SAT::Solver::MiniSAT - SAT solver MiniSAT
use SAT::Solver::MiniSAT;
say minisat "t/aim/aim-100-1_6-no-1.cnf".IO, :now;
#= False
say minisat "t/aim/aim-100-1_6-yes1-1.cnf".IO, :now;
#= True
SAT::Solver::MiniSAT wraps the minisat
executable (bunled with the module) used to decide whether a satisfying assignment for a Boolean formula given in the DIMACS cnf
format exists. This is known as the SAT
problem associated with the formula. MiniSAT does not produce a witness for satisfiability.
Given a DIMACS cnf problem, it starts minisat
, feeds it the problem and returns a Promise which will be kept with the SAT
answer found or broken on error.
Tobias Boege <tboege ☂ ovgu ☇ de>
Copyright 2018 Tobias Boege
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.