This package is a Symfony2 Admin Generator based on YAML configuration and Twig templating. It's inspired by fzaninotto/Doctrine2ActiveRecord.
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- Generate Views and Controllers for Models with one command
- Configure all options in one (per model) YAML file
- Includes standard actions: create/edit, show, delete, list/nestedset tree list
- Flexible and extendable: you can easily add or overwrite almost everything!
- Supports most popular model managers: Doctrine ORM, Doctrine ODM and Propel
- Introduces nested forms: create/edit object and all it's associated objects in one form!
- Manage relations one to one, one to many, many to one and many to many
- Fully translatable: all field elements (labels, placeholders, helpers), all widgets, actions, error messages and titles
- List features: sortable, paginated, filters, batch actions, scopes
- Nestedset tree list features: drag&drop to manage your tree
- New/Edit featues: fieldsets, tabbable, cool widgets for collection, file upload, date and entity fields
- Translated into DE, EN (default), ES, FA, FR, GR, IT, JA, NL, PL, PT, RO, RU, SL, TR, UK (you can easily contribute to add your own)
- Credentials for actions, columns and form fields
- Complete admin design based on twitter bootstrap (see next section)
- ... and more!
Documentation is currently being rewritten. Old documentation can be found in:
- Resources/old-doc directory
- symfony2admingenerator.org website
- some new features configuration can be found in github issues/PR comments
Sorry for inconvenience, we will fix that as soon as possible!
All the installation instructions are located in documentation.
The documentation for this bundle is located in Resources/doc
directory. Start by reading Table of contents.
If you're haveing trouble or you found an error feel free to open a github ticket, but first please read submitting issues.