diff --git a/tardis/visualization/widgets/custom_abundance.py b/tardis/visualization/widgets/custom_abundance.py
index 0d8a9cae23b..7bbc98ae2be 100644
--- a/tardis/visualization/widgets/custom_abundance.py
+++ b/tardis/visualization/widgets/custom_abundance.py
@@ -29,7 +29,264 @@
BASE_DIR = tardis.__path__[0]
-COLORMAP = "viridis"
+COLORMAP = "jet"
+class CustomAbundanceWidgetData:
+ """The model information and data that required in custom
+ abundance widget.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ elements : list of str
+ A list of elements or isotopes' symbols.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, density_t_0, density, abundance, velocity):
+ """Initialize CustomAbundanceWidgetData with model information.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ density_t_0 : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
+ Initial time for the density in the model.
+ density : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
+ abundance : pd.DataFrame
+ velocity : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
+ """
+ self.density_t_0 = density_t_0.to("day")
+ self.density = density.to("g cm^-3")
+ self.abundance = abundance
+ self.velocity = velocity.to("km/s")
+ self.elements = self.get_symbols()
+ def get_symbols(self):
+ """Get symbol string from atomic number and mass number."""
+ str_symbols = np.array(
+ self.abundance.index.get_level_values(0).map(
+ atomic_number2element_symbol
+ )
+ )
+ str_mass = np.array(
+ self.abundance.index.get_level_values(1), dtype="str"
+ )
+ return np.add(str_symbols, str_mass)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_csvy(cls, fpath):
+ """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidgetData instance with data
+ from CSVY file.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fpath : str
+ the path of CSVY file.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ CustomAbundanceWidgetData
+ """
+ csvy_model_config, csvy_model_data = load_csvy(fpath)
+ csvy_schema_file = os.path.join(
+ BASE_DIR, "../..", "io", "schemas", "csvy_model.yml"
+ )
+ csvy_model_config = Configuration(
+ validate_dict(csvy_model_config, schemapath=csvy_schema_file)
+ )
+ if hasattr(csvy_model_config, "velocity"):
+ velocity = quantity_linspace(
+ csvy_model_config.velocity.start,
+ csvy_model_config.velocity.stop,
+ csvy_model_config.velocity.num + 1,
+ ).cgs
+ else:
+ velocity_field_index = [
+ field["name"] for field in csvy_model_config.datatype.fields
+ ].index("velocity")
+ velocity_unit = u.Unit(
+ csvy_model_config.datatype.fields[velocity_field_index]["unit"]
+ )
+ velocity = csvy_model_data["velocity"].values * velocity_unit
+ no_of_shells = len(velocity) - 1
+ if hasattr(csvy_model_config, "density"):
+ adjusted_velocity = velocity.insert(0, 0)
+ v_middle = (
+ adjusted_velocity[1:] * 0.5 + adjusted_velocity[:-1] * 0.5
+ )
+ no_of_shells = len(adjusted_velocity) - 1
+ d_conf = csvy_model_config.density
+ density_type = d_conf.type
+ if density_type == "branch85_w7":
+ density_0 = calculate_power_law_density(
+ v_middle, d_conf.w7_v_0, d_conf.w7_rho_0, -7
+ )
+ time_0 = d_conf.w7_time_0
+ elif density_type == "uniform":
+ density_0 = d_conf.value.to("g cm^-3") * np.ones(no_of_shells)
+ time_0 = d_conf.get("time_0", 0 * u.day)
+ elif density_type == "power_law":
+ density_0 = calculate_power_law_density(
+ v_middle, d_conf.v_0, d_conf.rho_0, d_conf.exponent
+ )
+ time_0 = d_conf.get("time_0", 0 * u.day)
+ elif density_type == "exponential":
+ density_0 = calculate_exponential_density(
+ v_middle, d_conf.v_0, d_conf.rho_0
+ )
+ time_0 = d_conf.get("time_0", 0 * u.day)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized density type " f"{d_conf.type}")
+ else:
+ density_field_index = [
+ field["name"] for field in csvy_model_config.datatype.fields
+ ].index("density")
+ density_unit = u.Unit(
+ csvy_model_config.datatype.fields[density_field_index]["unit"]
+ )
+ density_0 = csvy_model_data["density"].values * density_unit
+ if hasattr(csvy_model_config, "abundance"):
+ abundances_section = csvy_model_config.abundance
+ abundance, isotope_abundance = read_uniform_abundances(
+ abundances_section, no_of_shells
+ )
+ else:
+ _, abundance, isotope_abundance = parse_csv_abundances(
+ csvy_model_data
+ )
+ abundance = abundance.loc[:, 1:]
+ abundance.columns = np.arange(abundance.shape[1])
+ isotope_abundance = isotope_abundance.loc[:, 1:]
+ isotope_abundance.columns = np.arange(isotope_abundance.shape[1])
+ abundance = abundance.replace(np.nan, 0.0)
+ abundance = abundance[abundance.sum(axis=1) > 0]
+ isotope_abundance = isotope_abundance.replace(np.nan, 0.0)
+ isotope_abundance = isotope_abundance[isotope_abundance.sum(axis=1) > 0]
+ # Combine elements and isotopes to one DataFrame
+ abundance["mass_number"] = ""
+ abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True)
+ abundance = pd.concat([abundance, isotope_abundance])
+ abundance.sort_index(inplace=True)
+ return cls(
+ density_t_0=time_0,
+ density=density_0,
+ abundance=abundance,
+ velocity=velocity,
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def from_yml(cls, fpath):
+ """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidgetData instance with data
+ from YAML file.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fpath : str
+ The path of YAML file.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ CustomAbundanceWidgetData
+ """
+ config = Configuration.from_yaml(fpath)
+ if hasattr(config, "csvy_model"):
+ model = Radial1DModel.from_csvy(config)
+ else:
+ model = Radial1DModel.from_config(config)
+ velocity = model.velocity
+ density_t_0 = model.homologous_density.time_0
+ density = model.homologous_density.density_0
+ abundance = model.raw_abundance
+ isotope_abundance = model.raw_isotope_abundance
+ # Combine elements and isotopes to one DataFrame
+ abundance["mass_number"] = ""
+ abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True)
+ abundance = pd.concat([abundance, isotope_abundance])
+ abundance.sort_index(inplace=True)
+ return cls(
+ density_t_0=density_t_0,
+ density=density,
+ abundance=abundance,
+ velocity=velocity,
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def from_hdf(cls, fpath):
+ """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidgetData instance with data
+ from HDF file.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fpath : str
+ the path of HDF file.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ CustomAbundanceWidgetData
+ """
+ with pd.HDFStore(fpath, "r") as hdf:
+ abundance = hdf["/simulation/plasma/abundance"]
+ _density_t_0 = hdf["/simulation/model/homologous_density/scalars"]
+ _density = hdf["/simulation/model/homologous_density/density_0"]
+ v_inner = hdf["/simulation/model/v_inner"]
+ v_outer = hdf["/simulation/model/v_outer"]
+ density_t_0 = float(_density_t_0) * u.s
+ density = np.array(_density) * u.g / (u.cm) ** 3
+ velocity = np.append(v_inner, v_outer[len(v_outer) - 1]) * u.cm / u.s
+ abundance["mass_number"] = ""
+ abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True)
+ return cls(
+ density_t_0=density_t_0,
+ density=density,
+ abundance=abundance,
+ velocity=velocity,
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def from_simulation(cls, sim):
+ """Create a new CustomAbundanceWidgetData instance from a
+ Simulation object.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ sim : Simulation
+ Returns
+ -------
+ CustomAbundanceWidgetData
+ """
+ abundance = sim.model.raw_abundance.copy()
+ isotope_abundance = sim.model.raw_isotope_abundance.copy()
+ # integrate element and isotope to one DataFrame
+ abundance["mass_number"] = ""
+ abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True)
+ abundance = pd.concat([abundance, isotope_abundance])
+ abundance.sort_index(inplace=True)
+ velocity = sim.model.velocity
+ density_t_0 = sim.model.homologous_density.time_0
+ density = sim.model.homologous_density.density_0
+ return cls(
+ density_t_0=density_t_0,
+ density=density,
+ abundance=abundance,
+ velocity=velocity,
+ )
class CustomYAML(yaml.YAMLObject):
@@ -42,16 +299,16 @@ def __init__(
- name : str
- Name of the YAML file.
- d_time_0 : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
- Initial time for the density in the model.
- i_time_0 : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
- Initial time for isotope decay. Set to 0 for no isotopes.
- v_inner_boundary : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
- Velocity of the inner boundary.
- v_outer_boundary : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
- Velocity of the outer boundary.
+ name : str
+ Name of the YAML file.
+ d_time_0 : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
+ Initial time for the density in the model.
+ i_time_0 : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
+ Initial time for isotope decay. Set to 0 for no isotopes.
+ v_inner_boundary : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
+ Velocity of the inner boundary.
+ v_outer_boundary : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
+ Velocity of the outer boundary.
self.name = name
self.model_density_time_0 = d_time_0
@@ -66,8 +323,8 @@ def create_fields_dict(self, elements):
- elements : list of str
- A list of elements or isotopes' symbols.
+ elements : list of str
+ A list of elements or isotopes' symbols.
for i in range(len(elements) + 2):
field = {}
@@ -90,7 +347,7 @@ class CustomAbundanceWidget:
It generates a GUI based on input data. The GUI has a plot section
- to visualize the profile, a edit section to allow the user directly
+ to visualize the profile, an edit section to allow the user directly
edit abundance and density profile, and an output section to output
the model to CSVY file.
@@ -105,37 +362,27 @@ class CustomAbundanceWidget:
checked_list : list of bool
A list of bool to record whether the checkbox is checked.
The index of the bool corresponds to the index of checkbox.
- elements : list of str
- A list of elements or isotopes' symbols.
_trigger : bool
If False, disable the callback when abundance input is changed.
error_view = ipw.Output()
- def __init__(self, density_t_0, density, abundance, velocity):
- """Initialize CustomAbundanceWidget with density, abundance and
- velocity data.
+ def __init__(self, widget_data):
+ """Initialize CustomAbundanceWidget with data and generate
+ the widgets and plot.
- density : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
- abundance : pd.DataFrame
- velocity : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
+ widget_data : CustomAbundanceWidgetData
- density_t_0 = density_t_0.to("day")
- self.density = density.to("g cm^-3")
- self.abundance = abundance
- self.velocity = velocity.to("km/s")
- self.elements = self.get_symbols()
+ self.data = widget_data
self._trigger = True
self.density_editor = DensityEditor(
- density_t_0,
- self.density,
- self.velocity,
+ self.data,
@@ -150,11 +397,11 @@ def shell_no(self, value):
def no_of_shells(self):
- return self.abundance.shape[1]
+ return self.data.abundance.shape[1]
def no_of_elements(self):
- return self.abundance.shape[0]
+ return self.data.abundance.shape[0]
def checked_list(self): # A boolean list to store the value of checkboxes.
@@ -164,18 +411,6 @@ def checked_list(self): # A boolean list to store the value of checkboxes.
return _checked_list
- def get_symbols(self):
- """Get symbol string from atomic number and mass number."""
- str_symbols = np.array(
- self.abundance.index.get_level_values(0).map(
- atomic_number2element_symbol
- )
- )
- str_mass = np.array(
- self.abundance.index.get_level_values(1), dtype="str"
- )
- return np.add(str_symbols, str_mass)
def create_widgets(self):
"""Create widget components in GUI and register callbacks for widgets."""
self.dpd_shell_no = ipw.Dropdown(
@@ -204,11 +439,11 @@ def create_widgets(self):
- for element in self.elements
+ for element in self.data.elements
self.input_items = [
ipw.BoundedFloatText(min=0, max=1, step=0.01, description=element)
- for element in self.elements
+ for element in self.data.elements
for i in range(self.no_of_elements):
self.input_items[i].observe(self.input_item_eventhandler, "value")
@@ -338,10 +573,10 @@ def update_input_item_value(self, index, value):
- index : int
- The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs.
- value : float
- New abundance value.
+ index : int
+ The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs.
+ value : float
+ New abundance value.
self._trigger = False
# `input_items` is the list of abundance input widgets.
@@ -353,7 +588,7 @@ def read_abundance(self):
shell No. changes.
for i in range(self.no_of_elements):
- value = self.abundance.iloc[i, self.shell_no - 1]
+ value = self.data.abundance.iloc[i, self.shell_no - 1]
self.update_input_item_value(i, value)
def bound_locked_sum_to_1(self, index):
@@ -363,25 +598,25 @@ def bound_locked_sum_to_1(self, index):
- index : int
- The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs.
+ index : int
+ The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs.
locked_mask = np.array(self.checked_list)
- back_value = self.abundance.iloc[
+ back_value = self.data.abundance.iloc[
index, self.shell_no - 1
] # abundance value in back end (DataFrame)
front_value = self.input_items[
].value # abundance value in front end (widget)
locked_sum = (
- self.abundance.loc[locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1].sum()
+ self.data.abundance.loc[locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1].sum()
- back_value
+ front_value
if locked_sum > 1:
new = 1 - (locked_sum - front_value)
- self.abundance.iloc[index, self.shell_no - 1] = new
+ self.data.abundance.iloc[index, self.shell_no - 1] = new
self.update_input_item_value(index, new)
@@ -390,10 +625,10 @@ def update_abundance_plot(self, index):
- index : int
- The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs.
+ index : int
+ The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs.
- y = self.abundance.iloc[index]
+ y = self.data.abundance.iloc[index]
self.fig.data[index + 2].y = np.append(y, y.iloc[-1])
def update_front_end(self):
@@ -409,8 +644,8 @@ def update_front_end(self):
# Change bar diagonal
x = list(self.fig.data[0].x)
width = list(self.fig.data[0].width)
- x_inner = self.velocity[self.shell_no - 1].value
- x_outer = self.velocity[self.shell_no].value
+ x_inner = self.data.velocity[self.shell_no - 1].value
+ x_outer = self.data.velocity[self.shell_no].value
x[0] = (x_inner + x_outer) / 2
self.fig.data[0].x = x
width[0] = x_outer - x_inner
@@ -422,39 +657,34 @@ def overwrite_existing_shells(self, v_0, v_1):
- v_0 : float
- The velocity of inner boundary.
- v_1 : float
- The velocity of outer boundary.
+ v_0 : float
+ The velocity of inner boundary.
+ v_1 : float
+ The velocity of outer boundary.
- bool
- True if the existing shell will be overwritten, False otherwise.
+ bool
+ True if the existing shell will be overwritten, False otherwise.
- position_0 = np.searchsorted(self.velocity.value, v_0)
- position_1 = np.searchsorted(self.velocity.value, v_1)
+ v_vals = self.data.velocity.value
+ position_0 = np.searchsorted(v_vals, v_0)
+ position_1 = np.searchsorted(v_vals, v_1)
index_0 = (
position_0 - 1
- if np.isclose(self.velocity[position_0 - 1].value, v_0)
+ if np.isclose(v_vals[position_0 - 1], v_0)
else position_0
index_1 = (
position_1 - 1
- if np.isclose(self.velocity[position_1 - 1].value, v_1)
+ if np.isclose(v_vals[position_1 - 1], v_1)
else position_1
if (index_1 - index_0 > 1) or (
- (
- index_1 < len(self.velocity)
- and np.isclose(self.velocity[index_1].value, v_1)
- )
- or (
- index_1 - index_0 == 1
- and not np.isclose(self.velocity[index_0].value, v_0)
- )
+ (index_1 < len(v_vals) and np.isclose(v_vals[index_1], v_1))
+ or (index_1 - index_0 == 1 and not np.isclose(v_vals[index_0], v_0))
return True
@@ -466,87 +696,83 @@ def on_btn_add_shell(self, obj):
- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
- The clicked button instance.
+ obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
+ The clicked button instance.
v_start = self.input_v_start.value
v_end = self.input_v_end.value
+ v_vals = self.data.velocity.value
- position_0 = np.searchsorted(self.velocity.value, v_start)
- position_1 = np.searchsorted(self.velocity.value, v_end)
+ position_0 = np.searchsorted(v_vals, v_start)
+ position_1 = np.searchsorted(v_vals, v_end)
start_index = (
int(position_0 - 1)
- if np.isclose(self.velocity[position_0 - 1].value, v_start)
+ if np.isclose(v_vals[position_0 - 1], v_start)
else int(position_0)
end_index = (
int(position_1 - 1)
- if np.isclose(self.velocity[position_1 - 1].value, v_end)
+ if np.isclose(v_vals[position_1 - 1], v_end)
else int(position_1)
# Delete the overwritten shell (abundances and velocities).
- if end_index < len(self.velocity) and np.isclose(
- self.velocity[end_index].value, v_end
- ):
+ if end_index < len(v_vals) and np.isclose(v_vals[end_index], v_end):
# New shell will overwrite the original shell that ends at v_end.
- v_scalar = np.delete(self.velocity, end_index).value
- self.abundance.drop(max(0, end_index - 1), 1, inplace=True)
- else:
- v_scalar = self.velocity.value
+ v_vals = np.delete(v_vals, end_index)
+ self.data.abundance.drop(max(0, end_index - 1), 1, inplace=True)
# Insert new velocities calculate new densities according
# to new velocities through interpolation.
- v_scalar = np.insert(
- v_scalar, [start_index, end_index], [v_start, v_end]
- )
- v_scalar = np.delete(v_scalar, slice(start_index + 1, end_index + 1))
- density = self.density_editor.d
- self.density = (
+ v_vals = np.insert(v_vals, [start_index, end_index], [v_start, v_end])
+ v_vals = np.delete(v_vals, slice(start_index + 1, end_index + 1))
+ self.data.density = (
- v_scalar,
- self.velocity[1:].value,
- density[1:].value,
+ v_vals,
+ self.data.velocity[1:].value,
+ self.data.density[1:].value,
- * density.unit
+ * self.data.density.unit
- self.velocity = v_scalar * self.velocity.unit
- self.density_editor.v = self.velocity
- self.density_editor.d = self.density
+ self.data.velocity = v_vals * self.data.velocity.unit
# Change abundances after adding new shell.
if start_index != end_index:
- self.abundance.insert(end_index - 1, "", 0)
- self.abundance.drop(
- self.abundance.iloc[:, start_index : end_index - 1],
+ self.data.abundance.insert(end_index - 1, "", 0)
+ self.data.abundance.drop(
+ self.data.abundance.iloc[:, start_index : end_index - 1],
if start_index == 0:
- self.abundance.insert(end_index, "new", 0)
- self.abundance.insert(
+ self.data.abundance.insert(end_index, "new", 0)
+ self.data.abundance.insert(
end_index, "gap", 0
) # Add a shell to fill the gap.
- self.abundance.insert(end_index - 1, "new", 0)
+ self.data.abundance.insert(end_index - 1, "new", 0)
if start_index == self.no_of_shells:
- self.abundance.insert(end_index - 1, "gap", 0)
+ self.data.abundance.insert(end_index - 1, "gap", 0)
- self.abundance.insert(
- end_index - 1, "gap", self.abundance.iloc[:, end_index]
+ self.data.abundance.insert(
+ end_index - 1,
+ "gap",
+ self.data.abundance.iloc[:, end_index],
) # Add a shell to fill the gap with original abundances
- self.abundance.columns = range(self.no_of_shells)
+ self.data.abundance.columns = range(self.no_of_shells)
# Update data and x axis in plot.
with self.fig.batch_update():
self.fig.layout.xaxis.autorange = True
- self.fig.data[1].x = self.velocity
- self.fig.data[1].y = np.append(self.density[1:], self.density[-1])
+ self.fig.data[1].x = self.data.velocity
+ self.fig.data[1].y = np.append(
+ self.data.density[1:], self.data.density[-1]
+ )
for i in range(self.no_of_elements):
- self.fig.data[i + 2].x = self.velocity
+ self.fig.data[i + 2].x = self.data.velocity
self.dpd_shell_no.options = list(range(1, self.no_of_shells + 1))
@@ -560,8 +786,8 @@ def tbs_scale_eventhandler(self, obj):
- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
- A dictionary holding the information about the change.
+ obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
+ A dictionary holding the information about the change.
scale_mode = obj.new
@@ -588,8 +814,8 @@ def input_item_eventhandler(self, obj):
- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
- A dictionary holding the information about the change.
+ obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
+ A dictionary holding the information about the change.
if self._trigger:
item_index = obj.owner.index
@@ -598,12 +824,16 @@ def input_item_eventhandler(self, obj):
if is_locked:
- if np.isclose(self.abundance.iloc[:, self.shell_no - 1].sum(), 1):
+ if np.isclose(
+ self.data.abundance.iloc[:, self.shell_no - 1].sum(), 1
+ ):
self.norm_warning.layout.visibility = "hidden"
self.norm_warning.layout.visibility = "visible"
- self.abundance.iloc[item_index, self.shell_no - 1] = obj.owner.value
+ self.data.abundance.iloc[
+ item_index, self.shell_no - 1
+ ] = obj.owner.value
if self.rbs_multi_apply.index is None:
@@ -615,8 +845,8 @@ def check_eventhandler(self, obj):
- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
- A dictionary holding the information about the change.
+ obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
+ A dictionary holding the information about the change.
item_index = obj.owner.index
@@ -629,8 +859,8 @@ def dpd_shell_no_eventhandler(self, obj):
- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
- A dictionary holding the information about the change.
+ obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
+ A dictionary holding the information about the change.
# Disable "previous" and "next" buttons when shell no comes to boundaries.
if obj.new == 1:
@@ -650,8 +880,8 @@ def on_btn_prev(self, obj):
- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
- The clicked button instance.
+ obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
+ The clicked button instance.
self.shell_no -= 1
@@ -660,8 +890,8 @@ def on_btn_next(self, obj):
- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
- The clicked button instance.
+ obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
+ The clicked button instance.
self.shell_no += 1
@@ -671,18 +901,20 @@ def on_btn_norm(self, obj):
- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
- The clicked button instance.
+ obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
+ The clicked button instance.
locked_mask = np.array(self.checked_list)
- locked_sum = self.abundance.loc[locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1].sum()
- unlocked_arr = self.abundance.loc[~locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1]
+ locked_sum = self.data.abundance.loc[
+ locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1
+ ].sum()
+ unlocked_arr = self.data.abundance.loc[~locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1]
# if abundances are all zero
if unlocked_arr.sum() == 0:
- self.abundance.loc[~locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1] = (
+ self.data.abundance.loc[~locked_mask, self.shell_no - 1] = (
(1 - locked_sum) * unlocked_arr / unlocked_arr.sum()
@@ -702,8 +934,8 @@ def input_symb_eventhandler(self, obj):
- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
- A dictionary holding the information about the change.
+ obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
+ A dictionary holding the information about the change.
element_symbol_string = obj.new.capitalize()
@@ -712,7 +944,7 @@ def input_symb_eventhandler(self, obj):
self.btn_add_element.disabled = True
- if element_symbol_string in self.elements:
+ if element_symbol_string in self.data.elements:
self.symb_warning.layout.visibility = "visible"
self.btn_add_element.disabled = True
self.symb_warning.readout = "Already exists!"
@@ -739,20 +971,20 @@ def on_btn_add_element(self, obj):
- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
- The clicked button instance.
+ obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
+ The clicked button instance.
element_symbol_string = self.input_symb.value.capitalize()
if element_symbol_string in nucname.name_zz:
z = nucname.name_zz[element_symbol_string]
- self.abundance.loc[(z, ""), :] = 0
+ self.data.abundance.loc[(z, ""), :] = 0
mass_no = nucname.anum(element_symbol_string)
z = nucname.znum(element_symbol_string)
- self.abundance.loc[(z, mass_no), :] = 0
+ self.data.abundance.loc[(z, mass_no), :] = 0
- self.abundance.sort_index(inplace=True)
+ self.data.abundance.sort_index(inplace=True)
# Add new BoundedFloatText control and Checkbox control.
item = ipw.BoundedFloatText(min=0, max=1, step=0.01)
@@ -765,9 +997,9 @@ def on_btn_add_element(self, obj):
# Keep the order of description same with atomic number
- self.elements = self.get_symbols()
+ self.data.elements = self.data.get_symbols()
for i in range(self.no_of_elements):
- self.input_items[i].description = self.elements[i]
+ self.input_items[i].description = self.data.elements[i]
self.box_editor.children = [
@@ -777,15 +1009,17 @@ def on_btn_add_element(self, obj):
with self.fig.batch_update():
# Add new trace to plot.
- x=self.velocity, # convert to km/s
+ x=self.data.velocity, # convert to km/s
y=[0] * (self.no_of_shells + 1),
+ line=dict(shape="hv"),
# Sort the legend in atomic order.
fig_data_lst = list(self.fig.data)
- np.argwhere(self.elements == element_symbol_string)[0][0] + 2,
+ np.argwhere(self.data.elements == element_symbol_string)[0][0]
+ + 2,
self.fig.data = fig_data_lst[:-1]
@@ -804,16 +1038,16 @@ def apply_to_multiple_shells(self, item_index):
- item_index : int
- The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs.
+ item_index : int
+ The index of the widget in the list of abundance inputs.
start_index = self.irs_shell_range.value[0] - 1
end_index = self.irs_shell_range.value[1]
applied_shell_index = self.shell_no - 1
- self.abundance.iloc[
+ self.data.abundance.iloc[
item_index, start_index:end_index
- ] = self.abundance.iloc[item_index, applied_shell_index]
+ ] = self.data.abundance.iloc[item_index, applied_shell_index]
@@ -823,8 +1057,8 @@ def input_v_eventhandler(self, obj):
- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
- A dictionary holding the information about the change.
+ obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
+ A dictionary holding the information about the change.
v_start = self.input_v_start.value
v_end = self.input_v_end.value
@@ -846,8 +1080,8 @@ def on_btn_output(self, obj):
- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
- The clicked button instance.
+ obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
+ The clicked button instance.
path = self.input_path.value
overwrite = self.ckb_overwrite.value
@@ -860,8 +1094,8 @@ def rbs_single_apply_eventhandler(self, obj):
- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
- The clicked button instance.
+ obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
+ The clicked button instance.
self.rbs_multi_apply_eventhandler, "value"
@@ -876,8 +1110,8 @@ def rbs_multi_apply_eventhandler(self, obj):
- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
- The clicked button instance.
+ obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
+ The clicked button instance.
self.rbs_single_apply_eventhandler, "value"
@@ -895,8 +1129,8 @@ def irs_shell_range_eventhandler(self, obj):
- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
- The clicked button instance.
+ obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
+ The clicked button instance.
x = self.fig.data[0].x
width = self.fig.data[0].width
@@ -908,8 +1142,8 @@ def irs_shell_range_eventhandler(self, obj):
y = [1]
(start_shell_no, end_shell_no) = self.irs_shell_range.value
- x_inner = self.velocity[start_shell_no - 1].value
- x_outer = self.velocity[end_shell_no].value
+ x_inner = self.data.velocity[start_shell_no - 1].value
+ x_outer = self.data.velocity[end_shell_no].value
x = [x[0], (x_outer + x_inner) / 2]
width = [width[0], x_outer - x_inner]
y = [1, 1]
@@ -924,14 +1158,16 @@ def generate_abundance_density_plot(self):
"""Generate abundance and density plot in different shells."""
self.fig = go.FigureWidget()
title = "Abundance/Density vs Velocity"
- data = self.abundance
+ abundance = self.data.abundance
+ velocity = self.data.velocity
+ density = self.data.density
# Bar Diagonal
- x=[(self.velocity[0].value + self.velocity[1].value) / 2],
+ x=[(velocity[0].value + velocity[1].value) / 2],
- width=[self.velocity[1].value - self.velocity[0].value],
+ width=[velocity[1].value - velocity[0].value],
name="Selected shell",
@@ -942,8 +1178,8 @@ def generate_abundance_density_plot(self):
- x=self.velocity,
- y=np.append(self.density[1:], self.density[-1]),
+ x=velocity,
+ y=np.append(density[1:], density[-1]),
@@ -956,11 +1192,11 @@ def generate_abundance_density_plot(self):
for i in range(self.no_of_elements):
- x=self.velocity,
- y=np.append(data.iloc[i], data.iloc[i, -1]),
+ x=velocity,
+ y=np.append(abundance.iloc[i], abundance.iloc[i, -1]),
line=dict(shape="hv", color=colorscale[i]),
- name=self.elements[i],
+ name=self.data.elements[i],
@@ -993,8 +1229,8 @@ def display(self):
- ipywidgets.widgets.widget_box.VBox
- A box that contains all the widgets in the GUI.
+ ipywidgets.widgets.widget_box.VBox
+ A box that contains all the widgets in the GUI.
self.box_editor = ipw.HBox(
@@ -1087,10 +1323,10 @@ def to_csvy(self, path, overwrite):
- path : str
- Output path.
- overwrite : bool
- True if overwriting, False otherwise.
+ path : str
+ Output path.
+ overwrite : bool
+ True if overwriting, False otherwise.
posix_path = Path(path)
posix_path = posix_path.with_suffix(".csvy")
@@ -1109,15 +1345,19 @@ def write_yaml_portion(self, path):
- path : pathlib.PosixPath
+ path : pathlib.PosixPath
name = path.name
- d_time_0 = self.density_editor.density_t_0 * u.day
+ d_time_0 = self.data.density_t_0
i_time_0 = self.input_i_time_0.value * u.day
custom_yaml = CustomYAML(
- name, d_time_0, i_time_0, self.velocity[0], self.velocity[-1]
+ name,
+ d_time_0,
+ i_time_0,
+ self.data.velocity[0],
+ self.data.velocity[-1],
- custom_yaml.create_fields_dict(self.elements)
+ custom_yaml.create_fields_dict(self.data.elements)
with path.open("w") as f:
yaml_output = yaml.dump(custom_yaml, sort_keys=False)
@@ -1136,19 +1376,19 @@ def write_csv_portion(self, path):
- path : pathlib.PosixPath
+ path : pathlib.PosixPath
- data = self.abundance.T
- data.columns = self.elements
+ data = self.data.abundance.T
+ data.columns = self.data.elements
first_row = pd.DataFrame(
- [[0] * self.no_of_elements], columns=self.elements
+ [[0] * self.no_of_elements], columns=self.data.elements
data = pd.concat([first_row, data])
- formatted_v = pd.Series(self.velocity.value).apply(
+ formatted_v = pd.Series(self.data.velocity.value).apply(
lambda x: "%.3e" % x
- density = self.density_editor.d
+ density = self.data.density
data.insert(0, "velocity", formatted_v)
data.insert(1, "density", density)
@@ -1162,107 +1402,16 @@ def from_csvy(cls, fpath):
- fpath : str
- the path of CSVY file.
+ fpath : str
+ the path of CSVY file.
- CustomAbundanceWidget
+ CustomAbundanceWidget
- csvy_model_config, csvy_model_data = load_csvy(fpath)
- csvy_schema_file = os.path.join(
- BASE_DIR, "../..", "io", "schemas", "csvy_model.yml"
- )
- csvy_model_config = Configuration(
- validate_dict(csvy_model_config, schemapath=csvy_schema_file)
- )
+ widget_data = CustomAbundanceWidgetData.from_csvy(fpath)
- if hasattr(csvy_model_config, "velocity"):
- velocity = quantity_linspace(
- csvy_model_config.velocity.start,
- csvy_model_config.velocity.stop,
- csvy_model_config.velocity.num + 1,
- ).cgs
- else:
- velocity_field_index = [
- field["name"] for field in csvy_model_config.datatype.fields
- ].index("velocity")
- velocity_unit = u.Unit(
- csvy_model_config.datatype.fields[velocity_field_index]["unit"]
- )
- velocity = csvy_model_data["velocity"].values * velocity_unit
- no_of_shells = len(velocity) - 1
- if hasattr(csvy_model_config, "density"):
- adjusted_velocity = velocity.insert(0, 0)
- v_middle = (
- adjusted_velocity[1:] * 0.5 + adjusted_velocity[:-1] * 0.5
- )
- no_of_shells = len(adjusted_velocity) - 1
- d_conf = csvy_model_config.density
- density_type = d_conf.type
- if density_type == "branch85_w7":
- density_0 = calculate_power_law_density(
- v_middle, d_conf.w7_v_0, d_conf.w7_rho_0, -7
- )
- time_0 = d_conf.w7_time_0
- elif density_type == "uniform":
- density_0 = d_conf.value.to("g cm^-3") * np.ones(no_of_shells)
- time_0 = d_conf.get("time_0", 0 * u.day)
- elif density_type == "power_law":
- density_0 = calculate_power_law_density(
- v_middle, d_conf.v_0, d_conf.rho_0, d_conf.exponent
- )
- time_0 = d_conf.get("time_0", 0 * u.day)
- elif density_type == "exponential":
- density_0 = calculate_exponential_density(
- v_middle, d_conf.v_0, d_conf.rho_0
- )
- time_0 = d_conf.get("time_0", 0 * u.day)
- else:
- raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized density type " f"{d_conf.type}")
- else:
- density_field_index = [
- field["name"] for field in csvy_model_config.datatype.fields
- ].index("density")
- density_unit = u.Unit(
- csvy_model_config.datatype.fields[density_field_index]["unit"]
- )
- density_0 = csvy_model_data["density"].values * density_unit
- if hasattr(csvy_model_config, "abundance"):
- abundances_section = csvy_model_config.abundance
- abundance, isotope_abundance = read_uniform_abundances(
- abundances_section, no_of_shells
- )
- else:
- _, abundance, isotope_abundance = parse_csv_abundances(
- csvy_model_data
- )
- abundance = abundance.loc[:, 1:]
- abundance.columns = np.arange(abundance.shape[1])
- isotope_abundance = isotope_abundance.loc[:, 1:]
- isotope_abundance.columns = np.arange(isotope_abundance.shape[1])
- abundance = abundance.replace(np.nan, 0.0)
- abundance = abundance[abundance.sum(axis=1) > 0]
- isotope_abundance = isotope_abundance.replace(np.nan, 0.0)
- isotope_abundance = isotope_abundance[isotope_abundance.sum(axis=1) > 0]
- # Combine elements and isotopes to one DataFrame
- abundance["mass_number"] = ""
- abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True)
- abundance = pd.concat([abundance, isotope_abundance])
- abundance.sort_index(inplace=True)
- return cls(
- density_t_0=time_0,
- density=density_0,
- abundance=abundance,
- velocity=velocity,
- )
+ return cls(widget_data)
def from_yml(cls, fpath):
@@ -1270,38 +1419,16 @@ def from_yml(cls, fpath):
- fpath : str
- The path of YAML file.
+ fpath : str
+ The path of YAML file.
- CustomAbundanceWidget
+ CustomAbundanceWidget
- config = Configuration.from_yaml(fpath)
- if hasattr(config, "csvy_model"):
- model = Radial1DModel.from_csvy(config)
- else:
- model = Radial1DModel.from_config(config)
- velocity = model.velocity
- density_t_0 = model.homologous_density.time_0
- density = model.homologous_density.density_0
- abundance = model.raw_abundance
- isotope_abundance = model.raw_isotope_abundance
+ widget_data = CustomAbundanceWidgetData.from_yml(fpath)
- # Combine elements and isotopes to one DataFrame
- abundance["mass_number"] = ""
- abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True)
- abundance = pd.concat([abundance, isotope_abundance])
- abundance.sort_index(inplace=True)
- return cls(
- density_t_0=density_t_0,
- density=density,
- abundance=abundance,
- velocity=velocity,
- )
+ return cls(widget_data)
def from_hdf(cls, fpath):
@@ -1309,33 +1436,16 @@ def from_hdf(cls, fpath):
- fpath : str
- the path of HDF file.
+ fpath : str
+ the path of HDF file.
- CustomAbundanceWidget
+ CustomAbundanceWidget
- with pd.HDFStore(fpath, "r") as hdf:
- abundance = hdf["/simulation/plasma/abundance"]
- _density_t_0 = hdf["/simulation/model/homologous_density/scalars"]
- _density = hdf["/simulation/model/homologous_density/density_0"]
- v_inner = hdf["/simulation/model/v_inner"]
- v_outer = hdf["/simulation/model/v_outer"]
+ widget_data = CustomAbundanceWidgetData.from_hdf(fpath)
- density_t_0 = float(_density_t_0) * u.s
- density = np.array(_density) * u.g / (u.cm) ** 3
- velocity = np.append(v_inner, v_outer[len(v_outer) - 1]) * u.cm / u.s
- abundance["mass_number"] = ""
- abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True)
- return cls(
- density_t_0=density_t_0,
- density=density,
- abundance=abundance,
- velocity=velocity,
- )
+ return cls(widget_data)
def from_simulation(cls, sim):
@@ -1343,35 +1453,19 @@ def from_simulation(cls, sim):
- sim : Simulation
+ sim : Simulation
- CustomAbundanceWidget
+ CustomAbundanceWidget
- abundance = sim.model.raw_abundance.copy()
- isotope_abundance = sim.model.raw_isotope_abundance.copy()
- # integrate element and isotope to one DataFrame
- abundance["mass_number"] = ""
- abundance.set_index("mass_number", append=True, inplace=True)
- abundance = pd.concat([abundance, isotope_abundance])
- abundance.sort_index(inplace=True)
+ widget_data = CustomAbundanceWidgetData.from_simulation(sim)
- velocity = sim.model.velocity
- density_t_0 = sim.model.homologous_density.time_0
- density = sim.model.homologous_density.density_0
- return cls(
- density_t_0=density_t_0,
- density=density,
- abundance=abundance,
- velocity=velocity,
- )
+ return cls(widget_data)
class DensityEditor:
- """Widget to edit density profile of simulation model.
+ """Widget to edit density profile of the model.
It provides an interface to allow the user directly change
the density, or calculate the density with given type and
@@ -1381,34 +1475,25 @@ class DensityEditor:
shell_no : int
The selected shell number.
- trigger : bool
+ _trigger : bool
If False, disable the callback when density input is changed.
- def __init__(self, density_t_0, density, velocity, fig, shell_no_widget):
+ def __init__(self, widget_data, fig, shell_no_widget):
"""Initialize DensityEditor with data and widget components.
- density : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
- Density data.
- velocity : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity
- Velocity data.
- fig : plotly.graph_objs._figurewidget.FigureWidget
- The figure object of density plot.
- shell_no_widget : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_selection.Dropdown
- A widget to record the selected shell number.
+ widget_data : CustomAbundanceWidgetData
+ Data in the custom abundance widget.
+ fig : plotly.graph_objs._figurewidget.FigureWidget
+ The figure object of density plot.
+ shell_no_widget : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_selection.Dropdown
+ A widget to record the selected shell number.
- self.d = density
- self.v = velocity
+ self.data = widget_data
self.fig = fig
self.shell_no_widget = shell_no_widget
- self.input_d_time_0 = ipw.FloatText(
- value=density_t_0.value,
- description="Density time_0 (day): ",
- style={"description_width": "initial"},
- layout=ipw.Layout(margin="0 0 20px 0"),
- )
self._trigger = True
@@ -1417,10 +1502,6 @@ def __init__(self, density_t_0, density, velocity, fig, shell_no_widget):
def shell_no(self):
return self.shell_no_widget.value
- @property
- def density_t_0(self):
- return self.input_d_time_0.value
def create_widgets(self):
"""Create widget components in density editor GUI and register
callbacks for widgets.
@@ -1433,6 +1514,14 @@ def create_widgets(self):
self.input_d.observe(self.input_d_eventhandler, "value")
+ self.input_d_time_0 = ipw.FloatText(
+ value=self.data.density_t_0.value,
+ description="Density time_0 (day): ",
+ style={"description_width": "initial"},
+ layout=ipw.Layout(margin="0 0 20px 0"),
+ )
+ self.input_d_time_0.observe(self.input_d_time_0_eventhandler, "value")
self.dpd_dtype = ipw.Dropdown(
options=["-", "uniform", "exponential", "power_law"],
description="Density type: ",
@@ -1498,30 +1587,44 @@ def read_density(self):
"""Read density data in DataFrame to density input box when
shell No. changes.
- dvalue = self.d[self.shell_no].value
+ dvalue = self.data.density[self.shell_no].value
self._trigger = False
self.input_d.value = float("{:.3e}".format(dvalue))
self._trigger = True
def update_density_plot(self):
"""Update the density line in the plot."""
- y = np.append(self.d[1:], self.d[-1])
+ y = np.append(self.data.density[1:], self.data.density[-1])
self.fig.data[1].y = y
def input_d_eventhandler(self, obj):
- """Update the data and the widgets when it gets new density input.
+ """Update the data and the widgets when the widget gets new
+ density input.
- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
- A dictionary holding the information about the change.
+ obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
+ A dictionary holding the information about the change.
if self._trigger:
new_value = obj.new
- self.d[self.shell_no] = new_value * self.d.unit
+ self.data.density[self.shell_no] = (
+ new_value * self.data.density.unit
+ )
+ def input_d_time_0_eventhandler(self, obj):
+ """Update density time 0 data when the widget gets new input.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
+ A dictionary holding the information about the change.
+ """
+ new_value = obj.new
+ self.data.density_t_0 = new_value * self.data.density_t_0.unit
dtype_out = ipw.Output()
@@ -1531,14 +1634,14 @@ def dpd_dtype_eventhandler(self, obj):
- obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
- A dictionary holding the information about the change.
+ obj : traitlets.utils.bunch.Bunch
+ A dictionary holding the information about the change.
- ipywidgets.widgets.widget_box.VBox
- A box widget that contains the input boxes of certain density
- type parameters.
+ ipywidgets.widgets.widget_box.VBox
+ A box widget that contains the input boxes of certain density
+ type parameters.
if obj.new == "uniform":
@@ -1553,10 +1656,12 @@ def on_btn_calculate(self, obj):
- obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
- The clicked button instance.
+ obj : ipywidgets.widgets.widget_button.Button
+ The clicked button instance.
dtype = self.dpd_dtype.value
+ density = self.data.density
+ velocity = self.data.velocity
if dtype == "-":
@@ -1565,24 +1670,28 @@ def on_btn_calculate(self, obj):
if self.input_value.value == 0:
- self.d = self.input_value.value * self.d.unit * np.ones(len(self.d))
+ self.data.density = (
+ self.input_value.value * density.unit * np.ones(len(density))
+ )
if self.input_v_0.value == 0 or self.input_rho_0.value == 0:
- adjusted_velocity = self.v.insert(0, 0)
+ adjusted_velocity = velocity.insert(0, 0)
v_middle = (
adjusted_velocity[1:] * 0.5 + adjusted_velocity[:-1] * 0.5
- v_0 = self.input_v_0.value * self.v.unit
- rho_0 = self.input_rho_0.value * self.d.unit
+ v_0 = self.input_v_0.value * velocity.unit
+ rho_0 = self.input_rho_0.value * density.unit
if dtype == "exponential":
- self.d = calculate_exponential_density(v_middle, v_0, rho_0)
+ self.data.density = calculate_exponential_density(
+ v_middle, v_0, rho_0
+ )
elif dtype == "power_law":
exponent = self.input_exp.value
- self.d = calculate_power_law_density(
+ self.data.density = calculate_power_law_density(
v_middle, v_0, rho_0, exponent
@@ -1594,8 +1703,8 @@ def display(self):
- ipywidgets.widgets.widget_box.VBox
- A box that contains all the widgets in the GUI.
+ ipywidgets.widgets.widget_box.VBox
+ A box that contains all the widgets in the GUI.
hint1 = ipw.HTML(
value="1) Edit density of the selected shell:"