VGit's feature views are designed to be lightning-fast. Whether you're diving into a file's history, comparing changes, or managing stashes.
Explore all changes in your project at a glance. The diff preview displays modified files and highlights the changes for better project-wide management.
View and filter the logs of your current branch in an intuitive interface. Select logs and open detailed commit previews effortlessly.
Easily manage and preview all your stashed changes in one place. Keep your work organized and accessible.
Visually compare your current buffer with its version in the Git index. If focused on a hunk, this preview zooms into the relevant changes for a streamlined review experience.
Gain instant insight into the author and commit history of any line in your buffer. This feature enables seamless tracing of code changes.
Dive into the history of your file with a detailed view of all its Git iterations. See how the file has evolved through various commits.
VGit simplifies conflict resolution by clearly highlighting different segments of a conflict and giving you the flexibility to choose the necessary changes, making it easy to merge and resolve conflicts efficiently.
Enable live blame annotations directly in your editor to see the author and commit for each line in real time. Perfect for understanding the evolution of code at a glance.
- Neovim
- Git
- Supported Operating Systems:
Package managers with lazy loading is necessary for installation.
Using packer.nvim
use {
requires = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim', 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' },
-- Lazy loading on 'VimEnter' event is necessary.
event = 'VimEnter',
config = function() require("vgit").setup() end,
Using lazy.nvim
dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim', 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' },
-- Lazy loading on 'VimEnter' event is necessary.
event = 'VimEnter',
config = function() require("vgit").setup() end,
You must instantiate the plugin in order for the features to work.
Highlights, signs, keymappings are few examples of what can be configured in VGit. Advanced setting should only be used if you intend to change functionality provided by default.
Show advanced setup
keymaps = {
['n <C-k>'] = function() require('vgit').hunk_up() end,
mode = 'n',
key = '<C-j>',
handler = 'hunk_down',
desc = 'Go down in the direction of the hunk',
['n <leader>gs'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_hunk_stage() end,
['n <leader>gr'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_hunk_reset() end,
['n <leader>gp'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_hunk_preview() end,
['n <leader>gb'] = 'buffer_blame_preview',
['n <leader>gf'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_diff_preview() end,
['n <leader>gh'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_history_preview() end,
['n <leader>gu'] = function() require('vgit').buffer_reset() end,
['n <leader>gd'] = function() require('vgit').project_diff_preview() end,
['n <leader>gx'] = function() require('vgit').toggle_diff_preference() end,
settings = {
-- You can either allow corresponding mapping for existing hl, or re-define them yourself entirely.
hls = {
GitCount = 'Keyword',
GitSymbol = 'CursorLineNr',
GitTitle = 'Directory',
GitSelected = 'QuickfixLine',
GitBackground = 'Normal',
GitAppBar = 'StatusLine',
GitHeader = 'NormalFloat',
GitFooter = 'NormalFloat',
GitBorder = 'LineNr',
GitLineNr = 'LineNr',
GitComment = 'Comment',
GitSignsAdd = {
gui = nil,
fg = '#d7ffaf',
bg = nil,
sp = nil,
override = false,
GitSignsChange = {
gui = nil,
fg = '#7AA6DA',
bg = nil,
sp = nil,
override = false,
GitSignsDelete = {
gui = nil,
fg = '#e95678',
bg = nil,
sp = nil,
override = false,
GitSignsAddLn = 'DiffAdd',
GitSignsDeleteLn = 'DiffDelete',
GitWordAdd = {
gui = nil,
fg = nil,
bg = '#5d7a22',
sp = nil,
override = false,
GitWordDelete = {
gui = nil,
fg = nil,
bg = '#960f3d',
sp = nil,
override = false,
GitConflictCurrentMark = 'DiffAdd',
GitConflictAncestorMark = 'Visual',
GitConflictIncomingMark = 'DiffChange',
GitConflictCurrent = 'DiffAdd',
GitConflictAncestor = 'Visual',
GitConflictMiddle = 'Visual',
GitConflictIncoming = 'DiffChange',
live_blame = {
enabled = true,
format = function(blame, git_config)
local config_author = git_config['']
local author =
if config_author == author then
author = 'You'
local time = os.difftime(os.time(), blame.author_time)
/ (60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12)
local time_divisions = {
{ 1, 'years' },
{ 12, 'months' },
{ 30, 'days' },
{ 24, 'hours' },
{ 60, 'minutes' },
{ 60, 'seconds' },
local counter = 1
local time_division = time_divisions[counter]
local time_boundary = time_division[1]
local time_postfix = time_division[2]
while time < 1 and counter ~= #time_divisions do
time_division = time_divisions[counter]
time_boundary = time_division[1]
time_postfix = time_division[2]
time = time * time_boundary
counter = counter + 1
local commit_message = blame.commit_message
if not blame.committed then
author = 'You'
commit_message = 'Uncommitted changes'
return string.format(' %s • %s', author, commit_message)
local max_commit_message_length = 255
if #commit_message > max_commit_message_length then
commit_message = commit_message:sub(1, max_commit_message_length) .. '...'
return string.format(
' %s, %s • %s',
'%s %s ago',
time >= 0 and math.floor(time + 0.5) or math.ceil(time - 0.5),
live_gutter = {
enabled = true,
edge_navigation = true, -- This allows users to navigate within a hunk
scene = {
diff_preference = 'unified', -- unified or split
keymaps = {
quit = 'q'
diff_preview = {
keymaps = {
reset = 'r',
buffer_stage = 'S',
buffer_unstage = 'U',
buffer_hunk_stage = 's',
buffer_hunk_unstage = 'u',
toggle_view = 't',
project_diff_preview = {
keymaps = {
commit = 'C',
buffer_stage = 's',
buffer_unstage = 'u',
buffer_hunk_stage = 'gs',
buffer_hunk_unstage = 'gu',
buffer_reset = 'r',
stage_all = 'S',
unstage_all = 'U',
reset_all = 'R',
project_stash_preview = {
keymaps = {
add = 'A',
apply = 'a',
pop = 'p',
drop = 'd',
clear = 'C'
project_logs_preview = {
keymaps = {
previous = '-',
next = '=',
project_commit_preview = {
keymaps = {
save = 'S',
signs = {
priority = 10,
definitions = {
-- The sign definitions you provide will automatically be instantiated for you.
GitConflictCurrentMark = {
linehl = 'GitConflictCurrentMark',
texthl = nil,
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
text = '',
GitConflictAncestorMark = {
linehl = 'GitConflictAncestorMark',
texthl = nil,
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
text = '',
GitConflictIncomingMark = {
linehl = 'GitConflictIncomingMark',
texthl = nil,
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
text = '',
GitConflictCurrent = {
linehl = 'GitConflictCurrent',
texthl = nil,
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
text = '',
GitConflictAncestor = {
linehl = 'GitConflictAncestor',
texthl = nil,
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
text = '',
GitConflictMiddle = {
linehl = 'GitConflictMiddle',
texthl = nil,
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
text = '',
GitConflictIncoming = {
linehl = 'GitConflictIncoming',
texthl = nil,
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
text = '',
GitSignsAddLn = {
linehl = 'GitSignsAddLn',
texthl = nil,
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
text = '',
GitSignsDeleteLn = {
linehl = 'GitSignsDeleteLn',
texthl = nil,
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
text = '',
GitSignsAdd = {
texthl = 'GitSignsAdd',
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
linehl = nil,
text = '┃',
GitSignsDelete = {
texthl = 'GitSignsDelete',
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
linehl = nil,
text = '┃',
GitSignsChange = {
texthl = 'GitSignsChange',
numhl = nil,
icon = nil,
linehl = nil,
text = '┃',
usage = {
-- Please ensure these signs are defined.
screen = {
add = 'GitSignsAddLn',
remove = 'GitSignsDeleteLn',
conflict_current_mark = 'GitConflictCurrentMark',
conflict_current = 'GitConflictCurrent',
conflict_middle = 'GitConflictMiddle',
conflict_incoming_mark = 'GitConflictIncomingMark',
conflict_incoming = 'GitConflictIncoming',
conflict_ancestor_mark = 'GitConflictAncestorMark',
conflict_ancestor = 'GitConflictAncestor'
main = {
add = 'GitSignsAdd',
remove = 'GitSignsDelete',
change = 'GitSignsChange',
symbols = {
void = '⣿',
open = '',
close = '',
Use b:vgit_status
, a table containing the current buffer's number of added
, removed
, changed
set statusline+=%{get(b:,'vgit_status','')}

Function Name | Description |
help |
Vim documentation |
setup |
Sets VGit up for you. This plugin cannot be used before this function has been called. |
hunk_up |
Moves the cursor to the hunk above the current cursor position. |
hunk_down |
Moves the cursor to the hunk below the current cursor position. |
buffer_hunk_preview |
Opens a diff preview showing the diff of the current buffer in comparison to that found in index. This preview will open up in a smaller window relative to where your cursor is. |
buffer_diff_preview |
Opens a diff preview showing the diff of the current buffer in comparison to that found in index. If the command is called while being on a hunk, the window will open focused on the diff of that hunk. |
buffer_history_preview |
Opens a diff preview along with a table of logs, enabling users to see different iterations of the file through it's lifecycle in git. |
buffer_blame_preview |
Opens a preview detailing the blame of the line that based on the cursor position within the buffer. |
buffer_hunk_stage |
Stages a hunk, if a cursor is on the hunk. |
buffer_hunk_reset |
Removes all changes made in the buffer on the hunk the cursor is currently on to what exists in HEAD. |
buffer_stage |
Stages all changes in the current buffer. |
buffer_unstage |
Unstages all changes in the current buffer. |
buffer_reset |
Removes all current changes in the buffer and resets it to the version in HEAD. |
buffer_conflict_accept_both |
Acceps both changes from the conflict under cursor. |
buffer_conflict_accept_current |
Accepts the current changes form the conflict under cursor. |
buffer_conflict_accept_incoming |
Accepts the incoming changes form the conclict under cursor. |
project_diff_preview |
Opens a diff preview along with a list of all the files that have been changed, enabling users to see all the files that were changed in the current project |
project_logs_preview [args] |
Opens a preview listing all the logs in the current working branch. Users can filter the list by passing options to this list. Pressing the "tab" key on a list item will keep the item selected. Pressing the "enter" key on the preview will close the preview and open "project_commits_preview" with the selected commits |
project_commit_preview |
Opens a preview through which staged changes can be committed |
project_commits_preview [args] |
Opens a diff preview along with a list of all your commits |
project_stash_preview |
Opens a preview of all your stash changes and provides you with the ability to manage these changes |
toggle_diff_preference |
Used to switch between "split" and "unified" diff. |
toggle_live_gutter |
Enables/disables git gutter signs. |
toggle_live_blame |
Used to switch between "split" and "unified" diff. |
toggle_tracing |
Enables/disables debug logs that are used internally by VGit to make suppressed logs visible. |