diff --git a/spec/index.html b/spec/index.html
index a764b3c..4d854a8 100644
--- a/spec/index.html
+++ b/spec/index.html
@@ -145,10 +145,11 @@
Set.prototype.isSubsetOf ( _other_ )
1. Repeat, while _index_ < _thisSize_,
1. Let _e_ be _O_.[[SetData]][_index_].
1. Set _index_ to _index_ + 1.
- 1. Let _inOther_ be ToBoolean(? Call(_otherRec_.[[Has]], _otherRec_.[[Set]], « _e_ »)).
- 1. If _inOther_ is *false*, return *false*.
- 1. NOTE: The number of elements in _O_.[[SetData]] may have increased during execution of _otherRec_.[[Has]].
- 1. Set _thisSize_ to the number of elements of _O_.[[SetData]].
+ 1. If _e_ is not ~empty~, then
+ 1. Let _inOther_ be ToBoolean(? Call(_otherRec_.[[Has]], _otherRec_.[[Set]], « _e_ »)).
+ 1. If _inOther_ is *false*, return *false*.
+ 1. NOTE: The number of elements in _O_.[[SetData]] may have increased during execution of _otherRec_.[[Has]].
+ 1. Set _thisSize_ to the number of elements of _O_.[[SetData]].
1. Return *true*.