FMD ( Full convolution MultiBox Detector ) is a simplified SSD ( ) with enabling different input sizes. It is just a learning project to master all details of a detector. Code is impllemented in Torch, is very simple and easy to understand.
VGG16 convoluting image (224x224, or other sizes) to feature layer (14x14x512), just a typical full convolution network.
Following feature layer, apply several kernels with different size and shape, such as 2x2, 2x3, 3x3, 2x4 ...
Every kernel outputs a class score or a binding box according it's position (in feature layer) and kernel size. These kernels are just sliding windows with different postion and different size.
Like SSD, not every predicted box do BP, just some selected ones, (positve and negtive is 1:4).
See model.lua, and boxsampleing.lua
In data folder, just see,, and makedb.lua. Combing all the info of VOC into a single t7 file.
See makefixed.lua, use fixed 10 layers from VGG16. Then see train.lua, it is very simple. The data batch is build in different threads ( see data_loader.lua and data_process.lua).
See doDetect.lua. The following is result of random pictures from web.