INFO ESPHome 2023.5.5 INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/jk-bms.yaml... INFO Updating INFO Starting log output from jk-bms.local using esphome API INFO Successfully connected to jk-bms.local [23:06:41][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2023.5.5 compiled on Jun 11 2023, 20:33:56 [23:06:41][I][app:104]: Project syssi.esphome-jk-bms version 1.5.0 [23:06:41][C][wifi:505]: WiFi: [23:06:41][C][wifi:363]: Local MAC: 08:3A:8D:D3:F9:E4 [23:06:41][C][wifi:364]: SSID: 'Xiaomi_B2D1'[redacted] [23:06:41][C][wifi:365]: IP Address: [23:06:41][C][wifi:366]: BSSID: 50:D2:F5:9E:B2:D3[redacted] [23:06:41][C][wifi:368]: Hostname: 'jk-bms' [23:06:41][C][wifi:370]: Signal strength: -55 dB ▂▄▆█ [23:06:41][C][wifi:374]: Channel: 11 [23:06:41][C][wifi:375]: Subnet: [23:06:41][C][wifi:376]: Gateway: [23:06:41][C][wifi:377]: DNS1: [23:06:41][C][wifi:378]: DNS2: [23:06:41][C][logger:301]: Logger: [23:06:41][C][logger:302]: Level: DEBUG [23:06:41][C][logger:303]: Log Baud Rate: 0 [23:06:41][C][logger:305]: Hardware UART: UART0 [23:06:41][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:41][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:102]: UART Bus: [23:06:41][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:103]: TX Pin: GPIO1 [23:06:41][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:104]: RX Pin: GPIO3 [23:06:41][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:106]: RX Buffer Size: 384 [23:06:41][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:108]: Baud Rate: 115200 baud [23:06:41][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:109]: Data Bits: 8 [23:06:41][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:110]: Parity: NONE [23:06:41][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:111]: Stop bits: 1 [23:06:41][C][uart.arduino_esp8266:113]: Using hardware serial interface. [23:06:41][C][jk_modbus:102]: JkModbus: [23:06:41][C][jk_modbus:103]: RX timeout: 50 ms [23:06:41][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:578]: JkBms: [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:579]: Address: 0x4E [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:580]: Fake traffic enabled: NO [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:581]: Minimum Cell Voltage 'jk-bms min cell voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:581]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:581]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:581]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:581]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:582]: Maximum Cell Voltage 'jk-bms max cell voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:582]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:582]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:582]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:582]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:583]: Minimum Voltage Cell 'jk-bms min voltage cell' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:583]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:583]: Unit of Measurement: '' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:583]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:583]: Icon: 'mdi:battery-minus-outline' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:584]: Maximum Voltage Cell 'jk-bms max voltage cell' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:584]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:584]: Unit of Measurement: '' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:584]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:584]: Icon: 'mdi:battery-plus-outline' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:585]: Delta Cell Voltage 'jk-bms delta cell voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:585]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:585]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:585]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:585]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:586]: Average Cell Voltage 'jk-bms average cell voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:586]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:586]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:586]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:586]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:587]: Cell Voltage 1 'jk-bms cell voltage 1' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:587]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:587]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:587]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:587]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:588]: Cell Voltage 2 'jk-bms cell voltage 2' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:588]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:588]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:588]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:588]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:589]: Cell Voltage 3 'jk-bms cell voltage 3' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:589]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:589]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:592]: Cell Voltage 6 'jk-bms cell voltage 6' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:600]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:601]: Cell Voltage 15 'jk-bms cell voltage 15' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:601]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:601]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:601]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:601]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:602]: Cell Voltage 16 'jk-bms cell voltage 16' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:602]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:602]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:602]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:602]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:603]: Cell Voltage 17 'jk-bms cell voltage 17' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:603]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:603]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:603]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:603]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:604]: Cell Voltage 18 'jk-bms cell voltage 18' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:604]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:604]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:604]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:604]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:605]: Cell Voltage 19 'jk-bms cell voltage 19' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:605]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:605]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:605]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:605]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:606]: Cell Voltage 20 'jk-bms cell voltage 20' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:606]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:606]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:606]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:606]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:607]: Cell Voltage 21 'jk-bms cell voltage 21' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:607]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:607]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:607]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:607]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:608]: Cell Voltage 22 'jk-bms cell voltage 22' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:608]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:608]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:608]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:608]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:609]: Cell Voltage 23 'jk-bms cell voltage 23' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:609]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:609]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:609]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:609]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:610]: Cell Voltage 24 'jk-bms cell voltage 24' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:610]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:610]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:610]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:610]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:611]: Power Tube Temperature 'jk-bms power tube temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:611]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:611]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:611]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:611]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:612]: Temperature Sensor 1 'jk-bms temperature sensor 1' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:612]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:612]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:612]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:612]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:613]: Temperature Sensor 2 'jk-bms temperature sensor 2' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:613]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:613]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:613]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:613]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:614]: Total Voltage 'jk-bms total voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:614]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:614]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:614]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:614]: Accuracy Decimals: 2 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:615]: Current 'jk-bms current' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:615]: Device Class: 'current' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:615]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:615]: Unit of Measurement: 'A' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:615]: Accuracy Decimals: 2 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:615]: Icon: 'mdi:current-dc' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:616]: Power 'jk-bms power' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:616]: Device Class: 'power' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:616]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:616]: Unit of Measurement: 'W' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:616]: Accuracy Decimals: 2 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:617]: Charging Power 'jk-bms charging power' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:617]: Device Class: 'power' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:617]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:617]: Unit of Measurement: 'W' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:617]: Accuracy Decimals: 2 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:618]: Discharging Power 'jk-bms discharging power' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:618]: Device Class: 'power' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:618]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:618]: Unit of Measurement: 'W' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:618]: Accuracy Decimals: 2 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:619]: Capacity Remaining 'jk-bms capacity remaining' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:619]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:619]: Unit of Measurement: '%' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:619]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:619]: Icon: 'mdi:battery-50' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:620]: Capacity Remaining Derived 'jk-bms capacity remaining derived' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:620]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:620]: Unit of Measurement: 'Ah' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:620]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:620]: Icon: 'mdi:battery-50' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:621]: Temperature Sensors 'jk-bms temperature sensors' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:621]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:621]: Unit of Measurement: '' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:621]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:622]: Charging Cycles 'jk-bms charging cycles' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:622]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:622]: Unit of Measurement: '' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:622]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:622]: Icon: 'mdi:battery-sync' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:623]: Total Charging Cycle Capacity 'jk-bms total charging cycle capacity' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:623]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:623]: Unit of Measurement: 'Ah' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:627]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:627]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:627]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:627]: Accuracy Decimals: 2 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:628]: Total Voltage Undervoltage Protection 'jk-bms total voltage undervoltage protection' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:628]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:628]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:628]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:628]: Accuracy Decimals: 2 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:629]: Cell Voltage Overvoltage Protection 'jk-bms cell voltage overvoltage protection' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:629]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:629]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:629]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:629]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:630]: Cell Voltage Overvoltage Recovery 'jk-bms cell voltage overvoltage recovery' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:630]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:630]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:630]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:630]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:631]: Cell Voltage Overvoltage Delay 'jk-bms cell voltage overvoltage delay' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:631]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:631]: Unit of Measurement: 's' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:631]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:631]: Icon: 'mdi:timelapse' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:632]: Cell Voltage Undervoltage Protection 'jk-bms cell voltage undervoltage protection' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:632]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:632]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:632]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:632]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:633]: Cell Voltage Undervoltage Recovery 'jk-bms cell voltage undervoltage recovery' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:633]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:633]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:633]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:633]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:634]: Cell Voltage Undervoltage Delay 'jk-bms cell voltage undervoltage delay' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:634]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:634]: Unit of Measurement: 's' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:634]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:634]: Icon: 'mdi:timelapse' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:635]: Cell Pressure Difference Protection 'jk-bms cell pressure difference protection' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:635]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:635]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:638]: Device Class: 'current' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:638]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:638]: Unit of Measurement: 'A' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:638]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:638]: Icon: 'mdi:current-dc' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:639]: Charging Overcurrent Delay 'jk-bms charging overcurrent delay' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:639]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:639]: Unit of Measurement: 's' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:639]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:639]: Icon: 'mdi:timelapse' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:640]: Balance Starting Voltage 'jk-bms balance starting voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:640]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:640]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:640]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:640]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:641]: Balance Opening Pressure Difference 'jk-bms balance opening pressure difference' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:641]: Device Class: 'voltage' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:641]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:641]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:641]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:642]: Power Tube Temperature Protection 'jk-bms power tube temperature protection' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:642]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:642]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:642]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:642]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:643]: Power Tube Temperature Recovery 'jk-bms power tube temperature recovery' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:643]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:643]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:643]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:643]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:644]: Temperature Sensor Temperature Protection 'jk-bms temperature sensor temperature protection' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:644]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:644]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:644]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:644]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:645]: Temperature Sensor Temperature Recovery 'jk-bms temperature sensor temperature recovery' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:645]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:645]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:645]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:645]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:646]: Temperature Sensor Temperature Difference Protection 'jk-bms temperature sensor temperature difference protection' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:648]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:649]: Discharging High Temperature Protection 'jk-bms discharging high temperature protection' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:649]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:649]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:649]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:649]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:650]: Charging Low Temperature Protection 'jk-bms charging low temperature protection' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:650]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:650]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:650]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:650]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:651]: Charging Low Temperature Recovery 'jk-bms charging low temperature recovery' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:651]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:651]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:651]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:651]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:652]: Discharging Low Temperature Protection 'jk-bms discharging low temperature protection' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:652]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:652]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:652]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:652]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:653]: Discharging Low Temperature Recovery 'jk-bms discharging low temperature recovery' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:653]: Device Class: 'temperature' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:653]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:653]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:653]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:654]: Total Battery Capacity Setting 'jk-bms total battery capacity setting' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:654]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:654]: Unit of Measurement: 'Ah' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:654]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:654]: Icon: 'mdi:battery-sync' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:655]: Current Calibration 'jk-bms current calibration' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:655]: Device Class: 'current' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:655]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:655]: Unit of Measurement: 'A' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:655]: Accuracy Decimals: 3 [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:655]: Icon: 'mdi:current-dc' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:656]: Device Address 'jk-bms device address' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:656]: State Class: 'measurement' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:656]: Unit of Measurement: '' [23:06:41][C][jk_bms:656]: Accuracy Decimals: 0 [23:06:41][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:41][C][mdns:108]: mDNS: [23:06:41][C][mdns:109]: Hostname: jk-bms [23:06:41][C][ota:093]: Over-The-Air Updates: [23:06:41][C][ota:094]: Address: jk-bms.local:8266 [23:06:41][C][api:138]: API Server: [23:06:41][C][api:139]: Address: jk-bms.local:6053 [23:06:41][C][api:143]: Using noise encryption: NO [23:06:41][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:41][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:42][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:43][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:44][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:45][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:080]: CRC check failed! 0x54FC != 0x53DA [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:025]: Buffer cleared due to reset: 4E. [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:46][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:47][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:48][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:49][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:50][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'jk-bms online status': Sending state ON [23:06:51][I][jk_bms:066]: Status frame received [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 1': Sending state 3.27600 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 2': Sending state 3.28400 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 3': Sending state 3.28000 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 4': Sending state 3.28200 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 5': Sending state 3.28300 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 6': Sending state 3.28300 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 7': Sending state 3.27700 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 8': Sending state 3.27400 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 9': Sending state 3.27300 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 10': Sending state 3.27900 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 11': Sending state 3.27300 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 12': Sending state 3.27400 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 13': Sending state 3.27600 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 14': Sending state 3.27400 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 15': Sending state 3.27700 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage 16': Sending state 3.27700 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms min cell voltage': Sending state 3.27300 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms max cell voltage': Sending state 3.28400 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms max voltage cell': Sending state 2.00000 with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms min voltage cell': Sending state 9.00000 with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms delta cell voltage': Sending state 0.01100 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms average cell voltage': Sending state 3.27763 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms power tube temperature': Sending state 29.00000 °C with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms temperature sensor 1': Sending state 26.00000 °C with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms temperature sensor 2': Sending state 28.00000 °C with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms charging power': Sending state 0.00000 W with 2 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms charging cycles': Sending state 78.00000 with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms total charging cycle capacity': Sending state 6232.00000 Ah with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms battery strings': Sending state 16.00000 with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms errors bitmask': Sending state 0.00000 with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][text_sensor:064]: 'jk-bms errors': Sending state '' [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms operation mode bitmask': Sending state 3.00000 with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][text_sensor:064]: 'jk-bms operation mode': Sending state 'Charging enabled;Discharging enabled' [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms total voltage overvoltage protection': Sending state 58.40000 V with 2 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms total voltage undervoltage protection': Sending state 40.00000 V with 2 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage overvoltage protection': Sending state 3.65000 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage overvoltage recovery': Sending state 3.60000 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage overvoltage delay': Sending state 5.00000 s with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage undervoltage protection': Sending state 2.50000 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage undervoltage recovery': Sending state 2.70000 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell voltage undervoltage delay': Sending state 5.00000 s with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms cell pressure difference protection': Sending state 0.30000 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms discharging overcurrent protection': Sending state 60.00000 A with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms discharging overcurrent delay': Sending state 2.00000 s with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms charging overcurrent protection': Sending state 45.00000 A with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms charging overcurrent delay': Sending state 30.00000 s with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms balance starting voltage': Sending state 3.45000 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms balance opening pressure difference': Sending state 0.00500 V with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms power tube temperature protection': Sending state 90.00000 °C with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms total battery capacity setting': Sending state 105.00000 Ah with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms capacity remaining derived': Sending state 83.99999 Ah with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms current calibration': Sending state 1.05900 A with 3 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms device address': Sending state 1.00000 with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][text_sensor:064]: 'jk-bms battery type': Sending state 'Lithium Iron Phosphate' [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms sleep wait time': Sending state 10.00000 s with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms alarm low volume': Sending state 20.00000 % with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][text_sensor:064]: 'jk-bms password': Sending state '654321' [23:06:51][D][text_sensor:064]: 'jk-bms device type': Sending state 'Input Us' [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms total runtime': Sending state 2035.81665 h with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][text_sensor:064]: 'jk-bms total runtime formatted': Sending state '84d 19h' [23:06:51][D][text_sensor:064]: 'jk-bms software version': Sending state '11.XW_S11.25___' [23:06:51][D][sensor:093]: 'jk-bms actual battery capacity': Sending state 79.00000 Ah with 0 decimals of accuracy [23:06:51][D][text_sensor:064]: 'jk-bms manufacturer': Sending state 'Input UserdaJK_B2A24S15P' [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:025]: Buffer cleared due to reset: 4E. [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:51][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:52][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:53][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:54][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: [23:06:55][W][jk_modbus:013]: Buffer cleared due to timeout: