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Node-SDK |
/node-sdk/ |
To download the required libraries to your node-modules
directory, contact us to receive the command line to execute in Node.
Create a directory for your web app's scripts. In this directory, create a config.js
files containing your marketplace's credentials:
module.exports = {
apiBaseUrl: "", //your marketplace domain
protocol: "", //your marketplace current SSL protocol
clientId: "",
clientSecret: "",
Remember to load the SDK and the config.js
in all your scripts. For example, if you create a directory for all your scripts, then import them using the following lines at the top of your files:
const ArcadierClient = require("path-to-sdk/sdk"); //loads the SDK resources
const config = require("./config.js"); //loads the config to autenticate usage of Arcadier"s APIs
GET /api/v2/users/{userID}/addresses/{addressID}
is mapped to Addresses.getUserAddresses(userId)
var addresses = await client.Addresses.getUserAddresses(userId);
- (Required) User GUID (string)
POST /api/v2/users/{userID}/addresses
is mapped to Addresses.createAddress(userId, body)
var body = {
"Name": "string",
"Line1": "string",
"Line2": "string",
"PostCode": "string",
"Latitude": "string",
"Longitude": "string",
"Delivery": true,
"Pickup": true,
"SpecialInstructions": "string",
"State": "string",
"City": "string",
"Country": "string", //required
"CountryCode": "string" //required
var newAddress = await client.Addresses.createAddress(userId, body);
- (Required) User GUID (string)body
- (Required)
DELETE /api/v2/users/{userID}/addresses/{addressID}
is mapped to Addresses.deleteAddress(userId, addressId)
var deletedAddress = await client.Addresses.deleteAddress(userId, addressId);
- (Required) User GUID (string)addressId
- (Optional) Address GUID (string). Ommitting it will return all addresses of that user.
GET /api/v2/items/{itemID}
is mapped to Items.getItemDetails(itemId)
var itemDetails = await client.Items.getItemDetails(itemId);
- (Required) Item GUID (string)
GET /api/v2/items
is mapped to Items.getAllItems(pageSize, pageNumber)
var item_list = await client.Items.getAllItems(pageSize, pageNumber);
- (Optional) The number of results in one response. (integer)pageNumber
- (Optional) Depending onpageSize
and the total number of results, specifying this will display different sets of results. (integer)
POST /api/v2/items
is mapped to Items.searchItems(body)
Search filters are passed to the function as an object:
var body = {
"keywords" : "string", //keyword in item name, description, or custom field
"pagesize" : "string", //number of results
"sellerID" : "string", //merchant GUID
"customFields" : "string",
"minPrice" : 0,
"maxPrice" : 0,
"createdStartDate" : "unix_time",
"createdEndDate" : "unix_time",
"updatedStartDate" : "unix_time",
"updatedEndDate" : "unix_time"
var response = await client.Items.searchItems(body);
console.log(response) //The actual array of matching items is in the "Records" field of the JSON response
POST /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/items
is mapped to Items.createItem(body)
var body = {
"merchantId": "string" //required - the merchat GUID
"SKU" : "string",
"Name" : "string", //required
"BuyerDescription" : "string", //required
"SellerDescription" : "string", //required
"Price" : 0, //required
"PriceUnit" : "string", //required
"StockLimited" : true, //required
"StockQuantity" : 0, //can be ommitted if StockLimited is set to false
"IsVisibleToCustomer" : true,
"Active" : true,
"IsAvailable" : true,
"CurrencyCode" : "string", //required
"Categories" : [
"ID" : "string" //Category GUID. Required
"ShippingMethods" : [
"ID" : "string" //Shipping method GUID
"Media" : [
"MediaUrl" : "string" //URL of image. Required
"Tags" : [
"CustomFields" : [
"Code" : "string", //Custom field code
"Values" : [
"HasChildItems" : false,
"ChildItems" : [ //this whole object can be omitted if HasChildItems is set to false
"Variants" : [
"Name" : "string",
"GroupName" : "string2"
"SKU" : "string",
"Name" : "string",
"BuyerDescription" : "string",
"SellerDescription" : "string",
"Price" : 0,
"PriceUnit" : "string",
"StockLimited" : true,
"StockQuantity" : 0,
"IsVisibleToCustomer" : true,
"Active" : true,
"IsAvailable" : true,
"CurrencyCode" : "string",
"Categories" : [
"ID" : "string"
"ShippingMethods" : [
"ID" : "string"
"Media" : [
"MediaUrl" : "string"
"Tags" : [
var new_item = await client.Items.createItem(body);
PUT /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/items/{itemID}
is mapped to Items.EditNewItem(body)
var body = {
"merchantId": "string" //required - the merchat GUID
"SKU" : "string",
"Name" : "string", //required
"BuyerDescription" : "string", //required
"SellerDescription" : "string", //required
"Price" : 0, //required
"PriceUnit" : "string", //required
"StockLimited" : true, //required
"StockQuantity" : 0, //can be ommitted if StockLimited is set to false
"IsVisibleToCustomer" : true,
"Active" : true,
"IsAvailable" : true,
"CurrencyCode" : "string", //required
"Categories" : [
"ID" : "string" //Category GUID. Required
"ShippingMethods" : [
"ID" : "string" //Shipping method GUID
"Media" : [
"MediaUrl" : "string" //URL of image. Required
"Tags" : [
"CustomFields" : [
"Code" : "string", //Custom field code
"Values" : [
"HasChildItems" : false,
"ChildItems" : [ //this whole object can be omitted if HasChildItems is set to false
"Variants" : [
"Name" : "string",
"GroupName" : "string2"
"SKU" : "string",
"Name" : "string",
"BuyerDescription" : "string",
"SellerDescription" : "string",
"Price" : 0,
"PriceUnit" : "string",
"StockLimited" : true,
"StockQuantity" : 0,
"IsVisibleToCustomer" : true,
"Active" : true,
"IsAvailable" : true,
"CurrencyCode" : "string",
"Categories" : [
"ID" : "string"
"ShippingMethods" : [
"ID" : "string"
"Media" : [
"MediaUrl" : "string"
"Tags" : [
var edit_item = await client.Items.EditNewItem(body);
Documentation and body
details can be found {here}(
DELETE /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/items/{itemID}
is mapped to Items.deleteItem(body)
var body = {
"merchantId": "string" //merchantGUID
"itemId": "string" //itemGUID
var delete_item = await client.Items.deleteItem(body);
GET /api/v2/users/{buyerID}/carts
is mapped to Carts.getCarts(body)
var body = {
"userId": "string", //user GUID
"pageSize": 0,
"pageNumber": 0
var cart = await client.Carts.getCarts(body);
POST /api/v2/users/{buyerID}/carts
is mapped to Carts.addItem(body)
var body = {
"userId": "string", //user GUID
"itemId": "string", //item GUID
"quantity": 0, //amount of the item to add to cart
"discount": 0 //discount amount to apply to the total of the cart
var cart = await client.Carts.addItem(body);
PUT /api/v2/users/{buyerID}/carts/{cart-item-ID}
is mapped to Carts.editCart(body)
body = {
"itemID": "string", //item GUID
"userID": "string", //userGUID
"cartID": "string", //cart itemID
"quantity": 0,
"discount": 0,
"cartItemType": "delivery",
"shippingMethodId": "string"
var edited_cart = await client.Carts.editCart(body);
DELETE /api/v2/users/{buyerID}/carts/{cart-item-ID}
is mapped to Carts.deleteItem(body)
var body = {
"userId": "string", //user GUID
"cartId": "string" //cart item GUID
var delete_cart_item = await client.Carts.deleteItem(body);
GET /api/v2/users/{merchantID}/orders/{orderID}
is mapped to Orders.getOrderDetails
var body = {
"userId": "string" //user GUID
"orderId": "string" //order GUID
var orderInfo = await client.Orders.getOrderDetails(body);
GET /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/transactions
is mapped to Orders.getHistory(body)
var body = {
"userId": "string" //user GUID
"keyword": "string" //keyword to search within the order
"pageSize": 0,
"pageNumber": 0,
"orderStatus": "string" //the order's status
"supplier": "string" //merchant ID of the orders
"startDate": 0,
"endDate": 0
var orderList = await client.Orders.getHistory(body);
GET /api/v2/merchants/{merchantID}/transactions/{invoiceID}
is mapped to Orders.getHistoryDetail
var body = {
"merchantId": "string" //merchant GUID
"invoiceNo": "string" //invoice number
var orderList = await client.Orders.getHistoryDetail(body);
GET /api/v2/admins/{adminID}/transactions
is mapped to Transactions.getTransactions(pageSize, pageNumber, keywords, startDate, endDate)
var transactions = await client.Transactions.getTransactions(pageSize, pageNumber, keywords, startDate, endDate);
- (Optional) The number of results in one response. (integer)pageNumber
- (Optional) Depending onpageSize
and the total number of results, specifying this will display different sets of results. (integer)keywords
- (Optional) Search term as keyword to find within transactions.startDate
- (Optional) The lower limit of the time at which you want to start filtering. (integer - Unix timestamp)endDate
- (Optional) The upper limit of the time at which you want to end filetering. (integer - Unix timestamp)
GET api/v2/plugins/{packageID}/custom-tables/{custom-table-name}/
is mapped to CustomTables.getCustomTableContents(body)
var body = {
"pluginId": "string", //The Plug-In ID
"tableName": "string" //The table name
var custom_table = await client.CustomTables.getCustomTableContents(body);
POST /api/v2/plugins/{packageID}/custom-tables/{custom-table-name}/rows
is mapped to CustomTables.createCustomTableRow(body)
var body = {
"pluginId": "string", //The Plug-In ID
"tableName": "string" //The table name
"request": {
"column-name-1": "string",
"column-name-2": "string"
var new_row = await client.CustomTables.createCustomTableRow(body);
PUT /api/v2/plugins/{packageID}/custom-tables/{custom-table-name}/rows/{rowId}
is mapped to CustomTables.updateCustomTableRow(body)
var body = {
"pluginId": "string", //The Plug-In ID
"tableName": "string", //The table name
"rowID": "string",
"request": {
"column-name-1": "string",
"column-name-2": "string"
var updated_row = await client.CustomTables.updateCustomTableRow(body);
DELETE /api/v2/plugins/{packageID}/custom-tables/{custom-table-name}/rows/{rowId}
is mapped to CustomTables.deleteCustomTableRow(body)
var body = {
"pluginId": "string", //The Plug-In ID
"tableName": "string", //The table name
"rowID": "string"
var deleted_row = await client.CustomTables.deleteCustomTableRow(body);
GET /api/v2/marketplaces/
is mapped to Marketplaces.getMarketplaceInfo()
var mp = await client.Marketplaces.getMarketplaceInfo();