composer require tebru/retrofit-php:~3.0
Retrofit does not include an http client, please install an implementation.
composer require tebru/retrofit-php-http-guzzle6
Retrofit does not support converting request or response bodies outside
PSR-7 StreamInterface
. Install a converter to handle custom
composer require tebru/retrofit-php-converter-gson
The easiest way to get setup is to add the psr-4 autoload location where you include the autoloader.
$loader = require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->addPsr4('Tebru\\Retrofit\\Proxy\\', __DIR__ . '</path/to/cache/dir>/retrofit');
If you do not have environment specific cache directories, you could specify the psr-4 autoload location in your composer.json instead.
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Tebru\\Retrofit\\Proxy\\": "<path/to/cache/dir>/retrofit"