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File metadata and controls

273 lines (189 loc) · 11.5 KB


Bundle File Format

Bundles – including the deployer.root.bundle – are yaml files with the following sections:


The key is the name of the deployable, i.e. a war named foo will be deployed as foo.war, so the base uri for a REST service is https://<hostname>:<port>/<name>.

  • state: Either deployed or undeployed. Defaults to the variable ${name}.state or deployed.
  • group-id: Defaults to the variable
  • artifact-id: Defaults to the name of the deployable.
  • classifier: Defaults to none.
  • version: Defaults to the variable ${name}.version} or CURRENT (see below).
  • type: war or jar. Defaults to default.deployable-type or war.
  • checksum: The SHA-1 checksum of the artifact file. Optional to check for integrity.

Special version values:

name usage
CURRENT The currently deployed version. Only for deployables, not for bundles.
LATEST The numerically largest version in the repository that is not a -SNAPSHOT.
UNSTABLE The numerically largest version in the repository, -SNAPSHOT or not.


The key is the name of the bundle.

  • group-id: Defaults to the variable
  • artifact-id: Defaults to the name of the deployable.
  • classifier: Defaults to none.
  • version: Mandatory.
  • instances: The map of instance names to a map of variables passed into a bundle. Defaults to a single empty-named entry with an empty map.


The key is the name of the log handler. This is conventionally an upper case string.

  • state: Either deployed or undeployed. Defaults to deployed.
  • level: The log level. Defaults to ALL.
  • type: One of console, periodic-rotating-file, or custom. Defaults to default.log-handler-type or periodic-rotating-file.
  • format: The format used for log lines. Defaults to using a default.log-formatter or default.log-format or %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%e%n.
  • formatter: Alternative to format: The name of a named formatter. Wildfly 10.0.0 defines: PATTERN and COLOR-PATTERN.

Only for periodic-rotating-file:

  • file: The base name of the file to log to. Defaults to the lower case name of the log handler plus .log.
  • suffix: The date/time suffix used when rotating, defining the rotation frequency. Defaults to default.log-file-suffix or .yyyy-MM-dd, i.e. daily rotation.

Only for custom:

  • module: The JBoss module name. Mandatory.
  • class: The fully qualified class name of the custom handler. Mandatory.
  • properties: A map of parameters passed to the custom handler. Defaults to an empty map.


The key is the category of the logger, usually the fully qualified name of the class producing the logs.

  • state: Either deployed or undeployed. Defaults to deployed.
  • level: The log level. Defaults to default.log-level or «DEBUG».
  • handlers: A list of log handler names. Defaults to an empty list.
  • handler: Alternative syntax for a single log handler name. Defaults to an empty list.
  • use-parent-handlers: Should the log handlers of the parent logger be used? Defaults to true if the handlers are empty, or false, if there are log handlers.


The key is the pool-name of the data source.

  • state: Either deployed or undeployed. Defaults to deployed.
  • uri: The JNDI URI used to connect to the database. Mandatory.
  • jndi-name: The name that can be used to look up the data source. Defaults to java:/datasources/<name>DS where <name> is the name of the data source.
  • driver: The driver-name to be used to connect. Defaults to the part after jdbc in the uri or, if the URN isn't a jdbc.
  • user-name: The user name to authenticate with. Default is vendor specific.
  • password: The password to authenticate with. Default is vendor specific.
  • pool:min: The minimum number of connections to keep in the connection pool. Default is vendor specific.
  • pool:initial: The number of connections that should be opened at startup. Default is vendor specific.
  • pool:max: The maximum number of connections to keep in the connection pool. Default is vendor specific.
  • pool:age: The maximum age in some time unit that an unused connection is kept in the pool. Default is vendor specific. Note that on JBoss this value is configured in minutes, so values below 60 seconds will be rounded to one minute.

Note that the pool settings are nested, i.e. they share one pool parent tag.

Supported time units:

  • milliseconds, millisecond, millis, milli, ms
  • seconds, second, s
  • minutes, minute, min


Bundles can refer to variables in the ${name} notation. To escape a $, duplicate it to $$.

Variable values are:

  • system properties,
  • variables defined in the configuration vars, and
  • variables passed into bundles (see below).

The deployer fails, if a variable passed-in overwrites an existing variable (esp. system property), or if the resulting plan has unresolved variables.

A variable name can contain the name of a function to be applied to the value:

  • «x»: The literal string x – useful for, e.g., or expressions. This quote type (guillemet) has the advantage of being nestable.
  • toUpperCase(x): Turns the value of the variable x into all upper case.
  • toLowerCase(x): Turns the value of the variable x into all lower case.
  • toInitCap(x): Uppercase the first character and append the rest as is.
  • hostName(): Returns the DNS name of the local host (without the domain name).
  • domainName(): Returns the DNS domain of the local host.
  • regex(a, b): Apply the regular expression b to a, returning the first matching group.
  • decrypt(secret): Use a key from a keystore to decrypt a secret. See key-store config.
  • decrypt(secret, alias): Use a key with a specific alias from a keystore to decrypt a secret. See key-store config.
  • switch(x) body: Use one of a map of string literals in the body, depending on the value of expression x. For an example, see below.

You can chain variable expressions, by separating them with or. E.g. toLowerCase(foo) or bar will resolve to baz, if the variable foo is set to BAZ, or fall back to bar if foo is not set.

The body of the switch function maps some labels to string literals, e.g.:

password: "${switch(stage)
  dev: «A»
  qa: «B»
  prod: «C»


The deployer itself can be configured with a file deployer.config.yaml.

Restart The Deployer for changes to this file to be picked up.


Where and how to access the repository containing deployables (war, etc.) and bundles.

  • type: maven-central or artifactory. Defaults to artifactory, if it's running on localhost:8081, or maven-central otherwise.
  • uri: The base URI of the repository. For the defaults, see type.
  • username: The credentials required by artifactory. Defaults to not using auth.
  • password: The credentials required by artifactory. Defaults to not using auth.
  • repository-snapshots: The name of the snapshot repository. Defaults to snapshots-virtual.
  • repository-releases: The name of the release repository. Defaults to releases-virtual.


What root bundle should be used when there is no deployer.root.bundle:

key value
name The name of the root bundle loaded. Defaults to the DNS host name (without the domain or trailing digits).
group-id The group-id of the bundle loaded. Defaults to the or the DNS domain name.
classifier The classifier of the bundle loaded. Defaults to null.
version The version of the bundle loaded. Defaults to the version variable (or fails).
shutdown-after-boot Shut the container down right after the root bundle has been applied. Useful when building, e.g., a Docker file. Defaults to false.

These values can be used in expressions as root-bundle:name, etc.


This is a list of resource type names to be managed or [all], i.e. resources of this kind that are deployed in the container, but are not in the plan, are removed (only exception: the Deployer itself). Defaults to an empty list, i.e. things are left alone.


The list of resources to be skipped, i.e. they won't get removed when managed, your plan will fail if it contains this resource, and they won't show up when reading the effective plan.

I.e., to pin a deployable myapp, use this:

  deployables: [myapp]


These triggers can cause The Deployer to run:

name description
startup The initial run after the container was booted
post A http POST coming in
fileChange The deployer.root.bundle file was changed

By default all triggers are allowed, but you can limit the allowed triggers in the deployer.config.yaml. E.g., to only allow the startup trigger, add:

triggers: [startup]

If you specify an empty list, i.e. triggers: [], The Deployer runs in read-only mode.


This is a map of variables to set.

Special values:

name usage group-id to be used, if none is specified.
default.deployable-type type to be used for deployables, if none is specified. Defaults to war.
default.log-level level to be used for loggers, if none is specified. This is not used for log-handlers! The level of log handlers defaults to ALL.
default.log-handler-type type to be used for log-handlers, if none is specified. Defaults to periodicRotatingFile.
default.log-format format to be used for log-handlers, if none is specified. Defaults to %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%e%n.
default.log-formatter formatter to be used for log-handlers, if none is specified. Defaults to using the default.log-format.
default.log-encoding encoding to be used for log-handlers, if none is specified. Defaults to system default.
default.log-file-suffix suffix to be used for file log-handlers, if none is specified. Defaults to using the yyyy-MM-dd (i.e. daily rotation).


The key to be used for the decrypt expression.

name usage
path The file path to the keystore. Mandatory to use decrypt.
type The format of the keystore, e.g. jks or jceks. Defaults to jks. Note that you can't store secret keys (i.e. symmetric encryption keys) in jks.
pass The password required for the keystore. Defaults to changeit, the JDK default.
alias The default name of the key in the keystore. Can be overridden in the call to decrypt. Defaults to secretkey.

To encrypt some key, you can use the main method in the CipherFacade class, e.g. to get the CLI help via Maven:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.args="--help"


Log Levels

The deployer uses the log levels of slf4j: ALL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, and OFF.

The JBoss CLI additionally allows log levels from Java Util Logging and more, so when reading these levels, The Deployer maps them as follows:

jul slf4j