diff --git a/packages/status-page/.babelrc b/packages/status-page/.babelrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ae1eb65a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/.babelrc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "presets": [["@babel/preset-env", {"targets": {"node": "current"}}]],
+ "env": {
+ "test": {
+ "plugins": ["transform-es2015-modules-commonjs"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/status-page/.default.env b/packages/status-page/.default.env
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c618b0fcf03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/.default.env
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/status-page/.eslintignore b/packages/status-page/.eslintignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f8aac2c914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/.eslintignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/status-page/.eslintrc.cjs b/packages/status-page/.eslintrc.cjs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..93f2f346d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/.eslintrc.cjs
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+module.exports = {
+ env: {
+ node: true,
+ browser: true,
+ es2021: true,
+ webextensions: true,
+ },
+ extends: ["eslint:recommended"],
+ parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser",
+ parserOptions: {
+ ecmaVersion: "latest",
+ sourceType: "module",
+ extraFileExtensions: [".svelte"],
+ },
+ plugins: ["svelte3", "@typescript-eslint"],
+ rules: {
+ "linebreak-style": ["error", "unix"],
+ quotes: ["error", "double"],
+ semi: ["error", "always"],
+ },
+ ignorePatterns: ["node_modules"], // todo: lets lint that separately, or move it to its own package
+ settings: {
+ "svelte3/typescript": require("typescript"),
+ },
+ overrides: [
+ {
+ files: ["*.ts", "*.svelte"],
+ extends: [
+ "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended",
+ "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended-requiring-type-checking",
+ ],
+ parserOptions: {
+ project: ["./tsconfig.json"],
+ tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
+ },
+ rules: {
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types": 0,
+ "@typescript-eslint/unbound-method": "off",
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface": "off",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ files: ["*.svelte"],
+ processor: "svelte3/svelte3",
+ // typescript and svelte dont work with template handlers yet.
+ // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63337868/svelte-typescript-unexpected-tokensvelteparse-error-when-adding-type-to-an-ev
+ // we need these 3 rules to be able to do:
+ // on:change=(e) => anyFunctionHere().
+ // when svelte is updated, we can remove these 5 rules for svelte files.
+ rules: {
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "off",
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-implicit-any": "off",
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment": "off",
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access": "off",
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument": "off",
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call": "off",
+ "@typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions": [
+ "warn",
+ {
+ allowNumber: true,
+ allowBoolean: true,
+ allowNullish: true,
+ allowAny: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ files: ["*.spec.ts"],
+ plugins: ["jest"],
+ rules: {
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "off",
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function": "off",
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": "off",
+ "@typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment": "off",
+ "@typescript-eslint/unbound-method": "off",
+ "jest/unbound-method": "error",
+ },
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/packages/status-page/.gitignore b/packages/status-page/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d99f7853c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Logs
+# Editor directories and files
+# vite
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/status-page/README.md b/packages/status-page/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5ded6356da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Status Page
+## Installation
+`pnpm install`
+## Usage
+`pnpm start`
diff --git a/packages/status-page/index.html b/packages/status-page/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..27fc0bed3d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ Taiko Status
diff --git a/packages/status-page/jest.config.js b/packages/status-page/jest.config.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7f2d5f3b015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/jest.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/** @type {import('@ts-jest/dist/types').InitialOptionsTsJest} */
+export default {
+ transform: {
+ "^.+\\.js$": "babel-jest",
+ "^.+\\.ts$": "ts-jest",
+ "^.+\\.svelte$": [
+ "svelte-jester",
+ {
+ preprocess: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ globals: {
+ 'ts-jest': {
+ diagnostics: {
+ ignoreCodes: [1343]
+ },
+ astTransformers: {
+ before: [
+ {
+ path: 'node_modules/ts-jest-mock-import-meta',
+ }
+ ],
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ transformIgnorePatterns: ["node_modules/(?!(svelte-i18n)/)"],
+ moduleFileExtensions: ["ts", "js", "svelte", "json"],
+ collectCoverage: true,
+ coverageDirectory: "coverage",
+ coverageReporters: [
+ "lcov",
+ "text",
+ "cobertura",
+ "json-summary",
+ "json",
+ "text-summary",
+ "json",
+ ],
+ coverageThreshold: {
+ global: {
+ statements: 98.36,
+ branches: 79,
+ functions: 96,
+ lines: 100,
+ },
+ },
+ modulePathIgnorePatterns: ["/public/build/"],
+ preset: "ts-jest",
+ testEnvironment: "jsdom",
+ testPathIgnorePatterns: ["/node_modules/"],
+ coveragePathIgnorePatterns: ["/src/components/"],
+ testTimeout: 40 * 1000,
+ watchPathIgnorePatterns: ["node_modules"],
diff --git a/packages/status-page/package.json b/packages/status-page/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..74c3df46072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ "name": "@taiko/status-page",
+ "version": "0.0.0",
+ "private": true,
+ "type": "module",
+ "scripts": {
+ "start": "pnpm run dev",
+ "dev": "vite",
+ "build": "vite build",
+ "preview": "vite preview",
+ "check": "svelte-check --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json",
+ "test": "pnpm exec jest",
+ "prettier": "pnpm exec prettier '**/*.{ts,svelte}'",
+ "prettier:write": "pnpm run prettier -- --write",
+ "prettier:check": "pnpm run prettier -- --check",
+ "svelte:check": "npx svelte-check --ignore test-app",
+ "lint": "pnpm exec eslint './**/*.{ts,svelte}' --ignore-path .eslintignore",
+ "lint:fix": "pnpm exec eslint --fix './**/*.{ts,svelte}' --ignore-path .eslintignore"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "@babel/preset-env": "^7.16.0",
+ "@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte": "^1.0.1",
+ "@tsconfig/svelte": "^3.0.0",
+ "@types/eslint": "^8.2.1",
+ "@types/estree": "^0.0.50",
+ "@types/jest": "^27.0.2",
+ "@types/mixpanel": "^2.14.3",
+ "@types/sanitize-html": "^2.6.2",
+ "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.16.0",
+ "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.16.0",
+ "@zerodevx/svelte-toast": "^0.6.3",
+ "autoprefixer": "^10.4.13",
+ "babel-jest": "^27.3.1",
+ "babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs": "^6.26.2",
+ "daisyui": "1.16.6",
+ "jest": "^27.5.1",
+ "node-sass": "^7.0.1",
+ "postcss": "^8.4.19",
+ "postcss-cli": "^7.1.2",
+ "postcss-loader": "^6.2.0",
+ "prettier": "2.7.1",
+ "rollup-plugin-node-builtins": "^2.0.0",
+ "rollup-plugin-polyfill-node": "^0.10.2",
+ "svelte": "^3.53.1",
+ "svelte-check": "^2.8.0",
+ "svelte-heros-v2": "^0.3.10",
+ "svelte-jester": "^2.1.5",
+ "svelte-loader": "^3.1.2",
+ "svelte-preprocess": "^4.10.7",
+ "tailwindcss": "^3.2.4",
+ "theme-change": "^2.2.0",
+ "ts-jest": "^27.0.7",
+ "ts-jest-mock-import-meta": "^0.12.0",
+ "ts-loader": "^9.2.6",
+ "tslib": "^2.4.0",
+ "typescript": "^4.6.4",
+ "vite": "^3.0.0",
+ "vite-plugin-static-copy": "^0.12.0"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "@coinbase/wallet-sdk": "^3.6.3",
+ "@ethersproject/experimental": "^5.7.0",
+ "@lottiefiles/svelte-lottie-player": "^0.2.0",
+ "@sveltestack/svelte-query": "^1.6.0",
+ "@wagmi/connectors": "^0.1.1",
+ "@wagmi/core": "^0.8.0",
+ "axios": "^1.2.0",
+ "buffer": "^6.0.3",
+ "ethers": "^5.7.1",
+ "extend-expect": "link:@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect",
+ "identicon.js": "^2.3.3",
+ "svelte-i18n": "^3.5.1",
+ "svelte-spa-router": "^3.2.0"
+ }
diff --git a/packages/status-page/postcss.config.cjs b/packages/status-page/postcss.config.cjs
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index 00000000000..e2dc47804ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/postcss.config.cjs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+module.exports = {
+ plugins: {
+ tailwindcss: {},
+ autoprefixer: {},
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/status-page/public/taiko-favicon.png b/packages/status-page/public/taiko-favicon.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..28da6ff1343
Binary files /dev/null and b/packages/status-page/public/taiko-favicon.png differ
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index 00000000000..ddbe6f66d21
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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+.btn.btn-wide {
+ width: 194px;
+ height: 56px;
+@media (min-width: 768px) {
+ .btn.md\:btn-wide {
+ width: 194px;
+ height: 56px;
+ }
+.btn.btn-token-select {
+ width: 140px;
+ height: 60px;
+.btn.btn-square {
+ border-radius: 4px;
+/* Invert accent button colors */
+.btn.btn-accent {
+ background-color: hsla(var(--af) / var(--tw-bg-opacity, 1));
+ border-color: hsla(var(--af) / var(--tw-bg-opacity, 1));
+ height: 60px;
+.btn.btn-accent:hover {
+ background-color: hsla(var(--a) / var(--tw-bg-opacity, 1));
+ border-color: hsla(var(--a) / var(--tw-bg-opacity, 1));
+.dropdown .dropdown-content {
+ border-radius: 0 0 var(--rounded-box) var(--rounded-box);
+.input-group .input.input-primary {
+ border-radius: 0.5rem;
+.form-control .input-group :first-child {
+ border-radius: 0.5rem;
+.form-control .input-group :last-child {
+ border-radius: 0.5rem;
+.taiko-banner {
+ background-image: url('assets/taiko-banner.svg');
+ background-repeat: no-repeat;
+.dropdown-content.address-dropdown-content {
+ border-radius: 6px;
+input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
+ -webkit-appearance: none;
+ margin: 0;
+input[type=number] {
+ -moz-appearance: textfield;
\ No newline at end of file
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index 00000000000..7c288a43a3d
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/assets/taiko-banner.svg b/packages/status-page/src/assets/taiko-banner.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e351b7b9ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/assets/taiko-banner.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/components/Loader.svelte b/packages/status-page/src/components/Loader.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..70a3a93064c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/components/Loader.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/components/Navbar.svelte b/packages/status-page/src/components/Navbar.svelte
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index 00000000000..9b4489dd3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/components/Navbar.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/components/StatusIndicator.svelte b/packages/status-page/src/components/StatusIndicator.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..44bc7a941c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/components/StatusIndicator.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ {#if loading}
+ {:else if statusValue || typeof statusValue === "number"}
+ onClick(statusValue)}
+ >
+ {displayStatusValue(statusValue)}
+ {/if}
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/components/icons/Loader.svelte b/packages/status-page/src/components/icons/Loader.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a342c73fe82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/components/icons/Loader.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/components/icons/TaikoLogo.svelte b/packages/status-page/src/components/icons/TaikoLogo.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26595968c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/components/icons/TaikoLogo.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/components/providers/BaseQueries.svelte b/packages/status-page/src/components/providers/BaseQueries.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4fa864ce7aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/components/providers/BaseQueries.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/components/providers/QueryProvider.svelte b/packages/status-page/src/components/providers/QueryProvider.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..91774c4acb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/components/providers/QueryProvider.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/constants/abi/Bridge.ts b/packages/status-page/src/constants/abi/Bridge.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..444f5fbcfc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/constants/abi/Bridge.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+export default [
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "chainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "enabled",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "DestChainEnabled",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "uint8",
+ name: "version",
+ type: "uint8",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "Initialized",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "signal",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "id",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "sender",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "srcChainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "destChainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "owner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "to",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "refundAddress",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "depositValue",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "callValue",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "processingFee",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "gasLimit",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes",
+ name: "data",
+ type: "bytes",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "string",
+ name: "memo",
+ type: "string",
+ },
+ ],
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "struct IBridge.Message",
+ name: "message",
+ type: "tuple",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "MessageSent",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "signal",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "enum LibBridgeData.MessageStatus",
+ name: "status",
+ type: "uint8",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "MessageStatusChanged",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "previousOwner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "newOwner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "OwnershipTransferred",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "sender",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "signal",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "SignalSent",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "addressManager",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "context",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "signal",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "sender",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "srcChainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: "struct IBridge.Context",
+ name: "",
+ type: "tuple",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "_chainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "enabled",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "enableDestChain",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "signal",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "getMessageStatus",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "enum LibBridgeData.MessageStatus",
+ name: "",
+ type: "uint8",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "_addressManager",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "init",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "_chainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "isDestChainEnabled",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "signal",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "srcChainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes",
+ name: "proof",
+ type: "bytes",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "isMessageReceived",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "signal",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "isMessageSent",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "signal",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "srcChainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "sender",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes",
+ name: "proof",
+ type: "bytes",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "isSignalReceived",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "sender",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "signal",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "isSignalSent",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "owner",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "id",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "sender",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "srcChainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "destChainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "owner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "to",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "refundAddress",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "depositValue",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "callValue",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "processingFee",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "gasLimit",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes",
+ name: "data",
+ type: "bytes",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "string",
+ name: "memo",
+ type: "string",
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: "struct IBridge.Message",
+ name: "message",
+ type: "tuple",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes",
+ name: "proof",
+ type: "bytes",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "processMessage",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "renounceOwnership",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "string",
+ name: "name",
+ type: "string",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "resolve",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address payable",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "chainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "string",
+ name: "name",
+ type: "string",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "resolve",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address payable",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "id",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "sender",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "srcChainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "destChainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "owner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "to",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "refundAddress",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "depositValue",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "callValue",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "processingFee",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "gasLimit",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes",
+ name: "data",
+ type: "bytes",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "string",
+ name: "memo",
+ type: "string",
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: "struct IBridge.Message",
+ name: "message",
+ type: "tuple",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "lastAttempt",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "retryMessage",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "id",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "sender",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "srcChainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "destChainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "owner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "to",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "refundAddress",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "depositValue",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "callValue",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "processingFee",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "gasLimit",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes",
+ name: "data",
+ type: "bytes",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "string",
+ name: "memo",
+ type: "string",
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: "struct IBridge.Message",
+ name: "message",
+ type: "tuple",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "sendMessage",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "signal",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "payable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "signal",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "sendSignal",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "newOwner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "transferOwnership",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ stateMutability: "payable",
+ type: "receive",
+ },
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/constants/abi/HeaderSync.ts b/packages/status-page/src/constants/abi/HeaderSync.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ce81c2ba66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/constants/abi/HeaderSync.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+export default [
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "height",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "srcHeight",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "srcHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "HeaderSynced",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "getLatestSyncedHeader",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "number",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "getSyncedHeader",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/constants/abi/TaikoL1.ts b/packages/status-page/src/constants/abi/TaikoL1.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..421cb7fb58a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/constants/abi/TaikoL1.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,915 @@
+export default [
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "commitSlot",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "commitHeight",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "commitHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "BlockCommitted",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "id",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "id",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "l1Height",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "l1Hash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "beneficiary",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "txListHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "mixHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes",
+ name: "extraData",
+ type: "bytes",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "gasLimit",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "timestamp",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "commitHeight",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "commitSlot",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ ],
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "struct TaikoData.BlockMetadata",
+ name: "meta",
+ type: "tuple",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "BlockProposed",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "id",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "parentHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "blockHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "timestamp",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "provenAt",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "prover",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "BlockProven",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "id",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "blockHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "BlockVerified",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "halted",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "Halted",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "height",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "srcHeight",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "srcHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "HeaderSynced",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "uint8",
+ name: "version",
+ type: "uint8",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "Initialized",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "previousOwner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "newOwner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "OwnershipTransferred",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "addressManager",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "commitSlot",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "commitHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "commitBlock",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "getBlockFee",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "id",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "parentHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "getBlockProvers",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address[]",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address[]",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "getConfig",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "chainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "maxNumBlocks",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "blockHashHistory",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "zkProofsPerBlock",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "maxVerificationsPerTx",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "commitConfirmations",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "maxProofsPerForkChoice",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "blockMaxGasLimit",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "maxTransactionsPerBlock",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "maxBytesPerTxList",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "minTxGasLimit",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "anchorTxGasLimit",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "feePremiumLamda",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "rewardBurnBips",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "proposerDepositPctg",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "feeBaseMAF",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "blockTimeMAF",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "proofTimeMAF",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "rewardMultiplierPctg",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "feeGracePeriodPctg",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "feeMaxPeriodPctg",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "blockTimeCap",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "proofTimeCap",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "boostrapDiscountHalvingPeriod",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "initialUncleDelay",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "enableTokenomics",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: "struct TaikoData.Config",
+ name: "",
+ type: "tuple",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "pure",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "getLatestSyncedHeader",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "provenAt",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "proposedAt",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "getProofReward",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "reward",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "id",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "getProposedBlock",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ components: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "metaHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "deposit",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "proposer",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "proposedAt",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ ],
+ internalType: "struct TaikoData.ProposedBlock",
+ name: "",
+ type: "tuple",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "getStateVariables",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "number",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "getSyncedHeader",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "header",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "blockId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "getUncleProofDelay",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "toHalt",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "halt",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "_addressManager",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "_genesisBlockHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "_feeBase",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "init",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "commitSlot",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "commitHeight",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "commitHash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "isCommitValid",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "isHalted",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "owner",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes[]",
+ name: "inputs",
+ type: "bytes[]",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "proposeBlock",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "blockId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes[]",
+ name: "inputs",
+ type: "bytes[]",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "proveBlock",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "blockId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes[]",
+ name: "inputs",
+ type: "bytes[]",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "proveBlockInvalid",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "renounceOwnership",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "string",
+ name: "name",
+ type: "string",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "resolve",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address payable",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "chainId",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "string",
+ name: "name",
+ type: "string",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "resolve",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address payable",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bytes32",
+ name: "hash",
+ type: "bytes32",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint8",
+ name: "k",
+ type: "uint8",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "signWithGoldenTouch",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint8",
+ name: "v",
+ type: "uint8",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "r",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "s",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "state",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "genesisHeight",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "genesisTimestamp",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "__reservedA1",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "statusBits",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "feeBase",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "nextBlockId",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "lastProposedAt",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "avgBlockTime",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "__avgGasLimit",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "latestVerifiedHeight",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "latestVerifiedId",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "avgProofTime",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint64",
+ name: "__reservedC1",
+ type: "uint64",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "newOwner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "transferOwnership",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "maxBlocks",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "verifyBlocks",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/domain/status.ts b/packages/status-page/src/domain/status.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..64fc47b822c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/domain/status.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+type Status = string | number | boolean;
+export default Status;
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/i18n.js b/packages/status-page/src/i18n.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8f994bd81b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/i18n.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { _, dictionary, locale } from "svelte-i18n";
+function setupI18n({ withLocale: _locale } = { withLocale: "en" }) {
+ dictionary.set({
+ en: {
+ home: {
+ title: "Taiko Bridge",
+ selectToken: "Select Token",
+ to: "To",
+ bridge: "Bridge",
+ approve: "Approve",
+ },
+ bridgeForm: {
+ fieldLabel: "Amount",
+ maxLabel: "Max:",
+ processingFeeLabel: "Processing Fee",
+ bridge: "Bridge",
+ approve: "Approve",
+ },
+ nav: {
+ connect: "Connect Wallet",
+ },
+ toast: {
+ transactionSent: "Transaction sent",
+ errorSendingTransaction: "Error sending transaction",
+ errorDisconneting: "Could not disconnect",
+ },
+ switchChainModal: {
+ title: "Not on the right network",
+ subtitle: "Your current network is not supported. Please select one:",
+ },
+ connectModal: {
+ title: "Connect Wallet",
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ locale.set(_locale);
+export { _, setupI18n };
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/main.ts b/packages/status-page/src/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3bbaf7b1fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import "./app.css";
+import App from "./App.svelte";
+import {Buffer} from 'buffer';
+const app = new App({
+ target: document.getElementById("app"),
+// @ts-ignore
+window.Buffer = Buffer;
+export default app;
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/pages/home/Home.svelte b/packages/status-page/src/pages/home/Home.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ad5a464cf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/pages/home/Home.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
Taiko Protocol Status
+ {#each statusIndicators as statusIndicator}
+ {/each}
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/displayStatusValue.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/displayStatusValue.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..627a7477cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/displayStatusValue.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { ethers } from "ethers";
+export const displayStatusValue = (value: string | number | boolean) => {
+ if (typeof value === "string") {
+ if (!value) return "0x";
+ if (ethers.utils.isHexString(value)) {
+ return value.substring(0, 14);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ if (typeof value === "number") return value;
+ if (typeof value === "boolean") return value.toString();
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getAvailableSlots.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getAvailableSlots.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..831a985e228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getAvailableSlots.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+import { Contract, ethers } from "ethers";
+import TaikoL1 from "../constants/abi/TaikoL1";
+export const getAvailableSlots = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const contract: Contract = new Contract(contractAddress, TaikoL1, provider);
+ const stateVariables = await contract.getStateVariables();
+ const nextBlockId = stateVariables[3];
+ const latestVerifiedId = stateVariables[2];
+ const pendingBlocks = nextBlockId - latestVerifiedId - 1;
+ return Math.abs(pendingBlocks - 2048);
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getBlockFee.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getBlockFee.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c73f972096
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getBlockFee.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Contract, ethers } from "ethers";
+import TaikoL1 from "../constants/abi/TaikoL1";
+export const getBlockFee = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const contract: Contract = new Contract(contractAddress, TaikoL1, provider);
+ const fee = await contract.getBlockFee();
+ return fee;
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getGasPrice.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getGasPrice.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb29f3ce5ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getGasPrice.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { ethers } from "ethers";
+export const getGasPrice = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const gasPrice = await provider.getGasPrice();
+ return ethers.utils.formatUnits(gasPrice, "gwei");
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getIsHalted.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getIsHalted.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4eabb1857d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getIsHalted.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Contract, ethers } from "ethers";
+import TaikoL1 from "../constants/abi/TaikoL1";
+export const getIsHalted = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const contract: Contract = new Contract(contractAddress, TaikoL1, provider);
+ const isHalted = await contract.isHalted();
+ return isHalted.toString();
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getLastVerifiedBlockId.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getLastVerifiedBlockId.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e36c455557a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getLastVerifiedBlockId.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { BigNumber, Contract, ethers } from "ethers";
+import TaikoL1 from "../constants/abi/TaikoL1";
+export const getLastVerifiedBlockId = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const contract: Contract = new Contract(contractAddress, TaikoL1, provider);
+ const stateVariables = await contract.getStateVariables();
+ const latestVerifiedId = stateVariables[2];
+ return BigNumber.from(latestVerifiedId).toNumber();
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getLatestSyncedHeader.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getLatestSyncedHeader.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..292fafc29b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getLatestSyncedHeader.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Contract, ethers } from "ethers";
+import TaikoL1 from "../constants/abi/TaikoL1";
+export const getLatestSyncedHeader = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const contract: Contract = new Contract(contractAddress, TaikoL1, provider);
+ const header = await contract.getLatestSyncedHeader();
+ return header;
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getNextBlockId.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getNextBlockId.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6a397f51cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getNextBlockId.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { next } from "cheerio/lib/api/traversing";
+import { BigNumber, Contract, ethers } from "ethers";
+import TaikoL1 from "../constants/abi/TaikoL1";
+export const getNextBlockId = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const contract: Contract = new Contract(contractAddress, TaikoL1, provider);
+ const stateVariables = await contract.getStateVariables();
+ const nextBlockId = stateVariables[3];
+ return BigNumber.from(nextBlockId).toNumber();
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getPeerCount.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getPeerCount.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ecde006f68f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getPeerCount.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { BigNumber, ethers } from "ethers";
+export const getPeerCount = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const peers = await provider.send("net_peerCount", []);
+ return BigNumber.from(peers).toNumber();
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getPendingBlocks.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getPendingBlocks.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f74452c3c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getPendingBlocks.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { Contract, ethers } from "ethers";
+import TaikoL1 from "../constants/abi/TaikoL1";
+export const getPendingBlocks = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const contract: Contract = new Contract(contractAddress, TaikoL1, provider);
+ const stateVariables = await contract.getStateVariables();
+ const nextBlockId = stateVariables[3];
+ const latestVerifiedId = stateVariables[2];
+ return nextBlockId - latestVerifiedId - 1;
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getPendingTransactions.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getPendingTransactions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..87bf317ff87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getPendingTransactions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { BigNumber, ethers } from "ethers";
+export const getPendingTransactions = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const mempool = await provider.send("txpool_status", []);
+ return BigNumber.from(mempool.pending).toNumber();
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getProofReward.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getProofReward.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d7fb4fa33c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getProofReward.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { Contract, ethers } from "ethers";
+import TaikoL1 from "../constants/abi/TaikoL1";
+export const getProofReward = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const contract: Contract = new Contract(contractAddress, TaikoL1, provider);
+ const fee = await contract.getProofReward();
+ return fee;
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getProposers.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getProposers.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eecc013cdb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getProposers.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { Contract, ethers } from "ethers";
+import TaikoL1 from "../constants/abi/TaikoL1";
+export const getProposers = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const contract: Contract = new Contract(contractAddress, TaikoL1, provider);
+ let events = [];
+ const latestBlock = await provider.getBlockNumber();
+ const batchSize = 1000;
+ for (let i = 0; i < latestBlock; i += batchSize) {
+ const end = i + batchSize > latestBlock ? latestBlock : i + batchSize;
+ const e = await contract.queryFilter("BlockProposed", i, end);
+ events = events.concat(e);
+ }
+ const proposers = [];
+ events.map((event) => {
+ if (!proposers.includes(event.args.meta.beneficiary)) {
+ proposers.push(event.args.meta.beneficiary);
+ }
+ });
+ return proposers.length;
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/getQueuedTransactions.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getQueuedTransactions.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7af83e52e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/getQueuedTransactions.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import { BigNumber, ethers } from "ethers";
+export const getQueuedTransactions = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ contractAddress: string
+): Promise => {
+ const mempool = await provider.send("txpool_status", []);
+ return BigNumber.from(mempool.queued).toNumber();
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/utils/watchHeaderSynced.ts b/packages/status-page/src/utils/watchHeaderSynced.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e101647e35e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/utils/watchHeaderSynced.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import { Contract, ethers } from "ethers";
+import TaikoL1 from "../constants/abi/TaikoL1";
+export const watchHeaderSynced = async (
+ provider: ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider,
+ taikoL1Address: string,
+ onEvent: (value: string | number | boolean) => void
+) => {
+ const contract: Contract = new Contract(taikoL1Address, TaikoL1, provider);
+ contract.on("HeaderSynced", (height, srcHeight, srcHash) => {
+ onEvent(srcHash);
+ });
diff --git a/packages/status-page/src/vite-env.d.ts b/packages/status-page/src/vite-env.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4078e7476a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/src/vite-env.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/packages/status-page/svelte.config.cjs b/packages/status-page/svelte.config.cjs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8bf5d4b3f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/svelte.config.cjs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+const sveltePreprocess = require('svelte-preprocess');
+module.exports = {
+ // Consult https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte-preprocess
+ // for more information about preprocessors
+ preprocess: sveltePreprocess()
diff --git a/packages/status-page/tailwind.config.cjs b/packages/status-page/tailwind.config.cjs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4de26d4f8ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/tailwind.config.cjs
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+module.exports = {
+ content: ["./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte,ts}"],
+ plugins: [require("daisyui")],
+ theme: {
+ extend: {
+ colors: {
+ "dark-1": "var(--color-dark-1)",
+ "dark-2": "var(--color-dark-2)",
+ "dark-3": "var(--color-dark-3)",
+ "dark-4": "var(--color-dark-4)",
+ "dark-5": "var(--color-dark-5)",
+ "dark-6": "var(--color-dark-6)",
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ daisyui: {
+ styled: true,
+ themes: true,
+ base: true,
+ utils: true,
+ logs: true,
+ rtl: false,
+ prefix: "",
+ darkTheme: "dark",
+ themes: [
+ {
+ dark: {
+ ...require("daisyui/colors/themes")["[data-theme=black]"],
+ "primary": "#242424",
+ "secondary": "#181818",
+ "accent": "#FC0FC0",
+ "accent-focus": "#B20F89",
+ "accent-content": "#F3F3F3",
+ "neutral": "#242424",
+ "base-100": "#0f0f0f",
+ "info": "#373737",
+ "success": "#008000",
+ "warning": "#FFFF00",
+ "error": "#FF0000",
+ "--color-dark-1": "#000000",
+ "--color-dark-2": "#0F0F0F",
+ "--color-dark-3": "#181818",
+ "--color-dark-4": "#242424",
+ "--color-dark-5": "#373737",
+ "--color-dark-6": "#4F4F4F",
+ "--rounded-btn": "1rem",
+ "--btn-text-case": "capitalize",
+ "--rounded-box": "18px",
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ }
diff --git a/packages/status-page/tsconfig.json b/packages/status-page/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9094dab45e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "extends": "@tsconfig/svelte/tsconfig.json",
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "target": "es2022",
+ "useDefineForClassFields": true,
+ "module": "es2022",
+ "resolveJsonModule": true,
+ "baseUrl": ".",
+ /**
+ * Typecheck JS in `.svelte` and `.js` files by default.
+ * Disable checkJs if you'd like to use dynamic types in JS.
+ * Note that setting allowJs false does not prevent the use
+ * of JS in `.svelte` files.
+ */
+ "allowJs": true,
+ "checkJs": true,
+ "isolatedModules": false
+ },
+ "include": ["src/**/*.d.ts", "src/**/*.ts", "src/**/*.js", "src/**/*.svelte"],
+ "references": [{ "path": "./tsconfig.node.json" }]
diff --git a/packages/status-page/tsconfig.node.json b/packages/status-page/tsconfig.node.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..65dbdb96ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/tsconfig.node.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "composite": true,
+ "module": "ESNext",
+ "moduleResolution": "Node"
+ },
+ "include": ["vite.config.ts"]
diff --git a/packages/status-page/vite.config.ts b/packages/status-page/vite.config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e90bff74dde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/status-page/vite.config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { defineConfig } from "vite";
+import { svelte } from "@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte";
+import polyfillNode from "rollup-plugin-polyfill-node";
+import { viteStaticCopy } from "vite-plugin-static-copy";
+// https://vitejs.dev/config/
+export default defineConfig({
+ define: {
+ global: 'globalThis',
+ 'process.env.NODE_DEBUG': false,
+ 'process.env.LINK_API_URL': false,
+ 'process.env.SDK_VERSION': "'unknown'"
+ },
+ plugins: [
+ svelte(),
+ polyfillNode(),
+ viteStaticCopy({
+ targets: [
+ {
+ src: "src/assets/lottie/loader.json",
+ dest: "lottie",
+ },
+ ],
+ }),
+ ],
diff --git a/pnpm-lock.yaml b/pnpm-lock.yaml
index a1044844ed7..4ace754cdf5 100644
--- a/pnpm-lock.yaml
+++ b/pnpm-lock.yaml
@@ -208,6 +208,113 @@ importers:
typechain: 5.2.0_typescript@4.9.3
typescript: 4.9.3
+ packages/status-page:
+ specifiers:
+ '@babel/preset-env': ^7.16.0
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+ '@wagmi/core': ^0.8.0
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+ babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs: ^6.26.2
+ buffer: ^6.0.3
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+ ethers: ^5.7.1
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+ identicon.js: ^2.3.3
+ jest: ^27.5.1
+ node-sass: ^7.0.1
+ postcss: ^8.4.19
+ postcss-cli: ^7.1.2
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+ svelte-check: ^2.8.0
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+ svelte-jester: ^2.1.5
+ svelte-loader: ^3.1.2
+ svelte-preprocess: ^4.10.7
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+ tailwindcss: ^3.2.4
+ theme-change: ^2.2.0
+ ts-jest: ^27.0.7
+ ts-jest-mock-import-meta: ^0.12.0
+ ts-loader: ^9.2.6
+ tslib: ^2.4.0
+ typescript: ^4.6.4
+ vite: ^3.0.0
+ vite-plugin-static-copy: ^0.12.0
+ dependencies:
+ '@coinbase/wallet-sdk': 3.6.3_@babel+core@7.20.2
+ '@ethersproject/experimental': 5.7.0
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+ '@sveltestack/svelte-query': 1.6.0
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+ '@wagmi/core': 0.8.4_3yqrazoypcxohxu3uqfcqjka5u
+ axios: 1.2.0
+ buffer: 6.0.3
+ ethers: 5.7.2
+ extend-expect: link:@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect
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+ devDependencies:
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+ '@tsconfig/svelte': 3.0.0
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+ '@types/mixpanel': 2.14.4
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+ '@typescript-eslint/parser': 5.44.0_77fvizpdb3y4icyeo2mf4eo7em
+ '@zerodevx/svelte-toast': 0.6.3
+ autoprefixer: 10.4.13_postcss@8.4.19
+ babel-jest: 27.5.1_@babel+core@7.20.2
+ babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs: 6.26.2
+ daisyui: 1.16.6
+ jest: 27.5.1
+ node-sass: 7.0.3
+ postcss: 8.4.19
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+ postcss-loader: 6.2.1_upg3rk2kpasnbk27hkqapxaxfq
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+ svelte-check: 2.9.2_abcb4yglsprjylcfcbep3tcqgq
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+ ts-jest: 27.1.5_hf2lt5tikeukj66wl5cvus5z2u
+ ts-jest-mock-import-meta: 0.12.0_ts-jest@27.1.5
+ ts-loader: 9.4.1_vfotqvx6lgcbf3upbs6hgaza4q
+ tslib: 2.4.1
+ typescript: 4.9.3
+ vite: 3.2.4
+ vite-plugin-static-copy: 0.12.0_vite@3.2.4
'@docusaurus/core': 2.2.0
@@ -793,7 +900,7 @@ packages:
'@babel/core': ^7.0.0-0
'@babel/core': 7.12.9
- '@babel/helper-plugin-utils': 7.10.4
+ '@babel/helper-plugin-utils': 7.20.2
'@babel/plugin-syntax-object-rest-spread': 7.8.3_@babel+core@7.12.9
'@babel/plugin-transform-parameters': 7.20.3_@babel+core@7.12.9
@@ -3188,7 +3295,7 @@ packages:
'@jest/schemas': 29.0.0
'@types/istanbul-lib-coverage': 2.0.4
'@types/istanbul-reports': 3.0.1
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+ '@types/node': 18.11.9
'@types/yargs': 17.0.14
chalk: 4.1.2
@@ -4277,12 +4384,12 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-ALYone6pm6QmwZoAgeyNksccT9Q4AWZQ6PvfwR37GT6r6FWUPguq6sUmNGSMV2Wr761oQoBxwGGa6DR5o1DC9g==}
'@types/connect': 3.4.35
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+ '@types/node': 18.11.9
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@@ -4301,14 +4408,14 @@ packages:
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dev: true
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'@types/express-serve-static-core': 4.17.31
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+ '@types/node': 18.11.9
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- '@types/node': 17.0.45
+ '@types/node': 18.11.9
'@types/qs': 6.9.7
'@types/range-parser': 1.2.4
@@ -4356,14 +4463,14 @@ packages:
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dev: true
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'@types/minimatch': 5.1.2
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+ '@types/node': 18.11.9
dev: true
@@ -4391,7 +4498,7 @@ packages:
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- '@types/node': 12.20.55
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dev: true
@@ -4478,7 +4585,7 @@ packages:
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- '@types/node': 12.20.55
+ '@types/node': 18.11.9
form-data: 3.0.1
dev: true
@@ -4491,6 +4598,7 @@ packages:
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+ dev: false
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@@ -4561,7 +4669,7 @@ packages:
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dev: true
@@ -4587,7 +4695,7 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-pSAff4IAxJjfAXUG6tFkO7dsSbTmf8CtUpfhhZ5VhkRpC4628tJhh3+V6H1E+/Gs9piSzYKT5yzHO5M4GG9jkw==}
- '@types/node': 17.0.45
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dev: false
@@ -4611,7 +4719,7 @@ packages:
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'@types/mime': 3.0.1
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@@ -4633,7 +4741,7 @@ packages:
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@@ -4662,7 +4770,7 @@ packages:
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- '@types/node': 12.20.55
+ '@types/node': 18.11.9
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@@ -5965,7 +6073,7 @@ packages:
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- lodash: 4.17.20
+ lodash: 4.17.21
dev: true
@@ -6064,7 +6172,7 @@ packages:
convert-source-map: 1.9.0
debug: 2.6.9
json5: 0.5.1
- lodash: 4.17.20
+ lodash: 4.17.21
minimatch: 3.1.2
path-is-absolute: 1.0.1
private: 0.1.8
@@ -6082,7 +6190,7 @@ packages:
babel-types: 6.26.0
detect-indent: 4.0.0
jsesc: 1.3.0
- lodash: 4.17.20
+ lodash: 4.17.21
source-map: 0.5.7
trim-right: 1.0.1
dev: true
@@ -6114,7 +6222,7 @@ packages:
babel-helper-function-name: 6.24.1
babel-runtime: 6.26.0
babel-types: 6.26.0
- lodash: 4.17.20
+ lodash: 4.17.21
- supports-color
dev: true
@@ -6167,7 +6275,7 @@ packages:
babel-runtime: 6.26.0
babel-types: 6.26.0
- lodash: 4.17.20
+ lodash: 4.17.21
dev: true
@@ -6365,7 +6473,7 @@ packages:
babel-template: 6.26.0
babel-traverse: 6.26.0
babel-types: 6.26.0
- lodash: 4.17.20
+ lodash: 4.17.21
- supports-color
dev: true
@@ -6632,7 +6740,7 @@ packages:
babel-runtime: 6.26.0
core-js: 2.6.12
home-or-tmp: 2.0.0
- lodash: 4.17.20
+ lodash: 4.17.21
mkdirp: 0.5.6
source-map-support: 0.4.18
@@ -10384,7 +10492,7 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-EzV94NYKoO09GLXGjXj9JIlXijVck4ONSr5wiCWDvhsvj5jxSrzTmRU/9C1DyB6uToszLs8aifA6NQ7lEQdvFw==}
engines: {node: '>= 0.8'}
- '@types/node': 12.20.55
+ '@types/node': 18.11.9
require-like: 0.1.2
@@ -11139,7 +11247,7 @@ packages:
signal-exit: 3.0.7
string-width: 4.2.3
strip-ansi: 6.0.1
- wide-align: 1.1.3
+ wide-align: 1.1.5
dev: true
@@ -13261,7 +13369,7 @@ packages:
engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
'@jest/types': 29.3.1
- '@types/node': 17.0.45
+ '@types/node': 18.11.9
chalk: 4.1.2
ci-info: 3.6.2
graceful-fs: 4.2.10
@@ -13304,7 +13412,7 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-lY4AnnmsEWeiXirAIA0c9SDPbuCBq8IYuDVL8PMm0MZ2PEs2yPvRA/J64QBXuZp7CYKrDM/rmNrc9/i3KJQncw==}
engines: {node: ^14.15.0 || ^16.10.0 || >=18.0.0}
- '@types/node': 12.20.55
+ '@types/node': 18.11.9
jest-util: 29.3.1
merge-stream: 2.0.0
supports-color: 8.1.1
@@ -13818,7 +13926,7 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-PWYqG4Q00asOrLhX7BejSajByB4EmG2GaKHfj3h5UmmZ2duciXLPGYWIjBzLECFWUGOZWlm5B20h/n3Gs3HKew==}
- ltgt: 2.1.3
+ ltgt: 2.2.1
dev: true
@@ -18272,6 +18380,7 @@ packages:
resolution: {integrity: sha512-9NykojV5Uih4lgo5So5dtw+f0JgJX30KCNI8gwhz2J9A15wD0Ml6tjHKwf6fTSa6fAdVBdZeNOs9eJ71qCk8vA==}
+ deprecated: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead
dev: true