High priority
Physics stuff. (raycast triggers etc)Done since 15-08-2024_1 Alphaevery 2d physics related stuff to Physics2DDone2D RaycastDoneReturn Entity, Collision etc info on body enter callback.DoneAttach child colliders to parent with rigidbody. This will be iterated through all entities until child ends or child has rigidbody component.Done Since 21-04-2024_1 AlphaBox2D 3.0 migrationDone Since 23-04-2024_1 Alpha.Add circle, capsule and polygon casting.Done since 01-05-2024_1 AlphaAdd collision filtering(layer/mask).Done since 03-05-2024_1 AlphaCollision filtering for raycasting.Done since 05-05-2024_1 Alpha
Maybe use SDL2 for window creationg instead of glfw cus it has some problems.Done -
Android Support.Done -
Controller support.Done -
Way to Select preffered FPS for application.Done -
Fixed Update for ScriptsDone -
Move entities to scene that is being switched to that has "do not delete on load" enabled. DoneUpdate entity handle of childs and parents when switching scene.No longer neededmaybe engine should have only one entity registy and use that instead of creating new one for each sceneDoneCreate queue for rigidbody initialization. Else application crashesDone
Use OpenAL instead of miniaudio.Done -
Asset manager.Done -
Go balls deep in to ECS (ECS like in Bevy Engine)kinda done since 20-06-2024_1 Alpha. -
Implement File Dialog to linux.Done Since 02-07-2024_1 Alpha -
Fix OpenGL ES Text Shader.17-08-2024_1 Alpha -
Clean up the code.18-08-2024_1 AlphaExpand Tracy profiler coverage.18-08-2024_1 AlphaGeneral cleaning.18-08-2024_1 AlphaFix framebuffers.18-08-2024_1 Alpha
Create Application by reading a file. From a file named "tbconfig.(file format)" maybe.Done sine 19-08-2024_1 Alpha. -
MultithreadingMultithreaded some World systems since 20-08-2024_1 Alpha -
Deal with all compiler warnings.Done since 20-08-2024_1 Alpha -
Module/Extention system.
Remove all game related stuff (ecs, physics) and move to different repo (perhaps tabby_framework_engine_extention).
UI of somesort
More elegant shader compiler.
2D renderer and Debug(Gizmo) renderer.
2D Renderer(Batch)Done since 19-11-2024 Alpha- Font Renderer
- Debug Renderer
Add font support to asset manager and renderer.
Done since 15-08-2024_1 AlphaReopened -
Multithread wrapper (will call passed tasks single threaded if multithreaded is disabled or its webgl build)
Low priority
- Angel Script
- Animation
- Create pop-up showing error on release builds instead of just crashing without any info.
- Vulkan.
- Create Documentation
- Create Build scripts
- CurrentYFrame picks seamingly random coordinates from texture.
- GLES 3.0 text shader not working.
- Controllers, Sounds and Texts are not visible/working on web builds.