diff --git a/spec/datetimeformat.html b/spec/datetimeformat.html
index 008f5df0..c3dff9c1 100644
--- a/spec/datetimeformat.html
+++ b/spec/datetimeformat.html
@@ -76,15 +76,16 @@
InitializeDateTimeFormat ( _dateTimeFormat_, _locales_, _options_ )
1. Set _dateTimeFormat_.[[NumberingSystem]] to _r_.[[nu]].
1. Let _dataLocale_ be _r_.[[dataLocale]].
1. Let _dataLocaleData_ be _localeData_.[[<_dataLocale_>]].
- 1. Let _hcDefault_ be _dataLocaleData_.[[hourCycle]].
1. If _hour12_ is *true*, then
- 1. If _hcDefault_ is *"h11"* or *"h23"*, let _hc_ be *"h11"*. Otherwise, let _hc_ be *"h12"*.
+ 1. Let _hc_ be *"h12"*.
1. Else if _hour12_ is *false*, then
- 1. If _hcDefault_ is *"h11"* or *"h23"*, let _hc_ be *"h23"*. Otherwise, let _hc_ be *"h24"*.
+ 1. Let _hc_ be *"h23"*.
1. Else,
1. Assert: _hour12_ is *undefined*.
1. Let _hc_ be _r_.[[hc]].
- 1. If _hc_ is *null*, set _hc_ to _hcDefault_.
+ 1. If _hc_ is *null*, then
+ 1. Let _hcDefault_ be _dataLocaleData_.[[hourCycle]].
+ 1. Set _hc_ to _hcDefault_.
1. Set _dateTimeFormat_.[[HourCycle]] to _hc_.
1. Let _timeZone_ be ? Get(_options_, *"timeZone"*).
1. If _timeZone_ is *undefined*, then