A trivial lexer for Javascript.
var rules = {
'<\/[^>]+>': Lexed.IGNORE, // ignore close tags
'<[^>]+>': Lexed.IGNORE, // ignore open tags
'[^<>]+': function(text) { return text; } // return matched text content
var l = new Lexed('<div class="intro"><b>Hello!</b></div>', rules);
var token;
while ((token = l.lex()) != Lexed.EOF) {
console.log(token); // writes Hello!
It also supports state transitions.
Take a look at the tests and examples folders for more usage examples.
State transitions example: http://tantaman.github.io/lexed.js/examples/stateTransitions.html
Scoping existing CSS: http://tantaman.github.io/lexed.js/examples/scopeCss.html