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Adding Indicators

Simon W edited this page Dec 18, 2017 · 7 revisions

For further information take a look at the program structure and how to start the application

How to create fast a chart indicator?

Instantiate a TaChartIndicatorBox and add the wanted Indicator
For example add fast an VolumeIndicator to your chart and initialize all other indicators that are in the xml file:

// At first you have to create an instance of the TaChartIndicatorBox 
TaChartIndicatorBox chartIndicatorBox = new TaChartIndicatorBox(); 

// than you can add your indicator to that box
chartIndicatorBox.addChartIndicator("id_1",new VolumeIndicator(series), "myVolume", true, TaTypes.categories.DEFAULT);

// you can also add all standard indicators to the chart (for the plotted TimeSeries series)

// finally plot your series with indicator
TaChart taChartPanel = new TaChart(series, chartIndicatorBox);

How to create detailed a chart indicator (e.g. that consists of several ta4j-indicators)?

For example bollinger bands are indicators that need several indicators in ta4j, like upper bollinger band, lower bollinger band and middle bollinger band. If you want a menu entry to plot all three lines at once, add indicators, names, renderer object, flag (if sobplot) and category to the indicatorBox:

// you can load parameters from a properties file and initialize with it the ta4j-indicators
String timeFrame= parameter.getParameter("bollingerBands_1","Time Frame");
String sd = parameter.getParamter("bollingerBands_1", "Standard Deviation");

StandardDeviationIndicator standardDeviation = new StandardDeviationIndicator(closePriceIndicator, Integer.parseInt(sd));
BollingerBandsMiddleIndicator bbm = new BollingerBandsMiddleIndicator(closePriceIndicator);
BollingerBandsUpperIndicator bbu = new BollingerBandsUpperIndicator(bbm, standardDeviation,Decimal.valueOf(timeFrame));
BollingerBandsLowerIndicator bbl = new BollingerBandsLowerIndicator(bbm, standardDeviation,Decimal.valueOf(timeFrame));

// Initialize a list for all indicators 
List<Indicator> indicatorList = new ArrayList<>();

// Give them names
List<String> namesList = new ArrayList<>();
namesList.add("Middle Band");
namesList.add("Upper Band");
namesList.add("Lower Band");

// With XYLineAndShapeRenderer you can define the color, type, size and so on for each ta4j-indicator
XYLineAndShapeRenderer bbRenderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer();
bbRenderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.YELLOW);
bbRenderer.setSeriesStroke(0, TaTypes.DOT_DOT_LINE);
bbRenderer.setSeriesShape(0, TaTypes.shape_none );
bbRenderer.setSeriesPaint(1, Color.BLUE);
bbRenderer.setSeriesShape(1, TaTypes.shape_none );
bbRenderer.setSeriesPaint(2, Color.BLUE);
bbRenderer.setSeriesStroke(2, TaTypes.DOT_DOT_LINE);
bbRenderer.setSeriesShape(2, TaTypes.shape_none );

// add the indicator to the box by giving the indicatorList, tha namesList, the name for menu entry, the renderer, flag if
// it should be a sub plot and the category for the menu
indicatorBox.addChartIndicator("BollingerBands_1",indicatorList,namesList,String.format("Bollinger Bands (%s, %s)", sd, timeFrame), bbRenderer, false, IndicatorParameters.TaCategory.BOLLINGER);
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