` | no |
-| [logging\_firehose\_enabled](#input\_logging\_firehose\_enabled) | (Optional) Indicates whether you want to enable or disable streaming broker logs to Kinesis Data Firehose. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [logging\_s3\_bucket](#input\_logging\_s3\_bucket) | (Optional) The name of the S3 bucket to deliver logs to. | `string` | `""` | no |
-| [logging\_s3\_enabled](#input\_logging\_s3\_enabled) | (Optional) Indicates whether you want to enable or disable streaming broker logs to S3. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [logging\_s3\_prefix](#input\_logging\_s3\_prefix) | (Optional) The prefix to append to the folder name. | `string` | `""` | no |
-| [module\_tags\_enabled](#input\_module\_tags\_enabled) | (Optional) Whether to create AWS Resource Tags for the module informations. | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| [monitoring\_cloudwatch\_level](#input\_monitoring\_cloudwatch\_level) | (Optional) The desired enhanced MSK CloudWatch monitoring level. `DEFAULT`, `PER_BROKER`, `PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER`, `PER_TOPIC_PER_PARTITION` are available. | `string` | `"DEFAULT"` | no |
-| [monitoring\_prometheus\_jmx\_exporter\_enabled](#input\_monitoring\_prometheus\_jmx\_exporter\_enabled) | (Optional) Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the JMX Exporter. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [monitoring\_prometheus\_node\_exporter\_enabled](#input\_monitoring\_prometheus\_node\_exporter\_enabled) | (Optional) Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the Node Exporter. | `bool` | `false` | no |
-| [resource\_group\_description](#input\_resource\_group\_description) | (Optional) The description of Resource Group. | `string` | `"Managed by Terraform."` | no |
-| [resource\_group\_enabled](#input\_resource\_group\_enabled) | (Optional) Whether to create Resource Group to find and group AWS resources which are created by this module. | `bool` | `true` | no |
-| [resource\_group\_name](#input\_resource\_group\_name) | (Optional) The name of Resource Group. A Resource Group name can have a maximum of 127 characters, including letters, numbers, hyphens, dots, and underscores. The name cannot start with `AWS` or `aws`. | `string` | `""` | no |
-| [tags](#input\_tags) | (Optional) A map of tags to add to all resources. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no |
-| [timeouts](#input\_timeouts) | (Optional) How long to wait for the MSK cluster to be created/updated/deleted. | `map(string)` |
"create": "120m",
"delete": "120m",
"update": "120m"
| no |
-## Outputs
-| Name | Description |
-| [arn](#output\_arn) | The ARN of the MSK cluster. |
-| [auth](#output\_auth) | A configuration for authentication of the Kafka cluster. |
-| [bootstrap\_brokers](#output\_bootstrap\_brokers) | A configuration for connecting to the Kafka cluster.
`plaintext` - A comma separated list of one or more hostname:port pairs of kafka brokers suitable to boostrap connectivity to the kafka cluster. Only contains value if `client_encryption_in_transit_mode` is set to PLAINTEXT or TLS\_PLAINTEXT. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
`sasl_iam` - A comma separated list of one or more DNS names (or IPs) and SASL IAM port pairs. Only contains value if `client_encryption_in_transit_mode` is set to TLS\_PLAINTEXT or TLS. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
`sasl_scram` - A comma separated list of one or more DNS names (or IPs) and SASL SCRAM port pairs. Only contains value if `client_encryption_in_transit_mode` is set to TLS\_PLAINTEXT or TLS. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
`tls` - A comma separated list of one or more DNS names (or IPs) and TLS port pairs kafka brokers suitable to boostrap connectivity to the kafka cluster. Only contains value if `client_encryption_in_transit_mode is set to TLS_PLAINTEXT or TLS. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
`public\_sasl\_iam` - A comma separated list of one or more DNS names (or IPs) and SASL IAM port pairs. Only contains value if `client\_encryption\_in\_transit\_mode` is set to TLS_PLAINTEXT or TLS and `auth\_sasl\_iam\_enabled` is `true` and `broker\_public\_access\_enabled` is `true`. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
`public\_sasl\_scram` - A comma separated list of one or more DNS names (or IPs) and SASL SCRAM port pairs. Only contains value if `client\_encryption\_in\_transit\_mode` is set to TLS_PLAINTEXT or TLS and `auth\_sasl\_scram\_enabled` is `true` and `broker\_public\_access\_enabled` is `true`. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
`public\_tls` - A comma separated list of one or more DNS names (or IPs) and TLS port pairs. Only contains value if `client\_encryption\_in\_transit\_mode` is set to TLS_PLAINTEXT or TLS and `broker\_public\_access\_enabled` is `true`. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
` |
-| [broker](#output\_broker) | A configuration for brokers of the Kafka cluster.
`size` - The number of broker nodes in the kafka cluster.
`instance_type` - The instance type used by the kafka brokers.
`public_access_enabled` - Whether public access to MSK brokers is enabled.
`security_groups` - A list of the security groups associated with the MSK cluster.
`volume` - A EBS volume information for MSK brokers. |
-| [broker\_nodes](#output\_broker\_nodes) | The information of broker nodes in the kafka cluster. |
-| [broker\_security\_group\_id](#output\_broker\_security\_group\_id) | The id of security group that were created for the MSK cluster. |
-| [encryption](#output\_encryption) | A configuration for encryption of the Kafka cluster.
`at_rest` - The configuration for encryption at rest.
`in_transit` - The configuration for encryption in transit. |
-| [kafka\_config](#output\_kafka\_config) | The MSK configuration. |
-| [kafka\_version](#output\_kafka\_version) | The MSK cluster version. |
-| [logging](#output\_logging) | A configuration for logging of the Kafka cluster.
`cloudwatch` - The configuration for MSK broker logs to CloudWatch Logs.
`firehose` - The configuration for MSK broker logs to Kinesis Firehose.
`s3` - The configuration for MSK broker logs to S3 Bucket. |
-| [monitoring](#output\_monitoring) | A configuration for monitoring of the Kafka cluster.
`cloudwatch` - The configuration for MSK CloudWatch Metrics.
`prometheus` - The configuration for Prometheus open monitoring. |
-| [name](#output\_name) | The MSK cluster name. |
-| [version](#output\_version) | Current version of the MSK Cluster used for updates. |
-| [zookeeper\_connections](#output\_zookeeper\_connections) | A configuration for connecting to the Apache Zookeeper cluster.
`tcp` - A comma separated list of one or more IP:port pairs to use to connect to the Apache Zookeeper cluster.
`tls` - A comma separated list of one or more IP:port pairs to use to connect to the Apache Zookeeper cluster via TLS. |
diff --git a/modules/msk-cluster/cluster.tf b/modules/msk-cluster/cluster.tf
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d83526..0000000
--- a/modules/msk-cluster/cluster.tf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-locals {
- metadata = {
- package = "terraform-aws-misc"
- version = trimspace(file("${path.module}/../../VERSION"))
- module = basename(path.module)
- name = var.name
- }
- module_tags = var.module_tags_enabled ? {
- "module.terraform.io/package" = local.metadata.package
- "module.terraform.io/version" = local.metadata.version
- "module.terraform.io/name" = local.metadata.module
- "module.terraform.io/full-name" = "${local.metadata.package}/${local.metadata.module}"
- "module.terraform.io/instance" = local.metadata.name
- } : {}
-# Configuration for MSK Cluster
-locals {
- server_properties = < 0 ? 1 : 0
- cluster_arn = aws_msk_cluster.this.arn
- secret_arn_list = values(module.secret).*.arn
diff --git a/modules/msk-cluster/security-group.tf b/modules/msk-cluster/security-group.tf
deleted file mode 100644
index be49bf1..0000000
--- a/modules/msk-cluster/security-group.tf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-data "aws_subnet" "this" {
- id = var.broker_subnets[0]
-locals {
- vpc_id = data.aws_subnet.this.vpc_id
-# Security Group
-module "security_group" {
- source = "tedilabs/network/aws//modules/security-group"
- version = "0.26.0"
- count = length(var.broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs) > 0 ? 1 : 0
- name = var.name
- description = "Security group for MSK Cluster."
- vpc_id = local.vpc_id
- ingress_rules = [
- {
- id = "broker-plaintext/cidrs"
- description = "Allow CIDRs to communicate with Kafka brokers in plaintext."
- protocol = "tcp"
- from_port = 9092
- to_port = 9092
- cidr_blocks = var.broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs
- },
- {
- id = "broker-tls/cidrs"
- description = "Allow CIDRs to communicate with Kafka brokers in tls."
- protocol = "tcp"
- from_port = 9094
- to_port = 9094
- cidr_blocks = var.broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs
- },
- {
- id = "broker-sasl-scram/cidrs"
- description = "Allow CIDRs to communicate with Kafka brokers in SASL SCRAM."
- protocol = "tcp"
- from_port = 9096
- to_port = 9096
- cidr_blocks = var.broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs
- },
- {
- id = "broker-sasl-iam/cidrs"
- description = "Allow CIDRs to communicate with Kafka brokers in SASL IAM."
- protocol = "tcp"
- from_port = 9098
- to_port = 9098
- cidr_blocks = var.broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs
- },
- {
- id = "broker-public-tls/cidrs"
- description = "Allow CIDRs to communicate with Kafka brokers in tls (public)."
- protocol = "tcp"
- from_port = 9194
- to_port = 9194
- cidr_blocks = var.broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs
- },
- {
- id = "broker-public-sasl-scram/cidrs"
- description = "Allow CIDRs to communicate with Kafka brokers in SASL SCRAM (public)."
- protocol = "tcp"
- from_port = 9196
- to_port = 9196
- cidr_blocks = var.broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs
- },
- {
- id = "broker-public-sasl-iam/cidrs"
- description = "Allow CIDRs to communicate with Kafka brokers in SASL IAM (public)."
- protocol = "tcp"
- from_port = 9198
- to_port = 9198
- cidr_blocks = var.broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs
- },
- {
- id = "zookeeper/cidrs"
- description = "Allow CIDRs to communicate with Kafka zookeepers."
- protocol = "tcp"
- from_port = 2181
- to_port = 2181
- cidr_blocks = var.broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs
- },
- {
- id = "prometheus-jmx-exporter/cidrs"
- description = "Allow CIDRs to communicate with Prometheus JMX Exporter."
- protocol = "tcp"
- from_port = 11001
- to_port = 11001
- cidr_blocks = var.broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs
- },
- {
- id = "prometheus-node-exporter/cidrs"
- description = "Allow CIDRs to communicate with Prometheus Node Exporter."
- protocol = "tcp"
- from_port = 11002
- to_port = 11002
- cidr_blocks = var.broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs
- },
- ]
- resource_group_enabled = false
- module_tags_enabled = false
- tags = merge(
- local.module_tags,
- var.tags,
- )
diff --git a/modules/msk-cluster/variables.tf b/modules/msk-cluster/variables.tf
deleted file mode 100644
index 634de59..0000000
--- a/modules/msk-cluster/variables.tf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-variable "name" {
- description = "(Required) Name of the MSK cluster."
- type = string
-variable "kafka_version" {
- description = "(Optional) Kafka version to use for the MSK cluster."
- type = string
- default = "2.8.0"
- nullable = false
-variable "kafka_server_properties" {
- description = "(Optional) Contents of the `server.properties` file for configuration of Kafka."
- type = map(string)
- default = {}
- nullable = false
-variable "broker_size" {
- description = "(Required) The desired total number of broker nodes in the kafka cluster. It must be a multiple of the number of specified client subnets."
- type = number
-variable "broker_instance_type" {
- description = "(Optional) The instance type to use for the kafka brokers."
- type = string
- default = "kafka.m5.large"
- nullable = false
-variable "broker_volume_size" {
- description = "(Optional) The size in GiB of the EBS volume for the data drive on each broker node. Minimum value of `1` and maximum value of `16384`. Defaults to `1000`."
- type = number
- default = 1000
- nullable = false
- validation {
- condition = alltrue([
- var.broker_volume_size >= 1,
- var.broker_volume_size <= 16384,
- ])
- error_message = "Valid value for `broker_volume_size` is between `1` and `16384`."
- }
-variable "broker_volume_provisioned_throughput_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Whether provisioned throughput is enabled or not. You can specify the provisioned throughput rate in MiB per second for clusters whose brokers are of type `kafka.m5.4xlarge` or larger and if the storage volume is 10 GiB or greater. Defaults to `false`."
- type = bool
- default = false
- nullable = false
-variable "broker_volume_provisioned_throughput" {
- description = "(Optional) Throughput value of the EBS volumes for the data drive on each kafka broker node in MiB per second. The minimum value is `250`. The maximum value varies between broker type."
- type = number
- default = null
-variable "broker_subnets" {
- description = "(Required) A list of subnet IDs to place ENIs of the MSK cluster broker nodes within."
- type = list(string)
-variable "broker_public_access_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Whether to allow public access to MSK brokers."
- type = bool
- default = false
- nullable = false
-variable "broker_allowed_ingress_cidrs" {
- description = "(Optional) A list of CIDR for MSK ingress access."
- type = list(string)
- default = []
-variable "broker_additional_security_groups" {
- description = "(Optional) A list of security group IDs to associate with ENIs to control who can communicate with the cluster."
- type = list(string)
- default = []
-variable "auth_unauthenticated_access_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Enables unauthenticated access. Defaults to `true`."
- type = bool
- default = true
- nullable = false
-variable "auth_sasl_iam_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Enables IAM client authentication."
- type = bool
- default = false
- nullable = false
-variable "auth_sasl_scram_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Enables SCRAM client authentication via AWS Secrets Manager."
- type = bool
- default = false
- nullable = false
-variable "auth_sasl_scram_kms_key" {
- description = "(Optional) The ARN of a KMS key to encrypt AWS SeecretsManager Secret resources for storing SASL/SCRAM authentication data. Only required when the MSK cluster has SASL/SCRAM authentication enabled. The Username/Password Authentication based on SASL/SCRAM needs to create a Secret resource in AWS SecretsManager with a custom AWS KMS Key. A secret created with the default AWS KMS key cannot be used with an Amazon MSK cluster."
- type = string
- default = null
-variable "auth_sasl_scram_users" {
- description = "(Optional) A list of usernames to be allowed for SASL/SCRAM authentication to the MSK cluster. The password for each username is randomly generated and stored in AWS SecretsManager secret."
- type = set(string)
- default = []
- nullable = false
-variable "auth_tls_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Enables TLS client authentication."
- type = bool
- default = false
- nullable = false
-variable "auth_tls_acm_ca_arns" {
- description = "(Optional) List of ACM Certificate Authority Amazon Resource Names (ARNs)."
- type = list(string)
- default = []
- nullable = false
-variable "encryption_at_rest_kms_key" {
- description = "(Optional) Specify a KMS key short ID or ARN (it will always output an ARN) to use for encrypting your data at rest. If no key is specified, an AWS managed KMS ('aws/msk' managed service) key will be used for encrypting the data at rest."
- type = string
- default = ""
-variable "encryption_in_transit_in_cluster_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Whether data communication among broker nodes is encrypted."
- type = bool
- default = true
- nullable = false
-variable "encryption_in_transit_client_mode" {
- description = "(Optional) Encryption setting for data in transit between clients and brokers. `TLS`, `TLS_PLAINTEXT`, `PLAINTEXT` are available."
- type = string
- default = "TLS_PLAINTEXT"
- nullable = false
- validation {
- condition = contains(["TLS", "TLS_PLAINTEXT", "PLAINTEXT"], var.encryption_in_transit_client_mode)
- error_message = "Valid values are `TLS`, `TLS_PLAINTEXT`, `PLAINTEXT`."
- }
-variable "logging_cloudwatch_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Indicates whether you want to enable or disable streaming broker logs to Cloudwatch Logs."
- type = bool
- default = false
- nullable = false
-variable "logging_cloudwatch_log_group" {
- description = "(Optional) The name of log group on CloudWatch Logs to deliver logs to."
- type = string
- default = ""
- nullable = false
-variable "logging_firehose_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Indicates whether you want to enable or disable streaming broker logs to Kinesis Data Firehose."
- type = bool
- default = false
- nullable = false
-variable "logging_firehose_delivery_stream" {
- description = "(Optional) Name of the Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream to deliver logs to."
- type = string
- default = ""
- nullable = false
-variable "logging_s3_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Indicates whether you want to enable or disable streaming broker logs to S3."
- type = bool
- default = false
- nullable = false
-variable "logging_s3_bucket" {
- description = "(Optional) The name of the S3 bucket to deliver logs to."
- type = string
- default = ""
- nullable = false
-variable "logging_s3_prefix" {
- description = "(Optional) The prefix to append to the folder name."
- type = string
- default = ""
- nullable = false
-variable "monitoring_cloudwatch_level" {
- description = "(Optional) The desired enhanced MSK CloudWatch monitoring level. `DEFAULT`, `PER_BROKER`, `PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER`, `PER_TOPIC_PER_PARTITION` are available."
- type = string
- default = "DEFAULT"
- nullable = false
- validation {
- condition = contains(["DEFAULT", "PER_BROKER", "PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER", "PER_TOPIC_PER_PARTITION"], var.monitoring_cloudwatch_level)
- error_message = "Valid values are `DEFAULT`, `PER_BROKER`, `PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER`, `PER_TOPIC_PER_PARTITION`."
- }
-variable "monitoring_prometheus_jmx_exporter_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the JMX Exporter."
- type = bool
- default = false
- nullable = false
-variable "monitoring_prometheus_node_exporter_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Indicates whether you want to enable or disable the Node Exporter."
- type = bool
- default = false
- nullable = false
-variable "timeouts" {
- description = "(Optional) How long to wait for the MSK cluster to be created/updated/deleted."
- type = map(string)
- default = {
- create = "120m"
- update = "120m"
- delete = "120m"
- }
- nullable = false
-variable "tags" {
- description = "(Optional) A map of tags to add to all resources."
- type = map(string)
- default = {}
- nullable = false
-variable "module_tags_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Whether to create AWS Resource Tags for the module informations."
- type = bool
- default = true
- nullable = false
-# Resource Group
-variable "resource_group_enabled" {
- description = "(Optional) Whether to create Resource Group to find and group AWS resources which are created by this module."
- type = bool
- default = true
-variable "resource_group_name" {
- description = "(Optional) The name of Resource Group. A Resource Group name can have a maximum of 127 characters, including letters, numbers, hyphens, dots, and underscores. The name cannot start with `AWS` or `aws`."
- type = string
- default = ""
-variable "resource_group_description" {
- description = "(Optional) The description of Resource Group."
- type = string
- default = "Managed by Terraform."
diff --git a/modules/msk-cluster/versions.tf b/modules/msk-cluster/versions.tf
deleted file mode 100644
index 583387c..0000000
--- a/modules/msk-cluster/versions.tf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-terraform {
- required_version = ">= 1.2"
- required_providers {
- aws = {
- source = "hashicorp/aws"
- version = ">= 4.22"
- }
- random = {
- source = "hashicorp/random"
- version = ">= 3.3"
- }
- }