- Set fallback local loopback address by default for Windows environment
- Fix extension build failure for ruby3
- Fix warning for recent compilers
- Add ruby 2.6/2.7 to windows gem
- Drop ruby 2.1/2.2/2.3 from windows gem
- Add ruby 2.5 to windows gem
- Fix invalid IOWatcher's rb_funcall that causes ArgumentError with ruby 2.5 and clang
- Fix invalid TimerWatcher's rb_funcall that causes ArgumentError with ruby 2.5 and clang
- Don't raise an exception when peername failed
- Update libev to 4.24
- Add ruby 2.4.0 to windows binary gem
- Increase FD_SETSIZE to 1024 on Windows
- Suppress lots of warnings
- Use accept instead of accept_nonblock on Windows to avoid thundering held problem
- Fix compilation error on Solaris and Ruby 2.3.0
- Add unexpected object info to attach exception message
- Use SleepEx instead of Sleep for better fix of process hung problem on windows environment
- Use rake-compiler-dock for cross compilation
- Update libev to 4.20
- Sleep in timeout instead of select on Windows
- Fix several bugs for JRuby support enhancement
- Fix deadlock bug on Windows environment
- Use RSpec3
- Block evaluation doesn't change self for keeping consistency with Ruby block
- Remove EventMachine emulation module
- Remove HttpClient
- DSL syntax is no longer available by default. Need to require 'cool.io/dsl' in user code
- Update libev to 4.19
- Fix a bug that #close for unconnected Socket doesn't detach all watchers (#33)
- Remove 1.8 support code
- Use standard library instead of own hosts list (#34)
- Fix CPU consuming issue on Windows.
- Add timeout option to Loop#run and Loop#run_once. Default by nil
- Support Ruby 2.2.0
- Release the GIL when libev polls (#24)
- Add Listener#listen method to change backlog size
- Support Windows environment via cross compilation
- Include iobuffer library
- Update to libev 4.15
- Remove Ruby 1.8 support
- Switch from Jeweler to Bundler for the gem boilerplate
- Fix firing of Coolio::HttpClient#on_request_complete (#15)
- Fix failure to resolve Init_cool symbol on win32 mingw (#14)
- Fix closing /etc/hosts in the DNS resolver (#12)
- Refactor StatWatcher to pass pervious and current path state ala Node.js
- spec:valgrind Rake task to run specs under valgrind
- Use rake-compiler to build cool.io
- Upgrade to libev 4.04
- Fancy new DSL
- Rename the project to cool.io
- Bump the version all the way to 0.9! Hell yeah! 1.0 soon!
- Rename the main module from Rev to Coolio, with deprecation warnings for Rev
- Use Jeweler to manage the gem
- Update to RSpec 2.0
- Update to libev 4.01
- Initial Rubinius support
- Perform a blocking system call if we're the only thread running (1.8 only)
- Run in non-blocking mode if we're the only thread in the process (1.8 only)
- Make Rev::Loop#run_nonblock signal-safe
- Fix spurious firing of Rev::AsyncWatchers
- Configurable intervals for Rev::StatWatcher
- Fix broken version number :(
- Removed warning about spuriously readable sockets from Rev::Listener
- Rev::Listener ignores ECONNABORTED from accept_nonblock
- Document rationale for EAGAIN/ECONNABORTED handling in Rev::Listener
- Add Rev::StatWatcher to monitor filesystem changes
- Add Rev::Listener#fileno for accessing the underlying file descriptor
- Support for creating Rev::Listeners from existing TCPServers/UNIXServers
- Upgrade to libev 3.8
- Simplified code loading
- Pull in iobuffer gem and change outstanding uses of Rev::Buffer to IO::Buffer
- Fix memory leaks resulting from strange semantics of Ruby's xrealloc
- Rev::UNIXServer: use path instead of the first argument
- Rev::Server-based classes can build off ::*Server objects
- Ugh, botched my first release from the git repo. Oh well. Try, try again.
- Initial Windows support
- Initial Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.1 support
- Upgrade to libev 3.52
- Add checks for sys/resource.h and don't allow getting/setting maxfds if it isn't present
- Correct a pointer arithmetic error in the buffering code that could result in data corruption.
- Upgrade to libev 3.41
- Relax HTTP/1.1 reponse parser to allow the "reason" portion of the response header to be omitted
- Upgrade to libev 3.31
- Rev::Loop#run_once and Rev::Loop#run_nonblock now return the number of events received when they were running
- Remove inheritence relationship between Rev::IO and Rev::IOWatcher
- Loosen HTTP/1.1 response parser to accept a common malformation in HTTP/1.1 chunk headers
- Add underscore prefix to instance variables to avoid conflicts in subclasses
- Remove Rev::SSLServer until it can be made more useful
- Initial Ruby 1.8.6 support
- Omit Rev::LIBEV_VERSION constant
- Catch Errno::ECONNRESET when writing to sockets
- SSL support via Rev::SSL, with a small C extension subclassing Ruby's OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket allowing for non-blocking SSL handshakes
- Initial Rev::Utils implementation with #ncpus and methods to query and change the maximum number of file descriptors for the current process.
- Initial Rev::AsyncWatcher implementation for cross-thread signaling
- Handle unspecified Content-Length when encoding is identity in HttpClient
- Fix bug in HttpClient processing zero Content-Length
- Get rid of method_missing stuff in Rev::HttpClient
- Have Rev::HttpClient close the connection on error
- Allow Rev::TCPSocket#on_connect to be private when accepting connections from a Rev::TCPServer
- Calibrate Rev::TimerWatchers against ev_time() and ev_now() when the watcher is attached to the loop to ensure that the timeout interval is correct.
- Add check to ensure that a Rev::Loop cannot be run from within a callback
- Store Rev::Loop.default in a Thread-specific instance variable
- Upgrade libev to 0.3.0
- Rename BufferedIO to IO
- Fixed bug in BufferedIO#write_output_buffer causing it to spin endlessly on an empty buffer.
- Added has_active_watchers? to Rev::Loop to check for active watchers
- Fixed bug in Rev::Buffer read_from and write_to: now rb_sys_fail on failed reads/writes.
- Change Rev::Buffer memory pools to purge on a periodic interval, rather than whenever the GC marks the object.
- Fix bug in tracking the active watcher count. Factor shared watcher behavior from rev_watcher.h to rev_watcher.c.
- Commit initial specs
- Improve RDoc for the library
- Eliminate "zero copy" writes as they bypass the event loop
- Added Rev::Buffer C extension to provide high speed buffered writes
- Implement Rev::TCPSocket#peeraddr to improve compatibility with Ruby sockets
- Added Rev::Listener.close for clean shutdown of a listener
- Rev::Loop.default used to call ev_loop_default() (in C). However, this registers signal handlers which conflict with Ruby's own. Now the behavior has been changed to return a thread-local singleton of Rev::Loop.
- Creating a new Rev::TCPListener will disable reverse lookups in BasicSocket
- Made backlog for Rev::TCPListener user-definable
- Rev::TCPSocket now implements an on_resolve_failed callback for failed DNS resolution. By default it's aliased to on_connect_failed.
- Changed event_callbacks to use instance_exec rather than passing the watcher object as an argument. Documented use of defining an event callback as a block
- Subsecond precision for Rev::TimerWatchers
- Added Rev::HttpClient, an asynchronous HTTP/1.1 client written on top of the Rev::TCPSocket class
- Imported HTTP response parser from the RFuzz project
- Added exception handling for Errno::ECONNRESET and Errno::EAGAIN
- Fixed bugs in buffered writer which resulted in exceptions if all data couldn't be written with a nonblocking write.
- Initial public release