We modify the "invoke event listener" algorithm so that each event listener holds a reference to an observer. The observer's next method is invoked with the current event.
To invoke the event listeners for an object with an event run these steps:
- Let event be the event for which the event listeners are invoked.
- Let observers be a copy of the event listeners associated with the object for which these steps are run.
- Initialize event's currentTarget attribute to the object for which these steps are run.
- Then run these substeps for each event listener in listeners:
- If event's stop immediate propagation flag is set, terminate the invoke algorithm.
- Let listener be the event listener.
- If event's type attribute value is not listener's type, terminate these substeps (and run them for the next event listener).
- If event's eventPhase attribute value is CAPTURING_PHASE and listener's capture is false, terminate these substeps (and run them for the next event listener).
- If event's eventPhase attribute value is BUBBLING_PHASE and listener's capture is true, terminate these substeps (and run them for the next event listener).
- Let observer be the listener's observer.
- Invoke the
method of observer, with the event passed to this algorithm as the first argument. If this throws any exception, report the exception.
function findHandler(list, type, handler, capture) {
return list.findIndex(x =>
x.type === type &&
x.handler === handler &&
x.capture === capture);
class EventTarget {
@listeners = [];
@handlers = [];
on(type, capture = false) {
return new Observable(observer => {
// On subscription, add a listener
this.@listeners.push({ observer, type, capture });
// On unsubscription, remove the listener
return _=> {
let index = this.@listeners.findIndex(
listener => listener.observer === observer);
if (index >= 0)
this.@listeners.splice(index, 1);
addEventListener(type, handler, capture = false) {
let index = findHandler(this.@handlers, type, handler, capture);
// Dedupe: exit if listener is already registered
if (index >= 0)
// Subscribe to the event stream
let subscription = this.on(type, capture).subscribe({
next(event) { handler.call(event.currentTarget, event) }
// Store the handler and subscription
this.@handlers.push({ type, handler, capture, subscription });
removeEventListener(type, handler, capture = false) {
let index = findHandler(this.@handlers, type, handler, capture);
// Exit if listener is not registered
if (index < 0)
// Call the cancellation function and remove the handler
this.@handlers.splice(index, 1);