PowerShell Snapin for F5's iControl SOAP Library
Thanks for taking a look at the iControl PowerShell SnapIn.
For the first time use, you will have to run the included setupSnapIn.ps1 in the c:\program files\F5 Networks directory from within PowerShell.
PS: c:\program files\f5 networks> .\setupSnapIn.ps1
Once you've installed the SnapIn into PowerShells SnapIn directory, you can instantiate the SnapIn as follows
PS: > Add-PSSnapIn -iControlSnapIn
Now, the SnapIn is loaded into the runtime. You can now make iControl calls. To get a list of all the iControl CmdLets, you can use the following Cmdlet.
PS: > Get-F5.iControlCommands
This will list all available iControl Cmdlets included in the iControlSnapIn. Before making any of the other calls, you will have to initialize the iControl connection to the BIG-IP with the Initialize-iControl Cmdlet.
PS: > Initialize-F5.iControl -Hostname <bigip_address> -Credentials (Get-Credential)
This will prompt with a dialog box for the connection credentials. If you prefer to pass them in in clear text, you can use the following optional parameters
PS: > Initialize-F5.iControl -Hostname <bigip_address> -Username <username> -Password <password>
Now, just give them all a shot. Remember you can always use autocomplete to find out the parameters for each cmdlet.