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How to use Margaret server

The server is connected via ssh service. For Windows 10 and later, the ssh service is built in. You can generate new key by the command ssh-keygen.

Then you can find two new files:

  • ~/.ssh/
  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa (private key)

P.S. Never give the private key to the others.

Ask the permission

To get access to Margaret server, you need to open a ticket to ask the permission:

  1. Login to the Inria's intranet, click helpdesk
  2. Click Soumettre une demande informatique, then Demande de service, then Demande sur moyens de calcul
  3. Write the demande. It requires (1) the machine name/computer number, and also (2) the ~/.ssh/

Once the staff adds you computer into the server trusted list, you can connect to the server.

First time configuration

  1. Create a new ssh configuration file (if it does not exist) ~/.ssh/config, and configure with

    # contents of ~/.ssh/config
    Host margaret
    User YourUserName
    ProxyJump [email protected]
    Host marg*
    HostName %h
    ProxyJump margaret
    User YourUserName
  2. Open a terminal, tap ssh margaret. You should normally login into the portal node of the server. You should see

    [YourUserName@margaret ~]$

    in terminal.

    The Margaret server is organized by Slurm. The node 'margaret' is only a jump node. You can manage and transfer files or submit job under this node. But do not run the computation directly on this node. You should run the computation on compute nodes, for example 'marg008', 'margpu010', etc.

  3. In order to connect the compute nodes directly from your computer, You need to add the local ssh key to the server, by the command

    cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh margaret 'cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

  4. Create directory under /scratch by the command

    mkdir /scratch/$USER

    On the server, the directory /home/idefix/YourUserName is only for config files. The /home/ section is quite small, so you should put the codes and data, and install Python under /scratch/YourUserName/.

    P.S. If you want bigger space, you need to open a new ticket and ask for the access to the /data3 section

  5. Install conda environment by the command

    cd /scratch/YourUserName
    wget $BASE_URL/
    bash -b -p /scratch/YourUserName/mambaforge
    # Activate conda env by default
    echo 'source /scratch/YourUserName/mambaforge/etc/profile.d/
    conda activate
    ' >> $HOME/.bashrc
    source $HOME/.bashrc
  6. Create new environment with lastest Python version by the command

    conda create -n NameOfEnv python=3.10

  7. Require packages for running the codes for simulation-driven framework paper:

Numpy, matplotlib, pandas, nibabel, nilearn, seaborn, jupyter, plotly, scipy, scikit-learn, dipy, python-spams, tqdm, joblib, setuptools: conda install PackageName

If one package does not exist in conda, you can try pip. For example, pip install spams

Amico: pip install dmri-amico

Pytorch: conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.8 -c pytorch-nightly -c nvidia

Regular routine to connect to Margaret using VS Code

  1. Open a terminal, tap ssh margaret. Once connected, tap one of the following commands:

    • srun --pty -c 16 bash to connect to a CPU node with 16 cores, with interactive session, named bash;

    • srun --pty -c 128 bash to connect to a CPU node with 128 cores, with interactive session, named bash;

    • ssh margaret -t srun --pty --partition=gpu --gres=gpu:1 bash to connect to a GPU node, with interactive session, named bash;

    • srun --pty -c 16 --time 4:00:00 bash to connect to a CPU node with 16 cores, with interactive session, named bash. And it will be closed after 4 hours. This one is useful because during maintenance, all the jobs should have an ending time.

    Then Slurm will assign one compute node, for example, 'marg008'.

    Keep this terminal alive.

  2. Open VS Code, tap F1, then Remote-SSH: Connect to host, then tap marg008. Normally you should connect to marg008 successfully. You can see the node's name on the left-bottom corner.

  3. Choose File, then Open folder, then tap /scratch/YourUserName. The working directory is changed to /scratch/YourUserName. You can easily open and edit files of this directory. And this is an interactive session, you can run the computation directly (like Python scripts, jupyter notebooks etc.)

  4. To run python scripts on CPU node, create a file with

    #SBATCH --job-name=idefix
    #SBATCH --output=output_%j.txt
    #SBATCH --error=error_%j.txt
    #SBATCH --time=24:00:00
    #SBATCH --ntasks=64 ## number of nodes required
    ## load modules
    source /scratch/YourUserName/mambaforge/bin/activate NameOfEnv
    ## execution

    and open a new terminal in VS Code. Change the directory of this terminal to the location of the script. Run the command


  5. To run python scripts on GPU node, it is similar but change the script to

    #SBATCH --job-name=idefix
    #SBATCH --output=output_%j.txt
    #SBATCH --error=error_%j.txt
    #SBATCH --time=24:00:00
    #SBATCH --partition=gpu
    #SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
    ## load modules
    source /scratch/YourUserName/mambaforge/bin/activate NameOfEnv
    ## execution
  6. To run the Matlab scripts on CPU node, change the script to

    #SBATCH --job-name=idefix
    #SBATCH --output=output_%j.txt
    #SBATCH --error=error_%j.txt
    #SBATCH --time=24:00:00
    #SBATCH --ntasks=64 ## number of nodes required
    ## load modules
    module load matlab
    ## execution
    matlab -batch "path_of_the_file"

Some useful Slurm commands

  • sinfo, introspect the state of nodes
  • squeue -u YourUserName, introspect the state of your jobs
  • scancel JobID, cancel your job

Useful link

The link about using the margaret server:

Transfer files with server

Personally I use WinSCP on Windows and on Mac.

Configuration is quite simple. The File protocol is SFTP, Host name is, Port number is 22, User name is the Inria account name.