diff --git a/components/console/helpers/index.rst b/components/console/helpers/index.rst
index 1c95bc47057..35e9e56d4e3 100644
--- a/components/console/helpers/index.rst
+++ b/components/console/helpers/index.rst
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ The Console Helpers
+ progressbar
diff --git a/components/console/helpers/map.rst.inc b/components/console/helpers/map.rst.inc
index 60b32c03975..034af6fd43b 100644
--- a/components/console/helpers/map.rst.inc
+++ b/components/console/helpers/map.rst.inc
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
* :doc:`/components/console/helpers/dialoghelper`
* :doc:`/components/console/helpers/formatterhelper`
+* :doc:`/components/console/helpers/progressbar`
* :doc:`/components/console/helpers/progresshelper`
* :doc:`/components/console/helpers/tablehelper`
diff --git a/components/console/helpers/progressbar.rst b/components/console/helpers/progressbar.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0cd119a0a9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/components/console/helpers/progressbar.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+.. index::
+ single: Console Helpers; Progress Bar
+Progress Bar
+.. versionadded:: 2.5
+ The Progress Bar feature was introduced in Symfony 2.5 as a replacement for
+ the :doc:`Progress Helper `.
+When executing longer-running commands, it may be helpful to show progress
+information, which updates as your command runs:
+.. image:: /images/components/console/progressbar.gif
+To display progress details, use the
+:class:`Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar`, pass it a total
+number of units, and advance the progress as the command executes::
+ use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\ProgressBar;
+ // create a new progress bar (50 units)
+ $progress = new ProgressBar($output, 50);
+ // start and displays the progress bar
+ $progress->start();
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($i++ < 50) {
+ // ... do some work
+ // advance the progress bar 1 unit
+ $progress->advance();
+ // you can also advance the progress bar by more than 1 unit
+ // $progress->advance(3);
+ }
+ // ensure that the progress bar is at 100%
+ $progress->finish();
+Instead of advancing the bar by a number of steps (with the
+:method:`Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar::advance` method),
+you can also set the current progress by calling the
+:method:`Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar::setCurrent` method.
+.. caution::
+ The progress bar only works if your platform supports ANSI codes; on other
+ platforms, no output is generated.
+If you don't know the number of steps in advance, just omit the steps argument
+when creating the :class:`Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar`
+ $progress = new ProgressBar($output);
+The progress will then be displayed as a throbber::
+.. code-block:: text
+ # no max steps (displays it like a throbber)
+ 0 [>---------------------------]
+ 5 [----->----------------------]
+ 5 [============================]
+ # max steps defined
+ 0/3 [>---------------------------] 0%
+ 1/3 [=========>------------------] 33%
+ 3/3 [============================] 100%
+Whenever your task is finished, don't forget to call
+:method:`Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar::finish` to ensure
+that the progress bar display is refreshed with a 100% completion.
+.. note::
+ If you want to output something while the progress bar is running,
+ call :method:`Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar::clear` first.
+ After you're done, call
+ :method:`Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressBar::display`
+ to show the progress bar again.
+Customizing the Progress Bar
+Built-in Formats
+By default, the information rendered on a progress bar depends on the current
+level of verbosity of the ``OutputInterface`` instance:
+.. code-block:: text
+ # OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL (CLI with no verbosity flag)
+ 0/3 [>---------------------------] 0%
+ 1/3 [=========>------------------] 33%
+ 3/3 [============================] 100%
+ # OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE (-v)
+ 0/3 [>---------------------------] 0% 1 sec
+ 1/3 [=========>------------------] 33% 1 sec
+ 3/3 [============================] 100% 1 sec
+ # OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE (-vv)
+ 0/3 [>---------------------------] 0% 1 sec
+ 1/3 [=========>------------------] 33% 1 sec
+ 3/3 [============================] 100% 1 sec
+ # OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG (-vvv)
+ 0/3 [>---------------------------] 0% 1 sec/1 sec 1.0 MB
+ 1/3 [=========>------------------] 33% 1 sec/1 sec 1.0 MB
+ 3/3 [============================] 100% 1 sec/1 sec 1.0 MB
+.. note::
+ If you call a command with the quiet flag (``-q``), the progress bar won't
+ be displayed.
+Instead of relying on the verbosity mode of the current command, you can also
+force a format via ``setFormat()``::
+ $bar->setFormat('verbose');
+The built-in formats are the following:
+* ``normal``
+* ``verbose``
+* ``very_verbose``
+* ``debug``
+If you don't set the number of steps for your progress bar, use the ``_nomax``
+* ``normal_nomax``
+* ``verbose_nomax``
+* ``very_verbose_nomax``
+* ``debug_nomax``
+Custom Formats
+Instead of using the built-in formats, you can also set your own::
+ $bar->setFormat('%bar%');
+This sets the format to only display the progress bar itself:
+.. code-block:: text
+ >---------------------------
+ =========>------------------
+ ============================
+A progress bar format is a string that contains specific placeholders (a name
+enclosed with the ``%`` character); the placeholders are replaced based on the
+current progress of the bar. Here is a list of the built-in placeholders:
+* ``current``: The current step;
+* ``max``: The maximum number of steps (or 0 if no max is defined);
+* ``bar``: The bar itself;
+* ``percent``: The percentage of completion (not available if no max is defined);
+* ``elapsed``: The time elapsed since the start of the progress bar;
+* ``remaining``: The remaining time to complete the task (not available if no max is defined);
+* ``estimated``: The estimated time to complete the task (not available if no max is defined);
+* ``memory``: The current memory usage;
+* ``message``: The current message attached to the progress bar.
+For instance, here is how you could set the format to be the same as the
+``debug`` one::
+ $bar->setFormat(' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% %elapsed:6s%/%estimated:-6s% %memory:6s%');
+Notice the ``:6s`` part added to some placeholders? That's how you can tweak
+the appearance of the bar (formatting and alignment). The part after the colon
+(``:``) is used to set the ``sprintf`` format of the string.
+The ``message`` placeholder is a bit special as you must set the value
+ $bar->setMessage('Task starts');
+ $bar->start();
+ $bar->setMessage('Task in progress...');
+ $bar->advance();
+ // ...
+ $bar->setMessage('Task is finished');
+ $bar->finish();
+Instead of setting the format for a given instance of a progress bar, you can
+also define global formats::
+ ProgressBar::setFormatDefinition('minimal', 'Progress: %percent%%');
+ $bar = new ProgressBar($output, 3);
+ $bar->setFormat('minimal');
+This code defines a new ``minimal`` format that you can then use for your
+progress bars:
+.. code-block:: text
+ Progress: 0%
+ Progress: 33%
+ Progress: 100%
+.. tip::
+ It is almost always better to redefine built-in formats instead of creating
+ new ones as that allows the display to automatically vary based on the
+ verbosity flag of the command.
+When defining a new style that contains placeholders that are only available
+when the maximum number of steps is known, you should create a ``_nomax``
+ ProgressBar::setFormatDefinition('minimal', '%percent%% %remaining%');
+ ProgressBar::setFormatDefinition('minimal_nomax', '%percent%%');
+ $bar = new ProgressBar($output);
+ $bar->setFormat('minimal');
+When displaying the progress bar, the format will automatically be set to
+``minimal_nomax`` if the bar does not have a maximum number of steps like in
+the example above.
+.. tip::
+ A format can contain any valid ANSI codes and can also use the
+ Symfony-specific way to set colors::
+ ProgressBar::setFormatDefinition(
+ 'minimal',
+ '%percent%\033[32m%\033[0m %remaining%>'
+ );
+.. note::
+ A format can span more than one line; that's very useful when you want to
+ display more contextual information alongside the progress bar (see the
+ example at the beginning of this article).
+Bar Settings
+Amongst the placeholders, ``bar`` is a bit special as all the characters used
+to display it can be customized::
+ // the finished part of the bar
+ $progress->setBarCharacter('=');
+ // the unfinished part of the bar
+ $progress->setEmptyBarCharacter(' ');
+ // the progress character
+ $progress->setProgressCharacter('|');
+ // the bar width
+ $progress->setBarWidth(50);
+.. caution::
+ For performance reasons, be careful if you set the total number of steps
+ to a high number. For example, if you're iterating over a large number of
+ items, consider setting the redraw frequency to a higher value by calling
+ :method:`Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Helper\\ProgressHelper::setRedrawFrequency`,
+ so it updates on only some iterations::
+ $progress->start($output, 50000);
+ // update every 100 iterations
+ $progress->setRedrawFrequency(100);
+ $i = 0;
+ while ($i++ < 50000) {
+ // ... do some work
+ $progress->advance();
+ }
+Custom Placeholders
+If you want to display some information that depends on the progress bar
+display that are not available in the list of built-in placeholders, you can
+create your own. Let's see how you can create a ``remaining_steps`` placeholder
+that displays the number of remaining steps::
+ ProgressBar::setPlaceholderFormatter(
+ '%remaining_steps%',
+ function (ProgressBar $bar, OutputInterface $output) {
+ return $bar->getMaxSteps() - $bar->getStep();
+ }
+ );
+Custom Messages
+The ``%message%`` placeholder allows you to specify a custom message to be
+displayed with the progress bar. But if you need more than one, just define
+your own::
+ $bar->setMessage('Task starts');
+ $bar->setMessage('', 'filename');
+ $bar->start();
+ $bar->setMessage('Task is in progress...');
+ while ($file = array_pop($files)) {
+ $bar->setMessage($filename, 'filename');
+ $bar->advance();
+ }
+ $bar->setMessage('Task is finished');
+ $bar->setMessage('', 'filename');
+ $bar->finish();
+For the ``filename`` to be part of the progress bar, just add the
+``%filename%`` placeholder in your format::
+ $bar->setFormat(" %message%\n %step%/%max%\n Working on %filename%");
diff --git a/components/console/helpers/progresshelper.rst b/components/console/helpers/progresshelper.rst
index 9ee76b694cb..3722b3fe213 100644
--- a/components/console/helpers/progresshelper.rst
+++ b/components/console/helpers/progresshelper.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,13 @@ Progress Helper
.. versionadded:: 2.4
The ``clear`` method was added in Symfony 2.4.
+.. caution::
+ The Progress Helper was deprecated in Symfony 2.5 and will be removed in
+ Symfony 3.0. You should now use the
+ :doc:`Progress Bar ` instead which
+ is more powerful.
When executing longer-running commands, it may be helpful to show progress
information, which updates as your command runs:
@@ -25,7 +32,7 @@ pass it a total number of units, and advance the progress as your command execut
while ($i++ < 50) {
// ... do some work
- // advance the progress bar 1 unit
+ // advances the progress bar 1 unit
@@ -79,7 +86,7 @@ To see other available options, check the API documentation for
$progress->start($output, 50000);
- // update every 100 iterations
+ // updates every 100 iterations
$i = 0;
diff --git a/images/components/console/progressbar.gif b/images/components/console/progressbar.gif
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6c80e6e897f
Binary files /dev/null and b/images/components/console/progressbar.gif differ