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Strategy for authenticating using GitHub

This strategy builds on-top of AshAuthentication.Strategy.OAuth2 and assent.

In order to use GitHub you need to provide the following minimum configuration:

  • client_id
  • redirect_uri
  • client_secret

More documentation:


github name \\ :github

Provides a pre-configured authentication strategy for GitHub.

This strategy is built using the :oauth2 strategy, and thus provides all the same configuration options should you need them.

More documentation:
Strategy defaults:

The following defaults are applied:

  • :base_url is set to "".
  • :authorize_url is set to "".
  • :token_url is set to "".
  • :user_url is set to "/user".
  • :user_emails_url is set to "/user/emails".
  • :authorization_params is set to [scope: "read:user,user:email"].
  • :auth_method is set to :client_secret_post.


Name Type Default Docs
name{: #authentication-strategies-github-name .spark-required} atom Uniquely identifies the strategy.


Name Type Default Docs
client_id{: #authentication-strategies-github-client_id .spark-required} (any, any -> any) | module | String.t The OAuth2 client ID. Takes either a module which implements the AshAuthentication.Secret behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string.
redirect_uri{: #authentication-strategies-github-redirect_uri .spark-required} (any, any -> any) | module | String.t The callback URI base. Not the whole URI back to the callback endpoint, but the URI to your AuthPlug. Takes either a module which implements the AshAuthentication.Secret behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string.
base_url{: #authentication-strategies-github-base_url } (any, any -> any) | module | String.t "" The base URL of the OAuth2 server - including the leading protocol (ie https://). Takes either a module which implements the AshAuthentication.Secret behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string.
site{: #authentication-strategies-github-site } (any, any -> any) | module | String.t Deprecated: Use base_url instead.
prevent_hijacking?{: #authentication-strategies-github-prevent_hijacking? } boolean true Requires a confirmation add_on to be present if the password strategy is used with the same identity_field.
auth_method{: #authentication-strategies-github-auth_method } nil | :client_secret_basic | :client_secret_post | :client_secret_jwt | :private_key_jwt :client_secret_post The authentication strategy used, optional. If not set, no authentication will be used during the access token request.
client_secret{: #authentication-strategies-github-client_secret } (any, any -> any) | module | String.t The OAuth2 client secret. Required if :auth_method is :client_secret_basic, :client_secret_post or :client_secret_jwt. Takes either a module which implements the AshAuthentication.Secret behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string.
authorize_url{: #authentication-strategies-github-authorize_url } (any, any -> any) | module | String.t "" The API url to the OAuth2 authorize endpoint, relative to site, e.g authorize_url fn _, _ -> {:ok, ""} end. Takes either a module which implements the AshAuthentication.Secret behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string.
token_url{: #authentication-strategies-github-token_url } (any, any -> any) | module | String.t "" The API url to access the token endpoint, relative to site, e.g token_url fn _, _ -> {:ok, ""} end. Takes either a module which implements the AshAuthentication.Secret behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string.
trusted_audiences{: #authentication-strategies-github-trusted_audiences } (any, any -> any) | module | list(any) | nil A list of audiences which are trusted. Takes either a module which implements the AshAuthentication.Secret behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string.
user_url{: #authentication-strategies-github-user_url } (any, any -> any) | module | String.t "/user" The API url to access the user endpoint, relative to site, e.g user_url fn _, _ -> {:ok, ""} end. Takes either a module which implements the AshAuthentication.Secret behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string.
private_key{: #authentication-strategies-github-private_key } (any, any -> any) | module | String.t The private key to use if :auth_method is :private_key_jwt. Takes either a module which implements the AshAuthentication.Secret behaviour, a 2 arity anonymous function or a string.
code_verifier{: #authentication-strategies-github-code_verifier } boolean false Boolean to generate and use a random 128 byte long url safe code verifier for PKCE flow, optional, defaults to false. When set to true the session params will contain :code_verifier, :code_challenge, and :code_challenge_method params
authorization_params{: #authentication-strategies-github-authorization_params } (any, any -> any) | module | keyword | nil [scope: "read:user,user:email"] Any additional parameters to encode in the request phase. eg: authorization_params scope: "openid profile email"
registration_enabled?{: #authentication-strategies-github-registration_enabled? } boolean true If enabled, new users will be able to register for your site when authenticating and not already present. If not, only existing users will be able to authenticate.
register_action_name{: #authentication-strategies-github-register_action_name } atom The name of the action to use to register a user, if registration_enabled? is true. Defaults to register_with_<name> See the "Registration and Sign-in" section of the strategy docs for more.
sign_in_action_name{: #authentication-strategies-github-sign_in_action_name } atom The name of the action to use to sign in an existing user, if sign_in_enabled? is true. Defaults to sign_in_with_<strategy>, which is generated for you by default. See the "Registration and Sign-in" section of the strategy docs for more information.
identity_resource{: #authentication-strategies-github-identity_resource } module | false false The resource used to store user identities, or false to disable. See the User Identities section of the strategy docs for more.
identity_relationship_name{: #authentication-strategies-github-identity_relationship_name } atom :identities Name of the relationship to the provider identities resource
identity_relationship_user_id_attribute{: #authentication-strategies-github-identity_relationship_user_id_attribute } atom :user_id The name of the destination (user_id) attribute on your provider identity resource. Only necessary if you've changed the user_id_attribute_name option of the provider identity.


Target: AshAuthentication.Strategy.OAuth2

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