You can configure importers for Jira, Github and Trello in your own instance.
For configure Trello, you have to go to and obtaing
your API key and your oauth secret, and then, configure it in your settings/
IMPORTERS["trello"] = {
"active": True,
"api_key": "your-trello-api-key",
"secret_key": "your-trello-oauth-secret"
And you have to enable in your dist/conf.json in taiga-front adding it to importers list:
"enableTrelloImporter": true,
To configure Github, you have to go to, register a new application and obtain a client id and a client secret. When creating the GitHub OAuth app the "Authorization callback URL" should be set to the base url for your Taiga instance. After you have created the app you have to configure Taiga for it in your settings/
IMPORTERS["github"] = {
"active": True,
"client_id": "your-github-client-id",
"client_secret": "your-github-client-secret"
And you have to enable in your dist/conf.json in taiga-front adding it to importers list:
"enableGithubImporter": true,
Taiga support Jira releases up to 8.3.5. It has been tested and should work out of the box.
Taiga might support Jira releases from 8.3.5 to 8.5.x. Most probably it works.
Taiga does not support Jira releases from 8.6.
For configure Jira, you have to go to generate a public of private/public keys pair. To do this, you can run the next command:
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem
Once you have the public and private key, you can configure it in your settings/
IMPORTERS["jira"] = {
"active": True,
"consumer_key": "one-key-at-your-election",
"cert": open('private_key.pem').read(), # You can directly copy and paste the content here
"pub_cert": open('public_key.pem').read(), # You can directly copy and paste the content here
And you have to enable in your dist/conf.json in taiga-front adding it to importers list:
"enableJiraImporter": true,
After that, you have to configure your Jira instance to allow to connect using this certificates, you can get more information about it in