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Olivier D edited this page Aug 30, 2023 · 54 revisions

Tchap specifics

Release Process

If we want a new release , let's take the new release of : 4.3.3 where :

  • 4.3.3 is the version for tchap-web-v4
  1. Create a branch named "bump-to-4.3.3"

git checkout -b bump-to-4.3.3 develop_tchap

  1. update package.json
npm version 4.3.3 --no-commit-hooks --no-git-tag-version
  1. Generate the yarn.lock
yarn install
  1. Commit your changes with the message "Bump to 4.3.3"
git add . && git commit -m "Bump to 4.3.3"
git push --set-upstream origin bump-to-4.3.3
  1. Open a PR and have it validated, verify with the Review App that the application builds and run correctly

  2. Verify that feature flags are correctly configured for your needs in config.json. In particular related to "tchap-features"

  3. Create a new tag from develop_tchap and push it to the repo (add the prefix tchap-)

git tag tchap-4.3.3
git push origin tchap-4.3.3
  1. Optionnaly add a welcome message to for users (user notice) see : You need to edit these entries in the config.json:
    "user_notice": {
        "title": "...", // required
        "description": "...", // required
        "show_once":true/false // optional


DO NOT CREATE RELEASE BY HAND. The CI should create the release : with all assets.

  1. For the next steps, go see the wiki in the infra repo.

  2. Finally update the product version tracker :

Create patch

See this readme

Clone this wiki locally