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Scott Robertson edited this page Oct 4, 2018 · 22 revisions

Our Monzo integration offers 2 options. Webhooks and Historical Imports. With Webhooks, you need to host the app somewhere like Heroku, and Monzo will send your transactions to it. With Historical Imports, you can just run it locally, allowing you to import your transactions whenever you want via the CLI tool.

Before you do anything, please read the Getting Started guide.


To get Monzo webhooks working with this app, you need to set up a webhook in the Developer Console. To do that:

  1. First, you need to decide which YNAB account Fintech to YNAB should send these transactions to. You can either set the YNAB_MONZO_ACCOUNT_ID environment variable to your YNAB Account ID, or you can pass the ynab_account_id parameter into the webhook URL below.
  2. Login to with your Monzo account.
  3. Click "Register webhook" on the left
  4. Paste the URL of your app from above into the "URL" value of the Request Body, followed by /monzo. For example: "
  5. The account_id in the Request Body should be your uk_retail account from the List Accounts tab on the Monzo Dashboard

You can get your YNAB account ID here

If you have setup a URL Secret, please remember to include it step 3.


To import your Monzo bank history, you will need a Monzo personal access token, Monzo account ID and your YNAB account id.

  • Get your Monzo Token
  • Get your Monzo Account ID from the "List Accounts" tab

Note: If you had an old Prepaid Monzo account, make sure you get the account_id from your uk_retail account, not the prepaid one

To import your Monzo history, just run the following:

./bin/import monzo --token [Monzo Token] --monzo_account_id [Monzo Account ID] --ynab_account_id [YNAB Account ID]

You can run this on Heroku by running:

heroku run -a APP_NAME bin/import monzo --token [Monzo Token] --monzo_account_id [Monzo Account ID] --ynab_account_id [YNAB Account ID]
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