This is a tool to help with the release process. It copies the release from a tag to a new repository. This is used for terraform releases since terraform requires a separate repository for each provider in a specific format. It should be able to be used for any other release you want to copy.
- name: Bump version and push tag
id: tag_version
if: steps.branch-name.outputs.is_default == 'true'
uses: mathieudutour/[email protected]
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
tag_prefix: my-package-prefix/v
release_branches: master
fetch_all_tags: true
- name: Copy Releases
uses: docker://
# this token must have access to both the original repository and the new repository so GITHUB_TOKEN will not work
github_token: ${{ secrets.PUBLISH_TOKEN }}
# destination repo
destination_repo: 'my-destination-repo/destination-package'
# you can take this from anywhere
tag_name: ${{ steps.tag_version.outputs.new_tag }}
# we strip away anything package relative here
strip_prefix: 'my-package-prefix/'
This action is currently not published to the marketplace, partially because the requirements require that each repository contain a single action and the action.yml must be in the root directory. We can get around this with a subdirectory copier in a future version.